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Introduction to Model Building

Course Guide
Last updated: 06/2/2015. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to the general public.
© 2015 Anaplan, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential.
Introduction to Model Building – Course Guide

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Course Introduction .............................................................................. 5
Welcome to Introduction to Model Building! ........................................................... 5
Chapter 3: Design Matters ..................................................................................... 6
Guided Build – Downloading an App ................................................................... 6
Guided Build – Model Map ................................................................................. 6
Chapter 4: Start Guided Build................................................................................. 7
Guided Build – Creating a New Model ................................................................. 7
Guided Build – Time Settings ............................................................................ 7
Guided Build – Adding Versions ......................................................................... 7
Guided Build – Adding/Managing List Items......................................................... 9
Adding items to a list .................................................................................... 9
Adding a new list .......................................................................................... 9
Manually establishing a child / parent relationship ............................................ 9
Deleting items from a list ............................................................................ 10
Guided Build – Adding Properties ..................................................................... 10
Build Your Model Activity – Lists ...................................................................... 11
Guided Build – Formatting Properties ............................................................... 11
Guided Build – List Subset .............................................................................. 12
Guided Build – Create a Module ....................................................................... 12
Bookings ................................................................................................... 12
Price Book ................................................................................................. 13
Build Your Model Activity – Modules and Line Items ........................................... 13
Guided Build – Create a Line Item Subset ......................................................... 15
Guided Build – Functional Areas....................................................................... 16
Build Your Model Activity – Functional Areas...................................................... 17
Chapter 5: Import Data ....................................................................................... 18
Guided Build – Import to a List ........................................................................ 18
Import: Organization.txt ............................................................................. 18
Import: Sales Roll Up.txt ............................................................................. 18
Build Your Model Activity – Import Lists ............................................................ 18
Guided Build – Import to a Module in Grid view ................................................. 19
Import: Actuals Bookings.csv into Bookings module ........................................ 19

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Import: Forecast Bookings.csv into Bookings module ...................................... 19

Guided Build – Import to a Module in Blueprint view .......................................... 20
Chapter 6: Model Blueprint .................................................................................. 22
Guided Build – Style, Format, and Summary Settings ......................................... 22
Build You Model Activity – Style, Format, and Summary Settings ......................... 22
Sales Performance ...................................................................................... 22
Sales Roll Up.............................................................................................. 23
Company Profit .......................................................................................... 23
General Expenses ....................................................................................... 23
Employee Expenses .................................................................................... 23
Employee Profiles ....................................................................................... 23
Product Analysis ......................................................................................... 24
Price Book ................................................................................................. 24
Employee Assumptions................................................................................ 24
Chapter 7: Formulas & Functions .......................................................................... 25
Guided Build – Calculations within a Module ...................................................... 25
Guided Build – Reference to a List.................................................................... 26
Guided Build – Reference Across Modules ......................................................... 26
Chapter 8: Finish Building Your Model ................................................................... 28
Bookings ......................................................................................................... 28
Price Book ....................................................................................................... 28
Product Analysis ............................................................................................... 28
Formulas ................................................................................................... 28
Employee Profiles ............................................................................................. 29
Guided Build – TIMESUM Formula .................................................................... 29
Formulas ................................................................................................... 29
Employee Assumptions ..................................................................................... 30
Guided Build – Subsidiary View........................................................................ 30
Employee Expenses .......................................................................................... 31
Guided Build – Nested Active Employee Formula ................................................ 31
Guided Build – Headcount Formula .................................................................. 32
Guided Build – LookUp Formula ....................................................................... 32
Guided Build – Travel Expenses ....................................................................... 33
Formulas ................................................................................................... 34
Sales Performance ............................................................................................ 34
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Formulas ................................................................................................... 34
General Expenses ............................................................................................. 36
Guided Build – Import Data to General Expenses ............................................... 36
Formulas ................................................................................................... 37
Company Profit ................................................................................................ 37
Guided Build – Company Profit – Saved View .................................................... 37
Formulas ................................................................................................... 37
Sales Roll Up ................................................................................................... 38
Guided Build – SUM Formula ........................................................................... 38
Executive Summary .......................................................................................... 39
Formulas ................................................................................................... 39
Chapter 9: Create Dashboards.............................................................................. 41
Guided Build – Add a Dashboard ...................................................................... 41
Guided Build – Publishing Modules to Dashboards .............................................. 41
Guided Build – Publishing Charts to Dashboards ................................................ 42
Guided Build – Adding Text to a Dashboard....................................................... 42
Guided Build – Rearranging a Dashboard .......................................................... 42
Guided Build – Add a List to a Dashboard ......................................................... 43
Guided Build – Adding Product List Module ........................................................ 43
Build your model activity – Build a Dashboard ................................................... 44
Chapter 10: Set Access & Roles ............................................................................ 46
Guided Build – Setting Access and Roles ........................................................... 46

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Chapter 1: Course Introduction

Welcome to Introduction to Model Building!
This guide is designed to help you learn the basics of the Anaplan platform and how to
build your own model. We have created interactive learning courses, which include many
opportunities to practice building your first model. It’s very important to use this guide
with the learning chapters in order to get the full context of the activities.

To become a certified Anaplanner, you need to successfully:

• Complete a practical exercise, reviewed by an Anaplan Enablement Consultant,
• Pass the exam, with a score of 80% or more

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Chapter 3: Design Matters

Guided Build – Downloading an App

1. Log into your Anaplan account.

2. In the menu bar of the Anaplan main screen, click in the search field and type:
Introduction to Model Building.
3. Press Enter.
a. If the search returns the Introduction to Model Building (version 1.0.0 –
May 2015), there is no need download the app again. This completed app is
sizeable and fills your workspace quickly, if downloaded multiple times.
b. If the search returns No models found, proceed in downloading the app.
4. Click the App Hub icon in the upper left corner of the Anaplan main screen.
5. Click Learning Apps.
6. Click Introduction to Model Building.
7. Click Get App.
8. In the Get App dialog box, click Login to Anaplan.
9. In the Select Customer & Workspace dialog box, click the correct workspace
and/or customer.
10. Click OK.

