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Volume 7 / Issue 01 January 2019

Many layers of the Hills
Green in shades too many
The tantalizing Mist working
its Magic to veil and unveil
many visions that could engage
a Keen mind into visions and
delusions unknown. Off these
Misty slopes have risen the
fabulous and the fearful.
Many manifestations of the
Mind Space. One who attempts
to capture will conjure false
Visions of hidden ghosts
not of these mountains but of Mind.
One who unfolds the
Mind Space to these Misty mountains
shall clear all mist of the Mind
to have crystal clear space
beyond knowing and Unknowing.

Grace & Blessings

January 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | b


Dear Readers,
The new year fast approaches, and as mention, another batch of who’s who
it’s a time for endings and beginnings, in business came together for Isha’s
this issue brings you an In Conversation 7th annual leadership intensive, Isha
with the Mystic “How Does Life End INSIGHT 2018.
and Death Begin?,” in which Sadhguru
It’s not too early to start planning
goes over the five dimensions of prana
for Mahashivaratri. Sadhguru offers
and explains that the way we leave
a small glimpse of what we might
this world is gradual, in stages, and
expect for the darkest night of the
doesn’t happen all at once. In “The
year. Find out who’ll be performing
Time is Now,” Sadhguru urges us
at Yaksha 2019, scheduled for 1–3
that at no other time in history have
March 2019 at Isha Yoga Center. Gents
our needs for survival been taken
can experience being a limb of Shiva,
care of so well, at no other time have
through the next Shivanga Sadhana,
we been so empowered to explore a
culminating on Mahashivaratri. And
dimension beyond body and mind.
in the next installment of Mahabharat,
Also in this issue: Vivaha, a bhuta the battle climaxes as Karna lives for
shuddhi process for marriages, is being glory. Lastly, if you are feeling cold
made available to the world. People this month, our recipe for “Creamy
of integrity and devotion are being Pumpkin and Mushroom Curry” will
trained to offer this process to bride keep you warm.
and groom, and all who witness it will
The Editorial Team
benefit. As well, Sadhguru has been
busy this month delivering the keynote
at the 2018 Asian Sustainability
Summit and regaling a story-loving
audience at the Storytellers Festivals
in conversation with Mohit Chauhan
in Kathakar. Isha Yoga Center
welcomed the Indian Army for a
Hatha Yoga Training Program. Not to

Contact the Editorial Team:

Isha Forest Flower, Isha Yoga Center, Velliangiri Foothills, Ishana Vihar Post, Coimbatore – 641114
For subscription inquiries, please contact our Subscription Office:
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in relation to any advertisement appearing in this publication. Isha Foundation does not vouch for any claims made by the advertisers of
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2 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2019



The Time Is Now 07 Part 50: The Climax of the Battle 11

How Does Life End and Death Begin? 4

The Time Is Now 7

Vivaha: The Bhuta Shuddhi of Marriage 10

Part 50: The Climax of the Battle 11


Isha Reaches Out to Cyclone Gaja Victims 13
Sadhguru at the Sustainability Summit Asia 2018 13
Sadhguru at the Kathakar International Storytellers Festival 14
Isha INSIGHT 2018 – Leadership Intensive 14
Empowering the Indian Army with Hatha Yoga 15
Sadhguru at the Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association 15

Letting Go – Poem by Isha Volunteer 16


Shivanga Sadhana (Ladies) 16
Mahashivaratri and Yaksha 2019 17
Shivanga Sadhana (Gents) 19
Isha – Program & Event Highlights 20

Creamy Pumpkin & Mushroom Curry 21

The Faster the Slower 23

January 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 3

How Does Life End and IN CONVERSATION

Though it invariably happens to everyone, death remains a mystery. Here, Sadhguru explains what actually
happens upon leaving the body. Excerpted from a conversation between leading orthopaedic surgeon
Dr. Rajasekaran and Sadhguru at the Annual Meet of the Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOACON) on
29 November 2018 in Coimbatore.
Dr. Rajasekaran: Sadhguru, you spoke about life, Dr. Rajasekaran: Because we were told about the
and that brings a big question that doctors have birthday of gods, but nobody is telling us where
about life. Now they say, we have one trillion cells our life is.
in our body, and each of these cells is living by Sadhguru: I’m asking all of you – are you really life?
itself. And when you say a patient is no more, it’s
just that the brain dies after two or three minutes, Participants: Yes. Yes. Yes.
but a large part of his body is still alive. His skin, his
Putting Things in Perspective
muscles, his bones live for many hours. So what dies
when we die? That brings the question what leaves Sadhguru: No, most people are just a bundle of
us... Where is this life in our body? Is it in our brain, thoughts, emotions, ideas, opinions, belief systems,
our heart? And what is this life you’re talking about? and prejudices. They’re not life – their thought and
Is it in the spine? Where does it reside? emotion has overtaken their life process. The most
dominant thing that’s happening in their life is their
Sadhguru: There’re so many living people – you
own thought and emotion, not life process. What
can ask them, where are they. I think the religious
this means is, your own silly little creation in your
beliefs have screwed up human mind so badly
head has become larger than the Creator’s creation.
that people cannot even know what is happening
That’s a stupid way to live. See, today morning, the
within themselves. They know the geography of
sun came up on time. And the planet is spinning on
heaven, where God is sitting, how many children he
time. And out of these hundred billion galaxies, not
has, when his birthday is – everything they know.
a single accident – everything is going perfect in
How come they don’t know where their life is?
this cosmos today. Isn’t that great?
Isn’t it ridiculous?

