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the process
to match your
brand and

musicbrand: the process to match your brand and music Phasetwo

Now that you know the MusicBrand process, your next step is to

identify for yourself where you fit in with it and where to start.

For example, do you know what’s important to your fans and have ideas

to create a stronger connection through your brand? If not, you should

start at step one. Do you already have merch and a logo that people are

responding to and you’re ready to scale that up and create your marketing

collateral and earn income? If so, or if you’re not sure, your next action

steps will help you decide.

Next Action Steps

Determine which step of the MusicBrand process you’re in by

answering the following questions:

1. Do I know what’s important to my fans so that I can begin to create

merchandise that I know they will want to buy? (Yes or No)

2. Do I have a logo that myself and fans love and has a solid BrandCore?

(Yes or No)

3. Am I ready to scale up on what’s important to my fans and build off my

logo to create my Marketing Collateral and incorporate it into my live

performances to earn income? (Yes or No)

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musicbrand: the process to match your brand and music Phasetwo

Begin the next lesson based on your answers as indicated by the

guidelines below:

»» If you answered “No” to question 1, start the next lesson titled:

“Know Your Fans.”

»» If you answered “No” to question 2, start the lesson titled:

“Create Your BrandCore.”

»» If you answered “No” to question 3, revisit question 1 and 2 (one of

those should probably have been answered “No”).

»» If you answered “Yes” to question 3, start lesson titled:

“Create Your Marketing Collateral.”

Stated another way, once you determine which step you’re on (1, 2, or 3)

begin that lesson next. For example, if you’re ready for Step 3 “Create Your

Marketing Collateral,” you can bypass the Step 2 “Create Your BrandCore”

lesson and begin the lesson titled “Create Your Marketing Collateral:”

likewise, if you’re ready for Step 2, you can skip the Step 1 “Know Your Fans”

lesson and begin Step 2 lesson “Create Your Brand Core:” if you’re ready for

Step 1, click the “Next” button below to begin the “Know Your Fans” lesson.

If you aren’t sure or have any questions, contact Greg via email or reach out

to fellow 1KWM-ers in the 1KWM Facebook group.

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