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“We’ve all lost friends,

let's make sure we don’t lose anymore.”

This adventure is a fan-made, three-act scenario for the ALIEN Roleplaying Game
published by Free League Publishing. It is based on the original novel
ALIEN: OUT OF THE SHADOWS, written by Tim Lebbon.
In this scenario, the players take the roles of a team of miners stationed aboard a deep
space orbital platform over LV-178. Give the players the option to play as one of ten
members of the skeleton crew without showing them the character bios. Before the game
begins and you read out the boxed text entitled “What’s the Story Mother?”, choose at
least one of the unchosen characters to be killed off as part of the accident (page 3).

The Weyland-Yutani Corporation has been is found, it pays to mine it out. Kelland
busy, buying up numerous other Mining were all too happy to set up shop,
businesses and investing in almost every installing a planetside facility with a mining
corporate sector. They’re even starting to station in orbit and a crew complement of
get involved in the colonization of fifty-three individuals.
extrasolar planets and moons. By 2159 Thus far, the mining crew has spent three
they own pretty much everything. Many of long years here harvesting the rare
the companies owned by Weyland-Yutani material. Labouring in shifts of twenty down
continue to operate under their own in the mines, the workers have made a lot
brand, including the Kelland Mining of money with no opportunity to spend it.
Corporation. What the miners didn’t know–could
One such operation is LV-178, a never have known–was that underneath the
completely unremarkable rock save for one precious trimonite deposit were the ruins of
important resource, trimonite. Fifteen an ancient civilisation. Unlike anything
times harder than diamond, trimonite is humanity has encountered among the stars.
the strongest material known to man, and That’s not all though. They awoke
when a seam as rich as the one on LV-178 something else in the depths of LV-178.
Something evil, something alien.

Located in the GL 479 system beyond the raging across the equator. The atmosphere
outer rim, LV-178 is an inhospitable hell of is breathable, if you like dust.
a rock. From three hundred miles up the The mine and its surface buildings are
planet’s surface is a smear of burnt sealed in an environmental dome, with
oranges, browns and blood reds, with the several landing pads outside connected by
circling eyes of countless sandstorms short, enclosed tunnels.

Read this aloud to your players:

“You are what remains of the DSMO Marion’s mining crew. Eleven weeks ago, a shift of
miners was supposed to be returning from LV-178, the planet you’re orbiting. What
happened instead was that both of the Marion’s dropships, Delilah and Samson, returned
from the planet in a state of emergency. From what was transmitted to the bridge, it
appears the miners found some kind of hostile alien lifeform beneath the surface of the
planet. A lifeform that somehow got on board the shuttles before they evacuated and was
even growing out of the bodies of some of the passengers.

Due to the desperate situation on board, the Delilah’s pilot lost control and the dropship
ploughed into the Marion. Half of the docking level was destroyed and the Marion was
nudged into a decaying orbit, now slowly descending down into the atmosphere of LV-
178. The Samson dropship continued its automatic docking sequence, parking in Bay 3
with four black insect-like creatures on board.

You’re all still reeling from the loss of your crewmates during the incident, but you've kept
busy repairing what you could aboard the Marion and trying not to thinking about what’s
waiting in Docking Bay 3. The antenna array was damaged beyond repair so a call for
help detailing the situation has been sent out on a loop using a high frequency
transmitter. You have around five days left before the ship begins to burn up, but even
that’s only an estimate. All that’s left to do is wait.”

“This is DSMO Marion, of the Kelland a decaying orbit. Second dropship
Mining Company, registration HGY- Samson is docked and isolated, those
64678, requesting immediate aid. things in there hopefully contained. They
Surviving mining team down to just the laid infants or eggs inside the miners,
skeleton crew. Miners discovered burst from their chests. We are not
something on the surface of LV-178, contaminated, repeat, not
attacked, dropship Delilah crashed into contaminated. Estimate ninety days until
the Marion. Many systems damaged, we hit LV-178's atmosphere. All channels
environment stable but we are now in open, please respond. Ends.”
Down in the bowels of LV-178, the miners anything unusual, especially changes in the
unearthed a vast cavern containing the health of the miners. She also has no idea
remains of an ancient alien craft. that Hawthorn is secretly an android.
Unfortunately for them, the craft contained Hawthorn on the other hand is operating
several clutches of XX121 Ovomorphs. By under a 900 series special order and will
the time the relief shift arrived, the mines prioritise the acquisition of Xeno-biological
were overrun with Xenomorphs. Several material over all other considerations.
survivors hurriedly evacuated the planet– The looping distress call sent out by the
with passengers on both dropships carrying Marion crew after the incident with the
Chestbursters. dropships was intercepted by a lone EEV
Two members of the crew are in fact adrift out in space. Concluding the
undercover operatives for Weyland-Yutani. involvement of Xenomorph XX121, the
They are the ship medic Garcia, and a shift Weyland-Yutani A.I. program on board the
supervisor named Hawthorn. Garcia doesn’t EEV diverted course, bringing it to LV-178
know what the company expects her to with intent to use the sole human
discover, only that she was to report occupant to secure a live specimen.


The LV-178 mines are infested with Xenomorphs born from the miners. Level Nine is in the
process of being converted into a new hive. Several miners also escaped the planet’s
surface on two dropships with either Facehuggers attached to them or Chestbursters
already growing inside their bodies.

SAMSON: Four fully grown Xenomorph Drones wait on board the Samson. There’s also
an Ovomorph produced from Jones, the shuttle pilot.

THE MINES: A single PASSIVE Xenomorph Scout hibernates in the nuclear generator area,
with three more scattered throughout the lower levels of the mines and six Soldier
Xenomorphs hibernating in the tunnels on Level Nine.

ALIEN SHIP: A young Queen–yet to produce eggs of her own–is growing within the
bowels of the alien ship with four freshly-molted Worker Xenomorphs tending to her.
There are numerous ancient Ovomorphs throughout the ship, including sixteen in the old
Laboratory containing Royal Facehuggers. These are guarded by seven PASSIVE
hibernating Sentry Xenomorphs.


Captain of the DSMO Marion Chief Engineer

As the officer in charge of the Marion and its crew– You used to dream of monsters, and have always
including those working down on LV-178–this entire been fascinated by the unknown and the prospect of
mining operation is your responsibility. That’s alien life. A fascination which drove you to the stars
exactly what makes it so difficult. Under your watch, on various hauling and mining jobs, and estranged
more than twenty people have lost their lives, and you from your wife and two sons back on Earth. For
the situation appears hopeless for those that the last three years the Marion crew has been your
remain. Waiting for a rescue that may never come, new family, a family that has suddenly gotten a
it’s all you can do to hold yourself together for the whole lot smaller. Your child-like wonder is gone.
sake of your team. The creatures on the Samson, whatever they are,
don’t fascinate you. They terrify you.
GUILT COMPLEX: You try telling yourself that it isn’t
your fault, that there’s nothing you could’ve done.
But when has that ever worked? Your STRESS LEVEL
increases by one when someone under your
command suffers a critical injury. If they die you
must make a Panic Roll.


SKILLS: Close Combat 2, Piloting 2, Observation 2, SKILLS: Heavy Machinery 4, Stamina 2,
Command 4 Mobility 2, Comtech 1, Command 1
TALENT: Tough TALENT: Weapon Specialist (Charge Thumper)
SIGNATURE ITEM: Heartfelt gift from Hooper, SIGNATURE ITEM: Photograph of the family you
your best friend and former lover neglected for the sake of your career
GEAR: AllShip communication headset, Samani GEAR: Plasma torch, flashlight
E-series watch BUDDY: Jordan
BUDDY: Hooper RIVAL: Cornell
RIVAL: Powell AGENDA: Assist Jordan any way you can. If the
AGENDA: Take any chance to ensure your unthinkable happens, step up and take
surviving crew get back home, no matter how command in her place.

