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Columna 1 Columna 2 Columna 3

Have you ever…? (+ past
participe). Alguna vez en toda
tu vida. Con este mismo
significado, aunque menos Have you ever taken a taxi in New York?
común, tenemos: Or Did you ever taken a taxi in New York?
1. ¿alguna vez ….?
Did you ever…? (+ past Do you ever take a taxi to go to work?
Do you ever…? (+ infinitivo
sin to). Alguna vez en el
tiempo presente.
2. a los que se enfrenta x
grupo (children, women, The high unemployment rate is one of the most
men, spanish people, important problems facing the government.
I wouldn’t accept the offer unless they doubled
3. a menos que unless (sin coma previa)
the salary.
4. a pesar de despite (dis’páit)
You didn’t pass your exam despite your potential.
He hit me, even though I was pregnant [‘prég-
5. a pesar de que even though (‘ívendeu)

BE:- I’ve just + past

I’ve just spoken your father.
6. acabo de + verbo AmE:- I just + past simple
I just spoke your father.
(común en AmE pero
incorrecto gramaticalmente)
To hit the mark (o target)
7. acertar en el blanco I hit the mark (Acerté en el blanco –o diana-).
(pret. hit – p.p. hit)
let me get something
8. aclaremos una cosa1 First of all, let me get something straight.
9. afortunadamente2 fortunately [fóo-chi-nat-le] I can help you. Fortunately, I still have some
(expresión introductoria) (va seguido de coma) money.
on the contrary (va siempre
seguido de coma y precedido
I wouldn’t change anything in my life. On the
de una pausa larga, por eso contrario contrary, if I could, I would do the same things
suele ir al principio de la

We need a lot of support apart from financial

11.Aparte de… Apart from
so (suele ir seguido de coma
-So, if I could change something in my life, I
al principio de frase y antes
would change only my age.
12.así que de coma en medio de una
-I wanted economic independence, so I got a job
oración. pero no siempre es
as well as I finished school.
13.aún así
still I didn’t win; still, it’s been a good experience.

Vamos a aclarar una cosa. Dejemos claro una cosa.
Aunque es menos frecuente también se usa: “luckily”
-Although my father wanted me to be an engineer
I became a carpenter.
14.aunque3 although (óoldeu)
-I see her all the time, although I never speak to

15.cada vez más increasingly Each subject has been increasingly complex.
(UK) fee-paying school
(colegio de pago) or
Independent school = private
school. También “public I’m looking for a private school in the London
16.colegio privado
school” pero sólo para area.
colegios de élite tipo Eton.
(Niños de más de 11 años).
(US) private school.
(UK) state school.
17.colegio público My son is going to a state school.
(US) public school.
18.como (=de la manera
however (haueva) You can do it however you want to.

Frank was always dating with Mary and as

19.como era de esperar4 as expected
expected he married her.
20.como yo lo veo As I see it, terrorism is an awful crime, it’s not a
as i see it
(expresión introductoria) political issue..
In amazement [ina-
21.Con asombro méismant]. They looked at me in amazement.
22.con independencia de regardless of All men are created equal, regardless of race.
23.con suerte (expresión
hopefully (seguido de coma) Hopefully, you will pass all your exams.
24.curiosamente5 interestingly Interestingly, you have not said anything about it.
I'm a native English speaker since I'm from
25.dado que since
I think, somehow, my experience can help other alguna manera somehaw
Hang the picture so that you don’t see the hole in
the wall. manera que so that6 [sóde]
Hang the picture so you don’t see the hole in the
wall. qué va? What’s it about? Do you read this book? What’s it about? una vez por todas once and for all This has to change once and for all. vez en cuando7 once in a while I come in here once in a while.
Please stay within the limits.
31.dentro de within The examination will take place within a month.
We have to work within the law.
I liked Mary from the beginning.
from the beginning (suele ir
32.desde el principio8 Desde el principio me gustó Mary.
al final)
I thought it was a good idea from the beginning.
Desde el principio creí que era una buena idea.
33.desgraciadamente I would like to help you. Unfortunately, I don't
(expresión introductoria) have enough money.
También: “even though” y “though)
Muy frecuente también “sure enough”
También: “curiously”
En lenguaje colocial se admite suprimir el “that”
También: “from time to time”, “ocasionally”, etc..
También: “from the outset”
I began to study English the year in which I
34.el año en que The year in which
35.en absoluto at all You don’t need my help at all.
in contrast (va siempre
seguido de coma y precedido I have always lived in Glasgow. In contrast, my
36.en cambio de una pausa larga por eso brother moved to London when he was very
suele ir al principio de la young.