Guided Build – Model Map

1. Log into your Anaplan account.

2. Click the Introduction to Model Building Complete app.
3. Click the Contents tab.
4. Click the Model Map icon.
5. Use the magnifying glass icon to zoom the view of the model, in and out.
a. If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, move the wheel forward or
backward to change the view of the model.
6. Click the Employee Expenses module.
a. This action isolates the module and highlights only the modules that are
connected to it. Modules highlighted are either pulling information from the
Employee Expenses module or inputting information into it.

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Chapter 4: Start Guided Build

Guided Build – Creating a New Model

1. Log into your Anaplan account.

2. In the upper-right corner of the Anaplan main screen, click the drop-down to the
right of your name.
3. Click Manage Models.
4. Click New.
5. In the New Model dialog box:
a. Type a Model Name using the following format:
i. First initial last name_ITM (example: Jane Doe | JDoe_ITM)
b. Template: Empty Model
6. Click Create Model.

Guided Build – Time Settings

The date format can be changed by altering the preferred language in the browser. This
means the date format is controlled by the viewer and the same date may appear in
different formats depending on the language setting in your browser.

1. In the Settings tab, click Time.

2. Next to each of the following fields, use the drop-down to select the correct
a. Calendar Type: Click Calendar Months/Quarters/Years.
b. Fiscal Year Start Month: Click Jan.
c. Current Fiscal Year: Click FY15 Jan 2015 – Dec 2015.
d. Current Period: Click Apr 15.
3. Quarter Totals is checked.
4. Click Apply.
5. In the Confirm change in Time Settings dialog box, click OK.

Guided Build – Adding Versions

1. In the Settings tab, click Versions.

2. On the Forecast row, click the Switchover cell and select Apr 15 from the drop-
down list.
3. In the Confirm dialog box, click OK.
4. Click Insert.
5. Type the name of the new version: Variance.
6. From the Order drop-down, click End.
7. From the Access Level drop-down, click Write.
8. Click OK.
9. On the Variance row, click the Formula cell.
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10. Type the formula: Actual – Forecast.

11. Press Enter.

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Guided Build – Adding/Managing List Items

Adding items to a list

1. In the Settings tab, click General Lists.
2. Click the Organization list.
3. Click Open.
4. Click Insert.
5. Add the names of the four new items:
a. Type: North.
b. Press Enter.
c. Type: East.
d. Press Enter.
e. Type: South.
f. Press Enter.
g. Type: West.
6. Click OK.

Adding a new list

1. In the Settings tab, click General Lists.
2. Click Insert.
3. Type the name of the new list, Employees.
4. From the Order drop-down, click After.
a. If you do not see Organization next to the Order drop-down, you can also
click End and the list will be placed at the bottom of General Lists.
5. Click OK.
6. On the Employees list row, click the Top Level cell.
7. Type: All Employees.
8. Press Enter.
9. On the Employees list row, click the Parent Hierarchy cell.
10. From the Parent Hierarchy drop-down, click Organization.

Manually establishing a child / parent relationship

1. In the Settings tab, click General Lists.
2. Click the Employees list.
3. Click Insert.
4. Add the names of the new items:
a. Type: Dustin.
b. Press Enter.
c. Type: David.
d. Press Enter.
e. Type: Brock.
f. Press Enter.
g. Type: Mookie.
5. From the Order drop-down, click End.
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6. Click OK.
7. Drag the name Dustin and drop it in the North region.
8. Drag the name David and drop it in the East region.
9. Drag the name Brock and drop it in the South region.
10. Drag the name Mookie and drop it in the West region.

Deleting items from a list

1. From the Employees list, click Dustin.
2. Click Delete.
3. In the Delete from Employees dialog box:
a. Click on the + icon to expand all the regions (parent items).
b. Click Delete All Leaf Items to delete all of the employees (children items).
i. If needed, you can manually select each item you would like to delete.
ii. If you select an item to delete by mistake, click the Keep link in the
Items to delete column.
4. Click OK.
5. In the Confirm Delete dialog box, click OK.

Guided Build – Adding Properties

1. In the Settings tab, click General Lists.

2. Click the Employees list.
3. Click Open.
4. Click the Properties tab.
5. Click Insert.
6. Add the names of the Employees list properties:
a. Type: Start Date.
b. Press Enter.
c. Type: Leave Date.
d. Press Enter.
e. Type: Salary.
f. Press Enter.
g. Type: Address.
h. Press Enter.
i. Type: Quota.
j. Press Enter.
k. Type: Bonus %.
l. Press Enter.
m. Type: Sales Rep.
n. Press Enter.
o. Type: Exec.
p. Press Enter.
q. Type: Staff.
r. Press Enter.
s. Type: Sales Roll Up.

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7. Click OK.

Build Your Model Activity – Lists

1. Create three new lists:

a. Sales Region Roll Up
b. Products
c. Health Plan
2. Establish Top Level settings for these lists:
a. Sales Region Roll Up: All Sales Regions
b. Products: All Products
3. Add four new items into the Health Plan (exactly as shown here):
a. None
b. Single
c. Spouse
d. Spouse plus Children
4. Add two properties to the Products list:
a. Unit Cost
b. Unit Sales Price

Guided Build – Formatting Properties

1. In the Settings tab, click General Lists.

2. Click the Employees list.
3. Click Open.
4. Click the Properties tab.
5. On the Start Date item row, double-click the Format cell.
a. Or click in the cell and click the . . . from the right corner of the cell.
6. In the Format – Start Date dialog box:
a. Type: Click Date from the drop-down.
b. Click OK.
7. On the Leave Date item row, double-click the Format cell.
8. In the Format – Leave Date dialog box:
a. Type: Click Date from the drop-down.
b. Click OK.
9. On the Address item row, double-click the Format cell.
10. In the Format – Address dialog box:
a. Type: Click Text from the drop-down.
b. Click OK.

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11. On the Bonus % item row, double-click the Format cell.