4 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2019

But one nasty little thought is crawling in your
head, and it’s a bad day. This is because you have
lost perspective as to who you are in this universe. Prana vayu is related to breath, respiratory
This solar system in which we are, if it evaporates action, and thought process.
tomorrow morning, nobody will even notice it in this
cosmos – it’s that small; just a speck. In this speck of
a solar system, Planet Earth is a micro speck. In that in the system, the body starts getting cold, and it
micro speck, Coimbatore city is a super micro speck. also starts becoming stiff. Once apana vayu starts
In that, you are a big man. This is a serious problem. receding in a major way, then the sensory aspect
starts receding. We must understand this – you may
check somebody’s breath and declare them dead,
but they can still feel sensations. There have been
How come we know so many things but we
any number of cases where people got terrified
don’t know what the nature of our life is? because a dead body moved a little bit, because
the sensory activity is still on. Still, life is not fully
convinced that it is finished – it is still making an
When we have completely lost perspective as to effort of its own.
who we are, what we are, how do you think you will
grasp anything? Getting perspective on our life is Udana Vayu – the Buoyancy Factor
very, very important. How come we know so many When udana vayu goes away, then the buoyancy is
things but we don’t know what the nature of our gone. When I say buoyancy… You may weigh seventy
life is? Now, you asked why if somebody is dead, still or eighty or maybe fifty kilograms – whatever is
some of the cells are active. Why this is so – what your weight; let’s say you’re very happy and alive
we’re calling “life,” physically, is a mechanism on right now – you don’t feel those fifty kilograms on
many different levels. There is hardware, and there you. If you stand on the scale, it is there. But when
is software. The core of hardware is the bones. The you walk, it is not there, simply because the udana
software is equally important. creates a buoyancy – it makes you less available
Otherwise, how does a cell know that it is a human to gravity. There are yogic practices to activate it.
cell – that it is not a pig cell, a tree cell, or something There are whole schools of udana in China. You
else? It knows because there is an entire software. might have seen those movies like Crouching Tiger –
There is memory – evolutionary memory, genetic these are udana schools, where they have mastery
memory, karmic memory. There are varieties of over udana and can float around a little bit. Well,
memories imposed on every cell in the system, so a little exaggerated in the movies, but the body
that it never gets confused. If you eat dog food for becomes lighter, more buoyant.
three days, you will not become a dog, because the For a martial arts fighter, to be buoyant is important.
memory is entrenched in your system. The software There have been many cases where certain
package is actually much bigger than the hardware. ballet dancers and martial arts experts have done
And it is energized by what we are considering something, leaping up to heights, which physicists
as life force. believe is simply impossible. They’ve gone beyond
Five Dimensions of Prana that level simply by creating more buoyancy. So
udana is in charge of buoyancy. Once udana starts
In yoga, we call this prana. It manifests itself in receding, suddenly, the body becomes heavy.
five basic dimensions. These are called prana vayu, The weight does not increase, but you can feel
samana vayu, apana vayu, udana vayu and vyana vayu. the weight much more, simply because udana is
They have different functions. Prana vayu is related receding. People who work in hospitals may know
to breath, respiratory action, and thought process. there’s a big difference in carrying a live person and
If the prana vayu depletes, your respiratory action a dead person – simply because once udana is gone,
will go away. Immediately, they’ll try to pump your there is no buoyancy.
chest; if the breath doesn’t come back, the doctor
will say you’re dead. Respiration and pulmonary Vyana Vayu – The Last to Leave
action are very directly connected – once respiration The fifth dimension is called vyana vayu – it is
stops, the pulmonary process will naturally preservative in nature. If vyana recedes, even when
come to an end. you’re alive, the body will begin to rot. There are
So prana vayu is gone. If samana vayu starts certain types of snake venoms which can do this.
receding, which is in charge of generating heat If they bite you, you will not die, but literally, parts

January 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 5

of the body will start falling apart, simply because in a way, all that has happened is he has lost his
vyana will recede. So, once vyana recedes, the body. All his life, he lived thinking he is a body, never
rotting process will begin. realizing the physical mass that he carries is just an
accumulation from this planet. When he suddenly
There are systems in yoga where we want all the
slips out of the body, he tends to hover around
five vayus to go reasonably together, within one-
the body, because he has lost his discriminatory
and-a-half hours. In normal death, depending upon
intelligence. Once he leaves the body, the
the age of a person, how vibrant a particular body
discriminatory intellect is gone, so he tends to hover
is, vyana may take up to fourteen days to leave. This
around that body.
is the reason why in this culture, you have rituals
running up to fourteen days – because they feel the That is why in this culture, we said the moment
vyana may still be there. When you bury a person, we are sure that somebody is dead, you must
the vyana may still be hovering there. immediately cremate them. It’s good for the dead,
so they know the game is up, and it’s also good for
That is the reason why in this culture, that was
the living. If somebody very dear to you just died
the rule – if somebody dies, within an hour-and-
and their body is there in front of you, you keep on
a-half, you must cremate them. But then mistakes
hallucinating, “Maybe they’re just sleeping. Maybe
happened – when they were still alive, somebody
they will sit up. Maybe some miracle will happen.”
put them on the funeral pyre. So they stretched it to
This will go on unnecessarily. You will see people
four hours – within four hours, you must cremate
are crying and big emotional drama is happening.
the body. But today, there are all kinds of issues, so
But the moment you cremate the body, everyone
people are waiting for one, two, or three days. The
becomes silent, because now everyone knows the
daughter is in America and she has to come, so they
game is up. It’s good for the living and for the dead.
are waiting – things like that.
So about life leaving the system, life is so entrenched
The Rationale of Quick Cremation in the system, it will not go away just like that. In
We must understand this – you don’t diagnose stages, it came in; in stages, it will go away.
people as dead, you declare them dead – there is a
difference. So when you declare them dead, for you,
they’re dead. As far as that person is concerned,

6 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2019

The Time Is Now

What is yoga (and what it is not), why yoga, and why now, are some of the questions Sadhguru explores in this
article. “In a way, this is a belly-up generation,” may sound like a crushing statement about our times, but this
also brings a paradigm shift. There is a historic possibility that, however, comes with an expiry date. Read on to
find out more.

