IGCSE 0610 Biology Topical Questions

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=) CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION KEY EXAMPLES | Teacher's comment De cro otto confine the veh ihe ‘Which tab omety aches the angle ot Fection? Tanction “aries ot aerobo respira out phetsyetese toes food subtaes rote the ell eT ea 3, Therootlsr ell absorbs water an soved mineral sts rom he ot fat he plane Wich feaur(e) sore preent n a root hat cello ele i 0 be ficient ie notion? m Diconcaveshape | long protrasion | gnied walls vet ye 38 c 0 ves 0 D cs | ye newer: Exolmaon "The rot Hale cell has gaa narrow promusion wo lacese is sure are 16 yume rio. Tales toot lel ae in ater and soe ine sal fom the sons si lation Biconceve ape ib a chreteatc of harman red bec ells wile ligied wall fea chaocteritis of ayer vse Teacher's comment Recall the reltionsbip ‘etwoon cel stacture nd call ston specif o ‘cktype of piled sells “The dagram shows shan red bod cel © (@)Sotete harman organ sje thr he ed cel belongs (8) (2) (List two sna diterences between bara re blood cell and atypical sie ol. pl (i) Esplin sient how each deren ftod in (allows Ahsred bce cll cary outs faction re efficiently. ei newer (@) Cueto sysem 1) ®) () Ahuman edbloedeellibicercave in shape while typical ‘imal li roughly share (1] A fan ed ood cll dice net conain a tucks while «peal anal eal des mn (i) The bcencave shpe nceaes te sue ree wo volume rio ofthe red bla cll 0th oxygen melecules cam fine Ine and ott of the ell faster ae [1] The Ince of mcleus slows the red bod alt contain were eroglsin moleces, to which more oxjgen roles on bint and bs anspor cl pts of the bey. [] () Provit iert inks ewe the ted straceral adepations ‘nd ew they enable the specialised ell to fnston more ecient. KEY PRACTICE 1. The diagram shows an animal cell Which of the following statements is comet? A. Substances produced by P are packaged by Q for export out ofthe cel. R controls the activity of , Produets of Q are chemically modified by R. DS provides energy for P to carry out its functions ave ‘The diagrams show an animal cll an a plant cel ‘Which ofthe following labels is correct fo both cells? cel surface membrane vacuole rmitochondrion cytoplasm vow a w 3. Which ofthe following statements is/are incorrect? m 1 Ribosomes can only be found on the rough endoplasmic re 2 A cell that exports proteins cut ofthe eell should have an increased amount of ‘endoplasmic reticulum. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum removes harmful products forthe cell, A. Lonly B Land 2 only © Land 3 only D 2and 3 only om) 4. The diagram shows a plant cell \—— \ ye Ax The functions ofthe structure labelled are listed below P-protects the cell Q regulates movement of substances R_ photosynthesis Which rovr in the table correctly matches te structures labelled to their Functions? [1] 1 2 3 A P Q R B Q P R c R P Q D R @ P on) 5. The diagram shows a human sperm cell produced by the male reproductive system. Scientists found that the tail ofthe sperm cell uses lot of energy and propels vigorously to reach the egg cell in the female reproductive system. Which ofthe following organelles is expected to be present in a large amount in the sperm cell? w nucleolus niteckondrion smooth endoplasmic reticulum ‘chromatin co) vom 6, ‘The diagram shows the detailed structures ofa plant cel (@) Name the organelles labelled A, B and C. BI & B (b) Identify the structure labelled D and state its function 7. The diagram shows a cell as seen under the microscope: (a) State the functions ofthe organelles labelled P, Q and R, () Suggest whether the cell shoven came from an animal ora plant Gi). Give two reasons t support your answer in (bY, (@) Which of the labelled strictures, W, X, Y and/or Z, can only be seen under an electron microscope? a (b) The table below shows some structures found in the animal cell shown above and their functiors. Complete the table by filling in the empty boxes. re structure funetion ribosome site where most cellular activities take place ‘synthesise pias 9, A student viewed a cell rough a microscope and drew the following diagram. (@) In the diagram, label the cell surface membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm. [3] (b) State three ways in which the cell viewed by the student is different fom a typical animal cell G1 12 SPECIALISED CELLS, TISSUES ANO ORGANS 10. we diagram refers o some structural adaptations of eels, Which area inthe diagram represents red blood cells? m \secnene o/) Oo 11. Which row in the table correctly states the function(s) of the xylem vessels? a ) 12, ‘The diagram below shows the drawing ofa plant cell with some ofits structures labelled. Which ofthe labelled structures is absent in a root hair cell? m1 13, Some structures Found in a human body and a plant ae listed below. leaf liver blood root hair cell aumot Which row in the table correctly matches the structures fo thei levels of organisation? a call tissue organ A T Rand $ PandQ B T P, Rand S| Q c SandT Qand P D SandT ie PandQ | 14, ‘The diagram below shows a specialised cell type. {@) State the functions ofthe specialised cel type a (b) Name structure X and explain how it enables the specialised eell type to carry out its functions eficiently fe 15. ‘The diagram shows aplent cel obtained from the root ofa plant, (@) Name the type of cell shown above and state the organ system that it belongs to, a) (&) Compare and contrast the structure of the cell shown above anda typical plant cel i] i). State the function of molecule P. tw (8) (Naive the organelle shown inthe diagram. (&) Name one animal cell type and one plant cell type that lack the organelle shown in the diagram and explain how the lack ofthe or ben nelle shown is eficial to the cell types. rc Animal coll ype: Explanation; Plant cell ype: Explanation: Question icher’s comm vient was cad out to invent the effct of diffrent | () Calle the ncenstons of alacton on white rads tie. Percenage change Tansey ug the Perctape change in suas (Change ma Tal ss 1a Four ienil stripe were cut fos white rash and weighed. They verethe placed i dere solaions of dierent concentrations 8 down Be creftnot to omit the pose and aerate ~ havea change in ie aus, This inet tat there po net movement Of water holcils ive and out of he cell ofthe whut ais. [1] Hence the cl sap of th white rch ello hs the sme water poeta 2 he srreaning slain [1 ‘Te whitcradis sip insoitonD bas veterpeeenepe change ‘nmacs 38 compared © tat solos A. (1) This nates dt snore water molecules entre the cll ofthe white radish sip ‘plsed in soltionD tan tat uti A. [1] Hence slain D fase higher woter pani thx soliton As the a of estes incase witha slxper ator poteial gradient. (1) KEY PRACTICE 1. Three adjacent cells are shown inthe diagram, “The arrows represent the net passive movement of substance X between the eels, Which of the following represents the initial conceatrations of substance X inthe cells? 0 initial concentration of substance X / unit all P ell eo A 2.00) 1.00 2.00 B 1.00 1.00 2.00 c 2.00) 2.00 1.00 D 1.00. 2.00 1.00 whi row in the table correctly identifies gases G end H, and the method by which they travel into or out af the alveolus? coee ‘method of movement _| gas H carbon dioxide ciffsion ‘oxygen bon dioxide ‘osmosis carbon dioxide | oxygen aiffusion carbon dioxide [ox cosmasis 3. An experiment was set up to investigate the movement of wo solutes across partially permetble membrane. The observation ares shown i th diagrams below. No thee Sohitesare present in ke s-op >a ee rie?) RS aod] Ee ie = svt wo? ie] ncotee patty pemeaemenivane unoterpeinet alot expeinet Which of te following statements ar core? a) 1 The process docs not expend energy. 2. Solute | only travels from P to Q and not ftom Q to P. 3 Prand Q have the Sime water potential a the end of the experiment. 4. The process will nt take place ifthe partially permeable membrane was removed. A Land 2 only Bland 3 only © 1, 2and3 only D 2,3and4only a) 4. “The diagram shows the movement of substance X, as indicated by the arrow, into aroot hair cel ‘Which ofthe following combinations is not possible? w substance X ‘method of movement a mineral salts active transport B mineral salts diffusion c rineal salts mosis D water osmosis A student made three statements about diffusion and oswesis Both diffusion and osmosis do not require energy. Both diffusion and osmosis require a partially permeable membrane Diffusion isa passive process while osmosis is an active process. Which of the statements ilare correct? w A. Loaly BL and2 only © 2and 3 only D_ none of te above om) 6. A smudent placed s plant cell in solution K for 30 minutes. The diagram shows the appearance ofthe plant cell at the end of the experiment. (2) Based on the diagram, describe and explain wiat has happened tothe plant cll oO] (©) The student placed red blood cell ino a fresh sample of solution K. A teran how, the red blood cell was found to have undergone eel lysis instead of having the same appearance as the plant coll, Explain the cbservatien. BI 7. Inan investigation, five identical potato strips with a Iength of Sem were immersed in ‘pure water with different amounts of sugar added. The potato strips were removed from ‘the selutions after 10 minutes and ther lenglhs were measured again, ‘The results are as shown in the table below. Tength of potato strip after sce s3s | 313 | soo | 4s | 465 ‘percentage change In length of potato strip / % (@) Complete the table by filing inthe percentage change in length of the potao stips, corrected to two significant figures. 