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I hereby declare that this project work and titled “Mutual Fund” has been prepared by me
during the course of my study under the supervision of Dr. Sachin Wankhede Sir, Department
of Management , Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering, Pune in partial fulfilment of
MBA Degree prescribed by the college.

I also declared that this project is the outcome of my own effort, that it has not been submitted
to any other university for the award of any degree.

I would like to place on record my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Mahesh Katkar for
his generous guidance, help and useful suggestions. I would like to thank the employees
of G.B. Raykar & Co. and Mr.G.B. Raykar for giving me an opportunity to be intern
with them. The training at the company was held over a period of 60 days. During this
period, I was guided by the experts . The project report and the learning process would
not have been possible without their inputs and guidance at critical points of the project.
They imparted to me the knowledge of mutual funds and shared with me the practical
marketing techniques of mutual funds. I express my thanks to every one of them. These
60 days were very important to me as it helped me in going beyond the class room and
get a practical feel of how things worked.


Sr. No. Details Page. No.

1 List of Tables III

2 List of Figures IV

3 Executive summary 1

4 Chapter 1- Introduction 5

5 Chapter 2 - Literature Review 9

6 Chapter 3 - Organization Profile 14

7 Chapter 4 - Research Methodology 17

8 Chapter 5- Data analysis 20

9 Chapter 6- Learning Outcomes of the 34

10 Chapter 7- Contribution to the host 36
11 Chapter 8- Findings and Observations 38

12 Chapter 9- Conclusion, Suggestions, 40

and Limitations
13 References 44

14 Appendices 46


Table No. Title Page No.

Gender 21

Age 22

Annual income 23

Percentage of income that people invests. 24

Investment avenuaes 25

Investment in insurance policies. 26

Influencers 27

Investment objectives 28

Saving objective 29

Risk factors 30

Risk of loosing principle amount 31

Monitoring investment portfolio 32

Sectors 33


Figure No. Title Page No.

1 Pie chart of gender


2 Pie chart of age range


3 Pie chart of annual income


4 Pie chart of percentage of income that people

5 Bar graph of investment avenues

6 Pie charts of investment in insurance policies


7 Pie chart of influencers


8 Bar graph of Investment objectives


9 Bar graph of saving objectives


10 Pie chart of risk factors.


11 Pie chart of risk of loosing principal amount


12 Pie chart of monitoring investment portfoilio


13 Bar graph of sectors




The project titled “Mutual Funds” being carried out for an investor who is interested in
tracking the value of his investments, whether he invests directly in the market or indirectly
through Mutual Funds. This dynamic change has taken place because of a number of reasons.
With globalization and the growing competition in the investments opportunity available he
would have to make guided and rational decisions on whether he gets an acceptable return on
his investments in the funds selected by him, or if he needs to switch to another fund. In order
to achieve such an end, the investor has to understand the basis of appropriate preference
measurement for the fund, and acquire the basic knowledge of the different measures of
evaluating the performance of the fund. Only then would he be in a position to judge correctly
whether his fund is performing well or not, and make the right decision.
This project t is undertaken to help the investors in tracking the performance of their
investments in Sectoral Mutual Funds and has been carried out with the objective of giving
performance analysis of Sectoral Mutual Fund. The methodology for carrying out the project
was very simple that is through secondary data obtained through various mediums like fact
sheet of the funds, the Internet, Business magazines, Newspaper, etc.


The main purpose of doing this project was to know about mutual fund and its functioning. This helps to
know in details about mutual fund industry right from its inception stage, growth and future prospects. It
also helps in understanding different schemes of mutual funds. Because my study depends upon
prominent funds in India and their schemes like equity, income, balance as well as the returns associated
with those schemes. The project study was done to ascertain the asset allocation, entry load, exit load,
associated with the mutual funds. Ultimately this would help in understanding the benefits of mutual
funds to investors. 


1. To give a brief idea about the benefits available from Mutual Fund investment.

2. To give an idea of the types of schemes available.

3. To discuss about the market trends of Mutual Fund investment.

4. To study some of the mutual fund schemes.

5. To study some mutual fund companies and their funds. Observe the fund management

process of mutual funds.