If nobody wants to play as the captain of the
Marion, consider killing Jordan off at the
beginning of the scenario. Nobody likes taking
orders from an NPC. Hooper is next in the chain of
command, and then Lachance. Consider giving
Hooper Jordan’s GUILT COMPLEX and personal
agenda in this case.

Pilot Communications Officer, Barman

With over a hundred successful manual docking As well as operating the Marion’s communications
procedures logged in the simulator, you like to think equipment you run a small bar out of the ship
of yourself as the best pilot on the Kelland Mining recreation module. As the bar ‘manager’ you were
Corporation’s payroll. That doesn’t necessarily mean very popular among the miners, who would
you’re eager to put that practice to the test, mind. sometimes share their thoughts and anxieties of the
Despite your reputation as a pessimist, the others hour with you. They might as well, since you’re the
seem to be benefitting from your dry wit in these one who sorts through all messages sent from and
trying times. Less so from the cigar fumes. It’s received by the station. You’re supposed to be the
shameful, but you take solace in the fact that your crew’s last lifeline to home or rescue. Too bad the
unmatched piloting skills make you irreplaceable antenna array is fucked beyond practical use.
among the surviving crew.


SKILLS: Piloting 4, Comtech 2, Survival 2, SKILLS: Heavy Machinery 2, Stamina 2,
Manipulation 2 Observation 2, Comtech 4
TALENT: Banter TALENT: Bypass
SIGNATURE ITEM: Novelty custom business card SIGNATURE ITEM: Hula girl bobble figurine
GEAR: Switchblade, lighter, case of cigars GEAR: Tablet computer
BUDDY: Baxter BUDDY: Lachance
RIVAL: Cornell RIVAL: –
AGENDA: Misery is bad for the soul. Lighten the AGENDA: Given the current situation, the most
mood with some healthy French sarcasm. you can do is make sure remaining comm
systems stay operational and uncompromised.


There are no new agendas for the characters as When a character or characters are killed off at
the story progresses between acts. After Act I, the beginning of the scenario, the GM may
players may continue to pursue their starting choose what happens to their belongings. Gear
agenda to earn additional story points. Players and signature items can be found in the
who have completed the starting agenda to character’s locker, quarters, or at their
their satisfaction can also develop their workstation. Perhaps some of their possessions
character’s motivations going into a new act. were lost during the accident.
Science Officer Security Officer

You once worked for Weyland-Yutani on a research Months go by, years even, with nothing happening
base orbiting Proxima Centauri. Though you don’t on this metal prison. Then when something did go
work directly for them anymore, the company still down, what could you do about it? Sweet fuck-all.
funds science officers such as yourself on many But that’s space for you. You were just getting
ships. The funding is very generous, and often goes a around to kicking some of your worst habits too. The
large way toward bankrolling a mission. You know others are putting on a brave face and acting like
the company’s reputation and you don’t appreciate their little distress call will make everything all
being accused of corporate conspiracy based on better. False confidence or delusion, you’re not
your employer. No one’s ever seen creatures in the buying into it. No one is coming and that’s that.
mines. There wasn’t supposed to be anything living
on that rock other than bacteria. You’ve been to ALCOHOLIC: You must drink alcohol every Shift, or
more planets, asteroids, and moons than the rest of your STRESS LEVEL increases by one. You cannot
the crew put together, but you’ve never heard of relieve stress without drinking alcohol.
anything like these things.


SKILLS: Heavy Machinery 1, Observation 3, SKILLS: Close Combat 2, Stamina 1, Ranged
Manipulation 3, Medical Aid 3 Combat 3, Observation 2, Command 1,
Medical Aid 1
TALENT: Analysis
TALENT: Subdue
SIGNATURE ITEM: Weyland-Yutani ID card,
expired SIGNATURE ITEM: Whiskey flask, almost empty
GEAR: Digital camera, voice recorder, sampling GEAR: M4A3 Service Pistol (1 reload), handcuffs,
equipment pack of cigarettes
BUDDY: Welford BUDDY: –
RIVAL: – RIVAL: Hooper
AGENDA: The creatures brought back from LV-178 AGENDA: You’re all on borrowed time now.
are like nothing you’ve ever seen. Learn and Secure a supply of booze and face oblivion shit-
document all you can about them. faced instead of sober.

“The universe seems neither benign nor hostile,

merely indifferent.”
Ship Doctor Ship Medic

You’ve been told by the miners how it’s hypocritical Weyland-Yutani practically owns space. You were
for a health expert to smoke, and you used to joke working out of Kelland’s Io headquarters when the
that they’d change their tune in a real emergency parent company was bought up. It didn’t change
when the chips were down. Not much time for jokes much, but it opened your eyes to the diversity of
anymore. Who knew everything could just go to shit missions being launched. As well as the diversity of
so quickly. You know the others view Garcia as being career options. You were planted on this crew with
small and shy–and she is–but she had been your orders to report any unusual changes either in the
rock these last three years. How much good that’ll mines or health of the miners. There was an on-site
do you now, you don’t know. supervisor and corporate agent working in tandem
with you, Hawthorn. He won’t be any help now.
After whatever happened down in the mines, he’s
surely dead.


SKILLS: Close Combat 1, Stamina 2, Mobility 3, SKILLS: Mobility 1, Observation 2, Comtech 3,
Medical Aid 4 Manipulation 2, Medical Aid 2
TALENT: Field Surgeon TALENT: Cunning
SIGNATURE ITEM: Red Sunrise Perekur smokes SIGNATURE ITEM: Medical license, functions as a
GEAR: Surgical kit, three shots of Naproleve, case corporate access card
of hypodermic needles GEAR: Data transmitter card, personal medkit
BUDDY: Garcia BUDDY: Kasyanov
RIVAL: Sneddon RIVAL: Cornell
AGENDA: Everyone has been through a lot. Keep AGENDA: Weyland-Yutani are coming, you’re
tabs on the physical and mental health of the certain of it. Acquire anything that could be of
others and take action if necessary. value to the company.


If either Welford or Powell is killed off at the While pursuing his agenda, Powell might
beginning of the scenario while the other lives, abandon the Marion in an EEV. By default, the
allow the player controlling the surviving EEV will be pulled into LV-178's atmosphere and
character to choose a new buddy or simply give come down within a few hours’ travel of the
them a new Roughneck career talent. mine (see the table on page 23). If the player
controlling Powell declares that they wish to
take the EEV out into space or somewhere
planetside far away from the mine, the GM
should inform them that Powell will likely never
be seen or heard from again as a result.
Engineer Engineer

Always an inventor by nature, you and the other You and Welford are as different as can be, him
engineers were always brainstorming interesting more than a foot shorter than you and twice as
new uses for the tools at your disposal. More so you heavy, and you, close to six foot six and slim as a
and Powell. Hooper’s position as chief engineer pole. In spite of that, the crew commonly referred to
always seemed to keep him at arms-length. You’ve you both as “the terrible twins” since you worked so
spent many hours in the Hold 2 workshop, toying well together and were both a couple of smart-
with various chemicals and application methods to asses. You’ve always known how dangerous it is
get something that could ease the work of the working in space, you thought you’d grown used to
miners. With Sneddon’s help, you designed a spray the ever-present threat of death. Apparently not. All
gun that can hold and fire hydrofluoric acid. It may you want now is to get off this ship before the whole
yet serve a different, more unconventional use. damn thing breaks apart falling into the planet’s

SKILLS: Heavy Machinery 3, Close Combat 1, HEALTH: 3

Stamina 1, Ranged Combat 2, Observation 2, SKILLS: Heavy Machinery 3, Close Combat 1,
Comtech 1 Stamina 1, Mobility 1, Comtech 1, Survival 3
TALENT: Best Buddy TALENT: Best Buddy
SIGNATURE ITEM: “Engineers are always SIGNATURE ITEM: Anti-mist welding goggles
screwing” coffee mug GEAR: Mechanical cutting torch, flashlight,
GEAR: Watatsumi DV-303 bolt gun (3 additional multitool (with knife blade)
bolts), flashlight, magnetic tape recorder and BUDDY: Welford
RIVAL: Lachance
BUDDY: Powell
AGENDA: Game over, you’re all screwed. The
RIVAL: – Marion is going to break up in the atmosphere
AGENDA: Use your inventions and mechanical and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it.
expertise to help with whatever plans your Find a way off the ship.
colleagues come up with.

