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Catalyst Manufacturing

Three-dimensional Printing for Catalytic Applications:

Current Status and Perspectives
Xintong Zhou and Chang-jun Liu*

3D printing is a more convenient and

Three-dimensional (3D) printing, also known as additive manufacturing, efficient way to prepare complex 3D struc-
is a fabrication method that has recently received worldwide attention. tures. In addition, 3D printing requires
It provides a convenient and economical way to prepare 3D structures in fewer steps and resources.
designable ways. As the technology has developed and the operational costs Three-dimensional printing is currently
being explored for many different applica-
have decreased, the applications of 3D printing have greatly expanded.
tions, including electrochemical devices,[6]
Catalyst fabrication is a promising area for 3D printing. Printing processes biomaterials,[7] and microfluidic devices.[8]
result in better control of catalyst structures and catalyst distribution. In In addition, graphene,[9] metal-organic
this perspective, a general overview of the commonly available 3D printing frameworks,[10] and many other materials
methods that are feasible for the preparation of heterogeneous catalysts is have been prepared by the printing pro-
cess. Recently, 3D printing has also been
given. Additionally, recent works on printing strategies and new materials for
shown to be advantageous to catalytic
catalysts are discussed. Future development is also addressed. applications since a printing approach can
achieve better control of the fine structure
of the target material.[11] As 3D printing
1. Introduction techniques have developed, setup and operational costs have
decreased rapidly. The control and precision of the properties of
With ever-increasing environmental consciousness and the the printed materials have improved. Therefore, it is reasonable
development of sustainable syntheses, the development of new to expect that using additive manufacturing to prepare catalytic
catalyst systems has become a more important topic. Recently, materials will continue to develop in the coming years.
the relationships between catalyst structures and catalytic per- In this perspective, a general overview of commonly avail-
formances have received a great deal of attention.[1] Many dif- able 3D printing methods that are feasible for the prepara-
ferent materials with delicate meso/macro structures have tion of catalytic materials is given. In addition, recent works
been reported. For most of these materials, their catalytic concerning printing strategies and new materials for catalytic
performances are closely related to their unique structures. use are summarized. Potential catalyst applications are also
However, most of these functional structures were prepared included. Finally, future expected developments in this very
using complex methods such as self-assembly,[2] chemical vapor promising field are addressed.
deposition (CVD),[3] and templating approaches.[4] There is no
doubt that the high costs of these methods hinder the poten-
tial industrial applications of these materials. Simpler and more 2. 3D Printing Technology
flexible methods are needed for the preparation of specialized
3D functional structures. 2.1. 3D Printing Overview
Three-dimensional (3D) printing, also known as additive
manufacturing, is a fabrication method that creates structures Three-dimensional printing is a fabrication method that creates
from digital models.[5] Unlike conventional fabrication methods, structures from digital models. In a typical 3D printing process,
3D printing processes are bottom-up fabrication methods the structure of the target material is first designed through
which are based on the incremental addition of layers of mate- computer-aided design (CAD). The structure is then converted
rials. Compared with traditional manufacturing technologies, to a G-code file via a slicing process, and the target material
is then prepared by the printer using this file.[5] During the
printing process, the position of the printing device must
Dr. X. T. Zhou, Prof. C.-J. Liu
be controlled for every target point in the G-code file, which
Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Engineering can be easily accomplished with step motors, laser beams, and
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology other mechanical devices. However, building a solid material at
Tianjin University these position target points is not a simple task. In fact, this is a
Tianjin 300072, P. R. China big challenge in the printing of some materials, and many new
technologies have been designed to solve this problem.
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under
Several 3D printing processes have been invented since the
late 1970s.[12] The printing techniques that are most suitable for
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201701134 catalyst preparation include fused deposition modeling (FDM),

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1701134 1701134  (1 of 13) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

