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• By: Ekisa Gabriel, PT

• Email:
What will be covered.
• What is Ergonomics
• Ergonomic Statistics
• The benefits of an Ergonomic program
• Ergonomic related injuries and their causes
• Identifying Ergonomic Risk Factors
• Office Ergonomics
• Control Strategies to minimize risk
• What you can do to prevent injury

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But First, Let’s Stretch!

But First, Let’s Stretch!

What is ergonomics?
• From Greek words “ergon” (work) and
“nomos” (law), or…
• Ergonomics Ergonomics is the science
and practice of designing jobs and
workplaces to match the capabilities
and limitations of the human body.
• Ergonomics means “fitting the job to
the worker”
• Not limited to computer use!
What is Ergonomics?
• Ergonomic principles are used to improve the
“fit” between the worker and the workplace.
• A practical approach to Ergonomics considers
the match between the person, the
equipment they use the work processes and
the work environment.
• A persons capabilities, physical attributes and
work habits must be recognized to improve
ergonomic factors in the workplace.

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It’s not just computers, but…

It’s not just computers…

Ergonomic Statistics
• 90% of all office workers use personal
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome comprises 13% of all
workplace injuries.
• Women outnumber men 3:1 sustaining Carpal
Tunnel Syndrome.
• WMSD’s account for $20 billion in direct costs
each year and $100 billion in indirect costs.

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Benefits of ergonomics

• Decreased injuries, illnesses, and workers’

compensation costs.
• Increased efficiency at work.
• Increased physical well being.
• Decreased absenteeism and turnover.
• Increase in employee morale.

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What are Work-related Musculo-Skeletal Disorders (WMSDs)?

• WMSDs are also known as:

– Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs)
– Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs)
– Overuse injuries

• They are soft tissue injuries

which occur gradually
WMSDs are occupational dis
orders of the soft tissues:
• muscles
• tendons
• ligaments
• joints
• blood vessels
• nerves
Common types of MSD’s

• Tendonitis
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Tennis Elbow
• Neck and Back injuries(~85% of people at one
• Strains/Sprains
• Bursitis
• Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
• Trigger finger
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Risk factors and causes of MSD’s
• Repetition
• Force
• Awkward Posture
• Static Posture
• Contact Stress
• Temperature Extremes
• Vibration
• Psycho Social

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Identifying Risk Factors
• Conditions or circumstances that increase the
chances of developing a MSD.
• The likelihood of developing an injury is
dependent on the frequency and duration of
exposure to risk factors.
• Both occupational and personal risk factors
can affect an individuals well being at home or

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• Occurs when the same or similar movements
are performed frequently.
• Repetition can also occur when different tasks
are performed if those tasks have the same
• Injury may result from repetition when the
tissues do not have adequate time to recover.

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• Force is the amount of physical effort required
by a person to do a task or maintain control of
tools or equipment.
• A pinch grip produces 3-5 times more force on
the tendons in the wrist than a grip with the
whole hand.
• With excessive force the muscles are
contracting much harder than normal, this can
lead to stress on the muscles, tendons and
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Awkward Posture

• Is a deviation from the “neutral” body

• A “neutral” body position is safest and most
efficient position in which to work.
• Awkward posture puts stress on muscles,
tendons and joints.
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Neutral Posture –
The opposite of awkward posture

Standing neutral posture Seated neutral posture

Awkward postures happen
when the work is:
Too high

Too low

Too far away

Static Posture
• Static posture occurs when one position is
held for a prolonged period of time.
• The muscles will become fatigued from a lack
of blood flow during a static posture.
• This fatigue can lead to discomfort and even

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Contact Stress
• Contact stress is caused by any sharp or hard
object putting localized pressure on a part of
the body.
• Contact stress will irritate local tissues and
interfere with circulation and nerve function.

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Temperature Extremes

 Environmental conditions such

as extreme heat or cold can
place stress on tissues.
 Extreme cold constricts blood
vessels and reduces sensitivity
and coordination of body parts.
 Excessive heat can result in
increased fatigue and heat
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• Exposure to vibration can occur

while using power tools or while
driving equipment.
• Vibration from power tools can
place stress on the tissues of the
fingers, hand and arms.
• Whole body vibration from driving
puts stress on the spinal tissues.
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Moderate vibration High vibration
Reducing vibration
• Use low vibration
tools if available

• Maintain tools

• Use anti-vibration
gloves or tool
Psycho-social Issues
• Stress, boredom, job dissatisfaction and
anxiety can contribute to the possibility of
developing a MSD.
• Psycho-social issues can create increased
muscle tension and reduce a person’s
awareness of work technique.

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Office Ergonomics
• By applying ergonomic principles to the office
setting, risk factors are minimized,
productivity is increased, and overall
workplace quality is improved.
• The workstation must be adjusted to promote
a neutral position while a person works.
• When adjusting a workstation, keep in mind
that all of the equipment interacts. Making
one adjustment may alter another.
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Adjusting the Workstation
• Adjust the Chair.

• Adjust reach requirements.

• Adjust focal requirements.

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Correct the Environment
• Check lighting, noise and temperature.

• Check work pace and stress levels.

• Check work processes.

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Improve Posture and Habits
• Modify wrist/hand motions

• Improve neck and back postures

• Consider personal preferences

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A Word or Two about Backs
• Remember what we said about 85% of the
population reporting back pain?
• There are many causes; some preventable,
some not
• There are things you can
• do to prevent or limit
• back problems
Proper Lifting Techniques
• Carrying
– Carry in the “Power Zone”
– Redesign process to limit/eliminate need to carry
– Reduce bulk/weight of materials to be carried
– Reduce distance
• Pushing/Pulling
– Know the route
– Push rather than pull
– Minimize weight
– Stay close to load, bend knees
– Adjustable handles to keep grip within Power
– Ensure good visibility
– Avoid twisting/turning
Administrative Controls
• Training workers in work methods.

• Varying or rotating work tasks.

• Limiting extended work hours.

• Providing mini-breaks.

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Personal Protective Equipment
• PPE acts as a barrier between a person and a
• PPE is only appropriate in situations when
engineering or administrative controls cannot
be implemented.
• Back belts and other braces are not
considered PPE. These devices should not be
used in place of incorrect work techniques.

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What you can do to prevent injury.
• Develop an Ergonomics program.
• Take proper breaks.
• Health and Fitness.
• Be aware of your hobbies away from work.

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What are some of the symptoms of WMSDs?

• Discomfort  Burning

• Pain  Swelling

 Change in color
• Numbness
 Tightness, loss of flexi
• Tingling bility
Recognize and report symptoms
Report symptoms if:
– Pain is persistent, severe or worsening

– Pain radiates

– Symptoms include numbness or tingling

– Symptoms keep you from sleeping at night

Why is it important to report
• Minor injuries can easily become chronic
injuries and can sometimes lead to
disability, even surgery

• Early treatment is more successful

When Ergonomics are improved in the
• We work smarter, not harder.
• Quality, comfort and safety make us more
productive and happy people.
• Stay Healthy and Safe, Take action!!!

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Five key points to remember
1. Ergonomics can help you on your job
2. WMSDs can happen in jobs with risk
3. Risk factors can be reduced and WMSDs
4. Reporting symptoms early is important
5. You can help your company put
ergonomics changes into place
Questions? Thank you!!

Thank you!

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