I don’t agree as you know. But, in any case, I will

37.en cualquier caso in any case
take into account your opinion.
As for woman, their contribution to the economy
38.en cuanto a x as for9 x,
was no doubt underestimated.
39.en el peor de los casos at worst At worst, we can pay with a credit card.
40.En ese momento (en
At that time (or moment) At that time the club had only 90 partners.
aquel momento)
41.en general Generally The security situation was generally calm.
42.en la mayoría de los The subcutaneous route is preferred in most
in most cases10
casos cases.
43.en lo más mínimo in the least11 It wouldn’t surprise me in the least
44.en los últimos (días, We’re spent a lot of time together over the past
Over the past few days
semanas, años) few days.
45.en los últimos x años12 in the last x years In the last hundred years…
instead of (si detrás va un We used margarine instead of butter.
46.en lugar de
verbo será en –ing) We decided to walk instead of taking the bus.

47.en mi opinión
in my opinion In my opinion, newspapers should be VAT-free
(expresión introductoria)
48.en primer lugar first of all First of all, let me get something straight.
instead of (si detrás va un
verbo será en –ing). We used margarine instead of butter.
49.en vez de
-rather than… We decided to walk instead of taking the bus.
-in place of…

50.entre otras cosas not least because (después I’m not going to buy it, not least because I don't
porque13 de coma) have enough money. como si It’s like It’s like I have a great weight on my check.
I went to my least favourite place, that is, the decir, that is14
dentist por eso que (al that’s why (no lleva coma I work as civil servant. That’s why I have a
principio de frase) detrás) steady job.
I was about to
54.Estaba a punto de I was about to make a coffee.
I was just about to
55.estoy harto de I’m fed up with I’m fed up with the persecution against christians.
56.evidentemente clearly Clearly, there are better options for you in the city
-We talked frankly about my intentions.
57.francamente (expresión
frankly -Frankly, I would tell them to pay up15 or move

Siempre encabeza la oración. Es un uso menos formal que “Por lo que respecta a…”(As regards)
También: in the majority of cases.
También “in the slight” o “at all”
A lo largo de los últimos x años.
No obstante la traducción principal es “sobre todo porque”. Por otra parte, esta es la misma expresión
que se utiliza para decir “entre otras razones porque”.
También, en inglés escrito: i.e. [ai-i].
Pay up = saldar la deuda, pagar.
58.hacer frente a
address The government needs to address terrorism.
honestly Honestly, I cannot believe that.
(expresión introductoria)
60.lo que más me gusta
What I like most His eyes are what I like most about him.
(me gustó) he permitido I’ve allowed myself to I’ve allowed myself to be happy. parece bien That’s fine If he would like to come to my home, that’s fine. tomé la libertad de I took the liberty of I took the liberty of bringing your suit.
64.mientras que 1-whereas Some women will need hormone therapy whereas
(contraste) 2-whilst (UK) others may do without (pueden evitarlo)
65.mientras que (al mismo
while I listen to music while I’m studying.
tiempo que) uno sólo (ninguno) not one of Not one of the protesters has a record.
67.ninguno de nosotros
None of us [nán-abás] (pron) I think none of us will ever forget.
Any of us This decision is not good for any of us.
68.ninguno de nosotros importa (a otro: no
.- Let’s go to the cinema o to the theater?
me importa, lo mismo I don’t mind
.- I don’t mind.
me da.) importa (dicho a
otro: da igual, no tiene .- I’m sorry, I forgot to call you.
never mind.
importancia, no te .- Don’t worry, never mind.
preocupes) importa (en general) It doesn’t matter It doesn’t matter how many times you fail. importa (peyorativo,
.- Frank will not go to the cinema tonight.
no me importa, me da I don’t care
.- I don’t care, I hate him.
igual) obstante however (haueva)
It’s raining. However, I’ll go to ride a bike.

