Tibor of Magazine Article Review Sheet - Special Project

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Complete the worksheet

Choose a magazine. Select an article of your interest from it and complete the tasks.

Complete this Review Worksheet for the article selected.

Name: Date:

Title of Article: China’s new reality Title of Publication:China’s new reality

Author of Article: Unknown Date of Article: October 2nd -th 2021

Other info:NOne Topic: China’s

1. Main Idea: What is the main point that you get from this article? Share the
main point in a few sentences.
The main idea is that Xi Jinping is becoming very popular in China. He’s
grabbing onto power vigorously, limiting capitalistic activities and promoting
Nationalistic ideologies. He’s shaping China in a new era.

2. Factual Summary: Write a five sentence summary of the article you read.
Include significant ideas, places, and people.
He has stopped many businesses from going public, banned
cryptocurrency, banned gaming for children and violated the basic human
rights of the Uyghur. He is also planning on breaking protocol in congress
to bypass the limit on 3 times 5 year terms as president. Xi is also breaking
back Mao and the red era ideas to life.
3. Vocabulary: Identify three words from the article that you either didn’t
understand or that you feel are important for the reader to know in order to
understand the article. Define each of the words.
A state in which the market, economy, and trade is set and controlled by
private entities rather than the government.
Legal framework:
Legal frameworks comprise a set of documents that include the
constitution, legislation, regulations, and contracts.
4. Analysis: Complete each of the statements below in no fewer than three

a. From this article, I learned…

I learned the severity of what Xi is doing. Huge multi billion dollar businesses are
getting toned down. I am also amazed by the power one person holds.

b. I have a question for the author. I want to know more about…

I would like to know more about how other countries plan to deal with this situation.
Or if they will embrace the new era of China.
5. Personal Response: Answer each of the following questions in no fewer
than three sentences. Be sure to be specific.

a. Why did you choose this article? Does it relate to your life in some way?
I personally am a big fan of politics. I often read news articles about China, Russia,
the Middle East, UK and US politics. Moreover, it’s not the first time I’ve read about
the situation for Uygurs in China for example. So this is a topic I’ve had some
exposure to and interest in. So I picked it to get up to date on the situation.
b. How does this article provide valuable information on your topic? What
important information does it give you?
In the beginning it talks about the actual consequences of Xi’s new
policies. It does this by giving real world examples, like how a indeenat
property developer is being “driven to default”. The next section focuses
more on his future plans like how private companies will react and his
plans. By the end it gives a bigger picture. It provides reasoning for why
this will eventually be bad for both China and the rest of the world. I would
say the end is more hypothetical in nature.

6. Answer the following questions with as much detail as possible:

What is the purpose of the text?

I believe that the text’s main purpose is to raise awareness and give
factual descriptions on what is happening. It is evident that it isn't an
opinion oriented article, as nowhere in the text does it mention “I‘ or “WE”.
However, even though it isn’t ovbivulsy or officially an opinion/discussion
article, it doesn't mean it doesn’t shape a strong opinion of the topic at
hand. For example the use of “brutal” in describing the regime in China
and saying “to imagine he has the right answers would be a big mistake”
suggests the writer has made up his mind on who’s the ‘bad guy’.
However, the article does reach out to our rational mind by showing
statistics like “Property development is responsible for 30% of China’s
GDP.” To conclude, it is a factual article that pokes at our logos mind,
while being slightly biased against Xi Jinping.

Who do you think is the main audience of your article? (age, gender,
origin, interests...)
The easiest to tackle here would be gender, so let’s start with it. The use
of sophisticated words like “tertiary”, “conspicuous ” and “doctrines”
shows that it’s definitely for middle school and up. It’s undoubtedly not a
childrens article. Both males and females can and are interested in
politics so I wouldn’t narrow it down to only one gender. Moreover, this
article is most definitely not targeted towards the general public of China.
This is because it heavily criticized Xi so it would be banned in China.
Moreover, as it mentions how the western world will react to this, I would
exclude Africa and South America. In short, the article is targeted
towards the western world. Lastly, the heavy use of profession specific
words like “legal framework”, “bureaucratic ”, and “market signals' ' hints
towards this being targeted to policican, businessman, humanitarians etc.
What is the tone of the article? (informative, friendly, professional...)
The article is most definitely informative and professional. It doesn’t do
much gossiping and opinion talk. The tone is very formal.
How is the text organized?
The text is organized by first giving a short summary, overview and
introduction to the story. The middle paragraphs dive into extensive detail
while the end gives opinion and less important details.

7. Complete the bibliography for your work using appropriate citation.

N/A, ‘China’s new reality’, China’s new reality, China’s new reality, 27/10/2021, 9

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