12. In the Format – Bonus % dialog box:
a. Click the radio button next to Percentage.
b. Click OK.
13. On the Sales Rep item row, double-click the Format cell.
14. In the Format – Sales Rep dialog box:
a. Type: Click Boolean from the drop-down.
b. Click OK.
15. Repeat steps 13-14 for the Exec and Staff item rows.
a. Copy and paste is a quick way to duplicate the formatting of item formats.
To do this, click the Format cell from the Sales Rep item row, press
Control+C (Command ⌘+C on a Mac). Then, click the Format cells for
the Exec and Staff items rows and press Control+V. (Command ⌘ +V
on a Mac).
16. On the Sales Roll Up item row, double-click the Format cell.
17. In the Format – Sales Roll Up dialog box:
a. Type: Click List from the drop-down.
b. List: Click Sales Region Roll Up.
c. Click OK.

Guided Build – List Subset

1. In the Settings tab, click General Lists.

2. Click the Employees list.
3. Click Open.
4. Click the Subset tab.
5. Click Insert.
6. Type name of the subset: Sales Team.
7. Click OK.

Guided Build – Create a Module

1. In the Settings tab, click Modules.
2. Click Insert Module.
3. Type the name of the new module: Bookings.
4. Drag the Products list and drop it in the Pages box.
5. Drag the Versions dimension and drop it in the Pages box.
6. Drag the Sales Team subset list and drop it in the Pages box.
7. Click in the Line Items box.
8. Add the names of the Line Items:
a. Type: Units Sold.
b. Press Enter.
c. Type: Unit Sales Price.
d. Press Enter.

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e. Type: Bookings.
f. Press Enter.
g. Type: Unit Cost.
h. Press Enter.
i. Type: COGS.
j. Press Enter.
k. Type: Gross Margin.
l. Press Enter.
9. Click OK.

Price Book
1. In the Settings tab, click Modules.
2. Click Insert Module.
3. Type the name of the new module: Price Book.
4. Drag the Products list and drop it in the Pages box.
5. Drag the Versions dimension and drop it in the Pages box.
6. Click in the Line Items box.
7. Add the names of the Line Items:
a. Type: Unit Sales Price.
b. Press Enter.
c. Type: Unit Cost.
d. Press Enter.
8. Click OK.

Build Your Model Activity – Modules and Line Items

Now, build the remaining eight modules and their line items. If you miss a line item or
page, not to worry! This can be fixed later through the use of the Blueprint view.

Schema Module Name Page(s) Line Items

Sales Performance • Sales Team 1. Joined
• Versions 2. Left
3. Active
4. Headcount
5. Quota
6. Bookings
7. Quota vs Bookings
8. Expenses
9. Bookings vs Expenses
Sales Roll Up • Sales Region 1. Revenue
Roll Up 2. Expenses
• Versions 3. Headcount

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Company Profit • Organization 1. Bookings

• Versions 2. COGS
3. Net Bookings
4. Employee Expenses
5. General Expenses
6. Total Expenses
7. Profit / Loss

General Expenses • Organization

• Versions

Employee Expenses • Employees 1. Active Employee

• Versions 2. Headcount
3. Salary
4. Bonus %
5. Bonus
6. Medical
7. Dental
8. Vision
9. Travel &
10. Total Expenses
Employee Profiles • Employees 1. HR Data
2. Start Date
*Set Time Scale to 3. Leave Date
Not Applicable 4. Quota
5. Salary
6. Bonus %
7. Health Plan
8. Cost Estimate
9. From
10. To
11. (From) (To) Costs
Product Analysis • Product 1. Units Sold
• Versions 2. Units Sales Price
3. Gross Sales
4. Unit Cost
5. Gross Cost
6. Gross Margin
Employee 1. Health Benefits
Assumptions 2. Medical

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3. Dental
4. Vision
5. Travel &
6. Sales Rep
7. Staff
8. Exec

Guided Build – Create a Line Item Subset

1. In the Settings tab, click Line Item Subset.

2. Click Insert.
3. Type the name of the new Line Item Subset: Exec Summary.
4. Click OK.
5. On the Exec Summary row, double-click the Modules cell.
6. In the Select Modules dialog box:
a. Select the following modules:
i. Bookings
ii. Employee Expenses
iii. Company Profit
b. Click OK.
7. In the Settings tab, click Exec Summary (under Line Item Subsets).
8. Click the check boxes of the following line items to include in the subset:
Under the Bookings module:
a. Unit Sold
b. Unit Sales Price
d. Gross Margin

Under the Employee Expenses module:

a. Salary
b. Travel & Entertainment

Under the Company Profit module:

a. Employee Expenses
b. General Expenses
c. Total Expenses
d. Profit / Loss

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Guided Build – Functional Areas

1. In the Settings tab, click Modules.

2. Click the Functional Areas tab.
3. Click Insert.
4. Type the name of the new Functional Area: Human Resources.
5. Click OK.
6. Click the Modules tab.
7. On the Employee Profiles row, from the Functional Area drop-down, click
Human Resources.

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Build Your Model Activity – Functional Areas

It is your turn to finish setting up and assign the functional areas for the other modules.
Use the table below to help you to set functional areas.

Module Functional Area

Company Profit Profit
Sales Region Roll Up Profit
Sales Performance Analytics and
Product Analysis Bookings & Revenue
Bookings Bookings & Revenue
Price Book Drivers & Assumptions
General Expenses Cost
Employee Expenses Human Resources
Employee Human Resources

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Chapter 5: Import Data

Guided Build – Import to a List

In this guided build, import data from .CSV and .TXT files (downloaded previously) into
the lists in your model.

Import: Organization.txt

1. In the Settings tab, click General Lists.

2. Click the Organization list.
3. Click Import.
4. In the Select Source dialog box:
a. Click Upload New File.
b. Navigate to the folder that contains the Organization.txt file.
c. Click Organization.txt.
d. Click Open.
5. In the File Options dialog box, click Next.
6. In the Import: Organization from Organization.txt dialog box, click Run
7. In the Import Completed dialog box, review the import results.
a. Click Close.
8. Click the Grid View tab.
9. Review the data import results (see the Code column).

