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WaveReady Transaction Language 1

Reference Guide

Document Number: 21063484-011, R000

Release 4.7.1 June 2010
Copy r ight N ot ice N o t i ce

Copyright Notice
© Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 JDS Uniphase Corporation
WaveShifter, WaveReady, and DenseMount are registered trademarks, and WR3500F, WR3500F-HP,
WR3100, COM-200, WRA-110, WRA-113, WRA-116, WRA-119, WRA-217, WRA-217OSC, WRA-217L,
WRA-219, WRA-219OSC, WRM-782, WRM-8004, WRS-051, WRT-740, WRT-760, WRT-780, WRT-781,
WRT-840, WRT-842, WRT-852, Node Manager, Multi-Node Manager, LP530, LightAmp and BrightAmp
are trademarks of JDS Uniphase Corporation.
All other trademarks mentioned in this document or Web site are the property of their respective owners.
For a complete list of trademarks, see Notices.pdf in the Software directory of the System Release Package

This material is protected by the copyright and trade secret laws of the United States and other countries.
Nothing in this document can be reproduced in any manner, either wholly or in part for any use whatsoever,
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Every effort was made to ensure that this information product was complete and accurate at the time of
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Pa ge: ii TL1 R eference Gu ide

Release: R4.7.1 | June 2010 D ocument:21063484-011 | PRELIMINARY
C o n t e n ts

Chapter i: Copyright Notice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i-ii

Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i-ii
Chapter 1: About this Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Typographical Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Document History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
WaveReady Documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Chapter 2: TL1 Standards and Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Standards Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
System Security Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
TL1 User Interface with the Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
TL1 User Interface to Network Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
TL1 User Interface with WaveReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
WaveReady TL1 Parameter Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32
Summary of WaveReady TL1 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-56
Chapter 3: Security and Administration Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
ALW-USER-SECU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
CANC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
DLT-USER-SECU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
ED-PID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
ED-USER-SECU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
ENT-USER-SECU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
INH-USER-SECU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
REPT ALM SECU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
RTRV-ALM-SECU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
RTRV-USER-SECU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
RTRV-HLP-AID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
RTRV-HLP-CMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
RTRV-HLP-ENUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Chapter 4: System Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
ACT-USER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
CANC-USER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
CANC-USER-SECU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
ED-DAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

Transa c tio n Language 1 Reference Guide Page : i

D oc u m e n t: 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 0 11 | PR E LI M INARY R elease: R4.7.1 | June 2010
ED-NTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
INIT-SYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
RTRV-CONTROLLER-MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
RTRV-HDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
RTRV-NETYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
RTRV-NTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
RTRV-STATS-SESSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
RTRV-STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
SET-CONTROLLER-MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
SET-SID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
Chapter 5: Equipment Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
ED-EQPT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
OPR-PROC-EQPT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
RMV-EQPT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
RST-EQPT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
RTRV-EQPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
RTRV-PROC-EQPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
RTRV-INV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23
RTRV-LNKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26
RTRV-TIDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27
Chapter 6: Facilities Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
ALW-OSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
ED-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
ED-SVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
ED-OCHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
ED-XPDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
ED-MXP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
INH-OSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
INIT-XPDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
OPR-LPBK-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
RLS-LPBK-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
RMV-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
RMV-OCHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18
RST-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18
RST-OCHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-19
RTRV-ALM-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
RTRV-ALM-OSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22
RTRV-ATTR-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-24
RTRV-ATTR-OSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26

Pa ge: ii TL1 R eference Gu ide

Release: R4.7.1 | June 2010 D ocument:21063484-011 | PRELIMINARY
RTRV-COND-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
RTRV-COND-OSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-30
RTRV-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-32
RTRV-SVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-40
RTRV-XPDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-42
RTRV-MXP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-44
RTRV-OCHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-46
SET-ATTR-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-48
SET-ATTR-OCHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-49
SET-ATTR-OSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-50
SET-TRAFFICMODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-51
Chapter 7: Backup and Restore Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
COPY-BACKUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
INIT-BACKUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
OPR-BACKUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
RST-BACKUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
RTRV-BACKUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
RTRV-BACKUP-STAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
RTRV-UPGRD-STAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
ED-SWBASELINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
RTRV-SWBASELINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
COPY-RFILE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
INIT-LOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17
RTRV-LOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18
Chapter 8: Performance Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
INIT-REG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
RTRV-PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
RTRV-PMMODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
SET-PMMODE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
Chapter 9: Protection Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
DLT-FFP-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
ED-FFP-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
ENT-FFP-OCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
OPR-PROTNSW-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
RLS-PROTNSW-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6
RTRV-FFP-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7
RTRV-PROTNSW-OCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9
Chapter 10: Alarm and Event Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1
ALW-MSG-ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2

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INH-MSG-ALL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
OPR-ACO-ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
REPT ALM <SCCMNOALL> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5
REPT EVT <SCCMNOALL> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
REPT EVT SESSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8
RTRV-ALM-<SCCM_COMEQPT> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9
RTRV-ALM-ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13
RTRV-ALM-OCHC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16
RTRV-ATTR-<SCCM_COMEQPT> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18
RTRV-ATTR-ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21
RTRV-ATTR-OCHC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23
RTRV-ATTR-SECULOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-25
RTRV-COND-<SCCM_COMEQPT> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27
RTRV-COND-ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-30
RTRV-COND-OCHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-33
RTRV-DESC-<SCCM_COMEQPT> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-35
RTRV-MSG-ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-39
RTRV-TH-<SCCM_EQPTOCH> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-40
SET-ATTR-<SCCM_COMEQPT> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-44
SET-ATTR-OCHC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-46
SET-ATTR-SECULOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-47
SET-DESC-<SCCM_COMEQPT> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-48
SET-TH-<SCCM_EQPTOCH> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-50
Chapter 11: TL1 Autonomous Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1
TL1 Autonomous Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1
Alarm and Event Condition Reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4
Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6
Security Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-45
Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-47
Chapter 12: Claims, Returns and Shipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1
Claims. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1
Returns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1
Shipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1
Chapter 13: Technical Support and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1
Web. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1
Phone and Fax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1
E-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
Ordering Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
Chapter A: Appendix A - List of Additions and Modifications to TL1 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

Pa ge: iv TL1 R eference Gu ide

Release: R4.7.1 | June 2010 D ocument:21063484-011 | PRELIMINARY
Command Updates in Release 4.7.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Command Updates in Release 4.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Command Updates in Release 4.6.6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
Command Updates in Release 4.6.3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
Command Updates in Release 4.6.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
Command Updates in Release 4.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5
Command Updates in Release 4.4.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
Command Updates in Release 4.4.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7
Command Updates in Release 4.3.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8
Command Updates in Release 4.3.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9
Command Updates in Release 4.2.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9
Command Updates in Release 4.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Command Updates in Release 4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-12

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Release: R4.7.1 | June 2010 D ocument:21063484-011 | PRELIMINARY
Tab l es

Table 2-1: State Restrictions and Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30

Table 2-2: Module States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
Table 2-3: TL1 Commands Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-57
Table 11-1: REPT^EVT Autonomous Message Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3
Table 11-2: REPT^EVT^SESSION Autonomous Message Possible Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4
Table 11-3: Alarm, Event and Condition Parameter Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6
Table 11-4: Condition Types and Alarm Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-7
Table 11-5: Security Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-45
Table 11-6: Error Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-48
Table A-1: Command Updates in Release 4.6.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
Table A-2: Command Updates in Release 4.6.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
Table A-3: Command Updates in Release 4.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5
Table A-4: Command Updates in Release 4.4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
Table A-5: Command Updates in Release 4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7
Table A-6: Condition Type Updates in Release 4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8
Table A-7: Command Updates in Release 4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8
Table A-8: Command Updates in Release 4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9
Table A-9: Command Updates in Release 4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9
Table A-10: Command updates in Release 4.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Table A-11: Conditions (Alarms and Events) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
Table A-12: New TL1 commands in Release 4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-12
Table A-13: TL1 command updates in Release 4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-13
Table A-14: Conditions (Alarms and Events) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-14

Transa c tio n Language 1 Reference Guide Pa ge: vii

D oc u m e n t: 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 0 11 | PR E LI M INARY R elease: R4.7.1 | June 2010
Pa ge: viii TL1 R eference Gu ide
Release: R4.7.1 | June 2010 D ocument:21063484-011 | PRELIMINARY
About this Document
This is the TL1 reference for WaveReady systems.
NOTE: See the Release Notes for supported hardware and software in the current release.

Intended Audience
This guide is intended for network operators and technicians intending to use a TL1
interface to manage a WaveReady system.

Typographical Conventions
This document uses these typographic conventions:
• Bold text is used to emphasize parameters, input fields, menu options, ports and
light emitting diodes (LEDs) located on WaveReady module front panels.
• Italic text is used to reference titles of other publications and for emphasis.
• Courier text is used to indicate paths and filenames, user input, and system

Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: 1-1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
About this Document Document H istor y

Document History

Release Date Number Description
R4.4.1 June 2008 21063484-005 WaveReady Releases 4.4.0 and 4.4.1 provide support for
standard release features described in the applicable user
guides.In addition, release 4.4.0 provides support for new
• WaveReady Transponder 780
• WRA-217L
• WRA-219 Release 4.4.1 also provides support for:
- Remote Fan Alarm Monitoring via linked WRT-840s
- Ethernet Management Link via WRT-780

R4.5.4 February 2009 21063484-006 WaveReady Releases 4.5.1, 4.5.3 and 4.5.4 provide support
for standard release features described in the applicable
user guides. In addition, these releases provide support for
new equipment:
• WaveReady Transponder 852
• WaveReady 3500F-2 shelf

R4.6.0 May 2009 21063484-007 WaveReady Release 4.6.0 provides support for standard
4.6.0 features described in the applicable user guides. In
addition, this release provides support for new equipment:
• WaveReady Muxponder 782
• This release also renames the WR3500F-HP shelf.

R4.6.3 June 2009 21063484-008 WaveReady Release 4.6.3 provides support for standard
4.6.3 features described in the applicable user guides. In
addition, this release provides support for new equipment:
• WaveReady Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multi-
plexer (WRS-051)

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D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
About this D ocument Order ing I nfor mat ion

Release Date Number Description
R4.6.6 October 2009 21063484-009 WaveReady Release 4.6.6 provides support for standard
4.6.6 features described in the applicable user guides. In
addition, this release provides support for:
• IPv6 Addressing
• WRA-2xxOSC variants
• Node Manager access to CLI management sessions of the
• Added Node Manager features

R 4.7 April 2010 21063484-010 WaveReady Release 4.7 provides support for standard 4.7
features described in the applicable user guides. In addition,
this release provides support for new equipment:
• WaveReady Multi-Node Manager
• WRT-781
• Updated SFP and XFP support and specifications
• Fast Fault Propagation update for 3s pulsing and rapidly
toggling LOS and LOL.

Ordering Information
Refer to the Product Release CD or contact JDSU customer support.

WaveReady Documents

Number Product
21048030-010 WaveReady™ WR3100 Shelf Models DMS-3100DC002, DMS-3100AC002 Installation
and User Guide

21061772-002 WaveReady™ WR3100 Shelf Power Supply Installation and User Guide

21060352-010 WaveReady™ 3500F Models DMS-3500FSE03, DMS-3500FSE04 Installation and User


2149657-001 WaveReady™ Multi-Node Manager (MNM) Installation and User Guide

21051541-011 WaveReady™ Node Manager (WRNM) Installation and User Guide

21063484-011 WaveReady™ TL1 Reference Manual

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 1 -3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ab o u t t h i s D o c um e n t WaveR e a dy D o c u m e nt s

Number Product
21063701-010 WaveReady™ SNMP Reference Manual

21057603-010 WaveReady™ COM-200 Installation and User Guide

21107865-007 WaveReady™ Single-Channel EDFA Optical Amplifier Models WRA-110, WRA-113,

WRA-116, WRA-119 Installation and User Guide

21141978-002 WaveReady™ Multi-Channel (DWDM) EDFA Optical Amplifier Models WRA-217,

WRA-217L, WRA-219 Installation and User Guide

21136733-004 WaveReady™ Muxponder 782 Installation and User Guide

21138638-004 WaveReady Muxponder 8004, Models WRM-8004T00B-100, WRM-8004T00B-192

Installation and User Guide

21139328-003 WaveReady™ Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer, Model WRS-05AD1C00B

Installation and User Guide

21061336-010 WaveReady™ Transponder 740 Models WRT-740DT241B, WRT-740DC241B

Installation and User Guide

21058348-010 WaveReady™ Transponder 760 Model WRT-760DT241B Installation and User Guide

21116021-006 WaveReady™ Transponder 780 Model WRT-780DT000B, WaveReady™ Transponder

781Model WRT-780DT000B Installation and User Guide

21079332-010 WaveReady™ Transponder 840 Model WRT-840DT100B Installation and User Guide

21109093-007 WaveReady™ Transponder 842 Model WRT-842DT101B-100, WRT-842DT101B-200

Installation and User Guide

21132488-005 WaveReady™ Transponder 852 Model WRT-852DT101B-100, WRT-852DT101B-200

Installation and User Guide

21042419-016 WaveReady™ LightProtector 530 Model LPR–530DWC1SA Installation and User


10135542 LightAmp DWDM Optical Amplifier Model LAP-MCH00R00A Installation and User’s

10129933 BrightAmp Configurable Single-Channel Optical Amplifier Model 10129127

Installation and User’s Manual

21124196 WaveReady™ FiberCleaningGuide

21052361-012 WaveReady™ System Release 4.7.1 and Node Manager Release 4.7.1 Release Notes

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TL1 Standards and Conventions
This section describes the TL1 command interface used by the WaveReady system.
Refer to the Release Notes for information on supported hardware and software.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Introduction on page 2-1
• Standards Compliance on page 2-2
• System Security Management on page 2-2
• TL1 User Interface with the Network on page 2-7
• TL1 User Interface to Network Elements on page 2-9
• TL1 User Interface with WaveReady on page 2-15
• WaveReady TL1 Parameter Types on page 2-32
• Summary of WaveReady TL1 Commands on page 2-56

Transaction Language 1 (TL1) is an industry-recognized protocol used by
WaveReady products to exchange messages between individual modules and a
network management system that monitors and manages the system. WaveReady
modules support TL1 messages for network operations, provisioning, surveillance,
and commissioning.
The network management system communicates with the WaveReady
Communications 200 module (COM-200) through Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) connections. Users access modules and issue
TL1 commands through TCP/IP Telnet sessions.
The TL1 interface facilitates the performance of the following tasks:
• Commissioning
• Testing
• Provisioning
• Alarm and network surveillance
• Protection switching

Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: 2-1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
TL 1 St anda rd s and Co nvent ions Sta ndards Compli ance
I ntrod uc t ion to WaveR ead y TL 1 Sys tem Secu r it y M anag ement

• Network security and administration

• Inventory retrieval

Standards Compliance
The TL1 surveillance interface meets the following Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
• GR-833-CORE Issue 4 “Network Maintenance—Network Element and Transport
Surveillance Messages"
• GR-811-CORE, "Operations Application Messages – TL1 Message Index"
• GR-835-CORE, "OTGR: Operations Applications – NE/NS Security Administration
• SR-1665, "NMA Operations System Generic Transport Network Element Interface
• GR-1093-CORE, "Generic State Requirements for Network Elements"

System Security Management

This section contains the following topics:
• Introduction to WaveReady TL1 System Security Management on page 2-2
• User Access Privilege on page 2-4
• Passwords on page 2-6
• System Access on page 2-3

Introduction to WaveReady TL1 System Security Management

The WaveReady COM-200 manages security access to the modules in the system
through these log-in services:
• Identification
• Authentication
• System access control
• Resource access control
• Security log
The COM-200 maintains a Security log (database) of events related to security
management. Logged events include:

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TL1 Standa rd s and Co nventions Sys tem Secur it y M anagement
Sys te m Acces s

• Successful user log-ins

• Creating user accounts
• Deleting user accounts
• Changing users' access privileges

System Access

The WaveReady system controls access to the system and monitors user sessions.
System access control has the following features:
• Displays a “no trespassing” warning when a log-in is initiated.
• A log-in procedure is suspended after three unsuccessful attempts.
• A session is terminated if it is idle for 25 (default) consecutive minutes (user must
log-in again and initiate a new session).

Default Accounts

The WaveReady system supports two default user accounts. The SUPERUSER
account is carried by the backplane EEPROM, can not be deleted, retains its
password on the shelf (and, therefore does not move with the COM-200 card). The
SUPERUSER account should therefore should be reserved for
emergency/recovery procedures only.
JDSU recommends that provisioned accounts be used for general use. To this end,
each COM-200 ships with a default provisioned account called ADMINUSER
which should be used if no other accounts are created.
The SUPERUSER and ADMINUSER accounts have the maximum authorization
privileges, cannot be deleted, and are not visible to other users. These default
accounts (and users with user access privilege (UAP) level 5) are authorized to
create and delete other user accounts, and assign user access privileges to accounts.

Limits on Account Usage

When installed, the COM-200 module is initialized with two default user
• Default superuser account using the backplance EEPROM with default user
identification and password (TL1 parameter <uid> is SUPERUSER and TL1
parameter <pid> is Sup%9User).

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TL1 Standa rd s and Co nventions Sys tem Secur it y M anagement
User Access Pr ivilege

• Default administrator account on the module itself (and therefore configurable)

with default user identification and password (TL1 parameter <uid> is
ADMINUSER and TL1 parameter <pid> is Admin%9).
Each COM-200 supports a maximum of five (5) logins with the same userid
(including the SUPERUSER account), and a maximum of seven (7) logins with
different userids (any combination of different and identical userids totalling
seven, including the SUPERUSER account). Attempts to exceed these login limits
will be blocked and an ACCESS DENIED dialog will display.
Take note of these login restrictions and the following limitations when creating a
new user account:
• JDSU recommends that the SUPERUSER account be reserved for administrative
tasks, such as registering new users on the network, monitoring the number of
active sessions, closing a user session and deleting a user account.
• JDSU recommends using the ADMINUSER account for node and network
administrative tasks, and a user account for equipment configuration and
management tasks.
• If access is denied because the login limit for the COM-200 has been exceeded,
one or more sessions should be terminated;

- An account with administration privileges can terminate a user session,

- An ADMINUSER account can terminate a SUPERUSER account and a user
session, and
- A user session can terminate itself.

User Access Privilege

The extent of a user's access to the system is determined by the level of user access
privilege (UAP) assigned to the account.
Each user that is added to the system must have user access privileges (UAP)
assigned, to identify the extent of the user's authorization level (AL) for each
command function category (FC). UAPs take the following form:
<fc><al>[&<fc><al>[&<fc><al> [&<fc><al>[&<fc><al>]]]]
Multiple functional category authorization levels (FCALs) are assigned by using
single ampersands (&) as delimiters. When multiple FCALs are specified, the
order is not important.
TL1 commands are grouped into the following five Function Categories:
• Security Administration (S)
• Provisioning (P)
• Performance Monitoring (PM)

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TL1 Standa rd s and Co nventions Sys tem Secur it y M anagement
User Access Pr ivilege

• Maintenance (M)
• Test Access (T)
For each FC, a user can have one of six authorization level values. The allowable
values are:
• 0 (zero)—where 0 means the user is not authorized to issue those commands
• from 1 (low, default) to 5 (high)
NOTE: At a minimum, users must be assigned at least an S1 in order to log-in, log-out, and
change their own passwords.
The following table lists the possible FCAL values

Values Description
M0 Maintenance level 0, no authorization

M1 Maintenance level 1, minimal authorization

M2 Maintenance level 2, minimal authorization

M3 Maintenance level 3, medium authorization

M4 Maintenance level 4, high authorization

M5 Maintenance level 5, highest authorization

P0 Provisioning level 0, no authorization

P1 Provisioning level 1, minimal authorization

P2 Provisioning level 2, minimal authorization

P3 Provisioning level 3, medium authorization

P4 Provisioning level 4, high authorization

P5 Provisioning level 5, highest authorization

PM0 Performance Monitoring level 0, no authorization

PM1 Performance Monitoring level 1, minimal authorization

PM2 Performance Monitoring level 2, minimal authorization

PM3 Performance Monitoring level 3, medium authorization

PM4 Performance Monitoring level 4, high authorization

PM5 Performance Monitoring level 5, highest authorization

S1 Security & Administration level 1, minimal authorization

S2 Security & Administration level 2, minimal authorization

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Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
TL1 Standa rd s and Co nventions Sys tem Secur it y M anagement

Values Description
S3 Security & Administration level 3, medium authorization

S4 Security & Administration level 4, high authorization

S5 Security & Administration level 5, highest authorization

T0 Test Access level 0, no authorization

T1 Test Access level 1, minimal authorization

T2 Test Access level 2, minimal authorization

T3 Test Access level 3, medium authorization

T4 Test Access level 4, high authorization

T5 Test Access level 5, highest authorization


The WaveReady system authenticates passwords for user accounts, and

determines how passwords age (based on user-configurable parameters). All
passwords are encrypted and have the following features:
• Default password expiration period = 60 days.
• Default password expiration grace period expressed as log-ins = 3.
• Blank passwords (no characters) are not acceptable.
• Password identifiers are between 6 and 10 characters in length, and are
composed of a combination of Roman (also known as the Latin or English
alphabet) alphanumeric characters (letters A through Z; numbers 0 through 9)
and special characters.
The password must start with a Roman alphanumeric character, and contain at
least one Roman alphabetic character, one Roman numeric, and one special char-
The following special characters are supported for the password:

- period (.)
- number sign (#)
- percentage sign (%)
- plus sign (+)
- underscore (_), and
- hyphen or dash (-)
The following characters are not supported for the password:

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TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions TL1 Us er I nter f ace with the Net wor k
Firs t Login Pa ssword Change

- semicolon (;)
- colon (:)
- ampersand (&)
- comma (,)
- question mark (?), and
- all control characters
NOTE: The system does not prevent a user from selecting a password that is currently associ-
ated with an enabled or disabled user account.

First Login Password Change

Take note of the following password conditions and limitations:

_ 1. If this is the first commissioning of a network element by a network administrator,
enter the default user ID “SUPERUSER” and the default password “Sup%9User”.

_ 2. If this is the first login by a new user account, enter the user name and password
assigned by the network administrator.

_ 3. If PASSWDREENTRY has been set to ENABLED by the administrator, the system

will then prompt for a new password, chosen by the user. This feature is enabled or
disabled by the system administrator on the communications module (COM-200)
of each node.

• The default setting for PASSWDREENTRY is Disabled.

• Each time a new user account logs on for the first time to a node, the
PASSWDREENTRY feature will prompt the user to change their pass-
word, from the password chosen by the administrator to the user-chosen
• The new password prompt will appear as each new node connection is
opened. The new user-chosen password must be entered to complete the
• If the network includes several nodes, this repeated PASSWDREENTRY
and re-entry from the default password chosen by the administrator to the
user-chosen password may be onerous. For this reason, PASSW-
DREENTRY may be left at its default setting of Disabled.
• Even if PASSWDREENTRY is Disabled, JDSU recommends changing
the administrator-assigned password to a more secure user-chosen pass-
word during the first user account launch.

TL1 User Interface with the Network

This section contains the following topics

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Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions TL1 Us er I nter f ace with the Net wor k
TL1 Promp t

• TL1 Prompt on page 2-8

• User Identifier <UID> on page 2-8
• Password Identifier <PID> on page 2-8
• Default Username and Password on page 2-9

TL1 Prompt

The TL1 prompt is indicated by “agent>” displayed on the left side of the screen.
TL1 command syntax uses a semicolon (;) to indicate the end of a command. A
TL1 command is executed immediately after the semicolon is typed. Pressing
Enter is not necessary to execute the command.
NOTE: A semicolon is shown at the end of all TL1 commands in this guide.

User Identifier <UID>

A user identifier (UID) is a unique, non-confidential name, which identifies each

authorized system user. UIDs are between 6 and 10 alphanumeric characters. The
UID parameter appears as <uid> in the TL1 command descriptions in this
Activating a user login session requires an valid UID.
NOTE: The UID is case-sensitive.

Password Identifier <PID>

The WaveReady system authenticates passwords for user accounts, and

determines how passwords age (based on user-configurable parameters). All
passwords are encrypted and have the following features:
• Default password expiration period = 60 days.
• Default password expiration grace period expressed as number of log-ins = 3.
• Blank passwords (no characters) are not acceptable.
• Password identifiers are between 6 and 10 characters in length, and are
composed of a combination of Roman (also known as the Latin or English

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TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions TL1 User I nter f ace to Net wor k Elements
D efa ul t User name and Pa ssword

alphabet) alphanumeric characters (letters A through Z; numbers 0 through 9)

and special characters.
The password must start with a Roman alphanumeric character, and contain at
least one Roman alphabetic character, one Roman numeric, and one special char-
The following special characters are supported for the password:

- period (.)
- number sign (#)
- percentage sign (%)
- plus sign (+)
- underscore (_), and
- hyphen or dash (-)
The following characters are not supported for the password:

- semicolon (;)
- colon (:)
- ampersand (&)
- comma (,)
- question mark (?), and
- all control characters
NOTE: The system does not prevent a user from selecting a password that is currently associ-
ated with an enabled or disabled user account.

Default Username and Password

When a COM-200 is first installed in a WaveReady shelf, the initial log-in must
use the factory default username and password. The defaults are:
Password: Sup%9User

TL1 User Interface to Network Elements

This section contains these topics:

Command Structure on page 2-10

TL1 Notation on page 2-10

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 2 -9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions TL1 User I nter f ace to Net wor k Elements
Comma nd St ruc ture

TL1 Punctuation on page 2-11

TL1 Messages on page 2-11

TL1 Command Confirmation on page 2-14

Listing Parameter Values on page 2-15

Command Structure

TL1 command syntax has a rigid structure that follows these rules.
• All commands begin with a verb, followed by a hyphen, and a modifier, for
example ED-EQPT (Edit-Equipment), or -ALM (Retrieve-Alarm).
• A second hyphen and a secondary modifier can follow the first, for example
RTRV-ALM-EQPT (Retrieve-Alarm-Equipment).
• The <tid> is next, usually followed by the <aid> and <ctag> fields.
• The <ctag> can be followed by a general block containing additional parameters
needed for the command.
The following is an example of aTL1 command, showing the typical TL1
command structure: VERB-MODIFIER:<tid>:<aid>:<ctag>::parameter-list;
NOTE: The order of <aid>, <ctag>, and additional parameters can vary from one command
group to another. See the detailed command descriptions in this manual, for specific informa-

TL1 Notation

The following table lists the meaning of the notations used to define the language
of TL1 messages.

Notation Description
cr ASCII carriage return

lf ASCII line feed

^ ASCII space

[] Optional parameter for editing and entering commands

<> Required parameter

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TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions TL1 User I nter f ace to Net wor k Elements
T L 1 Pun c t u at i o n

Notation Description
& In a command, a single ampersand (&) can be used to separate
individual equipment and facility objects when listing multiple
items in the same parameter.

&& Two ampersands (&&) are used in commands that accept a

range of values. When including a range of values in a
parameter, always identify the equipment with the lowest slot
or port number first.

TL1 Punctuation

TL1 commands use colons (:), commas (,) and semicolons (;).
• Colons and commas separate command elements
• Semicolons are the signal to the system that the command is complete. The
system executes the command immediately after a semicolon is typed on the
command line.
TL1 also uses ampersands singly (&) to list items.
NOTE: All the punctuation shown in the command descriptions must be typed or the system
cannot execute the command.

TL1 Messages

There are two types of TL1 messages:

• autonomous
• responses
Each message consists of a header and a message block.

Autonomous Messages

Autonomous messages are automatically generated as a result of a condition that

arises on a module. The WaveReady system reports four types of autonomous
• CANC (Cancel)—reports a session was terminated by a time-out (inactivity on the
part of the user).
• REPT^ALM (Report Alarm)—reports the occurrence of an alarmed event
(notification code is CR, MJ, or MN).

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TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions TL1 User I nter f ace to Net wor k Elements
R espo nse M ess ages

• REPT^EVT (Report Event)—reports the occurrence of a non-alarmed event.

• REPT^EVT^SESSION (Report Event Session-related)—reports the occurrence of a
session-related non-alarmed event.
The module generates these messages automatically, and sends them to all users
that are logged-in, provided that no user has inhibited autonomous messaging for
the condition type and SECU messages have been enabled (they are disabled by
default). Autonomous messages do not require a request for information.
For more information about autonomous messages, see TL1 Autonomous
Messages on page 11-1.

Response Messages

Response messages are sent by an NE in response to a TL1 command.

TL1 Response Header

A TL1 response can be identified by a two-line header.

The first two lines of all TL1 response messages have a common format.

First line of a Response Header

The first line contains the source identifier (SID) of the equipment that originally
sent the message, and the date and time (YY-MM-DD and HH:MM:SS) the
message was sent.
The format of the header of a normal completion or error response is:
^^^<rsphdr> <cr> <lf>
where <rsphdr> has the format:
<source identifier>^<date>^<time>
• The SID matches the TID of the NE responding to the command.
• The date is in the form YY-MM-DD
• The time is expressed in terms of a 24 hour clock, and has the form HH:MM:SS.

Second Line of a Response Header

The second line of the TL1 response header identifies if the response is an
autonomous or a non-autonomous message.

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TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions TL1 User I nter f ace to Net wor k Elements
Stan dard Nor mal Respo nse

For autonomous messages, the second line begins with an:

• "A" for non-alarm messages, or
• an alarm code, such as an asterisk (*) for a minor alarm
• and contains a numeric alarm tag (ATAG) if applicable
• and contains the TL1 message type
For non-autonomous messages the second line of a response header begins with:
• an "M", followed by
• the correlation tag (CTAG) used in the original TL1 request (if applicable)
• and the letters COMPLD ("Completed" is the normal response)
• or DENY (error response) after the CTAG

Standard Normal Response

Unless otherwise indicated in the detailed syntax description in this document, the
normal, successful response format for TL1 input commands is as follows:
<cr> <lf> <lf>
^^^<rsphdr> <cr> <lf>
M^^<ctag>^COMPLD <cr> <lf>;

Error Response

If a TL1 command is not successful, the system returns a DENY response with a
TL1 error. A description of the situation under which the problem occurred is
reported with the error code. For a complete list, see Error Codes on page 11-47.
The format of an error message is as follows:
sid date time
M ctag DENY
/* <errmsg> */

Occurrence Date and Time

Some TL1 responses and autonomous messages include a date and time parameter
indicating when the event occurred. The format of this occurrence date and

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TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions TL1 User I nter f ace to Net wor k Elements
TL1 Co mmand Confir mation

occurrence time differs from the format of the date and time described in the
standard normal response.
The format of the <ocrdat> is MOY-DOM, where
• MOY (month-of-year)-range is 1-12
• DOM (day-of-month)-range is 1-31
The format of the <ocrtm> is HOD-MOH-SOM, where
• HOD (hour-of-day)-range is 0-23
• MOH (minute-of-hour)-range is 0-59
• SOM (second-of-minute)-range is 0-59

TL1 Command Confirmation

After typing the semicolon on the command line, the system either completes or
denies the command. If, however, the system does not respond after two seconds,
the system returns the following intermediate acknowledgement response, which
indicates the progress of the request:
<acknowledgement code>[^<ctag>]<cr><lf>
where <acknowledgement code> is IP, NA, or RL.
The TL1 prompt does not return until the command completes successfully, or
The following table lists the possible values for the acknowledgement
(<acknowledgement code>) field.

Value Description
IP In Progress The system is executing the command. Other messages
follow, for example, a CMPLD response.

NA No Acknowledgment Sent under abnormal conditions, if a

command is accepted but a CMPLD or DENY response is not

RL Repeat Later The system cannot execute the command due to a lack
of system resources.

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TL1 Standa rd s and Co nventions TL1 User I nter f ace wi th WaveReady
Listi ng Pa rameter Values

Listing Parameter Values

Some TL1 commands allow listing multiple values for a single parameter, using an
ampersand (&) to separate each item in the list. The format for listing parameter
values is:
<First value>&<Second value>

Example of Listing Parameters

The WaveReady system does not support listing and ranging of AIDs. In general,
one—and only one—<aid> is permitted for most TL1 commands. Some
commands are exceptions, and can interpret a blank or null <aid> or the word
"ALL" as referring to all slots. See the detailed command descriptions for these
VERB-MODIFIER:<tid>:<aid>:<ctag>::<First value>&<Second value>&<Third

TL1 User Interface with WaveReady

This section contains these topics:
• System Identifier Format <SID> or Target Identifier Format <TID> on page 2-15
• Correlation Tag Format <CTAG> on page 2-16
• Autonomous Message Tag <ATAG> on page 2-16
• TL1 Modifiers on page 2-17
• Access Identifier Format <AID> on page 2-17
• AID Definitions on page 2-19
• TL1 State Reporting on page 2-29

System Identifier Format <SID> or Target Identifier Format <TID>

The system identifier (SID) or target identifier (TID) is between 1-20 characters in
length and is composed of a combination of alphanumerics (ASCII letters or
digits) and underscores (_) or dashes (-). The SID must begin with a letter, and if a
dash (-) is included, the dash must be followed by a letter. A SID as a Network
Element identifier must be unique within a network. Therefore, to ensure its
uniqueness, the SID default value is based on shelf serial number.
NOTE: A changed TID is not activated until the COM-200 reboots.

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TL1 Standa rd s and Co nventions TL1 User I nte r f ace wi th WaveReady
Co rrelation Ta g Fo rmat <C TAG>

Correlation Tag Format <CTAG>

The CTAG is used to match an input command to the result of the command.
The format of the CTAG is alphanumeric and can be up to six characters in length.
The system returns the CTAG with all response messages, including confirmation,
failed and syntax error messages, and retrieved reports. The system does not
return the CTAG with autonomous messages.
The correlation tag (CTAG) is an OSS-assigned integer that correlates
acknowledgments, errors, and responses with an originating request.
A CTAG is a sequential command identifier used with every command input.
The CTAG is part of the staging block of a TL1 input message. A CTAG is a TL1
identifier, which means that its valid value is a string of no longer than 6
characters. The CTAG block is required, and allows one parameter - CTAG.
The CTAG must be assigned by the OS and must be included in NE input and
response messages where specified.The OS arbitrarily assigns a non-zero CTAG
value for the input message. The NE copies this value into the appropriate CTAG
field of the output response(s) associated with that input command. The CTAG is
required in responses when an NE is capable of processing more than one input
command at a time.
Conversely, its exclusion implies that an NE is capable of processing only one
input command at a time. In an acknowledgement that has a code of NA (no
acknowledgement possible). The NA code sometimes occurs because of garbled
transmission. If the CTAG value of the command cannot be determined, then the
single character zero (0) should be used as the acknowledgment CTAG value. For
a rejected command, the CTAG may not be available for inclusion in the response.
In this case, the single character "0" (zero) will be output for the CTAG. When long
responses (more than 4096) characters occur, they may be split. In such cases, the
greater than (>) termination character is used for each message segment, and all
segments have the same CTAG value.

Autonomous Message Tag <ATAG>

The Autonomous message TAG (ATAG) uniquely identifies the spontaneous

output and allows the OSS to correlate the messages received from and generated
by the NE.
The ATAG is a unique numeric string generated by the system. It is the
responsibility of the NE to generate each ATAG in sequence. By virtue of the
ATAG, TL1 messages intrinsically provide alarm correlation information. Every
TL1 message that the NE autonomously generates contains a unique identifier --
the autonomous message TAG (ATAG). The NE inserts ATAGs into each

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T L1 M o d i f i e r s

message. Generally the ATAG consists of an integer number (e.g., 113). They are
typically in sequence, incremented by one for each message.
By checking the ATAG of each message received, the OSS can verify that no
messages are lost. If a message is lost between the NE and the manager, the
manager sees an ATAG out of sequence and can request that missing data be
TL1 does not impose a restriction on the length of an ATAG, but an individual
environment might. The GR-833 restricts the ATAG to a 10-character maximum.

TL1 Modifiers

The WaveReady system supports five TL1 command modifiers: EQPT, OCH,
OSC, COM and ALL. For more information about how these modifiers apply to
individual alarms, events, and conditions, see Alarm and Event Condition
Reporting on page 11-4.
• EQPT refers to equipment-related conditions or events that apply to a single
module, but not all modules (for example, changing the state of a module from
out-of-service to in-service).
• OCH refers to conditions or events that are associated with an optical channel,
such as a bi-directional optical port on an WRT-760 module (for example, a loss of
input signal).
• OSC refers to conditions or events that are associated with supervisory channel
between transponders.
• COM refers to shelf-level conditions or events, such as an electrical power failure.
It is not specific to the COM-200.
• ALL refers to all modifiers: EQPT, OCH, OSC, and COM.

Access Identifier Format <AID>

The Access Identification code (AID) directs and input command to its intended
physical or data entity inside the NE. Equipment modules and facilities are typical
examples of entities addressed by the access code.

