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Let me congratulate and thanks our school officials and stakeholders for another school
year of success; the school head for constantly guiding our teachers and students, our teachers who
nurture our learners’ knowledge, skills and values, our Parents Teachers Association officers and
members, our Local Government Officials and external partners for helping the school in
providing conducive learning environment.

This Years’ Graduation Theme: "K to 12 Graduates: Molded through a Resilient

Educational Foundation," speaks of how ready our learners to be of great help in addressing
challenges that they might encounter in their life sooner or later.

Education has traditionally been seen as a potent tool for both individual and community
development. It provides people with the values, information, and abilities they need to face life's
problems and other adversities in life. Education is not only about learning facts, but it promotes
resilience in people as well. Resilience is the capacity to recover from hardship and get over from
challenges. It is a trait that helps people to adjust, persist, and flourish in the face of difficulties.
Hence, education plays a critical role in fostering resilience.

First and foremost, many education leaders notably recognized that education fosters
critical thinking abilities that enable people to analyze issues and come up with original solutions.
Education gives pupils the tools they need to solve problems creatively by teaching them to think
critically and independently. Second, education encourages self-assurance and faith in oneself.
Learners gain a sense of confidence in their own talents through manipulating several opportunities
towards success. This confidence serves as motivation during difficult times when perseverance is
most required. Third, education also encourages the development of social networks and support
systems. Teachers promote engaging learning activities where collaboration among learners is
seen as a means of promoting solidarity, tolerance and empathy. These relationships provide as
crucial support networks when things get tough. Fourth, it also provides information on coping
mechanisms and mental health awareness. Education provides learners with the crucial skills they
need to develop resilience by teaching them how to properly manage stress or ask for assistance
when they need it.

In a nutshell, achieving resilience through education involves more than just academic
success; it also involves personal development and emotional health. Education becomes a catalyst
for creating resilient people who can face hardship and keep their drive to succeed through
increasing critical thinking abilities, self-confidence, social connections, and mental health
awareness among learners.
My warmest congratulations to the graduates/completers of ________________________
this SY 2022-2023!!!

Chief Education Supervisor
Schools Governance and Operation Division

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