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A. CONTENT STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of probability.
B. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The is able to formulate and solve practical problems involving
probability of simple events.
At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
1. Find the probability of an event
2. Appreciate the uses of probability of simple event in our life
3. Solve the probability of simple event using That’s Quiz Apps


A. Topic: Probability of an Event
B. Reference: K to 12 Conceptual Math & Beyond 8
Bernal, J. S., & Lopez, A. G. (2014), pages 284 - 288
C. Materials: dice, coin, playing cards and timer, answer sheets, hand-outs, PPT, video
D. Values Integrated: Fairness

A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Classroom Management/Rules

Pre-Test: Using That’s Quiz Apps (Objective 2-numeracy, 8 & 9)

B. Motivation: Motivational Song entitled Probability (objective 1 & 3)

Class, during science lesson you already study about weather, suppose there was a forecast on the
television that there is a typhoon.
How sure are you that it will rain?
How about the news say that it will rain in the dessert, is it really possible to have rain in the
dessert? Why?
Those questions talk about probabilities of events. You know that those events might happen, even if
you cannot give mathematical explanation for it.
This time we will learn how to give precise explanation on probability of events by giving numerical
(objective 1 & 2 literacy)
C. Activity 1 Antonyms/Opposite Game. Match the antonyms or the opposite of each word.
1. Difficult a. Uncertain
2. Likely b. Impossible
3. Most c. Least
4. Possible d. Unlikely
5. certain e. Easy

Activity 2:
Direction: Match the following with each letter on the probability line. Write your answer on the
space provided.
D. Analysis:
Guided Questions
1. Based on the probability line shown, what is probability of an event?
Possible answer:
The probability of an event, P (event). is a number from 0 to 1 which tells how likely the event is to
2. How did you come up with those answers?
3. What have you observed about probability of events?

E. Abstraction:
The probability of any event is a number (either a fraction, a decimal, or a percent) from 0 to 1
If the event will never happen, then its probability is 0.

Are sure that an event will happen, what is the probability?

If you are certain or sure that such event will happen, then the probability is 1.

Lastly, the sum of the probabilities of all the outcomes in the sample space is 1.

Class, what we have just talk about are the Probability Rules.

To easily find the probability of an event you may use the formula

������ �� ��������� ��������

P(event)=������ �� ��� �������� ��������

Let us first go back to the question, when a coin is tossed, how likely is it to get a head?
If the coin is fair, it is equally likely to get a head or tail. There is a 50% chance of getting
a head. Or we say the probability of the event that a head occurs is 1 out of 2 or. In general,
any subset of a sample space is called an event.

What is the probability of the event that a tail occurs?

In a sample space of equally likely outcomes, the probability of an event, denoted as P (E), is
calculated on the basis of favorable outcomes and the number of possible outcomes.

������ �� ��������� ��������

P(event)=������ �� ��� �������� ��������
With this in mind, the answer to our question would be: ½

Example 1
Example 2

A playing card is drawn at random from a standard deck of 52 playing cards. Find the probability of

Example 3
F. Application:
Post test Using That’s Quiz Apps (objective 8 & 9)

G. Generalization:

Read and reflect the situation:
To grade your last test, I stood at the top of a staircase and threw your papers down the stairs.
Your grade was determined by the location where your test paper landed. If your test paper landed on a
stair towards the top, you received a high grade. If your test paper landed closer to the bottom, you
received a low grade.
1. How would you feel if you were a student in this class?
2. Would you say that the method of grading is fair or unfair? Why?
3. What is the good definition of “fair”?

5 4 3 2
Present and discuss in a short bond paper the process of answering the questions below. Your
output will be graded according to reasoning, accuracy, and presentation. Winning the lottery is a dream
for many hopeful people. You may know that it’s unlikely to win, but what does that mean? Well, let’s
say that 10,000,000 million people buy lottery tickets.
a. What are the chances that you will win if you bought 1 ticket?
b. Thinking you can slightly increase your likelihood by purchasing more tickets, but
that would cost you more, will you still buy the tickets? Why?
c. How many tickets will you buy to increase your chance of winning by 50%?
With your knowledge on probability, answer the following questions wholeheartedly:
1. How is probability used in our daily life?
2. What will you do to increase the probability of achieving success in every endeavor?

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