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Good morning everyone, today we are going to make apple and blackberry

crumble so I hope you all brought your ingredients. Ready? Now, lets get straight on
with cooking. First you peel the apples and cut them into slices, okay? Don’t forget to
take the mid loud of the apple. Now, put the slices apple in a pan and cook them with
some of the sugar. In about ten minutes, they should be nice and soft. Now, mix the
blackberries and apples together, make sure that you have about half and half. Put
them into the bottom of a baking dish, that’s fine. And now, the next thing to do is rub
the flour and butter together with your fingers until it’s in tiny pieces, like bread
crumbs. Then, add the sugar. When it’s ready, put the crumble mixture on top of the
fruit and bake it all in the oven for 30 minutes.

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