Import: Sales Roll Up.txt

1. In the Settings tab, click General Lists.

2. Click the Sales Region Roll Up list.
3. Click Import.
4. In the Select Source dialog box:
a. Click Upload New File.
b. Navigate to the folder that contains the Sales Roll Up.txt file.
c. Click Sales Roll Up.txt.
d. Click Open.
5. In the File Options dialog box, click Next.
6. In the Import: Sales Roll Up.txt dialog box:
a. Review the matches between the Source and Property in List.
b. Click Run Import.
7. In the Import Completed dialog box, review the import results.
a. Click Close.
8. Click the Grid View tab.
9. Review the data import results.

Build Your Model Activity – Import Lists

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Use your knowledge to import the Products.csv file to the Products list and the
Employee.csv file to the Employees list. Note that when you import the
Employee.csv, you should carefully map the source columns to the properties.

Guided Build – Import to a Module in Grid view

Import: Actuals Bookings.csv into Bookings module

1. In the Settings tab, click Modules.

2. Click Bookings.
3. Click Open.
4. Click the Data drop-down.
a. Click Import.
5. In the Select Source dialog box:
a. Click Upload New File.
b. Navigate to the folder that contains the Actuals Bookings.csv file.
c. Click Actuals Bookings.csv.
d. Click Open.
6. In the File Options dialog box, click Next.
7. In the Import: Bookings from Actuals Bookings.csv dialog box:
a. Click the Source drop-down next to Time.
i. Click (Column Headers).
b. Click the Source drop-down next to Versions.
i. Click Fixed version.
c. Click the Source drop-down next to Bookings Line Items.
i. Click Fixed line item.
d. Click the Bookings Line Items tab.
i. Click the Marked as (Fixed Target Item) in the Mapping tab
ii. Click Units Sold.
e. Click the Versions tab.
i. Click the Marked as (Fixed Target Item) in the Mapping tab
ii. Click Actual.
f. Click the Time tab.
i. Click the radio button next to Dates.
ii. In the Patterns with Separators field, click M-D-Y.
g. Click Run Import.
8. In the Import Completed dialog box, review the import results.
a. Click Close.

Import: Forecast Bookings.csv into Bookings module

1. In the Settings tab, click Modules.

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2. Click Bookings.
3. Click Open.
4. Click the Data drop-down.
a. Click Import.
5. In the Select Source dialog box:
a. Click Upload New File.
b. Navigate to the folder that contains the Forecast Bookings.csv file.
c. Click Forecast Bookings.csv.
d. Click Open.
6. In the File Options dialog box, click Next.
7. In the Import: Bookings from Forecast Bookings.csv dialog box:
a. Click the Source drop-down next to Time.
i. Click (Column Headers).
b. Click the Source drop-down next to Versions.
i. Click Fixed version.
c. Click the Source drop-down next to Bookings Line Items.
i. Click Fixed line item.
d. Click the Bookings Line Items tab.
i. Click the Marked as (Fixed Target Item) in the Mapping tab
ii. Click Units Sold.
e. Click the Versions tab.
i. Click the Marked as (Fixed Target Item) in the Mapping tab
ii. Click Forecast.
f. Click the Time tab.
i. Click the radio button next to Dates.
ii. In the Patterns with Separators field, click M-D-Y.
g. Click Run Import.
8. In the Import Completed dialog box, review the import results.
a. Click Close.

Guided Build – Import to a Module in Blueprint view

1. In the Settings tab, click Modules.

2. Click General Expenses.
3. Click Open.
4. Click the Blueprint icon.
5. Click the Data drop-down.
a. Click Import.
6. In the Select Source dialog box:
a. Click Upload New File.
b. Navigate to the folder that contains the General Expenses.csv file.
c. Click General Expenses.csv.
d. Click Open.
7. In the File Options dialog box, click Next.
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8. In the Import: General Expense items from General Expenses.csv dialog

a. Click the Source drop-down next to Line Item.
i. Click Column 1: LINE ITEMS.
b. Click Run Import.
9. In the Import Completed dialog box, review the import results.
c. Click Close.
10. Click the Blueprint icon.

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Chapter 6: Model Blueprint

Guided Build – Style, Format, and Summary Settings

1. In the Settings tab, click Modules.

2. Click Bookings.
3. Click Open.
4. Click the Blueprint icon.
5. On the Units Sold row, click the check box in the Breakback column.
6. On the Unit Sales Price row, double-click the Summary cell.
7. In the Summary Method – Unit Sales Price dialog box:
a. Summary: Click Average from the drop-down.
b. Click OK.
8. On the Unit Cost row, double-click the Summary cell.
9. In the Summary Method – Unit Cost dialog box:
a. Summary: Click Average from the drop-down.
b. Click OK.
10. On the Bookings row, click the Style cell drop-down.
a. Click Summary1.
11. On the COGS row, click the Style cell drop-down.
a. Click Summary1.
12. On the Gross Margin row, click the Style cell drop-down.
a. Click Summary1.
13. Click the Blueprint icon.

Build You Model Activity – Style, Format, and Summary


Now it’s your turn! Use the tables below to help you to set formats, the summary,
and/or style.

You may see line items in your modules that are not listed below. Those line items have
a default setting and require no change.

Sales Performance

Line Item Format Summary Style

Joined Boolean None
Left Boolean None
Active Boolean None
Headcount Sum, Time Closing
Quota Sum, Time:Sum
Quota vs Bookings Percentage Average

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Bookings vs Percentage Average


Sales Roll Up

Line Item Format Summary Style

Headcount Sum, Time Closing

Company Profit

Line Item Format Summary Style

Net Bookings Summary1
Total Expenses Summary1
Profit / Loss Summary1

General Expenses

Line Item Format Summary Style

TOTAL Summary1

Employee Expenses

Line Item Format Summary Style

Active Employee Boolean None Summary1
Headcount Number Sum, Time Closing Summary1
Total Expenses Summary1

Employee Profiles

Line Item Format Summary Style

HR Data No Data None Heading1
Start Date Date None
Leave Date Date None
Quota Sum Summary1
Bonus % Percentage Sum Summary1
Health Plan List: Health Plan None Summary1
Cost Estimate No Data None Heading1

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From Time – Month None

To Time – Month None
(From) (To) Costs Heading1

Product Analysis

Line Item Format Summary Style

Unit Sales Price Average
Gross Sales Sum Summary1
Unit Cost Average
Gross Cost Sum Summary1
Gross Margin Sum Summary1

Price Book

Line Item Format Summary Style

Unit Sales Price Average
Unit Cost Average

Employee Assumptions

Line Item Format Summary Style

Health Benefits No Data None Heading1
Travel & No Data None Heading1

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Chapter 7: Formulas & Functions

Guided Build – Calculations within a Module

In this exercise, you will be adding formulas in the Bookings module. There are three
• Bookings = Unit Sales Price * Units Sold
• COGS = Unit Cost * Units Sold
• Gross Margin = Bookings - COGS

1. In the Settings tab, click Modules.

2. Click Bookings.
3. Click Open.
4. Click the Blueprint icon.
5. Click the Formula cell of the Bookings line item.
6. Click the chevrons to expand the Formula bar.
7. Click the formula bar label to activate Formula Editing mode or double-click in
the empty field.
8. Click Unit Sales Price.
9. Click or type * (multiply).
10. Click Units Sold.
11. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.

