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Chapter 3

Technical Feasibility

Chapter 3 includes: (1) Proposed Location and Floor Plans,

(2) Service Process Flow, (3) Technology Requirement, (4)

Machinery and Equipment, (5) Maintenance Requirement, (6) Raw

Materials Handling and Inventory, (7) Waste Disposal Method, and

(8) Intellectual Property.

Part One, Proposed Location and Floor Plans, presents the

probable location and the projected floor plans according to the

area of the location of the business.

Part Two, Service Process Flow, presents the visual

representation of the customer service process in a company. This

structure allows each of the stages involved to be visualised,

optimising them in a way that helps the work of the teams and

improves the consumer experience.

Part Three, Technology Requirement, presents the implemented

solutions professionals use to resolve technical problems and

issues involving software.

Part Four, Machinery and Equipment, presents the list of the

machinery and equipment that is needed in order for our business

to work our day to day service.

Part Five, Maintenance Requirement, presents how the

business maintain the quality of their products by maintaining

all the machinery and equipment.

Part Six, Raw Materials Handling and Inventory, presnts how

the business will handle our raw materials and the list of all

the raw materials alongside with its cost.

Part Seven, Waste Disposal Method, presents strategy our

business use to dispose, reduce, reuse, and prevent waste.

Part Eight, Intellectual Property, presents how our products

are unique than the other products our competitors sell.

Proposed Location and Floor Plans

The proposed business location will be at Avenue, Roxas

City, Capiz. The researchers decided to put up in this location

because of the voluminous number of daily potential customers

that go in City. Another reason is that near at school to just

simply unwind, or chill down from the scorching heat of the sun

due to its great ventilation and safe ambiance. It is much easier

for costumer’s to access the product and an opportunity for the

business to serve its mission. The business’ possible customers

are commonly the students of Filamer Christian University and

residents of Roxas City from all of its barangays.

Figure 2. Shows the proposed location.

Figure 2A. Shows the proposed location.

The business will be placed at Avenue, Roxas City. Since the

Kofi’N’Buns newly start of business it will start first a small

area for manufacturing shall be required. With a hint of

modernity to it. This idea will done to entice stand by customers

to check out and try the product.

Figure 3. Show the floor plan.

Service Process Flow

A service process is a set of identified tasks necessary to

complete a given business service activity, including who is

responsible for performing each step, when, and how they do it.

It is important to note that service processes are not just

processes at the point where the costumer receives the service.

Figure 4. Shows the service flow of Kofi’N’Buns.

Figure 5. Shows the process in making coffee drinks.

Figure 6. Shows the process of making the food snack.

Technology Requirement

Coffee shops need to create fascinating caffeinated

beverages that wow customers and differentiate them from the

competition. They also need to provide a better-rounded

experience that makes coffee drinking more convenient and

enjoyable for everyone.

Advanced Barista Technology. One of the most challenging

aspects of running a coffee shop is ensuring consistency across

beverages. People want their coffee to taste precisely the same

every time they order a shot or two.

Responsive and Engaging Website or App. A virtual extension

of an establishment is an absolute must. It does not matter if

the shop sells caffeinated beverages, roasts coffee beans, or

supplies coffee beans straight from growers. They all need a

digital presence where anyone and everyone can connect with them.

Customer Experience Data Collection Technology. Starbucks is

a trailblazer in wowing its customers, constantly looking for

ways to improve the overall customer experience. Coffee shops do

not need to copy the coffee shop chain. What they can do is find

inspiration in what the company is doing.

Online Ordering Applications and Convenient Payment Options.

Very few people relish the time they spend queuing for almost an

hour to get their favourite coffee drink. The inconvenience it

brings can make coffee lovers look elsewhere. That is why coffee

house owners must realize that their customers demand


Advanced POS System. Point-of-Sale (POS) systems are

continuously evolving. Gone are the outdated machines with

alphanumeric keys for punching orders. Today, POS terminals are

as graphic and colourful as a high-end mobile device.