direct ink writing (DIW), stereolithography (SLA), laminated

object manufacturing (LOM), and selective laser sintering Xintong Zhou received his
(SLS). B.S. degree (2011) and
M.S. degree (2014) from
School of Chemical
2.2. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Engineering and Technology,
Tianjin University, China. He
Fused deposition modeling was developed by Scott Crump in is currently a Ph.D. candidate
the late 1980s and was commercialized in 1990 by Stratasys.[13] in Tianjin University. His
To date, it is the most commonly used 3D printing strategy. The major research area is the
open-source development community, RepRap, as well as many preparation, characterization,
other DIY programs, all use FDM. Over the last several years, and evaluation of the 3D
the costs associated with this process have greatly decreased, printed catalytic materials.
which has made 3D printing more feasible for industrial
Dr. Chang-jun Liu is a Chang
FDM uses a wire feed system whereby during the printing
Jiang Distinguished Professor
process, a supply filament is pushed into a heating chamber
and a Fellow of the Royal
where the target material is melted (Figure 1a). The molten
Society of Chemistry. He
material forms layers and then immediately hardens after
received his Ph.D. degree for
extrusion from a nozzle. This method can be used to manufac-
research on the modeling of
ture models with different 3D structures. The most commonly
crystal growth from Tianjin
used materials are thermoplastic polymers like acrylonitrile
University in 1993. After
butadiene styrene (ABS), polylactic acid (PLA), and high impact
postdoctoral positions at
polystyrene (HIPS). Other materials, such as eutectic metals
the University of Oklahoma
and cermet, can also be used in FDM. For most commercial
(2.5 years) and Prairie View
3D printers, layer thickness can be controlled to ≈100 µm
A&M University (1 year),
and accuracies in the x and y axes are within a few hundred
he joined ABB Cooperate Research, Switzerland, as an
engineer. He became a full professor at Tianjin University
Unfortunately, these thermoplastic materials have low glass
in 1999. His current research interests include CO2 utiliza-
state temperatures and low surface areas so they do not make
tion, natural gas conversion, plasma nanoscience, nano
good catalytic materials. Thus, other components have been
energy materials, catalyst preparation by cold plasmas, and
added to the process to form materials with high activities.
3D printing.
One strategy is to incorporate inorganic nanoparticles into the
polymer filaments, which is feasible if the incorporated com-
ponent can be integrated into the polymeric matrix. Research
has demonstrated the feasibility of this strategy on many the catalytic industry. One possible solution to the problem is to
composite materials,[14] including metal oxides[11b,15] and gra- coat active components on the surface of the printed structures.
phene oxide.[9a,16] However, during the incorporation process, Similar to the FDM process, the stability and the uniformity of
a considerable amount of the incorporated materials can be the coating is a concern. The advantage of SLA is that the high
enwrapped by the polymer which prevents the full utilization resolution of the printed structures gives more delicate material
of these materials. One approach of dealing with this problem structures which are important for special uses.
is to load the active components onto the printed structures, so
that these components are exposed.[10] This method requires
a strong interaction between the active component and the 2.4. Direct Ink Writing (DIW)
poly­mer structure.
DIW (also known as robocasting) is another extrusion-based
printing process. Unlike in the FDM process, during the DIW
2.3. Stereolithography (SLA) process the material is extruded directly without melting or
solidification (Figure 1c). The printing ink needs to have a low
Stereolithography was patented in 1986 by Hull[17] and was one viscosity to maintain its fluidity while being extruded out of the
of the first and most widely used 3D printing technologies. SLA nozzle but after the extrusion, a high viscosity is necessary for
is performed by focusing an ultraviolet (UV) laser onto a vat of the material to maintain its shape on the printing bed. Conse-
photopolymer resin (Figure 1b).[18] The photopolymer resin is quently, most materials used for this process are pseudoplastic
photosensitive to UV light, so the resin immediately solidifies fluids,[19] such as ceramic slurries, polymers, and sol–gel inks.
upon exposure. Structures are formed layer by layer to produce DIW was first designed to prepare ceramic materials,[20]
the desired 3D object by pre-programming the scanning path of but carbon materials, aerogels, and biomaterials have all been
the UV laser over the resin surface. printed using this method as well. The DIW process has advan-
SLA printing can only produce materials from photosensi- tages of easy operations and relatively low fixed costs. The DIW
tive materials which is a huge challenge for its applications to process can use a wide range of materials, which is favorable

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1701134 1701134  (2 of 13) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 1.  Some 3D printing processes that are useful for catalyst preparation: a) Fused deposition modeling; b) Stereolithography; c) Direct ink writing;
and d) Selective laser sintering.

