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Ineratinal Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 24 (2021) 100830 Contents lists available nt ScienceDirect International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science ELSEVIER Journal homepage: ww. elsevier-comilocateigts i Innovation in online food delivery: Learnings from COVID-19 Diana Gavilan”, Adela Balderas-Cejudo", Susana Fernandez-Lores", Gema Martinez-Navarro® EWC as & Mareg Schoo UnienndConpstove de Mot. pn PSC Buen Marketing Sho! Bae Cur Cre Spin * Dparenet of Monge & Marketi Urea Compe de Mab, Spin owes ‘he COVID-19 pandemic has forced sone resaurans Yo sit eit uses odes ovate approacies in Revert Cntioe Fos Delivery (OD) serves. This paper seks ty the npc of ingeatons on OFD ne odie tora secvies- ha ain eae the expedient vale whe odin food online, Moone, his papes sys alo thew oe od ee ene ding the COVID19 pace expel des suey Ws peel ane thecefre se The pariepant assed one ont of four OFD innovation options its expsiental vale, an thei cme en wings to oder Prins’ Fear of COVID-19 was messed a se a # maeraor viable. A ‘conditional process analyls was used ro evel ha innovation in the OFD busines can neense the experiential ‘le forthe coset, but his fet shal be examine in ight of estomet” eat of COVID.1D. Mage Implications and fate research lines ae suggested 1. Introduction Some restaurants are altering their business models by implementing rapid innovation in order to confront the changes and challenges of the ‘coronavinis pandemic and 10 natch the deniands ofthis wuprecedented scenario. Among the wide range of types of innovation (Damanpour 1950), restaurants are changing their OFD offerings by improving product presentations and by providing new services and/or products ‘The OFD business has emerged as # relevant channel co reach cus tomers and provide then wich higher quality services in these times (Galvan, 2020) and is playing a major role in sustaining business. The main advantage ofthis type of service is that, besides simplifying the ordering process for both the consumer and the restaurant (Chava: ‘rl, 2015) intimes of social distancing, Icoffers restaurants alternative Income, retsins customers, and enhances enstomer experience by providing new delivery channels, FD has now beconte more than just utilitarian altemative when it, ‘comes to food consumption. Restaurants are innovating to offer expe riential OFD options. However, litle is known about this challenge and the role that fear of COVID-19 contagion plays in the decision-process so ‘5 to properly understand consumer behaviour ‘This paper aims to study the impact of OFD innovation on new products and services, whieh aim co enlace the experiential vale of (FD and the consumers’ willingness to order during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the level of meal preparation (Costa et al, 2007) and aecording to the trends observed in the OFD business (Kecble eta. 2020), three options of innovation in OFD were suggested by & panel of hospitality experts. Each meal option innovates in the product/service to sddress the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic by increasing consumers’ experiential value, This issue is addressed in a survey experiment with four experimental delivery conditions This paper is divided ino four pars. Fis, lteraure review ofthe ‘ment state of OFD, the experiential value of OFD and the ilence of COVID-19 on consumer behaviour, are explored, leading to the formu lation of the hypotheses. Second, the methodology to verify the hy potheses is described. The results obtained are then presented. The paper ends with a discussion ofthe results, the cheoreieal and profes: Sonal implications, the imitations of the study, and future research prospects in the field are provide. 