Basic AID Structure and Labelling

The WaveReady system does not support listing and ranging of AIDs. In general,
one—and only one—AID is valid in most TL1 commands. Some commands are
exceptions, and can interpret a blank or null <aid>, or the word "ALL" as referring
to all <aid>s. See specific detailed command descriptions for these exceptions.

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B a s i c A ID S tr u c tu re a n d L a b e l l i n g

Access identifiers for most modules use the following format:

<shelf number>-<slot number>[-<transponder number>]-<port
number>[-F-<port number>]
The exception to this pattern is the WRT-852, which uses the following format:
<shelf number>-<slot number> [-2-F]-<<port number> / <transponder
• <shelf number> is a provision for systems where more than one shelf is managed
by a single COMM200. For the WaveReady 3500 shelf, the <shelf number> must
always be "1". For the WaveReady 3100 shelf, up to three shelves can be
interconnected and managed by a single COMM200. Therefore for the
WaveReady 3100 shelf, the <shelf> number will be "1", "2" or "3", depending on
the configuration.
• <slot number> refers to the slot in which the module is mounted, (C, 1…13).
• In the WaveReady 3500 series shelf, slot C (as identified on the faceplate) supports
only the COM-200. No other module should be installed in this slot. The TL1
access identifier for this slot is always "C".
• In a locally managed WaveReady 3100 shelf, slot A (as identified on the faceplate)
supports a COM-200. The TL1 access identifier for this slot is always "C". The
second slot B (as identified on the faceplate) has the TL1 access identifier "2".
• In a locally managed series of three WaveReady 3100 shelves, shelves 2 and 3 will
support WRT-7xx/WRT-8xx/WRA-1xx/WRA-2xx modules in both slots A and B.
The TL1 access identifier for these slots will be "1" and "2". Therefore, the AID
naming for modules in three interconnected and fully populated WR3100 shelves
will be: 1-C, 1-2; 2-1, 2-2; 3-1, 3-2.
• In a remotely managed WaveReady 3100 shelf, or series of interconnected
shelves, the slots will be identified as far-end with an "F," Their full AID will depend
on the configuration of the node.
• <transponder number> is an optional parameter that refers to one of the two
transponders in an individual WRT-780 module, designated by 1 or 2.
• <port number> is an optional parameter that refers to an optical port on a
module, and is only required when the TL1 command is directed to a specific
• [A-H]-<port number> are both optional parameters that are used to indicate that
the command is intended for a subtending external shelf, such as the
• [-F[-<port number>]] are both optional parameters that are used to indicate that
the command is intended for a far end WRT-740/760/780 transponder where
there is no COM-200 present. The TID of input commands for a far end
transponder is the TID of the near-end shelf.
• [-2-F] is an optional parameter used to indicate that the command is intended to
be transmitted through the network port (2) of a WRT-852 transponder. The
remainer of the AID then designates whether the command is intended for a

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A I D D ef i n i tio n s

single port or the whole transponder. The TID of input commands for the far-end
port or transponder is the TID of the near-end shelf.
NOTE: If a COM-200 IS present at the far end, the TID of the far end shelf is used instead.The
'F' portion of this parameter refers to 'far end', while the <port number> is only used if the
command relates to a specific optical port on that far end transponder. For example, a valid
TL1 AID for a far-end transponder could be "1-2-2-F", while a valid AID for a specific port
on a far-end transponder could be "1-2-2-F-2".

AID Definitions

The following tables list and detail the specific AIDs used by the WaveReady


AID AID format

AllChannels {A-H}-1-ALL


AllChannelsIncAll ALL


AllMuxponders {1-3}-{1-13}-{1}


AllNetworkPorts {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}-2



AllPorts {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}-{1-2}


{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-4}-F-{1-4} {A-H}-1-1

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AID AID format

AllPortAndChannels ALL







AllPortsIncALL ALL





AllSlots 1-C




AllSlotsAndChannels ALL




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AID AID format

AllSlotsAndPorts 1-C






AllSlotsAndTransponders {1-3}-{1-13}




AllSlotsIncALL 1-C




{A-H} -1

AllTransponders {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}


AllTranspondersIncALL ALL



Comm 1-C


Represents all optical wavelength channels..

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AllChannelsI ncAll

Pattern Description
{A-H}-1-ALL All optical wavelength channels on an
external shelf.

{A-H}-1-{60.0,59.0,58.0,57.0,56.0,55.0,54.0, All optical wavelength channels on an

53.0,52.0,51.0,50.0,49.0,48.0,47.0,46.0,45.0 external shelf. The wavelength is specified
,44.0,43.0,42.0,41.0,40.0,39.0,38.0,37.0,36. as an ITU channel number.


Represents all optical wavelength channels..

Pattern Description
ALL All optical wavelength channels

{A-H}-1-ALL All optical wavelength channels on an

external shelf.

{A-H}-1-{60.0,59.0,58.0,57.0,56.0,55.0,54.0, All optical wavelength channels on an

53.0,52.0,51.0,50.0,49.0,48.0,47.0,46.0,45.0 external shelf. The wavelength is specified
,44.0,43.0,42.0,41.0,40.0,39.0,38.0,37.0,36. as an ITU channel number.


This corresponds to the muxponder entity within a card..

Pattern Description
{1-3}-{1-13}-{1} Localmuxponder

{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-4}-F-{1} Remote muxponder

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AllNet workPor ts


This represents all local and remote network ports. Network ports can be 2 or 3
depending on the optical card/module.

Pattern Description
{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}-2 Local transponder network port

{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-4} Local network ports

{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-4}-F-{2-4} Remote network ports


This represents all local and remote ports (client and network side.).

Pattern Description
{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}-{1-2} Transponder-based Ports

{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-3} All Local Ports

{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-3}-F-{1-3} All Remote Ports

{A-H}-1-1 External Shelf Ports


Pattern Description
ALL All ports

{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}-{1-2} WRT780 ports (contained within


{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-4} All Local Ports

{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-4}-F-{1-4} All Remote Ports

{A-H}-1-1 External Shelf Ports

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AllPor tsI ncALL

Pattern Description
{A-H}-1-ALL All optical wavelength channels on an
external shelf.

{A-H}-1-{60.0,59.0,58.0,57.0,56.0,55.0,54.0, All optical wavelength channels on an

53.0,52.0,51.0,50.0,49.0,48.0,47.0,46.0,45.0 external shelf. The wavelength is specified
,44.0,43.0,42.0,41.0,40.0,39.0,38.0,37.0,36. as an ITU channel number.


This represents all local and remote ports, along with the ALL aid which
encompasses all local and remote ports..

Pattern Description
ALL All ports

{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}-{1-2} WRT780 ports (contained within


{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-3} All Local Ports

{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-3}-F-{1-3} All Remote Ports

{A-H}-1-1 External Shelf Ports


This represents all local and remote slots (including the COM-200)..

Pattern Description
1-C COM-200 Module

{1-3}-{1-13} Shelf-Slot (for local modules)

{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-3}-F Shelf-Slot-NetworkPort-F (for remote


{A-H}-1 External Shelf-Slots

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AllS lotsAndChannels


Represents all optical wavelength channels and slots that have optical wavelength

Pattern Description
ALL All optical wavelength channels

{A-H}-1 External Shelf-Slots

{A-H}-1-ALL All optical wavelength channels on an

external shelf.

{A-H}-1-{60.0,59.0,58.0,57.0,56.0,55.0,54.0, All optical wavelength channels on an

53.0,52.0,51.0,50.0,49.0,48.0,47.0,46.0,45.0 external shelf. The wavelength is specified
,44.0,43.0,42.0,41.0,40.0,39.0,38.0,37.0,36. as an ITU channel number.


Combination of AllSlots and AllPorts.

Pattern Description
1-C Communications Module

{1-3}-{1-13} Shelf-Slot (for local modules)

{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}-{1-2} Transponder-based ports (contained

within transponder)

{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-3} All Local Ports

{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-3}-F Shelf-Slot-NetworkPort-F (for remote


{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-3}-F-{1-3} All Remote Ports

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This represents all the traffic entities within the system: i.e. cards and/or

Pattern Description
{1-3}-{1-13} ) Shelf-Slot (for local modules

{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2} Transponder datapath.

{1-3}-{1-13}-2-F-{1} Remote transponder

{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-4}-F Shelf-Slot-NetworkPort-F (for remote



This represents all local and remote slots (including the COM-200), along with the
ALL aid which encompasses all local and remote slots (including the COM-200).

Pattern Description
1-C COM-200 Module

ALL All slots/modules

{1-3}-{1-13} Shelf-Slot (for local modules)

{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-4}-F Shelf-Slot-NetworkPort-F (for remote


{A-H}-1-1 External Shelf Ports


This represents all local and remote slots (including the COM-200)..

Pattern Description
1-C COMM Module

{1-3}-{1-13} Shelf-Slot (for local modules)

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Al lSlotsAnd Channel s

Pattern Description
{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-4}-F Shelf-Slot-NetworkPort-F (for remote

{A-H}-1 External Shelf-Slots

AllSlotsAnd Channels

Represents all optical wavelength channels and slots that have optical wavelength

Pattern Description
ALL All optical wavelength channels.

{A-H}-1 External Shelf-Slots

{A-H}-1-ALL All optical wavelength channels on an

external shelf.

{A-H}-1-{60.0,59.0,58.0,57.0,56.0,55.0,54.0, All optical wavelength channels on an

53.0,52.0,51.0,50.0,49.0,48.0,47.0,46.0,45.0 external shelf. The wavelength is specified
,44.0,43.0,42.0,41.0,40.0,39.0,38.0,37.0,36. as an ITU channel number.


Combination of AllSlots and AllPorts..

Pattern Description
1-C Comm Module

{1-3}-{1-13} Shelf-Slot (for local modules)

{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}-{1-2} Transponder-based ports (contained

within transponder)

{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-4} All Local Ports

{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-4}-F Shelf-Slot-NetworkPort-F (for remote


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Pattern Description
{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-4}-F-{1-4} All Remote Ports

{A-H}-1 External Shelf-Slots

{A-H}-1-1 External Shelf Ports


Represents all the traffic entities within the system; i.e. cards and/or

Pattern Description
{1-3}-{1-13} Shelf-Slot (for local modules)

{1-3}-{1-13}-2-F-{1} Remote transponder datapath

{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2} Transponder datapath.

{1-3}-{1-13}-{2-4}-F Shelf-Slot-NetworkPort-F (for remote



This corresponds to the transponder entity within a card which encompasses the
behavior and provisioning details related to an O-E_O data path between two

Pattern Description
{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2} Transponder datapath.

{1-3}-{1-13}-2-F-{1} Remote transponder datapath.


This corresponds to the specific transponder entity within a card or ALL

transponder entities. These entities encompass the behavior and provisioning
details related to an O-E-O data path between two ports..

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Pattern Description
ALL All transponders.

{1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2} Transponder datapath

{1-3}-{1-13}-2-F-{1} Remote Transponder datapath


This corresponds to the COM-200 module only..

Pattern Description
1-C COM-200 Module

TL1 State Reporting

The state of a card affects the module's ability to execute TL1 commands. The
characteristics of the possible states for a module are described in this section.
The LightAmp and BrightAmp modules do not support state configurations.

Primary state (PST)

The primary state (PST) parameter indicates the current service condition of the
For a list of primary states, see PrimaryState on page 2-43.

Primary State Qualifier (PSTQ)

The primary state qualifier (PSTQ) parameter carries additional information

about the primary state.

PSTQ In-service

When a module is in-service, the PSTQ indicates whether the module is totally, or
only partially in-service. WaveReady modules support only one in-service state:

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PSTQ O ut- of-ser vice

IS-NR (In-service—Normal). An IS-NR condition indicates that the module is

operational and allowed to provide all of its functions.

PSTQ Out-of-service

When a module is out-of-service, the PSTQ indicates if the module is OOS as the
result of a management command, or as the result of some condition within the
module itself, for example the result of an event that occurred. Communication
modules equipment supports AU, MA, and AUMA qualifiers for the OOS state:
• AU (Autonomous)
• MA (Management)
• AUMA (Autonomous and Management)

Secondary State (SST)

The secondary state (SST) parameter carries additional information related to the
PST and PSTQ states. For example, the SST can indicate the type of, and/or reason,
for the external command or the event that occurred in the module.
For a list of reported secondary states, see Secondary State on page 2-48
NOTE: Multiple SST values can apply to a single module at any given moment.

State restrictions on TL1 Commands

The following table lists the states and error codes that can affect TL1 commands if
the target module or port is unavailable.
Table 2-1:State Restrictions and Error Codes

TL1 command Module/Port Denied state Error code

RST A module is being IS-NR OOS-AU SAIS (Status,
restored Already In-service)

RMV The module is OOS-MA SAMS (Status,

removed OOS-AUMA Already In
Maintenance State)

All TL1 commands supported except: The module named UEQ ENEQ (Equipage,
RTRV-EQPT, RTRV-ALM-EQPT, in the AID Not Equipped)
RTRV-COND-EQPT, and all commands
only applicable to a COM-200.

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St ate Chan ge M atr ix

NOTE: A COM-200 accepts the RTRV-ALM, RTRV-COND, and RTRV-EQPT regardless of

the state of the target module, as long as a TL1 connection is valid. The connection is valid if
the COM-200 is in-service.
NOTE: The command can be executed while a module is OOS if it is capable of initialization.
If not, an EUNR (Equipage, Not Recoverable) error code is returned.

State Change Matrix

In TL1 responses, multiple secondary states are separated by spaces.

NOTE: The default state for an empty slot is OOS-AUMA, UEQ.
Table 2-2:Module States

PST and PSTQ of the Entity Prior to Event Occurrence

Event/Command NR AU MA AUMA

with <pst> OOS ("Clear" messages error code error code
are sent for all
active alarms on
the equipment

RST-EQPT or ED-EQPT Deny with SAIS Deny with SUFA IS-NR Deny with SUFA
with <pst> IS error code (Status, Unit (Status, Unit
Failed) Failed)

When the following OOS-AU — OOS-AUMA (No —

alarmed conditions are alarm messages is
raised on a module: INT, sent while a
SFT, EQPT module is in a

Alarm clears — IS-NR — OOS-MA (No clear

messages is sent
when a module is
in a maintenance

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Amplifier Mode

PST and PSTQ of the Entity Prior to Event Occurrence

Event/Command NR AU MA AUMA
When the COM-200 OOS-AU, UEQ OOS-AU, Activate OOS-AUMA, OOS-AUMA,
detects that a module was (IMPROPRMVL) UEQ Activate UEQ Activate UEQ
physically removed.

Insert proper card — IS-NR, deactivate — IS-NR, Deactivate


Insert wrong card — OOS-AU,Deactivat — OOS-AUMA,

e UEQ Deactivate UEQ

When the software Activate SWDL Activate SWDL Activate SWDL Activate SWDL
download process starts

When software download Deactivate SWDL Deactivate SWDL Deactivate SWDL Deactivate SWDL
is finished

WaveReady TL1 Parameter Types

The following table summarizes TL1 parameter types that are defined for TL1
messages in the network element. TL1 message descriptions frequently refer to
these parameters

Amplifier Mode

Defines the modes in which the amplifier operates.

Values Description
BOOSTER In this mode, the amplifier provides a
constant output power for varying input

PREAMP In this mode, the amplifier generates a

constant gain.



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Values Description
CONSTANTGAIN Amplifier is operating in constant signal
gain mode

CONSTANTPOWER Amplifier is operating in constant power



Used to indicate the status of cards when the backup command is completed.

Values Description
Card_Type_Not_Supported Module is not backup supported.

FAILED Module backup failed.

OK Module backup succeeded.


Used to indicate the global status of a backup command when it has completed.

Values Description
FAILED One or more cards in the NE are not OK. A
backup file is created only if at least one
card is OK.

OK All cards in the NE are OK, a backup file

has been created.

TOO_MANY_BACKUP_FILES Can not create a backup file because too

many are stored on the NE. The user
should delete some.


Indicates the state of the backup and restore process.

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Values Description
BACKING_UP Backup in progress

IDLE Backup is idle

RESTORING Restore in progress


Values Description
BANK A Software Load Bank A

BANK B Software Load Bank B


The list of card types.

Values Description
COM-200 COM-200 card type

LP530 LP530 card type

WRA110 WRA-110 card type

WRA113 WRA-113 card type

WRA116 WRA-116 card type

WRA119 WRA-119 card type

WRA217 WRA-217 card type

WRA217L L-Band variant of the WRA-217

WRS217OSC OSC Variant of the WRA-217

WRA219 WRA-219 card type

WRA219OSC OSC Variant of the WRA-219

WRM782 WRM-782 card type

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Values Description
WRS051 WRS-ROADM unit type

WRT740 WRT-740 card type

WRT760 WRT-760 card type

WRT780 WRT-780 card type

WRT781 WRT-781 card type

WRT840 WRT-840 card type

WRT842 WRT-842 card type

WRT852 WRT-852 card type


Values Description
CL Cleared

SC Standing Condition

TC Transient Condition


Indicates the mode in which the Communications module is operating.

Values Description
EXTERNAL_CONTROL No Comment Defined.

NORMAL This is the normal running mode of the controller.

SHELF_ALARMING_ONLY This mode limits communications with traffic cards

to only providing fan-fail alarm distribution.


Direction. ‘NA’ is always used.

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Effec tO fDataPathDown

Values Description
NA Not applicable




This type describes whether or not the Inband supervisory management channel
will go autonomously out of service when the supporting port changes to OOS

Values Description
NONE The Inband supervisory management
channel will not change to OOS when the
supporting port changes to OOS.

TURNOFF The Inband supervisory management

channel will autonomously go out of
service when the supporting network
port changes to OOS.


Used for enabling/disabling some TL1 parameters

Values Description
DISABLED Disabled parameter value

ENABLED Enabled parameter value


The mode in which the FTP server operates.

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Values Description
ACTIVE No Comment Defined

PASSIVE No Comment Defined


Identifies the location associated with a particular command. In general, the

location is in reference to the entity identified by the command.

Values Description
FEND Far-end: The condition, alarm or event
occurred at the far end of the system.

NEND Near-end: The condition, alarm or event

occurred at the near end of the system.


Log Names available to user.

Values Description
EVTLOG The event log contains a history of alarms,
notifications, and state changes.

ALARMLOG The alarm log is a subset of the event log,

containing a history alarms raised and
cleared (standing conditions).

SECULOG The security log contains a history of

logins, logouts and other user security
related .

UPGRDLOG The upgrade log contains a history of

software upgrades for a node.

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Loopback type.

Values Description
FACILITY The facility loopback is meant to test the
optics, i.e. fiber and SFP.

TERMINAL The terminal loopback is meant to test the

internals of the card, e.g. FPGA.


Monitored Type

Values Description
AISS Count of number of seconds containing
one or more Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)

BER To be documented: bit error rate during

the reporting interval

BER_L Bit error rate during the reporting interval

-- line

BER_P Bit error rate during the reporting interval

– path

BER_S Bit error rate during the reporting interval

– section

CV-L Count of the number of line BIP-8 errors

(individual or block) that have been

CV-P Count of the number of path BIP-8 errors

(individual or block) that have been

CV-S Count of the number of section BIP-8

errors (individual or block) that have been

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Values Description
ETHERSTATSBROADCASTPKTS The number of multicast packets,
excluding broadcast packets,

ETHERSTATSBYTES Total Receive Byte counter. Incremented

by the byte count of packets received,
including bad packets, excluding framing
bits, but including FCS bytes.

ETHERSTATSBYTES ERRPKTS Receive Error Byte Counter. Incremented

for each received packet in which the
/Error/ symbol is seen.

ETHERSTATSFCS ERRPKTS FCS Error Packet Counter. Incremented for

each packet received such that (64 <= size
<= rxMaxSize) and contains a Frame
Check Sequence error.

ETHERSTATS FRAGMENTPKTS Total number of packets received that are

less than 64 bytes in length and have a
FCS error

ETHERSTATS FRAMINGERRPKTS Total number of packet received in which

any control symbol other that /Error/ is

ETHERSTATS JABBERSPKTS The total number of packets received that

are longer than maximum length, and
have an FCS error

ETHERSTATS MAXPKTSIZE The size of largetst packet received, in

bytes, during reporting interval

ETHERSTATS MINPKTSIZE The size of smallest packet received, in

bytes, during reporting interval

ETHERSTATS MULTICASTPKTS The number of multicast packets,

excluding broadcast packets

ETHERSTATS OVERSIZEPKTS The total number of packets received that

are oversize

ETHERSTATSPKTS Receive Total Packet Counter.

Incremented for each packet received of
size >= 64. This includes bad packets, all
Unicast, Broadcast, Multicast packets as
well as MAC Control packets.

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Values Description
ETHERSTATS TOTALERRPKTS Total Errored Packet Count. Count of
number of received errored packets
• FCS errored packet (FCSERRC counter)
• length Out-of-Range packet received
• undersized (<=63 bytes) packet
• oversized packet
• framing error received
• interpacket junk (symbols received
between packets that are not Idle)
• packet fragments (packets <= 63 with
valid FCS and well formed)
• jabber packets (packets >MaxSize with
valid FCS)

ETHERSTATS UNDERSIZEPKTS The total number of packets received that

are undersize


FEC-CB FEC Corrected Bit count. Represents the

total number of corrected bits.

FEC-UW FEC Uncorrected Word. Represents the

total number of uncorrecteable code

FRMC-S Counter increments for each section

frame pulse received.

LOFS Count of number of seconds containing

one or more Loss Of Frame (LOF) defects.

LOLS Count of number of seconds containing

one or more Loss of Lock (LOL) defects.

LOMS LOM seconds

LOSS Count of number of seconds containing

one or more Loss of Signal (LOS) defects.

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Values Description
UTILIZATION Indicates the bandwidth utilization
during the reporting interval as a
percentage (0 to 100).

FCSERRC FCS Error Packet Counter. Incremented for

each packet received such that (64 <= size
<= rxMaxSize) and contains a Frame
Check Sequence error.


Indicates the alarm level.

Values Description
CL Cleared

CR Critical

MJ Major

MN Minor

NA Not Alarmed

NR Not Reported


Specifies what action should be taken on the network side laser when an LOS is
detected on the client side.

Values Description
OFF Turn the network laser off when an LOS is
detected on the client side

SQUELCH Squelch the line data but maintain

supervisory communications when an
LOS is detected on the client side.

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Used for turning ON/OFF

Values Description



Values Description
FULLDUPLEX Full duplex

HALFDUPLEX Half duplex


Values Description
MBIT10 10 Mbit per second

MBIT100 100 Mbit per second


Indicates whether the information for the specified time period was accumulated
over the entire time period or some portion of the time period.

Values Description
ADJ Data has been manually adjusted or

COMPL Data has been accumulated over the

entire time period.

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Primar yState

Values Description
LONG Data accumulated over greater than the
indicated time period.

NA Data is not available

OFF Performance monitoring was turned off

by the SET-PMMODE command.

PRTL Data is accumulated over some portion of

the time period.


Indicates the primary state and qualifier information of the entity.

Values Description
IS In-service

IS-ANR In-service, abnormal

IS-ANRST In-service, abnormal and restricted

IS-NR In-service, normal

IS-RST In-service, restricted

OOS Out-of-service

OOS-AUMA Out-of-service, autonomous and


OOS-AU Out-of-service, autonomous

OOS-AURST Out-of-service, autonomous and


OOS-MA Out-of-service, management

OOS-MAANR Out-of-service, management and


Procedure Type

Indicates the procedure type.

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Values Description
AUTO-CHANNEL-TURNUP A procedure to bring into service,
wavelength channels which are currently
out of service and have an optical signal
on the provisioned from-port.

REFRESH-SHELF- INVENTORY A procedure to refresh the shelf inventory.

This is equivalent to pressing the
"Refresh" button on the Comm200
faceplate. This procedure not only
re-discovers cards in the shelf but
externally managed shelves.


Indicates the reason or type of a reset. .

Values Description
POWER_ON The system was reset due to a power-up

PUSH_BUTTON_COLD No Comment Defined

PUSH_BUTTON_WARM No Comment Defined

SYSTEM_INITIATED_ COLD A system initiated cold reset (could affect


SYSTEM_INITIATED_ RELOAD A system initiated reset affecting all

functions of the card.

SYSTEM_INITIATED_ WARM A system initiated warm reset (non-traffic


UNKNOWN The reason for the reset was not available.

USER_INITIATED_COLD A user initiated cold reset (could affect


USER_INITIATED_WARM A user initiated warm reset.

WATCHDOG This reset occurs the cards software is


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Restar tM odeType


Defines the level of restart.

Values Description
COLD Cold restart of the entity. This restart is
service affecting.

WARM Warm restart of the entity. This restart is

not service affecting, however,
communications will be affected.


Used for indicating the status of cards when the restore command has completed

Values Description
BACKED_UP_NETWORK_ No comment defined

CARD_NOT_PRESENT When restoring the entire shelf, it

indicates that a module was backed up
but is not present now. When restoring a
single module, it does not necessarily
mean that the module was backed up.

CARD_TYPE_MISMATCH Module type does not match the one in

the backup file.

DATA_VALIDATION_ FAILED Data was restored, but the validation


FAILED Module restore failed.

OK Module restore succeeded.

SOFTWARE_LOAD_ MISMATCH The module software version does not

match the one in the backup file.

WAS_NOT_BACKED_UP When restoring a single module, it

indicates that the module was not backed

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Used to indicate the global status of a restore command when it has completed.

Values Description
CONTROLLER_SOFTWARE_ The controller does not run the same
LOAD_MISMATCH software version as the one stored in the
backup file.

CORRUPTED_BACKUP_ FILE The checksum failed on the backup file.

FAILED One or more modules in the NE were not

restored successfully.

FTP_COMMUNICATION_ FAILURE FTP communication failure


OK All cards in the NE were restored


SYSTEM_ID_MISMATCH The system ID of the NE is not the same as

the one stored in the backup file.


Values Description
AUTO Automatic RxDT mode

MANUAL Manual RxDT mode


Second command code modifier used for COM and EQPT specific commands.

Values Description
COM COM modifier

EQPT EQPT modifier

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Second command code modifier used for OCH and OSC specific commands.

Values Description
OCH OCH modifier

OCHC Optical wavelength channel modifier

OSC OSC modifier


The secondary command modifier range for performance monitoring.

Values Description
ETHERNET Modifier for Ethernet

ALL Represents all the modifiers

OCN Modifier for SONET rates

OTN Modifier for G.709 OTN rates.


The secondary command (without ALL) modifier range for performance


Values Description
ETHERNET Modifier for Ethernet

OCN Modifier for SONET rates

OTN Modifier for G.709 OTN rates.

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Second command code modifier without the ALL modifier.

Values Description
COM COM modifier

EQPT EQPT modifier

OCH OCH modifier

OSC OSC modifier

Secondary State

This is a key parameter which should be customized specifically for the NEtype.
Primary state of the entity. Multiple values may be specified. See GR-1093 for
more information on primary and secondary states.

Values Description
ACT Active

AINS Automatic, in service.

BLKD Blocked.


CEMA Composite Entity OOS MA

COMB Load combined

DCHL D-Channel

DGN Diagnostic

DISCD Disconnected

DSBLD Disabled

EX Exercise

FAF Facility failure

FEPO Far end processor outage

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Secondar y St ate

Values Description
FLT Fault

FRCD Forced


IDLERCV Idle - receive side

IDLETRMT Idle - transmit side

INHIP Inhibit in progress

L1AC Layer 1 Activated

L1DEACT Layer 1 Deactivated

LKDO Locked Out

LPBK Loopback

MEA Mismatch of equipment & attributes

MON Monitor

MT Maintenance

MTCELIMD Maintenance limited

NBK No Backup

OVFL Overflow

PMI Performance monitoring inhibited

PPS Pre/Post-service

PRI Protection release inhibited

PRTCL Protocol

PSE Protection Switch Exercise

PSI Protection switch inhibited

PWR Power

RAR Rearrangement (controllable)

RDLD Redlined

SB Suspend Both

SDEA Supported Entity Absent

SDEE Supported entities exist

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Values Description
SGEO Supporting entity outage

SGES Supported Entity Swapped

SO Suspend Origination

ST Suspend Termination

STBYC Standby-cold

STBYH Standby-hot

STBYI Standby entity inhibited from providing


STBYS Standby Switched

SWDL Software download

SWTCH OOS due to switching system activities

SWTI Software transfer inhibited

SWTO Software transfer only

SWUL Software upload

TRD Load transferred

TRMB Terminated-Both

TRMF Terminated-From

TRMT Terminated-To

TS Test

TST Test Failure

UAS Unassigned

UEQ Unequipped

WRK Working


See Security Events on page 11-45

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Ser vice Effec t

Service Effect

This indicates the effect of the reported alarm on service.

Values Description
NSA Non-Service Affecting condition

SA Service Affecting condition

Switch Command

Values Description
FRCDTOP No Comment Defined

FRCDTOW No Comment Defined

LOCKOUT No Comment Defined

NONE No Comment Defined


Values Description
BLOCKED No Comment Defined

EXTERNALSHELF No Comment Defined

NORMAL No Comment Defined


Sets the auto switch mode behaviour

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Values Description
FIXED Fixed-threshold switching

RELATIVE Relative-threshold switching


The type of protection switching command currently in effect.

Values Description
FRCD The working interface has been forced to the protection interface, or
the protecting interface has been switched to the working interface.

LOCKOUT The working interface is inhibited from switching to the protecting


MAN No Comment Defined

NONE No switch command is in effect on the specified interface.


The value of the specified threshold.

Values Description
MAXCTMP Maximum case temperature. Integer value in degrees C.
Range = 20 to 70

MAXCRMPHYST Maximum case temperature hysteresis. Integer value in

degrees C. Range = 0 to 10.

MINCTMP Minimum case temperature. Integer value in degrees C.

Range = -10 to 10.

MINCRMPHYST Minimum case temperature hysteresis. Integer value in

degrees C. Range = -10 to 10.

FECUNWORD Maximum number of uncorrected code words allowed

before the FEC_UW alarm is raised. The default value is 16
uncorrected code words per second.

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Values Description
OTUKSD BER threshold to raise an OTUk Signal Degrade Alarm

OTUKSF BER threshold to raise an OTUk Signal Fail Alarm


The accumulated time period for Performance Monitoring parameters.

Values Description
1-DAY One day

15-MIN 15 minutes



The trace level to be managed.

Values Description


The trace mode.

Values Description



Indicates the different operating modes of the transponder.

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Values Description
2RREGENERATOR In 2R regenerator mode the transponder performs 2R on
uni-directionally traffic from the receive to the transmit side
of the network port. 2R regeneration stands for reshaping
and retransmission of the signal, and 3R adds retiming of the

DUAL_REGENERATOR Traffic mode for the WRT-852 which uses hard-set,

unchangeable loopbacks. This mode also allows single
regenerator operation, by setting the unused port to out of
service so that the alarms show the actual equipment usage.

MUXPONDER_OTN_ ETHERNET This traffic mode multiplexes/demultiplexes and regenerates

Ethernet traffic bidirectionally between Gigabit Ethernet
client ports and a single high-speed network port

REGENERATOR In this mode, the transponder transfers uni-directional traffic

from the receive side to the transmit side of the network port
(i.e., the network port is looped back). When operating in this
mode, the client port is held in a maintenance state
(OOS-MA), and defects related to the client port are
suppressed. Attempts to query configuration, monitoring or
alarming information on the client port will not be rejected,
however they will not return meaningful data (e.g., zero/null
or empty strings).

REGENERATOR_AIS In this mode, all ports are looped back, and traffic is
translated from the Rx to the Tx port on each port
independently. AIS is enabled on the network ports.
Automatic rate locking is supported on each regenerator
port independently of all others. However, note that in this
mode, manual locking rate is still set for port pairs (client and
network), NOT for each port individually.

REGENERATOR_OTN_ ETHERNET This traffic mode is similar to REGENERATOR mode except

that framing is done on the OTN signal and the contained
Ethernet signal is also framed before being looped out the
transmit port. In this mode, FEC is performed on the receive
signal and reapplied on the transmit side.

REGENERATOR_OTN_ SONET_SDH This traffic mode is similar to REGENERATOR mode except

that framing is done on the OTN signal and the contained
Sonet/SDH signal is also framed before being looped out the
transmit port. In this mode, FEC is performed on the receive
signal and reapplied on the transmit side

TRANSPONDER In transponder mode the module performs 3R regeneration

on bi-directional traffic between the client and network

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Values Description
TRANSPONDER_AIS In this mode, client traffic is translated between the client
and network interface pairs bi-directionally. AIS (Alarm
Indication Signal) is enabled on the network port.

TRANSPONDER_AIS_NETWORK_CLIENT In this mode, client traffic is translated between the client

and network interface pairsbi-directionally. AIS is enabled on
both the network and client ports.

TRANSPONDER_OTN_ ETHERNET This traffic mode performs bi-directional framing of the

signal with Ethernet on the client port and G.709 on the
network port. FEC is enabled on the network signal in this

TRANSPONDER_OTN_ SONET_SDH This traffic mode performs bi-directional framing of the

signal with OC192/STM-16 on the client port and G.709 on
the network port. FEC is enabled on the network signal in this


Indicates the status of the upgrade procedures on the card.

Values Description
BUSY Indicated the upgrade procedure is busy.

OK Indicates that the upgrade procedure is

not in process.


For more information about User Access Privileges, see User Access Privilege on
page 2-4.


Transfer type

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Values Description
BANKCOPY No Comment Defined

SWDL Used for software that is transferred

directly to the NRP module APP or BOOT
target locations.


Yes and No used to enable or disable some TL1 parameters

Values Description
N No

Y Yes


Yes and No word used for enabling or disabling some TL1 parameters.

Values Description


Summary of WaveReady TL1 Commands

The following table summarizes each TL1 command applicable to the WaveReady
system. A detailed explanation of each command and its syntax is provided in the
following chapters. The table also lists the UAP for each command where

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Table 2-3:TL1 Commands Summary

TL1 Command and Reference UAP Description of Command

Security and Administration Commands (For more details on these commands, see Security and
Administration Commands on page 3-1.)

ALW-USER-SECU on page 3-1 S5 Re-enable a user account previously

disabled with an INH-USER-SECU command.

CANC on page 3-2 N/A The COM-200 sends this message to the user
when the session times out as a result of

DLT-USER-SECU on page 3-3 S4 Delete the security parameters associated

with a user. Closes the user account.

ED-PID on page 3-4 S1 Executed by any user to edit his/her own

password, or any other confidential

ED-USER-SECU on page 3-5 S4 Edit the security parameters (UAPs) assigned

to a user.

ENT-USER-SECU on page 3-7 S4 Assign security parameters (UAPs) to a user.

INH-USER-SECU on page 3-8 S5 Disable a user’s account—the user cannot

log-in to the NE. Command does not delete
the user or change security parameters.

REPT ALM SECU on page 3-9 S5 This message is generated by the COM-200
module to an administrator, indicating the
occurrence of an alarmed event related to
NE security.

RTRV-ALM-SECU on page 3-11 S4 Used by an administrator to retrieve

information about security-related events
that generate alarms; the notification code
associated with each alarmed security event;
and the type of notification

RTRV-USER-SECU on page 3-13 S4 Return the security parameters associated

with a user, except password, which cannot
be retrieved.

RTRV-HLP-AID on page 3-14 S1 Retrieve information listing the AID pattern

supported for the given command (VMM).

RTRV-HLP-CMD on page 3-16 S1 Retrieve information listing the command


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TL1 St andard s and Co nventions Summar y of WaveReady TL1 Commands

TL1 Command and Reference UAP Description of Command

RTRV-HLP-ENUM on page 3-17 S1 Retrieve information listing the enumerators
or parameter types used within the

System Commands. See System Commands on page 4-1

ACT-USER on page 4-1 N/A Log-in and initiate a TL1 session with an

CANC-USER on page 4-3 S1 Terminates a session (log-out) with the

specified NE/NS.

CANC-USER-SECU on page 4-4 S5 Terminate the session of the specified user

with an NE/NS.

ED-DAT on page 4-5 P3 Change the date on the COMM200 module.

Results in a change to all the modules
managed by the target COMM200 module.

ED-NTP on page 4-6 P3 Enables the COMM200 NTP service which

updates the system time from the
configured NTP server.

INIT-SYS on page 4-7 P4 Initiate a warm or cold restart of the

specified module. A warm restart is not
traffic affecting. A cold restart is traffic

RTRV-CONTROLLER-MODE on page 4-8 P1 Retrieve CONTROLLER Mod e. Retrieves

information about the operating mode of
the controller.

RTRV-HDR on page 4-10 M1 Instructs the target module to return a

normal response indicating COMPLD. This
command is used as a monitoring tool by
the network management system.

RTRV-NETYPE on page 4-11 M1 Retrieve hardware and software part and

revision numbers from the target COMM200

RTRV-NTP on page 4-13 P1 Retrieves configuration data associated with

the COMM200 NTP service.

RTRV-STATS-SESSION on page 4-15 S4 Retrieves information on the session usage.

RTRV-STATUS on page 4-17 M1 Return the UIDs of all users currently

logged-in to the target NE, and all the UIDs
that are temporarily disabled.