Impact over Profit have to do any great amount of activity; you do not
have to indulge in sexuality; you do not have to get
As human beings, we can do so many different entangled in anything. If you consciously erase your
activities. But whatever the nature of our activity, boundaries, simply sitting here, you can experience
in today’s world, even hard-nosed businessmen a trillion times more than with any activity, and
are talking about impact, not profit. “Impact” is a it is just fantastic. Yoga means to obliterate your
crude way of saying, “We want to touch someone’s boundaries.
life.” Whether business people are talking about
impact, or you are forming a personal relationship Desperate Attempts
with someone, essentially, somewhere, you want to All the human nonsense that you see on the planet
break the boundaries with someone for some time. is only because of concretized boundaries. They
To be a yogi means to be determined to obliterate have just concretized their boundaries so rigidly
the boundaries of your individuality. that if two people meet, they will clash. Yoga does
In some way, you want to erase the lines that not mean twisting and turning; it is not a weight
separate you from the rest of the universe. Yoga loss program or stress relief program. It means
means to approach it in a scientific way. You do not you understood the stupidity of “me versus the

January 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 7

universe.” It is absolutely idiotic to be in competition is wonderful; if nothing happens, it is too fantastic.
with that which is the source of your life. When you Something important to do today – wonderful!
realize that, you are moving towards yoga. Nothing to do – fantastic! But for most people,
if something happens, it is a problem; if nothing
It does not matter how you do it. You can call it
happens, it is a super problem.
impact, you can call it service, you can call it whatever
you want. Essentially, when you realize this me vs. Yoga means you become a part of everything. You
the rest of the universe is a stupid competition to get still have an individual existence, but with open,
into, you start relaxing your boundaries – this is porous boundaries. Because of this, in some way,
yoga. That means approaching it in a fail-safe way. we have become everything, and we are okay with
When two people fall in love or get married, they anything. If you really open up your boundaries,
think they are in yoga, they broke their boundaries, and existence and its source are working with you,
but after some time, you will see it is not fail-safe. what needs to happen will happen. This is what
yoga means – to be in tune with everything, simply
Because you broke the boundaries for a period of
because you loosened your boundaries. You make
time, revenge will come. Not necessarily do two
the boundaries porous, so that life seeps in, so you
people have to turn against each other after some
are not a prisoner in your own body and your mind.
time. Maybe comfort will happen. In rare moments,
they might have erased boundaries. The rest of the Prisoner of Your Own Making
time, it is a mutual benefit scheme. Whatever form
it is, yoga essentially means this: the first thing is Most people are prisoners of their own body and
you are interested in erasing your own boundaries. mind. Instead of your body and mind being platforms
And if you know the joy of what it means, then you upon which life is housed, they become the prison
want it to happen all around you. walls for the life within. You always have to keep it
up, to feel like it is worth living; and not just you,
The Irony of Life you expect a few other people to cooperate. Yogis
just stayed alone, not because they did not care, but
The fundamental irony of life is – the very
simply because they were just fine by themselves. If
instruments of life turn against us. Without this
the society of the times had shown the right kind of
body, we do not know how to live here. Without
interest, they probably would have stepped in. We
this mind, we do not know how to live here. Body
are at a time in history where…
and mind are the two most basic instruments of
life, but it is these two which have turned against For example, in my father’s generation – whatever
people. You can call it suffering, misery, disease, personal things were happening in their lives, they
or any number of names. Essentially, two basic never spoke about it to anyone; they just managed
instruments of life have turned against you. it within themselves, and carried on with their
life. Then my generation came. When I was in
Keeping these two things for you, not against you, is
university, I just sat outside in the garden. Every
our most basic responsibility. If body and mind turn
day, someone came and told their whole life story
against us, human potential will not be realized. Let
to me. Not an interesting life, but they want to tell.
us say you have a headache; nothing big, no cancer –
All stupid stuff – how they suffered their parents,
just a headache will ruin your life. Or let us say your
their education, their poverty, their girlfriend or
nostrils are stuffed all the time – nothing big, just
boyfriend – endlessly. At that time, I just heard all
a cold. First you will say, “What’s the big deal?” But
these things – everyone had a problem. It looked
suppose it lasts for a few years, you will see, life is
like I was some kind of a freak – I did not have any
lost. Not because of cancer, not because your heart
broke, just a cold – life is lost. If this body, if this
mind turns against you, then you cannot explore The Belly-Up Generation
the full depth and dimension of what it means to
be human. My father’s generation used to write journals. Even
in my generation, a lot of people wrote journals,
Making Everything Work for You about all aspects of their life, and they didn’t want
anyone to see it. If anyone ever opened as much as
Some people have this issue – the very universe
a cover page, they would be terribly upset. “Without
is against them, simply because of the way they
me knowing, you opened my journal” – it was like a
exist. When you have that kind of opposition, you
crime. But today’s generation puts every aspect of
cannot live. Yoga means to keep everything – body,
their life on Facebook, and they will be terribly upset
mind, existence – working with us; or better, we
if no one sees it. Like, “I’m eating my breakfast,” –
are working with it. Now, if something happens, it