2 terature review of online food delivery inthe COVID-19 era Inthe sector today, OFD praetioes include a wider range of prodets, tnd services from ready-to-eat meals to av ingredients thatthe can sumer receives along with the recipe to cook the meal at home (Forbes, 2020), ~ Coxresponding ator. Facultad de Ciencias de Ia Informacidn, Universidad Complitense de acid, Avda, Comphitense s/n, 28040, Madi, Spain. mall adress dgavilanucsncs (D. Gavilan), ves (G. Mariner Nava} uep:// vel balderas@esicedu (A. BalderneCejudo), sna erbandessesicedu (8, Feinéndex Lave), aganat01@ Received 28 September 2020; Received in eve form 8 February 2021; Accepted 3 March 2021 Available online 11 Maseh 2021 187845908/0 2021 Elsevier BY, All ights reserved Literature in OFD has focused on the stdy of attitudes and percep: tons (Jang etal, 20115 Kang and Namkung, 2019; Kimes, 2011), and the consumer experience, satisfaction, and loyalty generated when the “offering exceeds the customer's expectation (Sulsranto ef sl, 201% ‘Yeo etal, 2017), FD services offer advantages to both the business owners and thet ‘eustomers (See Kong el 2017), OFD services grant consumers easy ‘and effective acess to food from a wide rage of restaurants at different times and vations locations (Cini and Yat, 2019 Gupta an Pal, 20165 ‘Yeo etal, 2017). Moreover, it provides customers with more eonipre hensive, up-to-date, and accurate information regarding restaeants, men options, customers’ prior experiences through online reviews and ‘online rating, or even monitors their orders and the progress of those ‘orders (lain, 2020). The availability of online delivery serview technology enables the restarantindusty to improve order accuracy, Increase productivity, enhance customer relationship (kines, 2011), ‘and expand their market (See-Kwong et al, 2017; Yeo et al, 2017) ‘TH, the ubiquitous use ofthe intemet and mobile phones has triggered 2 flourishing OFD business, whieh is still on the rise (Cho et al, 2019 Jeng et al, 2011 Kang and Namkung, 2019). Nevertheless, some au thors have warned about disadvantages of OFD such as increased ‘expense, sare sales revenue with delivery providers or packaging de livery defer (Chai and Yat, 2019), 2.1. Experiential value in the comext of OFD Holbrook and Hirschman (1982) stressed that constmption has an ‘experiential dimension, Consumers are looking for sensory stimilation; they want co have fan and a memorable experience. Experiential value ‘ofers tothe aesthetic and experience-based enjoyment that results fom. the entire purchase decision process, from need recognition, shopping, consumption, to post purchase behaviour (Niort and Rose, 2008). The ‘experiential value does not replace the traditional utilitarian perspec Live, Rather, it Works as an extension ofthe late rior research on OFD lus shown tha ie enjoyment of the process of buying standard online food provides emotional arosal and experien: tial vale (Swhartanto el, 2019; Yeo ct al, 2017). Ts, experiential ‘value results from the process and not from the act of consumption. Nevertheless, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, consuniers a considering OFD from » new perspective. Apart from the wtilitatian ‘criteria of confor, ease, snd convenience, which remain émporca, ‘consumers ave seeking the experience that they are afraid to enjoy ina restaurant, Innovation should be aimed at deepening the experiential value of OFD in order to ful these new restaurant cousiamers’ needs During the COVID.19 pandemic, ORD consumers who were already 8 fan of experiences are being seduced by premium offers. They expect sensory stimulation and are looking for emotional arousal (Nicsen, 2020), Shifting sestaurant consumption to OFD in the home environ ‘ment needs, now more than ever before, to bea memorable experience Innovation to raise the experiential value inthe context of OFD can focus on entotions, such as dhe surprise triggered by the sophisticated packaging of quality meal and its inboxing: the pleasure elicited by the immersive experience of recreating a restaurant at the host's hows, oF the praise levied on the host by guests fora delicious meal, resulting in the feeling of pride over a meal that is effordessly prepared with the delivery of and the recipe for cooking the ingredients. ‘This, when OFD provides a seamless culinary experience, customers ‘are more willing 10 order online delivery food. Accordingly, the following mediation hypothesis is proposee: 11, The impact of iamovation on the willingness to order online de livery food is mediated by the perceived experiential vale. 2.2. Fear of COVID-19 and OFD Lockdown measures, prompted by Health crises and the associated neato oral of Gram) an ond See 4 (2021) 100230 economic damage, can provoke a sense of collective hysteria, far, =, and