2) (©) Using the results from (a), craw amounts of sugar added into pure water and the percentage cha potato strips, graph to show the relationship between the sth ofthe B (©) Draw a diagram to show the appearance of a coll obtained from the potato strip removed from the solution with 20 g of sugar. Inelude labels forthe cell wal, ce ‘membrane and vacuole in your drawing. a 8. Ina human body, digested food substances like glocose and amino acids are absorbed into the bloodstream at the small intestine, The graph below shows the glucose concentration in blood and in the lurnen of the small intestine of a healthy individual ‘overtime, During this period, the individual took two meals cose concentration t + mea mail? (3) On tbe part ofthe graph fer meal 2, mark the point at which glucose molecules stat travelling ftom the humea of the smal intestine int the blood vessels (via diffusion and label itas°X, a Gi). via active transport and abel i a8 a or (ali), 31 9. The diagram shows the cell atthe bottom surface of leat. ‘Oxygen escapes from the leafto the surroundings through strcture M during daytime. (@) Name structure M. io} () State a gas that enters the leaf through structure M during day time, n (©) Name and define the process by which exy gen escapes the leaf and the gas named in (& enters the ea. Q (©) Substance P moves the cal while substance Q moves out of he cellthrough the action ofthe protein pump. The table below shows the concentrations of substances P and @ in the cytoplasm of the cel and outside the cel “concentration arbor substance ytopteon nti call P 8 05 @ ° 2 (Based on the information, suggest whether substances Pand Q move through the ation ofthe protein purp by diffusion or active transport, Pp) Substance P: Substance Q: —___ (iW) State two differences between the method by which substance P- moves through the action ofthe protein pump named in (by) and osmosis. 2} 3 NUTRIENTS CHAPTER KEY EXAMPLES cer Teacher's comment 1. Which section ofthe diagram shows the Funston of carbohydrates in the fnesions of ving omnis? fn yates plats tad anima, her varstons oF the ‘useton may incl the fmeions of ft and pretis ‘Caters serve san engy source a they san be oxi 10 release cen. ‘They est be edi syshesse brian sch as mucus, ‘They con ako Deseo orm nuit acl suchas ceoxibonaclec sidan rikeousee aed Teacher's comment 2. The following apram shows the ruc of wl vera aman te le A fore nthe |) Men the meee bast he repeating and source. (4) Recall tat lacose molecules werg0 ndesationetons ‘orm polscecharies ‘eaedons wo form Polypeptides, which ers fre poten siecle, and glycerol tnd dee tty acid troleces ergo (2) Mertsymolciie Aandi tai wit 2 () Sato te by: prod Formed daring the formation of rslsale fem is bane un im (©) Name a molec fod in parts hat serves the ame Fes 3s ‘molecule A and sugar tee reno why they are bth sabe sso unis oy (o) Provide diet ink between the statues of pobyacches and uae sdvatagenus at sorsge (Molecule A is glycogen. [1] ls base uit gece. 1] nie @) Waer(t) (©) Such (1) ‘hey ae bo stable as storage us sey ae hype moles ‘nade upofthousardsof peose mpseeues Hee, they arewrable tomoveseroe he paral’ pemesve el serace mentors of the al that they ae enced th. / They ate sso aclu fin water and therefore, oo aot affect th weer peter of th ells which they ne toned. | When seeded toy an be etily Inelysed to eeasegecase molecules which ean be wed 8 sri encny for the el They ar highly compas molecules, landbence hey ke up less spac han that cnstivent basi uns Cine (3) ‘Which ow in the table cone identfes wheter the elemen's sted Reval the elements ‘open ina fit moss? TH) | prosetina ta molecule thee varias of tho carbon | nltronen | oryzen [hydrogen eee ata 7 z x Te the clenents preseet incabotydeaes ant al[- Zi x £ oti. f * ¥ < o Le Z v z newer ‘splanaon: fat molecules onto ofthe elements carbon hycoge and ong “The diggram tilow shows the fommaten ofa fanelecule (@ A tinokeae Se (TY Se KAP (a) diy rection P, molecule X and moze Xl (@) Fate can be categorised fo ho mjor groups, sated and snsatoatd, Stata two major ferences tetoen be to grep pe Aner: (@) "Revcton &corcemston (1, Molecule X: ger (1) Molecule ¥: ft ac (1) () Saheeod fis ue slide t soon temperner while unsstrted fay ae ligetb at room tempertve / Sarees can be btn from meat, dairy prot aed plmi ule unsaturated fas mainly come fora vegeable laut i. wan roduets and ‘talon. / Bet ch stud fs nd eolesterl creases the ‘isk of hear dace while sare can help 10 redace ‘hleeterol vali blood, sad hone the ek of hea disease ny me) BL formed fm he condoston reach betscon on lycra leu ang thee fey ‘cid molecule Condersion reaction refers toarection ‘vnc nace mole ie feemeciaca bypodus, (Recall he jor peaps offs, ell atheros rd assorted eth compieaions. More inten on theroitionshn baween ‘holster and oat Aico in avaiable ‘Chaper7 Tarpon ia ers Question 5. Which of th following elements i poset in poten, bit ot in cbs and at m a exten Bogen C oxveen D-nitroren Exoleatian: Proteins are rade of nino acid molesules, The ansine group of snino cs contans ner. + _Cartennyartes and fats contain only carton hydrogen and oxy. (A prctein molacale was inated Hom shaman call (@) State ewoditeences bemeen he sic of protein oleae se plycogen rl et wo fincas of ten in ream Bey 2 ld with poia deficiey. 2] © (6) Sopgest what may happen to Answer (2) proein mokzeul is made up of amiuo acd molecules wile ‘slycopen s made up of lacose moles. 1] protein molecule cma the elena nitogen whe glycogen des rex. (1) (©) Protein can be wid 6 syntense ne proepem fr el goats or repair of worrout cll, / Protein can be used to sythense | tseymes whi speedup chemical rations in the human bod: 7 Protin an be wed te Form antibodies tht ace eve nthe lnamune sys, / Proteins ca be ued asin etsy souve when clyde and fats ate unable Ay 0) 21 (© end with pmtin defiensy may develop 2 sondion called tevastverr [1] Menes the cio stow sponse hosted omach eoreaseé muss rats nd riche say hi. 1] Teacher's comment Rec the genera fenmula ofthe esc unit of pretense eds Dale the clemcats present fom te eae formula tnd compare ‘tem sith oe preset i eabokvéres nd 18, (e) Recall the suctree of aoger and aprotin trace Mae soto provide poini-goie apa, Oy Ferctany, nyo ecar the nsec ‘bat oe sentence containe one po. (Recall ia cles ‘spre decency ayaevenphvenertr terme asctted Symptons and pestle ‘reatnent forte concon. TE (en 7. Thefollowing stuements are mde about the properties of water. rN lrg anc of enegy is need fo Shang temperate by 2. Ierves as an eneent solvent 3) Imoves eat fom the srface fom which it evaporates \Whick ofthe proposed expos) why wateric suitable to be weed Teacher's comment Othe variaions of uesione ay a forthe Properties of water te trast abet serve 2 taper mei easel. Bese © feat the properties wo ‘enters he cll my (a) Sute the process response for he moveret of wae ino the cel m (6) Based on the agra. sigget why we have to water pln regu. ea (Water alco ares aca transport madkum in plas. Ste wo fubstnces te are tansported by wate i pens and leu) india the dseion of eanspert fer each substance cl newer: (3) "Osmesie [1] {B)__Assoenfcethedixgran.asnatrcnerthe cel tbe clT becomes Tages n size and tru 1] lees as the plat is being tered ‘egualy, is able sy apiight and receive the maximum tren sami for i rth (1) (ater ransports rine sas tom the roo to all oter parts of the plants [1] Italsosanspors manuached feed prods sch amine aoe andglaceee molec rm the eves 1a ther parte ofthe pls (1 Ferenmoregultion of thea body? 10} | reevane riches A tenly B tant3 only Mor information on © 2ant3 only thermoregltion is DB 1.2ands sia Chapter 11 Hones Amer Explanation +The terperanre ofthe human oxy aso be keel ely const. Water requires age amount of energy forks temperate ochang= ty IC. Therefor, ale tons changes he temper the human bey + Wh te tempor of the humm body is higher than the ner, ‘nating oer During hich ater evaporates fom the cia and ‘eaves het fom the hua body ringing the temperate of de ody down, 3 Tia dagem ahr tot presen mama! of wrt all (@) Rect rome previous chap that emote et pine ‘ovoront of wler _nelecues fom aren ‘thigh wate pote ‘oa gion water pote donn te water potential grado (@)Stndeuts shouldbe abl torewgnie tat The cell stag er. the cage nd suggest the sevanage often tui elie ina plat () Recall the sabstanss Taare beg tanspored yy water pan, Cher eration of the ‘queen may alo teston theabstmoes hae reaneperd by water ina human body ‘Question 9. Sever! food te ae cemod out on food sample contsning only sre, ts and prot. ‘Which ofthe Ealowing reals is possible? 0 iatearried oo observation nN Benediets os ‘Wicked pesipinie | B Tart et ‘ble saation « oie test Meck colar > [Tetirot emulsion ea | cloudy white eto Answer D + thefood sample contains as ence it ivesactoudy whit emasion when ethanol emulsion etwas ete ot +The fed sarpie conte pcs. seni ive deep purple + Thefood ample contains roe, However, sue not edureg sige, ond hanseshoald geo be slain wea Bevodiet's est scared ont + The fod sample does not contain serch. I should give an crane bn colour be Todi test was cried oat 10) groapof todos cared ort aver aed ween sid oats to find out contnt The ests area shown bu saan cep pute sou (@) Free theres, what can be concteded shout he content oF the feod sample? 2) (©) Ifthe fod sample is known to eosin such, atthe expected sults fd est was pefomed on it Pl (©) Outline the eps we ikem in oder wo conti wheter the Food sample conan fs Bl (@) The food sample comin proeie (1) and does aot contain any redoing ta (1 (0) The lodine soho tas frm orang brown [10 oo lack [1 {©} Cavite sample it sal eces and pace hen na tes ube [U] Add cx? of etanel tothe es tbe eonaining tie sanple stake theron [1] Allow the sls picks t sete a the otor ofthe test abe aad phe np ayer of ean to Teacher's comment DDeduce the supposed eer foreach fod tet perarmed on @ food sample based onthe [noma pode tent rocing gs, lc glecrs rato, faeces, maltose and facto Recs the engens ead procedures ad the cexpovtad observations for positive and aogtve reals of te fod tes, (6) Be remind tat These Foret ‘mula tet forse fii ood sree tro dieren, KEY PRACTICE Which of the following gives 2 solution that contains only glucose when digested completely? a A. fraciose B_ glycogen © glycerol D_ lactose () The diagram below shows a hydrolysis reaction, o0--—_-@-@ P Which of the following combinations forthe identities of molecules P, Q and R is possible? wu) P @ R aL mattose Tactose Tactose B | gatacwse | score Tactose © [7 sucrose | gloss | fraciose os on) ‘Which of the fllowing states the correct difference between glycogen and starch? (1) salycopen starch ‘made up of glucose molecules | made up of suerese molecules ‘made by planis and animale made by plants only formed by condensation reaction | formed by hydrolysis reaction waow> highly branched Tong, straight chain 4 Which ofthe following are carbohydrates? 