8 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2019

picture! “I’m licking my ice cream” – picture. Just Yoga: Transformative Catalyst
anything and everything…
It is very much possible that we will go that way.
In a way, this is a belly-up generation. When So imparting yoga is not just another chore that
a generation is belly-up like this, it is time for you do in the world – it is a very significant activity.
transformation – the best time. There are various Everyone may not understand this right now. But if
things that I cannot articulate right now. If we we all do the right thing, with enough intensity, in
really have to transform human beings on this another five to seven years’ time, you will see how
planet, they are available to you in a big way only important yoga will become in the world. Already
for another fifteen to maximum thirty years. After the demand has become significantly more today
that, it will be very hard to touch them. Of course, than it was five years ago. The only thing is, when
there will always be people who are willing and something is in so much demand, all of a sudden, all
others who are not willing, but generally, the larger kinds of spurious stuff will come up, because there
population will be super-willing for these fifteen is a market. If there is no quality product, people
to thirty years. Beyond that, it will be difficult, for a make up and do all kinds of things.
variety of reasons.
The classical system of yoga is unique… Maybe it is
A Possibility for a Limited Time Only not as entertaining as doing Zumba or something
else, but if people give themselves to the yogic
So, we are here at an appropriate time. If we do the
process, it will do things that they have not
right things, we can touch a maximum number of
imagined possible. Yoga is a phenomenal process –
people. But if time passes, if this generation passes,
it can change the composition of who you are.
and once they are off Facebook and everything, it will
When I started practicing simple aspects of yoga at
be difficult. Above all, if we do not strongly enough
the age of twelve, it changed everything about me,
impart yoga in the world, in another twenty-five to
physiologically. It just depends on the intensity with
thirty years, more than ninety percent of the world’s
which you go at it.
population will be on some kind of chemical. Once
they are on chemicals, you cannot talk to them. The Imparting Yoga: The Who and How
world is rapidly getting there. If you do not show
them another way to take away the boundary The science of yoga is always there, but who carries
simply sitting here, they will get there in a way that it and how makes a world of difference. When you
is not for keeps. It is only for a few minutes or a few are teaching or giving any instruction, when there
hours – afterwards, it will get them. are people in front of you, you must sit there like a
mother to the world, always. No matter who they
are – once you sit there to teach, it is all the same.
When you are imparting yoga, you must sit like a
When a generation is belly-up like this, it is mother to the world. If you do this one thing, I will
time for transformation – the best time. do the rest for you.
Apart from imparting yoga in an instructional way,
there are other ways of imparting it. In the sense, if
This is just the right time, and it is our time on the you have been at Dhyanalinga – there, a yogi sits;
planet. If we are committed and determined, we he has everything that is worth knowing about
can make this the best time ever in the history of yoga. He cannot speak, but that does not mean
humanity, because we are empowered like never he is any less effective. I have all the energy I need
before. Survival is taken care of like never before to do whatever I want, but sometimes the body is
– for the human beings, at least; not for the other lacking. Especially young people, if you are willing to
creatures, unfortunately. Never before did human stand up and do something beyond yourself, these
beings have so much comfort and convenience. possibilities are there. Those of you who wish to go
If we do not do the right things now, later, it will in that direction, you must express your intention.
be too late; because later, situations will be very We will see what to do.
different. It is being estimated that with the rise
of Artificial Intelligence, probably in seventy years’
time, anywhere between forty to fifty percent of
the population may commit suicide. Simply because
if there is nothing to do, they will see no worth in
their life.

January 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 9

Vivaha: The Bhuta Shuddhi
of Marriage

Sadhguru explains the fundamentals of Vivaha – an ancient form of marriage consecration that he recently
revived. A sacred possibility for those who wish to get married, and an opportunity for Isha meditators to get
trained in offering something beyond themselves.

We are launching Vivaha – a certain form of refinement of elements also brings a certain union.
consecration for marriages. This is a very ancient The separation of each individual form is actually
form, probably not in vogue for quite some time. Its determined by the grossness of the elements in
origin is in the yogic system, where the fundamental every human being.
process is Bhuta Shuddhi, which means having
At times, you feel trapped in the limitations of your
knowledge and mastery over the magic of the
physical boundaries. There are other moments
five elements. The whole system of yoga is
when you feel like you are part of everything else.
focused on that.
This is essentially determined by how the elements
Those who want to transcend take to sanyas and are functioning within you. With just these five,
use the methods of Bhuta Shuddhi to bypass life. what a magnificent mischief has been created in
But for those who have succumbed to the ways the form of the Cosmos and in the form of life.
of life, or have fallen in love with the process of
We are now making it available to the world. We are
life and are not just focused on the ultimate goal,
training people of a certain integrity and devotion
there is another system. The same process of Bhuta
to make this process available to everyone. For
Shuddhi can be used to bring a maximum sense of
those of you who are interested in offering this to
involvement and merger between two people, with
others, you may contact us, particularly if you are a
minimum sense of entanglement.
married couple.
What Bhuta Shuddhi means on one level is
Offering this to the bride, groom, and their families
purification of the five elements. The refinement
can be the most valued and important process in
of the elements will determine what type of life
their lives. The nature of Vivaha is such that the
anyone or anything becomes. In its grossest form,
benefit is not only for the bride and the groom, but
it will be inanimate. As it refines, it becomes many
for everyone who witnesses and engages in it.
things. A human being is supposed to be the highest
level of refinement. If a human being refines further, For more information, please contact:
the possibility of touching divinity is there, and this
is what the whole system of yoga is about. This

10 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2019



The Climax of
the Battle

The first half of the Kurukshetra war passes with Arjuna avoiding to go all out and kill his opponents
indiscriminately. Krishna becomes impatient.