uncertainty and reduce social contact among constuners (Ahumed et al, 2020) While the COVID-19 pandemic ensues, the future is uncertain and concerns over what will happen next are plaguing everyone. New habits learat during lockdonen will remain afterwards, These include a pref exence for isolation, the choice to have a smaller, note intimate circle of friends, groater awareness of the presence of germs in public areas, and more home entertainnient. However, consumers are also looking for ward Co regaining certain rewarding aspects oftheir lives, AC this time, consumers miss socialization and contact with friends and family that usually takes place over food, For Instance, consumes in Span stand out for their intense contaet with Friends and fanily (768) and for their desir to regain physical contact (5198) (Méindshiare, 2020), “Meeting peers around «table of food gaes beyond the mere net of satiating one's appetite and acquires a socializing dimension, Eating is fa experience that transcends food. We eat to enjoy the company, strengthen our social bonds and obxain gratiiation by sharing moments tnd experioneos with others. Convivil is sed to describe this (Pi ral, 2015). Going t0 a restaurant makes for an exciting experience (Divi, 2020) filed with pleasure, and which provides a sense of per sonal well-being. This is especially visible in cultures suchas the Med. Iterranean one (Poole sd Blades, 2019), Despite the fact shat restaurants ave econ the core of social ie (Gustafsson et 8, 200), enstomiers have begun to experience mixed feelings in that regard as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. 67% of consumers feel that they would be more likely 19 moet at home or virtually rather han ata bar, and 658 say they are more likely to order food online froma restaurant than Co dine there (WD Business News, 2020), ‘The fear of COVID-19 may influence the way consumers enjoy res tauramts (Zwank and Bull, 2020), as they are more concerned about safety In terms of head and hygiene and awareness of which in sgredients are used in dishes, where they come from, how they are pre pared, and who prepares them. The OFD serviceis therefore used to shift consumption to safer, mote controlled environments, such as the home (abobank, 2020). Thus, based on previous researc, we have form lated the following moderation hypothesis: HR. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the fear of COVID-19 moderates the willingness to order online delivery food. Fig. 1 represents the research miadel proposed, 3. Methodology Based on the level of meal preparation (Costa etal, 2007) and ae cording to the trends observed in the OFD seetor (Keeble el, 2020), @ panel of expert in hospitality, restaurants and OFD — four restaurant ‘awners, four seademics, and three constants ~ suggested theee inno: ative OFD options that could inerease constmers’ experiential valve First, sophisticnted box with a gourmet menu featuring high quality Ingredients based on the Spanish Coquettogo from Coquettobar U1 Expesiatalvae [| = (racoro J Fig. 1. Reseach model Howe Chet {Coe i ( php) would be used. The delivery box would inchude a letter alongside the instructions to end-cook the recipe Every item of food would be carefully packed and, thus, the client would enjoy the sunprse of unboxing hnury experience. We will refer to this option as unboxing. The seond was eatering for small dinners at home, staffed by a chef with the British Dineindulge (, @ ‘g00 destination concept. This would provide an immersive experience ‘at ome. We will efer to this option as hom chef. The third innovative proposal was inspired by the Mexiean resiurant Bello Puerto that de livers the ingredients sealed and refigerated, along with instructions from the chef (ww Dellopuertoeneasa con). This option comprised & teal box with fesh, high-quality Ingredients, delivered with te recipe to prepare. dinner for the number of guests. Te host would fel pride in providing hen an excellent dinner a controlled setting, We wl refer to this option as s DIY men! kit. In adition, we selected a standard delivery option as the control condition consisting ofan Asian meal with ‘io innovation in either the food or the service. We conducted between subjeets design survey to compare each ofthe three innovative delivery options (unboxing, hone