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Book Critique Family to Family: Leaving a Lasting Legacy

EVAN 565

Tracey Stallworth

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Family to Family: Leaving a Lasting Legacy by Dr. Jerry Pipes and Victor Lee

Bibliographical Entry Pipes, Jerry, and Victor Lee. Family to Family: Leaving a Lasting Legacy. USA: North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1999. Author Information

Dr. Jerry has a B.S. from Texas A&M University and M.A. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition, he has a M. Div from Luther Rice Seminary. He is married to his wife Debra and has two children, Paige and Josh. Dr. Jerry Pipes is the director of Jerry Pipes Productions. Jerry is internationally known throughout the world. He has spoken to millions of people throughout conferences and crusades, even through businesses, schools and revivals. He also leads the Prayer and Spiritual Awakening Team at the North America Missions Board. Dr Jerry Pipes is one of the few in a handful that has actually been endorsed by the Billy Graham Training Center. During the Bush administration time in the 1990s he was selected to be the presenter for the War on Drugs campaign. Dr. Jerry Pipes wrote books such as People Sharing Jesus, Building a Successful Family, Becoming
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Complete: Discovering and Developing the real You. He has also written other booklets as well. The co-author of Family to Family is a reporter by the name of Victor Lee. He is also a minister at First Baptist Concord, Knoxville, TN. He ministers to single adults. According to the internet he is also a Sports Evangelist Consultant for the North American Evangelism Board. In addition, he is a columnist for Sports Spectrum Magazine. Victor Lee is married to his wife Judy and they have one biological daughter and three foster children and they live in Wake Forest N.C.

Content Summary Dr. Jerry Pipes and Victor Lee wrote a book together called Family to Family: Leaving a Lasting Legacy. This book itself is a key or a set of instructions that will help facilitate you in finding your purpose that God has for you. Furthermore, the main reason for this book is to let people and families know that God as strategically designed a tailored made plan just for you. Dr. Jerry Pipes and Victor Lee both believe strongly that all families should have a set of goals and purposes set in place so that they can achieve through the mission process. They also believe that it is Gods will that we teach our children and mature the spiritually to our Savior Jesus Christ so that they will be prepared for the future.

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In Chapter one the author talks about identifying the model for a healthy family. The way that the writer does this is by allowing the reader to see how we as Christian families have been absorbed with worldly thinking. At the end of the chapter Dr. Jerry and Victor Lee talk about what a healthy family should look like based upon scripture. In chapter 2 the authors talks about families developing mission statements as well as individual statements. Dr. Jerry and Victor Lee indicate that a familys mission statement will serve as a centerline. That entails a set of guidelines that can and will be used to keep them on tract with the mission that they put together. The rest of the chapter really deals with creating a sound mission statement for the family. In chapter 3 of Family to Family, Dr Jerry Pipes and Victor talk about passing the baton to someone who is ready. In this chapter the writer gives many different suggestions for families who have children and teenagers. This strategies help facilitate mentoring through discipleship to all who are being prepared to receive the baton. The last part of this chapter deals with worship in the family. Evaluation Dr. Jerry Pipes and Victor Lee Family to Family is a book that was easily written and understood as well. There are plenty analogies that give great content for the readers to interpret and easily understand as they pursue through the book.
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One of things that Pipes and Lee identify to the readers is that there is trouble in families that need to be addressed. As they identify the problem they put this book in a form that it is very easy to read and understand. Now this book is not an instant turn pager that keeps the reader on edge. As a matter of fact there is great information in the book but it is quite boring to read The information that Pipe and Lee introduces to the reader about unhealthy families and how they fall away from the church gives the reader a sense of urgency that things must change immediately for their family. Throughout the rest of the book Dr. Jerry and Victor Lee touch on so many things that are very much needed in the families. For example majority of families do not have mission statement for themselves or their families. To take it a step further so of these families do not even know what a mission statement is. One of the main things that occur in this book is that their information is back up by scriptural references that supports what they are conveying to the reader. I think that this book is great for churches especially new members who have just gotten saved. I also think that the Pastor of the church should take everybody through this book so that they can understand what it takes too created and execute a mission statement for them. In addition I believe that
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once they understand what a mission statement for the perspective of Gods view then they will be able to help achieve the vision of the church. In conclusion, if it were me writing this book I would take the time to revise it as well to make it more interesting to read.

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