0 1 CHO, 2 C\H,0,, 3 GH,0, 4 CHO, A Land 3 only B 2end 4 only © 1,3and4only D 12,3ani4 om) “The diagram show's a polysaccharide found largely in the i wall of plant cells, olla alla" alal (@) Define the term polysaccharide P (b) Name the polysaccharide shown in the diagram. W (©) State the functions of the polysaccharide named in (b) in plants, and in animals when they consume the plants. re 6. The table below shows some examples of earbohyrates and their building blocks. (@) Complete the table by filing inthe empty boxes, The fst row hus heen completed for you. 5] ‘carbohydrate building blocks slycogen many glucose molecules sarees cellulose maltose lactose (©) (i) _Listall the complex carbohydrates in the table W diy Name the complex carbohydrate found in ani a 7. ‘Two identical bags made of partially permeable membranes are filed with $ em? of starch and 5 em? of fucose respectively. 10 em? of pure waters then add into each ‘bag. The bags are then placed into beakers containing equal volumes of pare water as shown below. }— pure water pty pemnbie ie | pure waters starch pasty pemcable i pve watr + rte atl Ring ae Mek The bags are temoved fom the beakers and weighed at regular time intervals. The raph for set-up B is as show in the graph below sas of pardaliy permeable bag \ (@) Explain the part ofthe graph with a positive gradient obtained for set-up B. [5] (©) (i) Inthe same axes, craw the graph for setup A. io i) Beplain youranswerin (6), 4 8. A food sample X is obtained and digested. After digestion, the resulting solution had a pH value Jower tan that of food sample X. Which of the following correctly identifies food sample X and the component responsible forthe lower pH after digestion? a food sample X__| component responsible for lower pI A fats Fatty acid B fais elyeerat c sarch alucose D slyeoren maltose © toca beg Hae Pe td ‘9. Which segment of the diagram represents the functions of fats in © human body? (1] we Zz N \ AN. eS (XN /\ yy \ \ ination \ \ NS o> 10, Thecingrin sho abso mle (REZ x—+ RRB a. Whi ft lowing ces ies X and? uw x ¥ a | sera an B | sheet fay ci © [—wieonen xin » [_eiecom tay ei 11. ‘The diagram shows athree-dimensional model of an animal cell, (@)_ Inthe diagram, label and name the siractare that synthesis fats, 0 (©) Describe the formation of a fat molecule from its building blocks and state all the by-products ofthe overall reaction, a ‘State two similarities between a fat molecule and a cellulose molecule, a eecaera Pebitig Howse at 12, ‘The following is 8 nutricon label found on a food packaging, Serving per comuiner 4 ‘Amount porsering aoe 121 Calosis rom a 45 Toul 5 Seatum 200 me Pron Omg (@) Based on the information on the nutrition label, calculate the amounts of energy Der unit mass for fas and casbohydates, a (©) From your answers in (a), what can you deduce about fats and carbohydrates? [1] (6) List three funetions of fats i the human body a 13, (a) State three differences between a fut molecule and a starch molecule. 8 (©) Some nutritionists advised that we should substitute butier in our diet with ‘margarine. Explain why. @) FEROS 14, Which row in the table correctly identities whether the elements listed are present in all protein molecules? voer carbon | nitrogen | sulfur | hydrogen v v v 0 v v x Z v x v v v v v x a key’ Y= present X absent acon Pbling Ho Re ed 15. The following shows a renetion tht tales place in a plant XY + water Which of te following comrctly identifies molecules X and Y? x ¥ A | many gcose molecules ogc | many amino ac molecules protein c fi ycerol + dirwe fly acid malades D> polypontide many amino acid molecules ‘ 16, Which ofthe fllowing represents a polypeptide? A B AOONLOO AeeotAne” 4 fondooa 4 © | enn ids c D> © o eeneee . ¢ 17, Which of the fllowingis nota function of proteins in the bumaa body? A formation of sntibodies B synthesis of hormones © insulating material D> source of energy q 18, Which of the following correctly state(s) the difference(s) between cellulose and proteins? fo 1 Cellulose is made of glucose while protein are made of amino acics. 2. The basic units of cellulose are held together by hydrogen bords while those of proteins are held together by peptide bonds 3 Thebreakdown of cellulose ino its basic units requites water while that of proteins donot, A. tonly B | and 2only © 2and 3 only D 1.2and3 f 19, The diagram shows the drawing of a typical anima cel (a) Inthe diagram, label and name te structure that synthesises proteins tobe exported out ofthe cel, @ (b) Name the basic unit of a protein molecule and outline the process of provein synthesis from its basie units fa 20. Large biological molecules are formed by smaller basi units (@) Complete the table by filling in the empty boxes. large molecule Dasic unite alycogen glucose rein ‘©tcaions Patong rose (©) A dict lacking in proteins may cause a child to develep ¢ condition called kwashiorkor. State te symptoms ofthe conclition and suggest how it ean be treated el Symnproms: Treatment: 21. The diagrams below show the stucture of to aminoacids, glycine and alanine. 4 ° Nyda? wes é AN Wiis ©. see alanine (@) In the diagrams, circle out the variable groups of the amino acids and write the letter ‘R? next to thom, Qi (©) Glycine and alanine undergo a condensation reaction. Draw inthe space provided, the stractre ofthe product formed, showing clearly the bond formed between the amino acids, B) 22. Which ofthe following correctly shows the funetion of water inthe human body? (1) reactant for many | transport of lipid {important reaetions hormones, A v x hey: B F 7 ¥~isafunetion c a Fe X =ispota function D x x 23, Which of the following statements ebout the importance of water in plants is incorrect? 0 ‘A. Itisneeded for photosynthesis in plants. B. Istransports starch from the eaves te different pars of te plants. © It helpe to keep young shoots upright in order to receive maximum sunlight D._Iicransports mineral sis through the xylem vessels tothe leaves. ( Some properties of water are listed below. | This incompressibe. 2 Itacis as solvent for many substances. 3 tis the main component of bodily Mids Which of the properties explain(s) why water is suitable as # transport medium in humans? w A only B Land? only © 2and 3 only D 12and3 (on) ‘© ducaionPaishig rose Re 25. (@) Outline the importance of water in animals, ro () State and explain three factors that affect the amount of water needed by an ingividual Bl 26. The following shows part of the nutrition information found on a food packaging. 2, per 1008 poeln a tndeterat carole 78 Loe 008, 36 Which ofthe following combinations show the final observations when food tesis are cand out on fresh samples ofthe foe? rt) 5 chanotemebion | oq, eneairstest | _ biaret est ig iodine exe [-tiuesctation | biuesoiuion | learsoluton | tuo bak colour B | orange precipitate | blue sottin | Suds ite | orange trown ‘rickrod | deep purple | clovdy wie e precipitate solution emulsion blue Backecolour ‘deeppuple | deep pule orange brown » ‘solution, solution chereietpe colour C ) Benedict's test and bret tet wre cried out on vo food samples. The results are as follows. temp [manatee vise 2 st pein depen ¥ yelow ene Use aan Which statement about food samples X and Y is definitely correct’? [OF ‘A X contains more stareh than Y. 1X does not contain protein, B © ¥ does not contain fats D ‘Y contains more redueing sugar than X. 28. Four different Food samples were tested and the results were recorded as shown, Which sample contained only fats and proteins? m Benedict | ainetor | chanel emlion | are A. [negative positive negative regative B | positive postive positive negative [positive | negative negative positive D | negative ewatve positive positive 29, Catalase is protein-based enzyme which spovds up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, Which ofthe following statements about catalase is correc? 0 A. It gives deep purple colour when it is added o sodium hydroxide solution and 1% copper sulfate solution is added dropwise. Bt gives a cloudy white emulsion when shaken with ethanol Ct gives a blue-black colour when afew drops of iodine solution is added to it Dt gives a brick-red precipitate when ts added to Benedict's solution and heated in ( 30. Several food tests were carried out on a food sarmple. The results are as follows + It gives a blue solution afer Benedict's test. + It gives a deep purple solution after biuret test + Tt gives a blue-black colour afer fone test. ‘Which ofthe following nutrients must be absent in the food sample? A. sucrose B fructose © starch D_ protein ( 31. A food substance is being tested forthe presence of proteins Which ofthe steps listed are necessary? m heat ‘add ethanol ‘add iodine solution add Benedict’ solution ‘add sodium hydroxide solution add (% copper) sulfate solution A Land only B 2and3 only © Sand only D 14and Sonly ( 32. The ethanol emulsion test was caried out on six samples. supe B cloudy witeenlsion © learsclaion > learslution F doar slation (@) Whetis the purpose of the ethanol emulsion test? u (b) Which samples show a postive result ofthe ethanol emulsion test? au tobe carried cut on sample A in order to find out whether it contains © the procedure and include the expected observations for the positive and negative results in your answer. a Benedict's test was carried out on four food samples. The results are as shown, ample sult ® rite precipte c ae soliton (@) Name the nutrient that is being investigated inthe experiment (b) Based on the results inthe table, arrange the food samples according to the amount of the nutrient named in (a) present ia them, starting with the one containing the Incgest amount a (©) @) With the help of a wel tobe taken in order to belled diagram ofthe setup used, outine the steps letermine whether the drink contains reducing sugars. 