chef, and DIY meal ki) with a san dard delivery option to test the influence of innovation in OFD om ‘experiential vate at the consumption stage and its further effect on the willingness to order online delivery food during the COVID-19 pandemic, 3.2. Questionnaire design and daca collection ‘The questionnaire had three sections: contextlizaton, scales to ‘rate the stimu end the general data of participants Participants were intially informed that the study was to research ‘OFD during the COVID-18 pandemic. The participants were asked (0 ‘ead a brief description to set the study in content: they were supposedly hosting # dinner party at home with friends after the COVID-19 lock down. After thinking about what their friends would like to eat and searching the Internet, they would receive the food they hed ordered (rimulus) at home atthe appointed time. See Append I. {A professional photographer designed the layout of the pictures, depicting the four stimuli t help the pariipants understand the de livery option they were supposed ro enjoy. This helped us to provide ‘very realistic pictures, presenting the food delivery option and with a brief description of the offering, Patielpants were allowed to view the plete for as long as they wanted, Each participant had to then answer several questions about the Innovativeness of the delivery option, the ulitarian and experiential ‘vale they perceived in the delivery option, and theie willingness to ‘order this online delivery food. Finally, participants answered questi related (o helt feat of COVID-19, psycho sociodemographic data and past behaviour ‘The questionnaire was examined by a panel of experts to ens ‘content validity. Ie was farther tested in a group of 20 target parteipants to verify the clarity of the questions and gain feedback on the length of the questionnaire, Data colletion took place from May’ 25th to June 3d, Filling ia the “questionnaire required between 5 and ® min, The task was self paced, 3.3. Measurement scales ‘The measurement sales were selected and adapted after «thorough review of the literature, The independent variable comprised the four online delivery service options described (standard delivery, unboxing, home chef, and DIY meal ki. The medistor variable was the exper ‘ential vale of de delivery option, measured using 4iems adapted fom. ‘Otto and Ritchie (1996). Fear of COVID-19 was included inthe model as ‘2 moderator variable, measured using 4-items adapted from Ahors ‘tal, (2020). The dependent variable was the willingness to order the specific online delivery food showed when inviting friends over for dinner, measured using items adapted from Hn et sl (2019). Fal, neato oral of Gram) an ond See 4 (2021) 100230 ‘nyo variables were included to check the manipiation of the indepen: dent variable The fest was the perceived innovation ofthe delivery food showed, measured using 2 items adapted from Znao et al. (2009), and the second was che utlltarian value of the delivery option, measured using 3-itens adapted from Ryu et al, (2010). AIL responses were measured using a 5 point Likert scale, ranging from “strongly disagree 1" to “strongly agree = 5". Al scales displayed acceptable reliability levels (Nunnally, 1978) (See-Table 1). 4, Sample The participants in che experiment were @ convenience sample recrulted ffom social media sites (Mullins et al, 2015) of Spanish subjects (N = 207), aged between 18 and 70 (mean age: 48 years ol) Participants were randomly assigned to one of the four experimental conditions (standard delivery, unboxing, home ee, and DIY meal Ko Call sizes ranged font 50 to 54. The study was coudeted through @ web survey (Schonlau et al, 2002) (See Table 2) ‘The participants were looking forward to meeting thelr friends and relatives, since lockdown had been a sad and lonely experience for everyone. Spanish customers love visiting restaurants (8.8 ver 10) and prefer them over OFD (5.5 over 10), Moreover, their willingness to spend money when going to a restaurant is greater than when ordering online food. 4. Data analysis and results ‘The 16 items ofthe seales wore subjected to principal component, analysis (PCA), The KMO value was 0.853, and Barlets Test of Sphe- Hety was significant (p <.000). The number of extracted factors with eigenvalues equal to or greater than