Assignment 3 - Ac Circuit

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1 With neat sketch briefly explain how an alternating voltage is produced when coil is rotated in a
magnetic field.

2 Define and explain the following i) Frequency,(ii) True period,(iii) Amplitude,(iv) Phase difference.

3 Derive an expression for instantaneous value of alternating sinusoidal emf in terms of its maximum
value, frequency and true.

4 Define the following:

(i)Instantaneous value (ii) Angular velocity (iii) RMS value (iv) Average value.

5 Define the form factor and peak factor.

6 Prove that for a sine-wave,

RMS value= Max.value

7 What do you understand by phase and phase difference in case of alternating quantities? 8

Derive an expression for average value of a sinusoidally varying quantities.

9 Give physical significance of inductive reactance and capacitive reactance.

10 Define the following:
(i) Active Power (ii) Reactive Power (iii) Apparent Power

11 An alternating quantity is represented by e=50 sin157t.find:

(i)Maximum value of voltage
(ii)R.M.S. value
(iii)Frequency [Ans.50 V,35.35 V,25 Hz]
12 An alternating voltage is represented by: E=141.4 sin 377 t.
i)the maximum value,(ii)frequency,(iii)time period and(iv)the instantaneous value of voltage when t is
[Ans.(i)141.4V (ii)60 Hz (iii)16.67 ms (iv)127.8 V]
As alternating current of frequency 50 Hz has a maximum value of 200 √2 A.Recording the time from
the instant the current is zero and becoming positive, find the time taken by the current to reach a value
of 141.4 A for a first and second time. [Ans.1.67 ms;21.67 ms]

14 A 230 V,50 Hz voltage is applied across a resistance of 10Ω. Determine current, power absorbed. Draw
the vector diagram. [Ans.(i)23 A,(ii)5290 W]
UNIT 05-AC Circuits

Part – I Multiple Objective Questions (MCQ)

1. The power taken by a 3-phase load is given by the expression

(A)3𝑉𝐿 𝐼𝐿 cos 𝜃 (B)3𝑉𝐿 𝐼𝐿 cos 𝜃

(C)3𝑉𝐿 𝐼𝐿 sin 𝜃 (D)3𝑉𝐿 𝐼𝐿 sin 𝜃

2. In a three-phase system, the voltages are separated by

(A) 45° (B) 90°

(C) 120° (D) 360°

3. The dynamic impedance of a parallel resonant circuit is 1 MΩ. If C = 1 µF

and R = 1 Ω, then value of L is
(A) 1 H (B) 1012 H
(C) 10-12 H (D) None of the above

4. An RLC series resonant circuit has a Q of 50 and source voltage of 5 V.

The voltage VC across the capacitor is
(A)10V (B)250V
(C)125V (D)500V

5. A parallel resonant circuit magnifies

(A) Current (B) Voltage

(C) Both voltage & current (D) None of the above

6. The reactance of 1 F capacitance when connected to a d.c. circuit is

(A) Infinite (B) Zero

(C) 1 Ω (D) 0.5 Ω

7. At series resonance, the voltage across L or C is

(A) Equal to applied voltage (B) Less than applied voltage

(C) Much more than applied voltage (D) Equal to voltage across R

8. In a series RC circuit, 12 V(rms) is measured across the resistor and 15

V(rms) is measured across the capacitor. The rms source voltage is
(A) 3 V (B) 27 V
(C) 19.2 V (D) 1.9 V
Part – II:

1. Compare series and parallel resonance.

2. List out various methods to solve parallel circuit.
3. Define: Admittance, Susceptance.
4. Draw phasor diagrams for the followings under resonance condition (i) R-L-C series
circuit and (ii) Parallel R-L-C circuit
5. What is balanced impedance?
6. Write the relation between the line and phase value of voltage and current in a balanced
delta connected load.

Part – III Examples:

1. A coil of inductance 0.08H and negligible resistance is connected in series with a 15 ohms non-
inductive resistance. The combined circuit is energized from a 240V, 50Hz supply. Calculate
i)Reactance of the coil ii)Impedance of the circuit iii)The current in the circuit iv)Voltage
across the resistance v)Voltage across the coil vi)Power absorbed by the circuit vii)Power
factor of the circuit
Ans: (i) 25.13ohm, (ii) 29.27 ohm (iii) 8.2A (iv)123V (v)206V(vi)1008.6W(vii)0.5125

2. A resistance of 10 Ω, an inductance of 0.1 H and a capacitance of 150 μF are connected in

series across 200-V, 50-Hz mains. Determine the following (a) impedance (b) current(c)
voltage across R, L and C (d) power in watts and VA (e) p.f. and angle of lag.
Ans: (a)14.28 ohm (b)14A (c)Vr=140V, VL=439.88V, Vc=297.08V (d) 1960W (e)pf=0.7

3. A series RLC circuit consist of a resistance of 500 ohm, inductance of 50mH and a capacitance
of 20 pF and supply with 80V find, (a) the resonance frequency (b) Q factor of the circuit at
resonance (C) find the current at resonance
Ans: (a) 159.15 khz (b) 100 (c) 0.16A

4. A balanced three phase star connected load of 18kW taking a leading current of 60 amperes
when connected across a 3 phase 440V 50 Hz supply. Find the values and nature of the load.
ohm (vii)capacitive
5. In two wattmeter method power measured was 30kW at 0.7pf lagging. Find the reading of
each wattmeter.
Ans: (i) w1= 23.835Kw(ii) w2=6.165Kw

Part – IV Long Questions: (Only for Preparation)

1. Derive the expression of impedance, current, power and power factor for (i) R-L series circuit
(ii) R-C series circuit. Draw phasor diagram
2. Discuss resonance in R-L-C series circuit. Explain how pf, XL and R vary with frequency.
3. Explain the condition for parallel resonance and obtain the equation for resonance frequency.
4. Explain admittance method for solving parallel circuit.
5. Define phase current and line current and obtain the relationship between phase quantity and
line quantity for 3 phase star connected system.
6. Explain Two wattmeter method for measurement of 3-phase power and prove that W1+W2 =
VL IL cosφ

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