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TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions S umma r y of WaveRea dy TL1 Commands

TL1 Command and Reference UAP Description of Command

SET-CONTROLLER-MODE on page 4-19 P4 Set CONTROLLER Mode. Instructs the
COM-200 module to change controller
modes which affects OAM management
capabilities to the traffic cards, specifically to
allow fan fail alarms to be reported by a
remote COM-200 module.

SET-SID on page 4-20 M4 Setting the system ID (SID) changes the TID
of the target module.

Equipment and Discovery Commands. See Equipment Commands on page 5-1

ED-EQPT on page 5-1 P4 Edit module-specific equipment


OPR-PROC-EQPT on page 5-7 Activate a procedure on an equipment


RMV-EQPT on page 5-8 P4 Change the state of the target NE to

out-of-service (OOS).This command
automatically masks all autonomous
messages. The LightAmp and BrightAmp
modules do not support the use of the
RMV-EQPT command.

RST-EQPT on page 5-9 P4 Restore the target module to an in-service

(IS) state. Autonomous messages are
resumed as configured. The LightAmp and
BrightAmp modules do not support the use
of the RST-EQPT command.

RTRV-EQPT on page 5-10 P1 Instructs the target module to return

module-specific equipment information.

RTRV-PROC-EQPT on page 5-22 P1 Retrieves the status of a procedure.

RTRV-INV on page 5-23 P1 Returns an inventory of all modules installed

in the selected NE.

RTRV-LNKS on page 5-26 P1 Use this command to report the local TL1
routing information stored in the selected

RTRV-TIDS on page 5-27 P1 Returns TL1 routing information stored in

the selected COMM200 module.

Facilities Commands. See Facilities Commands on page 6-1

ALW-OSC on page 6-2 P4 Enables the embedded management

channel on the specified port.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 2-5 9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
TL1 St andard s and Co nventions Summar y of WaveReady TL1 Commands

TL1 Command and Reference UAP Description of Command

ED-OCH on page 6-3 P4 Sets port-specific equipment information.

ED-SVC on page 6-6 P4 Sets embedded management channel

specific equipment information.

ED-OCHC on page 6-8 P4 Edit OCHC. Edits the optical wavelength


ED-TRC-OCH on page 6-HIDDEN P4 Edit Trace (OCH). Edits trace-related optical

channel facilities

ED-XPDR on page 6-9 P4 Edit transponder.

ED-MXP on page 6-11 P4 Edit muxponder

INH-OSC on page 6-13 P4 Disables the embedded management

channel on the specified port.

INIT-XPDR on page 6-14 P4 Causes a warm or cold restart of the

specified transponder. A warm restart is not
traffic affecting. A cold restart is traffic
affecting only for the specified transponder.
Applies to the WRT-780 only.

OPR-LPBK-OCH on page 6-15 P4 Instructs the specified <aid> to enter

loopback mode at either the near end or the
far end of the link. A port that is
"looped-back" will report this condition in
response to a RTRV-COND-EQPT command.
This command will only be accepted by a
port that has previously been brought
"out-of-service" by a RMV command. If the
port is still in service, a "Command Invalid"
response will be returned.

RLS-LPBK-OCH on page 6-16 P4 Instructs the specified <aid> to exit

loopback mode.

RMV-OCH on page 6-17 P4 Removes the specified port from service.

Automatically inhibits autonomous
messages associated with the port <aid>.
Ports can be looped-back once removed
from service.

RMV-OCHC on page 6-18 P4 Removes the specified optical wavelength

channel from service.

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TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions S umma r y of WaveRea dy TL1 Commands

TL1 Command and Reference UAP Description of Command

RST-OCH on page 6-18 P4 Restores the specified port <aid> to service.
Autonomous messages associated with the
port <aid> automatically resume as
previously configured. Ports will not accept
this command while in loopback mode. If
the port is still in loopback, a "Command
Invalid" response may be returned.

RST-OCHC on page 6-19 P4 Restores the specified optical wavelength

channel to service.

RTRV-ALM-OCH on page 6-20 M1 Retrieve optical channel (port) related


RTRV-ALM-OSC on page 6-22 M1 Retrieve optical supervisory channel related


RTRV-ATTR-OCH on page 6-24 P4 Retrieve alarm attributes for optical channel

(port) related alarms.

RTRV-ATTR-OSC on page 6-26 P4 Retrieve alarm attributes for optical channel

related alarms.

RTRV-COND-OCH on page 6-28 M1 Retrieve conditions for optical channels


RTRV-COND-OSC on page 6-30 M1 Retrieve conditions for optical supervisory


RTRV-OCH on page 6-32 P1 Displays port-specified information.

RTRV-SVC on page 6-40 P1 Displays information related to the specified

supervisory channel.

RTRV-TRC-OCH on page 6-HIDDEN P1 Retrieve Trace Optical Channel. Retrieves the

sent trace string, expected trace string,
received trace string, trace mode, and the
trace level.

RTRV-XPDR on page 6-42 P1 Retrieve transponder operating information.

RTRV-MXP on page 6-44 P1 Retrieve muxponder operating information.

RTRV-OCHC on page 6-46 Retrieve optical wavelength channel

operating information.

SET-ATTR-OCH on page 6-48 P4 Set alarm attributes for optical channel

(port) related alarms.

SET-ATTR-OCHC on page 6-49 P4 Set alarm attributes for optical supervisory

channel related alarms.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 2-6 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
TL1 St andard s and Co nventions Summar y of WaveReady TL1 Commands

TL1 Command and Reference UAP Description of Command

SET-TRAFFICMODE on page 6-51 P4 Set Traffic Mode. Sets the traffic mode of the
specified module.

Backup, Upgrade, File and Log Commands. See Backup and Restore Commands on page 7-1

COPY-BACKUP on page 7-1 P4 Copy a backup file from the NE

INIT-BACKUP on page 7-3 P4 Delete the backup file stored on the NE

OPR-BACKUP on page 7-3 P4 Trigger a backup

RST-BACKUP on page 7-5 P4 Restore from a backup file

RTRV-BACKUP on page 7-7 P1 Retrieve the available backup file on the NE

RTRV-BACKUP-STAT on page 7-8 P1 Retrieve the backup or restore status

ED-SWBASELINE on page 7-12 S4 Edit the software load baseline of the


RTRV-SWBASELINE on page 7-14 S1 Retrieve the software load baseline of the


RTRV-UPGRD-STAT on page 7-10 S1 Retrieves the software load tags for the
active (currently running) and inactive (boot)
banks for a module or the node.The
LightAmp and BrightAmp modules do not
support the use of the command.

COPY-RFILE on page 7-15 S4 Download application code, boot code and

configuration information files to the target
module. Does not apply to LightAmp or
BrightAmp modules.

INIT-LOG on page 7-17 M4 Clear the specified log.

RTRV-LOG on page 7-18 S4 Instructs the target module to return the

entries in the specified security log.

Performance Commands. See Performance Commands on page 8-1

INIT-REG on page 8-1 PM4 Initialize Register. Initializes monitor counts

for the target of the specified secondary




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TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions S umma r y of WaveRea dy TL1 Commands

TL1 Command and Reference UAP Description of Command

RTRV-PM on page 8-2 PM1 Retrieve Performance. Retrieve performance
monitoring data for the target of the
specified secondary command.





RTRV-PMMODE on page 8-5 PM1 Retrieve Performance Mode. Retrieve

performance mode information for the
target of the specified secondary command.





SET-PMMODE on page 8-7 PM4 Set Performance Mode. Set the performance
mode for the target of the specified
secondary command.




Protection Commands. See Protection Commands on page 9-1

DLT-FFP-OCH on page 9-1 P4 Deletes an existing facility protection group.

ED-FFP-OCH on page 9-2 P4 Edits parameters associated with an existing

facility protection group.

ENT-FFP-OCH on page 9-3 P4 Creates a new facility protection group.

OPR-PROTNSW-OCH on page 9-5 P4 Instructs the specified protection switch to

perform a manual switch, forced switch, or
lockout function.

RLS-PROTNSW-OCH on page 9-6 P4 Clears a previous OPR-PROTNSW command

and returns the unit to the previous mode of

RTRV-FFP-OCH on page 9-7 P1 Displays parameters associated with an

existing facility protection group.

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Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
TL1 St andard s and Co nventions Summar y of WaveReady TL1 Commands

TL1 Command and Reference UAP Description of Command

RTRV-PROTNSW-OCH on page 9-9 P1 Displays the current protection switch
function (Forced, Lockout, or none)

Alarm and Event commands See Alarm and Event Commands on page 10-1

ALW-MSG-ALL on page 10-2 M4 Instruct the target module to allow the

previously inhibited autonomous messages.
Applies to all sessions on the network

INH-MSG-ALL on page 10-3 M4 Instructs the target module to stop sending

the specified autonomous messages for all
the <aid>s listed. Applies to all sessions on
the network element.

OPR-ACO-ALL on page 10-4 N/A Instructs the target module to turn off the
audible alarm. This command has no effect
on future alarms; it only effects the active
alarms. Disabling the audible alarm does not
clear the alarm. There is no "release" ACO

REPT ALM <SCCMNOALL> on page 10-5 N/A Modules generate this message to report
the occurrence of an alarmed event
(notification code CR, MJ or MN) when the
message is not inhibited. When the
condition ceases to exist, the module
generates a corresponding automatic "clear"
(CL) message.

N/A REPT-ALM-COM Report Alarm (COM)


N/A REPT-ALM-OCH Report Alarm (OCH)

N/A REPT-ALM-OSC Report Alarm (OSC)

REPT EVT <SCCMNOALL> on page 10-6 N/A Report Event. The module generates this
autonomous message to report
non-alarmed events.

N/A REPT-EVT-COM Report Event (COM)


N/A REPT-EVT-OCH Report Event (OCH)

N/A REPT-EVT-OSC Report Event (OSC)

REPT EVT SESSION on page 10-8 S1 The COM-200 generates this autonomous
message when a TL1 session is initiated.

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TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions S umma r y of WaveRea dy TL1 Commands

TL1 Command and Reference UAP Description of Command

RTRV-ALM-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page 10-9 M1 Retrieve Alarm. Returns a list of alarms
associated with the target specified by the
secondary command.

M1 RTRV-ALM-COM Retrieve Alarm (COM)

M1 RTRV-ALM-EQPT Retrieve Alarm (EQPT)

RTRV-ALM-ALL on page 10-13 M1 This command instructs the target module

to return a list of the current alarm
conditions associated with the specified
equipment unit(s) or port(s).

RTRV-ALM-OCHC on page 10-16 M1 Retrieve Alarm. Returns a list of alarms

associated with the target specified by the
secondary command.

M1 RTRV-ALM-OCH Retrieve Alarm (OCH)

M1 RTRV-ALM-OSC Retrieve Alarm (OSC)

RTRV-ATTR-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page 10-18 P4 Retrieve alarm attributes. Returns a list of

alarm attributes associated with the target
specified by the secondary command.

P4 RTRV-ATTR-COM Retrieve Alarm Attributes


P4 RTRV-ATTR-EQPT Retrieve Alarm Attributes


RTRV-ATTR-ALL on page 10-21 P4 Instructs the target module to return the

notification code associated with the
specified events.

RTRV-ATTR-OCHC on page 10-23 P4 Retrieve alarm attributes. Returns a list of

alarm attributes associated with the target
specified by the secondary command.

P4 RTRV-ATTR-OCH Retrieve Alarm Attributes


P4 RTRV-ATTR-OSC Retrieve Alarm Attributes


RTRV-ATTR-SECULOG on page 10-25 S4 Used by an administrator to retrieve the list

of events which, upon their occurrence, are
to be recorded in the security event log.

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Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
TL1 St andard s and Co nventions Summar y of WaveReady TL1 Commands

TL1 Command and Reference UAP Description of Command

RTRV-COND-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page 10-27 M1 Retrieve conditions. Returns a list of
conditions associated with the target
specified by the secondary command.

M1 RTRV-COND-COM Retrieve Condition (COM)

M1 RTRV-COND-EQPT Retrieve Condition (EQPT)

RTRV-COND-ALL on page 10-30 M1 Instructs the target module to return the

current standing conditions of the specified
modules or ports.

RTRV-COND-OCHC on page 10-33 M1 Retrieve conditions. Returns a list of

conditions associated with the target

RTRV-DESC-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page 10-35 P1 Retrieve Description. Retrieve descriptions

for condition-types associated with the
target specified by the secondary command.



RTRV-MSG-ALL on page 10-39 M1 Returns the currently inhibited standing


RTRV-TH-<SCCM_EQPTOCH> on page 10-40 P1 RTRV-TH-EQPT. Retrieve threshold settings

for the equipment target of the command.

P1 RTRV-TH-OCH. Retrieve threshold settings

for the optical channel target of the

SET-ATTR-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page 10-44 P4 Set Alarm Attributes. Instructs NE to set the

notification code associated with the
specified condition type for the target
specified by the secondary command.

P4 SET-ATTR-COM Set Alarm Attributes (COM)

P4 SET-ATTR-EQPT Set Alarm Attributes (EQPT)

SET-ATTR-OCHC on page 10-46 P4 Set Alarm Attributes. Instructs NE to set the

notification code associated with the
specified condition type for the target
specified by the secondary command.

P4 SET-ATTR-OCH Set Alarm Attributes (OCH)

P4 SET-ATTR-OSC Set Alarm Attributes (OSC)

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TL1 St anda rd s and Co nventions S umma r y of WaveRea dy TL1 Commands

TL1 Command and Reference UAP Description of Command

SET-ATTR-SECULOG on page 10-47 S5 Used by an administrator to set the list of
events which, upon their occurrence, are to
be recorded in the security event log. Also
used to set the security warning message
displayed to the user during log-in.

SET-DESC-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page 10-48 P4 Set Description. Set the description for the
given condition types for the target
specified by the secondary command.



SET-TH-EQPT on page 10-50 P4 Set Threshold Equipment. Set general

threshold values for the specified

SET-TH-OCH on page 10-52 P4 Set threshold levels of one or more

monitored parameters for which violation
will trigger an automatic message for the
target of the command.

TL1 Autonomous Messages. See TL1 Autonomous Messages on page 11-1

CANC on page 11-1 N/A The COM-200 generates this autonomous

message when a user session times out

REPT ALM <SCCMNOALL> on page 11-2 N/A The module generates these autonomous
messages to report the occurrence and
clearing of alarmed events.

REPT EVT <SCCMNOALL> on page 11-2 N/A The module generates this autonomous
message to report non-alarmed events.

REPT EVT SESSION on page 11-3 N/A The COM-200 generates this autonomous
message when a TL1 session is initiated.

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TL1 St andard s and Co nventions Summar y of WaveReady TL1 Commands

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Security and Administration Commands
This chapter provides detailed syntax descriptions for TL1 commands related to
security and administration.The commands in this chapter identify each command
and explain the purpose, syntax, variables, and system responses.
Administrator-level access is required to execute any command with an SECU
This chapter contains the following commands:
• ALW-USER-SECU on page 3-1
• CANC on page 3-2
• DLT-USER-SECU on page 3-3
• ED-PID on page 3-4
• ED-USER-SECU on page 3-5
• ENT-USER-SECU on page 3-7
• INH-USER-SECU on page 3-8
• REPT ALM SECU on page 3-9
• RTRV-ALM-SECU on page 3-11
• RTRV-USER-SECU on page 3-13
• RTRV-HLP-AID on page 3-14
• RTRV-HLP-CMD on page 3-16
• RTRV-HLP-ENUM on page 3-17



This command requires a Security and Administration Level 5 User Access Privilege.

Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: 3-1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
S ecur it y and Administration Commands CANC
D escr iption

Input Format

Use this command to enable a user account previously disabled by the

INH-USER-SECU command, or by a password or user ID expiry.

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Must be ‘1-C’. Only the Communications module supports disabling and reinstating
of uids on an ‘all or nothing’ basis. Uids cannot be disabled on a per-module basis.
aid is the AID COMM on page 2-29.

Correlation tag

The id of the user whose login session is to be re-instated.
uid is a string.

Input Example


This automonous message does not require a User Access Privilege Level.


The COM-200 sends this message to the user when the session times out as a result
of inactivity. Time-out is specified by the SESSIONTMOUT parameter.

Output Format


A ATAG CANC "<uid>"

Pa ge: 3 -2 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

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S ecur it y and Administration Commands DLT-USER-SECU
Ou t put Pa rameters

Output Parameters

UID uid is a string.

Output Example

TID-000 98-06-20 14:30:00

A 001 CANC

This command requires a Security and Administration Level 5 User Access


Used by an administrator to delete the security parameters associated with the

specified user. Used to close a user account on an NE.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed. See System Identifier Format <SID> or Target Iden-
tifier Format <TID> on page 2-15

The id of the user whose account is to be closed.
uid is a string

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 3 -3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
S ecur it y and Administration Commands ED -PID
I np u t E xa mp l e

Correlation tag

Input Example


This command requires a Security and Administration Level 1 User Access


Allow a user to change their own password. Other user identification and access
changes may only be made by privileged/super-users.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

The user’s own identifier.
uid is a string.

Correlation tag

The existing password.
oldpid is a string.

Pa ge: 3 -4 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

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S ecur it y and Administration Commands ED-USER-SECU
I np u t E xa mp l e

Password identifiers are between 6 and 10 characters in length, and are composed of
a combination of Roman (also known as Latin or English) alphanumeric (letters A
through Z; numbers 0 through 9) and special characters.

The following special characters are supported for the password:

• period (.)
• number sign (#)
• percentage sign (%)
• plus sign (+)
• underscore (_)
• hyphen (-)
The password must start with an Roman alphanumeric character, and contain at
least one Roman alphabetic character, one Roman numeric, and one special char-
acter. The following characters are not supported for the password:

• semicolon (;)
• colon (:)
• ampersand (&)
• comma (,)
• question mark (?)
• all control characters
newpid is a string.

Input Example


This command requires a Security and Administration Level 5 User Access


Used by an administrator to change the user access privileges (UAPs) associated

with the specified user. The user’s password can be changed using this command.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 3 -5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
S ecur it y and Administration Commands ED-USER-SECU
I npu t For mat

Input Format

]:[PAGE=<page>], [PCNN=<pcnn>];

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

The current uid of the user whose security parameters are to be changed.
uid is a string.

Correlation tag

The new uid to replace the old uid. UIDs must be 6 to 10 characters in length.
newuid is a string.

The new password to replace the old one. PIDs must be 6 to 10 characters in length
and contain at least one Roman alphabetic, one Roman numeric, and one special
newpid is a string.

The new access privileges of the user.
uap is a string and is listable.

Password aging interval in days. Any integer between 1 and 999, inclusive. A value
of 999 means that the password will never expire.
page is a integer.

The number of times (log-ins) that an existing password can continue to be used
before a new password becomes mandatory. Any integer between 1 and 999, inclu-
pcnn is a integer.

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S ecur it y and Administration Commands ENT-USER-SECU
I np u t E xa mp l e

Input Example


This command requires a Security and Administration Level 5 User Access


Use this administrator-level command to create a new user account and assign the
user access privileges (UAPs).

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

The uid to be assigned to the new user. uid is a string.

Correlation tag

The new password to replace the old one.

Password identifiers are between 6 and 10 characters in length, and are composed of
a combination of Roman alphanumeric (letters A through Z; numbers 0 through 9)
and special characters.

The following special characters are supported for the password:

• period (.)

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 3 -7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
S ecur it y and Administration Commands INH-USER-SECU
I np u t E xa mp l e

• number sign (#)

• percentage sign (%)
• plus sign (+)
• underscore (_)
• hyphen (-)
The password must start with an alphanumeric character, and contain at least one
alphabetic character, one numeric, and one special character. The following charac-
ters are not supported for the password:

• semicolon (;)
• colon (:)
• ampersand (&)
• comma (,)
• question mark (?)
• all control characters
newpid is a string.

The new access privileges of the user. Refer to GR-835-CORE Appendix B.2.1 uap
is a string and is listable.

Password aging interval in days. Any integer between 1 and 999, inclusive. The
factory default is 60 days. page is a integer.

The number of times (log-ins) that an existing password can continue to be used
before a new password becomes mandatory. Any integer between 1 and 999, inclu-
sive. pcnn is a integer.

Input Example


This command requires a Security and Administration Level 5 User Access

Pa ge: 3 -8 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

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S ecur it y and Administration Commands R EPT ALM SECU
D escr iption


Use this administrator-level command to temporarily disable a user’s account on

the target network element (NE).

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Must be ‘1-C’. Only Communications module supports disabling and reinstating of
uids on an ‘all or nothing’ basis. Uids cannot be disabled on a per-module basis.
aid is the AID COMM on page 2-29.

Correlation tag

The id of the user whose login session is to be disabled.
uid is a string.

Input Example



This command requires a Security and Administration Level 5 User Access

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 3 -9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
S ecur it y and Administration Commands REPT ALM SECU
D escr iption


This message is generated by the COM-200 module to an administrator,

indicating the occurrence of an alarmed event related to NE security. Three events
are possible:
• Security log overflow is imminent.
• An intrusion attempt is suspected (not used by JDSU).
• A user-id needs to be disabled due to lack of use.

Output Format



Output Parameters

If = T-UIDAGE, then this is the user id that is to be disabled.
name of the security log.
aid is a string.

The notification code associated with the event.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CL, CR, MJ, MN]

Depending on the type of alarm, can have any of the following values:

• LOGBUFR90-SECULOG = security log is 90 percent full

• LOGBUFROVFL – SECULOG = security log is full
• INTRUSION = intrusion attempt is suspected (not used by JDSU
• T-UIDAGE = it is time to disable the uid described in the message
secualmtype is of type SecurityEvents on page 2-50

Pa ge: 3-10 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
S ecur it y and Administration Commands R TR V-ALM-SECU
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Output Example

TID-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Security and Administration Level 4 User Access


Used by an administrator to retrieve the following information:

• a list of the security-related events that generate alarms;
• the notification code associated with each alarmed security event; and,
• the type of notification (i.e., beep and/or message).

Input Format


Input Parameters

Must be ‘1-C’. Only the Communications module generates security-related alarms.
aid is the AID COMM on page 2-29.

Input Example


Output Format


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 3-1 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
S ecur it y and Administration Commands RTR V-ALM-SECU
Ou t put Pa rameters


Output Parameters

aid is a string.

Name by which the alarm is recognized. name is a string.

Optional description of the alarm. Maximum 64 characters, enclosed within escaped
quotes. desc is a string.

desc is optional.

Notification code associated with the alarm. code is of type NotificationCode on
page 2-41. code is optional. [CR, MJ, MN]

The only allowable type of notification is "message". type is a string. type is optional.

Text of the alarm message. Maximum 64 characters, enclosed within escaped quotes.

msg is a string.

msg is optional.

Output Example

TID-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


Pa ge: 3-12 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
S ecur it y and Administration Commands R TR V-USER-SECU
D escr iption

This command requires a Security and Administration Level 4 User Access


Use this administrator-level command to retrieve the user access privileges

(UAPs) assigned to the specified user account. The user’s password cannot be
retrieved with this command.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

The id of the user whose security parameters are being retrieved. A null value or ‘All’
for <uid> may be used to indicate all existing users on the NE.

uid is a string and is listable.

Correlation tag.

Input Example


Output Format



TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 3-1 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
S ecur it y and Administration Commands RTR V-HLP-AID
Ou t put Pa rameters

Output Parameters

The user id.

uid is a string.


The user access privileges corresponding to the user specified by the <uid>. uap is
a string.

Password aging interval in days.
page is a integer.

The number of days that an existing password can continue to be used before a new
password becomes mandatory.
pcnn is a integer.

Output Example

TID-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Security and Administration Level 1 User Access


This is a Help Command. Retrieve information listing the AID pattern supported
for the given command (VMM).

Pa ge: 3-14 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
S ecur it y and Administration Commands R TR V-HLP-AID
I npu t For mat

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

ctag Correlation tag

Command (or Verb-Modifier-Modifier) for which the supported AID patterns are
returned. If not specified, all commands and AID patterns are returned.
vmm is a string.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

The command or verb-modifier-modifier.

vmm is a string.

AID pattern associated with the command. aidpattern is a string.
aidpattern is optional.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 3-1 5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
S ecur it y and Administration Commands RTRV-HLP- CMD
O u tpu t E xa mp le

level is a string.

Output Example

Node198 10-02-03 18:50:01

Node198 10-02-03 18:50:01
Node198 10-02-03 18:50:01
Node198 10-02-03 18:50:01

This command requires a Security and Administration Level 1 User Access


This is a Help command. Retrieve information listing the command syntax.

Input Format


Pa ge: 3-16 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
S ecur it y and Administration Commands R TR V-HLP-ENUM
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

ctag Correlation tag

Command or verb-modifier-modifier. If the command is not specified, all
commands are returned.
vmm is a string.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

The command syntax for the specified command.
cmdpattern is a string.

This command requires a Security and Administration Level 1 User Access

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 3-1 7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
S ecur it y and Administration Commands RTR V-HLP-ENUM
D escr iption


This is a Help commands. Retrieve information listing the enumerators or

parameter types used within the commands.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

ctag Correlation tag

Enumerator name or parameter type. If an enumerator name is specified, a list of the
valid values is returned. If the enumerator is not specified, a list of all enumerator
names is returned.
enum is a string.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Enumerator name or value.

Pa ge: 3-18 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
S ecur it y and Administration Commands R TR V-HLP-ENUM
O u tpu t E xa mp le

enumNameOrValue is a string.

Output Example

Node198 10-02-03 18:50:01M 16 COMPLD


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 3-1 9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
S ecur it y and Administration Commands RTR V-HLP-ENUM
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Pa ge: 3-20 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
System Commands
This chapter contains an alphabetical summary of TL1 commands related to
retrieving and clearing the logs, downloading software, and rebooting the system.
The command descriptions in this chapter identify each command, purpose, syntax,
variables, and responses.
This chapter contains the following topics:
• ACT-USER on page 4-1
• CANC-USER on page 4-3
• CANC-USER-SECU on page 4-4
• ED-DAT on page 4-5
• ED-NTP on page 4-6
• INIT-SYS on page 4-7
• RTRV-HDR on page 4-10
• RTRV-NETYPE on page 4-11
• RTRV-NTP on page 4-13
• RTRV-STATS-SESSION on page 4-15
• RTRV-STATUS on page 4-17
• SET-CONTROLLER-MODE on page 4-19
• SET-SID on page 4-20

Use the ACT-USER command to request a login session with the target COMM200.
A valid user identifier (UID) and password identifier (PID) is required to use this


For security reasons, TL1 displays an asterisk (*) for each password character typed.

Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: 4-1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
System Comman ds AC T-USER
I npu t For mat

To end a session with the module, use the CANC-USER command.

NOTE: If, after a lost and re-established connection, the ACT-USER command is denied,
execute the command a second time. If the command is denied a second time, contact the
NOTE: A TL1 session can be established, closed and re-established without terminating the
TCP connection. Before issuing an ACT-USER command, a TCP connection can be termi-
nated by issuing an exit command. This reclaims the TCP resources associated with the
connection. If a TL1 session times out, the TCP session enters a 5 minute period where no
login is possible. It also issues a keep alive message to ensure that the connected device is still
present. If no response is received after 2 hours the connection terminates.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

The identifier of the user requesting the login.
userid is a string.

Correlation tag

The user’s password.
pid is a string.

Input Example


Output Format



Pa ge: 4 -2 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
System Comman ds CANC-USER
Ou t put Pa rameters


Output Parameters

The identifier of the user logging in.
uid is a string.

Refers to the date and time of the user’s last successful login. The format is
yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss.
date_time is a string.

The number of unsuccessful login attempts recorded since the last successful login.
num_login_attempts is a integer.

Output Example

Node198 10-02-03 17:37:06

"SUPERUSER:2010-02-03 13:25:00,0"

This command requires a Security and Administration Level 1 User Access


Use this command to terminate an active TL1 user session with the target module.
The UID of the active session is required in order to log-out.
A session can only be terminated from the account that initiated the session.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 4 -3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
System Comman ds CANC-USER-SECU
I npu t For mat

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

The user's identifier for the session to be cancelled.
uid is a string.

Correlation tag.

Input Example


This command requires a Security and Administration Level 5 User Access


Use this administrator-level command to terminate another user’s login session.

Input Format


Pa ge: 4 -4 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
System Comman ds ED -DAT
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

The id of the user whose login session is to be terminated.
uid is a string.

Correlation tag

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 3 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to change the date and time stored in the COM-200. Other
modules automatically update their date and time from the associated COM-200.
Events in logs are time stamped with this date and time. The input command
requires the user to enter either the date or the time, or both.
Values for hours, minutes, seconds, days, months and years must be expressed as
two-digit numbers.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 4 -5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
System Comman ds ED -NTP
I np u t E xa mp l e

Correlation tag

The current date (year, month, day) yy-mm-dd where: 70-99 = 1970-1999 or00-69
= 2000-2069mm:01-12dd:01-31
date is a date.

Change time to this value. hh-mm-ss, where: hh: 00-23 mm: 00-59 ss: 00-59
time is a time.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 3 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to configure the status of the NTP service on the COMM200.
The default is off. When enabled the NTP client queries the provisioned NTP
server at 10 minute intervals to update the system time. Queries are done to the
NTP server(s) every 10 minutes. The NTPFAIL alarm is raised if after 100 queries,
no valid response has been received. This service is enabled at the system level.
NOTE: When the NTP service is enabled, the system time may be drastically different from the
time discovered on the servers. In this situation, various time-outs, such as the TL1 user
session in-activity time, may be affected. To limit time-out side effects, use the ED-DAT
command to set the system time closer to the NTP server time before enabling the NTP client.

Input Format

r1>], [NTPSERVER2=<ntpserver2>];

Pa ge: 4 -6 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
System Comman ds INIT-SYS
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Status of the NTP client. Used to determine if the NTP client is active. When the field
is "off" the NTP client does not synchronize with external sources. The factory
default value is "off".
When the NTP service is turned on, ED-DAT commands will be denied.
status is of type OnOff on page 2-42.

The primary NTP server used for time synchronization. The factory default value is
ntpserver1 is a string.

The secondary NTP server used for time synchronization should the primary NTP
server be unavailable. If a value of is specified, this address will not be used,
only the primary server is used. The factory default value is
ntpserver2 is a string.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


This command instructs the target module to perform a restart.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 4 -7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
System Comman ds R TR V- CONTROLLER-MODE
I npu t For mat

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Access identifier of the target module.
aid is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

Correlation tag

restartmode is of type RestartModeType on page 2-45. Specified restart mode.

is not traffic affecting, COLD is traffic affecting

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


This commands retrieves information about the operating mode of the controller.
The operating mode SHELF_ALARMING_ONLY allows fan fail alarms to be
reported by a remote Communications module. The Communications module
associated with the remote EOC of the assigned slot will receive and fan failure

Pa ge: 4 -8 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
System Comman ds R TR V- CONTROLLER-MODE
I npu t For mat

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Access identifier of the target module.
aid is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

Correlation tag

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Operating mode of the Communications module.
mode is of type ControllerMode on page 2-35. mode is optional. Values are

The slot to which alarm notifications are targeted.
targetslot is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24. targetslot is optional.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 4 -9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
System Comman ds R TR V-HDR
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.


This command instructs the target module to reply with a normal response
indicating a successfully completed (COMPLD) command.
This command is used as a monitoring tool by the network management system.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Input Example


Pa ge: 4-10 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
System Comman ds RTR V-NE T YPE
D escr iption

This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.


This command displays the communication module hardware and software

revision information.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Input Example


Output Format


IP6GTWYADDR=<ip6gtwyaddr>" ;

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 4-1 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
System Comman ds RTR V-NE T YPE
Ou t put Pa rameters

Output Parameters

Access identifier that identifies the Communications module (1-C).
aid is a string.

Common Language Equipment Id of the shelf. 10-digit alpha-numeric.
clei is a string.

Mac address of the shelf. Format is xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.
mac is a string.

IP address for a management interface. This consists of four bytes converted into
decimal numbers. Each number is separated by a decimal point (".") and has an
integer value between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
ipaddr is a string.

The Gateway Internet Protocol (IP) Address. Only applicable to a Communications
module.This consists of four bytes converted into decimal numbers. Each number is
separated by a decimal point (".") and has an integer value between 0 and 255 (inclu-
gtwyaddr is a string.

The Subnet Internet Protocol (IP) Address Mask. Only applicable to a Communica-
tions module.This consists of four bytes converted into decimal numbers. Each
number is separated by a decimal point ("."). The first threes numbers have an
integer value between 0 and 255 (inclusive), and the last number must be smaller
than 255.
subnetmask is a string.

Shelf hardware revision number. 3-digit integer.
hwrev is a string.

Marketing part number. 20 character alpha-numeric.
mktpn is a string.

Pa ge: 4-12 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
System Comman ds RTR V-NTP
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Backplane eeprom version number. 3-digit integer.
eepromVer is a integer.

Serial Number of the shelf. 35-digit alphanumeric. Note: The backplane serial
number matches the shelf serial number.
backplaneSn is a string.

Type of mounting solution. Valid values are:

• 3100AC,
• 3100DC,
• 3500F, and
• 3500F-HP
shelftype is a string.

IP6ADDR ip6addr is a string.

IP6PFIX ip6pfix is a integer.

IP6GTWYADDR ip6gtwyaddr is a string

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00

“1-C:WOWUAXBMAA:MAC=00.01.9c.fd.a3.ea, IPADDR=,

This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 4-1 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
System Comman ds RTR V-NTP
D escr iption


Use this command to retrieve configuration data associated with the NTP service.
When enabled, the service polls the configured NTP server at 10 minute intervals
for system time updates.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Input Example


Output Format


"<aid>:STATUS=<status>, NTPSERVER1=<ntpserver1>,

Output Parameters

Set to 1-C.
aid is a string.

Pa ge: 4-14 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
System Comman ds R TR V-STATS-SESSION
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Status of the NTP client. Used to determine if the NTP client is active. When the field
is "off" the NTP client does not synchronize with external sources.
status is of type OnOff on page 2-42.

The primary NTP server used for time synchronization.
ntpserver1 is a string. Default is

The secondary NTP server used for time synchronization should the primary NTP
server be unavailable.
ntpserver2 is a string. Default is

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00

“1-C:OFF,, O.0.0.0"

This command requires a Security and Administration Level 4 User Access


Use this command to retrieve information on the session usage.

Input Format


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 4-1 5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
System Comman ds RTR V-STATS-SESSION
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Input Example


Output Format


"MAXALLOWTELNET=<maxallowtelnet>, MAXALLOWRAW=<maxallowraw>,
USEDTELNET=<usedtelnet>, USEDRAW=<usedraw>,
AVAILTELNET=<availtelnet>, AVAILRAW=<availraw>"

Output Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Maximum number of Telnet sessions allowed. This includes ports 23 and 3083.
maxallowtelnet is a integer.

Maximum number of RAW TL1 sessions allowed (i.e. port 3082).
maxallowraw is a integer.

Number of Telnet sessions used.

Pa ge: 4-16 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
System Comman ds R TR V-STATUS
O u tpu t E xa mp le

usedtelnet is a integer.

Number of RAW TL1 sessions used.
usedraw is a integer.

Number of available Telnet sessions.
availtelnet is a integer.

Number of available RAW TL1 sessions.
availraw is a integer.

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00

"1,1,1,1,1, 1"

This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve the number of user accounts logged into the NE/NS,
as well as the accounts that are temporarily disabled at the time of the command.
This command is available to any user.

Input Format


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 4-1 7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
System Comman ds R TR V-STATUS
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Correlation tag

The current date. The format is MOY-DOM. MOY stands for month of year and has
a range of 1 to 12. DOM stands for day of month and has a range of 1 to 31.
ocrdat is a date.

The current time. The format for is HOD-MOH-SOM. HOD stands for hour of day
and has a range of 0 to 23. MOH stands for minute of hour and has a range of 0 to
59. SOM stands for second of minute and has a range of 0 to 59.
ocrtm is a time.

A list of user ids that are currently logged onto the NE, delimited by ‘&’. If a user is
logged into more that one session, multiple entries will appear in the list.
uids is a string and is listable.

Pa ge: 4-18 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
System Comman ds SE T- CONTROLLER-MODE
O u tpu t E xa mp le

The user ids that are currently inhibited., delimited by ‘&’.
inhibiteduids is a string and is listable.

Output Example

TID-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


WARNING: This command may isolate the Communications module to local

access only. If this occurs, the Communications module will no longer be
accessible through the embedded operations channel.
The command instructs the Communications module to change controller modes
which affects OAM management capabilities to the traffic cards.
This command is provided to allow fan fail alarms to be reported by a remote
Communications module. The FANFAILTARGETSLOT parameter indicates
which EOC channel to use to distribute fan failure alarms. The Communications
module associated with the remote EOC of the assigned slot will receive and fan
failure notifications.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 4-1 9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
System Comman ds SE T-SID
I np u t E xa mp l e

Correlation tag

AID src is the AID COMM on page 2-29.