one was five. All the items were assessed on the appropriate factor, with factor loadings higher dan 0.6. Reliability was measured with Cronbach's alpha = .851 (Nuanally, ‘Table Vavibls, em 10950) peso ale (Beda arte) Wine apne aye eg ap (fam ok ef hae Tbe cinema rely Be o ya Be hong fon 1 be ar sg eerie wt ads on scl aia a idk of a my od for dr eh omen plan rr ene de food am wing arte one eatery fot fan ca 19) ‘Wings ede caine ler food Depenten seratle) ‘orm ea (ooa0) foot Tw aa of com 19 Iemats mene ng COD 19. Ipeareud atl cor at Bap aii king ni : (2005) Pra Fear ofcouD39 (Goertr vale ono) ‘Table 2 ‘Sample profi, Geode ‘ae ws ae <2 02) zat 27-40 lena) iso 1-56 (en) ma 57270 Boames) m8 ‘ngeness 0 mee ends moshing forward oseingmy 458 (50 ‘enastelaer a7) How much otic? Gatto renarae (1-10) 83060 18, Deter food (10) S180 tae ood? 1078). The scales were sunimied and averaged to form several indices ‘according (o their dimensions (EXPERIENTIAL V, W_ORDER, F.COVID, INNOVATION, and UTILITARIAN V), 4.1. Manipulation check Prior to the analysis, a manipulation check of the independent var lable was conducted in order to prove tht the alleged innovation of the delivery options was perceived in that way. Additionally, we tested that the innovation of the delivery options added experiential value while preserving che wilitarian value. Finally, we ested that there were no significant differences berween groups based on their level of fear of covib19, [A multivariate general linear model (GLND) was run on INNOVA, ‘TION, UTILITARIANY, and F.COVID in order to check the manipula tions ofthe independent variable. The parieipans exposed to any ofthe innovative delivery options rated its perceived innovation significantly higher (Msioing = 3.74, SD = 0.85: Maye ebet = 3.85, 8D = 1.11; Mory ‘neal b= 3.57, SD = 1.04) compared (0 those exposed to the standard delivery option (M=2.95, SD = 1.02) (F(3,203) = 8.008, p <.000). We ‘used Sidal’s test for pairise comparison, The perceived innovation of standard delivery was significantly different from every innovative de livery option used in the experiment: unboxing (p < 00), home ele (p 000), snd DIY meal kit (p< .05). However, there were no significant differences among the innovative delivery options (p > .05 ia all conditions) ‘The utilitarian value of each experimental condition (Muspxine = 8.97, SD =0.79; Maye bet = 3.73, SD = 0.94; Moy neat it =3.53, SD = 1.03! Meansaré = 4.08, SD ~ 0.78, F (3,208) = 3.458, p< 0.08) revesled ‘igificant main effet of de uiitarian value. However, Sidak’s es for ‘pairwise comparison showed that the difference to be only significant Dervcen che DIY meal kit and standard delivery (p < 05). This could be ‘expined by the fat thatthe need for cooking requires an extra amount of effort, Regarding fear of COVID-19, there was no significant difference ‘among the groups (F (8,203) = 1.392, p > .05). Fig. 2 provides a sum. mary of ths initial result 4.2. Coniional process analysis We tested HHI and I12 using SPSS version 22.0 with Model Sin the PROCESS v3 macro (Hayes, 2018). The mediation analysis was based on 000 bootstrap samples, with a 95% confidence interval (CD. The independent variable was the online delivery option. This, neato oral of Gram) an ond See 4 (2021) 100230 Fig. 2. Means ofthe variables to check experimental condtons Variable was multicaegorical and coded whether de option in OFD was (1) the eontrol condition (standard delivery) (2) the unboxing cond tion, (8) the home chef condition, or (4) the DIY meal kit condition. We ‘sed an indicator coding systea to dummy code the independent vat able; therefore, the control condition acts as the baseline group. Taree dummy variables were constructed to code the experimental condition (00. DI eaptuted the effect of eonition 2 condition 1.D2 eapnited the fffect of condition 3 vs condition 1, and Dd captured the effect of can dition 4 vs condition 1. Experiential value was used as # mediator var Table; the willingness to order food online was the dependent variable, sind fone of Covid19 was the moderator variable. Mediation analysis. #1 proposed a mediation effect ofthe customers’ perceived exper extal value in the relationship between te diferent options of delivery snd the willingness to order online delivery food when inviting frends over for