Sfs Holiday Homework Class 8th 2020

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Dear Students,
Vacations are the most attractive and desirable part of school life! It’s time
again for a fun filled and relaxing summer break. However, during the scorching
summer month, when you are locked up inside your homes, time must be spent
meaningfully and interestingly. Keeping this in view, we have assigned Holiday
Homework for you so that you remain connected with your studies. Also have
lots of fun by pursuing your hobbies and enjoying yourselves with the family. As
per further orders, the school will be ready to welcome you back all rejuvenated
and invigorated.

Dr Neeru Suman
Q1) Complete the following story in about 100-150 words. Give a suitable title to the same.

"Benda lived in the wilds of the Abujh Maad area of central India. His village consisted of
three huts deep in the wilds. Not even birds or stray dogs that usually crowd villages could
be seen in these areas. One day, wearing a small loin cloth and armed with his axe he slowly
started surveying the forest where his tribe practiced a primitive form of agriculture called
shifting cultivation....."

Q2) Write a diary entry every week describing the events you experience during the
'Pandemic Days'. A narrative of 150-200 words has to be written every week in which you
have to recount the events taking place in the world. It would be interesting to know how
you perceive the existing moments, foresee the ensuing days in times of stress and what
ideas you have put to use in order to combat the boredom and distress that accompanies the

Q3) Consider the cartoon given in the question and answer the following questions:

1) What does the cartoon convey? Explain in your own words.

2) What does the shape of clocks symbolize?
3) Who are the people shown in the picture? What dilemma are they facing?
4) The Cartoon signifies the backdrop of which situation?
5) Write the message of the cartoon in your own words

NOTE: - 1. Holiday homework must be handwritten or typed. If typed, make sure you have a
soft copy of the same.
2. Complete all pending work in your notebook.
Q.1 Name any two natural polymers: ______________ , ______________.

Q.2 Name any two synthetic polymers: ______________ , ______________.

Q.3 Name the plastic used for making water pipes: ___________________.

Q.4 Name any two polyester fibers: ______________, _______________.

Q.5 Name the plastic which is used for Non-stick coating: _____________.

Q.6 Why is it not advisable to wear clothes made up of synthetic fibers while working
near fire?


Q.7 What do you mean by 4-R Principle?



Q.8 Differentiate between Biodegradable & Non-Biodegradable substances
Q.9 Explain why storage of Acrylic needs no special care unlike woollen clothes.




Q.10 Give reasons:

a) Cooking pans have plastic handles.

b) Electric wires have a plastic covering.



c) Melamine is used to make crockery.



d) Plastics are used in cars, aircrafts and space crafts.


e) Special plastic cookware is used in microwave ovens.



Q.11 Complete the following:

a) Poly + ethene = ________________

b) Polyester + cotton = _______________

c) Polyester + wool = ________________

d) Terylene + cotton = ________________

Make a project on two diseases which are communicable and two diseases that are non-
communicable in nature. Briefly explaining the causes, symptoms, preventive measures and
cure. Also paste pictures for the same.


1. In summer days, run a plastic comb through your hair a number of times. Take it close
to a thin stream of water coming out through a tap. The comb will attract the stream of
water and the stream will bend towards the comb. What kind of force is it?

2. Do you know your weight? If you do not, find your weight in kilograms using a
weighing machine. Multiply your weight in kilograms by 9.8 to convert it into newton.
Find the area of your foot (in metre square) by drawing its outline on a graph paper.
Using the formula, pressure = force/area, calculate the pressure you exert on the
ground while standing on one foot and on two feet.

3. What role does friction play in the sport of your choice? Make a list with explanation
of few cases of that sport in action where friction is either supporting it or opposing it.
From Trade to Territory

1. After the British conquest of Bengal, Calcutta grew from a small village to a big city. Find
out about the culture, architecture and the life of Europeans and Indians of the city during the
colonial period. Paste pictures wherever necessary.

2. Read about some important figures of the colonial period such as:
Rani of Jhansi, Haidar Ali, Tipu Sultan, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Lord Dalhousie or any other
contemporary ruler of your region.
Collect pictures, stories, poems and information about any one of the following who resonates
with you and inspires you the most.

Note: Do on A4 size sheets and keep it short (4-5 pages).

The Indian Constitution

1. Create a Constitution for your class/school and/or a list of Rights of each Student. You may
brainstorm and discuss with your friends about the kind of rules and regulations that you would
like to establish for each student as well as the school to maintain order and fairness. You may
decide on various aspects like how the monitor should be selected, duties of a monitor and
student, ensuring equality and fairness, rules to avoid bullying etc.

2. Create a preamble for your Constitution.

(It may begin with something like: We the Students...)

Note: Do on A4 size sheets and keep it short (2-3 pages).


In chapter 1, we read about Resource Conservation. Prepare a report and suggest some
measures that can minimize the resource depletion at the community level.

Note: Use A4 size sheet to write your report.


1. What is the square of 6.01?
2. Find the square roots of 121 and 169 by the method of repeated subtraction.
3. Evaluate √0.09
4. Evaluate √2.5 × √1.6
5. What will be the unit digit of the square of 2198117?
6. How many non square numbers will be there between the squares of 17 and 18?
7. If 𝑥 = 64, what are the possible values of 𝑥.
8. Express 36 as a sum of successive odd natural numbers.
9. Using distributive law find the square of 97.
10. Write a Pythagorean triplet whose one of the members is 99.

