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Psalm 78:4&7

4 We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the
praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. 
7 Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his


Balancing family and career 
1. We often feel torn between professional and parenting responsibilities.
2. When we are focusing on one, we feel like we are neglecting the other!
3. This is a common dilemma for today’s parents, who often have packed schedules.
4. Likewise, too many kids have packed after-school schedules, which leave them with little
time to simply be with their parents and siblings, preparing a meal together, doing
household chores, enjoying each other’s company.
Being afraid to say ‘NO’
1. We all want our kids to like us. But we need to learn that we don’t need to say “yes” to
2. Sometimes a “no” or a “maybe” is the better response to avoid the sense of entitlement
that so many kids have today.
Ensuring children receive a quality education
1. The economic situation has created a lot of pressure on parents to earn enough money
to meet the rising costs of education.
2. Then there is the added pressure parents feel in making sure their kids succeed in school
so that they have a competitive edge when they graduate and move into the job
3. Too much pressure isn’t healthy for parent-child relationships.
Overload of information
In a generation exposed to so much information about how to parent their kids, parents
struggle with finding their own unique way of parenting.
Parents are a lot more educated than previous generations but sometimes it can lead to
information overload with several differing points of views on the same topic.
There is no ’one size fits all’ mantra and with such conflicting advice out there, it leaves parents
wondering which choice is the best.
Hard Pressed with time
The biggest challenge for parents is slowing down. Modern society puts so much emphasis on
productivity and activity.
If we could all slow down, think of all the creative win-win situations we could create with our
children. Think about it. 
When your child is struggling over putting his shoes on and you’re running late. Or, when they
want to stay on the playground but you have to leave so you make dinner so they can have
time to do homework and get baths and still be in bed on time.
The time crunch is truly a pressure cooker that makes it challenging for parents to live in the
moment and just enjoy their children.

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