dinnee The results showed that the independent variable—the delivery options—tiad & significant relative postive effeet on the perceived experiential values (a, ag, and as; <.05). The individuals assigned vo the more innovative delivery conditions showed higher perceived experiential values than those assigned toa standard delivery offer, with the DIV option 4) being the option that exerted a stronger influence. See Table 3, ‘The perceived experiential value, in tara, bad msigniiemne positive feet on the willingnes to order online food when inviting friends over for dinner (b = 0.531, p < .000), This result suggests that when perceived experiential vale increase, constimers tend to show a higher willingness to order food to have diner at home when inviting friends The relative direct effect berween the independent variable and the ‘Table Goeticents or dhe mediation mode “iced 1 (penal vaae) ———¥ (ingest rer fof) Relive dee tot M(Gxpeeni ee eal or i, aloe) (3.205) ~ 1202,p ~.000__F(6.202) ~ 1881,» ~ 000 ‘willingness to order online food, not attributable to the perceived ‘experiential vales, was also significant. Finally, the relative indirect effects ofthe catering service option on the willingness to order food vin the mediator were slso significant. See ‘Table 4 When taken together, the mediation model indicates that the effect, ‘ofall diferent delivery services options on the willingness to order food is mediated by the perceived experiential value. Based on these result, 1 is supported. ‘Moderation analysis In 1, we predicted thatthe fest of COVID-19 moderates the il ‘ence ofthe different delivery options on the intention of ordering onli food when inviting friends over for dinner. rior to conducting the moderation analysis, the moderstor variable ‘was mean-centred. Table 5 shows the coefficient ofthe relative cond onal effects, standard errors, p-values, and other model summary i formation refering to the moderation effec. D1, D2, DS, and W represent the reative conditional direct effets of the delivery options on the intention to order food. ‘The results depicted in Table 4 show that not all delivery options behave similar in terms of intention to order foed online, depending on the partleipans’ fear of COVID-19. Unboxing stancer delivery option: Customers offered the unboxing ‘option as compared to those who were offered the standard delivery ‘option (D1) wete more willing to order food online from a eateting service. Yet, this effect was marginally significant (p ~.090) However, ‘5 consumers reported more fear of COVID-19, the willingness 0 order the unboxing option inctensed signifiantly (p =.004) compared tothe standard delivery option. This result suggests thatthe direct effect of being offered the unboxing delivery option vs. the standard one is ‘dependent on the fear of COVID-19. See Fis. 8. Home chef vs. standart delivery oprion: When comparing the delivery ‘options of home chef vs. the standard delivery option (02), we found that there was a significant difference in the willingness to order food ‘online when consumers fear of COVID-19 is low (= 228). However, when comparing the willingness to order between the hone chef condition and the standard delivery condition among cus tomers with high fear of COVID-19, the difference was not significant (> = .004), Therefore, the moderating effect ofthe fear of COVID-19 in this situation exerts the opposite influence to that of the unboxing option See Fig. DIV home ke Interestingly, customers were more willing (0 order a DIY mea! kit than a standard delivery condition; however, the fear of ‘COVID-19 did nor exert a moderation effect n this condition. Furthermore, when comparing the delivery options of DIY meal kit, vs. the standard delivery option (D3), results showed dhat the fear of COVID-19 did not exert a miadlerating effet, Soe Fig. ‘ased on the rests, 112 was partially supported. Fear of COVID-9 ‘exerted moderation influence on consumers’ willingness to order innovative online delivery food, 5. Discussion, implications, an tniacons ‘The COVID-19 pandenic ns adversely impacted the restaurant fn ‘dustry and the industry is pivoting to stay afloat during this pandemic, This research examined the effect of innovation in OFD aimed at ‘Table 4 Contes of the velative due eet ofthe mediation mode neato oral