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Hernandez, Tristan C.

BSA 1 – Main 5

AmBisyon Natin 2040: Matatag, Maginhawa, at Panatag na buhay

According to Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Price recipient in Economics: “Development is

about transforming the lives of people, not just transforming economies.” We can transform the

lives of people by increasing the quality of education, increasing number of opportunities, and

eradicating poverty and corruption. This is what AmBisyon Natin 2040 is all about. It’s a long-

term plan of the Philippines to be an abundant society by transforming the lives of Filipinos

through improvements on the different aspects of the county’s economy.

AmBisyon Natin 2040 is composed of three main principles: Matatag, maginhawa, at

panatag na buhay. In 2040, working Filipinos can spend more time with their loved ones,

friends, families because there are more opportunities that can pay as much as the opportunities

outside the country and going abroad to provide for your family will be unnecessary. Working

Filipinos can also retire peacefully without getting worried about day-to-day expenses. Filipinos

can also travel from one point to another safer and more comfortable because of the faster,

cleaner, and better transportation system. They can also have access on cheaper nutrient dense

foods that can eliminate hunger and malnutrition.

The three main principles can be achieved by improving economic aspects continuously.

Agriculture for food access and security; manufacturing and tourism for more opportunities and

entrepreneurial ventures; transportation system for mobility; financial services to promote

savings and investment; education system to produce more professionals, and eradicating

corruption on the government.

Is this attainable? Personally, I think it is attainable with a few conditions. A good leader

and investors from economic powerhouses. A good leader can steer a nation’s economy upwards

or downwards. I will take Singapore as an example. Singaporean economy is one of the fastest

growing economies that has now a GDP per capita of $67,500 compared to the Philippines’

$3,905. GDP per capita can be an estimate of the people’s standard of living. But how did

Singapore manage to become an economic powerhouse despite being the smallest country in the

region and was not gifted with natural resources. First, they had a good leader in the past who

miraculously turned Singapore around. Lee Kuan Yew was the first prime minister of Singapore,

and he has a vision to turn Singapore around. He focused on free exchange of ideas, discipline,

and fair governance. He focused on international trades and convinced investors from US and

Japan. He stepped down on 1990 after 31 years of ruling, in his regime, he managed to turn the

county into one of the busiest financial institutions and ports, built state of the art infrastructure

and excellent air and sea linkages; a low and transparent tax regime; clean and efficient

bureaucracy; a strong regulatory and legal framework; a neutral diplomatic policy which has

ensured it is an ally of the US as well as China; and developing a clean and green city, have

ensured Singapore's stupendous economic success. If Singapore did it, I think the Philippines can

replicate it too. The plan was straightforward and as long as we elect the right leaders who are

honest, transparent, and visionary and prioritizes economic growth over self-interests, we are in

the right path.

To sum it up, AmBisyon Natin 2040 is about the economic growth of our country where

Filipinos can enjoy an abundant and peaceful life that is free from poverty and corruption. It is

attainable within a 2-decade span and the only thing that can slow us down are external events

like financial crisis, pandemics, and international conflicts.

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