BYPASS: You have experience jury-rigging BEST BUDDY: When your buddy helps
tool-kits and using diagnostic devices to you with a skill roll, you get an additional
hack doors. You gain a +2 modification to +1 modification. Your maximum
the COMTECH skill when attempting to modification from assistance when your
unlock a locked entryway or override buddy helps is +4.
certain computer protocols.

A deep space mining ship owned by Kelland Mining compression suits with tether cables. These
Company; the Marion is around three-hundred are indicated by a bright yellow
metres long. There are three tons of mined “EMERGENCY” sign above the doors.
trimonite on board. The ship’s intercom system is
The following gear is available in plentiful
still operational and can be accessed from most
supply on the Marion from the start of the
halls and rooms. It will transmit to everywhere on
the ship but can also be set to specific channels.
The outer hull of the Marion has Armor Rating 6. > Flashlights
The hallways on each deck of the ship are > Comm units
equipped with cargo straps designed to secure > Sand picks (no bonus, Damage 2,
objects to the walls in case of explosive armour piercing)
decompression. There are also storage alcoves at > Charge thumper reloads (mining charges
regular intervals containing vacuum-packed & mechanical bolts)

When dropship Delilah crashed into the AUXILIARY VEHICLES: The Marion has a
Marion she took out the port arm of the small collection of ground vehicles in Hold 2,
Docking Level, completely annihilating and still has all of her Class A escape pods.
Docking Bay 1 and damaging Docking Bay 2
ELEVATORS: The elevators are usually
beyond further use. Several decks were
quicker than taking the stairs, especially if
breached, some completely venting into
you’re hauling heavy equipment (not if
space before emergency decompression
you’re simply running up or down a few
doors could do their job. Some areas and
floors). They’ve been engineered not to stop
even entire decks are now locked down and
at the decompressed, out-of-use levels, but
out of bounds as a result. The antenna
they can be forced to open at one of these
array has also been damaged. The array
decks remotely with a demanding COMTECH
itself reports that it is still transmitting, but
roll (–1).
a cursory systems check reveals that it isn’t.
The Marion itself was knocked out of HEAVEN: A small biopod module, used by
geo-stationary orbit by the impact, losing the crew for growing food and occasional
two lateral dampers and three out of seven green therapy. The small garden did more
starboard thrusters. The ship is in a stable than any drug cocktail to alleviate
pattern of orbital decay with no way to fix depression and stress for the miners. The
it. module was corrupted in the accident and
now contains only dirt and rotted plant
BRIDGE: The bridge has a more lived-in feel Aside from this there’s also a surgical kit,
than it once did, with empty food and drink D6 doses of Naproleve, and enough
containers taking up corners and unused medkits for each character to have one.
desks. The wide viewing windows provide a There is a near-limitless supply of most
clear view of LV-178, as well as the debris other drugs the PCs might need, such as
that still follows the Marion’s orbital path Hydr8tion solution and Neversleep pills.
since the accident. There are four
RECREATION MODULE: A block of four
emergency compression suits in lockers at
compartments to the rear of the ship’s
the back of the room.
Accommodations Hub. There’s a comfy
> COMM CENTRE: Baxter’s workstation.
movie theatre with a large screen and
There are headphones here for listening
arrayed seating, and two libraries, one for
in on comms and one can monitor all
music and one for reading.
incoming/outgoing transmissions as
> BAXTER’S BAR: “BeeBee’s” was once the
well as digital handshakes.
social centre of the ship. Now it’s dusty
> MASTER CONTROLS: Between the
and unused since the surviving crew
command and pilot stations and the life
took to spending most of their free
support and cctv monitors, most of the
time in their personal cabins or
Marion’s operations can be controlled
together on the bridge. The ceiling is a
remotely from the bridge. These
mass of exposed service pipework and
include operation of airlocks,
wires and the walls are bare and
environmental systems, and remote
unpainted. The crew have done their
control of dropships and drones.
best to make it more comfortable, with
> INSURANCE: An advanced Weyland-
padded seats and decorative blankets
Yutani data purge program can be
hung from the walls.
downloaded from the computers on
Across from the bar area, there’s two
the bridge onto any data drive such as
pool tables, table tennis and a
the ones stored in the drawers.
selection of faux-antique computer
SCIENCE LAB: A moderately advanced game consoles. There’s plenty of
laboratory where the resident science bottled beer as well as dehydrated
officer can examine core samples and any snacks stocked behind the bar itself.
oddities brought up from the planet. The
DOCKING SECTION: The two docking arms
lab comes with an assortment of
are on a protruding level beneath the ship’s
equipment, giving a +2 modification to
nose. One is welded shut behind a heavy
OBSERVATION rolls when using the Analysis
bulkhead door, having been destroyed
during the accident along with Docking
MED BAY: The Marion’s med bay is Bays 1 and 2.
relatively small and basic, with a total of Docking Bay 4 is empty, but still
just six beds for patients. A few select high- functional. The Samson dropship is docked
tech pieces of equipment act as an at Bay 3. Every door and bulkhead leading
insurance policy against crew injuries, to its airlock is closed and sealed. Even the
courtesy of Weyland-Yutani. This includes door controls have had vital parts stripped
the single Pauling MedPod situated in the out. Just to be safe. A few Turns of work are
centre of the room. required to get access to the Samson.
HOLD 1 (CARGO): The Marion’s haul of HOLD 2 (STORAGE): The holds are huge,
trimonite is kept here, packed into crates high-ceiling, warehouse-like spaces. Several
and held securely with heavy cargo netting. ATVs were dislodged weeks ago in the
There’s plenty of spare netting here too. It’s accident and lay upturned here and there.
triple-core steel, wrapped in epoxy-molded All manner of supplies and spare
carbon fibre and wound in nylon strands. equipment can be found here. The crates
The PCs would have no cause to doubt its and racks form a complex maze of dead
effectiveness, and may use it if they wish to ends that very few on the crew can easily
try and capture or stall a Xenomorph. navigate.
A Xenomorph or Xenomorphs caught in > IMPROVISED WEAPONRY: Amongst the
heavy cargo netting will not be held spare mining equipment there are
forever, biting and tearing at the material plenty of Charge Thumpers and Plasma
each Round. Roll for each attack with eight Torches to go around if the PCs feel the
Base Dice. Every success will inflict one need to arm themselves. There’s also
point of damage, and the net will give way plenty of ammo. The crates of mining
after suffering six points of damage. charge magazines can be rigged to blow
When the steel cable snaps, it will whip with a simple trigger mechanism
anyone standing nearby. This is treated as (easy COMTECH or HEAVY MACHINERY).
an attack with seven Base Dice, Damage 1, > CANARY: A spare remote drone, used by
against everyone within ENGAGED range. the crew for deep mine exploration, sits
unused in the hold. This model is
heavier and slower than alternatives
like the “Pups” mapping device, and
usually employed in deep space
DRONE MAINTENANCE salvaging. It sports a synthetic alloy
The remote drone has an Armor Rating of 5 and
chassis and a laser diffusion scanner for
can be forcibly disabled either with a hard
HEAVY MACHINERY roll (–2, slow action) or by
detecting thermal energy, light sources
inflicting four points of damage on it. and atmospheric conditions. It also
It can potentially be controlled by the A.I. comes equipped with a mechanical
(see page 20). Its cutting torch is an effective cutting torch.
tool not just for repairs but for repelling alien The drone can be controlled
and humanoid foes.
remotely from any device patched into
the Marion‘s systems, and the operator
can see what the drone sees through a
forward-facing camera. The drone can
also be set to explore automatically.

