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IN RESPECT OF ........................... AT


THIS TENANCY AGREEMENT is made this…………….day of …….., 2021.


) an agency duly established under the laws of Ondo State to hold in trust and
manage the State assets and investment, with its office at
……………………………………………..(hereinafter called ‘LANDLORD’ which
expression shall wherever the context so admits include her executors,
personal representatives, assigns or any person claiming through under or in
trust for them of the one part;

…………………….. of ………………………………………, State, Nigeria (Hereinafter
called ‘THE TENANT’ which expression shall wherever the context so admits
include its successors-in-title and assigns) of the other part.

1. …………. Government is the beneficial owner of the title of all that demised
premises consisting of …………………..... (hereinafter referred to as
Demised Premises) situate, Ondo State, Nigeria.

2. The tenant being desirous of one of the demised premises at the above
address has been required by the landlord to execute a tenancy
agreement, and the said tenancy agreement is strictly subject to terms,
conditions and covenants on the part of both parties


That in consideration of the rent hereby reserved and the covenants, terms and
conditions hereinafter contained and stipulated that on the part of the tenant
to be observed and performed, THE LANDLORD hereby LET unto the Tenant all
that …………………., particularly described as…………………. lying and being at
No. ………………….. , ………………State, Nigeria for one year CERTAIN
commencing from ………….., 2021 and shall expire on the …………….., 2022.
The Tenant hereby paying rent of …………. (state the amount in figures) which
rent for the whole term of one year granted has been paid (receipt of which the
landlord hereby acknowledge)

THE TENANT hereby covenants with the LANDLORD as follows:

(a) To be responsible for the payment of all rates, including PHCN (NEPA)
water, garbage disposal, development or other rates, charges or outgoing
in respect of the demised premise during the tenancy hereby created and
to furnish the Landlord with evidence of such payment as may be
periodically required.

(b) To keep the interior of the said demised premise, the doors, locks,
fixtures and fittings, thereof in good and tenantable repair and condition
during the said term or replace them with similar articles of at least
equal value of all such parts thereof as may be destroyed or damaged or
lost at any time during the said term and to peaceably yield up the same
in such repairs (fair wear and tear generally exempted) at the expiration
or sooner determination of the term.
(c) That the Tenant hereby covenants not to occupy the apartment with
unauthorized people. The Tenant to only occupy the said apartment for
business purposes alone, which business shall be approved by the
Landlord in writing.

(d) The Tenant shall not carry on any business in the demised premise other
than the Business approved by the Landlord in writing prior to the
occupation of the premises by the Tenant.

(e) In the case the Tenant is approved to engage in any hazardous business,
to indemnify the Landlord by issuing an insurance policy in favour of the

(f) Not to assign, sublet underlet or part with possession of the demised
premise or any part thereof without the written consent of the Landlord.

(g) Not to do or permit to be done any structural alterations or additions to

the said demised flat or any part thereof without the prior written
consent of the Landlord.

(h) Not to do or permit to be done in the demised premises anything, which

might constitute a nuisance, danger, damages or inconvenience to
adjourning occupier(s) of the premises.

(i) To participate in the compulsory government’s Environmental Cleaning

Exercise otherwise popularly known and referred to as ‘Environmental
Sanitation’ on the prescribed days by the Ondo State government. And to
keep the demised premise in a clean and sanitary condition always.

(j) To take adequate and optimal measure in ensuring that no part of the
demised premises is damaged by any form of usage or act that is
detrimental to the demised premises and adjacent premises and
neighbours and in all such occasions of damage resulting from such act,
to indemnify the Landlord against all such loses, liability and claim that
may be established in connection therewith to such default or negligent
actions or usage of the demised premises by the tenant or his
representatives or wards.

(k) WITHOUT PREJUDICE to paragraph (j)above and NOTWITHSATANDING

any clause in this agreement or prior communication, the Tenant shall
pay caution fee at the beginning of the tenancy which shall be prescribed
by the Landlord and same shall be used in maintenance of the premises
but in the event that the Tenant keeps the demised premises in good
tenantable condition to the satisfaction of the Landlord, the said caution
fee shall be returnable within a reasonable time after a demand in
writing by the Tenant

(i) To give six (6) months’ notice in writing to the Landlord in the event of the
termination of the tenancy.

(j) To permit the Landlord or his agent at all reasonable times to examine
the state and condition of the demised premise and to execute and do any
repairs or works for which the Landlord is liable under the Landlord’s
covenants hereinafter contained and for the purpose aforesaid to enter
upon the demised premises or any part thereof after reasonable notice
has been served, their agents to enter the demised flat prior to the
expiration of the tenancy with a view to assessing the likely repairs for
which the tenant shall be liable to remedy before vacation or forfeit the
caution fee paid.

The LANDLORD hereby agrees and covenants with the tenant as follows:
(Provided that the tenant has at all times comply with the fulfill all his
covenants and responsibilities herein contained):

(a) That the tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing and
observing all the several covenants and conditions herein on his part
contained shall peaceably hold and enjoy the demised premise
throughout the term hereby granted without interruption by the
Landlord or any other person, firm or company claiming through or in
trust for him.

(b) To keep the said demised premise in good and tenantable state of repair
and condition.

(c) If before the expiration of this tenancy either of the parties is desirous of
terminating this tenancy, shall give the other six (6) months notice in
writing of the intention to terminate the tenancy.

(d) ANY NOTICE served under this agreement shall be in writing and notice
to the Tenant shall be sufficiently served if left on the said demised flat or
sent to it by post and any notice to the Landlords shall be sufficiently
served if delivered to them by post or left at their known address in
Nigeria or served on any agent authorized by them to receive or who has
in fact on his behalf collected the rent.

PROVIDED ALWAYS that and it is hereby expressly agreed and declared as

(1) That if the tenant shall at any time fail or neglect to observe any of the
covenants and conditions and on his part to be performed and observed
or if the tenant in due time becomes bankrupt or by reason of financial
incapacity has not been able to meet any of his financial obligations,
then in all such cases it shall be lawful for the Landlord at any time
thereafter to re-enter into the demised premise or any part thereof in the
name of the whole and thereupon, this tenancy shall absolutely be
determined but without prejudice to any right of action or remedy by the
Landlord for any antecedent breach of the covenants by the tenant as
herein contained.

(2) That on the written request of the tenant made not less than Six (6)
months before the expiration of the term hereby created or granted, the
Landlord may if willing and there has not been at the time of such
request any existing breach or non-observance of any of the covenants
on the premises, grant a further term from the expiration of the term
hereby created and contained with the exception of the present convents
for renewal.

(3) That failure of the Landlord to insist upon the strict and specific
performance of any of the terms, conditions and covenants on the part of
the tenant herein contained shall not be deemed a waiver for any of the
rights or remedies that the Landlord may have against the tenant and
shall NOT be deemed waiver or condonation of any subsequent breach or
default of the tenant in the performance of nay of the terms, conditions
or covenants on his part as herein contained.

IN WITNESS WHEROF the within-named parties have set their hands and
seals the day and year first written above:

The Common Seal of the named

is hereby affixed in the presence of:

……………………………………. …………………………………


By the within-named TENANT


In the presence of:


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