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Module 3 Stimulation

Crisis 1 Reflection

Sarah Brennan

Teammates: Rogan Homen, Jacob Berumen, Nadia Camacho, Sarah Brennan, Computer Player

1. Metrics: Customer 5%, Employee: 19%, Shareholder: 14% Average: 19%. Our team did

well for our first project together, even though our percentages are low, I am confident

we can increase our ratings after some practice and experience together.

2. My individual decisions were similar to my team as we had all agreed on what the main

goals were of our decision making process. We needed to all agree on how much money

to spend, which was easy as we agreed on saving money in the beginning.

3. So far in this study, all my team members were showing good emotional intelligence,

since we were able to communicate effectively with each other and set milestones on

where we should be with ratings and money.

4. My demonstrated leadership style was shown as a directive leader as the choices I have

made were characterized by exerting control over situations and giving orders on what is

expected in terms of performance. I made sure it was clear who was in charge of what.

This style of leadership is similar to what I use in my personal life as a leader in my job

currently because I usually am giving instructions and in control of who does what and

when the employees are doing tasks.

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