Continuous Transition Between Weak and Strong Coupling by Exceptional Point

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Continuous transition between weak and

ultrastrong coupling through exceptional points in
carbon nanotube microcavity exciton–polaritons
Weilu Gao   1, Xinwei Li1, Motoaki Bamba   2,3 and Junichiro Kono   1,4,5*

Non-perturbative coupling of photons and excitons produces hybrid particles, exciton–polaritons, which have exhibited a vari-
ety of many-body phenomena in various microcavity systems. However, the vacuum Rabi splitting (VRS), which defines the
strength of photon–exciton coupling, is usually a single constant for a given system. Here, we have developed a unique architec-
ture in which excitons in an aligned single-chirality carbon nanotube film interact with cavity photons in polarization-dependent
manners. The system reveals ultrastrong coupling (VRS up to 329 meV or a coupling-strength-to-transition-energy ratio of
13.3%) for polarization parallel to the nanotube axis, whereas VRS is absent for perpendicular polarization. Between these
two extremes, VRS is continuously tunable through polarization rotation with exceptional points separating crossing and anti-
crossing. The points between exceptional points form equienergy arcs onto which the upper and lower polaritons coalesce.
The demonstrated on-demand ultrastrong coupling provides ways to explore topological properties of polaritons and quantum
technology applications.

trong light–matter coupling continues to stimulate much inter- tional points (EPs)24 in an open or dissipative system with a non-
est in diverse disciplines, including quantum optics1, semi- Hermitian Hamiltonian. EPs are spectral singularities where both
conductor optoelectronics2, ultrafast optics3, plasmonics4, the eigenenergies and eigenstates coalesce. The rich physics at and
magnetism5 and circuit quantum electrodynamics6. Resonant cou- around EPs have been demonstrated in diverse physical systems,
pling leads to light–matter hybridization into two normal modes including microwave cavities25, coupled atom–cavity systems26,
with an energy separation, ħΩR, known as the vacuum Rabi split- photonic crystal slabs27 and exciton–polariton billiards28. Exotic
ting (VRS). Different regimes exist, depending on the value of the phenomena associated with EPs have been observed, including
coupling constant g, with 2g ≈​  ΩR when g ≫​  κ, γ, where κ (γ) is the unidirectional transmission and reflection29, loss-induced revival of
photon (matter) decay rate. The strong coupling regime is achieved lasing30 and nontrivial geometric phases by encircling EPs25,28.
when the cooperativity 4g2 / (κγ) >​ 1. Furthermore, the ultrastrong Here, we describe a microcavity exciton–polariton system with
coupling regime arises when g / ω0 >​  0.1, where ω0 is the resonance built-in coupling-strength tunability and on-demand ultrastrong
energy, whereas the deep strong coupling regime is defined as coupling. The system is based on a centimetre-sized uniform film of
g / ω0 >​  1 (ref. 7). In these regimes of light–matter coupling, a variety aligned, packed and single-chirality (6,5) SWCNTs31,32 in a Fabry–
of phenomena and states are predicted to occur, for example, a two- Pérot microcavity. The observed value of VRS was up to 329 meV,
mode squeezed vacuum state8,9, induced by the dynamic Casimir the highest value ever reported for Wannier excitons, which also
effect10–12 or through spontaneous conversion13, unusual photon corresponds to the largest value ever achieved (13.3%) for the ratio
counting statistics14, light–matter decoupling15 and the Dicke super- of the coupling strength to the transition energy in a microcavity
radiant phase transition16,17. Wannier exciton–polariton system. Interestingly, this large VRS
Microcavity polaritons based on Wannier excitons in inorganic appears only when the polarization of probe light is parallel to the
semiconductors18 remain in the strong coupling regime, typically nanotube alignment direction. For light with perpendicular polar-
with g / ω0 <​  10−2. Frenkel excitons in organic semiconductors have ization, no VRS was observed. This polarization-dependent VRS
large binding energies and oscillator strengths and have displayed allowed us to continuously transition from weak coupling to the
larger VRS19,20. Moreover, nanomaterials with large-binding-energy strong and ultrastrong coupling regimes through simple polariza-
Wannier excitons, such as transition metal dichalcogenides21 and tion rotation. We observed this behaviour both for the first inter-
single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs)22,23, have recently emerged, band (E11) exciton–polaritons in the near-infrared range and the
providing a platform for studying strong coupling physics under second interband (E22) exciton–polaritons in the visible range.
extreme quantum confinement. In particular, one-dimensional Continuous mapping of the polariton dispersion surfaces revealed
(1D) excitons in SWCNTs have enormous oscillator strengths, four EPs, or two pairs of EPs, symmetrically located with respect to
revealing giant VRS in devices containing a film of randomly ori- the origin in momentum space, details of which are describable by a
ented single-chirality SWCNTs22. model based on quantum Langevin equations. We found two equie-
However, the VRS value in a given exciton–polariton system is nergy arcs bounded by each pair of the EPs, and the upper and lower
typically a single constant. One particular class of phenomena that polariton branches coalesce onto the arcs. Furthermore, the VRS
tunable coupling strength allows one to study is the physics of excep- exhibited cooperative enhancement, proportional to the square root