Communications module operating mode.
mode is of type ControllerMode on page 2-35.

The slot to which alarm notifications are targeted. For proper operation, this slot
should contain a module that supports remote fan fail reporting, with operational
EOC. targetslot is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

Input Example


This command requires a Maintenance Level 4 User Access Privilege.


The system identifier (SID) or target identifier (TID) is between 1-20 characters in
length and is composed of a combination of alpha numerics (ASCII letters or
digits) and underscores (_) or dashes (-). The SID must begin with a letter, and if a
dash (-) is included, the dash must be followed by a letter. A SID as a Network
Element identifier must be unique within a network. Therefore, to ensure its
uniqueness, the SID default value is based on shelf serial number.
NOTE: If a TID changes, it is not activated until the COM-200 is rebooted.

Input Format


Pa ge: 4-20 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
System Comman ds SE T-SID
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

New target identifier of the target COM-200. The string parameter has a maximum
length of 20 characters.
sid is a string.

Input Example


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 4-2 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
System Comman ds SE T-SID
I np u t E xa mp l e

Pa ge: 4-22 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Commands
This chapter summarizes TL1 commands for provisioning and managing modules.
Descriptions identify the command, purpose, syntax, variables, and responses.
This chapter contains these commands:
• ED-EQPT on page 5-1
• OPR-PROC-EQPT on page 5-7
• RMV-EQPT on page 5-8
• RST-EQPT on page 5-9
• RTRV-EQPT on page 5-10
• RMV-EQPT on page 5-8
• RTRV-INV on page 5-23
• RTRV-LNKS on page 5-26
• RTRV-TIDS on page 5-27

This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to set operating parameters for, or change the state of, the target
module. Parameter changes are limited to three (3) changes per command.
The operating parameters and the state of the module can not be changed in the
same command. It is necessary to use two commands to set operating parameters
and then change the state.

Input Format


Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: 5-1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds ED -EQPT
I n put Pa rameters


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier of the target module. Note: Null is not an acceptable value for the
aid is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

Module ID. This unique identifier consists of a string of up to 60 characters.
id is a string.

IP address for the Ethernet management interface. Only applicable to a Communi-
cations module. This consists of four bytes converted into decimal numbers. Each
number is separated by a decimal point (".") and has an integer value between 0 and

Pa ge: 5 -2 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Comman ds ED -EQPT
I n put Pa rameters

255 (inclusive). If successfully entered the changed value will only take effect after
the card reset. is an invalid address. The factory default value is
ipaddr is a string. The default value is "".

The Gateway Internet Protocol (IP) Address. Only applicable to a Communications
module.This consists of four bytes converted into decimal numbers. Each number is
separated by a decimal point (".") and has an integer value between 0 and 255 (inclu-
sive). If successfully entered the changed value will only take effect after the card
reset. is a invalid address. The factory default value is
gtwyaddr is a string. The default value is "".

The Subnet Internet Protocol (IP) Address Mask. Only applicable to a Communica-
tions module.This consists of four bytes converted into decimal numbers. Each
number is separated by a decimal point ("."). The first threes numbers have an
integer value between 0 and 255 (inclusive), and the last number must be smaller
than 255. If successfully entered the changed value will only take effect after the card
reset. The factory default value is
subnetmask is a string. The default value is "".

switchport1conf is of type SwitchConfig on page 2-51.

switchport2conf is of type SwitchConfig on page 2-51.

switchport3conf is of type SwitchConfig on page 2-51.

Specifies whether the Ethernet physical layer configuration (PHYETHSPEED and
PHYETHDUPLEX) is set through auto-negotiation or manually. The card needs to
be restarted for a change to take effect.
phyethautosensing is of type OnOff on page 2-42

If PHYETHAUTOSENSING is turned on, this is the Ethernet physical layer speed.
The card needs to be restarted for a change to take effect.
phyethspeed is of type PhysicalEthernetDuplex on page 2-42.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5 -3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds ED -EQPT
I n put Pa rameters

If PHYETHAUTOSENSING is turned on, this is the Ethernet physical layer duplex.
The card needs to be restarted for a change to take effect.
phyethduplex is of type PhysicalEthernetSpeed on page 2-42.

The timeout interval, in minutes, after which an inactive user session will be auto-
matically terminated by the Communications module. Integer between 1 and 999.
Upon expiry, the Communications module sends a ^Canc automatic message to
notify the OS. The factory default value is 999 minutes.
sessiontmout is a integer. The default value is " 999".

PASSWDREENTRY is introduced to the RTRV-EQPT and ED-EQPT command for
the COM-200 card. This parameter defines the first-time password re-entry behav-
iour for all TL1 users on the system. The value is either ENABLED or DISABLED.
passwdreentry is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36. The default value is

Status of the SNMP agent. Used to determine if the SNMP agent should be activated.
When the field is "disabled" the SNMP agent does not generate traps or respond to
SNMP requests. The changed value takes effect after the module is reset. The factory
default is Disabled.
snmp is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36. The default value is "Disabled".

Status of SNMP traps. Used to permit or prevent the generation of traps by the agent.
The agent must be enabled in order for this option to be effective. A change to this
field is effective immediately. No reset of the COM-200 is required. The factory
default is Disabled.
snmptraps is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36. The default value is " Disabled".

First destination IP address for SNMP traps, if enabled. An address of (the
default address) disables this trap destination.
snmptrapdest1 is a string.

Second destination IP address for SNMP traps, if enabled. An address of (the
default address) disables this trap destination.
snmptrapdest2 is a string.

Third destination IP address for SNMP traps, if enabled. An address of (the
default address) disables this trap destination.

Pa ge: 5 -4 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Comman ds ED -EQPT
I n put Pa rameters

snmptrapdest3 is a string.

Fourth destination IP address for SNMP traps, if enabled. An address of (the
default address) disables this trap destination.
snmptrapdest4 is a string.

The SNMP read community string. A restart is required for changes for this field to
take effect.
readcommunity is a string.

The SNMP write community string. A restart is required for changes for this field to
take effect.
writecommunity is a string.

The parameter is not supported. Status of the DHCP client on the COM-200. If
enabled, DHCP protocol will be used by the Communications module to automat-
ically configure IP addressing information. If disabled, static IP addressing will be
dhcp is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36.

Turns auto mode (i.e., Automatic Protection Switching) on or off.
aps is of type OnOff on page 2-42.

Sets auto mode behaviour to relative-threshold switching or fixed-threshold
switching (note: if unit is currently in manual mode, this does not change to auto
mode). The factory default value is FIXED.
swmode is of type SwitchMode on page 2-51. The default value is " FIXED".

Enable or disable automatic switchback feature. The factory default value is Y.
rvrtv is of type YesNo on page 2-56. The default value is "Y".

Absolute Switching Level Threshold (dBm). Integer in the range of 0 to –35.
aslth is a integer.

Upper Window Switching Range (dB). Integer >= 6dB.
uwsr is a integer.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5 -5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds ED -EQPT
I n put Pa rameters

Lower Window Switching Range (dB). Integer >= 6dB.
lwsr is a integer.

Set Reference Power Level. Saves the current input power on each optical path as the
reference power level for relative switching mode.
srpl is of type YesNo on page 2-56.

senseprior is of type OnOff on page 2-42.

manualdatalockrate is a string.

sensemonitor is of type OnOff on page 2-42

Amplifier Operating mode.
ampoprmode is of type AmpOperatingMode on page 2-32.

For WRA-XXX cards. WRA-110: 7 to 13dB, WRA-113: 7 to 19dB, WRA-116: 7 to
26dB, WRA-119: 7 to 26dB, WRA-217: 13 to 23 dB. Float with one decimal preci-
targetgain is a string.

-6dB to MAX_OUTPUT_POWER. Float with one decimal precision.
targetpower is a string.

For WRA-XXX cards. When enabled, the unit will turn off the pump laser when a
LOS condition is detected on the input port.
losshutdown is of type YesNoWord on page 2-56

autoratelocking is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36

Pa ge: 5 -6 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equ ipment Comman ds OPR-PROC-EQPT
I np u t E xa mp l e

IP6ADDR ip6addr is a string.

IP6PFIX ip6pfix is a integer.

IP6GTWYADDR ip6gtwyaddr is a string.

Primary state. The value IS puts a module administratively up. Alternatively, the
same can be accomplished with the command RST-EQPT.Likewise, the value OOS
puts a module administratively down. Alternatively, the same can be accomplished
with the command RMV-EQPT. Primary state. An IS value puts a module into an
in-service (up) state.
NOTE: Issuing an RST-EQPT command has the same result.
An OOS value puts a module into an out-of-service (down) state. Take the ports for
a module out-of-service before taking the module out-of-service. A COM-200
module can not be taken out-of-service.
NOTE: Issuing an RMV-EQPT command has the same result.
pst is of type PrimaryState on page 2-43. [IS, OOS]

Input Example




This command instructs the target module to activate a procedure on an

equipment entity.

Input Format


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5 -7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds RMV-EQPT
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Access identifier of the target module. Note: Null is not an acceptable value for the
src is the AID AllSlots.

Correlation tag

The procedure to activate on the specified entity.
procedure is of type Procedure Type on page 2-43.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


This command instructs the target module to change from the in-service (IS) state
to the out-of-service (OOS) state so that maintenance activities can be performed.
If a port is still in service, a "Command Invalid" response will be returned.
NOTE: The LightAmp and BrightAmp modules do not support state configuration.

Input Format


Pa ge: 5 -8 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Comman ds RST-EQPT
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the NRP module for which the command is
intended. Only module-level AIDs are acceptable (i.e., not port-level AIDs).
aid is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Instructs an equipment unit (module) to change from its current out-of -service
(OOS) state to an in-service state.
This module must be in-service (see "RST-EQPT") before any of its ports can be
put in-service.
NOTE: The LightAmp and BrightAmp modules do not support state configuration.

Input Format


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5 -9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-EQPT
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the module(s) for which the command is intended.
Only module-level AIDs are acceptable (i.e., not port-level AIDs).
aid is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


This command instructs the target module to return configuration and state

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Pa ge: 5-10 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-EQPT
I np u t E xa mp l e

Access identifier of the target module. A null or "All" value can be used to indicate
all equipment units installed in the WaveReady™ series shelf.
aid is the AID AllSlotsIncALL on page 2-26.

Input Example


Output Format


[SNMPTRAPS=<snmptraps>], [SNMPTRAPDEST1=<snmptrapdest1>],

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5-1 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-EQPT
Ou t put Pa rameters

[<pstpstq>],[<sst>]" ;

Output Parameters


aid is a string.

Common language equipment identifier code of the module.
clei is a string. clei is optional.

The type of a module. The valid values are:

• COMM200
• COMM100
• WRT740
• WRT760
• WRT780
• WRT781
• WRT840
• WRT842
• WRT852
• WRM-782
• WRS-051
• LP530
• LP530SM
• WRA110

Pa ge: 5-12 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-EQPT
Ou t put Pa rameters

• WRA113
• WRA116
• WRA119
• WRA217
• WRA217L
• WRA219
• WS500LX
• WS510SX
• WS540LX
• WS550SX
moduletype is a string. moduletype is optional.

The id of the Module.
id is a string. id is optional.

Vendor Name
vendorname is a string. vendorname is optional.

Marketing Name
marketingname is a string. marketingname is optional.

Marketing part number
mktpn is a string. mktpn is optional.

Manufacturing part number.
mnftpn is a string. mnftpn is optional.

Serial Number of a module.
sn is a string. sn is optional.

Hardware revision of the module.
hwrev is a string. hwrev is optional.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5-1 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-EQPT
Ou t put Pa rameters

Software boot part number.
swbootpn is a string. swbootpn is optional.

Application software part number. Format is R<major>.<minor>.<mtnc>.<build>
(for example, R3.0.0.26).
swpn is a string. swpn is optional.

WRM-782 small FPGA version

WRM-782 CPLD version

WRM-782 traffic FP GA0 version

WRM-782 traffic FP GA1 version

EDFA software part number on WRA-XXX cards. Format is
edfaswpn is a string. edfaswpn is optional.

The timeout interval, in minutes, after which an inactive user session will be auto-
matically terminated by the Communications module. Integer between 1 and 999.
The Communications module sends a ^Canc automatic message to notify the OS.
The factory default value is 999 minutes.
sessiontmout is a integer. sessiontmout is optional.

PASSWDREENTRY is introduced to the RTRV-EQPT and ED-EQPT command for
the COM-200 card. This parameter defines the password re-entry behaviour for all
TL1 users on the system. The value is either ENABLED or DISABLED.
passwdreentry is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36. The default value is

IP address for a management interface. Only applicable to a Communications
module.This consists of four bytes converted into decimal numbers. Each number is
separated by a decimal point (".") and has an integer value between 0 and 255 (inclu-
sive). If successfully entered the changed value will only take effect after the card
reset. is an invalid address. The factory default value is

Pa ge: 5-14 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-EQPT
Ou t put Pa rameters

ipaddr is a string. ipaddr is optional.

The Gateway Internet Protocol (IP) Address. Only applicable to a COM-200
module.This consists of four bytes converted into decimal numbers. Each number is
separated by a decimal point (".") and has an integer value between 0 and 255 (inclu-
sive). If successfully entered the changed value will only take effect after the card
reset. is a invalid address. The factory default value is
gtwyaddr is a string. gtwyaddr is optional.

The Subnet Internet Protocol (IP) Address Mask. Only applicable to a Communica-
tions module.This consists of four bytes converted into decimal numbers. Each
number is separated by a decimal point ("."). The first threes numbers have an
integer value between 0 and 255 (inclusive), and the last number must be smaller
than 255. If successfully entered the changed value will only take effect after the card
reset. The factory default value is
subnetmask is a string. subnetmask is optional.

switchport1conf is a string. switchport1conf is optional.

switchport2conf is a string.
switchport2conf is optional.

switchport3conf is a string. switchport3conf is optional.

Specifies whether the Ethernet physical layer configuration (PHYETHSPEED and
PHYETHDUPLEX) is set through auto-negotiation or manually.
phyethautosensing is of type OnOff on page 2-42
phyethautosensing is optional.

If PHYETHAUTOSENSING is turned on, this is the Ethernet physical layer speed.
phyethspeed is of type PhysicalEthernetSpeed on page 2-42
phyethspeed is optional.

If PHYETHAUTOSENSING is turned on, this is the Ethernet physical layer duplex.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5-1 5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-EQPT
Ou t put Pa rameters

phyethduplex is of typePhysicalEthernetDuplex on page 2-42.

phyethduplex is optional.

Status of the SNMP agent. Used to determine if the SNMP agent should be activated.
When the field is "disabled" the SNMP agent does not generate traps or respond to
SNMP requests. The factory default = "DISABLED".
snmp is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36
snmp is optional.

Status of SNMP traps. Used to permit or prevent the generation of traps by the agent.
The agent must be enabled in order for this option to be effective. The factory default
snmptraps is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36.
snmptraps is optional.

First destination IP address for SNMP traps, if enabled. An address of (the
default address) disables this trap destination.
snmptrapdest1 is a string.
snmptrapdest1 is optional.

Second destination IP address for SNMP traps, if enabled. An address of (the
default address) disables this trap destination.
snmptrapdest2 is a string.
snmptrapdest2 is optional.

Third destination IP address for SNMP traps, if enabled. An address of (the
default address) disables this trap destination.
snmptrapdest3 is a string.
snmptrapdest3 is optional.

Fourth destination IP address for SNMP traps, if enabled. An address of (the
default address) disables this trap destination.
snmptrapdest4 is a string.
snmptrapdest4 is optional.

The SNMP read community string.
readcommunity is a string.

Pa ge: 5-16 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-EQPT
Ou t put Pa rameters

readcommunity is optional.

The SNMP write community string.
writecommunity is a string.
writecommunity is optional.

Measured temperature of the module case in degrees Celcius.
temp is a string.
temp is optional.

Measured temperature of the pump laser in degrees Celsius on WRA-XXX cards.
ltemp is a string.
ltemp is optional.


Number of embedded management channels supported by the module. svclks is a

svclks is optional.

Reports whether auto mode (i.e., Automatic Protection Switching) is on or off. APS
is off (i.e., unit is in manual mode) when a) an OPR-PROTNSW command has been
accepted but not released; or, b) the mode button on the front panel has been
aps is a string.
aps is optional.

Reports auto mode behaviour as either relative-threshold switching or
fixed-threshold switching.
swmode is a string.
swmode is optional.

Disable/Enable automatic switchback feature. Only applicable to LP 530.
rvrtv is a string.
rvrtv is optional.

Absolute switching threshold in dBm. Integer in the range of -35 to 0.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5-1 7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-EQPT
Ou t put Pa rameters

aslth is a integer.
aslth is optional.

Upper Window Switching Range (dB). Real number, 3 decimal places.
uwsr is a integer.
uwsr is optional.

Lower Window Switching Range (dB). Real number, 3 decimal places.
lwsr is a integer.
lwsr is optional.

Indicates the current position of the switch (PRI or SEC).
actpath is a string.
actpath is optional.

Reports whether sense priority mode = ON/OFF.
senseprior is a string.
senseprior is optional.

‘YES’ indicates that an SFP transceiver is physically absent. ‘NO’ indicates that it is
present. If the value of this field is ‘YES’, then all other SFP-related fields are
defaulted as follows:

• sfpbitratemax = 0
• sfpbitratemin = 0
• sfpwavelength = 0
• sfpvendorname = "" (empty string)
• sfppartnumber = "" (empty string)
• sfpserialnumber = "" (empty string)
sfpmissing is of type YesNoWord on page 2-56.
sfpmissing is optional.

Maximum bit rate of the SFP transceiver.
sfpbitratemax is a integer.
sfpbitratemax is optional.

Pa ge: 5-18 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-EQPT
Ou t put Pa rameters

Minimum bit rate of the SFP transceiver.
sfpbitratemin is a integer.
sfpbitratemin is optional.

Nominal wavelength of the SFP transceiver.
sfpwavelength is a float.
sfpwavelength is optional.

Nominal wavelength of the trunk interface.
trunkwavelength is a float.
trunkwavelength is optional.

SFP vendor name.
sfpvendorname is a string.
sfpvendorname is optional.

Part number of the SFP.
sfppartnumber is a string.
sfppartnumber is optional.

sfpserialnumber is a string.
sfpserialnumber is optional.

The 3R provisioned data rate must be manually configured to allow the user data to
flow properly through the module.

The WRT-840 module only supports a single bi-directional data rate to be config-
ured. Remove the card from service before changing this attribute. manualdatalock-
rate is a string.

manualdatalockrate is optional.

trafficmode is of type TrafficMode on page 2-53.
trafficmode is optional.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5-1 9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-EQPT
Ou t put Pa rameters

amplifiermode is of type Amplifier Mode on page 2-32
amplifiermode is optional.

sensemonitor is of type OnOff on page 2-42
sensemonitor is optional.

26.9 maxsafeatten is a string.
maxsafeatten is optional.

Time in seconds since the last reset.
uptime is a integer. uptime is optional.

lastresetreason is of typeResetReason on page 2-44. lastresetreason is optional.

Amplifier Operating Mode.
ampoprmode is of type AmpOperatingMode on page 2-32. ampoprmode is optional.

For WRA-XXX cards. WRA-1XX: 13 to 26dB, WRA-2XX: 13 to 23 dB. Float with
one decimal precision.
targetgain is a string. targetgain is optional.

-6dB to MAX_OUTPUT_POWER. Float with one decimal precision.
targetpower is a string. targetpower is optional.

For WRA-XXX cards. When enabled, the unit will turn off the pump laser when a
LOS condition is detected on the input port.
losshutdown is of typeYesNoWord on page 2-56. losshutdown is optional.

For WRA-XXX cards. The measured pump current in mA. Float with one decimal

Pa ge: 5-20 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-EQPT
O u tpu t E xa mp le

pumpcurrent is a string. pumpcurrent is optional.

For WRA-XXX cards. The measured VOA attenuation, in dB. Float with one
decimal precision.
voaattenuation is a string. voaattenuation is optional.

For WRA-XXX cards. The measured signal gain in dB. Float with one decimal preci-
signalgain is a string. signalgain is optional.

laserstatus is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36. laserstatus is optional.

Selects the WRT-780/840/842 locking mode by indicating whether automatic rate
locking is ENABLED or DISABLED. When this field is set to DISABLED, manual
rate locking is used.
NOTE: This field can only be changed when the EQPT is in maintenance state.
autoratelocking is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36. autoratelocking is

IP6ADDR ip6addr is a string. ip6addr is optional.

IP6PFIX ip6pfix is a integer. ip6pfix is optional.

IP6GTWYADDR ip6gtwyaddr is a string. ip6gtwyaddr is optional.

Primary state-Primary State Qualifier, i.e. {IS|OOS}-{NR|AU|MA|AUMA}
pstpstq is of type PrimaryState on page 2-43. pstpstq is optional.

Secondary state.
sst is of type Secondary State on page 2-48 and is listable. sst is optional.

Output Example

Node 198 98-06-20 14:30:00

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5-2 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equ ipment Comman ds R TR V-PROC-EQPT
D escr iption

"1-5:CLEI:MODULETYPE=WRT 780A,ID=CustomerOne,

This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


This command retrieves the status of a procedure.

Input Format


Input Parameters

tidTarget identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Access identifier of the target.
src is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

Correlation tag

Input Example


Pa ge: 5-22 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-INV
O ut p u t For m a t

Output Format



Output Parameters

Identifies the entity in the NE to which the command pertains.
aid is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

The procedure for which the status applies.
procedure is of type Procedure Type on page 2-43.

The status of the given procedure.
status is a string.

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


This command returns an inventory of all modules installed in the selected

network element. Inventory includes "legacy" modules.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5-2 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-INV
I npu t For mat

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed. Optional. If left blank, the default = the GNE.

Correlation tag

aid is the AID AllSlotsIncALL on page 2-26.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Access identifier that identifies the NRP module. Only module-level access identi-
fiers apply (i.e., not port-level).
aid is a string.

The type of a module.
moduletype is a string. Possible values:

Pa ge: 5-24 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Comman ds R TR V-INV
O u tpu t E xa mp le

• COMM200
• WRT740
• WRT760
• WRT780
• WRT781
• WRT840
• WRT842
• WRT852
• WRM-782
• WRS-051
• LP530
• WRA110
• WRA113
• WRA116
• WRA119
• WRA217
• WRA217L
• WRA219

Application software part number. Same as the SWPN returned in the RTRV-EQPT
response. Format is R<Major>.<Minor>.<Mtnc>.<Build> (e.g. R3.0.0.26).
swpn is a string.

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00

"1-7:WRT780, R4.6.0.26"

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5-2 5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds RTR V-LNKS
D escr iption

This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to report the local TL1 routing information stored in the
selected COM-200. Used in conjunction with the RTRV-TIDS command to
retrieve the nodes and SVC links to reflect the current known topology of the node
being queried.

Input Format


Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Supervisory communications port through which a remote TID can be reached.
Corresponds to the aid of the port that is used to route TL1 messages to the remote
aid is a string.

TID of the remote NE.
tid is a string.

Pa ge: 5-26 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Equipment Comman ds RTR V-TIDS
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Port AID at the far end of the SVC link.
remoteaid is a string.

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00

"1-5-2:Node168: 1-3-2"

This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


This command retrieves the global TL1 routing table for the subnetwork. Used in
conjunction with the RTRV-LNKS command to retrieve the nodes and Inband
supervisory management channel links to reflect the current known topology of
the node being queried.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed. Optional. If left blank, the default = the GNE.

Correlation tag

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 5-2 7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Equipment Comman ds RTR V-TIDS
I np u t E xa mp l e

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

TID of the remote NE.
tid is a string.

The number of nodes from the selected NE to the far end TID. For example, NEs that
are connected through one supervisory link are 1 hop away.
metric is a integer.

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00

"TID=Node68, METRIC=1”

Pa ge: 5-28 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands
This chapter contains a summary of TL1 commands related to the optical channels
that carry traffic and monitoring data. The command descriptions in this chapter
identify each command, purpose, syntax, variables, and responses.
This chapter contains the following commands:
• ALW-OSC on page 6-2
• ED-OCH on page 6-3
• ED-SVC on page 6-6
• ED-OCHC on page 6-8
• ED-TRC-OCH on page 6-HIDDEN
• ED-XPDR on page 6-9
• ED-MXP on page 6-11
• INH-OSC on page 6-13
• INIT-XPDR on page 6-14
• OPR-LPBK-OCH on page 6-15
• RLS-LPBK-OCH on page 6-16
• RMV-OCH on page 6-17
• RMV-OCHC on page 6-18
• RST-OCH on page 6-18
• RST-OCHC on page 6-19
• RTRV-ALM-OCH on page 6-20
• RTRV-ALM-OSC on page 6-22
• RTRV-ATTR-OCH on page 6-24
• RTRV-ATTR-OSC on page 6-26
• RTRV-COND-OCH on page 6-28
• RTRV-COND-OSC on page 6-30
• RTRV-OCH on page 6-32
• RTRV-SVC on page 6-40

Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: 6-1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands ALW- OSC
D escr iption


• RTRV-XPDR on page 6-42
• RTRV-MXP on page 6-44
• RTRV-OCHC on page 6-46
• SET-ATTR-OCH on page 6-48
• SET-ATTR-OCHC on page 6-49
• SET-ATTR-OSC on page 6-50
• SET-TRAFFICMODE on page 6-51

This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to enable the supervisory channel on the specified port.
NOTE: Not all modules and not all traffic modes support a supervisory channel. For more
information on the capabilities of a particular module, see the module documentation.
note: This command will be phased out in future releases. It is recommended to use the
ED-SVC command instead. See ED-SVC on page 6-6.

Input Format


Input Parameters


Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag.

Pa ge: 6 -2 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands ED -OCH
Vali d I nput E xa mp le

Only applicable to transponder network side ports in the local NE. This command
will not be accepted by remote transponders (i.e., where the port AID contains "-F".
(See Invalid Input Example below.)
aid is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23.

Valid Input Example


Invalid Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Instructs the NE to set configuration parameters that are specific to the optical
port specified by the <aid>. The four-part AID structure of a WRT-780 port is
supported by this command.
The primary state and other port-specific parameters cannot be changed in the
same ED-OCH command. Separate commands are required. An ED-OCH
command containing entries in both the <pst> and the <port specific parameters>
blocks will be denied.

Input Format


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6 -3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands ED -OCH
I n put Pa rameters


Input Parameters


Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag.

Access identifier that identifies the optical port for which the command is intended.
aid is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23.

A user-assigned name, for port identification purposes.
id is optional

Manual override to disable the laser associated with the specified network-side tran-
sponder port. Only lasers belonging to transponders in the local shelf can be disabled
using this parameter. Lasers in remote transponders (i.e., where the port AID
contains "-F") can not be disabled.
laserdisable is of type YesNo on page 2-56.

Specifies what action should be taken on the network side laser when an LOS is
detected on the client side.
OFF = Turn the network laser off when an LOS is detected on the client side
SQUELCH = Squelch the line data but maintain supervisory communications when
an LOS is detected on the client side.
onclientlos is of type OnClientLOS on page 2-41. The default value is " SQUELCH " .

bitrate is a integer.

Pa ge: 6 -4 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands ED -OCH
I n put Pa rameters

wavelength is a string.

GAINTARGET gaintarget is a string.

outputpwrtarget is a string.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Rx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
losthreshold is a string.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Rx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
loshysteresis is a string.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Tx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
loothreshold is a string.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Tx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
loohysteresis is a string.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Rx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
inputdegradethreshold is a string.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Rx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
inputdegradehysteresis is a string.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Tx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
outputdegradethreshold is a string.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Tx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
outputdegradehysteresis is a string.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6 -5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands ED -SVC
I np u t E xa mp l e

WRT-84x specific. Indicates the receiver decision threshold adjustment optimiza-
tion mode. This value can only be changed when the network port is in maintenance
rxdtoptmode is of type RxDtOptimizationMode on page 2-46.

WRT-84x specific. Indicates the receiver decision threshold in percent. Used in
MANUAL optimization mode (RXDTOPTMODE) only. This value can only be
changed when the network port is in maintenance state.
manualrxdt is a string.

Shows the measured internal temperature in degrees C of the SFP. Note: This value
is not valid with Copper SFPs installed in a WRT-780 and will report "0."
sfptemp is a string

Shows the measured bias current, in mA, that is being applied to the laser diode
within the specified SFP. Note: This value is not valid with Copper SFPs installed in
a WRT-780 and will report "0."

Primary state. The value IS puts a port administratively up. Alternatively, the same
can be accomplished with the command RST-OCH. Likewise, the value OOS puts a
port administratively down. Alternatively, the same can be accomplished with the
command RMV-OCH.
pst is of type PrimaryState on page 2-43. [IS, OOS].
Note: Issuing an RMV-OCH command has the same result.
Note: Taking a Copper SFP installed in a WRT-780 out of service does not affect the

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.

Pa ge: 6 -6 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands ED -SVC
D escr iption


Use this command to instruct the network element to set configuration

parameters that are specific to the Inband supervisory management channel
specified by the <aid>.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200
module to which the command is sent.

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the local network optical port for which the
command is intended.
aid is the AID AllNetworkPorts on page 2-23.

This attribute is used to control whether or not the SVC will go autonomously out
of service when the supporting network port changes to OOS state.
TURNOFF: If this attribute is set to "turnoff", the SVC will autonomously go out of
service when the supporting network port changes to OOS state.
NONE: If this attribute is set to "none", the SVC will not change to OOS when the
supporting network port changes to OOS state.
effectofdatapathdown is of type EffectOfDataPathDown on page 2-36.

Primary state. The value IS puts a port administratively up. Alternatively, the same
can be accomplished with the command RST-OCH. Likewise, the value OOS puts a
port administratively down. Alternatively, the same can be accomplished with the
command RMV-OCH.
pst is of type PrimaryState on page 2-43. [IS, OOS]

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6 -7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands ED -OCHC
I np u t E xa mp l e

a Copper SFP installed in a WRT-780 out of service does not affect the traffic
directly, however, since its state propagates to its associated optical SFP, end-to-end
Ethernet traffic will be affected.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Instructs the NE to set configuration parameters that are specific to the wavelength
channel specified by the <aid>.
The primary state and other wavelength-specific parameters cannot be changed in
the same ED-OCH command. Separate commands are required. An ED-OCH
command containing entries in both the <pst> and the <wavelength specific
parameters> blocks will be denied.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Access identifier that identifies the wavelength channel for which the command is
intended. i is the AID AllChannelsIncAll on page 2-22
and is listable and rangeable.

Customer configurable identifier for the wavelength channel. id is a string.

Output power target level in dBm.

Pa ge: 6 -8 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands ED -XPDR
I np u t E xa mp l e

outputpwrtarget is a string.

The port from which wavelength channel connection is added. All connections
terminate to port 1 or the common port.
fromport is a integer.

Primary state. The value IS puts a wavelength channel administratively in service.
Alternatively, the same can be accomplished with the command RST-OCHC. Like-
wise, the value OOS puts a wavelength channel administratively out of service. Alter-
natively, the same can be accomplished with the command RMV-OCHC.
pst is of type Primary state (PST) on page 2-29. [IS, OOS]

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to set the configuration parameters for the WRT-780
transponder ports. The WRT-780 supports two independently configurable
transponders, each of which has one client and one network port. The settings
configured for the transponder affect the operation of the client and network ports
associated with the transponder.
To change the rate locking mode or the manual data lock rate, both the client and
the network port associated with the transponder must be in a maintenance state.

Input Format


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6 -9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands ED -XPDR
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200
module to which the command is sent.

Correlation tag

aid is the AID AllTransponders on page 2-28.

manualdatalockrate is a string. Before changing this parameter, the ports for the
transponder must be OOS.

autoratelocking is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36.
Enables or disables Automatic Rate Locking independently for each of the two tran-
sponders. When enabled, the ports of the associated transponder automatically
attempt to lock on any of the supported data rates. When disabled, the ports attempt
to lock on only the user-provisioned manual lock data rate.
The locking behavior applies to each port independent of all other ports, and applies
whether the port is looped back or not. The ports must be out of service to change
this setting.

EXPECTEDRXBITRATE. When Automatic Rate Locking mode is enabled for a
transponder, an expected bit rate can be specified. If the port locks onto a bit-rate
that is different than the expected bit rate, the port will continue to accept the data,
but a Bit Rate Mismatch alarm will be generated. If this parameter is set to 0, then no
bit rate comparison is performed. This value can be modified while the transponder
ports are in-service.
expectedrxbitrate is a string.

fastfaultprop is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36.
If an LOS or LOL condition is detected on one of the transponder ports when Fast
Fault Propagation is enabled (and no loopback operation is in effect), the laser on the
other transponder port will shut down. The usual debounce raise time does not

Pa ge: 6-10 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands ED -MXP
I np u t E xa mp l e

apply. The debounce recovery time will be as usual. See the transponder documen-
tation for details.
Fast Fault Propagation should be enabled only when the TL1 is deployed in a
protected network where service is switched between redundant TL1 transponders
by an optical layer protection switch such as a WaveReady LP530.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to set the configuration parameters for the WRM-782
muxponder ports. The WRM-782 supports one muxponder transponders, with
three client and one network port. The settings configured for the musponder
affect the operation of the client and network ports.
To change the rate locking mode or the manual data lock rate, both the client and
the network port associated with the muxponder must be in a maintenance state.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200
module to which the command is sent.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-1 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands ED -MXP
I n put Pa rameters

Correlation tag

aid is the AID AllTransponders on page 2-28.

networkmanualdatalockrate is a string. This parameter determines the incoming
data rate that the network port will lock on to. Before changing this parameter, the
ports of the muxponder must be OOS.

clientxmanualdatalockrate is a string. This parameter determines the incoming
data rate that the specified client port will lock on to.Before changing this parameter,
the ports for the muxponder must be OOS.

autoratelocking is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36.

or disables Automatic Rate Locking for the muxponder. When enabled, the ports
automatically attempt to lock on any of the supported data rates. When disabled, the
ports attempt to lock on only the user-provisioned manual lock data rate.

locking behavior applies to each port independent of all other ports, and applies
whether the port is looped back or not. The ports must be OOS to change this setting.

fastfaultprop is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36.
If an LOS or LOL condition is detected on one of the muxponder client ports when
Fast Fault Propagation is enabled (and no loopback operation is in effect), a remote
signal fail alarm will shut down the upstream network port laser. If an LOS or LOL
condition is detected on the muxponder network port, the client port lasers will shut
down. The usual debounce raise time does not apply. The debounce recovery time
will be as usual. See the muxponder documentation for details.
Fast Fault Propagation should be enabled only when the muxponder is deployed in
a protected network where service is switched between redundant muxponders by
an optical layer protection switch such as a WaveReady LP530.
Fast Fault Propagation is the only configurable parameter in release 4.6.0.

Pa ge: 6-12 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands INH- OSC
I np u t E xa mp l e

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to disable the supervisory channel on the specified port.
note: This command is phased out in future releases. It is recommended to use the ED-SVC
command instead. See ED-SVC on page 6-6.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200
module to which the command is sent.

Correlation tag

Only applicable to transponder network side ports in the local NE. This command
will not be accepted by remote transponders (i.e., where the port AID contains "-F".
See Input Example below for invalid command.) aid is the AID AllPorts on page

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-1 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands INIT-XPDR
I np u t E xa mp l e

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


This command causes a warm or cold restart of the specified transponder. A warm
restart is not traffic affecting. A cold restart is traffic affecting only for the specified

Input Format

INIT-XPDR:[TID]:<aid>:CTAG:: RESTARTMODE=<restartmode>;

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200
module to which the command is sent.

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the transponder for which the command is intended.
aid is the AID AllTransponders on page 2-28.

Indicates the level of the restart.
restartmode is of type RestartModeType on page 2-45

Input Example


Pa ge: 6-14 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands OPR-LPBK- OCH
D escr iption

This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to instruct the specified transponder port to operate the
loopback function.
For the WRT-840, this command will only be accepted when the corresponding
port is in an administrative out-of-service state (i.e., OOS-MA or OOS-AUMA). If
the port is still in service, a "Command Invalid" response will be returned.
The WRT-840 supports the looping back of optical ports (client and network) one
at a time. Therefore, separate commands are needed to instruct each of the optical
ports to loop-back (as specified by the command).
For WRT-7xx transponder modules, all ports must be administratively out of
service before this command can be executed (on any port). If the ports are still in
service, a "Command Invalid" response will be returned. The hardware provides a
loopback on the client and working trunk ports when a loopback command is
applied to any port.
For WRT-740 and WRT-760 transponder modules, all ports must be
administratively out of service before this command can be executed (on any
port). If the ports are still in service, a "Command Invalid" response will be
returned. The hardware provides a loopback on the client and working trunk ports
when a loopback command is applied to any port.
For WRM-782 modules, a client port must be administratively removed from
service before initiating a terminal or facility loopback on that port. All WRM-782
ports must be administratively removed from service before initiating network
port loopbacks. If the port is still in service, a "Command Invalid" response will be
During a network side facility loopback, the network port laser is re-enabled, while
the client port lasers stay off. On the other hand, during a network side terminal
loopback, both the client and network port laser are re-enabled.
Note that a port that is ‘looped-back’ should report this condition in response to a

Input Format


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-1 5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands RLS-LPBK- OCH
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200
module to which the command is sent.