for catalytic materials. The disadvantage to DIW is that a sol- powder bed, and almost all other mainstream printing tech-
vent is usually used in the printing ink, so post treatment steps nologies.[22] Their plasticity and durability make them suitable
such as drying and sintering are usually needed. for preparing models and mechanical parts. However, their low
surface areas, poor thermal stabilities, and poor surface proper-
ties hinder the use of polymers in catalytic applications.
2.5. Other 3D Printing Technologies One possible solution to this problem is to incorporate an
active ingredient into the polymer filaments to form organic/
Several other 3D printing technologies also have potential for inorganic hybrid materials. The preparation of these hybrid
use in the preparation of catalyst. Powder-bed-based processes, materials is a relatively mature research area. For example,
such as selective laser sintering (SLS) (Figure 1d), selective metal oxide–polymer hybrid composites are a promising
laser melting (SLM), and inkjet head 3D printing can make hybrid material.[14a] These materials have been prepared by
structures using metal and ceramic powders.[21] Laser sintering blending,[23] sol–gel process,[24] and in situ synthesis.[25] Selected
and laminated object manufacturing (LOM) have also shown metal oxide particles, such as zinc oxide (ZnO),[24,26] titanium
some promise for catalytic applications. oxide (TiO2),[27] and magnetite (Fe3O4),[28] as well as their com-
posites, have all been used in the preparation of organic/inor-
ganic hybrid materials.
3. 3D Printing of Catalytic Materials When dealing with the printing of these hybrid materials,
the simplest way of incorporating an active ingredient into
3.1. Polymers printable materials is to disperse the inorganic particles in the
printing filament. This is usually done by dissolving the inor-
Polymers are the most commonly used material for 3D ganic particles and the polymer in an organic solvent such as
printing. They can be used in extrusion, light polymerization, acetone and chloroform. The solvent is then removed and the

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1701134 1701134  (3 of 13) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

printing filaments are produced by a special extruder. These 6 wt %. Recently, some of the composite printing materials
filaments are compatible with most commercial thermoplastic have already been commercialized, which provide a lot of con-
3D printers. Castles et al.[14d] developed a BaTiO3/ABS filament venience for the investigation. For example, Foster et al.[9e]
which can be used on the commercial desktop 3D printers. reported a 3D printed graphene/PLA structure, which can be
(Figure 2a) The BaTiO3 loading can be up to 70 wt%. Com- used as energy storage devices. The commercial graphene/PLA
plex structures can be made even at a high BaTiO3 loading. filament was used in their study.
(Figure 2b) Perez et al. printed with 5% TiO2-ABS materials The strategy of incorporating active ingredients into the poly-
and studied the mechanic properties of a series of ABS based mers can also be adapted to the light polymerized processes.
materials.[15a] The tensile test shows that the TiO2-ABS struc- Fantino et al.[30] reported the fabrication of conductive 3D
ture has a higher ultimate tensile strength. Skorski et al.[11b] hybrid structures consisting of metal nanoparticles and organic
expanded the process and developed a 3D printing method for polymers shaped in complex multilayered architectures.
TiO2-ABS composites with different TiO2 contents. The printed (Figure  4) The process combines the photoreduction of metal
composite structures also showed good activity for the photo- precursor with the digital light processing (DLP) technique.
degradation of rhodamine 6G in solution. The proposed method allows obtaining 3D complex and light
TiO2 is not the only material that can be added using this pieces with promising electrical properties.
process. Several of other hybrid materials have been devel- The disadvantage of the above strategy is that the amount of
oped, such as Fe-ABS[29] and Fe3O4/polycaprolactone.[15b] Many additive needs to be carefully controlled so that the rheological
delicate structures have been achieved using devices which are characteristics of the material remain within the appropriate
easy to obtain. Wei et al.[9a] prepared a 3D printable graphene- ranges for 3D printing processes. In addition, some of the addi-
ABS composite (Figure 3). Graphene loadings of up to 5.6 wt% tives may become enwrapped in the polymer structure, which
were obtained and the material could be made into 1.75 mm has a negative effect on catalytic performance.
diameter filaments, which are suitable for use in commercial Another method for incorporating active components is to
3D printers. Zhang et al.[16] reported a 3D printable reduced load them onto the surface of the printed structure. The addi-
graphene oxide (r-GO)/PLA composite with a r-GO content of tives are fully exposed and do not have any negative effects on
the printing process. The challenge is obtaining a stable and
uniform coating. Recently, there have been some researches
that have focused on coating materials onto the surfaces of 3D
printed parts.[31] Wang et al.[10] reported a step-by-step growth
process which introduced Cu-BTC metal-organic frameworks
(MOFs) onto 3D printed ABS materials (Figure 5). The printed
Cu-BTC/ABS frameworks were used for the removal of meth-
ylene blue (MB) from aqueous solutions and gave MB removal
efficiencies of 98.3% and 93.3% within 10 min for solutions
with concentrations of 5 and 10 mg L−1, respectively. The flex-
ibility of the Cu-BTC material was enhanced by the printed
ABS structures. Besides, the Cu-BTC particles can be easily
removed by washing with aqueous hydrochloric acid. There-
fore, the printed structures can be conveniently reused. In their
recent work, Au nanoparticles were also introduced into the
Cu-BTC/ABS materials (Figure 5d). The Au loaded Cu-BTC/
ABS material is purple compared to white for ABS, gold for the
Au/ABS and blue for Cu-BTC/ABS. These different colors show
uniform distributions of the Au nanoparticles on Cu-BTC/ABS
material. These results indicate that the MOF coating plays an
important role in the formation and dispersion of metal nano-
particles. This process is also applicable to other noble metal
nanoparticles like silver, palladium and platinum. This method-
ology is promising for preparing novel catalyst composites for
low temperature reactions.
Pure polymers are usually not good catalysts for their low
surface areas, poor thermal stabilities, and poor surface prop-
erties. However, these properties make the printed polymers
suitable for being used as a template to prepare monolithic cat-
alysts. With the help of 3D printing and computer-aided design,
Figure 2. Extruded filaments and the 3D printed structures. a) Left: unique monolithic structures that are unable to be made by
unloaded ABS filament. Right: BaTiO3/ABS composite filament con-
conventional methods can be easily prepared. Michorczyk
taining 50 wt% BaTiO3. Scale bar, 10 cm. b) Structures printed in ABS
polymer (left) and 50 wt% BaTiO3/ABS polymer composite (right). Scale: et al.[32] developed a DLP process to prepare polymer models
each cubic structure has overall side length of 32 mm. Reproduced with which were applied as templates in order to control channel
permission.[14d] Copyright 2015, Nature Publishing Group. architectures in monolithic catalysts. (Figure 6) The channel