Digital Inventory Tracking. The key to an excellent cup of

coffee is ingredient freshness. Unfortunately, keeping track of

degassing times, roasting dates, and other parameters can be

tricky and confusing if the coffee shop relies on the old-school,

paper-and-pen method.

Powerful Wireless Internet. It is one thing for a café to

serve exceptional caffeinated beverages. It is another matter if

they can provide a venue for their customers to continue

connecting with the rest of the world.

Machinery and Equipment

Machinery and Equipment is one form of fixed capital asset,

consisting of machines, computers, transportation equipment,

assembly lines, and other equipment.

Table 3. Shows the list of machinery and equipment.

Name Quantity Price Total Price

Automatic Drip 1 P1,130 P1,130

Coffee Maker

Food Processor 1 P2,000 P2,000

Refrigerator 1 P38,400 P38,400

Pumps and
5 P170 P850

Ice maker 1 P12,000 P12,000

Stove 1 P2,000 P2,000

Frying Pan 1/SET P3,200 P3,200

Egg Shaper 3 P10 P30

2 P90 P180
Steel Flipper

Measuring Cups
1/SET P31 P31
and Spoons

1 P3,000 P3,000
Steel Sink

Mugs 10 P249 P2,490

Plates 15 P160 P2,400

Spoons and
2/SET P700 P1,400

Knife 1/SET P1,300 P1,300

Cash Register 1 P4,500 P4,500

Aircon 1 P32,000 P32,000

Flat Screen TV 1 P13,000 P13,000

Maintenance Requirement

Planned maintenance should be scheduled on a quarterly or

bi-annual basis. From cafes to restaurants, coffee makers and

espresso machines get plenty of use day after day. While

operators tackle daily and weekly cleaning to ensure durability

and quality taste, there are other key tasks that need to be done

routinely throughout the year. Many authorized service agencies

and technicians offer planned maintenance packages to conduct

important upkeep on a semi-annual basis. For service companies

looking to offer planned maintenance for coffee machines, below

are some routine check-ups and tasks to consider.

Testing Components and Descaling. On a quarterly basis, you

should perform minor checks and deep cleanings on commercial

coffee makers and grinders. Check the machine's temperature and

flow rate settings right away. During the inspection, you should

also test each unit's switches. If any switches fail, offer a

free or discounted replacement as part of the maintenance

package. While the customer may already be cleaning the machine

on a regular basis in accordance with the manufacturer's

recommendations, a full descaling of the equipment should take

place at least once every few months. Naturally, it would be

prudent to combine this deep cleaning with the quarterly

component check-up. After finishing the check-up and making any

necessary repairs, descale the unit according to the

manufacturer's instructions.

Conducting Tune-Ups. Any regularly used equipment should be

inspected at least every six months to ensure that all parts and

assemblies are in good working order. This is unquestionably

advantageous for coffee machines. Because these units handle a

lot of water as well as heat and steam, many of the components

can wear out faster than on other commercial kitchen equipment.

Provide biannual inspections that include the replacement of

parts that commonly wear out with constant use. Because they come

into contact with hard water the most, O-rings, gaskets, spray

heads, valves, and fittings are usually the first to be replaced.

You should also inspect all handles, wiring, and baskets for

obvious leaks. Notify us if you notice any other parts or

assemblies failing.

Checking the Water Filtration System. Whether it's a

traditional brewer or an espresso machine with all the bells and

whistles, water quality always matters. If a customer doesn't

already have a water filtration system, you should recommend a

solution be installed. A filtration system not only effects the

taste of the beverage being brewed, but it also extends the life

of the machine. This avoids dealing with costly repairs on

eroding parts or having to replace machines frequently,

especially in areas with hard water. There are many types of

commercial water filters that work on coffee equipment, ranging

from reverse osmosis (RO) systems to activated carbon solutions.

The choice will be up to how much the customer wants to spend and

how much hard water or other levels of contaminants are in the

building's water system. Once a filtration system is installed,

it should be serviced every six to 12 months. Depending on the

filter type, the cartridges should be sanitized or replaced

during the service appointment. Also, O-rings or gaskets should

be checked and replaced during this time. These components can

wear out, causing leaks if not replaced soon enough.

