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Determination of the number of lines per millimeter of the grating

1. To determine the number of lines per millimeter of the grating using the green line of the
mercury spectrum.

Spectrometer, diffraction grating element and mercury vapor lamp.


Diffraction grating is an optical component having a periodic structure which can split and
diffract light t several beams travelling in different directions. This  depends on the spacing of
the grating and the wavelength of the incident light.
At normal incidence, sinθ=Nnλ
   N is the number of lines per unit length of the grating
   n is the order of the spectrum
  is the wavelength of light.
θ is the diffraction angle.

Observation Table:

Least count of spectrometer = 1 minute

Note: 60 minute=1 degree

Wavelength of green spectral line = 5461 Å

Window Spectrometer reading Spectrometer reading 2 = AB N = sin/n

when telescope is on when telescope is on (deg)
left (A) right (B)
W1 Vernier 1 Reading = Vernier 1 Reading = 321.6/2= 0.3288/0.00005461=
340.5 +(8 x 1)= 19 +(2 x 1)= 19.0333 160.8 6020.8
W2 Vernier 2 Reading = Vernier 2 Reading = 38.55/2= 0.3301/0.00005461=
160.5 +(7 x 1)= 199 +(10 x 1)= 19.275 6044.6
160.616 199.166

Mean value of N = __6032.7_____ lines/cm.

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