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA. 2Department of Materials Engineering Science, Osaka University,

Toyonaka, Japan. 3PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Saitama, Japan. 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, Houston,
TX, USA. 5Department of Materials Science and NanoEngineering, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA. *e-mail:

362 Nature Photonics | VOL 12 | JUNE 2018 | 362–367 |

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of the film thickness, quantitative analysis of which determined the more details on the preparation and characterization of aligned
E11 exciton oscillator strength and dipole moment. SWCNT films.
Figure 1g shows the basic structure of our aligned SWCNT
Aligned (6,5) SWCNT microcavity exciton–polariton microcavity exciton–polariton devices, embedding an aligned (6,5)
devices film with thickness d into a Fabry–Pérot cavity. See Methods for
We utilized the aqueous two-phase extraction method33 to prepare details on the fabrication procedure. To ensure the strongest pos-
a large-volume high-concentration (6,5)-enriched suspension (Fig. sible light–matter interaction, the SWCNT film was positioned
1a). The suspension was poured into a vacuum filtration system to at the maximum vacuum electric-field position in the cavity. For
produce a uniform, optically thick SWCNT film on a polycarbonate polariton devices designed to work in the E11 region, the SWCNT
filter membrane (Fig. 1b). Through precise control over the filtra- film was placed in the middle of the cavity to coincide with the field
tion process31, we produced a (6,5)-enriched film that was densely maximum of the fundamental cavity mode (Fig. 1h). For devices
packed and macroscopically aligned (Fig. 1c), with an angle stan- optimized for the E22 region (Fig. 1i), to have a better reflectivity,
dard deviation of 6.8° in an ~1 cm2 area (Fig. 1d). Figure 1e shows we used aluminium mirrors instead of gold mirrors. Furthermore,
polarized Raman spectra for the produced aligned (6,5) film, taken as it was difficult to precisely control the poly(methylmethacrylate)
with an excitation wavelength of 532 nm, displaying a large dif- (PMMA) layer thickness when it was thinner than 100 nm, we uti-
ference in the two polarization configurations. Figure 1f shows lized the second-order photonic mode of the cavity; the SWCNT
absorption spectra, exhibiting strong polarization dependence. See film position inside the cavity was close to the field maximum posi-
Methods, Supplementary Section 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1 for tion, as shown in Fig. 1i. We used a Fabry–Pérot cavity with metallic

a b c
Filter membrane

CNT film

200 nm

d e f E11(6,5)
1.0 Parallel
40 2.5
σ = 6.8° IVV Perpendicular
Absorption coefficient

IHH 2.0 E22(6,5)
Intensity (a.u.)

(105 cm–1)


1.5 PSB
0.4 1.0 E22(9,1) PSB
10 0.2 0.5

0 0.0 0.0
–20 –10 0 10 20 1,400 1,600 1,800 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
Angle (°) Raman shift (cm–1) Energy (eV)

g h ħωcav ~ E11 i ħωcav ~ E22

Electric field
Electric field









Position Position

Fig. 1 | Characterization of macroscopically aligned (6,5) SWCNTs and fabrication of SWCNT microcavity exciton–polariton devices. a, Large-volume
high-concentration aqueous suspension of (6,5) nanotubes prepared using the aqueous two-phase extraction method. b, Wafer-scale optically thick
aligned (6,5) film on a filter membrane prepared by vacuum filtration. c, A scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of a transferred aligned (6,5) film,
showing the densely packed alignment structure. d, Angular distribution of (6,5) SWCNTs in an area of ~1 cm2 with an angle standard deviation of 6.8°,
determined by SEM analysis. The yellow arrow indicates the alignment direction. e, Raman spectra for a 12-nm-thick aligned (6,5) SWCNT film for two
configurations. In the VV (HH) configuration, both the incident and scattered beams are polarized parallel (perpendicular) to the nanotube alignment
direction. I represents the intensity of the Raman spectra. f, Polarization-dependent absorption spectra for the same (6,5) film, showing the first and
second interband exciton peaks, E11 and E22. Several weak absorption peaks are due to the E11 and E22 of residual (9,1) SWCNTs and the phonon sidebands
(PSB) of (6,5) SWCNTs. g, Schematic of the fabricated aligned SWCNT exciton–polariton devices with film thickness d. h,i, Electric-field distribution inside
the cavities optimized for the E11 (h) and E22 (i) regions with gold and aluminium mirrors, respectively.

