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Post- Quiz “ AC-DC interface” [From 20-21

July 2023]'
Total points 40/40

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Name *

Rajesh Aggarwal

Designation *


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Time limit : 10 minutes 40 of 40 points

Polarized potentials a Which of the following potential measurements would *2/2
clearly indicate that a tank is isolated from the pipe?

A structure-to-electrolyte potential of -950 mVCSE with the electrode at the pipe and
tank-to-electroltye potential of -800 mVCSE with the electrode at the pipe

A structure-to-electrolyte potential of -950 mVCSE with the electrode at the pipe and
a tank-to-electrolyte potential of -800 mVCSE with the electrode at the tank.

A structure-to-electrolyte potential of -950 mVCSE with the electrode at the pipe and
a tank-to-electrolyte potential of -940 mVCSE with the electrode at the tank.

A structure-to-electrolyte potential of -650 mVCSE with the electrode at the tank and
a tank-to-electrolyte potential of -640 mVCSE with the electrode at the tank.

What Earthing resistance has to be maintained at HT crossings * 2/2

Depends on calculations as per location specific data

<10 ohm

< 5ohm

<1 ohm
Reference electrodes used in IOCL pipelines include which of the following? * 2/2

I. Copper-copper sulfate

II. Zinc

III. Calomel

IV. Silver-silver chloride 

I & II only

II only


I, III & IV only

Native potential of 3LPE coated pipeline was measured at Two TLP’s TLP A *2/2
and TLP B and the PSP readings recorded are TLP A (-) 0.5V and TLP B(-)
).65V with respect Cu/Cu So4 reference electrode. What is the interpretation
of the readings:  

TLP B is anode and TLP A is cathode

TLP A and TLP both are cathode

TLP A is anode and TLP B is cathode

The elements of a corrosion cell include which of the following? * 2/2

I. Anode

II. Cathode

III. Electrolyte

IV. Electronic path 

I, III & IV only


I, II & III only

I & II only

Carrier pipe / Bare Casing Pipe PSP measured is: Carrier Pipe ON PSP : *2/2
(-)0.9V / Casing Pipe PSP (-)0.85V 

Carrier pipe inside the casing pipe is receiving CP current and may or may not be
cathodically protected

Carrier pipe inside the casing pipe is receiving CP current and is cathodically

Carrier pipe inside the casing pipe is not receiving current and is not cathodically

Which coated pipeline is more vulnerable for AC Interference  * 2/2

Three layer polyethylene coating

Liquid Epoxy Coating

Polyurethane coating.

Coal Tar Enamel Coating

What is the external main line coating applied on buried compressor piping of *2/2
IOCL Pipeline?

Three layer polypropylene coating

3ply / 2 ply cold applied tape

High build liquid epoxy coating

Three layer heat shrinkable coating

The relationship between current and polarization is described by which of *2/2

the following?

I. Corrosion cell current decreases with increased polarization.

II. Polarization increases with increased current.

III. Current increases with increased polarization.

IV. Polarization decreases with increased current. 

I & II only

II only

I only

III & IV only

A polarized potential is the  * 2/2

sum of the free corroding potential and polarization

difference between the instant OFF potential and the free corroding potential

free corroding potential

difference between the ON and the OFF potentials

Polarized potentials are measured  * 2/2

just after all the rectifiers are turned OFF.

when the rectifiers are ON.

after the rectifiers are left off for several days.

when the nearest rectifier is turned OFF.

Which coating is the worst for long-term CP protection * 2/2

Fusion Bond Epoxy Coating

Three layer poly propylene coating

Coal Tar Enamel Coating

Three layer polyethylene coating

Cold Applied tape coating

Which coated pipeline is more vulnerable for Foreign pipeline Interference * 2/2

One pipeline Coaltar and other 3LPE coated

Both pipelines Three layer polyethylene coating

Both pipelines Coal Tar Enamel Coating

What is the allowable corrosion rate on your pipeline * 2/2

< 0.1 mm / year

0 mm / year

< 0.3 mm / year

< 0.01 mm / year

Maximum acceptable Polarized potential with respect to Cu/CUSO4 reference *2/2

cell is

1.200 V

-0.850 V

-1.1 V

-1.05 V
What is the CP acceptance criteria requirement with respect to Zn reference *2/2

(+) 0.250V OFF

(-) 0.250 V OFF

(-) 1.4 V OFF


Which coating is the best for long-term CP protection * 2/2

Fusion Bond Epoxy Coating

Polyurethane coating.

Liquid Epoxy Coating

Three layer polyethylene coating

Cold Applied tape coating

Coal Tar Enamel Coating


An environment where cathodic protection is NOT effective is.  * 2/2

atmospherically exposed surface.



steel in concrete.
TR unit is working in AUTO mode. Output of the TR unit is regulated based *2/2

ON potential

ON and OFF potential

Operating current and voltage

Which of the following items must be included in recording structure-to- *2/2

electrolyte potentials on routine surveys?

I. Value

II. Units

III. Polarity

IV. Reference Electrode 


I, II & III only

I & II only

I only

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