6 Gi) The drink gives a brick-red precipitate after the test dseribed in (OX) is done List five substances that may be present in the drink that could result inthe observation eB (i) The solution containing the basic units of the protein does not give a deep >arple colour when biuret es is ca ied out. With the help ofa drawing of the basie unit, explain the result ofthe biuret test 6) 4 ENZYMES CHAPTER KEY EXAMPLES ESET ET 1. Sich stroke down no glacosomelscalee by wo enzymes, and V. | Ident he ype of ‘Mish of the following cinrviy deter the case of the vo | subst then eatfy nye? UU] | theclassof enzymes responsible forthe T= ¥ ‘eakdown ote a pes cays subsite B pase pase More infomation cc [Pibaryaase pase thebreakdowe of sarc >: [Comenyaas | Taeagaae istchunndigatve Answer Chaps 5: Nuon in mers Exolanion PS is 4 cibolydate, Carblydatss ae digesed by ccxbotneraes 2 The diagram below Sows the sractve of mosses X, whieh cn be | (@)A Is tetanic eit Found il bf melecte X and ‘onan theeleert a ivegen Hence, isa wh het de te ted be hk ai acid Bis the bond Ry RITA TA [bk betwee no sin id : + renames. Hence, Bisa pence ba, (9) ry se samc ie an By} CB Sethe pe ef eee be sd to ba doa | (Siena ‘molecule mois bose an 10) |e ined gstar va (Reston ated et ofthe pe of exgme aed in) 102 | peptaebomts Seaibe oning my ot me Tea meee | eek Soden wavted tind ou if melee X bas ben compictey | MOUMICX SA ‘Soten down Hoprponedtocondcta tine est on hn reason | DODDS caine ‘tes, Suggs and expla whether thi method i propa _— ay | rote Answer: (e) Recall hat eyes GA ain eid 1} te protease ae B peti bone [1] atthe Dre eats ed (b) Prowse (1) ‘econ the presence of (0) Noufl] This is because both moleuleX and th enzyme sad (prceasc) are pois in tr. (] Hebe, the ure est will {Svea ovine rol oven when sess ine bees Some) Fron down to the pence of te enzyen [1] proteins. CEES 3. Totes aes were stp as shown Blo ef rection for ste Pat compared te tht of tet a hs pase lovee re domed flower ashe fats moicais are denatured Slower asthe pase and fas motels cold in each teres Frequent tote tubes contained de cae amu fabs Eavlnaton Tests P has a ower tempesatve dn test wb Q. AC ewer semper, te lipase and fs moles consi» lover smn oftmetc energy. Hence, they have fewer enlions with exch oe, ‘etlting ina oer rats enzyme seat complex Foran end ‘lower ial mie of ration. Teacher's comment Compare the stp to dent the vanable teste, hen recall te ‘ltonsip bomen the inal ate of eatin ad lhe valble este {question may ask toe the emoaat of products Fomned afer erin moan of ie ier de etcon has omc Question 44 The allowing sonst relationship bewecn pHteftheveacion iste | (0) The acu of the amount profuetfoaed by an enzyme-calysedreacon pet |_ product mel pes tine i tine is equivalent tothe rate ofrettion amount prdee frmed The gate the amc erin! ge ‘of product formed per ti in, the high be fac of rexton The ae tf reston can aso be fecnsed by tne anc of ‘bain used yp perunit Easy tivity ie ° $ ™ dependent on the pl Hence the te oF resco sala depen (a) Expl he shape ofthe soph ti | nennaccsceyes {®) Some compartmess within» cell and Get espesive pH vals | SSO4 chensal ane 4 Tied below. Sugzex the compartnent fs which the | Zane mayne wos ioe, Expt you ser el The eptizal Sompartnent pilaive ‘ondtons fran erzyne fester to tat othe “uel ren 72 Saath y Soot ote | o fom. Tit ec ofa x0 econ 0 {a} When the pH valu of the restion cae i 5, he enzyme 8 ‘lo to ind tothe eabtee moleats to form enzyme substrate Complexes tthe highest rae, vung in the grew amcurt of product formed per nit ine. (1] As he pl salve deerases Dr eceascs from the optim, the iaamokelae bends i the tnzyme molecules ave dete, causing te ave sites tse the specie tre-danersonal conformation. (1] The enzmes therefore bosons unable to bind tthe state molecules foam ‘nzyne-airate complenes and catalyse th extn. [1] Hence, the amount of reduc formed per unit tine decreases a he pl ‘als of te reaction mite deviates rom the opus [1] (&) Thytkoid space of chloroplast. (11 The optimum pl valve Sor the enzyme fe the same ae he pH wae [nthe ty boi space Df the ehlogplast Hence, wl e abet ora is maxium ciency in the ty loid space oF he elves [1] KEY PRACTICE ‘Which ofthe following statements ate true about all enzymes? 1 They contain the element nitrogen. They are oaly required in minute amounts, 3. They can only speed up the breakdown of substances. A. and 2 of © 2and 3 only ‘Nucleases can be used to digest long chains of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules B land ionly D i2and3 into individual nucleic acids. According tothe lock and key hypothesis, which isthe lock and which is the key? [I] Took ey A [DNA molecule _| nucleic acids B | nueleicacids [DNA molecule c nuclease DNA molecule D nuclease rucleic aces ‘The diagram shows an enzyme.cetalysed reaction, Which of the following correctly identiis the active si a) ite and the enzyme-substrate io) complex? active site nayme-rubstrate complex A P R “| B P s c Q R vie s 4. Enzyme M is found to digest maltose into glucose Which ofthe following statements explains why enzyme M is unable to digest lactose Imo ghucose and galaciose? a A. Enzyme M is easily denatured by extreme pH. B_ Enzyme M is a protease and hence, is unable to digest lactose as laiose is a ccarbobyérate ©. Maliose and lactose have different conformations. D_ Thoactive site of enzyme M has the same conformation as maltose but not lactose, co) ‘5, The graph shows the energy levels asa reaction takes place, with and without the use ofan enzyme specific to the reaction Which arrow shows the activation energy with the enzyme? in} energy (om) 6. Different types of enzymes are use to break down different types of food substance. ‘Some examples are listed inthe table below. @) Complete the table by filling inthe empty boxes. re} typeof enzyimes {pe of food substances carbohydrases lipases proteases (b) Sucrase is a carbohydrase It ean be used to digest sucrose into its monomers [Describe the reaction using the lock and key hypothesis [s) 7. An enzyme-catalysed reaction can be illstated by the diagram below: x tA Gy ey ERY oy (2) Ldenify the substrate, product end enzyme BI Substrate: Product Enzyme: (b) The graph below shows the energy profile diagram fora chemical reaction without enzyme. nersy ' sctisation nergy Sioa over enrgy sna time Inthe same axes, (daw 2 graph to show the energy profile diagram for the same chemical reaction in the presence of an enzyme specifi for tht reaction, el using a double-headed arrow, indicate the activation eneray of the reaction with enzyme. ul 8. ‘The diagram below shows the re catalysed by a hydrolase. (=) Se (8) Define the term iydroiese a (©) (3) Based on the diagram, identify molecules A. B and C. a molecule identity 4 B (ii) From your ansurer in (b)i), name the special type of hydrolase used to speed up the reaction, aw (©) Use the lock and key hypothesis to explain why the hydrolase used in the reaction is highly specifi (5) 10, Amylase speeds up the hydrolysis of starch into maltose molecules. Three test tubes are used in an experiment cartied out in room temperature to investigate the reaction. The substances present inthe test rubes are as shown, est be subsiarces sacch = boiled amyl ‘Ten minutes late, the contents of the west tubes are heated with Benedict's solution Which ofthe test tubes will give a brick-red precipitate? A lonly B | and2only © 2and 3 only D 1,2and3 f ‘An experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of temperature on an cenzyme-catalysed reaction, Ateach ernperature, the reaction allowed totakeplace for five minutes. After which, the reaction is halted and the amount of unreacted subsirate i measured, The results are a shovn in te graph below. {At which point of the graph are most produet molecules forweel persecond? [1] ‘amount of unreacted substrate after'5 minutes temperature /°C 12, The graph below shows the effects of pH on the rate ofan enzyme-catalysed reaction. rateof reaction pa Which ofthe following is trac about point P? u) ‘Mest ofthe enzyme molecules re inactive B The peptide bonds within the enzyme molecules are disrupted ©. The substrate molecules are denature. The shape ofthe active site ofthe enzyme molecules is changed. an) > 13. Rubisco (Ribulose- S-bisphosphate carboxylese/oxygenase) is an enzyme involved in photosynthesis tis abundant in the stroma of chloroplasts which has a pH value of 8.0. ‘Which of the following shows the correct relationship between pH and the enzyme activity of Rubisco? it B censyme aetivty H pt « 3 ” o ‘ene setiity P cacyme actiy i « @ " ° 8 m 14. A student carried out an experiment to investigate the rate of reaction at different temperatures. The results are as shown, ae ow] cecal ace tmletlstobebrasen | 200 | 111 | 83 | down / min rate of reaction / min! () Calculate the rate of reastion using the formal is the time taken forall the lipid molecules to be broken down. Fill n the values, comected to two significant Beures in the table above. 2) (©) Using your answers in (@), draw a graph showing the relationship herween ‘temperature and the rate of reaction in the grids provided below. 