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mirrors (as opposed to Bragg mirrors) primarily for simpler fabrica- perpendicular (ϕ =​ 90°) polarizations, respectively. All spectra were
tion, but its small mode volume was beneficial for the observation normalized by the peak transmittance value. A prominent VRS of
of large VRS. 135 ±​ 9 meV is seen in the dispersion along ky (left); no splitting is
observed in the dispersion along kx (right). These behaviours are
Angle-resolved transmission measurements well reproduced by our simulations based on the transfer-matrix
By changing the incidence angle (θ in Fig. 2a), we tuned the reso- method; see Fig. 2d. Similarly, in the spectral region of E22, a VRS
nance frequency of the Fabry–Pérot cavity to resonate with the E11 of 170 ±​ 10 meV is observed along the ky direction (ϕ =​ 0°) while no
or E22 of the (6,5) SWCNTs. Furthermore, adjustment of the angle splitting exists along kx (ϕ =​ 90°; see Fig. 2e). Again, the experimen-
between the incident light polarization direction and the SWCNT tal curves are well reproduced by our simulations, as shown in Fig.
alignment direction (ϕ in Fig. 2a) provided a convenient knob 2f. See Supplementary Sections 2 and 3 and Supplementary Figs.
to probe the directional variation of the strength of light–mat- 2–10 for a detailed description of the theoretical methods we used,
ter coupling. The angle θ has a one-to-one correspondence with as well as for additional experimental and simulation results.
the in-plane wave vector k||, so the θ dependence of transmission
peaks can be converted into ky or kx dependence for ϕ =​ 0° or 90°, Continuously tunable light–matter coupling strength
respectively, to map out polariton dispersions. Both θ and ϕ were Furthermore, we can select any value of ħΩR between zero and its
continuously adjustable, as schematically shown in Fig. 2b. The maximum value, on demand, by setting the polarization angle ϕ.
incident light polarization was kept vertical, which corresponded This is due to the mixing of the parallel and perpendicular polariza-
to s-polarization with respect to the SWCNT film surface. Rotating tions in the anisotropic SWCNT layer at finite θ; see Supplementary
the sample around the vertical direction tuned the angle θ, while Section 4 and Supplementary Fig. 11 for a detailed theoretical
rotating it around the surface normal varied the angle ϕ. The inci- description of the origin of ϕ-dependent VRS. Figure 3a shows a
dent beam size was 2 mm2, and the transmitted light was collected series of transmittance spectra in the E11 range for the 8-nm-thick
and analysed with spectrometers equipped with InGaAs and silicon sample at zero detuning (θ ~ 39°) for various values of ϕ from 0°
detectors, respectively, for recording transmission spectra in the E11 (parallel) to 90° (perpendicular). Each spectrum was multiplied
and E22 ranges. by a certain value so that the different spectra can be displayed
Figure 2c shows in-plane dispersion relations along ky (left) and on the same scale. A clear transition from strong coupling (par-
kx (right), obtained from transmittance spectra in the E11 region for allel) to weak coupling (perpendicular) is seen. Figure 3b shows
a sample with d =​ 8 nm at various values of θ for parallel (ϕ =​  0°) and the extracted ħΩR value for E11 as a function of ϕ, quantitatively

a b
z ϕ Gr
E at
θ ing

d ϕ E Detector
θ array

c d = 8 nm
e d = 8 nm

E11, experiment 2.4 E22, experiment

1.4 ϕ = 0° ϕ = 90° ϕ = 0° ϕ = 90°
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)

1.2 ħΩR ħΩR

d f
E11, simulation 2.4 E22, simulation
1.4 ϕ = 0° ϕ = 90° ϕ = 0° ϕ = 90°
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)

CM E11 2.2 CM E22



4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8
0 1
6 –1 6 –1 6 –1 6 –1
ky (10 m ) kx (10 m ) ky (10 m ) kx (10 m )

