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Name: Fr.

Francico Javier de Igarzábal

Teacher: Sister Teotohokos

France Soccer

Every year millions of tourists visit France, one of the most famous countries in the
world. France is so popular because of his beautiful cities and excellent food. Since last
year France has become more popular because of its Soccer. It is not because the soccer
league level is good but because Lionel Messi, the best player of all time, arrived to this
country. When Messi arrived to France was a real revolution to the whole country but
specially to Paris. Nowadays plenty of persons travel to Paris not to visit the Eiffel
Tower o Notre Dam but to be able to attend one of the matches of the PSG.

For the PSG Club having the best player of all time have lot of advantages. First of all,
nowadays in every PSG match the stadium is full capacity, producing this a huge
economic develop of the Club. Secondly, there was also a big increase in sales of the T-
shirt of the team and lot of new sponsors. Apart from all this, the main advantage is that
the team has risen his soccer level.

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