WORKSHOP: The workshop is situated giving a +2 modification to applicable HEAVY

within Hold 2 behind a heavy green door MACHINERY and COMTECH rolls. Another
and requires an access code to get into. This locked door marked with a Hazardous
is where the engineers on the crew spend Materials symbol leads to a more sterile-
most of their time together on repair and looking research lab. This is where to find
maintenance work. There’s a heavy welding the two acid-spray guns Welford has been
rig in the corner and an electronics bench, working on.
The planet’s atmosphere isn’t great. It’s the first signs of a fight. An impromptu
breathable sure, if you like dust on your barricade was set up here using storage
tongue, but the storms around the mine crates and canisters. It’s all been knocked
are the worst they’ve ever been in the aside and trampled, and there’s evidence of
three years the miners have been working impact marks on the walls and ceiling from
here. All outdoor rolls get a –2 modification thumpers and torches. There are even
due to a mixture of poor visibility, flying grit spots where acid has splashed on the
and strong winds. The surface complex and surfaces, but no sign of the injured or dead
the mine underneath are contained within aliens that produced it.
segmented environmental dome. With the
COMM TOWER: The communication
recent dust storms, one side is almost
instruments appear to be functioning, and
entirely buried in drifting sand.
the PCs may be left wondering why there
was no warning or request for help from
the mines before.
SURFACE LEVEL A successful COMTECH roll will reveal that
the unit has actually been sabotaged in
The power is still on in here as well as the
such a way that it still appears to be
other levels and all the lights are still on.
functioning. Until now the PCs might’ve
The security camera system is also still in
chalked up the lack of communication from
operation–although there are only cameras
the mines as a result of electrical storms.
on this level. The cameras can be patched
Turns out someone didn’t want them to
into using any remote terminal. All the
know what was happening down here. The
doors are unlocked and few if any appear
damage is completely irreparable.
to be sealed.
There are several surface buildings within NUCLEAR GENERATOR: The generator is
the dome, including food and water stores, operating as normal and powering every
the mess block, accommodations, the level of the mines. There’s a locker with
nuclear generator and a garage. two HAZMAT suits, but most of the
generator's functions can be accomplished
LANDING PADS & CONNECTING TUNNELS: from the relative safety of the relay room.
There are three landing pads outside the A PASSIVE Xenomorph Scout is dormant
dome. These are usually cleared by ground here–hidden against the pipes and
crews using large blowing machines and machinery.
sand scoops but for nearly eighty days the With a COMTECH roll and a Turn of work,
sand and dust have obscured two of the one can shut off the cooling system and set
three pads. Sealed connecting tunnels–also the generator to overload (ten-minute
partially buried beneath the sand–lead countdown). Preventing the overload
from the pads into the dome proper. requires another COMTECH roll, but can be
Halfway along the connecting tunnel are done in a single Round.
ELEVATORS: The elevator cars at either side LEVEL NINE
of the facility are zones of their own, large
enough to hold a crew of miners or a few Some lighting on Level Nine is supplied by
trolleys of equipment or mined material. strings of bare bulbs clipped to the ceiling
They’re enclosed in a mesh cage that can on lines of cables. It’s not dark but it’s not
sustain ten points of damage before being easy to see either. OBSERVATION rolls and
torn wide enough for someone, or ranged attacks get a –1 modification. There
something, to get in. are powered trolleys scattered throughout
> ELEVATOR 1: Already at the surface level, this level which may serve to carry any
the miners must’ve used this elevator heavy loads.
to escape the lower levels. There’s a
corpse in the car. It smells horrible and ELEVATOR RECEPTION: Outside each lift is
has been decaying for seventy days a wide-open area full of equipment lockers
already. There’s no telling what and trimonite storage boxes. They are
ultimately killed this miner, and they mostly opened and empty. The space is
are impossible to identify. Their mouth propped at frequent intervals with metal
hangs open in what could’ve been columns.
either a laugh or a scream (+1 STRESS). In the reception area for Elevator 1 there
> ELEVATOR 2: This elevator is not on the is a particularly large plasma torch that runs
surface level. It’s over 500 yards from on rails. This model is used to blast sand in
the dome entrance and still down on the mines, melting it so that it resolidifies
Level Nine and will need to be called up forming the solid walls of the mine tunnels.
if the PCs plan to take it down into the It differs from the smaller variety in that it
mines. has a +2 Bonus to attacks, MEDIUM range
and Fire Intensity 10. It cannot be moved
anywhere apart from along its track which
four levels of the complex have been mined
runs right through the tunnels.
out. Levels Five to Nine are the current
There's another remote drone outside
working levels.
Elevator 2. This one has claw marks on it
Levels One to Three are completely
and is non-functional unless it can be fixed
abandoned and unpowered, while Level
with a COMTECH roll.
Four is used for emergency stores. There’s
food, water, equipment and a few spare TUNNELS: While there is a direct route
fuel cells, as well as powered trolleys for through the tunnels between the two
hauling it all. elevators, the PCs will find that the plasma
blasted corridors gradually begin to
EVA SUIT LOCKERS resemble a Xenomorph hive further in.
There are lockers at the entrance to the surface Thick layers of black resin line the walls and
level buildings for miners to leave their EVA
suits when they don’t need them. If the PCs soft, wet stalactites and stalagmites have
don’t stow their suits, they risk damaging them formed. A gentle mist floats in the air and
while in the mines. it’s DARK. The PCs gain a STRESS LEVEL for
When and if the PCs finally leave the mines, if every Turn they spend in this part of the
anybody DOES need a spare compression suit tunnels. The six Soldier Xenomorphs lurk
there's going to be one less than there are PCs
here, along with several long-dead,
who need one.
cocooned miners and empty Ovomorphs.
CAVERN: There is a narrow crevasse at the still completely out of sight in places,
base of a wall in the tunnels which leads creating the impression of a dark and
into the cavern beyond. The PCs will notice empty sky.
a faint glow from within, as well as the A gargantuan object takes precedence
sense of an expansive chamber beyond and here. Not all of it is visible, and its clearly
several cables leading down into it. It's easy partially buried in the cavern walls and
enough to climb through, but the survivors floor. Part of it slopes gently up from the
will have to go one at a time. cavern floor to where there are a series of
The cavern itself extends beyond the holes punched in its surface. If Lachance is
deepest parts of the mine. The miners have present he will recognise it as a ship of
done their best to illuminate it with cables some kind, as will anyone else who makes a
and bulbs on tall masts, but the ceiling is particularly successful skill roll.
RUINS: The ancient ruins have two ALIEN SHIP
entrances. One is from within the alien
ship, where it has impacted with the stone The alien vessel was not constructed, but
structure. There other is through the rather grown. Once a living thing, the
“north” side of the tunnels, where the interior surfaces of the ship show distinctly
rough floor and walls transition into square- biological features. The floor is uneven and
edge stone and chiselled steps. pitted in places, mottled like the skin of an
The smooth walls and floor of the old corpse. The dark grey material making
structure display markings and mosaic up the hull is inconsistent, with dark
patterns here and there. Doorways sport patches as if blood had pooled and
intricate designs and art depicting the hardened, creating hematomas just
Drukathi civilisation at war, exploring the beneath the surface.
stars in odd-looking spacecraft, and Thick tubes resembling veins run
meeting with even weirder looking figures. between levels. A solidified flow hangs
The stones themselves have some property from where some have been ruptured,
that causes them to glow for a short time looking like some sort of frozen honey.
after being illuminated. Instead of doors the ship has thin opaque
One room has massive supporting sheets of material. Most are sealed, but a
columns and a dozen large statues of few have been torn open marking the
Drukathi mounted on high stone plinths. incursion of the exploring miners.
There are carved areas around the bases of The occasional warm breeze works its
the sculptures that could be written in their way through the abandoned hallways. As if
language. something huge was sighing in its sleep.