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1701134 1701134  (4 of 13) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

coupling of methane, with a high selectivity

of 67–70% towards C2–C3 hydrocarbons.

3.2. Carbon Materials

Carbon materials have been intensively

studied because of their inherent advan-
tages such as high surface areas, interesting
structures, good electrical conductivities,
and chemical stabilities. They are also widely
used as catalytic materials.[33] Many different
carbon structures from nanoscale to macro­
scale have been used to improve catalytic
performances. With the help of 3D printing
techniques, the preparation of carbon macro­
structures is becoming easier and cheaper.
A common method for the preparation
of carbon structures is the carbonization
of thermosetting resins.[34] These mate-
Figure 3. Preparation and 3D printing of graphene-ABS composite. a) Graphite flakes. rials have a high degree of crosslinking,
b,c) Dispersions of graphene oxide (GO) and ABS in N-methyl pyrolidone (NMP) solvent which can prevent deformation during the
respectively. d,e) A homogeneous mixture of GO-ABS in NMP before and after chemical carbonization process. For 3D printing
reduction respectively. f) Graphene-ABS coagulations obtained after isolation of (e) with water. processes, the printing ink needs to be a
g) Graphene-ABS composite powder after washing and drying. h) Schematic illustration of non-Newtonian fluid with high viscosity
fused deposition modelling 3D printing process. i) A typical 3D printed model using 3.8 wt%
graphene-ABS composite filament, scale bar: 1 cm. Reproduced with permission. Copyright
so that its flow through the fine nozzle is
2015, Nature Publishing Group. reliable and the self-supported shape main-
tains its integrity after deposition. Pre-
poly­mer solutions are often used as printing
structures prepared by the templates were specially designed by inks. For example, a resorcinol-formaldehyde (R-F) solution
computer modelling, which can influence the catalytic perfor- has good rheological behavior and the chain growth reac-
mance. The resulting Mn- and Na2WO4-containing monoliths tion can be controlled at a relatively low rate in an alkaline
exhibited a stable 23–25% methane conversion in the oxidative system, so that the ink is stable during the extrusion process.

Figure 4.  a) Different types of Ag-polymer composite 3D printed structures. b) Comparison of the scanned component and the CAD model. c) UV-vis
spectra of a sample containing 5 phr of AgNO3 after different irradiation times under UV light. d) Example of a 3D object and its color change related
to the silver nanoparticles formation: orange (just printed), brown (low irradiation time), and silver (longer irradiation time). Reproduced with permis-
sion.[30] Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1701134 1701134  (5 of 13) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 5. 3D printed Cu-BTC/ABS structures and Au/Cu-BTC/ABS structures. a) Fabrication of Cu-BTC/ABS composites. b) SEM images of the
Cu-BTC/ABS composite. c) Photographs of the synthesized Cu-BTC/ABS composites; the number represents the number of cycles. d) 3D printed ABS,
Cu-BTC/ABS, Au/ABS, and Au/Cu-BTC/ABS. Reproduced with permission.[10] Copyright 2014, Nature Publishing Group.