Don’t you ever speak the name of my sister

Don’t you ever…(+ inf.sin again.
74.No vuelvas a…
to) Don’t you ever touch me again.
Don’t you ever do that again.
75.obviamente obviously Obviously, I didn’t know it.
76.para (seguido de
for (+ sustantivo) I bought some water for the trip.
77.para17 (seguido de
to (+ infinitivo, nunca -ing) I study English to improve my CV.
78.para el próximo… for the next… I booked a room for the next Monday.
79.para entonces By then We were his prisoners by then.
to my surprise (al principio,
80.para mi sorpresa en medio o al final de I passed all my exams, to my surprise.
81.para no in order not to I don’t eat fats in order not to gain weight.
82.para que so that I’ll help you so that you can pass your exam.
My father wanted me to be an engineer but I
83.pero but (bat)
became a carpenter.

84.pero aún así but still I’m tired, but still, I’ll be going to cook dinner.

Move out = irse de casa, marcharse.
Es frecuente también: “in order to”. I went to supermarket in order to buy some bread.
I get on my nerves (me pongo de los nervios)
I am getting on your nerves (te estoy
85.poner de los nervios
To get on (pron) nerves poniendo…)
(sacar de los nervios)
You’re getting on my nerves (Me estas
86.por (=debido a) +
because of I didn’t study Medicine because of my father.
Back then18 (puede ser al
87.por aquel entonces Back then, I was living in Madrid.
principio de frase o al final)
on the contrary (va siempre
seguido de coma y precedido I wouldn’t change anything in my life. On the
88.por el contrario de una pausa larga, por eso contrary, if I could, I would do the same things
suele ir al principio de la again.

89.por eso (al principio de that’s why (no lleva coma I work as civil servant. That’s why I have a
frase) detrás) steady job.
90.por lo general Generally The security situation was generally calm.
91.por lo que he oido from what I hear They were very close, from what I hear.
As regards your question, my answer is no.
92.por lo que respecta a19 as regards
I disagree.
As regards cooperation between the UE and the
93.por lo que se refiere a20 as regards21 (+ sustantivo)
USA, my delegation is working intensely.
As far as + sujeto + to be As far as I am concerned,
94.por lo que se refiere a22
concerned, As far as the accounts are concerned,
therefore (suele ir al
You had been working very hard. Therefore, you
95.por lo tanto principio de oración seguido
deserve a good prize.
de coma)
I did it on my own.
96.por mi cuenta (yo solo) On my own
I wandered Europe on my own.
97.por mucho tiempo23 for a long time This situation cannot continue for a long time.
Something like this could ruin your career not to
98.por no hablar de not to mention
mention your marriage.
99.por poco tiempo for a little while24 This situation can only continue for a little while.
100. por si in case25 Take an umbrella in case it rains.
just in case26 (sin coma
101. por si acaso Buy two baguettes just in case.
previa o posterior)
102. por tanto27 therefore Therefore, your argument has to be rejected.
103. porque + frase because I'm not going to watch Tv because I'm tired.
104. presta atención
(aguza el oido, escucha Listen out for Listen out for the answers to these two questions:
105. puede ser It may be a little surprising but I’ve never
it may be a little surprising
sorprendente smoked a cigarret.
I'm a native English speaker since I'm from
106. puesto que since

