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My name is Natasya Minarti Noya, I am a graduate of Pattimura University, Faculty of

Economics and Business, majoring in Management. For me education is one of the most
important things, therefore I always take advantage of the time I have to learn and continue to
develop myself. During college it was not enough for me to study at college, I also joined and
was active in organizations both on campus and outside campus. Through being in an
organization, I learned to build a sense of concern for others, hone my leadership skills, and
increase innovation in developing ideas in various program activities in the organization. Until
the fourth year, I was active and became an administrator as deputy treasurer in the Indonesian
Christian Student Movement (GMKI) organization. GMKI has an activity program called
oneness tourism. This activity is a community service program in rural villages and is usually
held every two years. This activity lasted approximately one week. When carrying out activities,
the villages we visited were villages that were lagging behind both in terms of economy and
education. We, as GMKI Cadres, work closely with the village government and try our best to
help the village community. At that time I was responsible for teaching kindergarten children.
Seeing their great enthusiasm for learning makes me very motivated to encourage them and share
more knowledge with them. Apart from that, we also work together in carrying out other
programs such as setting up reading boards that contain reading books that we donate to support
education in the village. We also held counseling several times. From this experience, I am very
interested in contributing to Indonesia by becoming an educator in sharing knowledge with
Indonesia's young generation in the future.

The reason I chose Turkey to continue my studies is that the economics department in
Turkey is very popular because it can provide a variety of knowledge and skills that are highly
sought after by today's companies. Nearly 60% of students majoring in economics can find a job
within six months of graduating. Dokuz Eylul University is the university of my choice to
continue my studies. Dokuz Eylul University is the first university in Turkey to use a problem-
based learning method, which was implemented in its medical school in 1997, this learning
method will be very helpful in preparing a thesis related to problems experienced in Indonesia
related to human resource issues, with management disciplines. This method can be a method for
solving human resource problems in Indonesia. Besides that, Dokuz Eylul University is my first
choice university, it is one of the universities with the best business management majors in
Turkey. I hope that the good quality knowledge from Dokuz Eylul University will give me useful
knowledge to contribute more to Indonesia in the future.

Management is the course I will choose to continue my master's studies. In management

studies, there are human resource management courses, strategy and innovation, and leadership
which are courses that focus on developing human resources to utilize and develop human
resources to become superior and quality human resources. Through further studies at the
master's level with the knowledge that I will gain, I will contribute to developing human
resources through the role of educator and researcher. The steps I will take are educating the next
generation to become qualified and intellectual figures when I become a lecturer later. then I will
form a research community as a forum for lecturers and students who focus on developing the
quality and quality of human resources with the aim of research results being able to touch the
younger generation in the real development of the quality of human resources in Indonesia.

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