Krishna Issues an Ultimatum Pandava brothers. He defeats Yudhishthira, disarms

him, and comes close to him.
On the ninth day, Krishna says to Arjuna, “This is it –
if you are not going to fight, I am going to fight.” When Yudhishthira stands in front of Karna
Earlier, he gave the Kauravas his word that he will unarmed, terrified, and ready to die, Karna pokes
not fight. If he fights now, forever he will be seen him on the chest with the tip of his bow and says,
as a man who did not keep his word. Still, Krishna “I don’t think men like you should be fighting on a
says, “It does not matter what people think of battlefield when I am here. It is best you go back
me. Anyway, they already think I am a Ranchor, a to your wife. But maybe you can’t go back to your
coward, a thief, all kinds of things. Let them think wife; maybe it is another brother’s time,” he taunts
one more thing.” He takes his Sudarshana Chakra Yudhishthira. Then Karna defeats Bhima and taunts
and says, “I will finish the war today.” Then Arjuna him, too. He says, “With all this muscle, what are
says, “Don’t do this. Your name will be tainted you going to do? Like a bull, you have grown. If I
forever. I will fight.” want, I will take off your head. But what is the use of
taking off the head of a child? Go.” To Nakula and
As days passed, towards the eleventh or twelfth day, Sahadeva, he does the same thing, because he
the armies became almost equal in number, because promised that he will not kill them. He keeps
on the Kaurava side, the losses were much bigger. his promise, but he wants to have the glory of
By the sixteenth day, the Pandava army seemed to defeating them.
be larger than the Kaurava army. But then, certain
people went berserk, and they decimated both Karna’s and Indra’s Barter
the armies quite drastically. Duryodhana became
When Indra came and asked him for his kavacha or
desperate. Karna took charge of the Kaurava army.
armor, Karna gave it to him – in spite of the sun-
Karna knows they are going to lose the overall
god’s warning not to do that. At that time, Indra
battle. But for him, the only thing that really matters
was pleased with Karna’s sense of sacrifice. Because
is to have the glory of ending a man’s life who is
he promised it, even though he knew that it would
believed to be the greatest kshatriya ever – Arjuna.
be sure death if he removed his kavacha, Karna gave
Karna – All for Glory it away. At that time, Karna asked, “Give me your
Shakti astra for the kavacha and kundala, so men
Karna lives for glory, and he is willing to die for it. will say, “Indra gave Karna his own ayudha in return
He only wants to kill Arjuna. He does not mind if he for what he took from him. The Shakti will not save
loses the battle; he knows Krishna will not let the my life – that is doomed anyway. But I feel strange
Kauravas win. He knows that if the worst comes to love for you, and I want to protect your reputation.
the worst, Krishna will enter the battle himself and
see that it is won by the Pandavas. By now, Karna “Knowing fully well I am going into the battle;
knows that the Pandavas are his own brothers. you are asking for my armor. This is the most
Still, he wants glory. So one by one, he attacks the dastardly thing. As the king of gods, you will lose

January 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 11

your reputation. At least give me your Shakti astra want. Karna is carrying the bondage of curses in
so that people in the future will feel that Indra did his life. Parashurama had cursed him, “When you
some exchange. It will save your reputation.” The really need it, you will forget the mantras.” And the
man is always strutting with a certain glory about brahmin whose cow was killed had cursed him,
himself. Then Indra says to Karna, “Win or lose “When you are fighting a battle, in a moment of life
the war – it’s a small matter. Today you have won or death, your chariot wheels will sink. And when
immortal fame with the arms you gave me. I name you are helpless and unprotected as my cow was
you Vaikarthana for cutting your kavacha from your when you killed it, just like that, you will die.”
flesh. And men will say ever after that the greatest
of all givers of arms was not Indra but Karna. As Arjuna Defeats Karna
long as the world lives, Karna, your fame shall live So Karna is fighting Arjuna; a lot of drama happens.
in it,” and that is all Karna wanted. Both of them got Then Karna’s wheel goes down. He comes down
what they wanted. from the chariot and tries to get the wheel out.
According to normal battle rules, in a situation like
Ghatotkacha’s Occult Powers that, the opponents do not shoot at him; they wait
Now the battle is on. Karna is without the kavacha, for him to get back on the chariot. Karna says, “I
but he got the Shakti astra. With this one astra, he am sure you are kshatriya enough not to shoot at
can kill Arjuna; he is saving it for Arjuna. He will me when I am down.” Of course, Arjuna also thinks
end Arjuna, and then he will be quite powerless he is warrior enough to not shoot, and he waits.
without the astra, and he will be killed by someone. Krishna asks, “What are you waiting for?” “No, let
Ghatotkacha, Bhima’s son, is let loose. The nighttime him release his chariot wheel.” Krishna’s patience is
rule was broken and fighting started at night. When running out. He says, “Kill him.” Arjuna protests, “But
they were fighting in the day, Ghatotkacha was he is unarmed.” “It does not matter – kill him.” Karna
just one more warrior. But in the night, his occult is trying to get his chariot wheel out. Krishna says,
powers come to full flowering, and he is creating “Break the chariot.” So Arjuna breaks the chariot.
havoc. Ghatotkacha’s occult powers are such that
Then Karna knows that they are going to fight even
the Kaurava army does not even know which way
when he is down. So he picks up his bow. Krishna
to turn and fight, which direction to face, because
says, “Break his bow.” Arjuna breaks it. Krishna says,
illusory armies are all over the place, even in the sky.
“When he is standing totally unarmed, just take off
It is a free run for the Pandavas; the situation turns his head.” Arjuna takes off his head. So Karna goes
into indiscriminate slaughter. Duryodhana looks at down. A great man and a great tragedy and a great
this and says, “This night, the Kaurava army will end.” mistake, all his life. Not evil, just a big mistake he is.
He tells Karna, “Use the Shakti; kill this giant.” Karna With him gone, Duryodhana loses heart. Karna was
hesitates because he is saving the Shakti astra for always his assurance.
Arjuna. If he uses it up, his dream of killing Arjuna
will be over. He hesitates. Suddenly, Duryodhana The Last Battle
looks at him suspiciously and says, “What is the Duryodhana makes Shalya the commander.
matter?” He always lives in this fear that, maybe, Shalya fights bravely, but Yudhishthira kills him on
someone’s loyalty has shifted. that day. Once that is done, the Pandava army is
on a rampage, and the Kauravas are completely
Karna Kills Ghatotkacha decimated. In the process, Pandava soldiers also die
He questions Karna’s loyalty. Karna says, “I have not in big numbers. Ashwatthama eliminates a large
come here to win the war; I have not come here to part of the Pandava army. Eighteen days of war are
rule; I have not come here to get a kingdom. I have over. The five Pandavas are alive, Drishtadhyumna
come here to die for you. I am not doing anything is alive, the Pandava children are alive. Otherwise,
less than what I should do. If you insist, I will use everyone who is significant is dead.
the Shakti,” and he uses the Shakti to bring down
All the Kauravas are dead except Duryodhana.
Ghatotkacha. Suddenly, all the occult powers are
Ashwatthama and Kripacharya are alive; most of
gone, and it is a normal battle once again.
the foot soldiers are either dead, or they left the
Once Krishna comes to know Karna used up the battlefield. Seeing this indiscriminate, non-stop
Shakti, he tells Arjuna, “Tomorrow morning, you killing, seeing themselves killing indiscriminately,
must get Karna. That’s it. He is finished.” So next many of them lost heart or lost their mind –
day morning, they get Karna in a way that is not whichever way, they ran away.
usually approved. But by then, nothing is approved To be continued.
or disapproved. Everyone is doing whatever they
12 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2019
Isha Reaches Out to
Cyclone Gaja Victims NEWS AND EVENTS

