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What is the best answer for the blank below?

Where do you live now?

How are you
Do you remember me?
Do I look well?

The best expression for blank sentence is…*

Never mind
You are welcome
Thank you
I am sorry

The underlined speech is an expression of …*

Leave it

 The answer for no (3) is….*

Right now
Last week

Baron : I will ………(4) Sue for lunch to discuss the contract*


The advertisement is emphasizing to…….*


What is the advertisement?*

Holiday course
Holiday camping
Holiday classes
Holiday creative

Arrange the good sentence into a good sentence!*

2- 5-1-3-6-4

What is the announcement about?*

A neighborhoods' activity
Used clothes donation
Victims of a landslide
Fund raising activity

If you have any question, please feel free to contact Ms. Maryam. This sentence has
the same meaning as .…*

Ms. Maryam is always ready to give information you need

Ms. Maryam is always ready to ask your questions
You are not charged if you contact Ms. Maryam
Ms. Maryam will give you questions freely

Our neighborhood will hold a

Fundraising Activity next month.
What does the fundraising mean?*

The process of collecting money as donations

Collecting money for goverment
Process collecting money for victim
Donations for poor people

What is the purpose of greeting card above?*

To wish somebody happiness on his/her birthday.

To congratulate someone on their success.
To wish someone luck in finding his dream.
To express happiness about someone moving to a new house.

What is the similarity of the greeting card above?*

Promotion of a new house
Move to a new house
Sell house
Buy a new house

What is the underlined sentence purpose?*

to give congratulation
to give support
to give hope
to give greeting

What does Icha say to support Dinda?*

I do not hope you reach your achievement

I hope you won’t do so
Let’s hope for your future
I hope you will be successful in the next level competition

What is the topic of the story?*

A friendship between a cat and a dog
Spending time with a pet inside and outside the house
A friendly and sweet dog
A friendship between a pet and its owner

The main topic of paragraph two is ….*

The writer’s activities with his/her pet

Everybody loves to walk with Snowy
Snowy is a cute and friendly dog
Snowy always plays with the cat

They get along well and never fight.                                    

   The word they refer
Writer and snowy
writer friends
snowy and cat
snowy and friends

What is the text about?*

A horse cart rider’s hard work.

Vandra’s experience on a train.
Vandra’s travelling experience.
The life story of a horse cart rider.

Why did Vandra take a great respect to the horse cart’s rider?*

She struggled for the success

She lived with her three children
She was simple, but had a great dream
She was the only woman who rode a horse card

“She never gave up.“                                                                                 What is the

closest meaning of gave up ?*
Felt sorry
Fought against
What is the main idea of the second paragraph?*

The Rajah of Singapura was impressed with Badang’s strength.

The Rajah of Singapura appointed Wadi to fight with Badang.
Badang could beat his enemy by lifting a huge rock.
British colonial government blasted Badang.

One day he caught a genie in his fishing

net, and in return of .....                                                                              The word
he refers to.....*

Wadi Bijaya
Rajah of Singapore
What can we learn from the story above?*

The weakness will be defeated by the strong one.

Strength will not always give us a good win.
The strong man will lead the world well.
Only a strong man can defeat Badang.

What is the advantage using manual instruction?*

The user will understand how to clean a refrigerator properly

The manual instruction is useless because wasting time
It helps user to remove frozen fast
It helps user to make ice cube easily

What should we do after turn the temperature control “defrost”?*

Scrape the ice with a sharp instrument
Remove all frozen foods and ice cube trays
Remove all another foodstuff
Allow the ice to melt

What is the purpose of the text?*

To give detailed information about the product.

To describe what the breakfast cereals are.
To share the kind of cereals you can buy.
To know the advantage of the product.

 From the text we know that the product must be … by one who has asthma.*

Tidak ada jawaban yang benar

Arrange these words into a good sentence!*

2-4- 7-3-5-8-1-6

Removes all other foodstuff …. place on

your kitchen counter …in cardboard
boxes.                                            The
appropriate connection word for blank place are…..*
or, and
or, but
and, but
and, or

What is the purpose of the text?*

To describe about whale

To inform about whale’s activity
To give information about whale in detailed
To explain about whale in its habitat

The length of a whale is……..*

Is generally more than 30 meters

May be more than 30 meters
Is less than 30 meters
Ranges from 30 meter to more than 30 meters

Whale looks rather like fish … whale is not fish, it’s mammal*


What is the topic of the song?*


The phrase “fairy tale” means.*

Personal Experience
Imaginary story
Real life
Science fiction

From the text we know that ....*

Sudirman was returned and he retired in Java.

General Sudirman commanded military through Sumatra.
General Sudirman was the first commander Armed Forces in Indonesia.
General Sudirman was recalled to Jogyakarta on March 1949.

Why did General Sudirman forbidden to fight further? *

Because he was recalled to Yogyakarta
Because he was died
Because he was retired
Because he was British Military before

The writer’s purpose to write those kind of text is ...*

To inform about their new baby born.

To tell his activities when he was baby.
To describe about his baby circle of life.
To tell how big their family’s attention.

After reading those text, we can predict that ..*

the writer always be afraid to sleep alone.
the writer was very naughty and patient.
the writer was happy when he was a baby.
the writer loves his family much.

My Dad often carried me around in the morning (last paragraph). The word “carried”
has similar meaning with


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