12. Click the Formula cell of the COGS line item.

13. Click the formula bar label to activate Formula Editing mode or double-click
in the empty field.
14. Click Unit Cost.
15. Click or type * (multiply).
16. Click Units Sold.
17. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.

18. Click the Formula cell of the Gross Margin line item.
19. Click the formula bar label to activate Formula Editing mode or double-click
in the empty field.
20. Click Bookings.
21. Type: - (minus sign)
22. Click COGS.
23. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.

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Guided Build – Reference to a List

1. In the Settings tab, click Modules.

2. Click Price Book.
3. Click Open.
4. Click the Blueprint icon.
5. Double-click the Price Book tab to undock the module.
6. Click the Settings tab.
7. Click Products under General Lists.
8. Within the Products list, click the Properties tab.
9. In the Price Book module, click the Formula cell of Unit Sales Price.
10. Click the formula bar to activate Formula Editing mode or double-click in the
empty field.
11. Click Unit Sales Price from the Product list.
12. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.
13. In the Price Book module, click the Formula cell of Unit Cost.
14. Click the formula bar to activate the Formula Editing mode or double-click in
the empty field.
15. Click Unit Cost from the Products list.
16. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing Mode.
17. Click X to close the Price Book module.

Guided Build – Reference Across Modules

1. In the Settings tab, click Modules.

2. Click Price Book and Bookings while holding the Ctrl key.
3. Click Open.
4. Double-click the Booking tab to undock the module.
5. Click the Blueprint icon of the Bookings module
6. Click the Formula cell of Unit Cost.
7. Click the formula bar to activate Formula Editing mode or double-click in the
empty field
8. Double-click the Price Book tab to undock the module.
9. Click Unit Cost from the Price Book module.

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10. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.

11. Click the Formula cell of the Unit Sales Price.

12. Click the formula bar label to activate Formula Editing mode or double-click
in the empty field.
13. Click Unit Sales Price from the Price Book module.
14. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.
15. Click the Blueprint icon in the Bookings module.
16. Click the X to close the Bookings module.
17. Click the Blueprint icon in the Price Book.

Note: The values are black, indicating they are not editable. These
formulas need to be deleted to allow for the editing of values and
exploring different pricing scenarios.

18. Click the Formula cell of Unit Sales Price.

19. Press the Delete key.
20. Click the Formula cell of Unit Cost.
21. Press the Delete key.
22. Click the Blueprint icon.

Note: The values remain in the cells. However, since formulas were
deleted, the values can be edited.

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Chapter 8: Finish Building Your Model

It’s time to finish the building of your model. Use the table below to add the remaining
formulas and data to your model.

You may see line items in your modules that are not listed below. Those line items
require no further action.


Price Book

Product Analysis

Module Line Item Formula Notes

Units Sold Bookings.Units Sold
Unit Sales Price Price Book.Unit Sales Price
Gross Sales Units Sold * Unit Sales Price
Unit Cost Price Book.Unit Cost
Product Gross Cost Units Sold * Unit Cost
Analysis Gross Margin Gross Sales – Gross Cost Once you have
entered all of the
formulas, pivot the
Products to Rows
and Line Items to

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Employee Profiles

Guided Build – TIMESUM Formula

1. Click the Navigation Panel to open it.

2. In the Navigation Panel, click Employee Profiles.
3. Double-click the Employee Profiles tab to undock the module.
4. In the Navigation Panel, click Employee Expenses.
5. In the Employee Profiles module, click the Blueprint icon.
6. Click the Formula cell of (From) (To) Costs.
7. Click the chevrons to expand the Formula bar.
8. In the Line Item Formula area, double-click the (From) (To) Costs formula
line to activate Formula Editing mode.
9. Type: TIMESUM(
10. Click Total Expenses from the Employee Expenses module.
11. Type: , From, To, Sum)
12. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.
13. Double-click the Employee Profiles tab to dock the module.


Module Line Item Formula Notes

Start Date Employees.Start Date

Leave Date Employees.Leave Date

Quota Employees.Quota / 12 • Applies to:
Sales Team
• Time Scale:
Salary Employees.Salary
Employee Bonus % Employees.Bonus %
Health Plan Set Format to List:
Health Plan
Once all of the formulas are entered, import the Employee Status
Update.csv from Grid View. On the Mapping screen, map the
following items:
• Column 1: Employee ID to Employees
• Fixed Line Item to Employee Profiles Line Items
• Verify the Data values come from Column 2: Health Plan

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Employee Assumptions

Guided Build – Subsidiary View

1. In the Settings tab, click Modules.

2. Click Employee Assumptions.
3. Click Open.
4. Click the Blueprint icon.
5. Click . . . from the right corner of the Applies To cell for the Medical line item.
6. Click Health Plan.
7. Click OK.
8. Copy Health Plan by pressing the Control + C keys. (Command ⌘ + C on a
9. Paste Health Plan in to the Dental and Vision line item by pressing the
Control + V keys. (Command ⌘ + V on a Mac)
10. Click the Blueprint icon.
11. Click the Show icon for Medical.
12. Type the following values in the Jan 15 column:
a. Single: 100
b. Spouse: 200
c. Spouse plus Children: 300
13. Select the Single, Spouse, Spouse plus Children cells from the Jan 15
14. Click the Edit drop-down.
15. Click Copy Across.
16. Click the Show icon.
17. Click the Show icon for Dental.
18. Type the following values in the Jan 15 column:
a. Single: 50
b. Spouse: 100
c. Spouse plus Children: 150
19. Select the Single, Spouse, Spouse plus Children cells from the Jan 15
20. Click the Edit drop-down.