11. Express 289 as the sum of two consecutive integers.
12. Find the smallest number by which 4851 must be multiplied so that the product
becomes a perfect square.
13. Find the smallest number by which 28812 must be divided so that the quotient
becomes a perfect square.
14. Find the greatest number of 5 digits which is a perfect square.
15. Find the smallest perfect square divisible by 3, 4, 5 and 6.
16. Find the value of:
(i) √80/√405



(iv) √72 × √338

(v) √45 × √20
17. Find the square root of the following using prime factorization.
i. 9
ii. 17
iii. 1.96
iv. 0.0064
18. Find the least number that must be added to 1500 so as to get a perfect square. Also
find the square root of the perfect square.
19. Find the square root of the following using long division method:
a) 84.8241
b) 0.7225
20. Use the identity and find the square of 189?
(a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
21. A welfare association collected Rs 202500 as donation from the residents. If each
paid as many rupees as there were residents, find the number of residents.

22. The area of a square field is 80 square metres. Find the length of each side of the
23. Find three positive numbers which are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5, the sum of whose squares
is 950.
24. Find the least number of 4 digits which is a perfect square.
25. Evaluate


ii. ×2 × 0.25

iii. 248 + 52 + √144


26. Evaluate √50625 and hence find the value of √506.25 + √5.0625
27. Give that: √7 = 2.646, √3 = 1.732, evaluate each of the following:



28. The area of a rectangular field whose length is twice its breadth is 2450𝑚 . Find the
perimeter of the field.
29. Rahul walks 12m north from his house and turns west to walk 35m to reach his
friend’s house. While returning, he walks diagonally from his friend’s house to reach
back to his house. What distance did he walk while returning?
30. A 5.5m long ladder is leaned against a wall. The ladder reaches the wall to a height of
4.4m. Find the distance between the wall and the foot of the ladder.

1. Find the cube of 3.5.
2. If the digit in one’s place of a number is 3, then the last digit of its cube will be __.
3. Is the cube of 132651 an even number? Why?
4. Write cubes of first three multiples of 3.
5. Find the units digit of the cube root of the following numbers:

(i) 226981

(ii) 13824

(iii) 571787

(iv) 175616

6. What is the smallest number by which 288 must be multiplied so the product is a
perfect cube?
7. Find the smallest number by which 128 must be divided to obtain a perfect cube.
8. Find the cube of .

9. Is 0.01 a perfect cube?

10. Simplify: 5−

11. Find the sides of a cubical box whose volume is 64 cm3.
12. Find the cube root of 17576 through estimation.

13. What is the cube root of -64/243?

14. Find the cube root of the following numbers:

(i) 8 × 125

(ii) −1728 × 216

(iii) −27 × 2744

(iv) − 729 × −15625

15. Find the cube root of each of the following rational numbers

(i) 0.001728

(ii) 0.003375

(iii) 0.001

(iv) 1.331

16. Show that if a number is doubled, then it cube becomes eight times the cube of the
given number.

17. Evaluate: √𝑎 × √𝑎 × √𝑏 𝑐 × √𝑐 𝑏

18. Find the value of : =

19. . By which smallest number should 42592 be divided so that the quotient is a perfect
cube? Also, find the cube root of the number thus obtained.
20. A metallic cuboid measuring 0.75m x 0.2m x 0.18m is melted to form a cube. Find
the length of the edge of the cube.
21. Evaluate:

22. Evaluate the following:

(i) {(52 + 122)1/2}3

(ii) {(62 + 82)1/2}3
23. Evaluate : √27 + √0.008 + √0.064

24. Find the side of a cube whose volume is 24389/216 m3.

25. Evaluate each of the following:

26. Three numbers are in the ratio 1:2:3 and the sum of their cubes is 4500. Find the

27. Find the volume of a cube, one face of which has an area of 64m2.
28. The volume of a cubical box is 474.552 cubic meters. Find the length of each side of
the box.

29. Difference of two perfect cubes is 189. If the cube root of the smaller of the two
numbers is 3, find the cube root of the larger number.
. .
30. + +1
. .


न1- लाख कैसे बनता है ? लाख क व तओ

ु ं का नमाण भारत के कन- कन रा य म होता है ?
न2- लाख से चू ड़य के अ त र त बनने वाल व तुओं के च चपकाकर, कसी भी एक
व तु के बनने क या ल खए।
न3 मशीनीकरण के कारण िजन लघु उ योग का अंत हुआ है , उनक सूची बनाइए।
न4- पाँच यं यकार के च चपकाकर, कसी एक यं यकार का जीवन प रचय
ल खए।

Crée une Bande dessinée sur notre vie avec Covid-19.

(Draw a comicstrip on our life with covid-19“.The depiction should be humorous.Work to

be done on A-4 size sheets)


Zeichne einen Comicstrip über “covid 19 in unserem Leben”. Die Darstellung muss
humorvoll sein.

(Draw a comicstrip on “Our life with covid-19”.The depiction should be humorous.Work to

be done on A-4 size sheets)

सं ृत

1.सं ृ त की पीपीटी म जो भी काय आपको अभी तक िमला है , उस काय को याद कीिजए।

2. सं ृ त की िकताब से या पीपीटी से एक ए4 साईज की शीट पर या कॉपी म च गु ायः

की िहं दी म िच ा क कथा िलखकर िच बनाइए।


Ques. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation depicting the impacts of COVID 19 on the

livelihood of people.

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