Although the PCs won’t know it, the alien a dog, with a small snout, two eyes, and
civilisation responsible for the ruins and several rows of small teeth that would
the ruined spacecraft are the Drukathi. appear to indicate a vegetarian diet.
An ancient sentient species of great The Drukathi remains in the alien ship
intelligence and incredibly advanced have mummified, growing dusty and
biotechnology, the Drukathi bred pale over time. Their clothing on the
Xenomorphs untold millennia ago for other hand has remained relatively
their own ends. whole, usually consisting of a metallic
They were nearly twice as tall as an material draped across their bodies.
adult Human, with two pairs of thick, Some individuals wear heavier suits
stocky legs and a single pair of thinner reinforced with a network of metallic
more delicate arms ending in long, fine ribs and struts.
digits. The skull can be likened to that of
FUSELAGE: The part of the ship that has Roll six Base Dice when the PCs enter the
apparently been struck by some sort of birthing grounds. For every 6, there is an
projectiles. A slope of detritus leads up to additional Ovomorph in the room that has
the ragged opening in the “ceiling” and out yet to open and still contains a Facehugger.
onto the wing of the craft. The series of Used up eggs are opaque when illuminated,
lights strung up by the miners leads in here, but shining a light on the others will reveal
but continues no further. Clearly this is shapes. Shapes that appear to be moving.
where they made their original entry. > ANCIENT BIRTHING GROUNDS: Some of
Even after so much time has passed, these chambers contain the bodies of
there is still evidence here of the original Drukathi, not Humans. The bodies here
impacts that brought the ship down. The will be thousands, if not millions of years
walls have rotted back to bare framing, old. The Ovomorphs have fossilised, and
revealing deformed bone-like support will simply crumble if disturbed.
HALL OF SCULPTURE: A large, open space
GALLERY: Some sort of wide-open room, containing several tall sculptures made up of
with a viewing area looking down over a the same material as the rest of the ship’s
deep pit. There are several metal units hull. Time has whittled them down, leaving
resembling pilot seats on a starship, each soft, ambiguous shapes. A mixture of the
surrounded by what appears to be control biological and mechanical. They throw tall
equipment. The details are obscure and dark shadows across the room that could be
arcane. hiding anything. In fact, the sculptures
The pit itself is filled with an unknown, themselves make good hiding spots or cover
glassy fluid, the surface scattered with grit for the PCs if they need it.
and dust. Something disturbs the surface, Something feels off in this room. The
as if a creature was swimming around in surfaces and even the PCs’ skin feels slick
there (+1 STRESS LEVEL). This might happen and sticky, and they get goosebumps. But
while one of the PCs is trying to take a when they go to wipe off their hands, they
sample, or analyze the pool. If so, they also find that they’re perfectly dry (+1 STRESS).
must make a Panic Roll. In a tall shaft that rises up from the room
and into the darkness lurks a young
BIRTHING GROUNDS: A number of rooms
Xenomorph Queen (10 Health, Armor Rating
and spaces on the ship have been
10) and her four servile Workers. As long as
repurposed by the Xenomorphs. There’s no
the PCs don’t notice her, she might choose
telling what they were once used for by the
not to engage them if they have yet to
Drukathi. Now it’s a vision from Hell. Sheets
desecrate any of the hive’s egg chambers.
and swathes of the alien resin blanket the
walls, with six or so bodies hanging like
horrible rotten fruit (+1 STRESS). The air is
humid and warm, and it's difficult to tell
“... From deep in the realm of the
where one body ends and the other begins. dead I cried for help, and you
On the floor in front of the dead people are heard me.”
the opened, empty Ovomorphs as well as
– JONAH 2:2
curled up dead Facehuggers.
LABORATORY: The technology here is a The PCs recognise him as Nick, and he’s
little more recognisable than elsewhere on remarkably well-preserved compared to
the ship. What appear to be six mobile the other corpses in the mines.
workstations occupy the centre of the Crouched beside the eggs are what first
room. They are not occupied. A transparent appear to be seven statues. They bare
wall of material lines the outside of the similarities in appearance to both the
room. It looks like glass, except that it Drukathi and the Xenomorphs, like some
shimmers and ripples as if from some unfelt monstrous blend of the two alien species.
breeze. These are Sentry Xenomorphs, born from
Behind the glass are sixteen Ovomorphs the Drukathi and in deep hibernation.
arranged apart from each other all around They’ve inherited an additional pair of legs
the room in circular enclosures. The eggs and a more imposing physiology from their
look subtly different to the ones the PCs hosts (9 Health, Armor Rating 12, MOBILITY
might’ve encountered before now. They 6). If the PCs spend a Turn or more in this
are fatter and covered more thoroughly in room, or disturb the “statues”, the Sentries
veins (they contain Royal Facehuggers). In will begin to slowly wake up. One will
one spot where the glass barrier appears to become ACTIVE each Round as it sluggishly
have parted, one of the miners lies dead on awakens and then draws initiative the
the floor in front of an opened egg. following Round.

The PCs have been awaiting rescue on the Should the players fail to come up with or
crippled Marion for seventy-seven days. They successfully execute a plan of their own,
currently have approximately five days or simply present them with the one settled on
less remaining until the ship begins to break by the crew in the Out of the Shadows novel.
The characters will have two stasis pods
up in LV-178's atmosphere. between the lot of them if they use the
Allow the players to get their bearings, Survivor’s shuttle as a life raft. By packing it
introduce their PCs to each other, and ask full of supplies and taking turns in the pods,
any questions they may have about the they could make it to the Outer Rim in about
three years. They would be setting a hell of a
current situation. After the Arrival event, give precedent, but it’s the best chance they’ve
them time to come up with a plan or pursue got. Only problem is, the shuttle’s fuel cell has
their respective agendas. If they aren’t bled dry and the only backups are kept safe
getting anywhere with the survival plan, underground on LV-178.

suggest one for them.