También “At the time” o “At that time”
En cuanto a, con respecto a, …
En cuanto a….
Es un uso formal. Igualmente formal, usamos “regarding” o “concerning”.
Expresión repetida. Señalo ésta por su especial estructura. Relativamente frencuente.
Mucha veces aparece la versión reducida: “for long”
Si decimos “for a while” decimos “durante un tiempo”. A veces es una alternativa a “por poco tiempo”.
El significado principal de “in case” es, por supuesto, “en caso”: in case of need, in case of doubt, in
case of emergency, etc.
Puede ir solo, como ocurre en español. Puede ir al principio, en medio o al final.
También: “as a result”
107. que en paz descanse May he/she rest in peace. My wife, may she rest in peace, had blue eyes.
In 1960 she got pregnant.
108. quedar embarazada
Get pregnant (with) In 1960 she got pregnant with her first child.
In 1960 she got pregnant with her boyfriend.
109. quería que supieras I wanted you to know I wanted you to know I’m thinking of you.
110. se prolongó (duró)
Lasted until The war lasted until 1945.
111. se prolongó (duró) x
Lasted The war lasted five years.
You can go out on Sundays as long as you study
112. siempre que28 as long as
on Saturdays.
113. sin duda no doubt [no dáut] The road will, no doubt, be long and winding.
however (haueva). va
-I never went to university. However, I had a
siempre seguido de coma.
114. sin embargo29 successful career [‘sík-ses ca’rría].
puede ir al principio o al
-He has one problem, however.
Sin embargo, tiene un problema.

115. sino para but for I didn’t do that for money but for help you.
116. sobre todo above all30 The solution is above all political I think.
not least because (después I’m not going to buy it, not least because it’s
117. sobre todo porque
de coma) very expensive.
118. sorprendentemente surprisingly (seguido de
Surprisingly, I passed all my exams.
(expresión introductoria) coma)
119. soy consciente de31 I’m aware of I’m aware of the difficulties.
There were so many and such different cars tha I
120. tantos y tan so many and such
didn’t know which to buy.
I don’t agree as you know. But, in any case, I will
121. tener en cuenta32 to take into account
take into account your opinion.
122. tengo muchas ganas
I’m looking34 forward to I’m looking forward to going35 on hollidays.
123. todos nosotros all of us [ól-abás] Terrorism poses a tremendous threat to all of us.
124. una vez más once again I have to say once again that I disagree.
We have to facing the terrorism, cannot live in
125. vivir con miedo Live in fear
126. y ahora (así que
So now I didn’t sleep well last night, so now I’m sleepy.
I’m not willing to rent your house, let alone buy
127. y mucho menos36 let alone (suele ir tras coma)
128. Ya era hora! It’s about time! They finally paid me my money. It’s about time!
129. Ya es (era) hora de It’s about time…(pron.
It’s about time you said something bright.
que Name)

Mientras, en tanto en cuanto, siempre y cuando.
También: “nevertheless” y “still”
Algunas veces se puede sustituir por otra expresión, aún más frecuente y más facil de pronunciar,
En la mayor parte de los casos se podría emplear el verbo “realise”. “I realise the difficulties”. Pero el
significado de “to be aware of” está más cercano al de “became aware” of something (“tomar
conciencia” de algo).
También: “to considerer” y sobre todo “to bear in mind”
Se usa con la misma frecuencia: “I really want to…”
OJO: “I’m looking forward to” significa “Tengo ganas de…” (= really want to). Pero “I look forward
to…” significa “espero con interés…”. “I always look forward to your reports”
Aquí el “to” es una preposición que forma parte de un phrasal verb. Como siempre después de una
preposición el verbo tiene que ir en gerundio.
Puede equivaler en la mayoría de los casos a “not to mention” ( por no hablar de)
130. ya que (después de We are going to make a big profit, since sales are
coma) increasing.
Adoption is no longer reserved for married
131. ya no No longer
132. solo por curiosidad Just out of curiosity I took the meeting just out of curiosity
133. o algo así
(aproximadamente, o Or so We only need about 30 meters or so.
134. lo que hay que hacer What needs to be done I don’t know what needs to be done.
135. en mayor o menor All have been investigated to a greater or lesser
To a greater or lesser extent
medida extent.
136. para empezar (tu,
para que puedas
To get you started I can give you some tips to get you started.
empezar, para que
137. enseguida (subo, I’ll be right…(up, down, -. Sara, boss wants to see you.
bajo, vuelvo, voy…) back, over…) -. Ok, I’ll be right over.
run out of… (time, money,
etc.). (run, ran, run)
138. (estar, haber) quedar
Lo más común es con el The exam is next week. I’m running out of time.
sin… (tiempo, dinero,
verbo to be o con to have. I’ve run out of tea.
comida, paciencia…)
I’m running out of…
I’ve run out of…
139. vistas The Balnerario has breathtaking views over the
Breathtaking views
impresionantes38 beach.
140. ¿Cómo puedo llegar How can I get to…?
Excuse me, How can I get to Westminster?
a…? (¿Cómo llego a…? How do I get to…?
141. No tiene ningún (it)39 Doesn’t make any Purchasing the company doesn’t make any sense
sentido sense… at this moment.
It turns out that [i-táans- It turns out that Frank is not her biological
142. Resulta que…
audat] father.
143. Cuanto más…
The more…the more (o the
(dinero, gente, recursos, The more people buy our product, the more
better, the greater, the safer,
etc.) (cuanta, cuantos, money we can earn.
the less, u otro superlativo)
cuantas) más
144. (en) toda la mañana
All mornig He was playing the piano all morning.
(durante toda la mañana)
145. No tiene mucho (It) doesn’t make much
It doesn’t make much sense, does it?
sentido sense…
146. y cosas así. I always enjoyed of military uniforms, medals
And the like.
(similares) and the like.
I always enjoyed of military uniforms, medals
147. y esas cosas and things.
and things.
-It has (a lot) to do with...
148. tiene (mucho) que The current unemployment has (got) a lot to do
(it’s to do with…)
ver con… with the economic crisis.
-It’s got (a lot) to do with…
Or rather (puede haber coma
149. o mejor dicho antes y después según el She sold him her home, or rather, gave it to him.
Or rather (puede haber
150. mejor dicho coma antes y después según She sold him her home, or rather, gave it to him.
el contexto)

