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Social sciences history

Term 2
1. State whether the following are true or false.
A. A bidder is someone who bids money to get something.
B. Salt is also used to make food taste better.
C. Harriet Tubman was a slave who started a rebellion against slavery.
D. Mansa Musa did not make his Capital city.
E. Leo Africanus was a well educated traveller.

2. Match column A with column B

A Answer B
A. Taxing During the _________ of
Mali, the city of Timbuktu
became known in Europe
B. Golden age The process of colonies
C. Plantations The leader of the mutiny
on the Amistad
D. Colonisation Large farms where crops
are grown
E. Nat Turner The king of Mali made
profits by __________

3. Fill in the blanks by using the words provided

Caribbean, Teaching, learning, John Brown, Mason Dixon line, Network, Republic, West
Africa, Europe, indifference.
A. Gold was in great demand in ________________________ and Middle East.
B. _______________________ is a country without a King or queen.
C. Having no feelings about something or not caring are
D. They shipped slaves to a slave trade centre in the
E. Timbuktu became the centre of ________________________ and
F. ________________________ was the first white man to abolish slavery.
G. Groups of people connected and working together are
H. ________________________________ is the boundary between the free North
– eastern states of America

4. Study the picture below and answer the following questions

A. Explain why West Africa slaves were taken to America?

B. Each of the pictures above show how African captives were captured, sold
and transported across the Atlantic Ocean. Write a short description for
each pictures a-e, saying what it shows.
5. Answer the following questions
A. What happened to the raw materials slaves produced?

B. Why did the Americans need slaves?

C. Who was Nat Turner?

D. Name three Plantations the Americans produced?

E. Who sold slaves to the Europeans?

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