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21. Click Copy Across.

22. Click the Show icon.
23. Click the Show icon for Vision.
24. Type the following values in the Jan 15 column:
a. Single: 25
b. Spouse: 50
c. Spouse plus Children: 75
25. Select the Single, Spouse, Spouse plus Children cells from the Jan 15
26. Click the Edit drop-down.
27. Click Copy Across.
28. Click the Show icon.
29. Type the following values in the Jan 15 column, under Travel &
a. Sales Rep: 500
b. Staff: 100
c. Executive: 1000
30. Select the Sales Rep, Staff, Executives cells from the Jan 15 column.
31. Click the Edit drop-down.
32. Click Copy Across.

Employee Expenses

Guided Build – Nested Active Employee Formula

1. In the Navigation Panel, click Employee Expenses.

2. Double-click the Employee Expenses tab to undock the module.
3. Click the Blueprint icon.
4. In the Navigation Panel, click Employee Profiles.
5. Click the Blueprint icon.
6. In the Employee Expenses module, click the Formula cell of Active Employee.
7. Click the chevrons to expand the Formula bar.
8. In the Line Item Formula area, double-click the Active Employee formula line
to activate Formula Editing mode.
9. Click Start Date from the Employee Profiles module.
10. Type: <=End()and
11. Click Leave Date from the Employee Profiles module.
12. Type: >=Start() or ISBLANK(
13. Click Leave Date from the Employee Profiles module.
14. Type: )
15. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.

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16. Double-click the Employee Expenses tab to dock the module.

Guided Build – Headcount Formula

1. In the Navigation Panel, click Employee Expenses.

2. Click the Blueprint icon.
3. Double-click the Formula cell of Headcount to activate Formula Editing mode.
4. Type: IF.
5. Click Active Employee.
6. Type: THEN 1 ELSE 0.
7. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.

Guided Build – LookUp Formula

1. In the Navigation Panel, click Employee Assumptions,

then Employee Profiles and Employee Expenses.
2. Double-click the Employee Expenses tab to undock the
module and resize the window to see remaining modules.
3. Double-click the Employee Profiles tab to undock the
module and resize the window to see remaining modules.
4. Double-click the Employee Assumptions tab to undock
the module and resize the window to see remaining
5. Click the Blueprint icon for in the Employee Expenses
6. Click the Formula cell for Medical.
7. In the Line Item Formula area, double-click the Medical
formula line to activate Formula Editing mode.
8. Click Medical from the Employee Assumptions module.
9. Type: [LOOKUP:
10. Click Health Plan from the Employee Profiles module.
11. Type: ]
12. Click or type * (multiply).
13. Click Headcount from the Employee Expenses module.
14. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.

15. Click the Formula cell for Dental.

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16. In the Line Item Formula area, double-click the Dental

formula line to activate Formula Editing mode.
17. Click Dental from the Employee Assumptions module.
18. Type: [LOOKUP:
19. Click Health Plan from the Employee Profiles module.
20. Type: ]
21. Click or type * (multiply).
22. Click Headcount in Employee Expenses module.
23. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.

24. Copy and paste the Dental formula into the Vision
Formula cell.
25. In the Line Item Formula area, double-click the Vision
formula line to activate Formula Editing mode.
26. Change the word Dental to Vision.
27. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.

Guided Build – Travel & Entertainment Expenses

1. In the Navigation Panel, click Employee Expenses and Employee

Assumptions, then close the Navigation Panel
2. In the Settings tab, click General Lists.
3. Click the Employees list.
4. Click the Properties tab.
5. Double-click the Employee Assumptions and Employee Expense tabs to
undock the modules. Resize the windows to see both modules and the
Employee list.
6. Click the Blueprint icon for Employee Expenses.
7. Click the Formula cell for Travel & Entertainment.
8. Double-click the formula bar to activate Formula Editing mode.
9. Type: (IF
10. Click Sales Rep from Employees list.
11. Type: THEN
12. Click Sales Rep from Employee Assumptions.
13. Type: ELSE IF
14. Click Staff from the Employees list.
15. Type: THEN

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16. Click Staff from Employee Assumptions.

17. Type: ELSE IF
18. Click Exec from Employees list.
19. Type: THEN
20. Click Exec from Employee Assumptions.
21. Type: ELSE 0) *
22. Click Headcount from Employee Expenses.
23. Click the green check to exit Formula Editing mode.
24. Double-click the Employee Expenses and the Employee Assumptions
tabs to dock the modules.


Module Line Item Formula Notes

Salary EmployeeProfiles.Salary / 12
* Headcount
Bonus % EmployeeProfiles.Bonus %
Bonus Salary * Bonus %
Total Expense Salary + Bonus + Medical +
Dental + Vision + Travel &

Sales Performance

Module Line Item Formula Notes

Joined ISNOTBLANK(Employee
Profiles.Start Date) AND
Left ISNOTBLANK(Employee
Profiles.Leave Date) AND
Sales Employee Profiles.Leave
Performance Date<= END()
Active Joined AND NOT Left
Headcount IF Active THEN 1 ELSE 0
Quota Employee Profiles.Quota
Bookings Bookings.Bookings
Quota vs. Bookings / Quota

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Expenses Employee Expenses.Total
Bookings vs. Expenses / Bookings

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General Expenses

Guided Build – Import Data to General Expenses

1. In the Navigation Panel, click General Expenses.

2. Click the Data drop-down and click Import.
3. In the Select Source dialog box:
a. Click Upload New File.
b. Navigate to the folder that contains the General Expenses-Actuals.csv
c. Click General Expenses-Actuals.csv.
d. Click Select.
4. In the File Options dialog box, click Next.
5. In the Import: General Expenses from General Expenses - Actuals.csv
dialog box:
a. In the Source drop-down list: For Time, select (Column Headers) for
Organization, select Ask each time import is run and for Version,
select Fixed version.
b. Click the Versions tab. Validate Actual is displayed in the Marked as
(Fixed Target Item) in the Mapping tab drop-down.
c. Click the Time tab. First, click the radio button next to Dates, then in the
Patterns with Separators field, click M-D-Y.
d. Click the General Expenses Line Items tab to check the mapping.
e. Click Run Import.
6. In the General Expenses from General Expenses- Actual.csv dialog box,
click the Organization drop-down.
a. Click North.
b. Click Run.
7. In the Import Completed dialog box, click Close.
8. Click the Data drop-down.
a. Click Import.
9. In the Select Source dialog box:
a. Click General Expenses-Actuals.csv.
b. Click Select.
10. Click Run Import.
11. In the General Expenses from General Expenses- Actual.csv dialog
box, click the Organization drop-down.
a. Click East.
b. Click Run.
12. In the Import Completed dialog box, click Close.