8) () Describe the relationship between temperature and the rte oP reaction, ies 15, Catalase isan enzyme that can be found inthe human blood, I catalyses the breakdown into water and oxygen, In an experiment, a mixture of 24 em? of hydrogen peroxide and 1 cm’ of catalase ‘was reacted at 25°C. The volume of oxygen produced is measured using the apparatus shown below: : ain EE tore non (2) Explain why 1 em of catalase is sufficient for the reaction 2 The results of the experiment areas shown, sotame oxygen produced on! ies (0) In the graph above, draw a cross a the point where the reaction is fst completed and label it as mu (©) @ Inthe sameaxes, draw a graph wo show the volume of gas produced overtime ifthe experiment was repeated at 35°C. Include a eross atthe point where the reaction is first completed and label i as “Y a Gi) Explain your graph in (i, 63) (Gi), Suggest and explain whether Y should have @ lower, same, o higher volume of oxygen piced, 28 compared 10 X. a 6, Bromelain is an enzyme that can be harvested from all parts ofthe pineepple plant. It can be used asa meat tenderiser. The reaction is as shown below, collagen protein (in meat) + water "=", emino acids (a) Define the term enzyme; (b) Based on the information provided, which class of hydrolase does bromelain belong we? w (©) In an experiment, 1 em’ of bromelain solution is added to 10 em of collagen protein of varying concentrations. The graph below shows the effects of increasing collagen protein concentration on the rate of reaction, rateofrexclon Yo Assuming that water is present in excess and that the temperature and pH are ‘optimal forthe bromelain activity, explain he shape of the graph (6) > colngsnpesiin concentration melden? (© Bromelain power is sprinkled on te meat forthe tenderising effect. Suggest why ‘bromelain powder i aot added during cooking instoad, pI z 5 NUTRITION IN HUMANS z KEY EXAMPLES: Question Teacher's comment 1. The diagram shows some organs involved in hasan ation deni thesevetes| abel frm the agra then oa the fnetion ofeach struste ‘Which ofthe following caretly maces the abled sates with thee Functions? a planation: + pte liver whieh stores in the pancreas which prodacee panera aioe tat coming tte ileum of he sll intstte ich asers deed food substancosineuing amino sis + Sisthe colon ofthe lange inteine which bibs incr rad 1 Scan Paling Hoes ead 13 = Teacher's comment 2, The diagram shows sone organ nh human body (@) Food substance XIas evened the tomash X tom osemanes hile bed substance Y 1 Isteaing he som. Hence, he quesion testing on te dieston processes tht ke pce nthe stomach Note a ‘nly protin digestion ‘akespice ne Yoon! sSomich Sute two direces between food subsiece X and food | (OM) Recall he pathway sxbsance Y 2] | taken by food absences (0) Name organ M. Ui) | inthe hans alimetary (i) State the funetons of gan M. 1D | cant Asie party (Gi) Lit wo structural adapions of organ M that ioretes ite | cigeed bod sbsense isioncy forthe Fnetions ted (i 12] | leaves te stemsch through epee answer spine, eters the (a) Food sutwunce % contains more prowins than food | small instine ssbetance [I] Food substance ¥ comaine more poipemides | Gi) The smal eetincis than food substance X. (1) ‘waere most Gigesionant ©) Small intestine (1) sorption of uonts (id) Sina! itestine serves as the se whore digestion is | ooo ‘Sommled (I and stort of disesed food suiences | (Gi) ake sre provide takes ple (1 pe reir sleptaton (68) “The smal fntesire tas lands Jn ats walls to produce | fo cath fet listed gesveenzymersichaesaemse, itn, paepepucaces | in Gl) and provide and mata in iget Teed sbetaoes completely [1] | sect Ik herween ‘The atalliatriee i very eng and high folded to | theaaptin andthe cesar fice passge ime er gested foe susiences | evant urea, {0 be abso. The smal intestine has walls of nls fnectiutieh s0 tat digested Tod sibstanees canbe absorbed tough its was quicker / The inex safe of ‘he smal! reste hos sarevo il whch i fume Pear ‘numerous mniervll to increare sarc area for Ber ‘ate of eboption of ged food adtance(dnyone){ KEY PRACTICE Wat vee sing) of he stoma a (“temporary storage [‘axgestonoiaren[rosectn of pepsi] ‘ a ws = » 0 va * ¢ = a ‘s > 0 ve 10 ¢ ) 2. Which of the following states the correct order forthe four processes involved in humen nutrition? ‘A. absomption -> ingestion ~+ assimilation -> digestion 'B digestion —> absorption ~ ingestion — assimilation C_ ingestion — digestion — absorption —> assimilation D_ ssimilation — digestion — ingestion -> absorption a to 3. The percentage of undigested food substance X as it leaves each comparment of the ‘human alimentary canal is es shown in the bar greph below. recente of gtd sete X Ko % ¥ — ae % 2a - i = » nL] — = 7 0° soith—otggss somes oll igs” fama aimetry worse taetie Sa Wat could the identity of fod substance X be? 0 A fat B starch © protein D. cellulose 145 4. The diagram shows part ofthe human digestive system and the associated organs. Which ofthe following correctly identifies the structures thet produces and stores bile respectively? io] aaa ae A 1 2 B 2 4 c 3 4 D 4 2 oo 5. Which ofthe following shows the optimum pH and temperature for trypsin activity? (1] [pt | temperature A 2 7 B 2 a c : a D x 3 ©) 6, Which ofthe following is nat funtion of iver? 0 {A regulation of bod gluco concentation B production of urine © protein syntosis D_ detoxification ¢ d 16 Ghana Heme Re a 7. Which section of the diagram below represents the effecs of excessive alcohol ‘consumption? 0 oe) ‘8. Thetable shows the food substances that are digested by digestive enzymes in the small, imestine (@) Complete the abe by ling in the empty boxes. m1 ypsin| wach lipase amino acids ‘glucose and galactose lucose molecules (©) Briefly describe how the glucose and amino acids obtained by digestion reach the liver BI (cron Pbling Mee at 17 Peer s 9, Fig. 1 shows the movement of a food bolus observed in some pars of the human alimentary canal Fel (a) Whats the name given to the ype of movement of food bolus illustrated in Fig, 1? Deseribe its mechanism wit reference to what happens at regions X and Y. {5} 148 Edcara Nbbing Ho Re ak (b) Fig, 2 shows the organs involved in martion in humans Fig (Which ofthe structures labelled 1 to 5 makes) use of the type of movement ‘of food bolus named in (a)? 0 (ii) Label in Fig. 2, the organ(s) tha produce(s) enzymes responsible for digestion of fats e) katona nieaeg Ha Pm 149 oe Three pieces of partially permeable bags are used to cobtain solutions containing different substances, They are then placed into heakers containing equal volumes of distilled water. A simple illustration of the set-ups is as shown below, ‘Som! of uch soluten Sem? of dsl water Sin of nc ston +3 an of cow voluion +2 aw of daled water © San san sion = 3 em? of glucose selon “2 em? of alia ‘lfan hour later, 2 cm? of the water outside the partially permeable bags were collected tnd heated with Benodiet’s solution. (a) State the result for set-up A. w (b) Compare the results for set-ups Band C. BI © Cdecaon Ping Howe ed 15) —— (©) Explain your answer in (6). (6 12, A low-fat yoghurt X is found to contain sodium, proteins and carbohydtetes only. In the alimentary canal, the protein molecules in yoghurt X are digested by two enzymes into polypeptide chains, An example ofa polypeptide chain is as shown inthe diagram below. O () Name the two enzymes that digest protein molecules into polypeptide chains and state the organ(s) at which they are procuce. pI ‘otcaion (b) Polypeptide chains are then further digested into smaller units. (i) State the part of the alimentary canal where the digestion of polypeptide chains takes place, w G_Inte space provided, draw a diagram to show the result ofthe digestion of polypeptide chain shown on the previous page. a (©) Thecarbohiycratesin yoghurt X mainly consist of sucralose.Sucralose isa synthetic sweetener made from sucrose butt tastes afew hundred times sweeter than sucrose “The human digestive system and the associated organs are unable to produce any ‘enzyme that breaks sucralose down ian its smaller units Based on the information given, suggest two advantages of substituting natura sugars, such as sucrose, in food products with sucralose, 2 153 rurmrion nants @ ‘Question Teacher's comment 2 Sty the dagm below showing the eossscoton a eal ‘Understand and eal the pats in ea. Know piece ‘het spoke freone ant ahpesion Kaew plisade mespiyt ‘shy photoretesie ‘omar rors ia the spony mesopyt psd sy ae Spooky mesophyll G) Serene dterences between thotwo seep tues. (2) (©) Wh isthe adaption nthe epidermis layer for photsratesis a (©) Whats faeton of he gue cl neat” a (@) Pate mesophyll Stove conto of cleo packed long, ‘linda cells whereas spongy mesophyl snou sons of iegularstaped cells / Palisade mesophyll doesnot have any thin fm of moisture on te srace ots cls unlike the spor ‘nescpyll/ Spongy mesty/l entins the ascube Rimes wile the paiside mesophyll does rx. Palisade mesopyl Cares ou mere phsosyaness an the spongy mesopylce to the higher density ofeiovoplsts i it There ave numerous nog inverelularair spoces in th spongy aesophyl Butta te palistdemesophyl. ny em) (2) (0) Iiscoveed bya weny and ange cairo allow maximum Tighe wo ene the pals mesopiy (1) (6) The worden works in pais cent the opening an casngof thesemst 1) © kcal bling Hae Pi 155 3 Which athe fltosing sows he energy “The wrd/hemieal podict of hotoryhes sa geen plant? ‘equtionof petogtess wit help ‘any conversion ae gens | A [Dlightanergy + cbonial en sig rie 18 [exe eneigy > Hghtene IP © [light exergy — chanical nergy D (chemical enagy Hight ne Anower A Explanation: recy io tappsty the clerophyl inthe plant which ten ‘converted int chemvcal ears a ned 0 sation carbbycats (cove) fom wate and cubon cioxide + Chemical equation of phates 60, 50 = GH,0,* 60, “E The gazh shows the changes inthe concentration oF earbon dina, | Know when (60,8 plantation ding aot ds. hotoryatsis ake lace he movin dey, sevens Recall he provisos of £0, / pam pletosyetiess. Dvn oe sout 40 concep epeding respiration nite ype é ‘enone. os0 50} $4 54 irs ‘ico elon cave 1200 1600 000 2aN6 Which of te following may bee eason(s ase why the concentration FCO, is such between 0000 to OAD nes? a 1 Rolie curing tha pero, 2 Oy respiationocears. 