Problem Solutions

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Microsoft Excel 16.

0 Sensitivity Report
If an objective function coeffici
Worksheet: [Problem Solutions.xlsx]Prob 1 feasibale region remain the same. H
Report Created: 7/12/2023 3:03:12 PM o

If the RHS of a constraint is change

Variable Cells same. Here our aim is to identify th
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$D$22 Optimal Solution X1 2 0 3000 4500 3000 As along as 0 ≤ c1 ≤ 7500, the curren
$E$22 Optimal Solution X2 6 0 5000 1E+030 3000 As long as c2 ≥ 2000, the current op

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$G$26 Constraint 1 Coefficients Z 2 0 4 1E+030 2 As long as b1 ≥ 2, the current optim
$G$27 Constraint 2 Coefficients Z 12 1500 12 6 6 As long as 6 ≤ b2 ≤ 18, the current o
$G$28 Constraint 3 Coefficients Z 18 1000 18 6 6 As long as 12 ≤ b3 ≤ 24, the current
objective function coefficient is changed, the slope of the objective function changes and the
region remain the same. Here, our aim is to find the range of the coefficients in which the current
optimal solution still remains optimal.

HS of a constraint is changed, the feasible region changes and the objective function remains the
re our aim is to identify the range of RHS values in which the current optimal solution still remain

as 0 ≤ c1 ≤ 7500, the current optimal solution (2, 6) will be optimal

c2 ≥ 2000, the current optimal solution (2, 6) will be optimal

b1 ≥ 2, the current optimal solution will be feasible

6 ≤ b2 ≤ 18, the current optimal solution will be feasible
12 ≤ b3 ≤ 24, the current optimal solution will be feasible
Decision Variables X1 X2
Optimal Solution 2 6
Objective Function Coefficients 3000 5000 36000

Constraint 1 Coefficients 1 0 2 <= 4

Constraint 2 Coefficients 0 2 12 <= 12
Constraint 3 Coefficients 3 2 18 <= 18

Decision Variables Y1 Y2 Y3
Optimal Solution (Shadow Price) 0 -3000 -1000
Objective Function Coefficients 4 6 18 -36000

Constraint 1 Coefficients 1 3 -3000 <=

Constraint 2 Coefficients 1 2 -5000 <=
Decision Variables X1 X2
Optimal Solution 7.5 4.5
Objective Function Coefficients 0.4 0.5 5.25

Constraint 1 Coefficients 0.3 0.1 2.7 <=

Constraint 2 Coefficients 0.5 0.5 6 =
Constraint 3 Coefficients 0.6 0.4 6.3 >=
Product 1 Product 2 Available Resources
Frame parts 1 3 200
Electrical components 2 2 300
Profit / unit $1 $2

Decision Variables X1 X2
Optimal Solution 125 25
Objective Function Coefficients 1 2 175

Constraint 1 Coefficients 1 3 200

Constraint 2 Coefficients 2 2 300
<= 200
<= 300
Cost Matrix

Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4 Product 5

Plant 1 41 27 28 24 0 75
Plant 2 40 29 100 23 0 75
Plant 3 37 30 27 21 0 45

20 30 30 40 75 75
Solution Matrix 3260

Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4 Product 5

Plant 1 0 30 30 0 15 75 =
Plant 2 0 0 0 15 60 75 =
Plant 3 20 0 0 25 0 45 =

20 30 30 40 75
= = = = =
20 30 30 40 75
Cost Matrix

Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4 Product 5

Plant 1 820 810 840 960 0 75
Plant 1' 820 810 840 960 0
Plant 2 800 870 1000 920 0 75
Plant 2' 800 870 1000 920 0
Plant 3 740 900 810 840 1000 45

20 30 30 40
Solution Matrix

Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4 Product 5

Plant 1 0 0 1 0 0 1=
Plant 1' 0 1 0 0 0 1=
Plant 2 1 0 0 0 0 1=
Plant 2' 0 0 0 0 1 1=
Plant 3 0 0 0 1 0 1=

1 1 1 1 1
= = = = =
1 1 1 1 1
Iteration ID Solved Nearest Unsolved Total nth Nearest Minimum Arc
(n) Node Node Distance Node Distance Added
1 O A 2 A 2 OA
O C 4 C OC
2 4
A B 4 B AB
A D 9
3 B E 7 E 7 BE
C E 8
A D 9
4 B D 8 D 8 BD, ED
E D 8
D T 13
5 T 13 DT
E T 14

Shortest Distance 13
Shortest Paths
Iteration Solved Nearest Unsolved Total Minimum Arc
ID (n) Node Node Distance Distance Added
1 O B 3 B 3 OB
O A 4
2 A 4 OA
B C 7
O C 6
3 A D 7 C 6 OC
B C 7
A D 7
4 B E 9 D 7 AD
C D, F 8
B E 9
5 C F 8 F 8 CF
D F 9
B E 9
C E 11
6 E 9 BE, FE
D G 11
F E 9
D G 11
7 F G 10 G 10 FG
E H 11
F H 13
8 E H 11 H 11 EH
G H 12
E I 14
9 G T 17 I 14 EI, HI
H I 14
G T 17
10 H T 19 T 17 GT
I T 18
Shortest Distance 17
Shortest Path O-C-F-G-T

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