In addition, R-F materials maintain their structures after car- the vapor-liquid interface.[36] This can result in shrinkage which
bonized at 900 °C, and the prepared carbon material exhibits is most pronounced for pore sizes > 1 nm. As a result, aero-
a good porous structure. gels prepared via normal subcritical drying usually have poor
In our recent work, a carbon-based monolithic catalytic mesoporous structures, since these structures are destroyed
system was achieved with this method (Figure 7). Palladium during drying, especially for monolithic structures with large
was loaded on 3D printed carbon macro structures with thickness.
microporous structures and large surface areas (962.6 m2 g−1). A suitable solution to this problem is to extrude the ink into
The Pd/C monolithic structures were then used for the catalytic a bath of liquid which is immiscible with the solvent. The sol-
combustion of methane. The printed Pd/C possesses enhanced vent is then removed through supercritical drying or freeze
catalytic performance compared to catalysts prepared via con- drying after printing. Solvent exchange is usually necessary
ventional method, and the bed pressure during the combus- when freeze-drying an aqueous solution.[37] This strategy was
tion reduces significantly. These results show that printed Pd/C reported by Zhu et al.[9c] to prepare graphene aerogels with
structures can serve as efficient monolithic catalytic materials macroscopic architectures (Figure 8). An R-F solution and silica
for industrial applications. filler provided a suitable rheology for the GO ink. Isooctane
Printing processes have also been expanded to obtain was used to prevent solvent evaporation during the printing.
carbon materials with other special structures. For example, Supercritical CO2 was then used to dry the prepared GO gel.
carbon aerogels have been prepared using a sol–gel printing The printed GO aerogel possesses a porous structure with good
process. Carbon aerogels have been studied as catalytic mate- mechanical and electronic properties.[38] This type of material
rials because of their low densities, special porous structures might be a promising catalytic material.
and many other characteristics.[35] When preparing carbon It is worth mentioning that 3D printing is also feasible for
aerogels via 3D printing, special precautions need to be taken printing pure graphene-based structures. Graphene-based
to prevent damage to the sample during extrusion. Preventing material can be dispersed in water or organic solvents to make
the material from drying is one of the most important aspects. printing inks for DIW. The ink viscosity must be strictly con-
The evaporation of the solvent at atmospheric conditions can trolled and solidification can be achieved by either solvent
cause drastic changes in the surface tension of the solvent at evaporation[9b,39] or freezing.[40]

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1701134 1701134  (6 of 13) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

3.3. Metals and Metal Oxides

Metals and metal oxides are typical 3D printing materials which

can be applied in powder bed systems, powder feed systems,
and wire feed systems (FDM, DIW, etc.).[42] The printing pro-
cesses for these materials are relatively low cost, which brings
plenty of applications. For the preparation of catalytic materials,
a suitable way is to print pure metal cellular structures and then
disperse the catalyst on the surface. SLM and SLS are usually
used for the printing process. The metal 3D printers are usually
expensive, but the operation cost is relatively low. Another way
is to prepare printing ink consisting of a suspension of various
metal and metal oxide particles. Additives are needed to main-
tain a suitable viscosity. Metal or metal oxide structures can
be prepared through extrusion based printing processes. The
printing equipment needed in this method is relatively simple,
but post processing is usually needed. For example, drying and
sintering are usually needed for the removal of binder and for
the decomposition of the precursors. Reduction of metal ion is
also sometimes needed if metal precursor is applied with metal
as the target material.
Metals can be directly printed through many processes such
as DIW, SLS, and electron-beam melting (EBM).[42a,44] Catalytic
active components can be deposited on the surface of the 3D
printed structures to form various catalytic materials. Ambrosi
et al.[45] designed a 3D printed metal electrode functionalized
by the electrochemical deposition of IrO2 films. The electrode
shows good catalytic properties for the oxygen evolution reac-
tion. Avril et al. reported a novel catalytic static mixers produced
through metal 3D printing.[43] The catalyst was deposited using
either cold spraying or electroplating to form a novel contin-
uous flowing catalytic reactor system. The catalytic reactor was
evaluated for a series of flowing hydrogenations of alkenes and
carbonyls. (Figure 10) The result shows that the printed metal
structures can serve as good catalytic systems, while the man-
ufacturing cost is significantly reduced comparing with other
manufacturing processes. Meanwhile, the printed system also
has the advantage of simple tubular reactor geometry and ease
of manufacturing, which is helpful for the system to be applied
Figure 6. Scheme showing the monolithic catalyst preparation using
printed model as a template. a) 3D digital model projection; b) printing
for other reactions.
the STL file and finishing the template; c) filling the template with α-Al2O3 On the other hand, the dispersion of active components on
paste, burning off the template and coating the monolith with active com- the surface of the printed metal structures is still not a simple
pounds; d) template vs monolith main dimensions. Reproduced with per- case. Some challenges like low surface area still exist. With the
mission.[32] Copyright 2016, Royal Society of Chemistry. development of printing processes, the printed metal/metal
oxide structures can be directly applied for the catalytic system.
Other approaches have also been used to print carbon For example, metal and metal oxide structures can be printed
structures. Starch, for example, is a good carbon source for through extrusion. Recently, the extrusion of Al2O3,[47] ZnO,[48]
carbonization processes. 3D printing using starch based mate- and zeolites[49] have been reported. Shannon et al.[46] reported
rials has been studied.[41] In the presence of water and heat, the a versatile and simple process for the additive manufacturing
intermolecular bonds of starch molecules break down due to of cellular metallic architectures. The extrusion process was
gelatinization, allowing the hydrogen bonding sites to engage used with a liquid ink consisting of a suspension of metal or
more water. The gelatinization process makes starch dissolve metal oxide particles. Fe and Ni powders and their oxides are
in water, which is favorable for the extrusion process. In our used as the structural material and a mixture of polylactic-co-
recent work, a starch-based material was shown to be a prom- glycolic acid copolymer, dichloromethane, ethylene glycol butyl
ising 3D printing ink (Figure 9). The carbonization has no neg- ether, and dibutyl phthalate is used to maintain a suitable rhe-
ative effects on the printed macrostructure. The mesostructure ology. The structure is printed and then subjected to sintering,
of the carbon material is preserved. These structures may be with an intermediate thermochemical reduction step if oxide
very useful for developing improved industrial carbon-based feedstocks are used. Figure 11 shows the mass changes and
catalysts. the linear dimension changes of the printed structures. The