3 ‘The lomo th plat ate wily open A Lealy Bo 2enly © Lantz oniy D 2ant Sony 156 © etonal Pbishrg Hee Pe ce ‘Arewer © Espana: +The eatbon dioxide concentration is high doing tha tine beets she 40 sulight, hes, phtostaheds does no ake pace. ‘+ nda. oaly respirton acute in pens tnd hence, ctton dioxide ‘Srelesied no the sourngs + Idan th stoma lve becare he guard cols bosoms Maida eater molecules levee celle we the war pers isons. ‘Su se ep te flowing epsrincn to tnveatgate whether caro oxide is equied for plans to make food. us scone sede Se rem cnn dx) Which of the fllowing hoa A dlesseover Bo plan © liv D- sade ime benched ctl st? (1) Avewet:D Evolantion, ima corel setup, the variable that involves he pesene and stsence of etboa oxide bo be taken iv ccm sce, fis sea ime Setup sana why tis ied experiment Control setup wil net include th variable or source of the variable tha i beingnvesignted per. 157 The digram stows a gaph ofhow firs Yan Z afeet be rae of photoyethess rate of ptt Increasing eet (2) What do you tink each ater presse? ey {©)_Exphin one of your answer) a {@) "Vlg tensity /mmber of ehlropasts/eorsenatin oF earbon boxide Clay one) Ztemperre pl af suroundings rene {1} (Thora ofpotcoynhsisiconcs with pHanstemperstare nt the optinna ala (atthe peak ofthe graph. The ate is lowered ‘nthfarther ean ofthe rtf factor /leccasig ightinensty the rate of photoset only up ta erafe ext. ae vist the tate bacomes constant ther anal became he Hing Factor. (ny ome) (2 Teacher's comment Reval all he fcr sas Hight inteasy. cencraation of aoa ‘sine, empertr ad ‘Mot the eoundinge tha infec the te of tose © tac Ping Manse Pe td rummoumnas — @ jy KEY PRACTICE 1. ‘The diagram shows a cross-section ofa dicotyledonous leaf Where does photesyathess take place the most? 0 A Land2 only B 2and3 only © Band only D Sand 6 only € y 2. "The diagram shows the cross-section of leaf: Which ofthe regions labelled A, B, Cor D, functions to transport the main product of photcsynthesis frm the leaf cells tothe entire plant? W 159 3. Study the diagram below. Which, among A, B, € or D, represents the distribution ofthe stomata on the upper epidermis an lower epidermis 0° the leaves shove inthe diagram? uy) rnber of tomata pre wey fa 3000: aso Mloveridernis 2ncco: 9000. upper lever spiders PD epidermis 2500 299 i, ° 6 oy 8 A B c D ne) () (Name, and state the significance of structures P and Q ina pla 2 P: 160 © cdcnon Pb (ii) In which layer are structures P and Q contained ina leat? mH (©) How does structure R take part in photosynthesis? (0) ‘5. Study the diagram below showing the transverse section of 2 leaf with parts X, Y and [Name parts X, Y and Z and explain how their structures are adapted for their function in phovosynthesis. 1 (Edo Pubkaing Hane Lid 161 1682 ERC 6, Study the graph below. The temperature is Kept constant at 25 ate o photosymtes's 1%%earbondinede + 0.04% carbon oxide ight intensity 0 ‘What is the limising factor forthe rate of photosynthesis at point X? (0 ‘A light intensity B carbon dioxide concentration number of chloreplasis D_ availability of water ) A group of studens set up the following to demonstrate photosynthesis in an aquatic plant, Hlydrita. The experiment is earied out at 25°C. (J ercoteaes ‘The students observed that aRer 10 minutes, bubbles started to form in the test tube esides light intensity, what other factors) can be changed to increase the rate of the ‘bubble formation? wy 1 carbon dioxise concentration in the water 2. temperature of water surrounding the plant 3. sire of tes tube used A Lonly, B 2only © Vand2 only D 2and3 only ( 8, Aminah conducted an experiment to investigate the carbon dioxide requirement in plants for their photosyathesis. The diagram shows the control set-up that she used in sunshine, “Ly ren plat as soir he panes Which of the following setups could Aminah use to obtain a valid result for ber experiment? fy B insumbine, lp oa sqrea hi } elas jar green plant pie a ae se weaned, mm’ en plane aes, sree plan | —enssiar silly water Ayikogcrcarbonate water indener 1 fears bling House Pad 163 19. Study the diagram below that shows the apparatus set-up used in an investigation on photosynthesis. Test tubes A, B and C aze filled with 15 en? of bicarbonate indicator that changes fiom red to yellow in higher carbon dioxide concentrations, and fiom red to purple in relatively very low carbon dioxide concentrations. a SZ theronter iF EI ig Se swapped aroand thetabe ‘After two hours the results are recorded asthe following, teat tube | colour of bicarbonate indicator (a) Explain the results. 8 168 tacoma bir aie tn (©) Explain the observation when a plant is adled into test tube C and the solution becomes purple a 10. (a) Define photosynthesis. uw (b) Photosynthesis comprises the ight-dependent stage and ligh-independent stage Describe what these stages are, ty (©) Write the simplified chemical equation for photosynthesis m (@ Name the products of photosynthesis and state what happens tothe main provct. 2) etuaronl Patsy ress Ree 165 = oeerees a 165 7 TRANSPORT IN HUMANS KEY EXAMPLES Question Teacher's comment 1. Tho diagram below represen sinplied human celaery system. | Undertaed aed veel {he pats ofthe san =. dreary sytem Compan heat and Tins = blood cau Wich ofthe followings repesestedby PQ, Rand Scone? [1] > @ x s spa oral vein ae epi vea Tepatie poral vein pplinonany Tepe ven poral vein ora vena tery epaie sete ach ronal tery rey Explanation races transports onygeoted boed from the hat the eae ody (hepatic anery~ anspor oxyenated blood Wo th tive ‘+ hepatic pomal vein ~tanporsonygenned blood and wutiens ‘fechas ghia and amin ls fom the esties othe er + Serena artery —tanspars exes blo othe keys 2, Sty the dasram sowing th sin prs and blood vesil tat can be fur inte fuman creultey system, pateomay wey If ae veancan 1 : Seen sin dete nay (©) © Whats the faneion of thee alter sytem in ersanans? a (2) State wha Inppens wo the body els whee he celts ‘ater does not ition propery B} he main gn in the celta system, ty (6 Statethe ypc blood dat foun at X and V a (2) Esplin the nvolverent flange n teary atom, 2] (_Dassibe hom oxygen moleraie lave the beat each he cle ote. Bl ‘Answer GO) Thecircalor syste tasporsoxygen and dist fod ‘all pat ofthe body [I] snd cas wase waters the yeretry organs tobe removed fam he bd [1 ‘Onygen ail naticals cart te tansperted to be body cells one, thea ll eveaualy de [1] Waste teil Sen abo accumolte ne body ell eosig oe ets ‘nth els lene teal death) (&) Heart 2nd blood seal (1) (0) Xideouygenated blood YSeygenat bod (1) (© Tho doouygeratd. blood fom the heart ones pabrorary Cireltion sn wich gaecis exchange ser place the hg 0 femave the entbon Goce and adder xen ito the ood es [1] Ths oeygerates ood ten Poms out ofthe Tags to ‘he nea which rm pure out te blood hea he So the enti Be (1 (©) Orpen moles bind wh haemoglobin inte wed blood cls to fom # compound knoan a8 geyhteregtoon [1] The blood Containing the compound ther ows ow Othe Neat and though ‘he hepate artery io (ive {1} Te owyben tects ise Term the red boot exis int the plas then te the ws Fd and fly it te tvr cls. (1) « ‘Tecther's comment esl ihe primary ‘Acton ofthe ceslawry syste toterspre ‘nygen and digested food toall prs ofthe bey sed ute rtoas tof thetod Recall what happens ‘ven cls in teat oem 167 Question Teacher's comment 44 The wrap shows the changes inthe Mood presse inthe art, eR | Understand he changes ‘etre ane trom ding ore comple ene ce Inthe pes in bh Ses oh hes Rete tothe venticatr os remus, ee 0 9402 03 04 95 06 a7 086910 Based onthe graph chown, what happens at Xan Y? x ¥ Diep wave bepinsto cose | biaspd vate eis © open seminar vale in the sora overs eR veauicle sora to cont “emt alven the nora vont begin ore as Tesi valve begins to open | Mowpid vale begins to clove ‘Esolanuion SAUX = Let ventricle begins 1 contac biwpid valve closes restr increases, + APY Venrcsar presi becomes lowe ha tha a the aan, tena vale ope, 169 Question’ Teacher's comment 5. The diagrer shows the ems-section of a human heart and the main | Recall he parts ofthe ‘ed vest Iruman her end tie rma functions Know the evens he cardine oe. palmar ery tmoniey sei ‘Name muse Q and sate sms function fe Desens Bef the evens tha ake pce fom the insta’ Bead ‘ows tothe von eva unt is pape ofthe ots the core body. 4 Answer (@)" is the chordae tenet [1 and these ate cone tendons “Which attach he flaps fond inthe usp valve and Deuspid Naive to the walle ote night verre andthe let vetile respective (1) Deemgmnod Blood enter the her sroagh the wens ents The ‘lod ther fms ite the right ulm wie its punped ito the right vente 1 The blood is pumped eut ofthe rat nto ‘he Ings tough th pulmonary ater. [1] Gaseous exchare takes place th the lags wberoy the deoxypessted Boot reanygonated. The expensed bled ent Bick int he heart ‘rough the pulennary ven wich wr it the eft tram 1} The blood is thon pumpin the et yeneleobe pumped ‘ofthe hear troag he sera tote care bo.) ce Teacher's comment i Real bere of bia ‘ramp ae defence, Know te specie Amstons of he land corypanerts—rod bleed cells plasma, bie bed Celie pnts, ‘Which of te folowing ets the fnctons of blood components P,Q snd comecty? ia ® o R anspor O, | ingesing fre | produce ‘aulCO, pais bois ‘rolucing | wansponing 0, tbls mnac0, Treesng foeen tmnsportng artes 60, ‘rnsporting 0, | predating | geting foreign an, anibodies ails Ingesting bacteria ingesting bacteria ‘answers Ps jympheeyte (white Bleed sell) — antibody formation and tae rejection Qrredblood celis-oxysenbanspostia ke form of oxyhacmoslobi: ‘eben dene anor fr renova Eom the body Re ncuoghil (lie baod call rhagocys) ~rhagoytois Eden Pbisng Me ea an 7. (@) Rosmabadeedtonberankleandeometoedstvtdte ow eutot | Recall what happens ticeut Sate tex prtetne hncton oP he Bbod that wl ep | dasngblod ecg, Rosa prevent infections 5) (@)Sudy the following aay of componees eveved in proces X. alt inogen > i> red Bod ost ( Whatcoud process X be? a (i) Deserte Brey the proses X named (OX, B (2) Blood clokingcgiation (1. aosytsls (1) and antibody production (I (8) 6) Bloc ctomyeeagsten (1) (When blood vessels ae demas, te damaged dss and ltl lee te erayme teomboinase which cores {he native proton (in plasma) io the etive enzyme throm in th presence of calsam ion. [1] Taerbin ‘itabae the sonversion cf solbleprotinSbinogen into iteoble cin tea, [1] which intr enenaes blood fells. lois forme, and he sete ho epon wound [1] ECE en “Teacher's comm ', The ood srourscf for inividans re as shova Below. ‘Tae ABO blond noupsandall possible cory nie a om Sombeatcs fr the ‘ 3 A e Sonor aed recipient in ‘lod rnsfistons seul Whit bod transfinon is not appropriate aad mey be fal t the | be kno redpien? i donc | repent a ‘Ads Abby eB [olwe eer [Tabb ‘Olivia pb [arenas Ab Explanation Tecan wit lod pap Oar the nivel donors while tose sit blood group AB ate te unveil recipies + Repksnsonitps tie peat bth ous inert comet + Mbiy's blood group i of group AB while Ol Aalutiation mil car Af Oia wosives y's red bio cells Have both atigens A and 8 while Olivia's ‘ood