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Class 09 - Science
1. Chair, air, smell, almonds, cold drink and smell of perfume are matter.
2. Materials are different from each other in their mass, volume and shape.
3. Normal room temperature is taken between 20-25oC (293-298K )
4. Temperature in °C = 293K - 273K = 20oC
5. Ice will lower down body temperature more because it will take latent heat of fusion from our body and fever will come down
6. Hard solids do not diffuse due to strong inter-molecular forces between its particles.
7. During summer, we perspire more and the particles at the surface of the liquid gain energy from the surrounding or body surface
and change into vapour. Now, cotton being a good absorber of water helps in absorbing the sweat and expose it to the atmosphere
for easy evaporation and we feel cool.
8. NaCl (solid) has particles with the highest forces of attraction.
9. This observation indicates that particles of water have spaces between them into which sugar particles got fit.
10. Density of a substance is defined as the mass per unit volume. Its SI unit is kilogrammes per cubic metres I.e. kg/m​3.
11. A substance is said to be in the gaseous state if under normal temperature and pressure, its boiling point is below the room
12. 250oC - The boiling point of water is 100oC. Above this temperature water is converted into steam. Therefore, water will be in
gaseous state.

100oC - Water boils at 100∘C. Water can exists in both liquid as well as gaseous state.
13. Kelvin temperature (K) = 273 + 25 = 298 K.
14. Water vapour
15. Naphthalene undergoes sublimation upon heating and directly changes into vapours. Sodium chloride (common salt) does not
undergo sublimation. It melts on strong heating.
16. During summers the water present on the surface of the earthen pot evaporates which causes the cooling effect. Besides earthen
pot bears pores on it hence water continuously oozes out from it and thus evaporation occurs continuously and so does the
17. The pressure at sea level is regarded as 1 atmosphere or 760 mm.
18. The physical state of water at - 0oC is solid (ice).
19. By applying pressure and reducing temperature, gases can be liquefied. The liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is filled in gas
cylinders in the compressed gas form.
20. Heat supplied to a substance is getting used during changing its state to overcome the force of attraction between the particles.
The excess heat is absorbed by the particles in the form of latent heat.
21. Temperature on Kelvin scale = 78 + 273 = 351 K
22. There are minute holes in sponge in which air ir trapped which is expelled out when compresses. Thus, sponge is compressible.
23. When dettol is added to water, diffusion takes place.
24. Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide. Its chemical formula is CO2.
25. Chair, air, almonds, lemon water, smell of perfume
26. The balloon bursts and the air of balloon gets diffused in air.
27. The three states of matter differ with respect to the inter particle spaces and forces. The inter particle spaces are minimum in the
solid state and maximum in the gaseous state while force of attraction is much stronger in solid state than gaseous state.
Both these conditions favour 3 different categories of states of matter.
28. The physical state of water at 100oC is gas (water vapour).
29. The atmospheric gases can be liquefied either by increasing pressure or by decreasing temperature.
30. At 25oC - water is liquid,
31. As we know that,

K = C + 273

Temperature on Kelvin scale = 373oC + 273 = 646 K

32. Some liquids get quickly vapourised and they are called volatile liquids. Acetone, petrol and perfume are also volatile liquids
therefore they get heat from our palm and cause cooling.
33. Temperature in °C = 470K - 273K = 197oC.
34. Temperature in °C = 573 K – 273 K = 300°C
35. Oxygen< water< sugar.
36. (d) A is false but R is true.

Explanation: Certain solids directly change to the gaseous state upon heating without passing through the liquid state. The
process is called sublimation.
37. (c) A is true but R is false.

Explanation: The water vapour in the air condenses on the cold surface of the glass.
38. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

39. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: The intermolecular force of attraction between the particles of gas is negligible and is free to move in any
direction. Hence it fills completely the vessel in which it is kept.
40. (d) A is false but R is true.

Explanation: During the evaporation of liquids, the temperature decreases due to the escape of molecules with high energy.
The kinetic energy of the molecules is directly proportional to absolute temperature.
41. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: The molecules of a gas are separated very far and there is a lot of empty space between them. Hence gases can
be compressed easily. In liquids molecules are closer to each other and can be brought further closer only under very high
42. (c) A is true but R is false.