14. In Grid View, click the Versions drop-down and click Forecast.
15. In the Organization drop-down, click North.
16. Click in the Rent cell for March 15 and drag down to TOTAL cell.

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17. Click Copy Across icon.



Module Line Item Formula Notes

TOTAL Rent + Business Rates +
BUILDING Buildings Insurance +
COSTS Contents Insurance +
TOTAL Water + Gas + Electricity +
UTILITIES Cleaning + Waste Disposal
TOTAL Internet Leased Lines +
TELECOMS Phone Line Rental + Mobile
General Phones + Mobile Broadband
TELECOMS + Accountant +
Legal + Other
• Import the General Expense – Actuals.csv (four times). (as
performed in the Guided Build – Import Data to General
• Use the Copy Across function for Forecast. (as performed in the
Guided Build – Import Data to General Expenses)
Company Profit

Guided Build – Company Profit – Saved View

1. In the Navigation Panel, click the Company Profit module.

2. Press the Ctrl key and click Jan 15, Feb 15, and Mar 15 columns.
3. Right-click the selected columns and click Hide.
4. Repeat for July through December, leaving only the quarterly columns.
5. Click the View drop-down.
6. Click Save as.
7. Type: Company Profit by Quarters.
8. Click Save.


Module Line Item Formula Notes

Company Bookings Bookings.Bookings
Profit COGS Bookings.COGS

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Net Bookings Bookings – COGS

Employee Employee Expenses.Total
Expenses Expenses
General General Expenses.Total
Expenses Expenses
Total Expenses Employee Expenses +
General Expenses
Profit / Loss Net Bookings – Total

Sales Roll Up

Guided Build – SUM Formula

1. In the Navigation Panel, click on the Sales Roll Up, Bookings,

and Employee Expenses modules to open them.
2. Double-click the Sales Roll Up tab to undock the module.
3. In the Sales Roll Up module, click the Blueprint icon.
4. Click the Formula cell for Revenue.
5. Click Revenue on the formula bar to activate the formula editing
6. Enter the formula. Begin by clicking the Bookings module tab.
7. Click the Bookings line item.
8. Next:
a. Type: [SUM:
b. In the Settings tab, click on the Employee list.
c. Under the Employees list Property tab, click the Sales Roll Up
d. Type: ]
9. Click the green check mark to close the formula editing mode.

10. Click the Formula cell of Expenses.

11. Double-click the formula bar to activate the formula editing
12. Enter the formula. Begin by clicking the Employee Expenses
13. Click Total Expenses.
14. Next:
a. Type: [SUM:
b. Click the Settings tab.

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c. Under the Employees list Property tab, click the Sales Roll Up
d. Type: ]
15. Click the green check mark to close the formula editing mode.

16. Click the formula cell for Headcount.

17. Double-click the Headcount formula line to activate the
formula editing mode.
18. Enter the formula. Begin by clicking the Employee Expenses
19. Click the Headcount line item.
20. Next:
a. Type: [SUM:
b. Click the Settings tab.
c. Under the Employees list Property tab, click the Sales Roll Up
d. Type: ]
21. Click the green check mark to close the formula editing mode.
22. Double-click the Sales Roll Up tab to dock the module.

Executive Summary
Add the Executive Summary module.

Schema Module Name Page(s) Line Items

Executive • Versions 1. Data
Summary • Organization
• Exec
• Time


Module Line Item Formula Notes

Data Collect() Use the pivot tool
to move line items
Executive Summary
to a page and exec
summary to rows.

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Chapter 9: Create Dashboards

Guided Build – Add a Dashboard

1. In the Settings tab, click Dashboards.

2. Click Insert.
3. Type the name of the new Dashboard: Forecast Product Scenario.
4. Click OK.
5. On the Forecast Product Scenario row, click the drop-down in the Functional
Area column and click Analytics & Dashboards.

Guided Build – Publishing Modules to Dashboards

1. Open the Navigation Panel.

2. Click Company Profit by Quarters.
3. Click the View drop-down.
4. Click Publish to Dashboard > Forecast Product Scenario.
5. In the Selection Options panel in Dashboard Designer under Versions:
a. Initial Page: Click Forecast from the drop-down.
b. Show Label: Click the check box to unmark it.
c. Show Page Selector: Click the check box to unmark it.
6. In the Selection Options panel in Dashboard Designer under Organization:
a. Show Label: Click the check box to unmark it.
b. Show Page Selector: Click the check box to unmark it.
7. Click the Dashboard Menu icon.
8. Click Save.
9. Click Company Profit tab.
10. Click the View drop-down.
11. Click Publish Page Selectors to Dashboards > Forecast Product
12. Click on the Versions dashboard item to select it, then click the red X to
delete it. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
13. Click on the FY 15 dashboard item to select it, then click the red X to delete
it. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
14. Click on the Company Profit chart to select it and move it down on the
15. Click on the Dashboard Menu and select Save.

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Guided Build – Publishing Charts to Dashboards

1. Open the Navigation Panel.

2. Click Company Profit by Quarters.
3. Click Profit / Loss line item.
4. Click the Create Chart icon.
5. Click Line Chart.
6. In the Chart Options dialog box:
a. Click Publish to Dashboard.
b. Click Forecast Product Scenario.
7. In the Selection Options panel of the Dashboard
Designer under Versions:
a. Initial Page: Click Forecast from the drop-down.
b. Click the Show Label, Show Page Selector, and
Synchronized Paging check boxes to unmark
8. In the Selection Options panel of the Dashboard
Designer under Organization:
a. Click the Show Label and Show Page Selector
boxes to unmark them.
9. Click the Dashboard Menu icon.
10. Click Save.