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1701134 1701134  (7 of 13) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 7.  3D printed Pd/C monolithic catalyst. a) Schematic illustration of the printing process. b–d) Photos of the printed Pd/C catalysts. e–g) TEM
images of the printed Pd/C catalysts.

result shows that the cellular architectures exhibit low stiffness, process. The printing ink was made by dispersing Al2O3 powder
high strength and high ductility, leading to excellent elastic and into a Cu(NO3)2 solution. The rheology of the ink was adjusted
plastic energy absorption. using hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose as a viscosity modifier.
Another example was reported by Tubio et al.[11a] A Cu/Al2O3 After extrusion, a sintering process at 1400 °C was used to
catalyst (Figure 12) was prepared using an extrusion-based remove the organic components and to decompose the copper

Figure 8.  Fabrication and rheological properties of GO ink. a) Schematic diagram of the fabrication process. b) Optical image of a 3D printed graphene
aerogel microlattice. SEM images of c) a 3D printed graphene aerogel microlattice, d) graphene aerogel without R-F after etching, and e) graphene
aerogel with 4 wt% R-F after etching. Optical image of f) 3D printed graphene aerogel microlattices with varying thicknesses and g) 3D printed gra-
phene aerogel honeycomb. Scale bars: (b) 5 mm, (c) 200 mm, (d,e) 100 nm, and (g) 1 cm. Reproduced with permission.[9c] Copyright 2015, Nature
Publishing Group.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1701134 1701134  (8 of 13) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 9.  3D printed carbon structures using starch as the carbon source. a) Photo of the printed carbon structures. b) N2 adsorption-desorption
isotherm and pore size distribution of the printed carbon material.

nitrate. A delicate structure was achieved through this strategy. of bentonite clay as a binder, methyl cellulose as a plasticizing
The diameters of the rods in the structure can be controlled organic binder, and poly(vinyl) alcohol (PVA) as a co-binder)
to 410 µm with a large porosity (57%). The Ullmann reaction and extruded using a robocasting 3D printer. The material was
was selected as a model reaction to evaluate the catalytic per- then dried and calcined to remove the binders. The printed
formance of the printed structure. The printed catalyst, even structures were used for CO2 removal. Couck et al.[49b] reported
those with a relatively low Cu loading give much shorter reac- a three dimensional fiber deposition (3DFD) technique for
tion times to achieve complete conversions compared to other the preparation of ZSM-5 structures. Self-standing monolithic
heterogeneous catalytic systems. In addition, the printed catalyst zeolite-containing structures were prepared using colloidal
can be reused at least 10 times without a dramatic loss in yield. silica with milled bentonite as a watery binder. The structures
The ease of preparation, reactivity, recyclability, and negligible show an excellent potential for CO2/N2 and CO2/CH4 separa-
metal contamination all make this 3D printing technique a tion. Lefevere et al.[49c] produced catalyst supports with different
good alternative to fabricate metal/oxide heterogeneous catalytic structures using 3DFD. Zeolites were then coated on the sup-
systems. ports for the conversion of methanol to dimethyl ether (DME)
and to olefins. They studied the influence of the structure on
the catalytic performances. The result shows that a high selec-
3.4. Zeolites tivity towards DME can be achieved at low temperature using a
structured catalyst with straight channels, while the structures
Zeolites are also promising materials for the 3D printing of cat- with tortuous channels exhibit the highest yield of light olefins
alysts. Extrusion-based printing strategy has been used for the at high methanol feed rate. The main reason for the high yield
printing of zeolites. A suitable method was reported by Harshul is attributed to the better mass and heat transfer properties of
et al.[49a] Zeolite powders were mixed with binders (consisting the printed structure.