comin wbodin sand ca 9.) Defre Mood mmefision ae agua, e) (0) ood group is oursned 9 he Inorasis sing special technights. Sale the paneiie by which bleed grospe are determined tl Three blocd sample, PQ and R, fom tise indviuas xe collected and sent tothe laboratory 2 deter the loo so4ps. (The test tes used io contain the bce samples for this pespose conpri 1 special substance. Sugpet ihe main Fanci of he sastance ity (8) The resutof tbe blood tet are athe flowing iia > ‘Basetonthe sults obtained, detemine who canada P-QiandR donate blonde Complete the following ob) Pheinga tek (/) or ctse (2) each empty box [3 recipients bleed grou B AB ° ansromivvanaus = @y Teacher's comment Tre ABO bloc rue anal possi eombinatons er the Senora ep in ool afiscens soakd te taowa The rest fhe expenimet show that, the bloed greups of, Qandiore A, ard Beespecively Blood of roups Aand AB, agitate when ier Ate ade tothem white those of up Bend Odo not Blood of groupe Band AB agate whee ‘a-serun Bs added Uoher vie hos of ups A and Od no rey Question comment (a) Bod wunstasion isthe ante of ones Wot ie anther person within the companetood prep individu’ [1] Agglthation ‘eths clumping of bod cells wea iacompanle Boca groups of the donor and ecient ce ase [I] (®) The prniple i ihe formation of clamps (ggaianton) when tutisorunt A ard anscrum B ave added tothe Bod samples Separately (0 Go) Toprever ite bb fern cloung ousting 1] roy reese ten cae eer > @ ® z 7 x = x Z v ae e Z z ° z Z 2 (ech cones ow — 1] EONS ca Teacher's comment Study te chacteriscs of bood vessels X,Y ad Zien inthe table | Recall he primary ‘boi. characteristics ofthe ‘lod vesel—the ae ‘aery has thek muscular one vest Wallsowahstand the Tame ie vals ipoeied x ‘ees saa cccat ice | | *7Setsed blood 2 mal ‘ickmasar ‘What could X, YandZ ne? Pe oy ¥ z A vein wiley | aneey B | capilany sin ery | ewitay [eo vin p [sey ven 174 ‘deans Paleing Howe Re at Question Teacher’s comment 1. When Blood Bows dough plac in organ cosh a be bain and | Real the wana tagh, which subtance i moc Hel oleae the Bloc? 11) | ofmateriats bewece A aes ‘piles and ie Bo oxygen fue © vatomacrias D Carbon donde Exshatcn: ‘+ Oxygen ill difse out of th od into tue Mil and then lato he els ast Rows tous chris ‘+ Waste produce wil fice ino the bod fhm ke els 5 EOI Question 1. Wid van, A, B,C or D, ea he highest rk of developing covonary ear eas? fo} ictlowin | dethighin | regen sai” | strats | Scec | smoke a < @ z x x i z < c x ¥ ¥ x D ¥ z Zz z ‘sower:B ‘lanai "AN in isl Who thes det which ry high ns and saturated {as (especially anal as) are atigh sk of coronary heat ease (CHD) Onkerrk factors for CHD include say (withoutany excise) syle ad skin, Recall he pose ‘ses Fir CHD sch 18 det Iypeteasion Sess Smoking nd not cere a0 ® ® ° © 16: The dag stows the exerior of nian art wer < 2a o Fenty srucresP and, e) ise bod vesiel NameQand descnbe ts incon (2) The clogging of blood vesel Q with fats an be ita Give the specific erm wed fe ‘clogzing and mane he cseveaseted si his condition. With the sé of dara esr wha he ‘logit sand Kew it eds othe dene sed a State two fictos tha can eadto the eogsingrancdin(@) (0) Recall he erveres and faction othe bert lenses a wt rene whic spot fxyamatod blood tothe ert muse cl. Recall he fit that roel eds 02 rnsive hep tmage ad 18 (@)Pepulaonary artery [1] R left venice (1) (©) Qis the coronary aey [1} w¥ich supplies oxypenved and ureteric Blood the cardiac nucle [1 (6), Theclopeing tensed sarroslesisanlthcesocinsed seas 'ssoronary heat cease (CHD). [1] Coronary heat sexe Is fears in which the coronary arteries hat supply oxygens cod thea musee become aarowed by a grasa buld-3p ff fay mata within the wl inte form of plagees, Over Time, the walls ofthe ates may Become Pure up with ity lepesty—is procs is wn as acesleeis (1) “09 O6~ apchems ce fy (A die it in cholesterl and ats / Sess /Senoking new) 1] Teocher's commont KEY PRACTICE |. Which of the following isiare incorrect? 2. Study the diagram representing the blood eitealatory system in fuamans, uw ood vest function 1 ora ‘raspers expat blood and nun the lungs 2 eat vei ‘wroponts deenygnated blood he ver 3 alimony anes anspor deneygented cod to the ngs 4 ronal arte ‘rasporsonygeated bod othe Kidneys A Lonly B Lend 2oaly © 2and 4 only D Sand 4only 179 ee Which ofthe following graphs shows the volume of oxygen and carbon dioxide inthe Bod comets! . a sana cr! Gove : Bosca : > : i l CB BB sts 2 timeatp! cam Geos ne dt 4“ Bearer 2 © vtuneotan Prete Clove 7 Benn doe 3 1 2 : , ood vss D_ volume ofgas/ fiteary anit 4 3 2 1 ih Moodvent 180 ‘eivaiond Patino Re as 3, What docs double circulation in the human cireulory system mean? uy i ‘transports oxygenated i simonary mie SSresadon | ciation | Sfygemted bled tow pressure from heart othe lungs A v ¢ deoxygenated B x v oxygenated key = present c v v oxygenated 2 = sbscnt D v x deoxyuenated coy 4. The disgrams show circulatory systoms of a humen and organism X, oma crea X (2) Label and state clearly on the fist diagram, the blood vessels that transport ‘oxygenated blood to the heat, liver, kidneys and entire body of a human. [2] (b) Based on the diagrams given, state two main differences between the blood latory systems of the human and organisin X. fea} btacsant ating Hane 181 182 5, Siudy the diagram showing the evosssection of « human heart, ‘Which ofthe following is correct about the events that take place and the sound heard ‘when the heart is as shown? m valve «lose / open reason sound heard sonvent to prevent backflow of | 7 A | attio-venticular | close ed ivoile etic ub . to provent backflow of B | eke open | load into the ventricies ae esis lose to prevent backflow of ij | atrioventricular } el menses ub to prevent backslow of D = ‘blood iato the aria “a co) 6. Which ofthe following states the sequence of contractions in one heartbeat? [1] Tet ventricle | right ventricle | pause | left atrium | right atrium A 3 5 3 1 2 B 1 (logether) 2 3 Gogesher) c 1 2 5 2 4 D 3 Gogether) 2 1 (together) oo) © tccaora bing Hane ae 7. ‘Study the diagrams below that show events 1, 2 end 3 ina cardiae eyce in no particular order. a ) 8 The heart comprises four chambers. Which chambers have the thickest and the thinnest walls? ou thickest wall ‘thinnest wall A Toft atvium right ventcle B right atrium left ventricle c right ventricle left atrium > eft venticle right atrium on) e 183 19. (a) The diagram shows the blood flow in the heart during phase X of the eardiae eyele in furans. (Name phase x u Ont diagram above, aba the valves that open during phase XI] Git) On he diagram below, mark with eters ¥ ond 2 to show the stating and ending of phase X. el pressure _— presen arts presse ef venice ee reine an (b) The heart is not strong enough by itselPto get the blood back up the veins in the legs and wo the heart. Nevertheless, blood still moves upwards against gravity rem the legs tothe heart without stopping. Explain how. a m erst Roisneg Heise Pe te 10. ‘The diagram shows 2 section through a human heart (@) On the diagram, label te Following correctly Q ()altio-ventricular valves (@)_semictunar valves Gi) pulmonary artery Gy) palmonary veins () Name and describe the structures labelled X, Y and Z above, and state their functions. (6) as 185 ‘Siudy the data given, ood presuve KPa time «7s lef set Tet venice aorta 00. 06 03 109) on a 08 10) a2 ba oO 10) a3 03 180 us: 04 ve 8S 0) (@) Based on the data given, suggest at what time (ins) did these take place: (11 @) closing of semi-lunar valves (Gi) closing of bicuspid valve: from —___10, (b) Explain why here is an increase in the ventricular pressure from 1 = 010 s to 120.15, a (©) Define ventricutar systole and sae why a loud “Iub’ sound ean be heard when the heart beats. State at what time the venticular systole started in fa 6 técana bing Howse Pe a el 12, Study the diagrams of the human blood cells and their comesponding functions as 0 shown below. viet ‘encom OD | nani 2 Q @ J crasessnpato reser ® a | we a S14] proton tetee s {In which of the above is the enzyme thrombokinese not involved? A B c D Ponly Sonly Qand R only, P,Qand R only, a ver 4 198 1B. M4 ‘Study the diagram below. ‘The following are components of blood. 1 platelets 2 phagocytes 3° lymphocytes 4 red blood cells 'S-_plasma proteins Based on the diagram shown, which components are responsible for protecting the i's body? 0 A Lonly B_2,3and4 only © 1,2, 3 and S only D 1,2,3,4and 5 eo) \Which ofthe following groups ofsubstances contains one substance that isnot primarily ‘ransported in urna bloed plasma? 0 ‘A. catbon dioxide, hormones and urea BB. carbon dioxide, haemoglobin and oxygen © glucose, wea apd carbon dioxide D. plasma proteins, urea and vitamins (9 What is the Function of lymphoeyies in the blood? 0) antibody production B_ blood clotting C phagocytosis D_ transportof oxygen () > fe Fscrerl titing Hows Read 16. The diagrams below show two different cells P and Q which are components of system X in the human boy. r @ (a) Identify cells P and Q. Name system X a ia had a cut on her knee when she fll on the road, How do eellsP and act togethor to prevent an infection on Salme’s cut? a ETE 17. A blood group test was done on blood samples from 2 family of four whereby the samples were mixed with antibody a and antibody b separately. The results of the test are shovn below, Tamiiymember | antibody ‘antibody MeLee agzhvination Po exaltation Mi Lee no aagiaton agitation Lydia no agen 0 gation Leon eghuination sagunion ‘Who can donets his/her blood to « universal donor? m1 A MrLee B Mrs Lee © Lydie D Leon 2 190 18, Ina medical laboratory, dishes that may be incorporated with ether antibody a or antibody b, or no antibody at ell ere used to determine blood groups of individuals. ‘A laboratory technician adds 2 drop of blood sample X to each of the ‘wo dishes. The following shows his observation Dish Dish2 ‘Which ofthe following is true based on the observation?” a ‘antibedy in dish 1 | antibody in dish 2 | blood group of sample X. A a b AB B b = A c 2 b ° D - a B a) 19, The table shows the blood groups of four donors and their prospective recipients, recipient P Q R s recipients blo gro4p ° a 5 AB donor's blood groan A AB. ° 8 Suppose the blood transfusions take place, which individual(s) islare at risk of agalutination? m A Ponly B Pond Qonly CC QandR only D P,Q,RandS om) elation Finegan Re Un 20. The following table contains ll the possible combinations forthe donors and recipients in blood transfusions. ‘toners boot group scp bod group o 7 7 or ¥ x x v z x v z x AB 7 Z if (a) Complete the table with a tick (7) or cross (X) to show the compatibility of the donor's blood with that ofthe recipients. (b) What are the antigens and anibodics ofeach blood group ofthe ABO blood system? Where are the antigens and antibodies found inthe blood? () Explain the principle behind the transfusion compatibility inthe ABO blood group system, € tucson Pblig Howse Read 191 192 21. The diagrams below show dishes containing blood samples X, ¥ and Z, The group of saznple X is known to be of group B while those of Y and Z are unknown, 7 agelutination 0 agglutination agglutination - ‘no agglutination OOOO OOOO (a) Using the diagrams above, find the blood groups of Y and. Explain your findings. 