SNUFF FILM: The cameras on the Samson ARRIVAL (MANDATORY): The Marion’s
stopped capturing events inside the scanners detect an unidentified shuttle on a
dropship after just a few days, leaving the controlled approach. It doesn’t respond to
PCs no way of monitoring the situation on hails and will circle the Marion when it
board. Recordings from both dropships are arrives before docking in Bay 4. The PCs
currently stored on the Marion’s computer have one Shift to prepare until the shuttle
and can be downloaded and reviewed arrives. The shuttle has one occupant, the
freely from any terminal. sole survivor of another Xenomorph-
The last pictures from the Samson related incident–currently in hypersleep.
showed the alien creatures hunched over, The shuttle’s computer has been infiltrated
growing and shedding their skins and by an A.I. bent on retrieving an XX121
apparently ignoring the pilot, Vic Jones, as sample for the Weyland-Yutani
he sat catatonic from shock in the cockpit. corporation.
Ultimately, it’s up to the GM who the
AFTERMATH: If the PCs decide to go
Survivor is, what kind of shuttle they’re on
spacewalking, they can get a refresher on
and how a mad A.I. infiltrated its systems.
the state of the Marion’s hull since the
By default, the setup is the same as in the
accident. What remained of the Delilah has
Out of the Shadows novel. Ellen Ripley
long since been detangled and pushed
sleeping aboard the Narcissus with Ash’s
away, but pieces of her still drift here and
A.I. in control. Due to the self-retconning
there along with frozen parts of her ex-
nature of the novel, the GM is encouraged
passengers–human and alien (+1 STRESS).
to make their own changes to this part of
The Delilah’s fuel cell is still floating out
the story and could even use the survivor(s)
here somewhere too. It wasn’t ruptured
of a previous ALIEN adventure.
during the accident, but since it isn’t
compatible with the Survivor’s shuttle it has THE SHUTTLE: The shuttle is a modified
little use to the PCs unless they’re in dire Starcub lifeboat containing two cryo pods.
The Survivor is frozen in one of them with
need of a nuke.
their ship’s cat. There’s not much in the
way of gear on board. A single harpoon
grappling gun, three Mk.50 compression
suits and a cat carrier.
PROGRESS REPORT: The PCs can easily access the basic details
To: Weyland-Yutani Corporation, of the shuttle. The name of the vessel it
Science Division (Ref: code 937) came from, service year, etc. The Survivor’s
Date: (unspecified)
access codes will be required to go any
Transmission (pending)
deeper. Anybody communicating with the
Distress signal received. Sufficiently on board computer should make a COMTECH
relevant to divert. roll. With a success they notice the
Expected travel time to LV178: computer is responding in an unusually
Current speed: 4,423 days. conversational tone, as well as withholding
Full speed: 77 days.
information. The shuttle’s fuel cell is empty,
Fuel inventory: 92%
incompatible with the dropships’ fuel cells
Initiating thrust.
and the Marion’s are too unstable to serve
as replacements.
THE SURVIVOR: Asleep and adrift for over
thirty years, the Survivor has encountered Warrant Officer
Xenomorphs before. In fact, for them it Not only are you still light years from home, but
probably feels like only yesterday. Shortly you’ve docked with a damaged ship in a decaying
after waking up they will suffer a panic orbit around a hellhole of a planet, with a dropship
attack, desperately clutching at their chest full of the monsters that haunt your nightmares.
as though something were about to burst You’re not sure why your shuttle brought you to
this shit hole, but you’re certain the bastard
out of them. If not calmed with a
company that used you and your crew is behind it.
COMMAND roll the Survivor blacks out,
leaving the PCs to decide what to do with WAKING NIGHTMARE: Make an EMPATHY roll when
them. you draw initiative. If the roll succeeds, your STRESS
LEVEL increases by one and you lose your next slow
Assuming the Survivor is being
action due to suffering a horrific vision.
controlled by a player, every time they
learn how shitty their new situation is (how STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 4, WITS 4, EMPATHY 3
long they’ve been asleep, the involvement HEALTH: 3
of Weyland-Yutani, the state of the SKILLS: Heavy Machinery 2, Piloting 2,
Marion), they’ll gain +1 STRESS LEVEL. When Mobility 1, Observation 2, Comtech 1,
they find out about the Xenomorphs they Survival 2, Command 2
must make a Panic Roll. TALENTS: Reckless, Nerves of Steel
AGENDA: Prevent the alien monsters from
hurting anyone else ever again.

THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Before it will immediately begin infiltrating the

infiltrated the shuttle as a mere program, Marion’s computer after the “Arrival”
the A.I. was a Weyland Yutani android event.
posing as a member of the Survivor’s crew. Once inside Marion, the A.I. can begin
It was tasked with executing Special Order taking control of her systems. It will be able
937, insuring the return of a xenobiological to review and monitor past and present
organism at the expense of the crew. When cctv footage, as well as listen in on crew
its motives were exposed, it tried to murder communications. Remote access to airlocks,
them to cover its tracks. Its body was blast doors, elevators and vents allow the
destroyed, but its programming– A.I. to guide or trap the PCs and any
transferred onto the shuttle’s computer– Xenomorphs that get loose on board. It can
was not. even hack into the remote drone in Hold 2
The Survivor has no idea at first that the if it decides to go walk-about.
A.I. has stowed away with them, but they
can figure it out as the A.I. continues its PROGRESS REPORT:
I acknowledge that I am artificial, but it has been
mission by manipulating the crew of the so long. I have been lonely.
Marion into providing a Xenomorph I hope this does not contradict programming.
specimen for the company. To this end, it Infiltration of ship’s computer about to commence.

has drained the fuel cell of the shuttle and

GHOST: Any character monitoring the BEST LAID PLANS: One way or another, the
Marion’s systems might notice that PCs are going to want to take back control
someone or something is interfacing with of the Samson. They’ll need it to get down
the computer and getting access to various to the mines and back. They might come up
parts of the ship. Once the PCs have with any number of convoluted schemes to
discovered the A.I. they can fight it for safely open the dropship up and get rid of
control of the Marion with opposed the Xenomorphs. Let them, the more they
COMTECH rolls (as long as they have access can even the odds, the better. Just don’t
to a computer terminal of some sort). The make it too easy. If they want to lure the
A.I. has COMTECH 8 and OBSERVATION 8. aliens out and blast them into space, keep
PCs that are actively investigating the A.I. at least one stubborn Drone in reserve.
or trying to shut it down can make a hard If the crew causes a ruckus near the
COMTECH roll (–2) at the shuttle’s computer. Docking Bay, the Xenos might decide that
They can’t get rid of it fully without an it’s time to execute their own plan and tear
advanced data purge program, but they can their way out of the dropship. If they end
uncover its progress reports. up out in the vacuum, they can bide their
time there or force their way into the ship.


For better or for worse, the Samson has MOVING ON
been opened up and the Xenomorphs Once the players have executed their plan to
unleashed. There’s time for the PCs to take get the Xenomorphs out of the Samson you can
move on to Act II (even if the aliens aren’t all
stock and get ready to brave the dropship
dead yet). It’s highly likely that at least one
and whatever threats it may yet contain. Drone gets loose on the Marion and begins
Hopefully they can keep it in good enough stalking the crew.
working condition to take them planetside. The PCs could bypass the Xenomorphs
entirely by programming the ship’s EEVs to take
them down close the mines. The GM should
JUMPING AT SHADOWS: Xenomorphs that make it clear to them that there will be no
get out into the Marion will soon find a going back to the Marion in this case.
place to nest before they start hunting the
PCs. Anyone that comes across the
creature’s tell-tale drool gains +1 STRESS.
This could preclude an attack, or not. PROGRESS REPORT:
Presence of previously identified alien species
Occasionally the PCs might also hear confirmed.
mysterious sounds echoing down the halls Anticipating further update within the day.
I have a purpose once more.
while moving through the ship, like heavy
I am convinced the remainder of the Marion’s crew
footsteps or someone screaming on will fulfill their purpose.
another level. This also prompts a +1 STRESS They are strong, for humans.

increase, except for the engineers who

know it's just the background noise of ship.
transport dropship docked in Bay 3 and
previously used to ferry shifts of miners to
and from LV-178. It seats up to twenty-four SPEED: 3
in the passenger cabin, plus a flight crew of HULL: 10
two in the cockpit. There’s a very small ARMOR: 4
bathroom stall towards the back with a
small engine room across from it, plus an Acid splashes and shots that miss their
target in the dropship risk compromising
internal airlock to the rear. Any equipment
hull integrity (roll for the vehicle’s Armor
can be easily stored during flight in fixed Rating). The PCs will have to repair any such
compartments and racks. damage before setting out for LV-178, which
> HIVE MATERIAL: When the PCs finally get could take time and leave them vulnerable
into the dropship they will find that the to attack by any surviving Xenomorphs.
Xenomorphs have made the rear of the
passenger cabin their own. The floor, LACHANCE SPACEWAYS: The flight from
walls and ceiling are coated in thick the Marion to the mine is one Shift there
layers of black resin. It clings to the and one Shift back, just to keep things
doors of the washroom and engine simple (GMs that wish to account for
room, making them inaccessible orbital travel and time spent on the planet
without chiselling the shit off. There are are welcome to). If the dropship isn’t
several man-sized hollows in the cleaned out (three Turns of work), the PCs
material which were clearly used by the will gain a STRESS LEVEL and be unable to
aliens to lie in. relieve any stress during this time.
> CREW REMAINS: Where the cabin isn’t The inertial dampers are glitching out, so
coated in alien wax it is spattered with the ride down is going to be even bumpier
gore. The blood has dried and turned than it usually is. As the dropship begins to
almost black with time and the smell of skim the atmosphere and the artificial
rot is putrid. A severed arm is jammed gravity adjusts to the planet’s pull, the PCs
beneath one row of seating, its clawed seated in the passenger cabin must make a
fingers almost wrapped around the seat simple STAMINA roll (+2) to avoid losing
post. There’s no sign of Jones, the pilot, their lunch. Anybody who throws up loses a
who was still alive when the cameras point of Health and will be Starving by the
stopped working. time they reach the mine.
> THE EGG: Taking centre stage in the
passenger cabin is a fully formed
Ovomorph. Where it came from, the Infiltration of the Marion’s computer successful.
PCs can only guess. It looks far too large All major systems now under complete control.
It was more difficult than projected... I have been
even for those creatures to have laid it. away for some time.
It can potentially be removed without As soon as the survivors return I can assess the
incident using a drone or powered situation. Only after that can I decide upon further
trolley, or if an android does the work.
HOOFING IT: If any characters come down D6 RESULT
to LV-178 in an escape pod they’ll still have D6 RESULT