Guided Build – Adding Text to a Dashboard

1. If you have closed your dashboard, open it and select

Dashboard Designer from the Dashboard Menu.
2. Click the Dashboard Menu icon.
3. Click Add Text to Dashboard.
4. Double-click in the text box.
5. Type: Company Profit.
6. Click the Change style drop-down arrow and select
Heading 1.
7. Click the Dashboard Menu icon and select Save.

Guided Build – Rearranging a Dashboard

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1. If you have closed your dashboard, open it and select

Dashboard Designer from the Dashboard Menu.
2. Click the Dashboard Menu icon.
3. Click Add Text to Dashboard.
4. Double-click the text box and type:
Purpose: To see how adding new products could
potentially affect the company's performance.
Directions: Change Inputs below and see company profit
reflected in the chart.

5. Click the Change style drop-down arrow and select

6. Click and drag the instructions to move them below the
Company Profit title.
7. Click and drag to resize the text box that includes the purpose
and directions so it is narrower. The profit chart will be moved
to the right of the purpose and directions text box.
8. Click and drag to move the chart to the right of the purpose
and directions text box.
9. Click the Dashboard Menu and select Save.

Guided Build – Add a List to a Dashboard

1. In the Settings tab, click Products list.

2. In the Grid View tab, click View.
3. Click Publish to Dashboard.
4. Click Forecast Product Scenario. This is more information
than we need – we just want the list without the properties,
so we will delete this.
5. Click on the Products list to select it and click the red x to
delete it.

Guided Build – Adding Product List Module

1. In the Settings tab, click Modules.

2. Click Insert Module.
3. Type the name of the new module: Product List.
4. Drag the Time dimension and drop it in the List and Roll-ups box.
5. Drag the Line Items dimension and drop it in the Columns box.
6. Drag the Products list and drop it in the Rows box.
7. Click OK.
8. Click the View drop-down.

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9. Click Publish to Dashboards > Forecast Product Scenario.

10. Click on the Dashboard Menu and select Save.

Guided Build – Completing the Dashboard

1. Open the Forecast Product Scenario dashboard.

2. Click the Dashboard Menu icon and select Dashboard Designer.
3. Click the Dashboard Menu icon and select Add Text to Dashboard.
4. Double click on the text box and type: Inputs. Move the text box so it is above
the Products List.
5. Click the Dashboard Menu icon and select Add Text to Dashboard.
6. Double-click on the text box and type: Add a new product to the Product List by
clicking on a product, then clicking the down arrow and selecting Edit, then
Insert. Move the text box to below the Inputs title and make it smaller.
7. Click on the Settings tab and click the Products List.
8. Click Grid View.
9. Click the View drop-down arrow and select Publish List as Page Selector to
Dashboard, then Forecast Product Scenario. Move the Product page selector
so that it is to the right of the Product List on the dashboard.
10. Click the Price Book module.
11. Click the View drop-down arrow and select Publish to Dashboard, then
Forecast Product Scenario.
12. We only want to show the April, May and June and second quarter columns
on the dashboard. Right click on the column heading and select Hide from the
menu to hide the other columns. Move the module so it is to the right of the
Product page selector on the dashboard.
13. Add the Bookings module and hide the January, February, and March
columns and move the module so it is below the Price Book module.
14. Click on the Dashboard Menu and select Save.

Build your model activity – Build a Dashboard

Now it’s your turn! Complete the tasks below to create a dashboard for Product Pricing.

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Remember to use the Introduction to Model Building app to view how the Product Pricing
dashboard should look when completed.

1. Create a new Dashboard named Product Pricing.

2. Add text element (Heading 1) at the top and type: Product Pricing Dashboard.
3. Add text element:
a. This dashboard reports on how the product Unit Sales Price and Unit Cost
will affect the Gross Sales, Cost and Margin of a product. There are two
areas of this dashboard, we have our Actuals on the left and our Forecast on
the right. The charts analyze the products Gross Sales, Gross Cost and Gross
4. Add a Product page selector
5. Publish the Price Book module for actuals and forecast.
6. Adjust Selection Options for all dashboard elements.
7. Publish chart for Actuals Gross Sales, Gross Cost and Gross Margin line items from
the Product Analysis module for the months of January, February, and March.
8. Publish chart for Forecast Gross Sales, Gross Cost and Gross Margin line items
from the Product Analysis module for the months of April, May, and June
a. Hint: Use hide in module view.
9. Rearrange dashboard elements.

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Chapter 10: Set Access & Roles

Guided Build – Setting Access and Roles

1. In the Settings tab, click General Lists.

2. On the Organization row, click the Selective Access check box.
3. In the Confirm dialog box, click OK.
a. If you prefer not to see this dialog box, click the Don’t ask me again
check box.
4. In the Settings tab, click Users.
5. Click the Roles tab.
6. Click Insert.
7. Type the name of the new Role: Eastern.
8. From the Order drop-down, click After.
9. Click OK.
10. Click the Roles -> Modules tab.
11. From the Eastern column, use the drop-down to set the following access:
a. Bookings: Click Write.
b. Personal Expenses: Click Write.
c. Price Book: Click Read.
d. Sales Performance: Click Read.
12. Click the Users tab.
13. Navigate to your name.
a. From the Model Role column, use the drop-down click Eastern.
b. Double-click in the Organization Write column.
i. In the Select from Organization dialog box, click East.
ii. Click OK.
14. Open the Navigation Panel. Selective access and workflow changed your
15. Click the Bookings module. Click on the employee drop-down to view your
16. Click the Users tab and navigate to your name.
a. From the Model Role column, use the drop-down click Full Access.
b. Double-click in the Organization Write column.
i. In the Select from Organization dialog box, click Remove link.
ii. Click OK.
17. Click the Navigation Panel.
a. Selective access and workflow changed your view.

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