6. Explore the recent developments in the mutual funds in India.

7. To give an idea about the regulations of mutual funds.


The scope of this study is to obtain information about the individual’s risk tolerance, income,
future financial goals, and current investment scenario. It covers the individual’s current
financial status and it will be a road map for the financial planning of an individual. And the
study also helps to understand the investor’s choice with regard to financial products.



 A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools together the savings of a number of investors who share a
common financial goal. A mutual fund is nothing more than a collection of stocks and/or
bonds. You can think of a mutual fund as a company that brings together a group of people and
invests their money in stocks, bonds, and other securities. Each investor owns shares, which
represent a portion of the holdings of the fund. The money thus collected is then invested in
capital market instruments such as shares, debentures and other securities.

Mutual funds are perfect for investors who either lack large sums for investment, or for those
who neither have the knowledge nor the time to research the market, yet want to grow their
wealth. In return, the fund house charges a small fee for their professional expertise which is
subtracted from the investment. The fees charged by mutual funds are restricted to certain
limits stated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).During the past few years
mutual funds have achieved a favoured status when investors have been investing regularly in
equity/balanced schemes through them.


The mutual fund industry in India started in 1963 with the formation of unit trust of India, at
the initiative of the government of India and reserve bank of India started its operations in 1964
with the issue of units under the scheme US-64. The history of mutual funds in India can be
broadly divided into four distinct phases.

FIRST PHASE – 1964-87

Unit trust of India was established on 1963 by an act of parliament. It was set up by the reserve
bank of India and functioned under the regulatory and administrative control of the reserve
bank of India. 1978 UTI was de-linked from the RBI and the industrial development bank of
India took over the regulatory and administrative control in place of RBI. The first scheme
launched by UTI was unit scheme 1964. At the end of 1988 UTI has Rs6,700 crores of assets
under management.

SECOND PHASE – 1987-93

1987 marked the entry of non-UTI, public sector mutual funds set up by public sector banks
and life insurance corporation of India and general insurance corporation of India. SBI mutual
fund was the first non-UTI mutual fund established in June 1987 followed by Canbank mutual
fund, Punjab National Bank Mutual Fund, Indian bank mutual fund, Bank of India, Bank of
Baroda Mutual fund. LIC established its mutual fund in June 1989 while GIC had set up its
mutual fund in December 1990. At the end of 1993, the mutual fund industry had assets under
management of Rs.47,004 crores.

THIRD PHASE – 1993-03

With the entry of private sector funds in 1993, a new era started in the Indian mutual fund
industry, giving the Indian investors a wider choice of fund families. Also,1993 was the year in
which the first mutual fund regulations came into being, under which all mutual funds, except
L TI were to be registered and governed. The erstwhile kothari pioneer was the first private
sector mutual fund registered in July 1993.


In February 2003, following the repeal of the unit trust of India act 1963 UTI was bifurcated
into two separate entities. One is the specified undertaking of the unit trust of India with assets.
Under management of Rs.29,835 crores as at the end of January 2003, representing broadly, the
assets of US 64 scheme, assured return and certain other schemes. The specified undertaking of
unit trust of India, functioning under an administrator and under the rules framed by
government of India and does not come under the purview of the mutual fund regulations.

The second is the UTI mutual fund ltd, sponsored by SBI, PNB, BOB and LIC. It is registered
with SEBI and functions under the mutual fund regulations. With the bifurcation of the
erstwhile UTI which had in march 2000 more than Rs. 76,000 crores of assets under
management and with the setting up of a UTI mutual fund, conforming to the SEBI mutual
fund regulations, and with recent mergers taking place among different private sector funds, the
mutual fund industry has entered its current phase of consolidation and growth. As at the end of
October 31, 2003, there were 31 funds, which manage assets of Rs.126726 crores under 386

Erstwhile UTI was bifurcated into UTI mutual fund and the specified undertaking of the unit
trust of India effective from February 2003. The assets under management of the specified
undertaking of the unit trust of India has therefore been excluded from the total assets of the
industry as a whole from February 2003 onwards.

Currently public sector banks like SBI, Canara Bank, Bank Of India, Institution like IDBI,
GIC, LIC, Foreign Institution like Alliance, Morgan Stanley, Templeton and Private financial
companies like HDFC, Prudential ICICI, DSP Merrill Lynch, Sundaram, Kotak Mahindra etc.
have floated their own mutual funds.