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the port for which the command is intended.
aid is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23.

Specifies the loopback type. lpbktype is either LPBKTYPEENUM.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to instruct the specified transponder port to exit loopback

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200
module to which the command is sent.

Pa ge: 6-16 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands RMV-OCH
I np u t E xa mp l e

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the port for which the command is intended.
aid is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23.

Specifies the loopback type. lpbktype is either FACILITY or TERMINAL.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


This command instructs the specified port to change from the in-service (IS) state
to the out-of-service (OOS) state so that maintenance activities can be performed.
NOTE: The LightAmp and BrightAmp modules do not support state configuration.
NOTE: Taking a Copper SFP installed in a WRT-780 out of service does not affect the traffic
directly, however, since its state propagates to its associated optical SFP, end-to-end Ethernet
traffic will be affected.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200
module to which the command is sent.

Correlation tag

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-1 7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands RMV- OCHC
I np u t E xa mp l e

Access identifier that identifies the port for which the command is intended.
aid is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege. Use this
command to remove an optical channel connection from service.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element.

AID src is the AID AllChannelsIncAll on page 2-22
This parameter listable and rangeable; a list or range of optical channels can be
configured at the same time.


Correlation tag

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.

Pa ge: 6-18 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands RST- OCHC
D escr iption


Use this command to instruct a port to change from an out-of -service (OOS) state
to an in-service (IS) state.
The module must be in-service before any of its ports can be put in-service.
NOTE: The LightAmp and BrightAmp modules do not support state configuration.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200
module to which the command is sent.

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the NRP module(s) for which the command is
intended. Only port-level AIDs are acceptable (i.e., not module-level AIDs).
aid is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to restore an optical channel connection to service.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-1 9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands RTR V-ALM- OCH
I npu t For mat

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element.

AID src is the AID AllChannelsIncAll on page 2-22
This parameter listable and rangeable; a list or range of optical channels can be
configured at the same time.

Correlation tag

Input Example


This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve optical channel (port) level events and alarms.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element.

Pa ge: 6-20 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands R TR V-ALM- OCH
I np u t E xa mp l e

AID src is the AID AllSlotsAndPorts on page 2-25
. This parameter is listable and rangeable; a list or range of optical channels can be
configured at the same time.

Correlation tag

The notification code.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

The condition type.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

The service effect.
srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

Input Example

RTRV-ALM-OCH:Node198:1-5-2:69::MJ, LOS,SA,,,;

Output Format



Output Parameters

AID aid is a string.

The notification code.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-2 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands RTR V-ALM- OSC
O u tpu t E xa mp le

The condition type.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

The service effect.
srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

The occurrence date.
ocrdat is a string.

The occurrence time.
ocrtm is a string.

The condition description.
conddescr is a string.

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00

“1-5-2,:CL, LOS, SA, 98-06-17, 14:29:59,,:Loss of Signal”

This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve optical supervisory channel level events and alarms.

Input Format


Pa ge: 6-22 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands R TR V-ALM- OSC
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element.

AID src is the AID AllChannelsIncAll on page 2-22
. This parameter listable and rangeable; a list or range of optical channels can be
configured at the same time.

Correlation tag

Input Example

RTRV-ALM-OSC:TID:1-C:CTAG::CL,MJ, NSA, <null>,<null>,


Output Format



Output Parameters

AID aid is a string.

The notification code.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

The condition type.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-2 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands RTR V-AT TR- OCH
O u tpu t E xa mp le

The service effect.
srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

The occurrence date.
ocrdat is a string.

The occurrence time.
ocrtm is a string.

The condition description.
conddescr is a string.

Output Example

TID-000 98-06-20 14:30:00

M 001 COMPLD "1-2-2,<null>:CL,MN,NSA,<09-06-04>,<13:25:05>,

This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve alarm attributes for optical channel (port)

Input Format


Pa ge: 6-24 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facil ities Command s R TR V-AT TR- OCH
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element.

AID is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23
. This parameter listable and rangeable; a list or range of optical channels can be
configured at the same time.

Correlation tag

The notification code.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

The condition type.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example

RTRV-ATTR-OCH:Node198:3-8-2-1:72::CL, LOS,,,;

Output Format



Output Parameters


aid is a string.

sccm is of type SCCM_OCH_OSC_OCHC on page 2-47.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-2 5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands RTR V-AT TR- OSC
O u tpu t E xa mp le

The notification code.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

The condition type.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

Output Example

TID-000 98-06-20 14:30:00

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00

This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve alarm attributes for optical supervisory channel
related alarms and events.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element.

Pa ge: 6-26 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands RTR V-AT TR- OSC
I np u t E xa mp l e

AID src is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23
This parameter is listable and rangeable; a list or range of optical channels can be
configured at the same time.

Correlation tag

The notification code.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

The condition type.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example

RTRV-ATTR-OSC:Node198:3-12-2-2:73::CL, LOL,,,;

Output Format



Output Parameters

aid is a string.

sccm is of type SCCM_OCH_OSC_OCHC on page 2-47.

The notification code.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

The condition type.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-2 7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facil ities Command s R TR V- COND - OCH
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve the condition of an optical channel (port).

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element.

AID src is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23. This parameter is listable and rangeable; a
list or range of optical channels can be configured at the same time.

Correlation tag

The condition type.

Pa ge: 6-28 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands R TR V- COND - OCH
I np u t E xa mp l e

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example

RTRV-COND-OCH:Node198:1-12-1-2:74:: BITRATEMIS,,,;

Output Format


>, ,<dirn>, <dnField>"

Output Parameters

aid is a string.

sccm is of type SCCM_OCH_OSC_OCHC on page 2-47.

The notification code.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

The condition type.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

The service effect.
srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

The occurrence date.
ocrdat is a string.

The occurrence time.
ocrtm is a string.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-2 9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Fac i l i t i e s Com m a n d s R TR V- COND- OSC
O u tpu t E xa mp le

dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

dnField is a string.

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00

"1-12-1-2,OCH:CL,BITRATEMIS,NSA,98-06-19, 12:29:45,,NA,

This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve the condition of an optical supervisory channel.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element.

AID src is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23. This parameter is listable and rangeable; a
list or range of optical channels can be configured at the same time.

Correlation tag

Pa ge: 6-30 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands R TR V- COND- OSC
I np u t E xa mp l e

The condition type.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example

RTRV-COND-OSC:Node198:1-12-1-2:75:: MJ,,;

Output Format


>,, <dirn>,<dnField>"

Output Parameters

aid is a string.

sccm is of type SCCM_OCH_OSC_OCHC on page 2-47.

The notification code.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

The condition type.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

The service effect.
srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

The occurrence date.
ocrdat is a string.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-3 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands R TR V- OCH
O u tpu t E xa mp le

The occurrence time.
ocrtm is a string.

dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

dnField is a string.

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00

"1-12-1-2,OCH:CL,LOL,SA,98-06-20,12:29:46,,NA, 13579"

This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to display port-specific configuration and state information.

If displaying WRT-780 transponder configuration and state information, if the
transponder level AID is specified, information for both ports will be returned.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200
module to which the command is sent.

Pa ge: 6-32 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands R TR V- OCH
I np u t E xa mp l e

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the optical port for which the command is intended.
aid is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23. The four-part AID structure of a WRT-780
port is supported by this command.

Input Example


Output Format


M CTAG COMPLD "<aid>:PORTTYPE=<porttype>, ID=<customerid>
[ONCLIENTLOS=<onclientlos>], [OUTPUTPWR=<outputpwr>],
[SFPBITRATEMIN=<sfpbitratemin>], [WAVELENGTH=<wavelength>],
[GAINTARGET=<gaintarget>], [LOSTHRESHOLD=<losthreshold>],
[RXDTOPTMODE=<rxdtoptmode>], [MANUALRXDT=<manualrxdt>],

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-3 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands R TR V- OCH
Ou t put Pa rameters

:<pstpstq>,[<sst>]" ;

Output Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200
module to which the command is sent.

Correlation tag

Access identifier of the optical port.
aid is a string.

The type of a module. The valid values are:

• WS Client Port
• WS Network Port
• LP Primary Port
• LP Protection Port
• WS760 Client Port
• WS760 Network Port
• WRA Rx port
• WRA Tx port.
porttype is a string.

customerid is a user-assigned name, for port identification purposes.
customerid is a text-string.

Status of manual override associated with the specified transponder port.
If there is an embedded management channel associated with this port and it is IS
and the user data-path is disabled on the network port, the network port will leave
its laser enabled so that the embedded management channel can continue to operate.
When the embedded management channel is OOS and the user data-path is disabled
on the network port, the network port will disable the laser.
laserdisabled is of type YesNo on page 2-56. laserdisabled is optional.

Pa ge: 6-34 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands R TR V- OCH
Ou t put Pa rameters

A Copper SFP installed in a WRT-780 will always report "No."

Specifies what action should be taken on the network side laser when an LOS is
detected on the client side and when a client port goes out-of-service.
OFF = The network laser will be turned off when an LOS is detected on the client side
SQUELCH = The line data will be squelched but supervisory communications will
be maintained when an LOS is detected on the client side.
onclientlos is of type OnClientLOS on page 2-41. onclientlos is optional.

Output power. For WRA-XXX cards, this is a float with one decimal precision.
outputpwr is a string. outputpwr is optional. Shows the power level in dBm of the
optical signal currently being transmitted. If no optical signal is being transmitted
this value is a large negative number.Note: This value is not valid with Copper SFPs
installed in a WRT-780 and will report "0."

For WRA-XXX cards. This is the signal with ASE (Amplifier Systematic Emissions)
compensation. Float with one decimal precision.
signaloutputpwr is a string. signaloutputpwr is optional.

Input power. For WRA-XXX cards, this is a float with one decimal precision.
inputpwr is a string. inputpwr is optional. Shows the power level in dBm of the
incoming optical signal currently being received. If no optical signal is being
received this value is a large negative number.Note: This value is not valid with
Copper SFPs installed in a WRT-780 and will report "0."

Bit rate setting configured using the ED-OCH command. Integer value, rounded to
the nearest in Mbps. Valid values are as follows:

• 0: The transponder will attempt to lock onto the bit rate present on the
• 10 – 10000: The expected bit rate to the nearest integer in Mbps.
Note: The subset of allowable values depends on the type of SFP installed.
bitrate is a integer. bitrate is optional.

The actual (measured) bit rate to the nearest Mbps.
actbitrate is a integer. actbitrate is optional.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-3 5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands R TR V- OCH
Ou t put Pa rameters

The dispersion limited reach of the network side transmitter, in km. Shows the reach
or dispersion limit of the selected port. Note: This value is not valid with Copper
SFPs installed in a WRT-780 and will report "0."
reach is a integer. reach is optional.

Client side laser status.
outputstatus is of type OnOff on page 2-42 outputstatus is optional.

Client side Rx status. Indicates whether or not optical power is present.
inputstatus is of type OnOff on page 2-42. inputstatus is optional.

YES indicates that an SFP/XFP transceiver is physically absent. NO indicates that it
is present. If the value of this field is YES, all other SFP-related fields are defaulted as

• sfpbitratemax = 0
• sfpbitratemin = 0
• wavelength = 0
• sfpvendorname = "" (empty string)
• sfppartnumber = "" (empty string)
• sfpserialnumber = "" (empty string)
sfpmissing is of type YesNoWord on page 2-56. sfpmissing is optional

Maximum bit rate of the SFP/XFP transceiver. Expressed in hundreds of Mbps.
sfpbitratemax is a integer. sfpbitratemax is optional.

Minimum bit rate of the SFP/XFP transceiver. Expressed in hundreds of Mbps.
sfpbitratemin is a integer. sfpbitratemin is optional.

The nominal wavelength of the network side transmitter in nm. Shows the wave-
length of the selected port. Note: This value is not valid with Copper SFPs installed
in a WRT-780 and will report "0."
wavelength is a string. wavelength is optional.

SFP/XFP vendor name.
sfpvendorname is a string. sfpvendorname is optional.

Pa ge: 6-36 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands R TR V- OCH
Ou t put Pa rameters

Part number of the SFP/XFP.
sfppartnumber is a string. sfppartnumber is optional.

Serial number of the SFP/XFP.
sfpserialnumber is a string. sfpserialnumber is optional.

Indicates the type of active loopbacks:


uwslth is a string. uwslth is optional.

lwslth is a string. lwslth is optional.

rpl is a string. rpl is optional.

The Actual Receive Bitrate in Mbps. Note: This parameter is only supported on
client-side ports.
actrxbitrate is a integer. actrxbitrate is optional.

The Actual Transmit Bitrate in Mbps. Note: This parameter is only supported on
client-side ports.
acttxbitrate is a integer. acttxbitrate is optional.

datapathsquelched is of type YesNoWord on page 2-56. datapathsquelched is

Indicates the temperature of the laser module.
lasertemp is a string. lasertemp is optional.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-3 7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands R TR V- OCH
Ou t put Pa rameters

gain is a string. gain is optional.

outputpwrtarget is a string. outputpwrtarget is optional.

23.0 gaintarget is a string. gaintarget is optional.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Rx ports. Float with one decimal precision. losthreshold
is a string. losthreshold is optional.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Rx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
loshysteresis is a string. loshysteresis is optional.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Tx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
loothreshold is a string. loothreshold is optional.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Tx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
loohysteresis is a string. loohysteresis is optional.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Rx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
inputdegradethreshold is a string. inputdegradethreshold is optional.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Rx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
inputdegradehysteresis is a string. inputdegradehysteresis is optional.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Tx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
outputdegradethreshold is a string. outputdegradethreshold is optional.

Specific to WRA-XXX cards Tx ports. Float with one decimal precision.
outputdegradehysteresis is a string. outputdegradehysteresis is optional.

WRT-84x specific. Indicates the receiver decision threshold adjustment optimiza-
tion mode.

Pa ge: 6-38 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands R TR V- OCH
O u tpu t E xa mp le

rxdtoptmode is of type RxDtOptimizationMode on page 2-46. rxdtoptmode is


WRT-84x specific. Indicates the receiver decision threshold in percent. Used in
MANUAL optimization mode (RXDTOPTMODE) only.
manualrxdt is a string. manualrxdt is optional.

WRT-84x specific. Indicates the measured receiver decision threshold in percent.
actualrxdt is a string. actualrxdt is optional.

B2BRXDT b2brxdt is a string. b2brxdt is optional.

Shows the measured internal temperature in degrees C of the SFP.Note: This value
is not valid with Copper SFPs installed in a WRT-780 and will report "0."
sfptemp is a string. sfptemp is optional.

Shows the measured bias current that is being applied to the laser diode within the
specified SFP in mA. Note: This value is not valid with Copper SFPs installed in a
WRT-780 and will report "0."
sfplaserbiascurrent is a string. sfplaserbiascurrent is optional.

Common Language Equipment Identification code (CLEI).
clei is a string. clei is optional.

TNABLELASER tunablelaser is of type YesNo on page 2-56. tunablelaser is optional.

Primary state-Primary State Qualifier, i.e. {IS|OOS}-{NR|AU|MA|AUMA}
pstpstq is of type PrimaryState on page 2-43.

Secondary state.
sst is of type Secondary State on page 2-48 and is listable. sst is optional.

Output Example

Node198 71-05-15 06:31:58

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-3 9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands RTR V-SVC
D escr iption

"4-1-1:PORTTYPE=WS ClientPort,ID=\"CustomerX\",

This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve information related to the specified supervisory

communications channel.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

Access identifier of the target optical port.
aid is the AID AllNetworkPorts on page 2-23

Input Example


Pa ge: 6-40 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands RTR V-SVC
O ut p u t For m a t

Output Format


"<aid>:FSKVERSION=<fskversion>, FSKRATE=<fskrate>,
[EFFECTOFDATAPATHDOWN=<effectofdatapathdown>]: <pstpstq>,

Output Parameters

Access identifier of the port.
aid is a string.

Version of the FSK.
fskversion is a string.

Nominal baud rate of the supervisory channel.
fskrate is a integer.

The port number that is being used to transmit and receive the supervisory channel.
For example: portinuse = 2 or 3 for the WRT-760 module, since redundant network
ports exist.
portinuse is a string.

This attribute is used to view whether or not the SVC goes autonomously out of
service when the supporting network port changes to OOS state. If this attribute is
set to "TURNOFF", the SVC will autonomously go out of service when the
supporting network port changes to OOS state. If this attribute is set to "NONE", the
SVC will not change to OOS when the supporting network port changes to OOS
effectofdatapathdown is a string. effectofdatapathdown is optional.

Primary state-Primary State Qualifier, i.e. {IS|OOS}-{NR|AU|MA|AUMA}
pstpstq is of type PrimaryState on page 2-43.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-4 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands RTR V-XPDR
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Secondary state. FAF refers to facility failure (i.e., LOS). PRTCL refers to failure due
to protocol reasons (i.e., failure to negotiate link)
sst is of type Secondary State on page 2-48 and is listable. sst is optional.

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve the configuration settings for the specified

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag


Pa ge: 6-42 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands RTR V-XPDR
I nput Exampl es

aid is the AID AllTranspondersIncAll on page 2-28. Three-part transponder AID.


Input Examples


Output Format



Output Parameters

aid is a string.

manualdatalockrate is a string.

autoratelocking is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36.

expectedrxbitrate is a string.

fastfaultprop is of type EnabledDisabled on page 2-36.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-4 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands RTR V-MXP
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve the configuration settings for the specified

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

aid is the AID AllTranspondersIncAll on page 2-28. Three-part muxponder AID.

Input Example


Pa ge: 6-44 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands RTR V-MXP
O ut p u t For m a t

Output Format



Output Parameters

aid is the AID AllMuxponders.

is a integer. numberofclientports is optional.

networkmanualdatalockrate is a string. networkmanualdatalockrate is optional.

client1manualdatalockrate is a string. client1manualdatalockrate is optional.

client2manualdatalockrate is a string. client2manualdatalockrate is optional.

client3manualdatalockrate is a string. client3manualdatalockrate is optional.

AUTORATELOCKING autoratelocking is of type EnabledDisabled.

FASTFAULTPROP fastfaultprop is of type EnabledDisabled.

TRAFFICMODE trafficmode is of type TrafficMode.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-4 5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands RTR V- OCHC
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Output Example

TID87 71-05-15 06:34:07


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


This command retrieves and displays the wavelength-specific configuration and

state information for a WRS-061 channel.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the wavelength channel for which the command is
src is the AID AllChannelsIncAll and is listable and rangeable.

Pa ge: 6-46 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands RTR V- OCHC
I np u t E xa mp l e

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Access identifier of the wavelength channel.
aid is a string.

Customer configurable identifier for the wavelength channel.
id is a string. id is optional.

Wavelength specification in nanometers.
wavelength is a string. wavelength is optional.

Output power target level in dBm.
outputpwrtarget is a string. outputpwrtarget is optional.

Actual output power in dBm.
actualpwr is a string. actualpwr is optional.

Current attenuation in dB.
attenuation is a string. attenuation is optional.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-4 7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands SE T-AT TR- OCH
O u tpu t E xa mp le

The port from which wavelength channel connection is added. All connections
terminate to port 1 or the common port. fromport is the AID AllSlotsAndPorts on
page 2-25. fromport is optional.

estinputpwr is a string. estinputpwr is optional.

minrecoutpwr is a string. minrecoutpwr is optional.

Primary state-Primary State Qualifier, i.e. {IS|OOS}-{NR|AU|MA|AUMA}
pstpstq is of type PrimaryState on page 2-43.

Secondary state. sst is of type Secondary State on page 2-48 and is listable. sst is

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Instructs an NE to set the notification code associated with the specified condition
type. Only standing conditions can be assigned alarmed notification codes (CR,
MJ or MN), however they can also be made non-alarmed. Transient conditions
can only be non-alarmed (i.e., NA or NR).

Input Format


Pa ge: 6-48 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands SE T-AT TR- OCHC
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

Access identifier of the target module or port.
aid is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23.

The notification code to be assigned to the specified condition. A null defaults to
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. The default value is "NA".

The type of event for whose notification code is to be changed. A null value will cause
notification attributes for all event types matching <aid> to be set.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

input Example

SET-ATTR-OCH:TID:3-8-2-2:85::MN, LOS,,,;

This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Instructs an NE to set the notification code associated with the specified condition
type. Only standing conditions can be assigned alarmed notification codes (CR,
MJ or MN), however they can also be made non-alarmed. Transient conditions
can only be non-alarmed (i.e., NA or NR).

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-4 9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands SE T-AT TR- OSC
I npu t For mat

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

aid is the AID AllChannels on page 2-21.

The notification code to be assigned to the specified condition. A null defaults to
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. The default value is "NA".

The type of event for whose notification code is to be changed. A null value will cause
notification attributes for all event types matching <aid> to be set.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Instructs an NE to set the notification code associated with the specified condition
type. Only standing conditions can be assigned alarmed notification codes (CR,

Pa ge: 6-50 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands SE T-TRAFFICMODE
I npu t For mat

MJ or MN), however they can also be made non-alarmed. Transient conditions

can only be non-alarmed (i.e., NA or NR).

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

aid is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23.

The notification code to be assigned to the specified condition. A null defaults to
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. The default value is "NA".

The type of event for whose notification code is to be changed. A null value will cause
notification attributes for all event types matching <aid> to be set.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example

SET-ATTR-OSC:TID:3-8-2-2:86::MJ, LOL,,,

This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-5 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands SE T-TRAFFICMODE
D escr iption


Use this command to set the traffic mode of the WRT-740, WRT-781 and
WRT-8xx modules.
All ports, client and network, must be out of service (OOS-MA) as well as the
module must be OOS-MA prior to attempting to SET-TRAFFICMODE.
SET-TRAFFICMODE shall reject the request if this condition is not met. A
SET-TRAFFICMODE command will initiate a COLD restart of the module
It is important to note that the following WRT-852 traffic modes do not support a
supervisory channel. If a remote (or far-end) module is switched to one of the
following traffic modes (via a supervisory channel) the existing supervisory
channel will be disabled, a new supervisory channels can not be opened, and
therefore the traffic mode (and other configuration parameters) can not be
subsequently changed:
• Transponder
• Regenerator
• Dual Regenerator
• Regenerator (OC-192/STM-64/10GE WAN over OTN)
• Regenerator (10 GE LAN over OTN)

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

aid is the AID AllSlotsAndTransponders on page 2-26.


Pa ge: 6-52 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Facilities Commands SE T-TRAFFICMODE
I np u t E xa mp l e

trafficmode is of type TrafficMode on page 2-53.

Input Example


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 6-5 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Facilities Commands SE T-TRAFFICMODE
I np u t E xa mp l e

Pa ge: 6-54 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Backup and Restore Commands
This chapter summarizes TL1 commands for backup and restore of module
configuration data. WaveReady systems 4.3.1 and higher support backup and
restore of module configuration data via the COM-200 module. A backup operation
backs up all the configuration data for the modules in the shelf. A Restore operation
enables the transfer of backed-up configuration settings to replacement modules,
thereby eliminating the need for manual commissioning. Backed-up configuration
data can be restored to all modules or for individual modules in the shelf.
NOTE: This feature is intended as a commissioning activity. It is not intended to be used on a
regular basis (for example, by an NMS automated backup utility that creates backups at
regular intervals).
This chapter contains these commands:
• COPY-BACKUP on page 7-1
• INIT-BACKUP on page 7-3
• OPR-BACKUP on page 7-3
• RST-BACKUP on page 7-5
• RTRV-BACKUP on page 7-7
• RTRV-BACKUP-STAT on page 7-8
• RTRV-UPGRD-STAT on page 7-10
• ED-SWBASELINE on page 7-12
• RTRV-SWBASELINE on page 7-14
• COPY-RFILE on page 7-15
• INIT-LOG on page 7-17
• RTRV-LOG on page 7-18

This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.

Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: 7-1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Back u p and Res to re Comma nds COPY-BACKUP
D escr iption


Use this command to copy a backup file from the NE to a specified location.
NOTE: The backup file must exist on the NE for this command to work. Issue the
INIT-BACKUP and OPR-BACKUP commands to create the backup file on the NE, if one
does not exist already.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

This is the NE AID.
src is the AID ALL on page 2-19.

URLTYPE is a string with a value of "FTP".
urltype is a string.

This parameter is a fully qualified FTP URL describing where the file is to be copied.
It includes the username, password, server, port, path, and filename such as
url is a string.

Input Examples


Pa ge: 7 -2 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Back u p and Re store Co mma nds INIT-BACKUP
D escr iption

This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to delete the backup file stored on the NE.
NOTE: Issue the INIT-BACKUP command before issuing an OPR-BACKUP command,
otherwise the backup will fail. The only time this is not true is when a backup has never been
NOTE:To keep a copy of the backup file before deleting it, issue the COPY-BACKUP
command prior to the INIT-BACKUP.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

This is the NE AID.
src is the AID ALL on page 2-19.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 7 -3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Back u p and Res to re Comma nds OPR-BACKUP
D escr iption


Use this command to trigger a backup. The system backs up the entire NE into a
single backup file which is stored on the NE.
NOTE: The OPR-BACKUP command is not acknowledged when issued. When the backup
finishes the system sends a BACKUP_CMD_ CMPLT autonomous event message to report
the status.
NOTE: When the OPR-BACKUP command completes, issue a COPY-BACKUP command to
copy the backup file to another location.
NOTE: The Backup will only work on a subtending NE if the subtending NE has an active
Ethernet connection (for FTP access by the operator).
note: See REPT EVT <SCCMNOALL> on page 11-2 for a more detailed explanation of the
autonomous message response.


Be aware of these precautions when performing a backup:

• Issue an INIT-BACKUP command before issuing an OPR-BACKUP command,
otherwise the backup will fail, unless a backup has never been done.
• Do not perform any configuration changes to the Node during a backup
operation. Doing so can result in an inconsistent state.
• If the controller restarts unexpectedly during a backup or a restore operation, an
event notice is issued indicating that the process was interrupted. If it is a backup,
the file might have been partially created and should be deleted. If it is a restore,
repeat the procedure to ensure that the NE is a consistent state.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

Pa ge: 7 -4 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Back u p and Re store Co mma nds RST-BACKUP
I np u t E xa mp l e

src is the AID ALL on page 2-19.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to restore configuration data from a backup file, to one or more
modules in the shelf. The file is retrieved through FTP using the URL provided.
NOTE: The system sends a RESTORE_CMD_ CMPLT event message to indicate the status
when the restoration has completed.


These are the restrictions and requirements for restoring configuration data to one
or more modules in the Node:
• The restore is performed by user-request only.
• To restore any entity in the NE, the software version of the COM-200 controller
must be exactly the same as the one that was backed up.
• The software version of each module being restored must match the one that
was backed up.
• The module being restored to must be installed in the same slot in the
WaveReady shelf as the module that was backed up.
• The System ID must match the System ID that was in use when the backup file
was created. If the current System ID does not match the backup, change it (see
SET-SID on page 4-20), perform the data restore, and then change it back.
NOTE: Every system identifier must be unique within a managed network.
• The backup files are CRC protected and a corrupted backup file will be rejected at

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 7 -5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Back u p and Res to re Comma nds RST-BACKUP

• The restore will only work on a subtending NE if the subtending NE has an active
Ethernet connection (for FTP access by the operator).


Be aware of these precautions when performing a restore:

• Do not perform any configuration changes to the Node during a restore
operation. Doing so can result in an inconsistent state. Also to avoid
inconsistencies during restore operations, limit the number of data retrieval
requests that are performed.
• A restore can be service affecting depending on the values of the restored data.
• If the controller restarts unexpectedly during a backup or a restore operation, an
event notice is issued indicating that the backup was interrupted. If it is a restore,
repeat the procedure to ensure that the NE is a consistent state. If it is a backup,
the file might have been partially created and should be deleted.

Input Format

RST-BACKUP:[TID]:[<src>]:CTAG::URLTYPE=<urltype>, URL=<url>;

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

ALL or a specific card.
src is the AID AllSlotsIncALL on page 2-26.

URLTYPE is a string with a value of "FTP".
urltype is a string.

Only required if the URLTYPE is FTP. This parameter is a fully qualified FTP URL
describing where the backup file is residing. It includes the username, password,
server, port, path, and filename such as "ftp://[<userid>[:<pass-

Pa ge: 7 -6 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Back u p and Re store Co mma nds RTR V-BACKUP
I nput Exampl es

url is a string.

Input Examples


This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve the available backup files from the NE.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

src is the AID ALL on page 2-19

Input Example


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 7 -7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Back u p and Res to re Comma nds RTR V-BACKUP-STAT
O ut p u t For m a t

Output Format


M CTAG COMPLD "BACKUPFILE=<backupfile>,SIZE=<size>"

Output Parameters

Name of the backup file.
backupfile is a string.

Size of the backup file, in bytes.
size is a integer.

Output Examples

TID-000 98-06-20 14:30:00

"BackUp_City, 1"

This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve the backup or restore status for individual modules
or the entire NE.

Input Format


Pa ge: 7 -8 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Back u p and Re store Co mma nds RTR V-BACKUP-STAT
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

src is the AID ALL on page 2-19.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Current status of the backup and restore.
status is of type BackUpState on page 2-33.

Output Examples

TID-000 98-06-20 14:30: 00


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 7 -9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Back u p and Res to re Comma nds RTR V-UPGRD -STAT
D escr iption

This command requires a Security and Administration Level 1 User Access


Use this command to retrieve software load tags for the active and inactive (boot)
banks on the module, and information about which bank is active. This assists in
determining whether the active and inactive banks are synchronized.
NOTE: WRT-7xx modules only support one boot load and a preferred bank instead of an
active bank. If the preferred bank is corrupted, the module boots to the other bank. A subse-
quent RTRV-UPGRD-STAT command to the WRT-7xx will respond with an active bank
pointing to the corrupted bank.
NOTE: The LightAmp, BrightAmp and LP530 modules are not upgradeable and do not
support the use of the RTRV-UPGRD-STAT command.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

Access identifier of the target module. A null or "All" value can be used to indicate
all equipment units installed in the WaveReady™ series shelf.
src is the AID AllSlotsIncALL on page 2-26.

Input Examples


Pa ge: 7-10 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Back u p and Re store Co mma nds RTR V-UPGRD -STAT
O ut p u t For m a t

Output Format



Output Parameters

AID for the requested equipment.
aid is a string.

Indicates the upgrade status of the card. On a WRA-XXX card: if the ppc 405
AND/OR the EDFA are upgrading, the status is "BUSY" - otherwise it is "OK".
status is of type UpGradeStatus on page 2-55.

Application load name in bank A.
apploadtaga is a string.

Application load name in bank B.
apploadtagb is a string.

Boot load name in bank A.
bootloadtaga is a string. bootloadtaga is optional.

Boot load name in bank B.
bootloadtagb is a string. bootloadtagb is optional.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 7-1 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Back u p and Res to re Comma nds ED -SWBASELINE
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Indicates which is the active bank. For the COM-200, WRT840 and WRA-XXX, this
indicates the bank currently booted. For the WRT7xx cards, this indicates the bank
from which the load will boot in the next reset.
activebank is of type BankSpecifier on page 2-34.

For WRA-XXX card. EDFA load in bank A.
edfaloadtaga is a string. edfaloadtaga is optional. edfaloadtagb For WRA-XXX card.
EDFA load in bank B. edfaloadtagb is a string. edfaloadtagb is optional.

For WRA-XXX card. Indicates which is the active bank of the EDFA.
edfaactivebank is of type BankSpecifier on page 2-34. edfaactivebank is optional.

For embedded modules. Software load in bank A.
emod1loadtaga is a string. emod1loadtaga is optional.

For embedded modules. Software load in bank B.
emod1loadtagb is a string. emod1loadtagb is optional.

For embedded modules. Current active bank.
emod1activebank is of type BankSpecifier. emod1activebank is optional.

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Security and Administration Level 4 User Access

Pa ge: 7-12 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Back u p and Re store Co mma nds ED -SWBASELINE
D escr iption


Use this command to edit the software load baseline of the system. The
LOADMISMATCH alarm is generated when the actual software load on a card
does not match what is indicated in this software load baseline.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

Indicates the card type as displayed in the RTRV-INV or RTRV-EQPT command.
cardtype is of type CardTypes.

Indicates the software application load as displayed by the RTRV-INV or
RTRV-EQPT command. apploadtag is a string.

Indicates the software boot load as displayed by the RTRV-EQPT command. boot-
loadtag is a string.

For WRA-XXX cards. Indicates the software EDFA load as displayed by the
RTRV-EQPT command. edfaloadtag is a string.

EMOD1LOADTAG emod1loadtag is a string.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 7-1 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Back u p and Res to re Comma nds RTR V-SWBASELINE
I np u t E xa mp l e

Input Example


This command requires a Security and Administration Level 1 User Access


Use this command to retrieve the software load baseline of the system. The
LOADMISMATCH alarm is generated when the actual software load on a card
does not match what is indicated in this software load baseline.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

Input Example


Output Format


Pa ge: 7-14 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Back u p and Re store Co mma nds COPY-RFILE
O ut p u t Param e ter

M CTAG COMPLD "CARDTYPE=<cardtype>,APPLOADTAG=<apploadtag>,


Output Parameter

Indicates the card type as displayed in the RTRV-INV or RTRV-EQPT command.
cardtype is of type CardTypes.

Indicates the software application load as displayed by the RTRV-INV or
RTRV-EQPT command. apploadtag is a string.

Indicates the software boot load as displayed by the RTRV-EQPT command. boot-
loadtag is a string. bootloadtag is optional.

EDFALOADTAG edfaloadtag is a string. edfaloadtag is optional.

EMOD1LOADTAG emod1loadtag is a string. emod1loadtag is optional.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Security and Administration Level 4 User Access


The COPY-RFILE command initiates a software download between a COMM200

module serial port or a remote FTP server and a WaveReady module. It can also be

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 7-1 5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Back u p and Res to re Comma nds COPY-RFILE
I npu t For mat

used after a software download to synchronize the software load from the active to
the inactive bank of a module or modules in a node.
NOTE: To synchronize the software load directly from the module’s active bank to its inactive
bank, for the COM-200, WRT-840, WRT-842, and WRA-1xx/217 modules, use the
COPY-RFILE command with the TYPE parameter BANKCOPY. For the WRT-740/760, the
software load cannot be synchronized directly from the module's active bank. Issue the
COPY-RFILE command twice using the software download syntax.
NOTE: Issue the INIT-SYS command following a successful software download to enable the
new file to be used.
NOTE: WRA-1xx/217 modules also support download of the amplifier EDFA load.
NOTE:The LightAmp, BrightAmp and LP530 modules do not support the COPY-RFILE

Input Format

ST=<desturl>, [FTPMODE=<ftpmode>],,[FTTD=<fttd>];

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

The module to which the software is being downloaded. Null and ‘All’ are invalid in
this case.
aid is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

SWDL is used for software that is transferred directly to a WaveReady module’s APP
or BOOT target locations. Null is not a valid value.
xfertype is of type XferType on page 2-55.

{<ftp>|MEMORY} = Location of file to transfer.

• Valid sources: <ftp> Format: "ftp://[<userid>[:<pass-


Pa ge: 7-16 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Back u p and Re store Co mma nds INIT-LOG
I nput Exampl es

• MEMORY Usage: Supported by the CM only. This is an extra memory loca-

tion within the CM for file caching (i.e. in a multi-module software upgrade
scenario). srcurl is a string.

{BOOT|APP|MEMORY|EDFA} = Location of file to transfer. Valid destinations are:

• BOOT Usage: Supported by all NRP modules. The boot software for the NRP
• APP Usage: Supported by all NRP Modules.
• MEMORY Usage: Supported by the CM only. This is an extra memory loca-
tion within the CM for file caching (i.e. in a multi-module software upgrade
• EDFA Usage: supported by the WRA card only. Indicates the EDFA load.
desturl is a string.

Indicates where the NE should use active (PORT) or passive (PASV) mode FTP to
retrieve the file.
ftpmode is of type FtpMode on page 2-36. fttd Not used. fttd is a string.

Input Examples


This command requires a Maintenance Level 4 User Access Privilege.


This command instructs the target module to clear the contents of the specified

Input Format


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 7-1 7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Back u p and Res to re Comma nds RTR V-LOG
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the NRP module(s) for which the command is
aid is the AID COMM on page 2-29.

Name of the log to clear. Acceptable value depends on the target module. Only the
COM-200 has a Security log.
lognm is of type LogName on page 2-37.

Input Example


This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.