Raw Materials Handling and Inventory

In Kofi’N’Buns we will use the manual material handling

method wherein workers use their hands in moving individual

containers. They lift, lower, fill, empty, or carry the

containers when transporting them to the trucks and upon arriving

from the truck moving to the storage room of our Café.

When ordering our raw materials, we will order in bulk. In

bulk orders we can have discounts from our suppliers, which is an

advantage for us that we save a little.

Table 4. Shows the raw materials inventory.

Total Total Total Total

Price Quantity Price Quantity Price

Raw Materials
Per Unit Purchased Per Purchased Per

Per Week Week Per Month Month

1. Ground Coffee P450/KG 3 P1,350 12 P5,400

2. Butter Pea


3. Insulin Plant


4. Jameson Blended P1,290/

1 P1,290 4 P5,160
Irish Whiskey 700ML

5. Milk P80/L 5 P400 20 P1,600

6. Brown Sugar P45/KG 6 P270 24 P1,080

7. White Sugar P50/KG 6 P300 24 P1,200

8. Heavy Cream P295/L 1 P295 4 P1,180

9. Vanilla Syrup 1 P250 4 P1,000

10. Caramel Sauce P720/2L 1 P720 2 P1,440

11. Cooking Oil 1 P1,500 1 P1,500

12. Burger Buns P22/6PCS 7 P154 28 P616

13. Cheese 2 P218 8 P872

14. Egg 5 P595 20 P2,380

15. Tomato P95/KG

1 P95 4 P380
Ketchup PACK

16. Mayonnaise 1 P700 2 P1,400

17. Flour P72/KG 2 P144 8 P576

18. Iodized Salt P50/KG 1 P50 4 P200

19. Pepper 1 P64 2 P128

20. Garlic P193/KG 1 P193 4 P772

21. Onion P63/KG 1 P63 4 P252

22. Puso ng
P50/PC 2 P100 8 P400

23. French Fries P180/KG 2 P360 8 P1,440

Waste Disposal Method

The demand for coffee has been growing steadily in the past

few years, also thanks to its huge popularity among Millennials.

As a consequence, cafés are multiplying in cities around the

globe. Although this development is great news for current and

prospective café and bar owners, there are also some downsides.

For starters, the amount of waste created by coffee shops is

growing. As consumers become increasingly aware of the negative

consequences connected with waste, smart coffee house managers

are finding ways to reduce the amount of garbage they.

In order for the business to be environmental friendly it is

important that proper waste management is observed. Every

business must have a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which

includes proper waste disposal. By promoting reuse, recycling and

resource recovery in the business, the amount of waste that ends

up in the landfill will be reduced. Waste that can be recycled

will be collected and be sold in junkshops. Thus, the lesser the

waste the healthier the environment, plus the business can save

money through reducing waste.

Kofi’N’Buns will promote the use of paper cups and plastic

cups that can be reused. The establishment will have labelled

trash bins that segregate the biodegradable and non-biodegradable

wastes, especially in the kitchen because production happens in

this area. The schedule of the city garbage collection is during

early mornings.

Intellectual Property

The difference between Kofi’N’Buns and other existing coffee

shops is the distinct flavours of our coffee and burgers, which

are not just unique but also nutritious. The puso burger, unlike

other veggie burgers sold in the market, has a patty made from

banana hearts, although banana blossom, or "puso ng saging," is

typically a common Filipino dish mainly used as a vegetable

paired with rice, usually seen in the province, which not many

are aware of, so we, the proponents of this study, thought to

sell it as a burger instead paired with coffee. Aside from the

unique patty for burgers, it also contains vitamins A, B, C, and

E, fibre, thiamine, niacin, and pantothenic acid. While our

unique flavour coffees, Butterfly Pea Iced Coffee, Insulin

Coffee, and Whiskey Coffee, each have a distinct flavour that few

people are aware of as well as herbal properties that can benefit

those who consume them. Also, the unique coffees that are

mentioned will be the first to be offered here in Roxas City.


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