As investment goals vary from person to person – post-retirement expenses, money for
children’s education or marriage, house purchase, etc. – the investment products required to
achieve these goals too vary. Mutual funds provide certain distinct advantages over investing in
individual securities. Mutual funds offer multiple choices for investment across equity shares,
corporate bonds, government securities, and money market instruments, providing an excellent
avenue for retail investors to participate and benefit from the uptrends in capital markets. The
main advantages are that you can invest in a variety of securities for a relatively low cost and
leave the investment decisions to a professional manager.

1.Comparatively higher return on investment (ROI)

One of the foremost aim of many investor is to achieve a higher rate of return on their
investment beat inflation and save from future needs.Depending on whether it is long or
medium term investment, Mutual Funds have more prospects of providing higher returns, as
you can invest in diverse range of industries and sector.Mutual Funds assist investor in
generating higher inflation-adjusted return, without them having to put it lot of efforts and time.

2.Ease of Investing and Monitoring

Investor can also start with a minimal amount of Rs.500 per month through SIP ( Systematic
Investment Plan) Today, there are online platform that allow investors to start investing with
afew clicks of their smartphones. Additional, Mutual funds not only offer several modes of
investment but also enable to choose any amount that suits them.This makes making systematic
investment, accessing account statement and portfolio details very easy. Investors even have
the option to set a automated bank debit for monthly investments and SIP’s ,which eliminated
the need and hassle of manual investing every month.


Often, investors hold shares or bonds they cannot directly, easily and quickly sell. When they
invest in the units of a fund, they can generally cash their investments any time, by selling their
units to the fund if open-ended, or selling them in the market if the fund is close-end. Liquidity
of investment is clearly a big benefit. 6. Convenience And Flexibility: Mutual fund
management companies offer many investor services that a direct market investor cannot get.
Investors can easily transfer their holding from one scheme to the other; get updated market
information and so on. 

4.Managed by experts

Mutual Funds are managed by qualified and experienced fund managers who are skilled when
it comes to making investment decisions based on robust research and expertise. Managing
risks is another crucial consideration while making investment decision. Most people don’t
have the knowledge and time required for carrying out proper research and are unable to
dedicated all their effort in monitoring markets or economics. Conversely, the job of a fund
manager is to track all such variables and alter their portfolio to maxmise the returns for

5. Built in Diversification

One significant benefit of Mutual Funds is that unlike other investment vehicles, Mutual Funds
assist you in creating a balanced and diversified portfolio. Some portion of the investment
could have equity exposure, which offers long-term growth. Simultaneously, it could also
include fixed income products to manage the risks better. When you’re investing in equity
mutual funds, the same gets spread across various sectors, reducing the overall risk. Hence, if
some stocks do not perform as expected, the outperforming stocks make up for such losses.


 The owner of the Mutual Funds is with the investors who have started their funds.

 The Team of investment professionals and other service providers manages the mutual

 The mutual funds do the investment in the portfolio of marketable investments.

 The u its show the share of investors the value of investors is know as net Assets
Value(NAV) which keep on changing on regular basis.

 The investment objective of the funds create the investment portfolio of the fund.


Litrature review

1. Title- Financial advice and individual investors' investment decisions. (July 2019)
Author - Lei Shan
With reference to his article the revolution in financial markets have provided
individuals with an assemblage of a broad complex financial products . Observational
studies have moreover found that numerous people need satisfactory financial
information and skills to create suitable investment choices. Individual investors get
monetary benefit from distinctive sorts of financial advisors. For example, financial
planners give financial planning advice consistent with individual investors' life
objectives. Accountants focus on managing with clients' tax matters. Legal counselors
ordinarily specialize in estate planning. Whereas money related planners, accountants
and legal counselors are fiduciaries, who should put clients' interest at first.
Research has found that the use of financial advisors is related with consumers'
investment behaviour.