Tamil Nadu, Nov 2018: After Cyclone Gaja hit

Nagapattinam and surrounding districts of Tamil
Nadu, Isha Foundation was one of the first non-
profit organizations to reach the afflicted regions.
Equipped with three Mobile Health Clinics (MHC),
Isha Outreach teams provided primary care and
medicines, and were later joined by some of the
villagers, who volunteered to support the relief
operations. The MHCs reached out to more than
four thousand people, and apart from offering
acute medical care, took prompt action towards
preventing an epidemic outbreak.

Sadhguru at the Sustainability

Summit Asia 2018

Kuala Lumpur, 15 Nov 2018: Sadhguru was invited policies towards this end will become a reality. The
to give a keynote address at the Sustainability Earth being at the cusp of an ecological upheaval,
Summit Asia 2018, organized by The Economist Sadhguru urged governments and corporates
magazine on 15 November 2018 in Kuala Lumpur. to collaborate in making environment-centric
He emphasized on nurturing a syncretic approach policies which are economically viable. Sadhguru
to ecology and business, proposing a marriage pointed out a needed shift in our mind-set towards
between the two. Once we understand that recognizing every life form as “life,” in order for us to
“ecology is the basis of our existence,” laying take crucial steps for a sustainable future.

January 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 13

Sadhguru at the Kathakar International
Storytellers Festival
Delhi, 16 November 2018: Storytelling has
been a very old tradition in India, thriving in
different parts of the country and expressed
through various mediums. It was a way to
preserve the history and culture of local
communities, tribes, and dynasties over the
generations. In a fascinating conversation
with Mohit Chauhan at the Kathakar –
International Storytellers Festival, Sadhguru
explained how storytelling in this country
meant to stir up the humanity in the
listener, rather than instilling rigid morality.
The story would have a quality of magic, household used to be pushed to fill in the gaps, using
allowing one to go beyond the logical mind. Talking their own imagination. Stories are about capturing
about the suspension of time in his grandmother’s one’s attention to such an extent that one is able to
stories which refused to end, the children in the unearth the implied and more, Sadhguru said.

Isha INSIGHT 2018 – Leadership Intensive

Isha Yoga Center, 22–25 Nov 2018: Sadhguru for booking cars into a larger vision of mobility
opened the 7th edition of Isha INSIGHT 2018 with for all. Among other ingenious stories were those
the three I’s: Integrity – to commit to something of Deepak Garg, CEO of Rivigo, and a former
bigger than ourselves; Inspiration – to burn with McKinsey consultant. Deepak turned to creating
intensity; and Insight – the ability to see a little a relay trucking model wherein trucks have a
further than those one leads, as being essential shorter transit time and a relay of drivers handle
drivers for any leadership position. Amitabh Kant, a single truck, allowing them to come home on
CEO of the NITI Aayog, shared the story of turning the same day. Deepak spoke of finding a sweet
Kerala into high-value tourism by bringing back spot in every business by creating solutions and
traditional Kerala culture, Ayurveda, and art forms. serving a larger purpose. All stories of success had
The key behind this move was to think big and step one thing in common: genius ideas supported by
into unchartered terrain. systematic execution.
For Bhavish Aggarwal, CEO of Ola Cabs, listening
to the consumer turned the initial idea of a website