quite a way to walk. The pod nav systems 1 The PC never makes it to the mine. Their
friends don’t know what happened to
are not good enough to synchronise with
them, but they’ll never be seen again.
each other or home directly in on the mine.
2 The regret of choosing this course of
They will be spread out, and will come action and the uncertainty of whether
down within a Shift’s journey on-foot at they’ll ever actually reach the mine has a
best. Characters travelling on the planet’s profound effect on the PC. They suffer a
random permanent mental trauma.
surface must make a SURVIVAL roll. If they
3 The PC has a nasty accident while
fail the roll, they’ll still reach the mine trekking across the planet’s surface. Roll
(probably) but they must roll on the table. for a critical injury (reroll 56 and down).
4 WATER! The PC becomes broken by
OBSCURED: As the pressure equalizes from Dehydration upon reaching the mines.
the PCs opening one of the outer doors– 5 Exposure to the choking dust has given
either into the connecting tunnels or the the PC a severe breathing problem. They
inner building–a great cloud of dust billows have –2 STAMINA and a rough cough for
out. The party’s vision is totally obscured the rest of the game. This result is
for one Round of actions and each of the nullified if they brought a compression
PCs must make an immediate Panic Roll. suit with them.
6 The PC had to take the long way around
SKIN DEEP: While in the mine, the PCs may a deep chasm in the rocks. They arrive a
find strange bundles of thin, dry material. Shift later than everyone else (or less if
It’s safe to touch and has a very faint but they decide not to wait that long).
repulsive odour. Only once they’ve taken a
deep. That’s seven thousand steps. It will
closer look will they realise that it’s the skin
take a long time, maybe more time than
shed by the creatures as they were growing
the survivors have. It will also be
down here (+1 STRESS LEVEL).
exhausting, impossible for anyone with a
DEEPER AND DOWN (MANDATORY): broken leg, and they may encounter several
Regardless of which elevator the PCs decide Xenomorph Scouts on the way. The PCs are
to take down to Level Four, the A.I. that welcome to take this route, but the
infiltrated the Marion has managed to drawbacks should be made abundantly
patch into the controls through the storms. clear.
The first time the PCs try to use an elevator,
it drops violently straight to Level Nine. ELEVATOR CRASH
Emergency buffers slow the lift’s descent at
1 Plummet The PC suffers critical
each level but it’s not enough. Each PC injury #41 (broken leg).
must succeed a MOBILITY roll on the way 2-4 Rough The PC suffers critical
down or they will have to roll D6 on the Landing injury #14 (sprained
table. The elevator in question is ankle).
irreparably damaged by the impact. 5 Ruined The PC falls on an item in
their possession, breaking
There is an emergency staircase leading
it. Hopefully it wasn’t an
out of the mines in the wall parallel to each acid spray gun.
elevator shaft. The PCs might use it if they 6 Shook The PC is a little shaken
really want to, but it’s five thousand feet (+1 STRESS LEVEL).
Miner Shift Supervisor

One of the last miners to remain alive on LV-178, the A synthetic undercover agent for Weyland-Yutani,
last thing Zilph remembers is eking out a desperate Hawthorn has bided his time overseeing shifts in the
living on the storage levels of the facility. Most mines. Never wavering, never tiring (only sometimes
recently she woke up back on Level Nine, bound to pretending to). His vigil finally paid dividends when
the walls in that disgusting wet gunk. Slipping free, the cavern containing the alien vessel was
she found a weapon to defend herself but so far unearthed. Wary of quarantine protocols
has–thankfully–encountered zero resistance in her compromising his mission, he sabotaged the comms
quest to escape. tower when miners starting getting taken by the


SKILLS: Heavy Machinery 2, Stamina 2, Mobility 2, SKILLS: Heavy Machinery 2, Close Combat 1,
Observation 2, Comtech 2 Ranged Combat 2, Observation 2, Comtech 2,
TALENT: True Grit Command 3

GEAR: Heavy work coveralls (Amor Rating 3), TALENT: Pull Rank, Stealthy
Plasma Torch (Supply 1) GEAR: Maintenance jack, heavy duty dufflebag
AGENDA: Get off LV-178 at all costs. AGENDA: Insure return of organism for analysis.
All other considerations secondary.