2. Title- Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal Vol. 13,
No. 4 (2021) : Individuals Decision in Choosing Investment Instruments
Author- Mohd Faizal Kamarudin
Zahariah Sahudin
Zainora Abdul Wahid
Norliza Che Yahy
Mohd Rahim Khamis.
With reference to this journal An individual who involved in any investment
plan ought to first understand his/her investment’s objectives and limitations when
making an investment choice. The studies related to individual decision making in
choosing investment as platform for their wealth aggregation. there are only few studies
focused on the identity aspects (knowledge, state of mind and conduct). This is because
there are different types of instruments that can be considered by people for investment,
and personality of investors should play a vital role when selecting investment
instruments. Hence, before choosing a suitable investment instrument to one’s desire
and the individual investor have to be consider his/her personality. That study helped
investors to change their investment habits.

3. Title - A study on the saving and investment behaviour of individual. (2022)

Author - Goud, M. Maschendar

Goud, M. Maschendar 2022, was studied about the “savings and investment
behaviour of individual”. Investment behavior is a comparatively new financial
paradigm that aims to improve on conventional finance theories by introducing
behavioral aspect into the investment decision- making process. The investment
behavior of an investor is made up of several components, including the purpose of the
portfolio construction, the objective of the investment, knowledge of the financial
market, frequency the investment, type of the investor, decision-making aids, attitude to
risk and expected returns. This study on individual behavior of investors is an attempt to
understand the investors profile and characteristics of investors and their preferences.
The aim of this study is not only to assess the current status of people’s savings and
investment behavior but also the purpose of investment or saving. People who make
investment decision are influenced by their socio- demographic factors, including
personality and other demographic variables.

4 . Title-A Study of various investment avenues in india. (Sep2016)

Authors- Vijay, Priyanka Shastri Siddharth
Investors invest their reserve funds to upgrade their future consumption
possibilities by expanding their wealth. Investment choice requires appropriate financial
planning. Different investment avenues are available in market with their distinct
features. According to requirement of investors they invest a few fund in financial
avenues a few in a nonfinancial instrument. The study focuses to center on different
investment avenues available in Indian market.

5.Title- Investor Perception on Financial Literacy and Inclusion in India. (Jan2021)

Authors- Vardia, Shilpa
Soni, Ritu
Saluja, Rimpi
Investment choice is a complex activity. It can be characterized as the method of
choosing a specific avenue from a number of available avenues. There are two types of
investments: security and non-security. Behavioral finance hypotheses play an
important role in investment choices, which characterize that investors' choices are
irrational and are based on different psychological factors. Each investor has different
objectives for investment.

6 .Title- A Perspective on Financial Literacy and Inclusion in India. (June 2019)

Authors- Sunil B Kapadia

Venu V. Madhav
The article emphasises that the progress on financial inclusion has not kept pace with the
country's enormously large population, and financial institutions and banks must manage their
efforts in this direction because the extent of financial inclusion in the nation has an impact on
and is linked to economic growth. The fight against poverty must include financial inclusion as
a key component. Financial literacy is the capacity to make wise decisions regarding the use
and management of financial resources.

7. Title- Financial literacy and its impact on the investment decision of working women.
(December 2019
Author- Kanya Koti
Bank deposits and the gold markets were the key and non-concentrated investment
opportunities. They exercise caution while making investments because they are well aware of
the volatility and market risk. They set and successfully accomplish financial objectives and
goals. To reduce risk, the investment is divided among several portfolios. Applications of the
research: Knowing the level of literacy among women is a key outcome of the study. Based on
the findings, we can educate women on financial capabilities and financial product usage to
make them more comfortable.

8. Title- An exploratory study of consumer demeanor towards financial investment

(January 2015)
Author- Hemantkumar P Bulsara
The use of a fund on assets with the intention of earning income or capital appreciation
is called investment. Everyone now requires investments as a basic necessity. Investment is
expanding rapidly in India. Understanding how customers behave when making monetary
investments is essential to the company's success. The review paper discusses the factors that
influence the investment decision process and the various financial avenues, including
equity/stocks, bank fixed deposits, kisan vikas patra, national savings certificate, life insurance,
and mutual funds. Demographic and socioeconomic factors are the primary influences on
financial investment behavior. Age, income, qualification, gender, social class, family income,

tax benefits, fund safety, brand perception, risk appetite, past performance, and return on
investment are all possible subgroups.

