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Gender and

Sexuality Across

Gender and Society

Definition of Terms

Patriarchy - social system where

men primarily of gender and

sexuality; and
Feminism - continuing series of

social movements that aim to

challenge the patriarchal society

that creates these oppressive

political structures, beliefs and

practices against women. Mischiel S. Go, LPT

Gender and Society

Archeological artifacts revealed that in

the distant past during the dawn of

civilization, human societies have high

regard for women.

The concept of the divine feminine (the

sacredness of the woman due to her

ability to conceive children) has

prevailed, and thus, women are treated

equally with men.

Mischiel S. Go, LPT
Gender and Society

Egalitarian - men and women have

equitable power and roles.

Paternity - fatherhood/role of the father

in conception) presumably during the

Agricultural era, when societies began to

establish communities and tame rear

cattle and stocks.

Mischiel S. Go, LPT
Gender and Society

Patriarchy - from the Greek word

Patriakhes which means "the rule of

the father"
It is a social system where men

primarily holds power in the political

and the private spheres.

Mischiel S. Go, LPT

Gender and Society

Patriarchy - is a social system,

society is organized and maintained

in a way that men rule over women

and their children.

men are expected to lead while

women are expected to obey and

are relegated to house chores,

bearing children, and child care.
Mischiel S. Go, LPT
Gender and Society

Patrilineal society often follows as

patriarchal society, this means only

men can inherit property and the

family name.

Mischiel S. Go, LPT

Aristotle, Plato, and other Greek

philosophers viewed women as the


inferior sex and are properties of men

Views on
whose only job was to obey their

Gender husbands, bear children, and take care

of the household.
They are forbidden to learn

philosophy, politics, and science.

Mischiel S. Go, LPT GE EL2
Herodotus, a Greek historian ,

observed the Egyptian civilization

citing that Egyptian women enjoyed

Views on
higher social status than Greek women

because they can inherit property and

engage in trade and politics.
-quickly spread in Egypt through the

conquests of Alexander the Great

Mischiel S. Go, LPT

across Asia and Africa. GE EL2

Confucianism has stringent written rules

that dictate how women should conduct


The written documents titled "Three

Views on
obedience's and four virtues" and

Gender "Precepts of women" states that women

should obey their father, when married

she is to obey her husband, and when

widowed she is to obey her son.

Mischiel S. Go, LPT GE EL2

Gender biases in ancient patriarchal

societies were very strict, heavily

Views on
enforced, and often violent.

Mischiel S. Go, LPT GE EL2

Forms of oppression that often go unnoticed

such as:

Sexism- prejudice, stereotypes, and

Views on
discrimination based on sex;
Gender gender pay gap - men earn more that

underrepresentation in politics, military,

executive positions, etc;

Mischiel S. Go, LPT GE EL2
Forms of oppression that often go unnoticed such

rape on women and the stigma making women

ashamed to report the crime;

very conservative expectations on women on


how they behave;

Views on

Gender unrealistic depictions of women in fiction,

often very sexualized;

women do more housework and childcare;
boys were trained to be leaders while women

were trained women were trained to do house

Mischiel S. Go, LPT chores GE EL2




Mischiel S. Go, LPT

Women's liberation movement,

women's movement, or feminism is a

continuing series of social movements

that aim to challenge the patriarchal

EMPOWERMENT society that creates these oppressive

political structures, beliefs, and

practices against women.

Mischiel S. Go, LPT GE EL2

During the 19th and early 20th

century, first-wave feminism

spread across the western


countries as women demanded

for their right to vote or

participate in elections and to be

able to legally own property.

Mischiel S. Go, LPT GE EL2

"The Second Sex" by Simone de

Beauvoir in 1949.
It outlined how the patriarchal


society disadvantaged women by

slowly raising here into

submission and hindering their

productivity and happiness by

relegating them to housekeeping.

Mischiel S. Go, LPT GE EL2
Betty Friedan (The Feminine

Mystique, 2963)
Kate Millet (Sexual Politics, 1969)

Germaine Greeer (The Female

Eunuch, 1970)

Mischiel S. Go, LPT GE EL2

"One is not born, but

rather becomes, a


Mischiel S. Go, LPT GE EL2

Salient Points of Feminism:

Women Suffrage
Equality in politics and society

Reproductive rights
Domestic violence
Sexual harassment and sexual

Other rights
Mischiel S. Go, LPT GE EL2
" There is no greater

pillar of stability

than a strong, free,

and educated

Angelina Jolie

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