Fig. 2 | Anisotropic dispersions of microcavity exciton–polaritons in the E11 and E22 regions. a, The two angles that are continuously scanned in the
present experiments—the incident angle θ and the polarization angle ϕ. The latter is the angle between the SWCNT alignment direction (x axis) and the
incident light polarization direction. b, Schematic of the experimental angle-resolved transmittance measurement setup. c, Anisotropic dispersions of
microcavity exciton–polaritons in the E11 region for ϕ =​ 0° and ϕ =​ 90°. A clear VRS is observed at ϕ =​ 0°, while a photon dispersion with no splitting is
observed at ϕ =​ 90°. d, Corresponding simulated anisotropic dispersions in the E11 region. e,f, Anisotropic dispersions of microcavity exciton–polaritons in
the E22 region for ϕ =​ 0° and ϕ =​ 90° (e) and the corresponding simulated anisotropic dispersions (f). All transmittance spectra were normalized by the
peak transmittance value. Dashed yellow lines indicate the extracted cavity mode (CM) and the E11 and E22 exciton dispersions.

364 Nature Photonics | VOL 12 | JUNE 2018 | 362–367 |

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Nature Photonics Articles
a d = 8 nm, θ ~ 39° c d = 24 nm, θ ~ 46° e
10 10
1.3 UP

Energy (eV)
70° 1.2
8 8

60° 1.1
Transmittance (a.u.)

Transmittance (a.u.)
5 LP 5
6 50° 6 0 0
ky ( 6
10 –5 –5 )–1
0 m
m –1
) k x (1

4 4 f g
ϕ = 90° ϕ = 0°
4 1.40
ϕ = 90°

kx (106 m–1)

Energy (eV)
EPs ϕ = 0° 1.30
2 2 0
10° 1.20
ħΩR –4
ϕ = 0° 1.10
0 0 –4 0 4 0 2 4 6
1.0 1.2 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
ky (106 m–1) kx or ky (106 m–1)
Energy (eV) Energy (eV)

b d h ϕ (°) i ϕ (°)
90 60 40 20 0 90 60 40 20 0
200 0.10
Re (ħω± – ħω0) (eV)

120 120 Simulation 65

Im (ħω±) (meV)
160 0.05
2ħg (meV)

ħΩR (meV)
ħΩR (meV)

80 80 0.00
40 40 –0.05
Weak coupling 80 50
0 0 –0.10
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
ϕ (°) ϕ (°) ħg (meV) ħg (meV)

Fig. 3 | Dispersions of SWCNT microcavity exciton–polaritons showing a continuous transition from the weak coupling to strong coupling regime
with EPs. a, Experimental transmittance spectra at zero detuning (θ ~ 39°) for various polarization angles ϕ from 0° to 90° for a device working in the
E11 region using an aligned (6,5) SWCNT film with d =​ 8 nm. b, The VRS (ħΩR) and the extracted coupling strength (2ħg) for the device in a as a function
of polarization angle ϕ. The value of ħΩR is continuously tuned from strong to weak coupling. c, Experimental transmittance spectra at zero detuning
(θ ~ 46°) for varying polarization angle ϕ from 0° to 90° for a device working in the E11 region using an aligned (6,5) SWCNT film with d =​ 24 nm. d,
The VRS (ħΩR) for the device in c as a function of polarization angle ϕ. Each transmittance spectrum has been normalized by the respective peak
transmittance value. The values of ħΩR are larger than those in b due to the increased film thickness. The simulated values of ħΩR show excellent
agreement with the experimental results. Horizontal and vertical error bars in b and d are due to the uncertainty of determining polarization angle ϕ and
transmittance peak positions, respectively. e, Dispersion surfaces of the upper polartion (UP) and lower polartion (LP) (coloured surfaces) for the device
in a. f, The equienergy contour at the exciton transition energy. g, Dispersions at ϕ =​ 0° (solid lines) and ϕ =​ 90° (dashed lines), showing anticrossing
(red line is UP and blue line is LP) and crossing (red line is cavity mode and blue line is exciton mode), respectively. h,i, The real (h) and imaginary (i)
parts of eigenfrequencies as a function of ħg.