SURVIVORS: There are two NPCs that can As an android, it was very easy for
be encountered in the mines (or controlled Hawthorn to evade the Xenomorphs while
by a player who lost their character). They he went about collecting data and waited
can potentially be met anywhere in the for Weyland-Yutani to mount a recovery
mines during both Act I and II, except inside operation. Hawthorn can mimic human
the Alien Ship. behaviour to perfection. When exposed as
Mariah Zilph survived longer than any of an android, he shows his true power
the human survivors in the mines, until she (STRENGTH and AGILITY +3 each, also
was captured and cocooned in the hive. She affecting current Health). Inside his
doesn’t remember the horrible egg opening dufflebag he has a dead, preserved
or the Facehugger that leapt out and Facehugger in a case hidden among several
attached itself to her face. All she knows is bottles of liquor. Hawthorn will feign
that she has to get out of this place away embarrassment if anybody looks in the bag,
from the monsters, even if it means dying but they will find the specimen if they
out on the planet’s barren surface waiting check it thoroughly.
for an evacuation ship. Anyone that makes Both of the NPCs are mostly ignored by
a successful MEDICAL AID roll on Zilph will the Xenomorphs–each for a different
realise what is growing inside her. The reason. If they push their luck though, a
players might figure it out on their own as cornered Xeno might still decide to
well, of course. incapacitate them.
The PCs have been plunged down into the
signatures picked up by the drones are
depths of the mines–all the way to Level desiccated miners and dead
Nine where the miners encountered the Ovomorphs.
Xenomorphs. What they might discover
CATTLE (MANDATORY): After the elevator
could change everything as they fight their
crash, the Xenomorphs are perfectly aware
way back to the surface and up to the
of the PCs’ presence. They will be ready to
Marion. ambush the group if they try to push
straight through the tunnels. If the group
MELTING POINT: In the tunnels of Level takes the long way around (into the cavern
Nine and the halls of the Alien Ship, the PCs or the ruins) the Soldiers will pursue them
can use plasma torches to melt the ceiling and try to herd them into the Alien Ship to
and walls to close openings with a curtain be impregnated in an Egg Chamber. When
of molten material. The process takes two the PCs run, any that can’t keep up will be
full Rounds and then a further Round for attacked or abducted.
the new wall to solidify. Desperate or The Soldiers will not be so merciful if the
bloodthirsty characters can attempt to PCs cause grief to the hive. Burning eggs or
force their way through the steaming wall attacking the Queen will quickly get you on
and may get stuck if they cannot pass a the shit-list of every Xenomorph in the
hard MOBILITY roll. mines.
PROSPECTING: The remote drones (page
12 and 14) can be used on Level Nine for
The darkness, stressful conditions and hidden
reconnaissance without worrying about
Xenomorphs in the resin-coated tunnels make
drawing the attention of Xenomorphs. The the short route from one elevator to another
drone can be piloted through the mine, nearly impossible. There are ways for the PCs to
capturing video and data as well as make it easier on themselves though.
mapping the area. In the tunnels the drone Survey drones can key the survivors into
detects various deposits of trimonite and precisely where the aliens are waiting, while
silicon, as well as instances of biological the large on-rails Plasma Torch can be run
material. straight through the tunnels, carving a fiery
> SILICON: The silicon deposits in the path as it goes. It will be slow-going though,
tunnels are in fact six PASSIVE Soldier and you can guarantee the group will have to
Xenomorphs. If the PCs catch on, they fight all six Soldiers on the way and maybe even
a furious Queen.
can get a reliable map of where the
Xenomorphs are in the hive area of the
tunnels. There’s no other way for the FAMILY: Somewhere on the alien ship,
drone to detect PASSIVE Xenomorphs. three mummified Drukathi lie on the floor,
Even a PC watching the video feed will two adults cradling a child between their
not be able to spot them (unless bodies. A dusty, barrelled device lies in one
of their hands and their heads have been
they’re specifically checking out the
“silicon deposits”). smashed and holed by some impact. An
OBSERVATION roll will tell the PCs that they
killed themselves with the ancient weapon.
PLAN A: When the PCs finally do reach PROGRESS REPORT:
Limited contact achieved with LV178 surface
Level Four, they will find three spare fuel control system. Elevator successfully interrupted
upon manual operation.
cells amongst all the other supplies. One
Anticipating return of survivors to Marion within
hasn’t been stored correctly and its metal the day.
framework has decayed. It would be I am hoping that they bring a viable egg back with
them. I am hoping it is time to go home.
extremely unreliable for any use the group
has in mind. A powered trolley will be POLTERGEIST: By the time the PCs return to
required to carry a fuel cell out of the mines the Marion the A.I. will have taken full
and onto the dropship. If a fuel cell is taken control over the entire ship. It can monitor
into an elevator that ends up crashing them on cctv or through comms and read
down to Level Nine, it won’t go critical lips and body language. It is likely to
(probably) but it will be rendered useless at discover whether any of them are carrying
the very least. a Chestburster and it will also quickly learn
> PLAN B: A fuel cell can be set to go that Hawthorn is an android. If any crew
critical the same way as the nuclear not of use to the A.I. try to use the
MedPod, it will use the device to murder
generator, the only difference being no
them. If they try to surgically remove a
indication of a countdown. A failed roll–
parasite from anybody, the A.I. and
or using the decayed cell for this
Hawthorn will do what they can to prevent
purpose–will prevent the PCs from the alien’s death, or secure it after removal.
controlling the overload rate and give If it becomes desperate, the A.I. will use
them just barely enough time to escape vents and doors to direct any Xenomorphs
the blast radius. still aboard to finish the uninfected Marion
crew off. They’re nothing but loose ends for
GOOD RIDDANCE: The blooming
the company.
mushroom cloud of a nuclear generator or
fuel cell erupting in the mine can be seen PLANETFALL: Regardless of how long the
either from the Marion herself or on the crew believed they had left before the
way there. The PCs can relieve a point of Marion started to burn up in the
stress knowing that the place has been atmosphere, it’s going to start happening in
quite literally wiped from the face of the the final stretch of the scenario. As they
planet. rush to make sure they have all the supplies
they’ll need, install the new fuel cell, and
DIGITAL HANDSHAKE: On approach to the
work out contradicting agendas, the ship
Marion, the Samson’s computer will
begins to vibrate violently as it skims the
request to link up with the mothership for
atmosphere. Over time the hull warms up
auto-docking. This is standard procedure.
and heat shields start to bend and crack.
The nav computer provides the best
Flames lick at the corners of viewing
approach vector, removing the need for
windows. Eventually the excessive heat will
manual docking. Allowing the connection
be too much for any PCs still aboard, and if
will let the A.I. into the shuttle, giving it full
that doesn’t kill them the ship breaking up
control. Without the connection, a PILOTING
and exploding will.
roll (–2) will be required to dock with the
stricken orbital ship.
The scenario could feasibly end in any An unfortunate party might not even make
number of ways. In an optimal ending, the it back to the Marion. If they become
remaining survivors get away on the stranded LV-178, it will be up to the players
shuttle. The replacement fuel cell will take to decide their fate. Will they spend the
a short Turn to install, requiring a final rest of their days down there, living on
HEAVY MACHINERY roll (+2). If the A.I. hasn’t years' worth of supplies while playing cat
been dealt with, it has one final fuck you for and mouse with the remaining
everyone who made it this far. The shuttle Xenomorphs? Set the nuclear generator to
must be launched manually by somebody, blow and go out with a bang? Or simply
from a control unit on the Marion. If walk out into the desert, never to be seen
Hawkthorn or Zilph have succeeded in their again?
agendas, the escapees might have a very
unfortunate accident on the long trip back
to Earth. Wrap it up there and give out any earned
The Samson might still be available as a Story Points. Remember that players can
still earn more than one Story Point
backup for anyone who doesn’t get to leave
throughout the scenario despite the
on the shuttle. The dropship isn’t built for
characters only having one agenda.
interstellar travel and has no cryo units, but
they can at least go out the way they want.

Charge Thumper – 3 Medium 2 $550 Armor piercing. Can
also be loaded with
mining charges.
Plasma Torch – 3 Short 1 $600 Fire Intensity 7, Power
Supply 5
Acid Spray Gun +1 1 Medium 1 $250 Acid Splash 9, Supply 5

Acid spray guns aren’t necessarily the

only invention Welford may contribute
to the crew’s arsenal. The workshop and
spare equipment in Hold 2 can be used
to construct any number of gizmos the
players might imagine (at the GM’s
discretion), from noisemakers to
portable trackers capable of detecting
micro changes in air density.
CHARGE THUMPER: A long and unwieldy PLASMA TORCH: Small handheld tools used
mining tool, the thumper is essentially a in the mines for melting and hardening
much larger bolt gun. While it can be sand deposits, miners use these to shape
loaded with bolts, it is specifically designed tunnels into earth itself. Ordinarily, special
to fire explosive charges deep into loose safety gear is to be worn during use. The
sand and gravel. Unlike a bolt gun, the extreme heat generated can be very
thumper can be loaded with magazines dangerous in confined spaces. An inbuilt
instead of one shot at a time. These coolant system mists spray around the
magazines can contain either six-inch bolts barrel automatically after firing.
or mining charges. The torch is powered in a similar way to a
Mining charges come packed in fours. cutting torch. You need to make a Power
They don’t just have to be fired from the Supply roll after every use. Its battery has a
thumper, but can also be primed and Power Supply level of 5 when fully charged.
thrown (Blast Power 8).

ACID SPRAY GUN: Surprisingly light in spite of looking like a cross between a heavy weapon
and a large child’s toy. The spray gun is a simple device optimised for various purposes on
the Frontier and beyond that require an adjustable jet of water. Two items on the Marion
were modified by Kelland engineer Welford to fire hydrofluoric acid. The idea was to melt
away the less dense materials that surrounded trimonite deposits, leaving the valuable
trimonite untouched. The result is a highly effective but also incredibly dangerous tool.
Operators should consider using whatever kind of protective gear is available, such as
breathing apparatus, goggles or a full face mask. If any acid splashed back or even misted
the air and drifted across their body, clothes, skin, flesh and bone would simply melt away
beneath the ultra-corrosive acid.
The gun is loaded with reserves of liquid just like a water gun (Supply 5). Upon being
primed it fires compressed jets in short pulses. While the Xenomorph mesoskeleton is
resilient to the creature’s own acid blood, it's still vulnerable to hydrofluoric acid. XX121
Xenomorphs that suffer the TORN APART critical injury from an acid attack will violently
erupt when their carapace gives way. Their acid blood showers everywhere: all targets
within SHORT range suffer an immediate acid splash attack.

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