This command instructs the target module to return the contents of a log.
NOTE: The condition type "database change" (DBCHG) indicates when a configuration
change has taken place. The log only appears for specific modules and specific database

Input Format


Pa ge: 7-18 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Back u p and Re store Co mma nds RTR V-LOG
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the NRP module for which the command is
aid is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

Name of the log to retrieve. Acceptable value depends on the target module. Only the
COM-200 has a Security log.
lognm is of type LogName on page 2-37.

Input Example

If <Lognm> is ALARMLOG, <log entries> has the following format:
If <Lognm> is SECULOG, <log entries> has the following format:
NOTE: The first <log entries> block does not contain any spaces. Subsequent <log entries>
blocks begin with five spaces ("^^^^^") for alignment. The last <log entries> block that is
returned does NOT include <cr><lf> at the end.
NOTE: An event log that returns the <condition type> DBCHG indicates that a configuration
change has taken place. The type of configuration change is described by <conddescr>. This
log only appears for specific modules and specific database changes.

Output Example


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 7-1 9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Back u p and Res to re Comma nds RTR V-LOG
O u tpu t E xa mp le

A-1:,BANKCOPYFAIL,,03-11,16-53-36,,:\"Bank Copy
Fail\":APPLOADTAGA= R4.6.3.022, APPLOADTAGB=R4.6.3.022,
A-1:,SWDL,,03-11,14-39-06,,:/"Software download was
successful.\":EMOD1LOADTAGB =Unreadable
A-1:,SWDLSTART,,03-11,16-38-24,,:\"Software download
started.\": APPLOADTAGA= R4.5.4.015, APPLOADTAGB=R4.6.3.022,
1-C:,SWDL,,03-11,16-35-12,,:\"Software download was
1-C:SWDLFAIL,,03-11,16-32-06,,:\"Software download was
unsuccessful. FTP communication failure.\"::DEST=MEMORY
A-1:, SWDLFAIL,,03-11,16-30-54,,:\"Software download was
unsuccessful. Source memory image not

Pa ge: 7-20 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Performance Commands
This chapter contains an alphabetical summary of TL1 commands related to the
monitoring of performance
The command descriptions in this chapter identify each command, purpose, syntax,
variables, and responses.
This chapter contains the following commands:
• INIT-REG on page 8-1
• RTRV-PM on page 8-2
• RTRV-PMMODE on page 8-5
• SET-PMMODE on page 8-7

The following commands require a Performance Monitoring Level 4User Access


Use the following commands to initialize monitor counts for the target of the
specified secondary command.
Initialize Register SCCM_PM instructs the PM system to initialize monitor counts
for the specified SCCM to 0.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Secondary command. Specifies the traffic protocol to be monitored. Variables are:

Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: 8-1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Per for mance Co mma nds RTR V-PM
I np u t E xa mp l e


Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag.

AID src is the AID.AllPorts on page 2-23 .

Input Example


Output Format



Output Example

Node198 10-02-03 17:57:10


The following commands require a Performance Monitoring Level 4 User Access


Use these commands to retrieve performance monitoring data for the target of the
specified secondary command.

Pa ge: 8 -2 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Per for mance Co mmands RTR V-PM
I np u t E xa mp l e

Retrieve Performance SCCM_PM instructs the NE to send its current set of PM

data associated with one or more equipment units, facilities, links, or signaling
links within the NE.
It may be used to load an OS or audit an OS database with PM data.
The command may also be used to evaluate the system before or after NE
maintenance operations. Parameters are provided to retrieve past PM data.
This message and the other PM-related messages are based on the following
assumptions about the NE’s PM data collection (see GR-820-CORE):
• Accumulation periods for PM data are fixed in the NE..
• All daily accumulation periods in the NE span the period from midnight to
• All hourly accumulation periods in the NE begin and end on the hour..
• The duration of all accumulation periods less than an hour must be such that an
integral number of periods must total exactly 1 hour, and that there be a period
transition occurring on the hour..
Also note:
• SCCM_PM supports {OCN|OTN|ETHERNET}, to retrieve Sonet PMs on WRT852
client port: RTRV-PM-OCN:1-2-1-1:x:;.
• If no DATE entered assume current date.
• if no time entered assume current time.
• if no tamper entered assume 15MIN period. In the first release we only support
UNTIMED, so that will be the default..

Input Example


Input Parameters

Secondary command. Specifies the traffic protocol to be monitored. Variables are:

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 8 -3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Per for mance Co mma nds RTR V-PM
I nput Exampl es

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag.

Access identifier of the target optical port. src is the AID.AllPorts on page 2-23

Input Examples


Output Format


er>,<mondat>, <montm>"

Output Parameters

Identifies the entity in the NE to which the command pertains. aid is a string.

Specifies the facility (or sub-entity) to which the command pertains. sccm is of type.
SCCM_PM on page 2-47

Monitored type or counter. montype is of type.MonitorType on page 2-38

The value to which the register identified by montype is to be initialized to or the
measured value of a monitored parameter. The value is in the form of numeric
counts or rates. monvall is a string.

Pa ge: 8 -4 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

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Per for mance Co mmands R TR V-PMMODE
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Indicates whether the information for the specified time period was accumulated
over the entire time period or some portion thereof. vldty is of type.PMValidity on
page 2-42

The location associated with a particular command. locn is of type.LocationType on
page 2-37

The direction relative to the entity defined in the "aid" field. dirn is of type.Dirn on
page 2-35

The accumulation period for performance counters. tmper is of type.TimePeriod on
page 2-53

The beginning date of the PM or storage register period specified in tmper. The
format is MM-DD. mondat is a string.

The beginning time of day of the PM or storage register period specified in tmper.
The format is HH-MM. montm is a string.

Output Example

Node198 10-02-03 17:40:36


These commands require a Performance Monitoring Level 4 User Access Privilege.


These commands return the current status of the PM subsystems for the target of
the specified secondary command.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 8 -5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Per for mance Co mma nds RTRV-PMMODE
I npu t For mat

There are 3 possible modifiers for each port, OCN, ETHERNET, and OTN and
each have their own activation option for UNTIMED collection. The default is for
collection to be OFF.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Secondary command. Specifies the traffic protocol to be monitored. Variables are:

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed. .

Correlation tag

AID src is the AID.AllPortsIncALL on page 2-24

Input Example


Output Format



Pa ge: 8 -6 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Per for mance Co mmands SE T-PMMODE
Ou t put Pa rameters


Output Parameters

Identifies the entity in the NE to which the command pertains. aid is a string..

Specifies the facility (or sub-entity) to which the command pertains. sccm is of type

Parameter indicates whether UNTIMED bin collection is currently accumulating.
untimedcol is of type.OnOff on page 2-42

Output Example

Node198 98-06-20 14:30:00


These commands require a Performance Monitoring Level 4 User Access


Use these commands to set the performance mode for the target of the specified
secondary command.
Instructs the PM subsystem to set the mode of PM data collection.

Input format


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 8 -7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Per for mance Co mma nds SE T-PMMODE
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Secondary command. Specifies the traffic protocol to be monitored. Variables are:

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

AID src is the AID.AllPorts on page 2-23

Parameter indicates to start or stop UNTIMED bin collection. untimedbin is of
type.OnOff on page 2-42

Input Example


Output Format



Output Example

Node198 10-02-03 17:57:10


Pa ge: 8 -8 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Protection Commands
This chapter contains an alphabetical summary of TL1 commands related to the
protection of facilities.
The command descriptions in this chapter identify each command, purpose, syntax,
variables, and responses.
This chapter contains the following commands:
• DLT-FFP-OCH on page 9-1
• ED-FFP-OCH on page 9-2
• ENT-FFP-OCH on page 9-3
• OPR-PROTNSW-OCH on page 9-5
• RLS-PROTNSW-OCH on page 9-6
• RTRV-FFP-OCH on page 9-7
• RTRV-PROTNSW-OCH on page 9-9

This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to delete an existing facility protection group.

Input Format


Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: 9-1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Prote c tion Commands ED -FFP- OCH
I npu t Parameter

Input Parameter

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier of either the working or protecting port on the card where a facility
protection group is to be deleted.
aid is the AID AllNetworkPorts on page 2-23.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to edit an existing facility protection group.

Input Format

[RVRTV=<rvrtv>], [RVTM=<rvtm>];

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Pa ge: 9 -2 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Protec tion Commands ENT-FFP-OCH
I np u t E xa mp l e

Access identifier of either the working or protecting port on the card where a facility
protection group is to be modified.
aid is the AID AllNetworkPorts on page 2-23.

Name of the protection group. String, 32 characters max.
protname is a string.

Integer identifying whether or not revertive mode is active. Valid values are:

• 0: Revertive mode is off.

• 1: Revertive mode is on.
rvrtv is a integer.

Identifies the revertive time-out (aka ‘wait to restore’ time) in seconds. Valid range
is 5 to 1000.
rvtm is a integer.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to establish a facility protection group.

Input Format

PROTID=<protid>, [PROTNAME=<protname>], [RVRTV=<rvrtv>],

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 9 -3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Prote c tion Command s ENT-FFP-OCH
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier of either the working or protecting port on the card where a facility
protection group is to be created.
aid is the AID AllNetworkPorts on page 2-23.

Port number of the working interface. Must refer to a network-facing optical port on
a card. NOTE: This refers to the port number only and not the full AID of the port.
workid is a integer.

Port number of the protecting interface. Must refer to a network-facing optical port
on a card. NOTE: This refers to the port number only and not the full AID of the
protid is a integer.

Name of the protection group. String, 32 characters max. Default is empty string.
protname is a string.

Integer identifying whether or not revertive mode is active. Valid values are:
0: Revertive mode is off.
1: Revertive mode is on.
rvrtv is a integer.

Identifies the revertive time-out (aka ‘wait to restore’ time) in seconds. Valid range
is 5 to 1000. The factory default value is 300.
rvtm is a integer. The default value is "300".

Pa ge: 9 -4 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Protec tion Commands OPR-PROTNSW- OCH
I nput Exampl es

Input Examples


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to instruct the protection switch to perform one of the
following functions:
• Perform a forced switch to the protection path only if the alternate path is
• Perform a forced switch to the working path unless it is locked out
• Enter lockout mode without switching paths, effectively disabling APS

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the port for which the command is intended.
aid is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23.

Represents the switch command to be initiated.
FRCD - Causes the unit to switch to the alternate line and enter manual mode. A
WRT-760 will deny a request of forced switch if the AID identifies a working line

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 9 -5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Prote c tion Commands RLS-PROTNSW- OCH
I np u t E xa mp l e

(i.e., switching to protection line) and a protection line has failed. However, the card
will accept a forced switch back to a failed working line.
LOCKOUT - Causes the unit to enter manual mode with service switched away from
the protection line.
If the AID specifies a WRT-760 protecting interface: The working interface will be
inhibited from switching to the specified protection interface.
Switching requests (i.e., OPR-PROTNSW with the sc parameter FRCD) are rejected
unless a RLS-PROTNSW command is executed.
For FRCD and LOCKOUT switch commands, automatic protection switching is
disabled and the unit that the AID identifies remains in manual mode until an
RLS-PROTNSW command is received. While a switch command is active, subse-
quent OPR-PROTNSW commands with higher priority may be executed.
sc is of type SwitchType on page 2-52.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to release a switching command issued using a previous

OPR-PROTNSW command.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Pa ge: 9 -6 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Protec tion Commands R TR V-FFP- OCH
I np u t E xa mp l e

Access identifier that identifies the port for which the command is intended.
aid is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve the attributes of the specified facility protection

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier of either the working or protecting port on the card where a facility
protection group is to be modified.
aid is the AID AllNetworkPorts on page 2-23.

Input Examples


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 9 -7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Prote c tion Commands RTR V-FFP- OCH
O ut p u t For m a t

Output Format


M CTAG COMPLD "<aid>:WORKID=<workid>, PROTID=<protid>,
PROTNAME=<protname>, RVRTV=<rvrtv>, RVTM=<rvtm>, SC=<sc>,

Output Parameters

Access identifier of the working interface.
aid is a string.

Port number of the working interface. Must refer to a network-facing optical port on
a card. NOTE: This refers to the port number only and not the full AID of the port.
workid is a integer.

Port number of the protecting interface. Must refer to a network-facing optical port
on a card. NOTE: This refers to the port number only and not the full AID of the
protid is a integer.

Name of the protection group. String, 32 characters max. The default is null.
protname is a string.

Integer identifying whether or not revertive mode is active. Valid values are:
0: Revertive mode is off.
1: Revertive mode is on.
rvrtv is a integer.

Identifies the revertive time-out (aka ‘wait to restore’ time) in seconds. Valid range
is 5 to 1000.
rvtm is a integer.

Switch command currently in effect.

Pa ge: 9 -8 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Protec tion Commands R TR V-PROTNSW- OCH
O u tpu t E xa mp le

sc is of type Switch Command on page 2-51.

Port number of the active port. Refers to a network-facing port. NOTE: This refers
to the port number only and not the full AID of the port.
activeid is a integer.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve the switching command that is currently in effect on
the specified interface.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 9 -9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Prote c tion Commands RTR V-PROTNSW- OCH
I np u t E xa mp l e

Access identifier of either the working or protecting port on the card where a facility
protection group is to be modified.
aid is the AID AllNetworkPorts on page 2-23.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Access identifier that identifies the optical port to which the command applies.
aid is a string.

The type of protection switching command that is currently in effect. Valid values

• LOCKOUT: The working interface is inhibited from switching to the

protecting interface.
• FRCD: The working interface has been forced to the protection interface, or
the protecting interface has been switched to the working interface.

No switch command is in effect on the specified interface.
swtype is of type SwitchType on page 2-52. swtype is optional.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


Pa ge: 9-10 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Protec tion Commands R TR V-PROTNSW- OCH
O u tpu t E xa mp le


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: 9-1 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Prote c tion Commands RTR V-PROTNSW- OCH
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Pa ge: 9-12 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Alarm and Event Commands
This chapter provides an alphabetical summary of TL1 commands related to alarms
and events.
The command descriptions in this chapter identify each command, purpose, syntax,
variables, and responses.
This chapter contains the following commands:
• ALW-MSG-ALL on page 10-2
• INH-MSG-ALL on page 10-3
• OPR-ACO-ALL on page 10-4
• REPT ALM <SCCMNOALL> on page 10-5
• REPT EVT <SCCMNOALL> on page 10-6
• REPT EVT SESSION on page 10-8
• RTRV-ALM-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page 10-9
• RTRV-ALM-OCHC on page 10-16
• RTRV-ALM-ALL on page 10-13
• RTRV-ATTR-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page 10-18
• RTRV-ATTR-OCHC on page 10-23
• RTRV-ATTR-ALL on page 10-21
• RTRV-ATTR-SECULOG on page 10-25
• RTRV-COND-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page 10-27
• RTRV-COND-ALL on page 10-30
• RTRV-COND-ALL on page 10-30
• RTRV-DESC-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page 10-35
• RTRV-MSG-ALL on page 10-39
• RTRV-TH-<SCCM_EQPTOCH> on page 10-40
• SET-ATTR-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page 10-44
• SET-ATTR-OCHC on page 10-46
• SET-ATTR-SECULOG on page 10-47

Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: 10-1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s ALW-MSG-ALL
D escr iption

• SET-DESC-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page 10-48

• SET-TH-EQPT on page 10-50
• SET-TH-OCH on page 10-52

This command requires a Maintenance Level 4 User Access Privilege.


This command re-enables reporting of autonomous messages for the specified

condition type (previously inhibited by the INH-MSG command) for all
users/sessions that are logged into the target module. Only alarms (not events) can
be inhibited or allowed.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the target module for which the command is
intended. A null value or ‘All’ for <aid> is used to indicate all units currently
installed in the shelf.
aid is the AID ALL on page 2-19.

The type of event for which automatic reporting is to be allowed. A null value will
cause all messages specified, regardless of event type to be allowed.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Pa ge: 10-2 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s INH-MSG-ALL
I np u t E xa mp l e

Input Example


This command requires a Maintenance Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to inhibit system reporting of autonomous messages of the

specified condition type. This command inhibits messages for all users/sessions
logged into the module. Only alarms (not events) can be inhibited or allowed.
Retrieve inhibited alarmed and non-alarmed events that are standing conditions
by issuing an RTRV-ALM (alarmed events) or RTRV-COND (non-alarmed
events) command.
NOTE: An ALW-MSG command must be issued in order for the system to resume sending the
messages that are inhibited by this command. See the ALW-MSG command for additional
information about the behavior of these commands.
NOTE: Only one set of "inhibits" can be applied to the NE at a time. If inhibiting additional
messages, first allow all the messages, using the ALW-MSG command and then issue an
INH-MSG command that includes the full list of conditions to inhibit.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the target module for which the command is
intended. A null value or ‘All’ for <aid> is used to indicate all units currently
installed in the shelf.

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 10 -3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Commands OPR-ACO-ALL
I np u t E xa mp l e

aid is the AID ALL on page 2-19.

The type of event for which automatic reporting is to be inhibited. A null value will
cause all messages specified, regardless of event type to be inhibited.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to turn off the audible alarm by opening the alarm relay
contacts in the COM-200. The alarm cut-off (ACO) function relates to alarm
relays only. Front panel LEDs, and status information that is accessible through
TL1 commands, are not affected.
The OPR-ACO-ALL command acknowledges existing conditions that are
contributing to an alarm relay closure. If the ACO button is pressed, the relays
remain open until a new alarm condition occurs. If an alarm condition that was
cut-off is cleared and then recurs, this constitutes a new alarm and the relays close
again. There is no time-out or disable associated with the ACO.
NOTE: Audible alarms are cut off until the alarm condition is cleared.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Pa ge: 10-4 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R EP T A LM <S CCMN OAL L >
I np u t E xa mp l e

Correlation tag

Access identifier of the target COM-200. "1-C"’ is the only acceptable value. Only the
Communications module supports this command, which is the equivalent of
pushing the ACO button on the front panel of the Communications module.
aid is the AID COMM on page 2-29.

Input Example



Modules generate these messages to report the occurrence of an alarmed event
(notification code CR, MJ or MN) when the message is not inhibited. When the
condition ceases to exist, the module generates a corresponding automatic "clear"
(CL) message.
See TL1 Autonomous Messages on page 11-1, REPT ALM <SCCMNOALL> on
page 11-2 for autonomous message responses.


Report Alarm (COM)


Report Alarm (EQPT)


Report Alarm (OCH)


Report Alarm (OCHC)

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 10 -5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Commands REPT E V T <SCCMNOALL>


Report Alarm (OSC)



The module generates these autonomous messages to report non-alarmed events.

If an event with a user-provisionable alarm level defaults to, or is provisioned as a
non-alarmed (NA) event, it is reported in a REPT^EVT message.
REPT^EVT messages are also generated when a:
• standing conditions clears
• transient conditions occurs.
See TL1 Autonomous Messages on page 11-1, REPT EVT <SCCMNOALL> on page
11-2 for the autonomous message responses.


Report Event ( COM )

The module generates this autonomous message to report non-alarmed events. If
an event with a user-provisionable alarm level defaults to, or is provisioned as a
non-alarmed (NA) event, it is reported in a REPT^EVT message.
REPT^EVT messages are also generated when a:
• standing conditions clears
• transient conditions occurs.


Report Event ( EQPT )

The module generates this autonomous message to report non-alarmed events. If
an event with a user-provisionable alarm level defaults to, or is provisioned as a
non-alarmed (NA) event, it is reported in a REPT^EVT message.
REPT^EVT messages are also generated when a:

Pa ge: 10-6 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R EP T E V T <S CCMN OAL L >

• standing conditions clears

• transient conditions occurs.


Report Event ( OCH )

The module generates this autonomous message to report non-alarmed events. If
an event with a user-provisionable alarm level defaults to, or is provisioned as a
non-alarmed (NA) event, it is reported in a REPT^EVT message.
REPT^EVT messages are also generated when a:
• standing conditions clears
• transient conditions occurs.


Report Event ( OCHC )

The module generates this autonomous message to report non-alarmed events. If
an event with a user-provisionable alarm level defaults to, or is provisioned as a
non-alarmed (NA) event, it is reported in a REPT^EVT message.
REPT^EVT messages are also generated when a:
• standing conditions clears
• transient conditions occurs.


Report Event ( OSC )

The module generates this autonomous message to report non-alarmed events. If
an event with a user-provisionable alarm level defaults to, or is provisioned as a
non-alarmed (NA) event, it is reported in a REPT^EVT message.
REPT^EVT messages are also generated when a:
• standing conditions clears
• transient conditions occurs.

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 10 -7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s R E PT E V T S E S S IO N
D escr iption


This command requires a Security and Administration Level 1 User Access


The COM-200 generates this autonomous message when a TL1 session is initiated.
Two non-alarmed events can trigger this message:
• A user requests a session with the COM-200.
• The module is required to send an advisory warning message (regarding
unauthorized entry/use) before granting system access to the user.
NOTE: If the module allows a grace period during which the user can continue to use
the password, this information is included in the message.

Output Format



Output Parameters

Value is always null. This message can only originate from the Communications
aid is a string.

Indicates the status of the user’s password.

• "NO" indicates that no password updating is required.

• "YES" indicates that updating is required, or will be in the near future.

exp is of type YesNoWord on page 2-56

This parameter appears only if

Pa ge: 10-8 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-ALM-<S CCM_COMEQPT>
O u tpu t E xa mp le

• the value of <exp> is "YES", and

• if the NE allows a grace period for password updates, and
• the grace period has not expired.

these conditions, the <pcn> parameter shows the number of days remaining during
which the existing password is valid. Refer to GR-835-CORE.
pcn is a string. pcn is optional.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00





Use this command to retrieve alarms for COM modifiers. Refer to

RTRV-ALM-ALL on page 10-13 for command and parameter descriptions.

Input Format

>, <skipped1>, <skipped2>,<skipped3>;

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 10 -9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-A LM-<S CCM_COMEQPT>

aid is the AID AllSlotsIncALL on page 2-26

ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41 . [CR, MJ, MN]

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51

Input Example


Output Format


>,,: <conddescr>"

Output Parameters


aid is a string.


sccm is of type SCCM_COMEQPT on page 2-46.

ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN]

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.


Pa ge: 10-10 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-ALM-<S CCM_COMEQPT>

srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.


ocrdat is a string.


ocrtm is a string.


conddescr is a string.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00

12:30:11,,:Absolute Software Threshold Changed"



Use this command to retrieve alarms for EQPT modifiers. Refer to

RTRV-ALM-ALL on page 10-13 for command and parameter descriptions.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-1 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-A LM-<S CCM_COMEQPT>


aid is the AID AllSlotsIncALL on page 2-26.

ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN]

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.


srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

aid is a string.

sccm is of type SCCM_COMEQPT on page 2-46

ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN]

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

Pa ge: 10-12 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s RTR V-ALM-ALL
D escr iption

ocrdat is a string.

ocrtm is a string.

conddescr is a string.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00

14:30:00,,:“Absolute Software Threshold Changed"

This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.


This command instructs the target module to return a list of the current alarm
conditions associated with the specified equipment unit(s) or port(s).
Alarm conditions to retrieve can be specified by using input parameters as filters.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-1 3

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Ala rm and Event Command s RTR V-ALM-ALL
I nput Exampl es

Access identifier that identifies the target module for which the command is
intended. A null value or ‘All’ for <aid> may be used to indicate all units currently
installed in the shelf.
aid is the AID ALL on page 2-19.

A null defaults to all applicable notification codes.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN]

A null defaults to all applicable condition types with the severity CR, MJ or MN.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

A null defaults to all applicable service affect types.
srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

Input Examples


Output Format


If there are no alarms to report, then the response is the one shown above.
However, if one or more alarms exist, the following response format is used:
<rspblk> +
Where <rspblk> has the following format:

Pa ge: 10-14 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s RTR V-ALM-ALL
Ou t put Pa rameters

One <rspblk> is returned for every alarm that meets the criteria defined in the

Output Parameters

Access identifier of the target module.
aid is a string.

Second Command Code Modifier corresponding to the aid.
sccm is of type SCCM_NOALL on page 2-48.

The notification code associated with the alarm.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN]

The type of alarm condition being described in this response block.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

The effect on service associated with the condition.
srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

The date (month, day) when the event occurred. The format is mm-dd.
ocrdat is a string.

The time (hour, minute, second) when the event occurred. The format is hh-mm-ss.
ocrtm is a string.

Detailed text description of the alarm condition, enclosed within escaped quotes.
(i.e., \"text\")
conddescr is a string.

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-1 5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-ALM- OCHC
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00

“Absolute Software Threshold Changed"

This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve alarms for OCHC modifiers.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Access identifier that identifies the port for which the command is intended. aid is
the AID AllSlotsAndChannels on page 2-25

ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41 . [CR, MJ, MN]

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51

Pa ge: 10-16 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-ALM- OCHC
I np u t E xa mp l e

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Access identifier.
aid is a string.

Notification code.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN]

Condition type.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Service effect.
srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

Occurrence date.
ocrdat is a string.

Occurrence time.
ocrtm is a string.

Condition descriptor.

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-1 7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Commands RTR V-AT TR-<SCCM_COMEQPT>
O u tpu t E xa mp le

conddescr is a string.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00

14:30:00,,:“Absolute Software Threshold Changed"




Use this command to retrieve alarm attributes for COM modifiers. Refer to
RTRV-ATTR-ALL on page 10-21 for command and parameter descriptions.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

aid is the AID AllSlotsIncALL on page 2-26. A null value defaults to "ALL".

ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN, NA, NR]

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Pa ge: 10-18 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-AT TR-<SCCM_COMEQPT>

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

aid is a string.

sccm is of type SCCM_COMEQPT on page 2-46.

ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN, NA, NR]

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00




Use this command to retrieve alarm attributes for EQPT modifiers. Refer to
RTRV-ATTR-ALL on page 10-21 for command and parameter descriptions.

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-1 9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Commands RTR V-AT TR-<SCCM_COMEQPT>

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

aid is the AID AllSlotsIncALL on page 2-26. A null value defaults to "ALL".

ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN, NA, NR]

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

aid is a string.

sccm is of type SCCM_COMEQPT on page 2-46

Pa ge: 10-20 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-AT TR-ALL
D escr iption

ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN, NA, NR]

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to instruct the target module to return the notification code
associated with the event specified by the <condtype>.
Alarm conditions to retrieve can be specified by using input parameters as filters.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-2 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-AT TR-ALL
I np u t E xa mp l e

Access identifier that identifies the target module for which the command is
intended. A null value or ‘All’ for <aid> may be used to indicate all units currently
installed in the shelf.
aid is the AID ALL on page 2-19. A null value defaults to "ALL".

A null defaults to all applicable notification codes.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

A null defaults to all applicable condition types with the severity CR, MJ or MN.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


Output Format


M CTAG COMPLD "<aid>,<sccm>:<ntfcncde>,<condtype>,,<dirn>"
If there are no conditions that meet the filter criteria of the command, the response
is the normal response described above. However, if one or more conditions meet
the criteria, the following response format is used:
<rspblk> + ;
Where <rspblk> has the following format:
One <rspblk> is returned for every condition type that meets the filter criteria of
the command

Pa ge: 10-22 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Commands R TR V-AT TR- OCHC
Ou t put Pa rameters

Output Parameters

Access identifier of the target module.
aid is a string.

Second Command Code Modifier corresponding to the aid.
sccm is of type SCCM_NOALL on page 2-48.

The notification code associated with the alarm.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

The type of alarm condition being described in this response block.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Direction. Note: Not applicable.
dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve alarm attributes for OCHC modifiers.

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-2 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Commands RTR V-AT TR- OCHC
I npu t For mat

Input Format


Input Parameters

The Access Identifier.
aid is the AID AllChannels on page 2-21. A null value defaults to "ALL".

Notification code.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

Condition type.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Access Identifier. I is a string.

Pa ge: 10-24 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Commands R TR V-AT TR-SECULOG
O u tpu t E xa mp le

Secondary command modifiere.
sccm is of type SCCM_OCH_OSC_OCHC on page 2-47.

Notification code.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

Condition type.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Security & Administration Level 4 User Access


Used by an administrator to retrieve the list of events which, upon their

occurrence, are to be recorded in the security event log.

Input Format


TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-2 5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Commands RTR V-AT TR-SECULOG
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Must be ‘1-C’. Only the Communications module logs security-related events.
aid is the AID COMM on page 2-29.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Access identifier of the target module. The value is always "1-C".
aid is a string.

Sets the condition for security log upload. Note: Not supported.
upslg is a string.

Security message to display before a session is initiated. Maximum of 20 lines,
enclosed in escaped quotes (i.e., \"warning message\").
warn is a string.

Pa ge: 10-26 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V- COND -<SCCM_COMEQPT>
O u tpu t E xa mp le

List of security events to record. Note: Not supported. logevent is a string and is
logevent is optional.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00

"1-C:,Security Message: Please ensure that a valid backup
exists before initiating this session,"




Use this command to retrieve conditions for COM modifiers. Refer to

RTRV-COND-ALL on page 10-30 for command and parameter descriptions.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

aid is the AID AllSlotsIncALL on page 2-26. A null value defaults to "ALL".

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-2 7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Commands RTR V- COND -<SCCM_COMEQPT>

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


Output Format


,,<dirn>, <dnField>"

Output Parameters

aid is a string.

sccm is of type SCCM_COMEQPT on page 2-46.

ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN, NA, NR]

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

ocrdat is a string.

ocrtm is a string.

dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

dnField is a string.

Pa ge: 10-28 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V- COND -<SCCM_COMEQPT>

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00




Use this command to retrieve conditions for EQPT modifiers. Refer to

RTRV-COND-ALL on page 10-30 for command and parameter descriptions.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

aid is the AID AllSlotsIncALL on page 2-26. A null value defaults to "ALL".

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


Output Format



TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-2 9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V- COND -ALL


Output Parameters

aid is a string.

sccm is of type SCCM_COMEQPT on page 2-46.

ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN, NA, NR]

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

ocrdat is a string.

ocrtm is a string.

dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

dnField is a string.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.

Pa ge: 10-30 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V- COND -ALL
D escr iption


This command instructs the target module to return its current standing
conditions. The condition type acts as a filter for the command response.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the target module for which the command is
intended. A null value or ‘All’ for <aid> may be used to indicate all units currently
installed in the shelf.
aid is the AID ALL on page 2-19. A null value defaults to "ALL".

A null defaults to all applicable condition types with the severity CR, MJ or MN.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


Output Format



TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-3 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V- COND -ALL
Ou t put Pa rameters

If there are no conditions to report, the response is the response shown above.
However, if one or more conditions exist the following response format is used:
<rspblk> + ;
Where <rspblk> has the following format:
Multiple <rspblk>s are included, if applicable.

Output Parameters

Access identifier of the target module.
aid is a string.

Second Command Code Modifier corresponding to the aid.
sccm is of type SCCM_NOALL on page 2-48.

The notification code associated with the alarm.
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41.

The type of alarm condition being described in this response block.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

The effect on service associated with the condition.
srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

The date (month, day) when the event occurred. The format is mm-dd.
ocrdat is a string.

The time (hour, minute, second) when the event occurred. The format is hh-mm-ss.

Pa ge: 10-32 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Commands R TR V- COND- OCHC
O u tpu t E xa mp le

ocrtm is a string.

Direction. Note: Not applicable.
dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

Detailed text description of the alarm condition, enclosed within escaped quotes.
(i.e., \"text\")
dnField is a string.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Maintenance Level 1 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to retrieve conditions for Optical Wavelength Channels.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-3 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Commands RTR V- COND- OCHC
I np u t E xa mp l e

Correlation tag


aid is the AID AllPortsIncALL on page 2-24. A null value defaults to "ALL".

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

aid is a string.

sccm is of type SCCM_OCH_OSC_OCHC on page 2-47.

ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. [CR, MJ, MN, NA, NR]

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

srveff is of type Service Effect on page 2-51.

ocrdat is a string.

Pa ge: 10-34 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-DES C-<SCCM_COMEQPT>
O u tpu t E xa mp le

ocrtm is a string.

dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

dnField is a string.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.
Use this command to retrieve descriptions for condition-types for which the
condition may be changed with SET-DESC-<COM|EQPT>. This command is
used to support retrieval of message text specified for the WRT-840/842 module
Sense Input alarm.



Use this command to retrieve descriptions for condition-types for which the
condition may be changed with SET-DESC-COM.

Input Format

, <skipped2>,<skipped3>;

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-3 5

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-DES C-<SCCM_COMEQPT>

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

src is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

desc is a string.

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

aid is a string.

sccm is of type SCCM_COMEQPT on page 2-46.

Pa ge: 10-36 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-DES C-<SCCM_COMEQPT>

desc is a string.

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00




Retrieve descriptions for condition-types for which the condition may be changed

Input Format

>, <skipped2>,<skipped3>;

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag


TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-3 7

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-DES C-<SCCM_COMEQPT>

src is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

desc is a string.

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

aid is a string.

sccm is of type SCCM_COMEQPT on page 2-46.

desc is a string.

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

dirn is of type Dirn on page 2-35.

Pa ge: 10-38 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Commands R TR V-MSG-ALL
D escr iption

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


This command requires a Maintenance Level 3 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to instruct the network element to return the current inhibited
condition(s) of the network element.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier of the target module or port. A null or "All" value indicates all units
currently installed in the shelf/shelves.
aid is the AID ALL on page 2-19.

Input Example


TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-3 9

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-TH-<S CCM_EQPTOCH>
O ut p u t For m a t

Output Format



Output Parameters

Access identifier of the target module or port.
aid is a string.

Not currently used.
aidtype is of type SCCM_NOALL on page 2-48. aidtype is optional.

The type of condition(s) that is inhibited.
Typereps are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00


These commands require a Provisioning Level 1 User Access Privilege.
Use these commands to retrieve threshold settings for the target of the command.

Pa ge: 10-40 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-TH-<S CCM_EQPTOCH>



Use this command to retrieve threshold settings for the target equipment.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the equipment for which the command is intended.
aid is the AID AllSlotsAndPorts on page 2-25

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Access identifier that identifies the optical port to which the command applies. aid
is a string.

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-4 1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-TH-<S CCM_EQPTOCH>

The type of threshold or set point that is to be set.

• MAXCTMP - Maximum case temperature

• MAXCTMPHYST - Maximum case temperature hysteresis
• MINCTMP - Minimum case temperature
• MINCTMPHYST - Minimum case temperature hysteresis

is of type ThresholdType on page 2-52

The value of the specified threshold. thresholdvalue is a integer.

Output Example

Node198-000 98-06-20 14:30:00




Use this command to retrieve threshold settings for the target optical channel.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Pa ge: 10-42 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Command s R TR V-TH-<S CCM_EQPTOCH>

Access Identifier identifies the facility in the NE, depending on the command code
modifier, for which threshold levels are being retrieved. aid is the AID AllSlotsAnd-
Ports on page 2-25

Input Example


Output Format



Output Parameters

Access identifier that identifies the optical port to which the command applies.
aid is a string.

type of threshold or set point that is to be set.

• MAXCTMP - Maximum case temperature

• MAXCTMPHYST - Maximum case temperature hysteresis
• MINCTMP - Minimum case temperature
• MINCTMPHYST - Minimum case temperature hysteresis
• FECUNWORD - FEC Uncorrected Word threshold
• OTUKSD is the incoming OTN signal degrade threshold, represented in
powers of 10, e.g. -10 is 10 to the power of -10.
• OTUKSF is the incoming OTN signal fail threshold, represented in powers
of 10, e.g. -8 is 10 to the power of -8.
thresholdtype is of type ThresholdType.

value of the specified threshold.
thresholdvalue is a string.

TL1 Reference Guid e Page: 1 0-4 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ala rm and Event Command s SE T-AT TR-<S CCM_COMEQPT>

Output Example

Node19887 09-01-27 10:41:49





Instructs the NE to set the notification code associated with the specified condition
type. Only standing conditions can be assigned alarmed notification codes (CR,
MJ or MN), however they can also be made non-alarmed. Transient conditions
can only be non-alarmed (i.e., NA or NR).

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier of the target module or port.
aid is the AID AllSlotsIncALL on page 2-26. The default value is "ALL".

Pa ge: 10-44 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010
Ala rm and Event Commands SE T-AT TR-<S CCM_COMEQPT>

The notification code to be assigned to the specified condition. A null defaults to
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. The default value is "NA". [CR,

The type of event for whose notification code is to be changed. A null value will cause
notification attributes for all event types matching <aid> to be set.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example




Instructs the NE to set the notification code associated with the specified condition
type. Only standing conditions can be assigned alarmed notification codes (CR,
MJ or MN), however they can also be made non-alarmed. Transient conditions
can only be non-alarmed (i.e., NA or NR).

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier of the target module or port.
aid is the AID AllSlotsIncALL on page 2-26. The default value is "ALL".

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Ala rm and Event Commands SE T-AT TR- OCHC
D escr iption

The notification code to be assigned to the specified condition. A null defaults to
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. The default value is "NA". [CR,

The type of event for whose notification code is to be changed. A null value will cause
notification attributes for all event types matching <aid> to be set.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Instructs an NE to set the notification code associated with the specified condition
type. Only standing conditions can be assigned alarmed notification codes (CR,
MJ or MN), however they can also be made non-alarmed. Transient conditions
can only be non-alarmed (i.e., NA or NR).