of Gram) an ond See 4 (2021) 100230 ‘Table 5 Model coefficients forthe relative moderation analysis ct 2 Werereecompis) ea nasa F108) ~ 15836,p ~ 000 + -LOWFEAR HIGH FEAR io So & ge : coNTROL UNBOXING DELIVERY OPTION Fig. 3. Relative conditional effect of D1 (unboxing vs. contol) x Fear of (COVID-19 on the willingness to exes “:LOWFEAR HIGH FEAR conTRoL DELIVERY OPTION caer 4, Relative conditional eer of D2 (home chef ws. contol) > Fear of (COVID 19 on he willingness to exer Increasing the perceived experiential value on the willingness 10 order nnovative online delivery food, together with as the moderating role thar fear of COVID-19 can play on the willingness ro order these inno: ‘ative options. The results show that OFD isa broad category that isnot restricted to the convenience segment of ready-to-eat food. Innovation 1 OFD ean inerease the experiential value evolving toward a ready’t0 eajoy concept, thereby influencing consumers’ purchasing decisions ‘The impaet of COVID-19 on society influences users’ willingness to onder. The findings of this study shovr that while innovation may increase -LOWFEAR —-HIGHFEAR SuuLexess 10 onDER CONTROL, by DELIVERY OPTION 5. Relative conditional effect of D3 (DIY met itv. contol) Feat of {COVID-19 oa the ilagnes 10 ode. the experiential value of delivery option, the fear of COVID-19 wil still influence consumers’ decision in various ways, Fear can be seen £0 favour cholee in the ease of the unboxing aption. Although eonsuners may prefer to dine with fiends in a restaurant rather than at home, such ‘an attractive option becomes even more attractive when fear of COVID: 19 inceeases. ‘In contrast, the influence of fear is reversed in the ease of home chef, ‘which fine a high experiential vale. The rests suggest that the fenr of ‘contagion miay extend tothe fear of allowing strangers into one’s homie (despite following rigorous safety, cleaning, and sanitation protocol) ‘Tus, in tls scuaion, fear dlscourages the intention to order. The DIY meal kic condition isthe only option for whieh the exper ‘ential value incronses with respect to the standard dotivery, but the uly value dereases, The inerease inthe experiential value favours the ‘decision to buy, but the fear of the COVID-19 does uot exert significant Influence with respect to this option. I seems that other factors, which are perhaps related 10 the perception of the utilitarian value, would provide a deeper explanation ofthe intention to apt for this option, ‘This research has several academic implications. First, this study helps to demoustrate how innovation brings experiential value to OFD. Furthermore, it sheds some light and broadens knowledge ou COVID-19 ‘when tcomes to consumer decisions. Thus tshows that the eve of fear ‘experienced by consumers significantly affects their decisions. Con sumer behaviour, which is always dynamic, can be even more so, depending on the severity perceived at different times ofthe pandemic. ‘COVID-19, ina way, forces us to learn from the consumer, as something that could be very attractive under normsl conditions (outside the ‘COVID-19 pandemic) ceases tobe so intmtes of COVID-19 die wo fen I the medium and long term, these reslts could help understand con: ‘sumer behaviour in de face of an upsurge in the disease, whieh would consequently raise the level of fear of COVID-19. “Moreover, there are several prctieal implications from this researeh, Perceived innovativeness has a profound effect onthe profitability of @ ‘company (Hwang etal. 2019) This experiment shows that participants perceived innovation in every option of OFD tested. This could help restaurants 19 understand how consumers perceive innovativeness from ther producs/services. Innovation has so far Deen directed at the moment of purchase and ‘was essentially technological. However, the findings ofthis study have sown that innovation in consuuption experience is worth paying ‘attention to as well It is important to be aware that today's consumer is fan of a ‘experience demanding enjoyment as well as emotional stimulation (Nielsen, 2020). However, forthe experience to be a real factor itl ‘ening devsion-misking, It must sso ensure the complete safety ofthe neato oral of Gram) an ond See 4 (2021) 100230 customer, who is very sensitive tothe fear of contagion. Many of the