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Activity 7 Persuasive Essay

Question: Some people think recess in school should be longer. They believe kids might learn better if
they had a longer break in the middle of the day. However, the extra class time after recess would make
the school day longer. Therefore, kids would get out of school later in the day. What do you think?

Extending recess time in school is important to us, especially to the students. When students go
to school, not just academics and knowledge they’re developed but they also develop communication
skills. Students develop their ideas when they are free to talk to another person without monitoring the
noises of the student, it helps them to construct a great idea when they share during recess time. When
it’s time for recess, students help them to recharge their concentration and focus on their lessons.

Not only develops their ability to communicate but also helps their mental health to be better.
Extending the recess time also helps to improve the mental health of the students. We experience that
our brains think a lot to the point they’re stressed out. That’s why it's important to relax our minds during
recess time and have some fun conversations with your friends or some people that are comfortable to
your surroundings.





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