demonstrating this transition. In the shaded area, the splitting is The transmittance spectra taken at continuously adjusted
smaller than the linewidth, and thus, no splitting was observed. values of ϕ and θ enabled us to map out the full anisotropic dis-
The value of VRS for the parallel case is ħΩR,|| =​  135  ±​ 9 meV, cor- persion surfaces of the SWCNT exciton–polaritons. We used
responding to ΩR,|| / (2ω11) =​  5.5%, where ħω11 is the photon energy quantum Langevin equations to derive an expression to fit experi-
of the E11 exciton. mental transmittance spectra, with ϕ-independent κ and γ and
The value of 2g (and thus ΩR) can be increased by increasing ϕ-dependent g as adjustable parameters. We then determined these
the SWCNT film thickness, d. We demonstrated this by employ- parameters by fitting each spectrum shown in Fig. 3a for different
ing a recently developed technique of stacking multiple aligned ϕ; the value of 2ħg using the obtained g(ϕ) is plotted against ϕ in
films32. We stacked three layers of aligned (6,5) films, achieving Fig. 3b. The values of VRS (ħΩR) are very close to the values of the
d =​ 24 nm, and incorporated the stacked film at the centre of the coupling strength (2ħg) in the strong coupling regime, as expected.
cavity. Figure 3c shows transmittance spectra for this sample at They start deviating from each other in the transition region from
zero detuning for various values of ϕ from 0° to 90°. At ϕ =​  0° (par- strong coupling to weak coupling. When ϕ >​  40°, ħΩR is zero even
allel), ħΩR =​  191  ±​ 8 meV, corresponding to ΩR,|| / (2ω11) =​  7.7%. though 2ħg remains finite.
This value monotonically decreases to 60  ±​ 8 meV (or
ΩR,|| / (2ω11) =​  2.4%) at ϕ =​ 90°, as shown in Fig. 3d. Our transfer- Existence of EPs in the polariton dispersions
matrix-based simulation values, also plotted in in Fig. 3d, agree With the obtained values of κ, γ and g, we calculated the real and
with the experimental values well. imaginary parts of the eigenfrequencies (ω±) using the following

Nature Photonics | VOL 12 | JUNE 2018 | 362–367 | 365

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a b tra for the three samples with d =​ 8 nm, 24 nm and 64 nm for parallel
3.0 ħΩR = 329 ± 5
64 nm 300 Experiment (ϕ =​ 0°) polarization at zero detuning. The VRS increases mono-
Transmittance (a.u.)

meV * Linear fitting
tonically with the film thickness. The VRS for the 64 nm sample is

ħΩR,ǁ (meV)
2.0 200 ħΩR,|| =​  329  ±​ 5 meV, corresponding to ΩR,|| / (2ω11) =​  13.3%, which
is the highest value ever reported for microcavity exciton–polari-
1.0 100 tons based on Wannier excitons. A similar value has been reported
for ultrastrongly coupled Frenkel excitons36. The small feature at the
0.0 8 nm 0 high energy end is due to the coupling of cavity photons with the
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 0 2 4 6 8 E11 excitons of residual (9,1) nanotubes as well as the E11 phonon
Energy (eV) d 1/2 (nm1/2) sideband of (6,5) tubes.
Figure 4b summarizes the thickness dependence of ħΩR,|| with a
Fig. 4 | Evidence for collective ultrastrong light–matter coupling in aligned linear fit, evidencing the N scaling expected for cooperative ultra-
(6,5) films and determination of the E11 exciton oscillator strength and strong coupling34,35. This fit can be compared to:
dipole moment. a, Experimental transmittance spectra for ϕ =​ 0° at zero
detuning for microcavity exciton–polariton devices containing aligned
SWCNT films of different thicknesses. Each spectrum has been normalized
e 2fex NCd
ℏΩ R, ∥ = 2ℏ × (2)
2 2
by the respective peak transmittance value. The device containing a 2nc ϵ 0me Leff 3 ∕ 2 × DCNT
64-nm-thick aligned SWCNT film demonstrates the largest VRS of
329 ±​ 5 meV, the highest value for a Wannier exciton-based microcavity where NC (=​ 88 nm−1) is the number of carbon atoms per nanometre
exciton–polariton. The dips indicated by * and ∧​are due to the coupling in a (6,5) nanotube, nc (=​ 1.483) is the refractive index of the cavity,
between cavity photons and residual (9,1) SWCNTs, and the coupling ϵ 0 is the vacuum permittivity, me is the electron mass in vacuum,
between cavity photons and the PSB of (6,5) SWCNTs, respectively. b, Leff (=​ 300 nm) is the effective cavity length and DCNT (=​ 1.07 nm)
VRS at ϕ =​ 0° versus the square root of the film thickness, demonstrating is the intertube distance between (6,5) nanotubes. As a result, we
the N -fold enhancement of collective light–matter coupling. Vertical obtain the oscillator strength fex =​ 0.005 per carbon atom, and the
error bars are due to the uncertainty of determining transmittance peak corresponding transition electric dipole moment pC =​ 0.6 Debye per
positions at zero detuning. carbon atom (or 11 Debye per unit cell). See Supplementary Section
6 for more details on the calculations.