Al principio de una oración o después de una coma para iniciar una frase.
Breathtaking = impresionante. Se puede aplicar a otras cosas: breathtaking arquitecture, breathtaking
film, etc.
Añadir “it” si no hay otro sujeto.
151. dentro de los
próximos x días Within the next two (X) We must to reach our goals within the next two
(minutos, años, days (or weeks, or years, etc) weeks.
152. como mínimo At least Annual holiday lasts at least 4 weeks.
Maximum (informal)
153. como máximo Annual holiday lasts maximun 4 weeks.
-at most or at the most
154. en el acto On the spot They executed him on the spot.
155. desde que… Ever since Ever since I exercise I feel better.
156. siempre y cuando As long as
157. mientras
-As long as
158. Teniendo en cuenta
Given that
159. bastante más Well over
160. Te diré algo, … I’ll tell you what, … I’ll tell you what, I’m only trying to help you.
We’d better + basic form…
We’d better get on.(será mejor que sigamos).
161. Será mejor que… (d=would). Puede ser. I’d,
You’d better book for when you leave.
you’d, they’d
We’d better + basic form …
We’d better get on.(será mejor que sigamos).
162. Más vale que… (d=would)
You’d better book for when you leave.
Puede ser. I’d, you’d, they’d
We’d better + basic form …
We’d better get on.(será mejor que sigamos).
163. Mejor (será) que… (d=would)
You’d better book for when you leave.
Puede ser. I’d, you’d, they’d
In other words, (entre She have the right experience, in other words,
164. en otras palabras
comas) she can do the job.
In other words, (entre She have the right experience, in other words,
165. es decir
comas) she can do the job.
I knew computers as long ago as 1970.
166. ya en… (año, mes,
As long ago as I worked in this company as long ago as july
167. todo tipo de…
168. toda clase de…
169. pero…¿sabes una But, you know what? I won’t give you the
But, you know what?
cosa? (¿sabes qué?) chance to fire me, I’m leaving.
170. es más What is more
My mother lent me some money because I was in
To be in a hurry a hurry.
171. estar en un apuro
- to be in a rush -My mother lent me some money because I was in
a rush.
You can always ask me for help; after all I am
172. , después de todo, After all
your father.
You can always ask me for help; after all I am
173. , al fin y al cabo, After all
your father.
174. hacerse mayor To get older I’m getting older.
175. hacer turismo (en el
sentido de visitar lugares Sightsee I went to Paris to sightsee.
de interés)
176. estar de vacaciones To be on holiday She didn’t go to work because she is on holiday.
I bought a new flat; I would like to throw a
177. hacer una fiesta To throw a party
178. Se celebrará, tendrá Will be held.
Your exam will be held next Monday.
lugar -will take place
Was held
179. Se celebró The summit was held last summer.
-took place
180. No puedo evitar  I can't help thinking that those conferences are a
I can’t help thinking
pensar good thing.
I don’t like France. That said, I have to say Paris
181. Dicho esto, … That said, …
is beautiful.
I’m living in London only two monts ago, which
182. Razón por la cual Which is why
is why I don’t speak English very well yet.
I’m living in London only two monts ago, which
183. y por eso Which is why
is why I don’t speak English very well yet.
184. Así que ahora So now So now you know, try to drive safely.
185. From now on A partir de ahora From now on, try to drive safely.