9. Title- Role of Self-control and Money Attitude in Personal Financial Planning. (July
Author- Mousumi Singha Mahapatra

Ram Kumar Mishra

Given the increased complexity and attention paid to the investment space in recent
times, it is considered indispensable to have a suitable financial plan to balance day-to-day
spending and savings while also meeting present and future financial needs. The purpose of this
study is to comprehend the influence that self-control and a money mindset have on personal
financial planning. This is done in light of the fact that there is a definitive role that intrinsic
factors can play in bringing about a discipline to engage in the process of personal financial
planning. The study has measured and gathered data on self-control, money attitude, and
personal financial planning using a national sample of salaried individuals. Confirmatory factor
analysis creates a measurement model with satisfactory fit indices in addition to exploratory
factor analysis. In addition, the structural equation model demonstrates the positive and
significant impact that self- control and a positive attitude toward money have on personal
financial planning when demographic factors, such as Control variables include gender, age,
education, income, employment, and marital status. The implications for academics,
professionals in finance, and investors are discussed.

10. Financial Knowledge and Cultural Values as Determinants in Financial Planning

(December 2020)
Author- Vinita Ramchandani
Anindita S Chatterjee
The general public's increased awareness of future planning has increased interest in
and awareness of various market-available investment options. It is now unavoidable for an
organization to communicate effectively with investors and retain them in the face of global
competition. As a result, there is a growing interest in learning about an individual investor's
investment habits and behavior. The purpose of this conference paper is to determine whether
a person's financial planning is influenced by their cultural values and financial knowledge.



Organization : G.B. Rayar & Co.

Company Status : Active

Director : Mr.Gokul B. Raykar

E-mail : gokulrakyar@gmail.com

Contact : 9822664642 / 7350800300

What’s App : 7350604466 / 9921839099

Website : www.gbraykar.com

Facebook : G.B.Raykar & Co.

Office Address : Off. No. 1 Muktai Palace, Ganesh Nagar,

Opp. Muktai Garden, Dhayari, Pune


G.B. Raykar & Company work with investment managers, mutual funds, and/or financial advisers to meet
their respective clients’ investment needs.

We requires that we remain up-to-date with current tax legislation and financial product developments and
the necessary personal financial management strategies on retirement and estate planning. Hence, we
should also have good sales skills. They will need to obtain new clients (when necessary) and be
innovative in crafting solutions to improve our clients’ financial situation and ensure that goals are met.

Our duty is to provide investments and insurance services to clients, ensuring sound client record-keeping,
establishing and maintaining relationships with clients by remaining up-to-date with the clients’ successes,
and regularly communicating relevant changes that may impact the financial position of the clients.

We also serve as a middleman for clients and other financial professionals, who offer guidance on legal,
estate management, and personal tax planning.

Our Services

*Life Insurance Policy

*Mutual Funds

*Mediclaim Policy

*Motor Insurance Policy

*Income Tax / GST

Life Insurance Policy

A life insurance policy is essentially a contract between an individual and an insurance provider, where the
company promises to pay a specified amount of money to the family or beneficiary of the individual, in
return for regular payments over a period of time. These payments are known as premium and are usually
paid on an annual basis. The individual who buys the insurance is known as the policy holder. Life
insurance assures lump sum amount to be paid to the family if the policyholder passes away
unexpectedly.The life insurance policy provides with the much-needed cover against risk and offers you
opportunities to grow your savings It is also an effective tool that enables you to save for future expenses
that may occur, such as the higher education or marriage of children.

Mutual Fund

A mutual fund works by pooling money from multiple investor and then investing it amongst different
securities. As a result, it provides greater liquidity, diversification, lower risk, etc. Mutual Fund is an
investment vehicle that is made up of a pool of funds collected from many investors for the purpose of
investing in securities such as stocks, bonds, money market instruments and similar assets. We work as
your mentor and advice you on various investment opportunities along with market analysis.

Mediclaim Policy

A Mediclaim policy provides coverage against medical expenses that one might incur. Individuals who
have a Mediclaim policy can either raise a cashless or reimbursement claim. These policies also provide
tax benefits to policyholders. Mediclaim policy is a type of health insurance that offers a health cover for
illnesses and hospitalisation up to a specific sum insured. Such policies are valid for a particular period
after which the policyholder has to renew it to enjoy the benefits.