equation, which was obtained by solving the characteristic equation Conclusions

of the quantum Langevin equations: These unusually anisotropic SWCNT-based polaritons in the ultra-
strong coupling regime can lead to further novel phenomena and
devices, including room-temperature polariton condensation and 1D
1 i(γ + κ ) laser diodes. It should be also noted that the VRS is comparable to the
ω±(θ , ϕ) = (ω11 + ωcav (θ )) −
2 4 exciton binding energy, a regime that has only recently been achieved
(1) using a traditional GaAs quantum well-based microcavity exciton–
 (κ −γ ) (ω11−ωcav (θ ))  2
± g (ϕ)2 + i +  polaritons37. The complete and continuous control over the coupling
 4 2  strength addressed, from weak coupling through strong coupling to
ultrastrong coupling, can be utilized for investigating fundamental
where ħωcav is the photon energy of the cavity resonance. The in- non-Hermitian and topological exciton physics38,39 and storing and
plane wave vector k|| =​  (kx, ky) has one-to-one correspondence with processing quantum information. Finally, the achievement of ultra-
(θ, ϕ). Therefore, we were able to obtain the real part of the eigen- strong coupling in the near-infrared and visible range is a significant
frequencies as a function of (kx, ky) for the upper polariton and the advantage, because sensitive quantum optical methods in the tera-
lower polariton, as shown in Fig. 3e for the 8-nm-thick device. See hertz and mid-infrared are becoming available only recently40–42.
Supplementary Section 5 and Supplementary Fig. 12 for a detailed
description of quantum Langevin equations, the extraction of eigen- Methods
frequencies and a plot of full dispersion surfaces. Methods, including statements of data availability and any asso-
There are four EPs, or two pairs of EPs, symmetrically located ciated accession codes and references, are available at https://doi.
with respect to the origin in momentum space. The points bounded org/10.1038/s41566-018-0157-9.
by each pair of the EPs form two equienergy arcs (see Fig. 3f), onto
which the upper and lower polariton branches coalesce. Sweeping ϕ Received: 25 September 2017; Accepted: 14 March 2018;
leads to a continuous transition between crossing and anticrossing; Published online: 30 April 2018
Fig. 3g shows two dispersions at ϕ =​ 0° (anticrossing) and ϕ =​  90°
(crossing). Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 3h,i, we can clearly
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Nature Photonics | VOL 12 | JUNE 2018 | 362–367 | 367

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Articles Nature Photonics

Methods aligned (6,5) SWCNT film was first transferred onto a SiO2/Si substrate by
(6,5) chirality-enriched aligned nanotube film preparation. Preparation of dissolving the polycarbonate filter membrane, following a wet transfer technique31.
a (6,5) SWCNT suspension was carried out following previous reports on the A thin PMMA layer was spin-coated onto the transferred SWCNT film. The spin
aqueous two-phase extraction method33. The prepared suspension still contained speed and duration were adjusted to make the second PMMA layer have either
polymers and several different surfactants. To have good alignment quality in the same or different thickness compared with the first layer, to fabricate polariton
the final film form, it was crucial to clean and exchange surfactants through devices optimized for the E11 or E22 region. The SiO2/Si substrate was then etched
ultrafiltration to obtain a monosurfactant aqueous suspension. In addition, the away by a potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution, and the PMMA-coated (6,5) film
exchanged surfactant concentration had to be kept lower than the critical micelle floated on the etchant. The floating film was washed in deionized water several
concentration, which is a necessary condition for spontaneous alignment of times before it was transferred onto the device, and afterwards, the device was
SWCNTs to occur during vacuum filtration31. Furthermore, thin aligned films were baked again at 170 °C for 5 min. Finally, another gold (aluminium) layer of the
combined to form a thicker film by manually transferring several pieces onto a same thickness as the first layer was deposited using a DC sputterer (electron beam
substrate one by one, while keeping the alignment direction32. evaporator).

Device fabrication. A gold (aluminium) mirror was deposited onto a glass slide Data availability. The data that support the plots within this paper and
using a DC sputterer (electron beam evaporator), followed by spinning PMMA other findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon
on top of it. The whole device was then baked at 170 °C for 5 min. The produced reasonable request.

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