changes we have incorporated in our petsonal interetions to avoid tagion (preference for isolation, choice to maintain a smaller, more imate eirele of frends, greater awareness ofthe presence of germs in public areas, more home entertainment) are likely ro remain long after the pandemic ends (Veeck and Xie, 2020) Regarding limitations, data collection is based on a convenience sample, There is comnion concera thatthe features of a given conve rience sample may diverge from a representative population sample. However, Mulinix et al, (2015) provided evidences that convenience samples ean produce creatment effect estimates similar to population based samples in terms of direction and significance Future researchers could examine the effect of these types of in ovations i diferent counties and so in the post COVID-19 era CCOVID-19 is pushing the food and the restaurant industry to aniefpate customer eoncems, needs and fears, pivot, to redesign, and (0 inno- vate, Once the pandemic has ended, the new habit of working from home may ereate new opportunites, such as OFD breakfasts, be nvestigared Innovation will have to respond to the growing demand for OFD, Research is needed fo ereate products that travel well and to develop packaging that preserve food quality. ‘Cooking at home has inereased as @ result of che pandemic and consumers are likely to continue doing so post pandemic. Therefore, DIY tal kits cond be a futze menl trend to be researched, 6. Conclusion ‘This paper highlights de importance of exploiting the possibilities, offered by rapid innovation that seeks to make the consimption of OFD more experiential. For restaurants, and restaurateurs, modifying, ‘updating, pivoting, and innovating their operations in an attempt to meet the current needs of changing customer and adapring customer experience inthe time of COVED-19 and the future willbe erucial Implications for gastronomy First, this study helps ro demonstrate how innovation brings expe lentil value to OFD, While OFD has traditionally been a atiitarian itemative to solve the need for effortless eating, evidence is provided that experiential value is possible by innovating in both produet and service, The experiniont conducted shows that partiipants perceive fanowation in all OFD options tested. This could help restaurants to understand how consumers perceive innovation in thelr products/ser vices. Secondly, increasing. the experiential value of OFD means brosdening and extending the offer beyond popntar Italian, Ameriean ‘and Chinese dishes. This, in rur, implies the ned to develop packaging that travels well and preserves the quality of the food, Covi 19 ns 8 strong iapacton constimption habits, Here we show the moderating tole of fear in consumer choice. However, inthe aftermath of the pandemic, consumption of food at home has ineteased and consumers ae IKE to continue co do so after the pandemic. Therefore, DI meal kits could be @ future food trend to investigate. Author statement Diana Gavilan, PhDs Conceptualization, Mediodology, Formal Analysis, Writing - Original Draft, Supervision. Adela Balderas-Cejudo, Ph.D.: Conceptualizaton, Investigation, Writing - Review & Editing, Data Curation. Susana Fernandez-Lores, Ph.D.: Resources, Investig. ‘ion, Writing - Original Draft. Gema Martinez-Navarro, Ph.D. Project sdminstration, Resources, Writing - Originel Dra Declaration of competing interest ‘The nuthors declare that they have no known competing financial Interest or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence Appendix I. Visual stimulus used in the questionnaire neato oral of Gram) an ond See 4 (2021) 100230 the work reported in this paper. References row /dosog/ 10016 apatan Toon bor ky Lin tan, Sl, ids BLD, Pdgoa, A, 2000 The ea of COVED 19 see evlpmet aed aa alan. ne Men el 54, 26-44, hg 4g 104016 safony.2010.04008 ‘eft Jura of Mhey Avates and aces (0), 678. dering sem ing eb ved apleion nt lane. Sng Teco. 2 (0 soc tis erg Osea omsura : Tmenaren ty af mover lr choice af lsat Food Qua. Prefer 18 ‘aul connpens) mole Manny. S42 (0 08.716 as 5,200. Te Fouled Hubok of Tera Expence Mangement and Nishio, Rowtete (ceesed 150620), sco select quick serie rrornt in Gurguon nian J pp en 6, ‘auentifeaton, inference, and interpretation. Commun. 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