Explanation: Since the inter-particle spaces in the gaseous state are very large, they can be decreased by applying pressure.
Thus, a gas can be easily compressed by applying pressure.
43. (c) A is true but R is false.

Explanation: It is not proper to regard ammonia in a gaseous state as vapour because ammonia is not liquid at room
44. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: The heat supplied during the state transformation does not increase the kinetic energy but is absorbed for
conversation of complete solid to liquid or complete liquid to vapours.
45. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: The rubber band can not change its shape by itself. When force is applied it changes its shape (due to elasticity)
and regain its shape when force is removed.
46. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: If two objects have different temperatures, heat will flow from the warmer object to the colder one. When we
touch ice we feel cold because of the melting and evaporation of the ice. When we touch the ice, the ice quickly absorbs the
heat of our hand, melts and evaporates with the heat. So we feel cold when we touch the ice.
47. (d) A is false but R is true.

Explanation: It is difficult to cook food at high altitudes since the boiling point of water decreases at high altitudes and it does
not provide sufficiently high temperature to the food to get cooked.
48. (c) A is true but R is false.

Explanation: Evaporation of spirit from skin make the skin feel cool because it absorbs latent heat of vaporisation from the
49. (c) A is true but R is false.

Explanation: The diffusion rate of oxygen is smaller than nitrogen as the molecular mass of oxygen is greater than nitrogen, as
the diffusion rate ∝   . 


The molecular size of oxygen is smaller than nitrogen.

50. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
51. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: Almirah is rigid and has fixed shape. So, it is a solid at room temperature.
52. (c) A is true but R is false.

Explanation: Naphthalene has the property of sublimation and hence naphthalene ball evaporates easily and disappears.
53. (d) A is false but R is true.

Explanation: The conversion of gas directly into a solid is called desublimation. Naphthalene does not leave any residue when
kept open for some time.
54. (c) A is true but R is false.

Explanation: The mass per unit volume of a substance is called density (density = mass/volume). As the volume of a
substance increases, its density decreases. When water changes into ice, space between particles increases. These spaces are
larger as compared to the spaces present between the particles of water. Thus, the volume of ice is become greater than that of
water. Hence, the density of ice became lower than that of water. As, a substance with lower density than water can float on
water. Therefore, ice floats on water.
55. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
56. (d) A is false but R is true.

Explanation: Gases diffuse easily than liquid as gases have lesser intermolecular forces of attraction. Thus the particles of
gases are not attracted towards each other and thus it can easily diffuse
57. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: An increase in temperature increases the kinetic energy of the particles, as a result of which more and more
particles escape from liquid to vapour state.
58. (c) A is true but R is false.

Explanation: Ice floats on the surface of the water because the density of water is more than ice. Ice is lighter than water due
to open spaces in its crystalline structure.
59. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: As the particles of solids are closely packed, there exist strong forces of attraction between the particles. Hence,
solids do not diffuse in air.
60. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: A substance which is liquid at room temperature, then its gaseous state is regarded as vapour. Ammonia is gas at
room temperature , hence its gaseous state is not regarded as vapour.
61. (b) Statement A

Explanation: Statement A is correct. The temperature of the liquid becomes constant once it starts boiling. The heat is used to
change the state of matter.

The pressure of air at the sea level is 760 mm (76 cm) of Hg (mercury).
62. (d) Statement A

Explanation: The temperature at which solid melts to become a liquid at the atmospheric pressure is called its melting
point. The process of melting, that is, change of solid state into a liquid state is also known as fusion. A substance is said to be
in a liquid state if under normal pressure its melting point is below the room temperature. The melting point of a solid and the
freezing point of a liquid is the same.

Melting point and freezing point describe the same transition of matter from liquid to solid (freezing) or equivalently, from
solid to liquid (melting). while ice is freezing or melting, its temperature is not changing. It is stuck at 0°C during the entire
melting or freezing process. That is, when the matter is transitioning from solid to liquid (melting) or liquid to solid (freezing),
its temperature is fixed at the melting/freezing point, which is the same temperature.

So, Statement A  is true and Statement B is false.

63. (d) Both A and B.

Explanation: In Kelvin temperature, the symbol ( )is not used.

Mercury is used in glass thermometers because it does not stick with glass, has a shiny surface to view easily and it has a
uniform expansion.

