The Missing Stuffed Toy

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English Pt

By : Angelina

The missing stuffed toy

Stuffed toy
Jane(Jasmin’s mom)
12 years old
white fur
Very cute
13 years old
45 years old
Max (Rosie’s mom)
46 years old
13 years old
Blonde hair
Blonde hair
12 years old
Loves stuffed toys

A visit from Rosie
Pg 4-6

A mystery to solve
When jasmin enters
A twist
Caught red handed
You can describe the topic of the section here
You can describe the topic of the section here
Pg 7-10

A visit from rosie

Rosie visits Jasmine for the weekends but as she saw the stuffed toy she wanted to
steal it because it was to cute


It was 10:30 on a saturday morning,and I was waiting for rosie to come over to
play,today was the day in years to finally meet her old friend.

DING DONG as the doorbell rang Me and my mom went to open the door, as the door
opened rosie and her mom Max walked in with smiles.
As jane and max talked, it was just me and rosie. I walked towards rosie nervously
and said “hi long time no see” rosie replied back
“Yeah long time no see”
It was awkward silent when I said “ by the way I have a new toy it’s called
I ran upstairs and grabbed the stuffed toy and ran back down and showed my stuffed
toy to her. When she saw it she instantly fell in love she said “ OMG it’s so cute
can I have it?”
I replied “of course not it’s my toy but i got-”
Rosie then started fighted over the stuffed toy as i santched my stuffed toy back
Rosie stomped away with disappointment
Well this was a bad start I thought to myself.

Ugh I wish I could have that toy it’s too cute, wait… maybe I could steal the
stuffed toy! I thought to myself happily.
When Jasmine was asleep I went to Jasmine’s room I quietly took the stuffed toy and
tiptoed my way out. When I was back to the guest room I took the stuffed toy and
hid it in my bag and went to sleep.

The next day when i went downstairs to eat breakfast Jasmine was there looking very
sad i asked “are you okay you look sad”
She replied with a shivery voice “this morning when I woke up I found out that my
stuffed toy was gone I was very sad and surprised because it was there last night”
I replied nervously “maybe you just have to find clues and be a detective”
“That’s a very good idea! thanks Rosie” Jasmine said excited

When Jasmine finds out her stuffed toy is missing she starts to find clues
A mystery to solve

When I went back to my bedroom I immediately started searching for clues suddenly I
saw a piece of blonde hair on my bed I thought to myself “who has golden hair” wait
i thought to myself it might be Rosie or josh because they have blonde hair! Then i
thought to myself maybe pin is a suspect as well because she loved my stuffed toy
as i thought.
I walked out of my house towards josh and pin’s house .
when i arrived i pressed josh’s door bell DING DONG as the doorbell rang josh
walked out I asked “hi would you mind coming to my house to do something?”
Josh replied with curiosity “why?”
“I can’t tell you,you will know when you get there”
“Ok then , anyone else going?”
“Yep, rosie and pin is going to be there but can you walk with me to pin’s house?”
“Okay” Josh said suspiciously
As me and josh walked towards pin’s house we saw pin walking by i shouted “Pin Pin!
I need to tell you something!”
As pin came I said “hello pin can you stop at my house? I need to ask you
“Sure!” pin said

“Oh no” I thought to myself jasmine will find out that it’s me who stole the
stuffed toy as I thought I went outside to clear my mind suddenly jasmine and her
friends was walking my way i immediately panicked i tried to hide but i was to late
Jasmine grabbed me and pulled me into her house while saying “im listening to you
advice i picked up some clues now I’m gonna question all of you” she said happily
as she questioned all of us it was my turn she started asking “where were you last
I panickedly said “i was sleeping in the guest room i didn’t go anywhere last night
so it wasn't me.i was sweating so much that jasmine started to look at me with
suspicion i quickly thought of a excuse and said “i'm gonna go to the bathroom real
But she said it's okay it's late anyways i'll see you tomorrow i guess?”

At the jasmine’s room …

When I was back in my bedroom I kept thinking if my stuffed toy suddenly the I had
an idea I could sneak into Rosie’s bedroom at night and check everywhere maybe I
could find the stuffed toy I thought about Rosie’s sweaty nervous look, she was
acting a bit suspicious I thought to myself.
When I arrived at the guest room I tried to open the door but the door was locked
so I thought about climbing into Rosie’s bedroom from the window when i was at the
window i saw a curtain blocking the view i thought to myself “if i want to have a
little peek inside maybe i could throw a rock to get rosies attention then i could
take a video and i could find clues in the video” as i was thinking i took a rock
in the garden took out my phone and threw a rock at the window i started the video
and i hid behind a bush i saw the shadow in the curtain as rosie was coming near
she opened the curtain and then she looked around she closed the window and walked
back into her bed curiously.
As i walked back into my room it took out the video i have been recording i zoomed
in to each parts of the guest room then in side rosie’s bag was a little white body
peeking out i thought to myself excitedly “could it be my stuffed toy?”


Jasmin decided to go into rosie’s room and take her stuffed toy back
A twist

At the morning
When me and Rosie finished breakfast I asked Rosie “ can I come into the guest room
I can help you pack for leaving today”
Rosie replied “ uh it’s fine I can pack myself”
Max replied “ sweetie just let jasmine help you pack it’s not like your hiding
anything right?”
Rosie replied “ yeah I’m not hiding anything at all”
“Ok let’s go to the guest room”I said
When we arrived at the guest room Rosie said I can pack the bag you can pack the
toothbrush and stuff”
I said “maybe we can pack together” without waiting jasmine’s reply I snatcched
Rosie’s bag ran downstairs in front of our mothers I opened the bag wide and showed
it to them I said holding the stuffed toy “look Rosie stole my stuffed toy she lied
about not having it I found clues and proof.
Suddenly Rosie came running down she said “ no it’s not me”
I held my phone in to the video I took zoomed in on the white fluffy bit poking out
our mom gasped max immediately started scolding Rosie

I was So mad “you took a video of me?!” I shouted

“ Yeah I was listings to your advice by being a investigator and I was finding
clues” Jasmine said


Rosie starts explaining why she stole it
Max said angrily “you must have some explanations well say it!”
I said starting to cry “ i-i-i’m so sorry i didn’t mean it i wanted it so bad and
you didn’t give to me so i had an idea to steal it” i cried even more
Jasmine walked over and patted me on the shoulder “Rosie it’s fine i know you
didn’t mean it but all this time i’ve been trying to tell you that i brought
another one for you so we had matching. i went to get the stuffed toy i handed it
over to me and said “here you go”
I got the stuffed toy and said “sorry i wasn’t being a good friend”
Jasmine knelt down next to me and said “no worries and i’m sorry for not telling
you earlier.
When it was time for me to go i hugged jasmine and said “bye bye i will miss you
very much”
Jasmine said don’t worry i will be seeing you after 1 month”
As jasmine closed the door i hugged the stuffed toy.


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