The Government said all was Ok, but one year
186. one year on Un año después
on, everything's the same.
187. pasará mucho It will be (it’ll be) a long It will be a long time before but I’m going to
tiempo antes time before learn English.
Far from (normalmente con
188. ni mucho menos Our Germany is far from finished, Hessler.
to be antes)
189. cómo era de esperar as expected, As expected, Real Madrid won the match.
190. Me casé con… I married… I married Mary
191. Estoy casado con… I’m married to… I’m married to Mary
192. Voy a casarme con… I’m getting married to… I’m getting married to Mary
Puede cambiar el sujeto (I, he, she…) y el verbo
193. la primera vez que
que siempre va en pasado (saw, met, heard,
194. cuando (¿? ) por When I first
started, moved)
primera vez
When I first saw you I fell in love.
195. mucho más fácil Far easier For our parents it was far easier to get a job.
196. Hasta qué punto…? To what extent…? To what extent are you flexible?
197. después de todo After all I was right, after all.
198. recoger a alguien
To collect someone I have to collect my wife at the airport.
199. recoger a alguien
To pick someone up I have to pick my wife up at the airport.
200. ponerse al día Catch up I have to study to catch up.
201. lo que sea (después
You name it You can eat meat, fish, vegetables, you name it.
de una lista de cosas)
202. enamorarse de To fall in love with I fell in love with Sophie.
203. lo que importa es
What matters is that What matters is that they pay soon.
You didn’t estudy enough so now you’ll not pass
204. así que ahora So now
your exam.
205. a partir de (fecha o
As of Registration will be open as of April.
tiempo concreto)
Many people were deported soon after the end of
206. poco después Soon after
the Second World War.
207. por aquí Around here The keys have to be around here.
208. por allí Around there I usually go around there for a drink.
209. en poco más de In just over I’ll finish my essay in just over a week.
210. semanalmente On a weekly basis I go to a night school on a weekly basis.
We are facing the disembarkation of illegal
211. diariamente On a day-to-day basis
inmigrants on a day-to-day basis.
If you want to improve your English, here you are
212. para ello To do so.
two ways you might use to do so.
If you want to improve your English, here you are
213. para hacerlo To do so.
two ways you might use to do so.
If you want to improve your English, here you are
214. de hacerlo To do so.
two ways you might use to do so.
Many countries have a Central Bank, while not all
215. si bien while
have his own currency.
When saying these expressions the accent is
216. Al decir, al hablar, al
When + ing different.
caminar, al toser, al…
When coughing, my chest hurts.
217. Tómalo con calma take it easy At your first operation be careful and take it easy.
218. Cálmate Take it easy At your first operation be careful and take it easy.
219. ¿qué te ha parecido...? What do/did you think of...? What did you think my discourse?
220. Si acaso If anything She’s not exactly fat, if anything, a bit plump.
221. En todo caso If anything She’s not exactly fat, if anything, a bit plump.
Ever since then
222. Desde entonces Since then And ever since then, I always buy this brand.
Ever since
Ever since then
223. Desde ese momento Since then And ever since then, I always buy this brand.
Ever since

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