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Pathology Final Exam

Section (1) MCQٍ

1. Necrosis is characterized by:

a- activation of proteolytic enzymes T
b- loss of cytoplasmic basophelia T
c- nuclear pyknosis T
d- surrounding inflammatory response T
e- pleamorphism
2. Benign tumors
a- grow by local invasion of the tissues
b- are usually capsulated T
c- never cause death F
d- can transform to malignant tumors T
e- treated by chemotherapy F
3. Which of these is/are malignant neoplasia of epithelial tissue?
a- hepatocellular carcinoma F
b- skin basal cell carcinomaF
c- menengioma
d- thyroid adenomaF
e- heamagioma
4. Septic shock:
a- mainly caused by gram (+ve ) septicemia T
b- skin is pale and cold T
c- IL 1 and TNF play major role >>
d- Antibiotics can reverse the shock state >>>
e- DIC is a complication>>>\
5. In Tuberculiod leprosy:
a- cell mediated immunity is low
b- bacilli are scanty in the skin lesion
c- only skin and nerves are affected
d- lionin face is characteristic
e- lepromine test is positive
6. Primary pulmonary tuberculosis is characterized by:
a- heamoptesis
b- massive pulmonary cavitations
c- Ghons' complex
d- military spread in some cases
e- healing by fibrosis in most cases
7. Schistosoma heamatopeum infection can cause:
a- iron deficiency anemia
b- fatal hematemesis
c- carcinoma of the bladder
d- hydronephrosis and renal failure
e- all of the above
8. Clinicopathological effects of Visceral Leishmaniasis include
a- hepatosplenomegally
b- skin pigmentation
c- thrombocytosis
d- nephrotic syndrome
e- bone marrow hyperplasia
9. In iron deficiency anemia
a- hook worm infection is a common cause in Sudan
b- there is pancytopenia
c- total iron binding capacity is low
d- bone marrow Perl's reaction is positive
e- oral iron supplement is always curative
10.Good prognostic features of ALL include
a- male gender
b- WBC count more than 60.000/cmm
c- age of 7 years
d- L3 subtype
e- Philadelphia chromosome
11.MCV of 108 fl can be seen in :
a- Iron deficiency anemia
b- pernicious anemia
c- folic acid deficiency
d- B thallassemia major
e- chronic liver disease
12.Which of these statement is true about Hodgkin lymphoma
a- characterized by RS cells in histological section
b- is more common than NHL
c- extra nodal sites are commonly affected
d- can present with obstructive jaundice
e- radiotherapy is never used in treatment
13.Concerning Ischemic heart diseases(IHD)
a- is the same as myocardial infarction
b- coronary artery atherosclerosis is the commonest cause
c- has nothing to do with hypertension
d- clinically may be silent
e- never occur in young people
14.Vascular changes in benign hypertension include
a- fibrinoid necrosis
b- arteriolosclerosis in small vessels
c- onion skin lesion
d- medial atrophy in small vessels
e- no change in small vessels
15.Subacute infective endocarditis
a- caused by high virulent bacteria
b- affected heart valves should be abnormal
c- predispose to be urinary catheter insertion
d- finger clubbing is a clinical feature
e- serial blood culture is needed for diagnosis of the cause
16.Extrinsic asthma
a- starts at child hood
b- is a form of type( I) HSR
c- associated with chronic bronchitis
d- bronchial smooth muscles are atrophied
e- has a good prognosis
17.Concerning lung emphysema
a- is a chronic obstructive airways disease
b- associated with smoking and air pollution
c- dilatation of the airways is proximal to the terminal bronchioles
d- always presents with cyanosis and finger clubbing
e- is a cause of lung fibrosis
18.Chronic peptic ulcer diereses:
a- occur only in the stomach
b- Helicobacter pylori is the major incriminated organism
c- duodenal ulcers are associated with blood group O.
d- leather bag appearance is a morphological finding
e- predispose to carcinoma of the stomach
19.The following statements about idiopathic inflammatory bowl disease
is true:
a- Crohn's disease can affect the oral cavity
b- ulcerative colitis is confined to the colon
c- granuloma formation is characteristic for ulcerative colitis
d- obstruction and fistula are common in Crohn's disease
e- both can develop intestinal cancers
20.Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia is seen in:
a- congenital hemolytic anemia
b- bile stones
c- hepatocellular carcinoma
d- primary biliary cirrhosis
e- Dobin Johnson syndrome
21.Investigations required for malabsorption syndrome may include:
a- triolen breath test
b- stool for ova and cysts
c- GTT
d- jujunal endoscopic biopsy
e- all of the above
22.Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by :
a- heavy proteinurea
b- macroscopic hematurea
c- renal impairment
d- hypercholesterolemia
e- hypoalbumenemia
23- Acute diffuse proliferate glumerulonephritis
a- more common in adults than in children
b- presents with nephritic syndrome
c- can follow infected skin lesion
d- kidney is small granular and contracted
e- prognosis is poor in children
24- Recognized causes of acute renal failure in Sudanese patients include:
a- sever tertian malaria
b- Hinna dye poisoning
c- massive burn
d- post partum hemorrhage
e- gentamycin over dose
25- Wilm's tumor:
a- is a congenital tumor
b- can reach very large size
c- is the same as hypernephroma
d- histologically is clear cell adenocarcinoma
e- has a good response to chemotherapy
26-Uterine fibroids
a- are benign tumors of the uterine fibrous tissue
b- more common in postmenopausal women
c- can present with acute abdominal pain
d- can cause infertility
e- malignant transformation never occur
27- Prognostic factors of breast cancer include:
a- its histological type
b- its grade according to Bloom's Richardson's system
c- the tumor size
d- the number of estrogen receptors
e- all of the above
28- Benign prostatic hyperplasia
a- is a hormone dependent benign tumor
b- commonly affect the medial lobes of the gland
c- presents with hematuea and weight loss
d- Acid phosphates is the diagnostic marker
e- is a normal finding in very old males
29- Urine analysis is a useful tool in diagnosis of:
a- renal diseases
b- liver diseases
c- hematological disorders
d- endocrinal disorders
e- pregnancy
30- Concerning thyroid gland disorders
a- iodine deficiency usually presents with hypothyroidism
b- Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease
c- Grave's disease is more common in males
d- solitary nodule is usually adenoma
e- medullar carcinoma is the commonest malignancy of the thyroid.
a- is a benign tumor with good prognosis
b- is a tumor of old people
c- usually arise from the metaphysic of the long bones
d- Codman's triangle is a radiological sign
e- never metastise to the lung
32- Osteoporosis:
a- common in postmenopausal women
b- complicates cortical hyperplasia of the adrenal gland
c- total bone mass is reduced
d- bone mineralization is defective
e- prolonged bed rest is a risk factor
33- Concerning rheumatoid arthritis
a- is a disease of elderly females
b- HSR type d II play a role in pathogenesis
c- affects the small joints more the large ones
d- pannus formation and synovial thickening are morphological
e- permanent joint stiffness is complication
34- Prolonged PTT and PT with low platelets count is seen in :
a- hemophilia A
b- DIC
c- marked hepatic failure
d- Von Willbrand disease
e- none of the above
35- Heamoptesis in 44 years male can be due to
a- tuberculosis
b- pulmonary oedema
c- bronchectasis
d- bronchogenic carcinoma
e- lung fibrosis
36- Blistering skin lesion can be due to
a- impetigo
b- psoriasis
c- pumphigus vulgaris
d- burn
e- herpes zoster
37- Concerning CNS pathology:
a- benign tumors are usually harmless
b- viral meningitis is usually mild with complete recovery
c- leptomengitis affects the pia/ arachnoids matter
d- menigiomas are usually benign tumors
e- rupture of berry aneurysm causes subarachnid hemorrhage
38- Which of these is true about pheochromocytoma
a- is a neuroendocrinal tumor
b- presents with hypotension
c- 10% are familial
d- 50% are bilateral
e- high urinary VMA acid is diagnostic
39- Diabetes mellitus
a- caused by excessive sugar intake
b- insulin level may be normal in type II DM
c- diabetes ketoacidosis is more common in type I DM
d- urinary glucose is a sensitive test for diagnosis
e- MODY occur in young people
40 -Pathology is the study of diseases in the following aspects:
a- aetiology
b- pathogenesis
c- what and how to investigate
d- prognosis
e- all of the above

Section (B)
Write briefly on the following
1- Modes of spread of malignant neoplasia
2- Clinical and pathological effects of infection by Shistosoma mansoni .
3- Pathology, clinical feature and complications of myocardial infarction(MI)
4- What is liver cirrhosis? Give brief account on its types and out line its
clinical effects.
Section (C)

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