14 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2019

Empowering the Indian Army with Hatha Yoga

Isha Yoga Center, Nov 2018: In the first of its

kind initiative, the Isha Yoga Center held a 14-day
Hatha Yoga Training Program for army personnel.
They were trained in the ancient and powerful
practices of Upa-yoga, Angamardana and Surya
Kriya, while being initiated into AUM chanting and
Isha Kriya. Many of them were trained to offer
the practices to other Indian Army personnel. In
response to a question by one of the army soldiers
during a Darshan, Sadhguru mentioned that some
of the greatest warriors of ancient India were sages,
including some of the 63 Nayanmars or sages of
southern India, who were also great devotees of
Shiva. The army contingent at Isha comprised 63
soldiers, making Sadhguru half-jokingly wonder
about the possibility of turning our soldiers into
warrior sages of yore.

Sadhguru at the Annual Conference

of Indian Orthopaedic Association

Coimbatore, 29 Nov 2018: What is life; how when we live and die, complementing the medical
do we accumulate grace; what do we mean by definition of death from the perspective of the yogic
death or the dead, were some of the mysteries sciences. Dwelling on how grace obliterates borders
Sadhguru uncovered in a conversation with leading between “what is me” and “what is the universe,”
orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Rajasekaran at the Sadhguru reiterated the insignificance of a human
IOACON, a gathering of five thousand orthopedic being in the context of the larger existence. The
doctors. Sadhguru delved into the nuances of the realization of this truth opens us to the bounty of
pancha vayus and how they behave in the body life and grace.

January 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 15

Letting Go - Poem by Isha volunteer

To give it your all when you don’t really care,

To not really care when you’ve given it your all.

To know, when you don’t care, giving it your all is

the only way, a consequence.

To see, only when you don’t care, do you really

care, completely.

Then cast aside all that you cared for and knew,
know nothing except the helplessness and
vulnerability of your condition.

Let go your fears, which feed your desire for

control, stand exposed.

Then you will feel…

The pure embrace and overwhelming gratefulness

that is life.

- Vikram, Isha volunteer, Isha Yoga Center

16 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2019


A Night with the Divine

In the Presence of

March 4
6 PM - 6 AM, Isha Yoga Center

“Mahashivaratri is an opportunity to allow the natural forces to prompt you towards your Ultimate Nature.
May this night become an exuberant awakening for you.” – Sadhguru

An exuberant nightlong festival, Mahashivaratri is Adiyogi Pradakshina

being celebrated for the 25th consecutive year at Pradakshina is the process of circumambulating
the Isha Yoga Center. a powerful energy source to imbibe its energy.
The nightlong festival features: Through Adiyogi Pradakshina one can become
– Midnight Meditation with Sadhguru receptive to the Grace of Adiyogi, which can fuel
one’s striving towards ultimate liberation.
– Musical Performances by eminent artists
– Maha Annadanam Adiyogi Annadanam 
On Mahashivaratri, devotees will have the
Grace of the Adi Guru opportunity to offer raw rice to Adiyogi. These
Devotees who are at the Isha Yoga Center on offerings will be made use of as part of the Maha
Mahashivaratri can receive a Rudraksh Prasadam Annadanam.
and Sarpa Sutra. Spectacular Celebrations
Rudraksh Prasadam This year, various festive presentations drawing on
This bead is one of one lakh and eight such rudraksh the rich cultural heritage of India will be featured
beads that have adorned Adiyogi over the last year. during Mahashivaratri. These include a cattle fair, a
Sarpa Sutra turban tying stall, displays of folk music and dance,
exhibitions of regional cuisine, a folk arts and crafts
Made of copper, the Sarpa Sutra should be worn bazaar, and more.
on the left ring finger and is supportive for stability
For seating passes, please contact:
and wellbeing. | 83000 83111
Live Webstream:

January 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 17

Mahashivaratri Sadhana
The Mahashivaratri Sadhana is a preparation
for Mahashivaratri – a night of tremendous
possibilities. Anyone eight years of age and above Classical Yoga Workshop during
can do the sadhana. The sadhana can be of varying Mahashivaratri
duration. You can do the sadhana for 40, 21, 14, 7
or 3 consecutive days leading up to Mahashivaratri, A 5-day residential program at Isha Yoga Center
4 March 2019. It includes chants, Shiva Namaskar, 1–5 March 2019
and the observance of certain guidelines. The
culmination is on Mahashivaratri – optionally at the The Classical Yoga Workshop provides an
Isha Yoga Center or at home.  opportunity to participate in a special yoga program
and to stay in the consecrated environs of the Isha
For more details, guidelines, and to learn Shiva Yoga center during Mahashivaratri.
Namaskar as well as the chants, please visit the
For more information: 84484 47707

Yaksha 2019
1–3 March 2019, Isha Yoga Center
Yaksha is a three-day festival preceding
Mahashivaratri, featuring some of the
most exuberant and renowned talent of
music and dance.
This year’s concerts:
Kalapini Komkali – Hindustani vocal
Ranjani & Gayatri – Carnatic vocal
Nadi – Dance drama by Leela Samson 
Come experience the finest expressions
of India’s unparalleled cultural heritage.
Isha Yoga Center, Velliangiri Foothills,
Ishana Vihar Post, Coimbatore
83000 83111 |