Figure 10.  Simplified process flow diagram of the tubular flow reactor set-up for continuous flow hydrogenations. Bottom left: series of catalytic static
mixers after 3D printing. Reproduced with permission.[43] Copyright 2017, Royal Society of Chemistry.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1701134 1701134  (9 of 13) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

channels through which a reacting fluid flows.

The catalyst is usually deposited in the form of
a thin coating on the monolith channel wall.
Compared with traditional packed-bed reactor,
monolithic catalysts have many advantages
such as high transport rates of heat and mass
per unit pressure drop, small transverse tem-
perature gradients and ease of scale-up.[50] In
recent years, monolithic catalysts have become
a vital catalytic material for automotive and
stationary emission control[51] and for enzyme
reactors.[52] The disadvantages of the present
monolithic catalysts are their poor surface
areas, complex preparation processes, and
the stability of the pores under conditions of
rapidly changing temperature. With the 3D
printing preparation, the monolithic catalysts
can be significantly improved. The manufac-
ture can be simplified. With the use of specific
Figure 11.  a) Graph of mass changes and linear dimensional changes for oxide- and metal-
derived structures made of iron and nickel. Due to the loss of oxygen after oxide reduction,
pore-forming agent, the surface area of the
oxide-derived samples have greater changes in mass and dimensions than their metal-derived printed monolithic catalysts can be increased.
counterparts. b,f): Samples derived from Fe2O3 particle-based inks; c,g): Samples derived Three-dimensional printed catalysts have
from Fe particle-based inks; d,h): Samples derived from NiO particle-based inks; e,i): Samples plenty of advantages compared to classical
derived from Ni-particle-based inks. Note the difference in scale bars, all representing 2 mm. catalytic materials (such as powders, pellets,
Reproduced with permission.[46] Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH. and extrudates) and also to the monolithic
catalysts above mentioned. Firstly, the heat
4. Conclusions and Future Perspectives and mass transfer properties can be significantly enhanced
by the printed structure. The bed pressure drop can be
The 3D printing process is a promising manufacturing method reduced at the same time. The investigation has shown that
that is highly efficient, easily adaptable, and easy to use. It can the printed materials with different structures can affect the
be applied to many different catalytic materials. Diverse struc- yield of the target product.[43,49c] Better heat and mass transfer
tures can be designed and accurately controlled. In many ways, properties are the main reasons for this. Since the printing
3D printing has a great potential for future development of var- model is usually designed by CAD, the structure of the
ious catalysts. printed material can be optimized according to the require-
One area of potential use is for monolithic catalysts. Mono- ment of the target product. With the optimized structure
lithic materials consist of a large number of long and narrow design, the catalytic performance can be further improved.