64. (a) Both A and B

Explanation: Evaporation is a surface phenomenon as takes place only on the surface of the liquid. Particles from the surface
gain enough energy to overcome the forces of attraction present in the liquid and change into the vapour state. On the other
hand, boiling is a bulk phenomenon. Particles from the bulk (whole) of the liquid change into vapour state.

The intermixing of particles of two different types of matter on their own is called diffusion. On heating, diffusion becomes
faster. At a given temperature, the rate of diffusion of gases varies inversely as the square root of their densities.
65. (d) Statement B

Explanation: Naphthalene, camphor, iodine, and ammonium chloride are sublime substance. So, statement B is correct. Petrol,
ether, acetone, and carbon tetrachloride are volatile liquid but water is not a volatile liquid.
66. (d) Statement B

Explanation: (A) Kelvin is useful in scientific applications because there are no negative numbers. The lowest temperature on
the Kelvin scale is 0 K. Kelvin (symbol K) is the SI unit of temperature.

(B) CO2 is a heavier gas than N2 and O2. (Molar mass of CO2 is 44g, that of N2 is 28g, and that of O2 is 32g). This property
of CO2 is used in extinguishing a fire. 

So, statement (B) is a true statement.

67. (c) All of these

The constituent particles in a solid are closely packed. The intermolecular forces of attraction in a solid are very strong since
the particles are closely-packed. The inter-molecular spaces are small. The movement of constituent particles about the mean
position is restricted. Solids have fixed shapes. Particles of solid-state are arranged in a regular pattern.
68. (c) Acetone is the least volatile liquid.

Explanation: Acetone is the least volatile liquid - is incorrect.  Volatile liquids are those liquids that can easily change to their
vapour state at a particular temperature. Ether and Acetone are very volatile liquids. Alcohol is moderately volatile and water is
the least volatile. Acetone is a solvent that has a variety of important uses and applications.

E.g. It is used in nail polish remover.

69. (d) Gases and liquids behave like fluids

Explanation: The given option is correct because gases and liquid contain mobile molecules, therefore can flow. Moreover,
both gases and liquids do not have a fixed shape.that is why behave like fluids.
70. (a) The matter is continuous in nature.

Explanation: The matter is composed of very small particles called atoms, hence matter is not continuous but particulate in
nature. However, there is another nature associated with matter, which is wave-like nature. Sub-atomic particles like electrons
very well exhibit wave nature along with particle nature. However, this wave nature is not shown by macroscopic objects
which are easily observable. The wavelength that is associated with these objects is too small and not appreciable.
71. (a) (a), (b) and (c)

Explanation: An almirah is solid because its material is hard and rigid, has fixed shape and volume, and has a very high
density. The almirah may break under force but it is difficult to change its shape (rigidity). All these properties - a definite
shape (rigidity), distinct boundaries, and fixed volumes (negligible compressibility) - are possessed by solid substances only.
72. (c) (A) and (D) are correct

A. Latent heat does not raise the temperature.
B. But the latent heat has always to be supplied to change the state of a substance.
C. The latent heat does not increase the kinetic energy of the particles of the substance. And since there is no increase in the
kinetic energy of the particles, the temperature of a substance does not rise during the change of state.
D. Ice is in solid-state while water is in a liquid state. Thus, ice will convert into a liquid state by absorbing the latent heat of
fusion. On the other hand, no such heat will be absorbed by water as it is already in the liquid state. Hence, ice will absorb
more energy than water at 273K or 0 ° C.  The more is the energy absorbed, the more is the cooling effect. As a result, the
cooling effect of ice at 273 K or 0oC is more than water at the same temperature.
Statement (A) and (D) correct.
73. (c) All of these are correct

Explanation: In solids, the intermolecular forces are very strong, and the constituent particles are closely packed. In solid-

state, the constituent particles are arranged in a closely packed.  Solids are the state of matter which have a definite shape,
distinct boundaries, and fixed volume.

So, all statements are correct for solid-state.

74. (c) B and C

Explanation: Evaporation is directly proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to the humidity. Hence,
statements B and C are incorrect about the evaporation i.e.,
It increases with the increase in humidity.
It decreases with an increase in temperature.
75. (d) Conversion of solid into vapours without passing through the liquid state is called sublimation.

Explanation: Conversion of solid into vapours without passing through the liquid state is called sublimation.


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