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Climate changes in Estonia.

Estonia is a small country in the Northern part of Europe. There are not too many big industrial establishments, so Estonia in general doesn`t cause quantitativly too big amount of pollution. But still there are some changes in our climate. Many years there have been warm and snowless winters and quite chilly summers. But too last years have been much different winters have been long (from the end of October until the end of March). It means that there have been thick snow and low temperatures during 5 months. You can see the winter temperatures on the line graphic for two winters ( temperatuurigraafikud koos selgitusega.) . Last summer was unusually warm (July and August were even hot). Is it connected with climate changes, we don`t know. Little pupils drew pictures to show you the differences between 12 months in Estonia. ( 12 Months. Climate changes in Estonia) About our school. Our school is a small countryside school which is situated in the middle of an old park. That means that students and teachers of our school are for years followed green lifestile. For example we had a bird-project and now there are many birdhouses in the park (Project The Birdhouse ja loe ette raamatu esimene leheklg). There is a little river near our school. We had a water project and students read about water, and in workshops they made some installations about water. (Water. Project-day). So we think that we live in a green place and learn in a green school ( Green School) We think that no climate changes, but human activities have changed animal`s life much Worde. We had a school project about animals in danger and we made a little book and there was an exhibition at school. ( Animals in danger) In Greece our students introduced climate changes in Estonia. (Climate changes)



Saving energy.

In relation to economical situation in Estonia general, and in our region, we act in the interests of saving energy. About heating: We use firewood for heating in stoves. The same do people at their homes. Our younger pupils drew pictures about making firewood. ( How we in Estonia.) Forest is not only for making firewood, it is also useful for recreation. As you know, Estonian peole are nature people and we spend a lot of time in the wild nature. Ourstudents drew pictures about using Florest for recreation Forest a Heart of Green Energy, We can go mushooming, pick berries, do firewood, build houses, watch birds and animals)

There are several ways to produce green energy. Some of them are used in Estonia, some of them are not so common in Estonia (Clean Energy, loetlen erinevad rohelise energia tootmise vimalused raamatu abil. Nitena kasutam tuuleenergiat). In Filand our students introduced the ways for producing energy in Estonia (Dirty Energy) About saving energy we have two books: (raamatud Save energy ja 10 tipsLoen ette kaanelehekljelt paar nidet)

Using energy in our school:

Our school is very small - only 50 students. During a schoolweek we use 10 classrooms and gym for classes. The histogram shows you that for example our woodshop and technology classroom is in use only for four classes (Nidata tulpdiagrammil) and computer classroom is in use for 24 classes (maths and physics classes are in that room).(Nidata tulpdiagrammil)

Classrooms in use during a week

30 25 20 15 10 5 0

For our project work we watched electricity using for two weeks. We observed two weeks in the third term. The first week was the term`s very first week from 10th to 14th January when it`s quite dark during all day and the second week was the term`s last week from 14th March to 18th March. It is that time when the weather is cold but already mostly sunny. Why just these two weeks? The reason is simple - For years our school has tried to save electricity. We use special light bulbs, pupils on duty are responsible for the lights and they have to switch off all lights at the end of every class. There are no lights on in hallways, and

in staff- room during classes. Rooms which are not in use, are closed. So, we wanted to compare the amount of electricity used during these two weeks. Here are the results of that observing:

Lights on. (Week 1) Lights on. (Week 2) Difference between two weeks (1st week 2nd week) Total installed wattage in the classrooms Electricity used in week 1 Elecrticity used in week 2 Electricity saved in week 2: Total school weeks in Estonia: Weeks the lights must be on during all the schoolday: Electricity used in 24 weeks: Weeks we can save electricity (depends on sunny days) Electricity used in 11 weeks (if the weather is sunny) If there were no sunny days in spring we should use The price of 1 kW/h electricity is: Classrooms in our school 128 hours 92 hours 36 hours 6264 W 801, 792 kWh 571, 288 kWh 230, 504 kWh 35 weeks 24 weeks 24 x 801, 792 kWh = 9243, 008 kWh 11 weeks (the last week of the 3rd term and all the 4th term) 11 x 571,288 kWh = 6284, 168 kWh 801, 792 kWh as in winter 0, 12 EUR/kWh 11

Estonian team thanks you for your attention!

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