Figure 12.  3D printed Cu/Al2O3 catalyst. a,b) Optical images of the Cu/Al2O3 structure without sintering. c,d) Optical images of the sintered Cu/Al2O3.
e) Schematic illustration and image of the experimental setup used for the catalytic tests. f–h) SEM images of sintered woodpile structure fabricated
from a concentrated Cu/Al2O3 ink deposited through a 410 µm nozzle. Reproduced with permission.[11a] Copyright 2016, Elsevier.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1701134 1701134  (10 of 13) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Secondly, the 3D printing process can extend the range of are important for better control of nanoscale structures and
monolithic and other catalytic materials. Various new ingredi- improvements in production capacity are crucial for indus-
ents, such as carbon aerogels, graphene, polymers and MOFs, trial use.
can be introduced into monolithic catalytic systems. In theory, (2) The feedstock materials for 3D printing need to be further
3D printing process can be introduced to most of the mate- improved. Recently, a wide range of materials have been
rials, as long as these materials can be extruded or sintered. used in 3D printing, but there are still problems to be solved.
The active component distribution can also be highly custom- Firstly, the material directly determines the cost of the print-
ized using 3D printing. Different catalysts can be distributed ing process, which is crucial for its applications. Some
in different regions of the catalyst structures to complete materials need to be printed by special equipment, which
complex reactions. This greatly enriched the traditional cata- leads to a high fixed cost. Meanwhile, the materials made
lytic materials. For example, during some exothermic reac- into filaments, powders and gels that can be compatible
tions (like CO2 hydrogenation to methanol), heat accumula- with the commercial 3D printer will be more convenient for
tion may happen in certain region of the catalyst bed, which researchers and manufacturers. Secondly, some materials
will reduce the yield of the objective product (like methanol) require complex post-treatment processes. The preservation
in these reaction sites. An optimized catalyst distribution by of the structures of the 3D printed materials is a challenge.
3D printing can solve this problem. Thirdly, the 3D printing Both the printed macroporous structure and the inherent
process achieves the preparation of fine structures with a rela- micro/meso structure of the materials may be affected by
tively low cost. The structures can be customized and strictly the post-treatment processes. Solvent removal is needed for
controlled, and the complex manufacturing processes needed some extrusion based printing processes, which can cause
for conventional preparation methods are avoided. The prices shrinkage and pore structure damage. Calcination can cause
of 3D printers and printing feedstocks are dropping rapidly negative effects on the pore structure, especially for pow-
in recent years. The cost of printed catalyst has the potential der based printing. Improvements are needed to overcome
of being reduced to a reasonable range, which is crucial for the effects of the post-treatment processes. In addition, the
its industrial applications. At the same time, target structures mechanical properties and chemical stabilities of the 3D
can be carefully designed to fit the reaction system, and an printed materials have to be considered when being used as
accurate rendering of the design can then be easily achieved. catalysts. The differences in the mechanical properties and
This makes the 3D printing process suitable for industrial chemical stability between various 3D printed materials and
use. In addition, 3D printing, as a flexible approach, is also materials prepared through conventional methods have not
suitable for catalyst development. The printing process is been fully studied. More efforts are needed.
applicable to small batch production and laboratory opera- (3) Optimized catalyst design is further needed. With 3D print-
tions, which provides a great research tool, allowing to inves- ing techniques, it is feasible to control pore size, pore struc-
tigate and to optimize all kind of structures with a variety of tures, and even the distribution of the active ingredients in
porous materials. catalytic materials. As a result, the structural optimization of
Another potential use for 3D printing is in the preparation catalysts is becoming more important in order to maximize
of microreactors. With 3D printing, the boundary between a catalytic performance.
catalyst and a reactor is no longer very clear. The printed struc-
ture not only provides the catalyst component, but also controls In summary, in recent years, 3D printing devices have
the flow of the reactants. This may bring a significant enhance- become cheaper and simpler to use, which has led to the
ment to catalytic systems. Recently, 3D printed reactionwares rapid development of applications of this technology. As a
are increasingly being studied. The control of the microfluidic new rapid fabrication method, 3D printing brings many new
properties of the reactants helps to achieve good reaction per- possibilities to the field of catalysis. Structural design, control
formance with low cost.[53] Other 3D printed reactors have also of catalyst distribution, and the fabrication of monolithic reac-
been reported. Accurate control of the structure and distribu- tors are becoming easier. However, novel printing materials
tion of catalyst components is expected to bring a big improve- and optimized catalyst designs are still needed to achieve even
ment to the catalytic industry. better catalytic performances. With the depletion of fossil fuel
The future development of 3D printed catalysts will depend resources and increasing environmental concerns, advanced
on the continued development of 3D printing and improve- catalysts are playing more important roles in many areas. The
ments in the structural designs of catalysts. Thus, progress in market for catalysts with novel structures will continue to
the following areas is critical for continued development: grow in the future. As a bottom-up method, 3D printing fab-
rication provides new solutions for preparing catalysts with
(1) Better control of the micro/meso structures of printed new structures in a more economical and energy-efficient
catalytic materials is needed. One way to achieve this goal way.
is to improve the accuracy of 3D printers. The concept
of nanoscale 3D printing is being developed using tech-
niques like electrohydrodynamic printing and focused Acknowledgements
ion beam.[54] Great gains are being made, but the output Support from the National Key Research and Development Program of
of these processes cannot yet meet the needs of industrial China (contract number 2016YFB0600900) and the National Natural
applications. A way to improve accuracy is to produce 3D Science Foundation of China (contract number 21536008 and 91334206)
printable nanoscale ink.[55] Synthetic methods of the ink is appreciated.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1701134 1701134  (11 of 13) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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