18 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2019

Shivanga – Becoming a Limb of Shiva
“If you look up in the sky, the biggest presence out there is a vast emptiness. This nothingness is referred to
as ‘Shiva,’ or ‘that which is not.’ This huge body of ‘that which is not’ has a few limbs – a galaxy, a star, a
solar system, a planet, an atom, or maybe you. All these are limbs of Shiva, because everything has come from
nothing. Without being connected to the nothingness in the Universe, you cannot exist.
You are a limb of Shiva. The Shivanga sadhana is designed to bring this into your awareness.” - Sadhguru

Shivanga is an intense sadhana period designed Expressions from Shivanga

for one to explore higher levels of experience in
body, mind and energy. Open to men, this 42-day
vratam begins on a Purnima and culminates on a “Life has changed a lot now; it has improved
Shivaratri at the Dhyanalinga, with an offering to tremendously. I have experientially started seeing that
Shiva is everywhere. In my experience, everything is Shiva,
the Dhyanalinga and a yatra to the peaks of the
only Shiva.”
beautiful Velliangiri Mountains. Devotees have a
Lakshmi Narayanan, Software Architect, Chennai
rare opportunity to make this pilgrimage on the
auspicious night of Mahashivaratri. The sadhana Now, after doing the Shivanga sadhana, when I look at the
will start at the beginning of Uttarayana, a time of sky or the mountain or even a tree, I feel deeply connected
great spiritual significance, when the sun’s run shifts to itk and tears my eyes fills up tears unknowingly.”
to the Northern Hemisphere – a time recognized as Ashishkumar, Isha volunteer, Isha Yoga Center
highly conducive to receive Grace.
Initiation into Shivanga Sadhana
The Velliangiri Mountains are also known as (Gents): 20 Jan 2019
Thenkailayam or South Kailash – a space where
the Adiyogi himself spent some time. Over the (Culmination on Mahashivaratri, 4 Mar 2019)
ages, many siddhas and seers have enshrined their
Location: Isha Yoga Center, Velliangiri
energies and Grace in these mountains, which can
be accessed and imbibed even today. Every year, Foothills, Coimbatore & local centers
lakhs of devotees make the pilgrimage to the sacred Contact: 83000 83111;
seventh hill of the Velliangiri Mountains, a space of
tremendous power and energy.

January 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 19


Date Program Place Contact

Isha Foundation Delhi 96500 92103

7–27 Jan 2019 Hatha Yoga 21 Days
Center, Delhi – India

Isha Life Health

12, 16, 19 Jan Obesity Treatment 044-28885333 / 94890 45211
Solutions (opp. Spencer
2019 Program
Plaza), Chennai – India

Isha Yoga Center,

17–20 Jan
Shoonya Intensive Velliangiri Foothills, 83000 83111
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

17–20 Jan Bhava Spandana
Velliangiri Foothills, 83000 83111
2019 (Gents)
Coimbatore – India

Joint and Isha Rejuvenation,

18–24 Jan Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515464
2019 Velliangiri Foothills,
Disorders Treatment Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

20 Jan 2019
Shivanga Sadhana Velliangiri Foothills, 83000 83111
Initiation (Gents) Coimbatore
4 Mar 2019)
& local centers – India

Isha Yoga Center,

22–25 Jan Bhava Spandana
Velliangiri Foothills, 83000 83111
2019 (Ladies)
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

27–30 Jan
Shoonya Intensive Velliangiri Foothills, 83000 83111
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

4 Mar 2019 Mahashivaratri Velliangiri Foothills, 83000 83111
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

8–15 Mar
Samyama Velliangiri Foothills, 83000 83111
Coimbatore – India

Inner Engineering
Los Angeles – United +1 931 488 8448
30 Mar 2019 Completion with

Inner Engineering
Philadelphia – United +1 931 488 8448
27 Apr 2019 Completion with

Current at the time of print, however subject to change. For full program schedules and updates, please visit

20 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2019

Creamy Pumpkin & Mushroom Curry


2 Tbsps. Sesame oil 1. Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add
2 cups Cubed pumpkin ginger, tomato paste, lime and cook for 3–4
minutes until softened.
2 cups Mushrooms, cut in halves
2. Add the turmeric, coriander, cumin, cardamom,
1 cup Cashews (soaked overnight or kept in and fenugreek powder and stir until fragrant.
boiled water for 30 minutes)
3. Add the cubed pumpkin and sauté for
3 cups Water or vegetable stock 10 minutes.
2 Tbsps. Ginger
4. Add the water or vegetable stock and cover for
2 Tbsps. Tomato paste another 20 minutes. Let the pumpkin simmer in
Half a lime low heat until soft.
1 tsp. Turmeric powder 5. Add the mushroom and let it cook for 5 minutes.
1 tsp. Coriander powder 6. Add salt and pepper according to your taste.
1 tsp. Cumin powder Keep in mind, if you have added store-bought
stock, there is salt that should be considered
1 tsp. Cardamom powder before you add more to the curry.
2 tsp. Fenugreek powder 7. Blend the cashew to make cashew milk and add
1 tsp. Pepper it to the curry.
2 Tbsps. Salt 8. Simmer for 10 minutes on low heat.
Fresh coriander leaves 9. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves.

January 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 21


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Courtesy Zen Speaks

Published by: B. RAJESH CHANDER on behalf of ISHA FOUNDATION

Published from 117/50, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004, TAMILNADU

Printed by: S. PRAKASH; at FINE DOTS, No.15, Boo Begum 3rd Street,
Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002, TAMILNADU. Editor: K. SEKAR

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Registered with Patrika Channel Egmore RMS under Registration No. TN/CH(C)/492/17–19. Published on 2nd of every month – January 2019

take us across.
It is upon the backs of
those who build these
Many Bridges we cross

Bridges that we walk upon.

create new possibilities that

a || ISHA
FLOWER January
January 2019

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