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1. Write a definition of a LAN.

Question Zone 1-3

 LAN stands for Local Area Network and can be described as a network which…
 …covers a small geographical area and …
 …made up of devices that are owned by the organisation.

2. Describe the differences between a ‘Bus Topology’ and a ‘Ring Topology’. [3]

 A bus topology has a single main cable which all nodes are attached to and depend on…
 …data can travel both ways along the cable and can therefore suffer from data collisions.
 A ring topology has cables connecting nodes together in a circular fashion…
 …data travels one way around this network and so fewer data collision occur.

3. State the devices needed to set up a LAN and describe their roles. [8]

 At least two computers – allowing users to interface with software and communicate with other users of the network.
 Data Transfer Media (wires or wireless) – allowing data to be transported around the network.
 Network Interface Cards (NICs) – to convert data signals into a form that can be sent across a network.
 Hub / Switch – To allow computers to connect to one another, directing data from computer to computer.
Question Zone 4-6

4. Explain the similarities and differences between a HUB and a SWITCH? [3]

 Both devices are used as a central point of a network to connect computers together by receiving data from one node and sending it on to other nodes in the network
 A hub is known as a ’dumb device’ as it sends data that it receives to all other nodes regardless of where the data was meant to be sent to.
 A switch is known as an ‘intelligent device’ as it sends data that it receives to the node that it is intended for.

5. Explain the differences between a ‘Peer-to-Peer’ network and a ‘Client-Server’ network. [6]

 On a peer-to-peer network, all computers have equal status and therefore one computer cannot exert any control over another.
 All computers will have an equal responsibility to provide data to the other computers.
 There is no central network security or network management and no central dependency.
 On a client-server network, there will be one computer which will have control over the others. This is the server.
 The clients will request services from the server (access to files / software etc) and the server will respond accordingly.
 The server provides security over the network, can manage the devices / software on the network and all clients depend on the server.

6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of networking computers. [6]

Question Zone 7-9

…any 6 from (must have at least 2 disadvantages)

+digital communication between people
+the sharing of digital information
+the sharing of peripheral devices such as printers and scanners
+computers to be updated with the latest software from a central point
+distributed processing – the ability for a single program to be run simultaneously at various computers.
-they requires a bit of ‘expertise’ to install and maintain a large network which can be costly.
-there are a number of security issues from unauthorised access to data.

7. Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of the various network topologies and explain which topology is best suited to a school. [10]

 Bus topologies are cheap due to the lack of cabling but as data travels both way it can suffer from data collisions and if the cable breaks the network won’t function.
 Ring topologies are also quite cheap and there are fewer data collisions as data travels one way but if a cable breaks the entire network will suffer.
 Mesh topologies are reliable because if one cable breaks there will be other paths that data can take but it is expensive due to the amount of cable required.
 Star topologies have fewer data collisions, (especially with a switch as data is routed to the nodes that require the data), is reliable as the network will continue to function even
if a cable breaks, but it is the most expensive setup due to the cabling and additional devices required.
 A star topology is best suited to a school network as they make use of switches which can deal with heavy traffic and there is no dependency on a single cable or data route.

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