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

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Ala rm and Event Commands SE T-AT TR-SECULOG
I np u t E xa mp l e

Access identifier of the target module or port.
aid is the AID AllChannels on page 2-21.

The notification code to be assigned to the specified condition. A null defaults to
ntfcncde is of type NotificationCode on page 2-41. The default value is "NA".

The type of event for whose notification code is to be changed. A null value will cause
notification attributes for all event types matching <aid> to be set.
Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


This command requires a Security and Administration Level 5 User Access


Use this command to:

• Specify a list of events which, upon their occurrence, are to be recorded in the
security log of the target COM-200.
• Set the security warning message displayed to a user during log-in.

Input Format


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Ala rm and Event Commands SE T-DESC-<SCCM_COMEQPT>
I n put Pa rameters

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Must be ‘1-C’. Only the Communications module logs security-related events.
aid is the AID COMM on page 2-29.

Security message to be displayed before session is initiated. String, 20 lines max
enclosed in quotes (i.e., WARN="warning message").
warn is a string.

Input Example


These commands require a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.
Use these commands to set the description for the given condition types. This
command is used to set the message text for the WRT-840/842 sense input alarm.



Set the description for a given COM condition type.

Input Format


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Ala rm and Event Command s S E T-DESC-<S CCM_COMEQPT>

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

src is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

desc is a string.

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example





Set the description for a given EQPT condition type.

Input Format


Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the module to
which the command is directed.

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Ala rm and Event Command s SE T-TH-<SCCM_EQPTOCH>

Correlation tag

src is the AID AllSlots on page 2-24.

desc is a string.

Condition types are listed in Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6.

Input Example


Use these commands to set general threshold values for the equipment specified
by the secondary command.


This command requires a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Use this command to set general threshold values for the specified equipment.

Input Format

e>,<skipped>, <skipped1>;

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Ala rm and Event Command s SE T-TH-<SCCM_EQPTOCH>

Input Parameters

Access identifier that identifies the equipment for which the command is intended.
Must be a ‘card-level’ aid. aid is the AID AllPorts on page 2-23

The type of threshold or set point that is to be set.

• MAXCTMP - Maximum case temperature

• MAXCTMPHYST - Maximum case temperature hysteresis
• MINCTMP - Minimum case temperature
• MINCTMPHYST - Minimum case temperature hysteresis

is of type ThresholdType on page 2-52

The value of the specified threshold.

• FECUNWORD - Maximum number of uncorrected code words allowed

before the FEC_UW alarm is raised. The default value is 16 uncorrected
code words per second.
• MAXCTMP - Maximum case temperature. Integer value in degrees C. Range
= 20 to 70
• MAXCTMPHYST - Maximum case temperature hysteresis. Integer value in
degrees C. Range = 0 to 10
• MINCTMP - Minimum case temperature. Integer value in degrees C. Range
= -10 to 10
• MINCTMPHYST - Minimum case temperature hysteresis. Integer value in
degrees C. Range = 0 to 10.

is a integer.

Input Example


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Ala rm and Event Command s SE T-TH-<SCCM_EQPTOCH>


These commands require a Provisioning Level 4 User Access Privilege.


Sets the current threshold level of one or more monitored parameters for which
violation will trigger an automatic message.

Input Format

>,<skipped>, <skipped1>;

Input Parameters

Target identifier of the network element or system that contains the COM-200 to
which the command is directed.

Correlation tag

Access identifier that identifies the equipment for which the command is intended.
Must be a ‘card-level’ aid. aid is the AID AllSlotsAndPorts .

The type of threshold or set point that is to be set.

• FECUNWORD - FEC uncorrected word threshold

• OTUKSD is the incoming OTN signal degrade threshold, represented in
powers of 10, e.g. -10 is 10 to the power of -10.
• OTUKSF is the incoming OTN signal fail threshold, represented in powers
of 10, e.g. -8 is 10 to the power of -8.

is of type ThresholdType on page 2-52

The value of the specified threshold.

• FECUNWORD - Maximum number of uncorrected code words allowed

before the FEC_UW alarm is raised. The default value is 16 uncorrected
code words per second.

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Ala rm and Event Command s SE T-TH-<SCCM_EQPTOCH>

is a integer.

Input Example


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TL1 Autonomous Messages
This chapter describes the TL1 autonomous messages, alarms and events, and error
codes used by the WaveReady system.
This chapter contains the following topics and commands:
• TL1 Autonomous Messages on page 11-1
• Alarm and Event Condition Reporting on page 11-4
• Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6
• Security Events on page 11-45
• Error Codes on page 11-47

TL1 Autonomous Messages

These autonomous messages are generated by the TL1 interface:
NOTE: The COM-200 does not support any function that autonomously removes another
module from service, or restores another module to service. Therefore, the TL1 autonomous
messages REPT^RMV and REPT^RST are not supported.


This autonomous message is displayed when the user has a Security and
Administration Level 1 User Access Privilege.


The COM-200 sends this message to the user when the session times out as a result
of inactivity. Time-out is specified by the SESSIONTMOUT parameter.
See CANC on page 3-2 for more information.

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TL 1 Au tonomou s M es sag es TL 1 Autono mo us M ess ag es


The module generates these autonomous messages to report the occurrence and
clearing of alarmed events.
See REPT ALM <SCCMNOALL> on page 10-5

Output Format

<cr><lf><rspblk> + ;
Where <rspblk> has the format:
One <rspblk> is displayed for each alarm.


The module generates this autonomous message to report non-alarmed events.

If an event with a user-provisionable alarm level defaults to, or is provisioned as a
non-alarmed (NA) event, it is reported in a REPT^EVT message.
REPT^EVT messages are also generated when a:
• standing conditions clears
• transient conditions occurs.
See REPT EVT <SCCMNOALL> on page 10-6

Output Format

<rspblk> + ;
Where <rspblk> has the format:

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TL 1 Au tonomou s M es sag es TL 1 Autono mo us M ess ag es

One <rspblk> is displayed for each event.
Table 11-1:REPT^EVT Autonomous Message Responses

Parameter Description Possible Values

condtype Condition type: Reports the type of See Non-Security Alarm and
alarm condition described in the Event Conditions on page
response block. 11-6

condeff Condition effect: Reports the effect of See Non-Security Alarm and
the event on the condition of the Event Conditions on page
module. 11-6

ocrdat Occurrence date: The date when the See Occurrence Date and
event occurred. Time on page 2-13

ocrtm Occurrence time: The time when the See Occurrence Date and
event occurred. Time on page 2-13

conddescr Condition description:Detailed text character string

description of the alarm. Enclosed
within escaped quotes (i.e., \"text\").


The COM-200 generates this autonomous message when a TL1 session is initiated.
Two non-alarmed events can trigger this message:
• A user requests a session with the COM-200.
• The module is required to send an advisory warning message (regarding
unauthorized entry/use) before granting system access to the user.
NOTE: If the module allows a grace period during which the user can continue to use
the password, this information is included in the message.

Output Format

^^^"<aid>:<exp>,[<pcn>]"<cr><lf>^^^/*Free format text
regarding access warning*/<cr><lf>;

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Alar m and Event Co ndition R epor ting

Table 11-2:REPT^EVT^SESSION Autonomous Message Possible Responses

Parameter Description Possible Values

aid Access identifier This message can only NULL
originate from the COM-200.
NOTE: : The value is always null.

atag Acknowledgement tag See Autonomous Message

Tag <ATAG> on page 2-16

exp Expired Indicates the status of the user’s NOYES

password. NO - the password does not
require updating. YES - the password
requires updating immediately or in the
near future.

pcn This parameter appears if:a) the value of integer

<exp> is "YES", and b) if the module
allows a grace period for password
updates, and c) the grace period has
not expired. Under these conditions,
the <pcn> parameter shows the
number of days remaining during
which the existing password is valid.
Refer to GR-835-CORE.

Alarm and Event Condition Reporting

The WaveReady system reports conditions via the management system (TL1,
Node Manager, SNMP). A notification code indicates whether the condition is
alarmed, not alarmed or not reported:
• CR (Critical alarm condition)
• MJ (Major alarm condition)
• MN (Minor alarm condition)
• NA (Not Alarmed)
• NR (Not Reported)
NOTE: Alarm conditions are also reported via module LEDs and relays.


Alarms are conditions with the notification codes: CR, MJ or MN. The system
reports alarms in response to either a RTRV-ALM or RTRV-COND command,

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Alar m and Event Co ndition R epor ting

and autonomously as a REPT^ALM message (if autonomous messaging is

enabled). By definition all alarms are standing conditions (SC). Associated
"cleared" messages are sent when the condition ceases to exist.


Events are non-alarmed conditions with an NA (not alarmed) notification code.

The system reports events autonomously as a REPT^EVT message (when
autonomous messaging is enabled), or in response to a RTRV-COND command.
Events can be either standing (SC) or transient (TC), depending on whether a
corresponding "cleared" message is generated when the condition clears.

Not Reported Conditions

The system records events with condition type "not reported" (NR) in the specific
module's Event Log. NR conditions can be either standing conditions (SC) or
transient conditions (TC). Retrieve all un-cleared, NR standing conditions by
issuing a RTRV-COND command. The system does not report transient
conditions, but their occurrence is shown in the Event Log for the module.

Condition Notification Parameters

Table 10-5 lists the alarm and event condition parameters. ‘Table 10-6’ on page
10-8 and ‘Table 10-7’ on page 10-32 list the condition codes and descriptions of
specific alarms and events.
NOTE: The RTRV-COND command retrieves current standing events (non-cleared events
with the notification code NA) as well as current standing alarms (non-cleared alarms with
the notification codes: CR, MJ and MN).

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Alarm a nd Eve nt Conditions
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Table 11-3:Alarm, Event and Condition Parameter Values

Parameter Possible Values

<ntfcncde> Notification Code
CR = Critical
MJ = Major
MN = Minor
NA = Not Alarmed
NR = Not Reported
CL = Cleared

<srveff> Service Effect

SA = service-affecting
NSA = Non-service-affecting

<condtype> Condition Type As defined in this section.

<condeff> Condition Effect

CL = Standing condition cleared
SC = Standing condition
TC = Transient condition
NULL = Defaults to TC

<conddescr> Description of the condition

Non-Security Alarm and Event Conditions

The following table lists the condition types and alarm codes reported through the
TL1 interface.
See Security Events on page 11-45 for security related conditions.
The information shown for the alarm notification codes assumes that the alarm
severity has not been reconfigured from the factory default settings.
The CARD and PORT LEDs on the modules behave independently of the alarm
severity configuration. Their behavior depends on the service-affecting aspect of
the alarm, which is not configurable.

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Al ar m a nd Eve nt Cond itio ns
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Table 11-4:Condition Types and Alarm Codes

ConditionType Values Description

ABS-SW-THRESHOLD- CHANGED Absolute Switching Threshold Changed

Condition Descriptor:

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: LP530

ABSOLUTE- SWITCHING- MODE Absolute Switching Mode

Condition Descriptor:

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: LP530


Condition Descriptor:

AID: 1-C

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Alarm a nd Eve nt Conditions
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

ACTLPBK Only possible when all ports are first taken out of service (OOS).

Condition Descriptor: Loopback mode enabled.

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-3}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: All traffic cards

APS-OVERRIDDEN Automatic protection switching is disabled. The module is

operating in manual mode.

Condition Descriptor: APS overridden.

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-3}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: LP530



BACKUP_CMD_ CMPLT This event is autonomously generated by the NE to indicate the

result of a backup.

Condition Descriptor:


Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200

BANKCOPYFAIL No Comment Defined.

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Al ar m a nd Eve nt Cond itio ns
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

BANKCOPYOK No Comment Defined

BITRATE The provisionable expected bitrate has changed.

Condition Descriptor: Expected bit rate changed.

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: N/A

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect:

Applicable Hardware:

BITRATECHG No Comment Defined Condition Descriptor:

BITRATEMIS A port's input signal data rate is different from the configured bit
rate. Only applicable when the port is configured to operate at only
one data rate.

Condition Descriptor: Bit rate mismatch.

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-7xx, WRT-8xx

CALDATAINV Calibration Data Invalid. Occurs if any, or all of the calibration data is
missing or invalid.

Condition Descriptor:

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Alarm a nd Eve nt Conditions
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

CARD-MISSING No Comment Defined

CTMP This alarm indicates that the case temperature of the module has
gone outside of the operator specified thresholds. Typical causes
for this alarm include, fan failure on the shelf, or a change in
operating environment temperature (e.g. HVAC failure in CO). To
clear this fault the operator must restore the operating
environment temperature to its normal operating level.

Condition Descriptor: Case temperature out of range.

AID: 1-C {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect:

Applicable Hardware: WRT-xxx, WRA-xxx ,

DBCHG This condition is generated when a database change has occured.

The condition descriptor indicates the specifics of the change.

Condition Descriptor: Indicates the specifc attribute


AID: Dependent on the entity changed

Modifier: Dependent on the entity changed

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: Any

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Al ar m a nd Eve nt Cond itio ns
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

DUPEXTSHELFID Occurs if two or more external shelves are connected to the
Comm200 that have the same shelf-ID. If this alarm exists, change
one of the external shelves to a new ID.

Condition Descriptor: Duplicate External Shelf ID

AID: {A-F}-1

Modifier: COM

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: ROADM

DUPLICATE-SID Occurs if multiple COM-200 modules are connected together via

EOC, and two or more have the same SID (TID). This results in the
loss of ability to communicate with some of the COM-200 modules

Condition Descriptor: Duplicate system identifier.

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200

EOC SV communications failure. Loss of an Inband supervisory

management channel that was enabled.

Condition Descriptor: OSC failure.

AID: 1-3}-{1-13}-2

Modifier: OSC

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-740, WRT-760, WRT-840,

WRT-842-200 or WRT-852.

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Alarm a nd Eve nt Conditions
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

EOCDSBL SV communications disabled. The Inband supervisory
management channel between two transponders was disabled,
using the INH-OSC command.

Condition Descriptor: OSC disabled.

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-2

Modifier: OSC

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-740, WRT-760, WRT-840,

WRT-842-200 or WRT-852.

EQ A module has been connected (or inserted) in the given slot


Condition Descriptor: Module installed.

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: All traffic modules

EVTLOGCLR Reports the clearance of the event log by request of user.

Condition Descriptor:

AID: 1-C

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: Any module

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Al ar m a nd Eve nt Cond itio ns
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

EXCPWRLIM Indicates that the number of cards installed in the shelf exceed the
engineering power limits of the shelf. Applies to the WR3500F only.

Condition Descriptor: Exceeding Engineered Power Limits.


Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WR3500F

FAN-FAIL Indicates that one or more fan modules has failed. Applies to
WaveReady 3500F/3500F-HP shelves only.

Condition Descriptor: Fan failure .

AID: 1-C

Modifier: COM

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: 3500F Shelf, 3500F-HP Shelf

FAN-MISSING Applies to WaveReady 3500F/3500F-HP shelves only. Indicates that

the fan tray is not detected.

Condition Descriptor: Fan missing.

AID: 1-C

Modifier: COM

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: 3500F Shelf , 3500F-HP Shelf

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Alarm a nd Eve nt Conditions
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

FAN1-FAIL Indicates that fan #1 has failed in one
of up to three WaveReady 3100 shelf
units that can be managed as a single
NE, where <y> is the shelf number.
Note: If the failure occurs in a remote
shelf, the shelf number may not be
shown. Applies to WaveReady 3100
shelf only.

Condition Descriptor: Fan 1 failure in shelf <y> .

AID: 1-C or {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: COM

Notification Code: MJ/NR

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WR3100

FAN2-FAIL Indicates that fan #2 has failed in one of up to three WaveReady

3100 shelf units that can be managed as a single NE, where <y> is
the shelf number. Note: If the failure occurs in a remote shelf, the
shelf number may not be shown. Applies to WaveReady 3100 shelf

Condition Descriptor: Fan 2 failure in shelf <y>

AID: 1-C or {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: COM

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: Applicable Hardware: WR3100

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Al ar m a nd Eve nt Cond itio ns
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

FAREND_CLIENT_AIS The Far-End Client Alarm Indication Signal has been triggered.

Condition Descriptor: Link down

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-4}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRM782

FEC_UW The FEC Uncorrected Code Word Threshold has been exceeded.

Condition Descriptor: Uncorrected Word.

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT852

GAINOUTOFRANGE Raised in constant gain mode only, this alarm indicates that the
actual (measured) gain has deviated from the user-provisioned set
point by more than a factory-set amount. The pump laser will not
be disabled when this fault is detected.

Condition Descriptor: Gain Out of Range.

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRA

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Alarm a nd Eve nt Conditions
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

GTWYADDRCHGD Report that gateway address setting on the COM-200 module has
been changed.

Condition Descriptor: Gateway Address Changed

AID: 1-C

Modifier: COM

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200

HWFAIL_NSA Non-service affecting hardware failure. Raised when the DSP

reports one of the following status error flags in the module status
response word:
• Flash_Fail
• Image_Fail
• DB_Fail
• Heater Fail (not used)
The pump laser will not be disabled when this fault is detected.

Condition Descriptor: Non-service Affecting Hardware Failure

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRA

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

HWFAIL_SA service affecting hardware failure. Raised when the DSP reports one
of the following status error flags in the module status response
• FPGA_Fail
• TEC_Fail
• High_Output_Power
The pump laser will be disabled by the DSP when any of these error
flags are reported.

Condition Descriptor: service Affecting Hardware Failure

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRA

IMPROPRMVL An in-service module has been removed from shelf.

Condition Descriptor: Improper equipment removal

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: All traffic modules

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

INPUTSIGNAL DEGRADE Indicates that the optical power measured on the input port has
dropped below the user-configurable Signal Degrade Threshold on
the Rx port. To clear this fault, an optical input power equal to the
Signal Degrade Threshold plus the Signal Degrade Hysteresis must
be restored at the input port.

Condition Descriptor:

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-1

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRA

INT Internal hardware failure. Miscellaneous internal hardware failure

(i.e., laser failure, I2C access failure). This fault cannot be cleared by
operator intervention and therefore the module must be replaced.

Condition Descriptor: Hardware Failure

AID: {1-3}-{1-13} 1-c

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-xxx

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

INT-LOL Indicates that an internal Loss of Lock condition exists within the
10G4x1DX module on the data-path being received on the faulty

Condition Descriptor: Internal loss of lock

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-840


INTERNALPWRFAIL Indicates that one of the internally derived power supply voltages is
low. The message text that accompanies the alarm notification
identifies the nominal voltage of the specific supply (i.e., 5V, 3.3V,
2.5V or 1.2V) This alarm cannot be cleared by operator intervention
and therefore the module must be replaced. If this is a WRA-xxx
card, the pump laser will not be disabled when this fault is

Condition Descriptor: Internal Power Failure

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRA-xxx, WRT-xxx

IP6ADDRCHANGED No Comment Defined

IP6GTWYADDRCHGD No Comment Defined

IP6PFIXCHANGED No Comment Defined

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

IPADDRCHANGED Report that the local IP address has been changed

Condition Descriptor:

AID: 1-C

Modifier: COM

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200

LAGE Indicates that the ratio of pump laser output power to bias current
has degraded and therefore its end of life is near. The pump laser
will not be disabled when this fault is detected.

Condition Descriptor:

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRA

LASER Laser aging alert. Indicates that the transmit power on the laser is
degraded and therefore its end of life is near. This fault is raised
based on an indication that comes directly from the laser module
declaring an end-of-life defect.

Condition Descriptor: Laser aging

AID: {1-3}-{1-13} | {1-3}-{1-13}-1

Modifier: EQPT | OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-7xx

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

LASERDISABLED The laser has been disabled by operator. On WRA-xxx cards,
indicates that the pump laser has been turned off, either manually
because the module was manually placed in a maintenance state
by the user, or automatically due to an LOS fault on the Rx port
(with the ‘LOS Shutdown’ feature enabled).

Condition Descriptor: Laser pump disabled

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-1

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: LightAmp, BrightAmp, WRA-xxx

LASERENABLED Indicates that the pump laser has been turned on, either manually
because the Card was manually put into service by the user, or
automatically due to an LOS fault clearing on the Rx port (with the
‘LOS Shutdown’ feature enabled).

LENDOFLIFE No Comment Defined

LFAIL Indicates that the ratio of pump laser output power to bias current
has exceeded its end-of-life threshold. The pump laser will not be
disabled when this fault is detected.

Condition Descriptor: Laser Fail

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRA-xxx

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

LINKADD Reports that a new entry has been added to the COM-200 module
TL1 link table. New entries occur in the following circumstances:
• an Inband supervisory management channel link comes up
• the network element or node configuration changes from CP to
CO (when a fiber is inserted and the nodes are in CO configura-
tion, or when a COM-200 is inserted into a CP node, or Inband
supervisory management channel is enabled on a port/link)
• when the SID/TID is changed on a node that has a link to another
node (This will result in a removal of the link followed by an addi-
tion of the link. The addition will display the new TID/SID in the
description text.)
The following fields are included in the description:
• {local aid} indicates the port <aid> corresponding to the new
entry, expressed as shelf-slot-port.
• {remote tid} indicates the of the remote NE that can be reached
through the new link.
• {remote aid} indicates the <aid> of the port at the far end of the
link to which the local aid is connected, expressed as

Condition Descriptor:

AID: 1-C

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200

LINKDOWN Link Down. Indicates that a management connection has been lost.

Condition Descriptor: Link Down

AID: [1-3}-{1-13}-{1-4}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRM-782

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

LINKREM Reports that an entry has been removed from the COM-200
module TL1 link table. Entries are removed in the following
• a Inband supervisory management channel goes down
• the network element or node configuration changes from CO to
CP (when a fiber is cut, a transponder is restarted or pulled, a
COM-200 is restarted or pulled, or Inband supervisory manage-
ment channel is disabled)
• when the SID/TID is changed on a node that has a link to another
node (This will result in a removal of the link followed by an addi-
tion of the link. The removal will display the old TID/SID in the
description text.)
The following fields are included in the description:
• {local aid} indicates the port <aid> corresponding to the new
entry, expressed as shelf-slot-port.
• {remote tid} indicates the of the remote NE that can be reached
through the new link.
• {remote aid} indicates the <aid> of the port at the far end of the
link to which the local aid is connected, expressed as

Condition Descriptor:

AID: 1-C

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

LNKFAIL This condition indicates an active path failure. If the card is an
WRT-760, this alarm indicates that either an LOS or an LOL has been
detected on the working network interface and there is no backup
available. If the card is an LP530, the alarm indicates that an LOS
has occured. If operating in manual mode, the active path failed. If
operating in automatic mode, both paths failed.

Condition Descriptor: Active link failure

AID: WRT-760: {1-3}-{1-13}-{2-3} LP530:


Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-760, LP530

LOF Loss of Frame. Synchronization with the native traffic frame has
been lost.

Condition Descriptor: Client-Signal Loss of Frame

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852


Condition Descriptor: Event log is 90 percent full.

AID: 1-C

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: N/A

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description


Condition Descriptor: Event log has overflowed

AID: 1-C

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: N/A

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200

LOL Loss of lock on the input signal of the specified port. If this is a
protected port on a WRT-760 this condition is a loss of lock on the
input signal on one of the network interfaces. Minor and NSA
because the alternate network interface is functional.

Condition Descriptor: Loss of lock

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: All Traffic Cards

LOL Loss of lock on the input signal of the specified port. If this is a
protected port on a WRT-760 this condition is a loss of lock on the
input signal on one of the network interfaces. Minor and NSA
because the alternate network interface is functional.

Condition Descriptor: Loss of lock

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{2-3}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-760

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

LOO Loss of output signal on the specified port. It indicates that the
measured optical output power has dropped below a
user-configurable threshold. The pump laser will not be disabled
when this fault is detected.

Condition Descriptor: Loss of output signa

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRA-xxx

LOS Loss of input signal on the specified port. If this is a WRA-xxx Rx

port, it indicates that a loss of optical power has been detected on
the input port. To clear this fault, an optical input power equal to
the LOS threshold plus the LOS hysteresis value must be restored at
the input port. The pump laser is disabled if and only if the LOS
Shutdown feature is enabled when this fault is detected on the Rx

Condition Descriptor: Loss of signal

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRA-xxx

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

LOS If this is a protected port on a WRT-760 this condition is a loss of
input signal on one of the network interfaces. Minor and NSA
because the alternate network interface is functional.

Condition Descriptor: Loss of signal

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{2-3}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-760

LOS If this is an LP530, this condition can occur in the following

• Primary path input power exceeds the upper threshold (appli-
cable in Windows Switching mode).
• Primary path input power exceeds the lower threshold (appli-
cable in Windows and Absolute Switching modes).
• Secondary path input power exceeds the upper threshold (appli-
cable in Windows Switching mode).
• Secondary path input power exceeds the lower threshold (appli-
cable in Windows and Absolute Switching modes).

Condition Descriptor: Loss of signal

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: LP530

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

LTMP Laser temperature out of range. The temperature of one of the
interface lasers is out of range. For WRA cards, this alarm indicates
that the temperature of pump laser has gone outside of the
factory-configured range. To clear this alarm the operator must
restore the operating environment temperature to its normal
operating level (hysteresis of 10 degrees Celsius)

Condition Descriptor: Laser temperature out of range.

AID: WRT-xxx: {1-3}-{1-13}-{2-3} WRA-xxx:


Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-xxx, WRA-xxx


Condition Descriptor: Maximum case temperature changed.

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: N/A

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: All modules


Condition Descriptor: Maximum case temperature hysteresis


AID: AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: N/A

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: All modules

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Al ar m a nd Eve nt Cond itio ns
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

MGT-COMM A module is physically installed but COM-200 module cannot
communicate with it.

Condition Descriptor: Card is not manageable

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: All traffic modules

MINCTMPCHG Minimum case temperature changed

Condition Descriptor: Minimum case temperature changed.

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: N/A

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: All traffic modules

MINCTMPHYSTCHG Minimum case temperature hysteresis changed

Condition Descriptor: Minimum case temperature hysteresis


AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: All traffic modules

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

MT Reports a change in the state of a unit. State may be changed to
out-of-service (OOS) using the RMV command or in-service (IS)
using the RST command.

Condition Descriptor: Unit state changed to (new state)

AID: {1-3}-{1-13} {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-3}

Modifier: EQPT OCH

Notification Code: N/A

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: All modules

NTPFAIL The NTP service has been unable to contact any of the provisioned
NTP servers to obtain the correct time.

Condition Descriptor: NTP service failure

AID: 1-C

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200


Condition Descriptor: Alarm Indication Signal

AID: 1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Al ar m a nd Eve nt Cond itio ns
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

OTU_BDI Backward Defect Indication. A service affecting fault (e.g.,
OTUk-LOF) has been detected downstream of the specified port.

Condition Descriptor: Backward Defect Indication

AID: 1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

OTU_IAE Incoming Alignment Error. An alignment error has been detected

on the OTUk frame received on the specified port.

Condition Descriptor: Incoming Alignment Erro

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

OTU_LOF Loss of Frame. Synchronization with the received OTUk frame has
been lost on the specified port.

Condition Descriptor: OTU Loss of Frame

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

OTU_LOM OTUk Loss Of Multiframe

Condition Descriptor: OTUk Loss Of Multiframe

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

OTU_OOF OTUk Out Of Frame

Condition Descriptor: OTUk Out Of Frame

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

OTU_OOM OTUk Out Of Multiframe

Condition Descriptor: OTUk Out Of Multiframe

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

OTU_SD Signal Degrade. The estimated BER has exceeded the
user-configurable signal degrade threshold. BER is estimated based
on the ratio of section Sonitor BIP-8 Error Count (x027) to Rx Frame
count (x02E).

Condition Descriptor: Client-Signal Degrade

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

OTU_SF Signal Fail. The estimated BER has exceeded the user-configurable
signal fail threshold. BER is estimated based on the ratio of section
Sonitor BIP-8 Error Count (x027) to Rx Frame count (x02E).

Condition Descriptor: Signal Fail

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852


Condition Descriptor: Trace Identifier Mismatch

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

OUTPUTPWROUTOF RANGE Raised in constant output power mode only, this alarm indicates
that the measured signal output power has deviated from the
user-provisioned set point by more than a factory-set amount. The
pump laser will not be disabled when this fault is detected.

Condition Descriptor: Output Power Out of Range

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRA-xxx, WRT-852


OUTPUTSIGNAL DEGRADE Indicates that the optical power measured on the output port has
dropped below the user-configurable Signal Degrade Threshold on
the Tx port. To clear this fault, an optical input power equal to the
Signal Degrade Threshold plus the Signal Degrade Hysteresis must
be restored at the input port.

Condition Descriptor: Output Signal Degrade

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-2

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRA-xxx


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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Al ar m a nd Eve nt Cond itio ns
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

PS Unit has performed an automatic switch.

Condition Descriptor: Auto switch to Working or Protection.

AID: 1-3}-{1-13}-{2-3}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: LP530

PWR Indicates that one of the redundant power supplies has failed.
Notification code is MN by default when unit is installed in slot C.
Otherwise, notification code is NR by default.

Condition Descriptor: Power failure

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MN/NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: Brightamp, Lightamp, LP530

PWR-A Occurs if a fuse blows on the module, or if one of the external

power feeds fails, or if a problem occurs with the power distribution
on the backplane. If the problem is caused by an external power
feed failure or a catastrophic backplane problem, all modules in the
shelf will simultaneously raise the alarm.

Condition Descriptor: Power supply A failed

AID: 1-C and {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200, WRT-xxx, WRA-xxx

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

PWR-B Occurs if a fuse blows on the module, or if one of the external
power feeds fails, or if a problem occurs with the power distribution
on the backplane. If the problem is caused by an external power
feed failure or a catastrophic backplane problem, all modules in the
shelf will simultaneously raise the alarm.

Condition Descriptor: Power supply B failed

AID: 1-C and {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200, WRT-xxx, WRA-xxx

RECEIVEFAIL Receive failure. The network side receiver has been overloaded.

Condition Descriptor: Receive failed

AID: 1-3}-{1-13}-{2-3}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-740, WRT-760

RECEIVEOVERLOAD Receiver Overload. Indicates that the input optical power being
received on the port is currently above the saturation point of the

Condition Descriptor: Receiver overload

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-2

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-840, WRT-852

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

RECEIVESHUTDOWN Receiver Shutdown. Indicates that the input optical power being
received on the port is beyond the safety margin of the hardware
and has been shutdown. Check the input power on this port to
ensure it is within operating margin. To clear this alarm, the card
must be reset.

Condition Descriptor: Receiver shutdown

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-1[-2-F-1]-2

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

RESTORE_CMD_ CMPLT This event is autonomously generated by the NE to indicate the

result of the RST-BACKUP command.

Condition Descriptor:

AID: 1-C {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect:

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: All modules

ROUTEADD A new route to a COMM200 is added to the routing table

ROUTEREM A route to a COMM200 is removed to the routing table

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Alarm a nd Eve nt Conditions
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

SCPREEMP Raised when a forced to working or forced to protecting switch
command is autonomously cleared due to the failure of the
protection port.

Condition Descriptor:

AID: 1-3}-{1-13}-2

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: LP530

SD Signal Degrade. The native traffic frame indicates a signal degrade


Condition Descriptor: Signal Degrade

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

SENSEFAULT Indicates that the sense input has been activated externally. It will
be reported only if the SenseMonitor attribute on the card has been
configured to ‘ON’.

Condition Descriptor: Sense Line Fault

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-2-F

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-xxx

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Al ar m a nd Eve nt Cond itio ns
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

SF Signal Fail. The native traffic frame indicates a signal fail condition.

Condition Descriptor: Signal Fail

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-852

SFPCOMM An error has occurred in the communications with a removeable

module. Check the removeable to ensure it is fully inserted
otherwise, try a proven SFP/XFP.

Condition Descriptor: Removable module communication


AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-xxx

SFPEVENT SFP removed, or SFP inserted. Raised when the SFP/XFP is inserted
or removed. Always informs the user of SFP/XFP insert/remove
actions, even in the case where the SFP/XFP missing alarm is
masked by port MA state.

Condition Descriptor: SFP removed, or SFP inserted.

AID: 1-3}-{1-13}-1

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-xxx

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

SFPFAIL Removeable failed. The client SFP/XFP module has failed.

Condition Descriptor: WRT-740/WRT-760: SFP failed

WRT-840: Removable module failure

AID: WRT-740/WRT-760/WRT-840:
{1-3}-{1-13}-1 WRT-780:

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-xxx

SFPNOTSUP Indicates that the removeable pluggable (SFP/XFP) which has been
inserted in in the corresponding port is not qualified. The
pluggable is disabled to avoid damage to the card.

Condition Descriptor: Removeable Unsupported

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1-2}-{1-2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT780

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

SFPREM This fault indicates that a removeable pluggable (like SFP or XFP)
has been removed from the module without first removing the port
from service. Recovery from this alarm requires the operator to
replace the removed pluggable

Condition Descriptor: WRT-7xx: SFP removed WRT-8xx:

Removable module missing

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-1

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-xxx

SMACT Sense Priority Mode Active. The operating mode of the protection
switch is changed to Sense Priority.

Condition Descriptor: Sense priority mode

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code:

Service Effect:

Condition Effect: SC

SOFTWARE-ERROR No Comment Defined.

Applicable Hardware: LP530

SUBNETCHGD Report that the Internet Protocol Subnet Mask has been changed.

Condition Descriptor: Subnet Mask Changed

AID: 1-C

Modifier: COM

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

SVC-DATALNKFAIL SVC Data Link Failure. This fault indicates that the data link layer
protocol supporting the Inband supervisory management channel
has failed. This fault can occur if the network transmit and receive
port are connected to two different transponders. It can also occur
if there is an unacceptably high bit-error rate on the physical
Inband supervisory management channel link due to an improper
receive power level or a dirty fiber.

Condition Descriptor: SVC Data link failure

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-2

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-840, WRT-852

SVC-PHYLNKFAIL SVC Physical Link Failure. Declared when there is no physical carrier
present to support the Inband supervisory management channel.
This fault can be caused either by someone removing the Inband
supervisory management channel from service at the far end, or a
failure of the Inband supervisory management channel
transmitting hardware at the far end, or a failure of the Inband
supervisory management channel receiving hardware at the near

Condition Descriptor: SVC Physical link failure

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-2

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-840, WRT-852

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages Non-Secu r it y Al ar m a nd Eve nt Cond itio ns
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

SWDL Software download was successful

Condition Descriptor: Image Transfer Succeeded {aid}

AID: 1-C {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200, WRT-7xx , WRT-8xx ,


SWDLFAIL Software download was unsuccessful

Condition Descriptor: Software Download Failed

AID: 1-C {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200, WRT-7xx, WRT-8xx, WRA-xxx

SWLOADMISMATCH A mismatch of the software baseline load vs the actual load has
been detected on a traffic card

Condition Descriptor: Software Load Mismatch

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}[-2-F]

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-xxx, WRA-xxx

SYSBOOT No Comment Defined.

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description

TIDCHANGED IDENTIFIER changed to ***** . Restart required for change to take
effect. A restart is required for the indicated change to take affect.

Condition Descriptor: TID changed

AID: 1-C

Modifier: COM

Notification Code: MN

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: COM-200

UEQ A module has been properly disconnected (or removed) from the
given slot number.

Condition Descriptor: Module removed

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}

Modifier: EQPT

Notification Code: NA

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Applicable Hardware: All traffic modules

UPGRDLOGCLR No Comment Defined

WAVELENGTH- DEVIATION This fault indicates that the wavelength measured on the DWDM
network port has deviated from the nominal channel wavelength
by more than 25 picometers. This is a latching, fault that causes the
DWDM network port laser to be shut down. This fault cannot be

Condition Descriptor: Wavelength Deviation

AID: {1-3}-{1-13}-{1}[-{2}-F]-{2}

Modifier: OCH

Notification Code: MJ

Service Effect: SA

Condition Effect: SC

Applicable Hardware: WRT-s852

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages S ecurit y Events
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

ConditionType Values Description



Security Events
Events shown below with alarmed notification codes (CR, MJ or MN) are reported
autonomously using the REPT^ALM^SECU message and retrieved using
RTRV-ALM-SECU. The reporting of these alarms may be inhibited /allowed
using the INH-MSG-SECU and ALW-MSG-SECU commands. The notification
codes associated with security alarms can be changed using
SET-ATTR-SECUALM, however they may only be changed to CR, MJ or MN (i.e.,
not NA or NR). By default, all alarmed security events are logged in the security
log. The user may inhibit and allow the logging of these events using the
Events with notification code NR are not reported autonomously, and their
notification code cannot be changed (i.e., they cannot be configured to be reported
autonomously). All of these events are logged by default in the security log. A list
of security events that will be logged by the system can be retrieved using
RTRV-ATTR-SECULOG and modified using SET-ATTR-SECULOG. Security
logs are retrieved using the RTRV-LOG command with the ‘logname’ parameter
set to ‘SECULOG’.
By default, the Security log is enabled, and autonomous messages are disabled
Table 11-5:Security Events

SecurityEvent Values Description

AUTOLOGOUT Reported when the system automatically logs out a session as the result
of a dropped remote connection.

