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The Power of Jesus’ Names – “I Am and The Word” – Session 4

Opening Thoughts
• First grouping presented “Power in his positions.”
o Immanuel
o Lord and King
o Priest and Lamb
• Second group starting today presents “Power in his person.”
Video Notes
• I Am
o Jesus’ claim as “I Am” created division and resistance toward Him.
o Jesus spoke to the leaders of the day.
• The Word
o Greek term for word is logos – an impersonal force.
o Jesus merged the concept of logos as impersonal with the personal nature of
God (John 1:14: The Word became flesh….”
o Jesus communicates on behalf of the Father.
• Jesus didn’t keep Marth and Mary from the pain but His ‘I Am-ness’ joined them in
the pain.
• Jesus Christ perfectly communicates the heart, the mind, and the Spirit of God.
• God moved into our neighborhood in the person of Jesus Christ. He tented
(tabernacled) among us.
Video Group Discussion
1. Luke 4:16-21 – Jesus quoting from Isaiah. List five descriptions Jesus says He came to
2. John 1:1 – What does this verse tell us about the existence of Jesus prior to being
born on earth? How does this truth bring you comfort as you face challenges that
arise in your life?
3. Read the following passages from John and describe what each name means.
a. 6:35 – The bread of life
b. 8:12 – The Light of the world
c. 10:7 – The door of the sheep
d. 10:11,14 – The Good Shepherd
e. 11:25 – The resurrection and the life
f. 14:6 – The way and the truth
g. 15:1,5 – The true vine
4. John 11:39 - Dr. Evans connects the act of faith when Jesus commanded “remove the
stone” with accessing the power to reverse the situation (raise the dead).
a. How does this relate to us experiencing Jesus’ power in our lives?
b. How important is obedience (acts of faith) in God’s willingness to move on our
Bible Exploration
1. John 8:48-59 – The name “I Am” shows up in the midst of a heated discussion. His miracles
of healing and driving out demons had given Him a reputation. Not everyone knew how to
place Him.
a. A good man doing good things?
b. Of the devil using demonic powers?
c. God?
2. John 18:4-6
a. Why do you think the soldiers who were with Judas fell to the ground when Jesus told
them his name and who he was?
b. What does this tell us about Jesus’ power to overcome opposition or a direct challenge?
c. What insights into God’s character do we get from seeing the patience in Jesus, knowing
what was about to come upon him? How is this an example to us?
3. John 1:1,14 – Describe each of these terms in our contemporary wording, as if explaining to
an unbeliever
a. Preexistent
b. Coexistent
c. Self-existent
d. Tangible existent
e. Self-contained
f. Self-evident
4. Hebrews 4:12 – qualities of God’s word
a. Living
b. Active
c. Piercing
d. Able to judge (discerning)

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