8) (b) Julie and Millie need to undergo blood transfusion, They have blood groups O and A respectively. Based on your findings in (a), state which sampl(s) isare ‘compatible for Julie and Mille. 0 ‘otto bk He Peat reawsrom mauvans — @ PSECESS 22, The diagram below shows blood vessels P and Q found in the hurnan body. [both P and Q are connected tothe liver, which ofthe following statements are tue? u 1 Pitransports deoxygenated blood away from the liver. a 2. Q transports oxygenated blood to the liver. 3 Ptransports oxygenated blood away from the lives. 4 Quransports deoxygensted blood awzy from the liver. A. Land 2only Band 3oniy © 2and3only D 3and4oniy 9 23, Which ofthe following is not correct about the differences between tissue fluid and plasma? u tissue uid plasma A ‘no plasma proven in it ‘contains plasma proteins B contains less glucose Contains more glucose c ‘contains white blood eal ‘white blood celle init D ‘no platelets int Contains platelets «) (© Econ Petting Hone ad 193 26. ‘The diagram shows the relationships among the three different types of blood vessels found in mammals What could X be? mw A thick museular walls B valves C being organs D being tissues co) 27. (@) The diagrams show the layers of walls ofan artery and a sndctisior| shat tue sencoth sie ‘The table below shows the relative thickness of the layers ae ‘alsa area artery vin “hele 2 2 tote s 25 sooth ce 4 25 cenneive tbe Ls is (Based on te information given, explain why blood vessels are organs. [1] © taahnul bing Mase Red 195 How do the elastic tissues in arteries help them to withstand the high pressure ‘of blood flowing through them? m ) Using information in the table, predic, in arbitrary unit, the thickness of the ‘wall ofa capillary. Fxplain your prediction, Q (©) Explain how the simemure of the blood capillary helps with its function. [2] 28, ‘The diagram shows part ofa capillary and some surrounding cells. (@) ldenify the falloning: 0 Fluid P: Fluid Q: 195 {6 tacatern Reine Howe ete (©) Deserihe how substances get transferred herween capillaries and tissue cells. [2] (©) Explain how the red blood cells are adapted 10 move through narrow blood capillaries, Ql OT 29. ‘The human heart and some ofits major blood vessels are sbown below. superior vena cae pulmonary artery eR comssry artery agit excorory aren Inferior ve cava ‘Which pars, when blocked, will be a more significant cause of coronary heart disease Teacing to heart attacks? ii A sore B_ lef and right coronary areries inferior and superior vena cavae D_ pulmonary artery eo) (© tet Ping Howse Read 197 30, The deposition of fats in the inner walls ofthe coronary arteries may give rise toaheart attack, These fat depostis are known as plaque, ema atery ary wih pgs ‘Whitin ofthe folowing explains why plague formation may lead to heat attacks? [1] A Theoxygonsupply tothe heart ells is significantly reduced due to decreased lumen B_ The hardening ofthe arery makes it ess elastic and sus, prevents the smooth ow of blood. C The plaque entiances bacterial growth along the artery and in the heart mascles, D_ The coagulation of blood is enhanced when the lumen size is decreased due tothe plaque. Co) 31. Which of the following will greatly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis? m 1 taking more saturated fais 2. avoiding smoking 3 doing regular physical exeretses 4 lowering risks of hypertension A tonly B 2and3 only © [,2and4 only D 2,3:nda only Coo 198 ‘ovation Puan Hane Re nt 32, Thediagram shows a human heart. Thercisablocksge at \ \\)ulth point X. z ‘What is the intial effect ofthe blockage on the hear? [1] A. Blood is prevented from entering the whole heart B The heart muscle eells of the left venticle die sradually. A C The heart rate increases because contraction of the heart muscles ipereases. D_ The valves along the blood vessel stop functioning because the blood vessel is blocked. > 33. (@) Define coronary artery and coronary heart disease. BL (8) The diagram shows patil blockage in coronary artery Wwe parti blockage Suggest which tube, among 1,2,3 and 4, marks the corret location for a successful ‘coronary operation. Explain, PI ect Pair Hae Pe 199 34, 55-year-old hypertensive individual who is a smoker, developed a severe chest pai ‘and was brought othe hospital forimmediate medical assistance, Aer somediagnostic routines it was found that one of his blood vessels was blocked with substance X as represented by the diggram below. J ood Now socked seer is Boched by Hood elt sabotase X aa) (@) Based on the information given, suggest the name of the affected blood vessel shown above, Explain your suggestion. 2 (b) Explain what substance X could be. a (©) Suggest two factors thar could lead to the formation of substance X in the individual's blood vessel. Ql 200 tect bing Hee Po tn ruveror numa — @ 35. (a) Define coronary heart disease. State how chest pain is caused, 2 () List four risk factors that give rise to coronary heart disease 2 (¢) The table shows what Owen has cate ina particular week, aay food type ‘Nowday oars, depfied isken Thay ras, gh sled dy ikon soup ‘Wenesdy sasaa5, musioons Thesdey ens ren ty vegies ise Fiday sre buger, ptt chips Suuday deepfed chicken, tomatoes, ce Senay esp ad ah jophart () Based on the information given, ist the food that he should reduce to protect himself from the risk of coronary heat 2 Gi) Which food intake will not have any negative impact on his heart? Explain, 2 Fdcaeral biting Mowe et 201 8 TRANSPORT IN PLANTS Question Teacher's commont 1. Which af the flowing precise he vscoar tastes in plats? (1) | Recall de satus in A aslem ‘he tanspr of panes ad B phloem ow they devel © chloroplast Dress eels Answer D ‘Merstercols ali known at asclar cmbium mail opradace ‘yom and po o cay cu esneportatn of water, ninas ot Aisle fod thrash plant 1 Sty the diagrams howirgemsssectonsoftwopintpansP and. | Mewify he postions nd ecll he fname of @ (@) Predict pars Pane Q 0 (©) Lalo the dag, the xy and phloem 1 (@)_ Sethe funconsof3ylem and phloem a yon etary e (a ot OD nee a Wa 0 (© Xylem eondacts water and dissolved ier Sas hm he 1008 to the stems a eves ofa plant ard ao provides mechanical sere for te plan [I] wile icem conducts manulacheed {ood exch a sucrose end amino acid frm the lees fend te oon pts) other plan [1] EES Question 3. Thedazam shows ramserse section of eat, Which region cons | fe cle ta tanspo Water and miner Salts fom the oss to the tir plat? 0 Anewer © The xylean vesels ae pesioned among te spongy ssp ces and als closer he pls exoph pero The fat. Tes ‘eible water toclsove tnt te elt more recy, ant Bence plotoyathess wil te pace a ater te, Teachor‘s comment Recal the Fnction of the ser vessels Know how toting the patay by which ‘rte is transported Foathe ree othe eaves throu the xyea vex ° 203 " Es ee 4. Thediauam shows accss-souion ofalef Whic prtelpsthe whole | Resll the factens of Plait apg? TH | stem—oeanson Water sed disohed inl sk frm he ‘ote tothe oer pare ‘ofa plan ard prods ‘echanial upper othe last Answer © Esplanction, 2 "ih sylem vowel is mide of lignin tht makes it woody, hence tpg be whole plan to toy wpight 5 The diagram shows X,a,ype fel found in plans Tent the postions of seman phloem ane HY} th ‘wht the function of? © Av provides mates and helps the sieve tube cells transport Iranafctred fod Conducts water and dished mineral salts fom the levee ‘ewrards © eanies out mcuboic processes to hee the xylem tissues alive 1D provides support be alacem yle sues Esplanction: Compr cells (X) ar found in the plc tees, Thos cll camry ut the mab processes needed to hep th sive tube ell ave + Xolemrsote ss dead ise ncn bling Hoe Re 5. "Thelagram below shows a plen'stem fom which a rng of bark has been removed andthe obsersaten ster one week, The plant ies evenly. Which ofthe Fllewing ate he routes for ae” m1 ‘AY Thee no water apply fer the ever ofthe plat 1B Thre no food soy forte woot othe pi. © There isno water and foot supply forte aves ofthe plat D__Thexe sno catbon dose saply fr he oof We plat. Blanton: + Phos transports manafactre fod fn the Kes he ete plant The ring of bk removed laces he poe. + Any obstution on te poem wll revent the smo fow o ne fod, and a result the fod sso sess tthe chtnacion ein. ene, feo ces not each he roo om the leaves doe the enoval ofthe ring of bak Recall the finston and locaton of poet i Diente, The dagram shows a pote plant wah one of is leaves pee beng cloned in cooling jacket chil he pa, scoting ad What ic the posible effet cm th plant? 0 A There of photsyniesis ire. B__ The rat-ofpsceynitensin the pels is ot acd C The ate ofSuzarmoverent fete keaves whe rots decreases The te of water movement om he rots othe eaves ncrenses Answer © “Thecooling affects ence comes acy in the tile + When erate of respiration decreases fn the cel ofthe pte the energy sippy fo the companion cals in he hoe eee aecta, hone, the ate of translocation deceased. “This question texison re relsiontp of the neal aneymet ‘withthe rtion enparon ul ° 205

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