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

DLTSUCC Reported when a user account (UID) is deleted.

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

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TL1 Au tonomous Messages S ecurit y Events
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

SecurityEvent Values Description

EDSUCC Reported when user account attributes (UID, PID, or UAPs) are changed

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

ENTSUCC Reported when a new user account (UID) is created.

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

LOGBUFR90- SECULOG Reported when the security log is full to 90% of capacity.

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

LOGBUFROVFL- SECULOG Reported when the security log reaches capacity and overflows.

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

LOGIN Reported when a user logs in.

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

LOGINFAILED Reported for a failed login attempt for (user id).

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

LOGOUT Reported when a user logs out.

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

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TL 1 Au ton o m o u s M e s sa g e s E r ror Cod e s
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

SecurityEvent Values Description

LOGOUT-FRCD Reported when a user is being forced to log out (by the administrator).

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

PIDAGED Reported when the PID has aged for this user (uid).

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

PIDCHG Reported when a password is changed by its user (UID).

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

SECULOGCLR Reports the clearance of the security log by request of user.

Notification Code: NR

Service Effect: NSA

Condition Effect: TC

Error Codes
Errors may be generated by any command or command response message. The
format of an error message is as follows:
sid date time
M ctag DENY
/* <errmsg> */
This table lists and describes TL1 Error Codes and Error Messages for the
WaveReady system.

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Table 11-6:Error Codes

Error Code (errcde) Error Type Error Message (errmsg)

EANS equipage Equipage, Access Not Supported

EATN equipage Equipage, Not Valid for Access Type

EFON equipage Equipage, Feature Option Not Provided

EN2T equipage Equipage, Not 2-Wire Terminate and Leave

ENAC equipage Equipage, Not Equipped with Alarm Cutoff

ENAD equipage Equipage, Not Equipped with Audit Capability

ENAR equipage Equipage, Not Equipped with Automatic


ENAT equipage Equipage, Request Not Valid for Access Type

ENDG equipage Equipage, Not Equipped with Diagnostic


ENDS equipage Equipage, Not Equipped with Duplex


ENEA equipage Equipage, Not Equipped with Error Analysis


ENEQ equipage Equipage, Not Equipped – This error code is

generated in response to a command if the
target identified by the AID, is not equipped.
RTRV-EQPT is a special case because the
response to this command includes the state
information (equipped vs. unequipped).

ENEX equipage Equipage, Not Equipped with Exercise


ENFE equipage Equipage, Feature Not Provided

ENFL equipage Equipage, Not Equipped for Fault Locating

ENHN equipage Equipage, Not Hybrid Network

ENMB equipage Equipage, Not Multipoint Bridge

ENMD equipage Equipage, Not Equipped with Memory Device

ENPM equipage Equipage, Not Equipped for Performance


ENPS equipage Equipage, Not Equipped with Protection


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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Error Code (errcde) Error Type Error Message (errmsg)

ENRE equipage Equipage, Not Recognized Equipage

ENRI equipage Equipage, Not Equipped for Retrieving

Specified Information

ENRS equipage Equipage, Not Equipped for Restoration

ENSA equipage Equipage, Not Equipped for Scheduling Audit

ENSG equipage Equipage, Not Software Generic

ENSI equipage Equipage, Not Equipped for Setting Specified


ENSS equipage Equipage, Not Equipped with

Synchronization Switching

ENTL equipage Equipage, Not Terminate and Leave

EQWT equipage Equipage, Invalid parameter, value

ERLC equipage Equipage, Red-Lined Circuit

ERNS equipage Equipage, RTU Does Not Support Command

ESPG equipage Equipage, Software Program

ETNS equipage Equipage, TSC Does Not Support Command

EUNR equipage Equipage, Unit Not Recoverable – This error

code is generated if a module cannot be
initiated due to a failure.

FCEX fault Fault, Command execution failed

FFTP fault Fault, FTP Communication Failure – This error

code is generated for Upgrade and Backup
and Restore commands, if there is no Ethernet
connection, there is an invalid or unreachable
FTP server, or there is a server login failure.

FNCR fault Fault, NE Failure - Circut Restored to Last

Condition - Monitor or Terminate

FNDT fault Fault, No Dial Tone Detected

FNEC fault Fault, NTE Has Lost 8-KHZ Byte Clock

FNSC fault Fault, NTE Has Lost 16-KHZ Byte Clock

FRCE fault Fault, RTU Component or Configuration Error

FRDA fault Fault, RTU Does Not Answer the Call

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TL 1 Au ton o m o u s M e s sa g e s E r ror Cod e s
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Error Code (errcde) Error Type Error Message (errmsg)

FREC fault Fault, RTU Eight KHZ Byte Clock Lost

FRNR fault Fault, RTU Does Not Reply

IBEX input Input, Block Extra – This error code is

generated when an extra block is found in the
command. This is recognized by accounting
for the expected blocks, which are separated
by colons. The number of expected colons
depends on the command specifications in
this document.

IBMS input Input, Block Missing – This error code is

generated when a block is missing from the
command. This is recognized by accounting
for the expected blocks, which are separated
by colons. The number of expected colons
depends on the command specification in the

IBNC input Input, Block Not Consistent

ICNC input Input, Command Not Consistent

ICNV input Input, Command Not Valid

IDMS input Input, Data Missing

IDNC input Input, Data Not Consistent

IDNV input Input, Data Not Valid – This Error code is

generated when the data format (string vs.
integer) in any parameter is correct, but the
value of the data itself is not valid. For
example, an integer where the acceptable
range is 1 through 10 and 11 is entered, or a
string where the acceptable value is NEND or
FEND and END is entered. This error code is
also used for invalid combinations of
parameter values. If the error is due to a type
mismatch, the applicable error code should be

IDRG input Input, Data Range Error

IEAE input Input, Entity Already Exists. The entity the user
is trying to create, such as an FFP (protection)
group, already exists.

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Error Code (errcde) Error Type Error Message (errmsg)

IENE input Input, Entity Not Exists. The entity the user is
trying to edit or delete, such as an FFP
(protection) group, does not exist.

IFAC input Input, Far end Access Identifier - This error

code is generated when a user tries to address
a remote WS directly as an entity of the local
NE when a remote shelf has its own COMM200

IIAC input Input, Invalid Access Identifier – This error

code is generated when the AID used in the
command does not conform to any of the
expected AID values. If the AID is invalid
because the target module was unequipped,
UEQ should be generated.

IICM input Input, Invalid Command – This error code is

generated when the command is not a
recognized TL1 supported command.

IICT input Input, Invalid Correlation tag – This error code

is generated when the CTAG in the command
is not valid.

IIDT input Input, Invalid Data Parameter

IIFD input Input, Invalid File Destination – This error code

is generated when the command instructs the
system to send a file to an inappropriate

IIFL input Input, Invalid File Location – This error code is

generated when the command instructs the
system to send a file to an inappropriate
location, for example sending the boot file to
the APP destination.

IIFM input Input, Invalid Data Format – This error code is

generated when the data format for any
parameter in the command is invalid (string
vs. integer). If the data format is correct, but
the data itself is invalid then the applicable
error should be IDNV. This error code is also
known as a type mismatch.

IIFT input Input, Invalid FTTD Target – This error code is

generated when the FTTD is not a valid
gateway NE.

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TL 1 Au ton o m o u s M e s sa g e s E r ror Cod e s
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Error Code (errcde) Error Type Error Message (errmsg)

IIPG input Input, Invalid Parameter Grouping

IISP input Input, Invalid Syntax or Punctuation – This

error code is generated when the type of
syntax error does not fall into any of the other
categories of input error codes. This error code
works like a "catch all" code.

IITA input Input, Invalid Target Identifier – This error

code is used when the TID value received in
the command is invalid.

INAC input Input, Access Number Not Correct

INDV status Input, Invalid AID

INUP input Input, Non-null Unimplemented Parameter –

This error code is generated when a
non-supported parameter is entered in a
parameter block that is defined for another
parameter. Non-null unimplemented
parameters are represented by contiguous
commas (either in between the supported
positioned defined parameters or as trailing

IPEX input Input, Parameter Extra – This error code is

generated when an extra parameter is
provided. Extra parameters are recognized by
any extra commas, which exceed the
expected number. The expected number of
commas accounts, not only for commas in
between parameters in the position-defined
block, but also for any trailing commas as
specified in the GR.

IPMS input Input, Parameter Missing – This error code is

generated when an expected (non-optional)
position defined parameter is missing.

IPNC input Input, Parameter Not Consistent

IPNV input Input, Input Parameter Not Valid – This error

code is generated when an unrecognized
keyword-defined parameter is included.

ISCH input Input, Syntax Invalid Character

ISPC input Input, Syntax Punctuation

ITSN input Input, Invalid/Inactive Test Session Number

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TL 1 Au ton o m o u s M e s sa g e s E r ror Cod e s
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Error Code (errcde) Error Type Error Message (errmsg)

IURL input Input, Invalid URL– This error code is
generated for Upgrade and Backup and
Restore commands when there is a syntax
error in the FTP URL

MERR status Status, Multiple Error

PICC privilege Privilege, Invalid Command Code. The

command is not executable because the user
does not have the user access privileges
required to issue the command.

PIFC privilege Privilege, Illegal Field Code

PIMA privilege Privilege, Invalid Memory Address

PIMF privilege Privilege, Invalid Memory File

PIRC privilege Privilege, Illegal Record Control

PIUC privilege Privilege, Illegal User Code

PIUI privilege Privilege, Illegal User Identifier — This error

code is generated when the stated UID and/or
PID is/are illegal. An illegal UID occurs when
the administrator tries to create a new
account using an existing UID. An illegal PID
occurs if a user tries to enter a password that
does not comply with the PID format
specification. This error code is NEVER used in
response to an unauthorized session initiation

PLNA privilege Privilege, Login Not Active —Returned when a

user who is not logged-in sends any
command other than ACT-USER.

RABY resource Resource, All Taps Busy

RALB resource Resource, All Units of Requested Type are Busy

RANB resource Resource, Access Network Busy

RCBY resource Resource, Circuit Busy

RCIN resource Resource, Requested Circuit ID Does Not Exist

RNAN resource Resource, Requested NE Access Number Does

Not Exist

RNAU resource Resource, Requested NE Access Number


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TL 1 Au ton o m o u s M e s sa g e s E r ror Cod e s
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Error Code (errcde) Error Type Error Message (errmsg)

RNBY resource Resource, NE is Busy

RRCP resource Resource, Unit Specified by Routing Code


RRNG resource Resource, Requested Changes Exceeds Range

RTBY resource Resource, Requested Tap Busy

RTEN resource Resource, Requested Tab Does Not Exist

RTUB resource Resource, Test Unit Busy

SAAL status Status, Already Allowed

SAAS status Status, Already Assigned

SABT status Status, Aborted

SACS status Status, Access Unit Can't Sync on Facility


SADC status Status, Already Disconnected

SADS status Status, Access Unit in Diagnostic State

SAIN status Status, Already Inhibited

SAIS status Status, Already In service – This error code is

generated when a "restore" command is
received and the target AID is already in an
"in-service" state. This error code is not
generated in cases where the AID specifies
several units from which only a subset is
already "in-service".

SAMS status Status, Already in Maintenance State – This

error code is generated when a "remove"
command is received and the target AID is
already in an "out-of-service" state.

SAOP status Status, Already Operated – This error code is

generated when an "operate" command is
received and the target AID is already in an
"operating" state.

SAOS status Status, Already Out-of-service

SAPF status Status, Access Path Continuity Check Failed

SAPR status Status, Already in Protection State

SARB status Status, All Resources Busy

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Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Error Code (errcde) Error Type Error Message (errmsg)

SATF status Status, Automatic Test Failed

SCAT status Status, Circuit is Already Connected to

Another Tap

SCBS status Status, Channel Busy

SCIS status Status, Circuit in Split Condition

SCNA status Status, Command Not Able to be Aborted

SCNF status Status, Command Not Found

SCNS status Status, Circuit Not in Split Condition

SCOS status Status, Channel Out-of-service

SCSD status Status, Can't Split DS0B Circuit

SCSN status Status, Invalid Command Sequence

SDAS status Status, Diagnosis Already Started

SDBE status Status, Internal Data Base Error – This error

code is generated when an internal database
failure occurs, preventing the execution of the

SDFA status Status, Duplex Unit Failed

SDLD status Status, Duplex Unit Locked

SDNA status Status, Dumple Unit Not Available

SDNC status Status, Data not Consistent

SDNR status Status, Data Not Ready – This error code is

generated when the data requested by any of
the retrieve commands is not available.

SDNS status Status, Diagnosis Not Started Yet

SEOS status Status, NTE is Out-of-service

SFAS status Status, Fault Locating Already Started

SFNS status Status, Fault Locating Not Started yet

SFYA status Status, Facility Reports Yellow Alarm

SLBM status Status, List Below Minimum

SLEM status Status, List Exceeds Maximum

SLNS status Status, Log Not Started Yet

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TL 1 Au ton o m o u s M e s sa g e s E r ror Cod e s
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Error Code (errcde) Error Type Error Message (errmsg)

SLOS status Status, TSC to RTU Link Out of service

SNBF status Status, No Backup File – This error code is

generated by the COPY-BACKUP command if
there is no backup file available.

SNCC status Status, Not Cross-Connected

SNCN status Status, NTE Unable to Excecute Command

SNDS status Status, NTE is in a Diagnostic State

SNIM status Status, NTE Access Complete, Circuit was in

Monitor State

SNIS status Status, Not in service

SNLB status Status, Not in Loopback - This error code is

generated when a port in a transponder
module is not in loopback.

SNML status Status, No Monitor Line Established

SNNB status Status, NTE Could Not Sync on DS0B Signal

SNNS status Status, NTE Could Not Sync on DS1 Signal

SNOS status Status, Not currently Out of service - This error

code is generated when the target AID is not
in an "out-of-service" state, and the command
requires for the AID to be out-of-service
before it can be applied.

SNPR status Status, Not in Protection State

SNRM status Status, System Not in Restoration Mode

SNRS status Status, Not Reserved

SNSR status Status, No Switch Request Outstanding - This

error code is generated when a RLS-PRTONSW
command is sent without a prior
OPR-PROTNSW to release.

SNVS status Status, Not in Valid State – This error code is

generated when a command cannot be
performed because a module or facility is in
the wrong state.

SNYA status Status, NTE has Detected a Yellow Alarm

SOSE status Status, Operating System Error

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TL 1 Au ton o m o u s M e s sa g e s E r ror Cod e s
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Error Code (errcde) Error Type Error Message (errmsg)

SOST status Status, Out-of-service, Testing

SPFA status Status, Protection Unit Failed

SPLD status Status, Protection Unit Locked

SPNA status Status, Process Not Able to be Aborted

SPNF status Status, Process Not Found

SRAC status Status, Requested Access Configuration is


SRAN status Status, Unable to Release Access System

SRCI status Status, Requested Command(s) Inhibited

SRCN status Status, Requested Condition Already Exists

SROF status Status, Requested Operation Failed – This

error code is generated when the command
fails to complete successfully. Failures due to
other specific causes should generate either

SROS status Status, Required RTU Out of service

SRQN status Status, Invalid Request

SRTN status Status, Unable to Release Tap

SRTO status Status, Reply Time-Out – This error code is

generated when the pre-set period in which
the command is expected to complete, is
exceeded. The time-out is only applicable
between a COM-200 and its subtending
WRT-740, WRT-760, and WRT-840. An NE
should not generate this error code when a
command could not be completed within the
time-out period due to a communication
failure between the gateway COMM200
module and its subtending COMM200

SSCE status Status, Systemic (SNIDER) Communications


SSDI equipage Status, Software Download In-progress – This

error code is generated when an NE cannot
process a command, because a software
download is in progress.

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TL 1 Au ton o m o u s M e s sa g e s E r ror Cod e s
Co ndition Notification Pa rameters

Error Code (errcde) Error Type Error Message (errmsg)

SSNG status Status, Subrate Selected is Incorrect

SSNP status Status, Test Signal Not Pseudo-Random

SSNQ status Status, Test Signal Not QRS

SSPN status Status, Speed Selected is Incorrect

SSRD status Status, Switch Request Denied

SSRE status Status, System Resources Exceeded – This

error code is generated when there are not
enough system resources to execute the

SSTP status Status, Execution Stopped (due to hardware or

software problem) – This error code is
generated if a hardware or software failure
occurs, which prevents the execution of the

STAB status Status, Test Aborted

STLC status Status, Tap Unable to Locate Channel

STNO status Status, TSC/RTU to TAU Link Out of service

STOS status Status, Test Access Unit Out of service

STTI status Status, Tap Idle

SVNS status Status, Not in Valid State

SWFA status Status, Working Unit Failed. - This error code is

used to reject a ‘forced-to-working’ switch
when the working interface is not in service.

SWLD status Status, Working Unit Locked

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Claims, Returns and Shipping
These policies and procedures apply to units found to be defective or incomplete
when received, or fail after installation.
Contact JDSU Technical Support before implementing these procedures. See
Technical Support and Services

Immediately inform JDSU and, if necessary, the carrier, if:
• the contents of the shipment are incomplete
• the unit or any of its components are damaged or defective
• the unit does not pass the initial inspection

JDSU only accepts returns for which an approved Return Material Authorization
(RMA) has been issued by JDSU sales personnel. The RMA must be obtained before
returning any equipment to JDSU.
NOTE: The owner’s name and address, the model number and full serial number of the unit,
the RMA number and an itemized statement of claimed defects must be included with the
returned material.

Materials should be returned in the original packing material and shipping
container. If these are not available, follow these packaging guidelines:
• Wrap the unit in anti-static packaging. Use anti-static connector covers, as
• Pack the unit in a reliable shipping container.
• Use enough shock-absorbing material (10-15 cm or 4-6 in.) on all sides) to cushion
the unit and prevent it from moving inside the container. Pink poly anti-static foam
is the best material.

Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: 12-1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Claims, Retur ns and Ship ping Shipping

• Seal the shipping container securely.

• Clearly mark FRAGILE/RMA on its surface.
• Always provide the model and serial number of the unit and the RMA number on
any accompanying documentation.
• Do not ship the module with XFP pluggable client interface modules installed.
XFPs should be packaged separately from the module.

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Technical Support and Services
Technical support is available 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday,
excluding Canadian holidays. Emergency technical support is available 7 days a
week, 24 hours a day. Dial one of the telephone numbers and follow the voice
prompts to page a specialist.


Phone and Fax


North America Toll Free: 800 406-9559 (select option 2)

Outside North America Toll Free: +800 4069-5599 (select option 2)

China Toll Free: +10 800 140 5599 (select option 2)


North America Phone: 613-843-3333 Toll Free: 800 898-8537

Outside North America Toll Free: +800 7777-5378

Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: 13-1

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Technical Su p por t a nd S er vices E-mail
To ll Free Access Co des by Countr y

Toll Free Access Codes by Country

Country Code
Australia 0011

Europe 00

Hong Kong 001 Phone

002 Fax

Israel 014

Japan 001 KDD

0041 ITJ

0061 IDC

Malaysia 00

New Zealand 00

Singapore 001

South Korea 001 Korea Telecom

002 Dacom

Sweden 009 Telia

007 Tele2

Taiwan 00


Ordering Documentation
Please contact Technical Support for information on how to obtain other
WaveReady installation and user's manuals.

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Appendix A - List of Additions and
Modifications to TL1 Commands

Command Updates in Release 4.7.1

The following commands were introduced or modified in Release 4.7

Parameter/Command Description
ED-EQPT, RTRV-EQPT PASSWRDRENTY added as new parameter

Command Updates in Release 4.7

The following commands were introduced or modified in Release 4.7

Parameter/Command Description
CardType WRT-781 added as new card type

DebugCmdType TL1 added as new debug parameter

TrafficMode New traffic modes added to ED-EQPT and


PASSWRDREENTRY Password Re-entry added as new paramter to


Tran saction Language 1 Reference Guide Page: A-1

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Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 6. 6

Parameter/Command Description
CLEI CLEI added as new parameter to RTRV-OCH

TUNABLELASER TUNABLELASER added as new parameter to


Command Updates in Release 4.6.6

The following commands were introduced or modified in Release 4.6.6

Commands Description
RTRV-NETYPE This command displays the
communication module hardware and
software revision information.

ED-EQPT Use this command to set operating

parameters for, or change the state of, the
target module.

RTRV-EQPT This command instructs the target

module to return configuration and state

ED-MXP Use this command to set the

configuration parameters for the
WRM-782 muxponder ports.

RTRV-MXP Use this command to retrieve the

configuration settings for the specified

RTRV-PM-OTN Retrieve Performance SCCM_PM instructs

the NE to send its current set of PM data
associated with one or more equipment
units, facilities, links, or signaling links
within the NE.

RTRV-LOG Added new log type: UPGRDLOG

These new AIDs have been added or modified:

• AllChannels
• AllChannelsIncAll
• AllPortsAndChannels
• AllTransponders

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Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 6. 3

• AllTranspondersIncALL
• AllSlotsAnd Channels
• AllSlotsAndPorts
• AllTranspondersIncAll
• AllMuxponders
These new parameters have been added or modified:
• CardType
• MonitorType

Command Updates in Release 4.6.3

The following commands were introduced or modified in Release 4.6.3.
Table A-1:Command Updates in Release 4.6.3

Commands Description
RTRV-ALM-OCH Use this command to retrieve alarms for OCHC

RTRV-ALM-OSC Use this command to retrieve optical supervisory

channel level events and alarms.

RTRV-ATTR-OSC Use this command to retrieve alarm attributes for

optical supervisory channel related alarms and events.

RTRV-COND-OSC Use this command to retrieve the condition of an

optical supervisory channel.

SET-ATTR-OSC Instructs an NE to set the notification code associated

with the specified condition type.

RTRV-ALM-ALL This command instructs the target module to return a

list of the current alarm conditions associated with the
specified equipment unit(s) or port(s).

RTRV-ALM-OCHC Use this command to retrieve alarms for OCHC


RMV-OCHC Remove an optical wavelength channelf form service

RST-OCHC Restore an optical wavelength channel to service

RTRV-ALM-OCHC Retrieve optical wavelength channel alarms

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Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 6. 0

Commands Description
RTRV-ATTR-OCHC Retrieve optical wavelength channel alarm attributes

RTRV-COND-OCHC Retrieve optical wavelength channel conditions

SET-ATTR-OCHC Set optical wavelength channel alarm attributes

RTRV-OCHC Retrieve the status of an optical wavelength channel

These new parameter types have been added:

• OCHC (Optical Wavelength Channel)
These new parameters have been added:
• SwitchConfig
• AllSlotsAndChannels
• AllPortsAndChannels
• AllChannelsIncAll
• AllChannels
These new alarm and event types have been added:

Command Updates in Release 4.6.0

Table A-2:Command Updates in Release 4.6.0

Commands Description
OPR-PROC-EQPT Activate a procedure on an EQPT entity.

RTRV-PROC-EQPT Retrieve the status of a procedure.

ED-MXP Edit muxponder

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Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 5

Commands Description
ED-OCHC Edit optical wavelength channel

RTRV-MXP Retrieve the status of a muxponder

These new parameter types have been added:

• OTUKSD and OTUKSF added to Threshold Type
• OCHC added to Secondary Command Code Modifiers
• EXTERNAL_CONTROL added to Controller Mode
• MUXPONDER_OTN_ETHERNET added to Traffic Mode
These new parameters have been added:
• LPBKTYPEENUM on page 2-38(Loopback type)
• MonitorType on page 2-38
• Procedure Type on page 2-43

Command Updates in Release 4.5

Table A-3:Command Updates in Release 4.5

Commands Description
RTRV-CONTROLLER-MODE This commands retrieves information
about the operating mode of the

SET-CONTROLLER-MODE The command instructs the COM-200

module to change controller modes
which affects OAM management
capabilities to the traffic cards.

ED-TRC-OCH Edits trace-related optical channel


RTRV-TRC-OCH Retrieves the sent trace string, expected

trace string, received trace string, trace
mode, and the trace level.

INIT-REG-<SCCM_PM_NOALL> Initialize monitor counts for the target of

the specified secondary command.

RTRV-PM-<SCCM_PM> Retrieve performance monitoring data for

the target of the specified secondary

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Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 4. 1

Commands Description
RTRV-PMMODE-<SCCM_PM> Retrieve performance mode information
for the target of the specified secondary

RTRV-TH-<SCCM_PM> Retrieve threshold settings for the target

of the specified secondary command.

RTRV-TH-EQPT Retrieve general threshold values.

SET-PMMODE-<SCCM_PM_NOALL> Set the performance mode for the target

of the specified secondary command.

SET-TH-<SCCM_PM> Set threshold levels for the target of the

specified secondary command.

These commands were renamed in Release 4.5:


Command Updates in Release 4.4.1

Table A-4:Command Updates in Release 4.4.1

Commands Description
RTRV-OCH The following values are not valid with copper SFPs installed
in a WRT-780 and will return "0"
• inputpwr
• outputpwr
• wavelength
• reach
• sfptemperature
• sfplaserbiascurrent

ED-OCH Noted exceptions in WRT-780 performance with Copper SFPs

ED-SVC Noted exceptions in WRT-780 performance with Copper SFPs

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Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 4. 0

Commands Description
RMV-OCH Noted exceptions in WRT-780 performance with Copper SFPs

RTRV-ALRM The following list of alarms are not applicable to Copper SFPs
installed in a WRT-780:
The following alarm does not return appropriate information:

Command Updates in Release 4.4.0

Table A-5: Command Updates in Release 4.4.0 lists TL1 command and alarm code
updates for Release 4.4.0.
Table A-5:Command Updates in Release 4.4.0

Command Description
RTRV/ED-OCH Commands extended to support requesting and displaying
WRT-780 ports with their 4-part AID structure (ie: 1-3-1-1)

RTRV/ED-XPDR Two new commands added to allow for querying and setting
transponder-specific information. The AID structure for these
commands is the 3-part transponder AID (ie: 1-3-1)

RTRV-LOG A new log-type introduced. The log-type ALARMLOG is a

subset of the EVTLOG log type and displays only the alarm

INIT-SYS Changed to a more user-friendly and consistent format of


INIT-XPDR New command added to allow restart of single transponder

without affecting traffic on the other transponder.

Table A-6: Condition Type Updates in Release 4.4.0 shows the modification to the
Condition Codes for Release 4.2. See TL1 Autonomous Messages on page 11-1

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Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 3. 1

Table A-6:Condition Type Updates in Release 4.4.0

Condition Type Description

DBCHG A new condition type introduced to indicate configuration
changes. This log only appears for certain database changes.

SFPCOMM Indicates an error has occurred in the communications with a

removeable module. Replaces MODULECOMMS

SFPNOTSUP Indicates that the removeable/pluggable (SFP/XFP) which has

been inserted in the corresponding port is not qualified, and
is disabled to avoid damage to the card. Replaces

Command Updates in Release 4.3.1

Table A-7: Command Updates in Release 4.3.1 lists TL1 command and alarm code
updates for Release 4.3.1.
Table A-7:Command Updates in Release 4.3.1

Command Description
WaveReady TL1 Parameter Types on page A list of TL1 Parameter types and
2-32 definitions was added.

ED-EQPT on page 5-1 LP530 specific parameters added.

WRT-840 specific parameters added.

RTRV-EQPT on page 5-10 LP530 specific parameters added.

WRT-840 specific parameters added.

RTRV-OCH on page 6-32 LP530 specific parameters defined.

SET-DESC-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page Set the message text for the WRT-840/842

10-48 sense input alarm.

RTRV-DESC-<SCCM_COMEQPT> on page Retrieve the message text for the

10-35 WRT-840/842 sense input alarm.

COPY-BACKUP on page 7-1 Copy a system backup file from the NE to

a specified location.

INIT-BACKUP on page 7-3 Delete the backup file from the NE.

OPR-BACKUP on page 7-3 Initiate a backup operation for the NE.

RST-BACKUP on page 7-5 Restore configuration data to one or more

modules in the NE.

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Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 3. 0

Command Description
RTRV-BACKUP on page 7-7 Retrieve the existing backup file.

RTRV-BACKUP-STAT on page 7-8 Retrieve the status of the most recent

backup operation.

LP530 Module Default, see Non-Security Alarm condition descriptions.

Alarm and Event Conditions on page 11-6

Command Updates in Release 4.3.0

Table A-8: Command Updates in Release 4.3.0 lists TL1 command and alarm code
updates for Release 4.3.0. See the applicable section in this guide for details.
Table A-8:Command Updates in Release 4.3.0

Command Description
COPY-RFILE Added support for download of the EDFA load for the
WRA-1xx/217 module.

ED-EQPT Added parameters for WRA-1xx/217 and WRT-842 module

configuration and management.

ED-OCH Added parameters for WRA-1xx/217 and WRT-842 port

configuration and management.

RTRV-EQPT Added data for WRA-1xx/217 and WRT-842 modules.

RTRV-OCH Parameters were added for WRA-1xx/217 and WRT-842 port

data retrieval.

SET-TRAFFICMODE Added traffic mode configuration support for the WRT-842.

Command Updates in Release 4.2.1

Table A-9: Command Updates in Release 4.2.1 lists additional TL1 command
updates for Release 4.2.1 See the applicable section in this guide for details.
Table A-9:Command Updates in Release 4.2.1

Command Description
SET-TRAFFICMODE The WRT-740 supports transponder, regenerator and 2R
regenerator modes. In 2R regenerator mode the WRT-740
performs 2R regeneration on uni-directionally traffic from
the receive to the transmit side of the network port.

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Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 2

Command Updates in Release 4.2

Table A-10: Command updates in Release 4.2 lists new and modified TL1
commands for Release 4.2. See the applicable section in this guide for details.
Table A-10:Command updates in Release 4.2

Command Description
ED-NTP Enables the COMM200 NTP service which updates the
system time from the configured NTP server.

ED-SWBASELINE Sets the software load baseline associated with a specific

module type.

RTRV-NTP Retrieves configuration data associated with the

COMM200 NTP service.

RTRV-STATS-SESSION Retrieves information on the session usage.

RTRV-SWBASELINE Retrieves the software load baseline of the system.

RTRV-UPGRD-STAT Retrieves the software load tags for the active (currently
running) and inactive (boot) banks for a module or the

SET-TRAFFICMODE Sets the traffic mode of the WRT-740 or the WRT-840

module to regenerator or transponder.

COPY-RFILE BANKCOPY parameter added to enable synchronization

of a software load from a module’s active bank to its
inactive bank on the COMM200 and the WRT-840.

ED-EQPT • The sensemonitor parameter enables changing the

state of the sense monitor to on or off for the
• The uptime parameter indicates the number of
seconds since the last restart
• The lastresetreason parameter indicates the reason for
the last restart (wrt-740/760/840/ COM-200).
• The trafficmode parameter indicates the traffic mode
of the module. This is transponder or regenerator for
the WRT-840 and transponder, regenerator or
2rregenerator for the WRT-740.
ED-OCH The laserdisable parameter is added for the LightAmp
and BrightAmp modules.

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Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 2

Command Description
RTRV-EQPT • viewing and setting traffic mode for WRT-840 See
"RTRV-EQPT on page 5-10.
• The uptime parameter indicates the number of
seconds since the last restart
• The lastresetreason parameter indicates the reason for
the last restart (wrt-740/760/840/ COM-200).
• The trafficmode parameter indicates the traffic mode
of the module. This is transponder or regenerator for
the wrt-840 and transponder, regenerator or
2rregenerator for the wrt-740.
• The parameter amplifiermode indicates if the
LightAmp or BrightAmp module is in booster or
preamp mode.
RTRV-OCH The laserdisable parameter is added for the LightAmp
and BrightAmp modules.

SET-ATTR The condition type is a mandatory parameter that

specifies the type of event for which the notification code
is set. The LightAmp and BrightAmp modules do not
support the use of the command.

Table A-11: Conditions (Alarms and Events) shows the modification to the
Condition Codes for Release 4.2. See TL1 Autonomous Messages on page 11-1.
Table A-11:Conditions (Alarms and Events)

Condition Description
Software Load Mismatch A mismatch has been detected between the software
baseline load and the actual load on a traffic card.

Embedded management • Loss of an Inband supervisory management channel

channel communications that was enabled.
failure • The Inband supervisory management channel
between two transponders was disabled, using the
INH-OSC command.
Sense Line Fault Remote sense line failure (a fan failure for example)
detected by the sense monitor.

Embedded Management This fault indicates that the data link layer protocol
Channel Data Link Failure supporting the Inband supervisory management
channel has failed.

BankCopyOK Indicates the success of a bank synchronization

command COPY-RFILE.

TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: A-1 1

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Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 1

Condition Description
BankCopyFail Indicates the failure of a bank synchronization command

NTP Server contact failure NTP service is unable to contact any of the provisioned
NTP servers to obtain the time.

Internal hardware failure Miscellaneous internal hardware failure (a laser failure for
example) for the LightAmp and BrightAmp modules.

Loss of input signal Loss of input signal on the client side input for the
LightAmp and BrightAmp modules.

Laser aging alert Laser transmit power is degraded and therefore near EOL
for the LightAmp and BrightAmp modules.

Laser disabled Laser has been disabled by the operator for the
LightAmp and BrightAmp modules.

Laser temperature is out of The temperature of one of the network interface lasers is
range out of range for the LightAmp and BrightAmp modules.

Receiver Overload Indicates that the input optical power being received on
the port is currently above the saturation point of the
receiver for the LightAmp and BrightAmp modules.

Command Updates in Release 4.1

Table A-12: New TL1 commands in Release 4.1 lists the additional TL1 commands
for Release 4.1.
Table A-12:New TL1 commands in Release 4.1

Command Description
ED-SVC instructing the network element to set configuration
parameters that are specific to the embedded management
channel specified by the <aid> for WRT-740, WRT-760, WRT-840.
See ED-SVC on page 6-6.

RTRV-MSG-ALL instruct the network element to return the current inhibited

condition(s) of the network element for WRT-740, WRT-760,
WRT-840 See RTRV-MSG-ALL on page 10-39.

RTRV-SVC retrieve information related to the specified supervisory

communications channel for WRT-740, WRT-760, WRT-840. See
RTRV-SVC on page 6-40.

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Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 1

Table A-13: TL1 command updates in Release 4.1 lists the modifications to the TL1
commands for Release 4.1.
Table A-13:TL1 command updates in Release 4.1

Command Description
ALW-MSG-ALL removed support for NTFCNCDE parameter. See
ALW-MSG-ALL on page 10-2.

ED-EQPT Adding and editing Module ID for WRT-740, WRT-760,

WRT-840, COM-200; adding manuallockdatarate parameter
for WRT-840. See "ED-EQPT on page 5-1.

ENT-USER-SECU Removed support for the PCND and UOUT parameters. See
ENT-USER-SECU on page 3-7.

INH-MSG-ALL Removed support for NTFCNCDE parameter. See

INH-MSG-ALL on page 10-3

INIT-LOG Only valid AIDs are 1-C or null. See INIT-LOG on page 7-17.

OPR-PROTNSW-OCH Removed support for MAN switch command. See

OPR-PROTNSW-OCH on page 9-5.

RTRV-EQPT Viewing and setting traffic mode for WRT-740 See

RTRV-EQPT on page 5-10.

RTRV-LOG Log entry is returned as a new separate line There are no

longer any differences between the first <log entry> block
and any subsequent <log entry> block. See RTRV-LOG on
page 7-18.

RTRV-NETYPE Now returns the CLEI code as a string with escape

sequences. See RTRV-NETYPE on page 4-11.

RTRV-OCH Reporting input and output power readings for WRT-740,

WRT-760,adding and editing Module ID through ED-EQPT
command; view and set traffic mode through RTRV-EQPT
command. See RTRV-OCH on page 6-32.




RTRV-TH-<SCCM_EQPTOCH> on page 10-40.


page 10-47.

The following TL1 commands were removed for Release 4.1:


TL1 Reference Guid e Pag e: A-1 3

Release 4.7.1 | June 2010 Document : 21063484-011, R000 | PRELIMINARY
Ap p e n di x A - L i s t o f Ad dit i o n s a n d M o dif i c a tions to TL1 Co mmands Comma nd Updates in Relea se
4. 1

Table A-14: Conditions (Alarms and Events) shows the modification to the
Condition Codes for Release 4.1. See Alarm and Event Condition Reporting on
page 11-4.
Table A-14:Conditions (Alarms and Events)

Command Description
REPT-EVT added condition codes BITRATECHG, LINKADD, LINKREM removed

REPT-ALM added alarm-able condition codes: IMPROPRMVL, INT-LOL,

SVC-PHYLNKFAIL removable alarm codes EQPT, SFT

Pa ge: A -1 4 TL1 R efere nce Guid e

D o c u m e n t : 2 1 06 3 4 8 4 - 01 1 , R 00 0 | P R EL I MINARY R elease 4.7.1 | J une 2010

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