Motor Insurance Policy

Motor Insurance Policy offers financial protection for your two and four wheeler vehicles. Avail roadside
assistance. Cashless services at your door steps.


Mission : To create 10000+ Client

Vission : To make in india under govt.scheme with pvt.Ltd.and listing in equity .Also looking forward
Enter into business of Insurance TPA.And also try to prepare paperless office with Autopiliot system.


Research methodology

Research methodology is a manner to solve the research problem systematically. It can be

understood as a science of analyzing new studies is carried out scientifically. In it we examine
the diverse steps which might be typically followed with the aid of using a reasearcher studying
in his research problem along with the logic behind them.

Actually, research data is of two kinds which are following :

1 Primary data:

Primary data is a data which is a fresh and it is use for first time that means original in
character. Primary data is a type of information that is accumulated by researchers at once from
primary resources via interviews, surveys, experiments, and so forth. Primary facts are
normally accumulated from the source where the data firstly originates from and regarded as
the excellent sort of data in research.

1. Secondary data :

Secondary data is data which have already collect by someone else. Secondary data is a type of
data that has been already accrued through primary resources and made easily available for
researchers to use for their own research. It is kind of facts that has already been collected in
the past.

Sample size : 80

Data required for study :

1. Occupation
2. Annual income
3. Preferences regarding investment avenues
4. Investment objectives
5. Risk appetite of individual
6. Life goals

For this study data were collected that is primary data as well as secondary data. This type of
study need questionnaire , and the questionnaire consisting of 10 questions . the questionnaire
is a primary type of data which I used in this study. Secondary data has been collected from
various websites, magzines, and brochers.


Data analysis
General information

 Gender

Gender Males Females

No of respondent 40 40

Table:1 Gender

Figure 1: Pie chart of gender

Interpretation: Out of sample size of 80 individuals 50(50%) are male and 50

(50%) are female.

 Age

Age range 18-30 31-40 41-50 50 above

No of respondent 43 10 15 12

Table 2: Age

Figure 2- Pie chart of age range

Interpretation: Out of 80 individuals 43(53.8%) individuals were from age group of 18-30
and 10(12.5%) individuals from age group 31-40 , 15(18.8%) individuals were from age group
of 41- 50 and only 12(15%) of them were from 50 and above .

 Annual income

Income range Below 1 lakh 2 lakh to 5lakh 6 lakh to 10 Above 10 lakh

41 21 13 5
No of
Table 3- Annual income

Figure 3- Pie chart of annual income

Interpretation: , Out of 80 , 5 (6.3%) individuals have 10 lakh above income range,

13(16.2%) individuals have 6 lakh – 10 lakh income range , 21(26.2%) individuals have 2
lakh – 5 lakh income range and 41(51.2%) have below 1 lakh.

1. How many percentage of your income do you invest ?

Percentage %
0%- 15% 15%- 30% 30%-50%

No of respondents
46 27 7

Table 4- Percentage of income that people invests.

Figure 4- Pie chart of percentage of income that people invests.

Interpretation: Out of 80 individuals from 0% to 15% 46 (33.8%) people invest from

their income, 27(33.8%) people investment ranges from 15% to 30% and 7 (8.8%)
people invest within 30% to 50% from their income.

2. In which type of investments avenues do you invest the most ?

Investment Bank Real Gold Bonds

avenues Shares/direct Mutual fixed estate
equity funds deposits

No of
respodents 23 27 34 15 30 1

Table 5- Investment avenuaes

Figure 5 – Bar graph of investment avenues

Interpretation: Out of 80 , 23 (28.7%) people invest in direct equity/ shares , 27 (33.8%)

people invest in Mutual funds , 34 (42.5%) people invest in Bank fixed deposits , 15 (18.8%)
people invest in Real estate , 30 (37.5%) people invest in Gold , and 1 in bonds .

3. Do you invest in any insurance policies ?

Investment in insurance Yes No

50 30
No of respodents
Table 6- Investment in insurance policies.

Figure 6- Pie charts of investment in insurance policies.

Interpretation: Out of 80 , 50 (62.5%) people invest in insurance policies and 30 (37.5%)

people don’t invest in insurance policies.

4. who influence you to get an investment ?

Influencers Agents friends/family Social Media Others

No of
respondents 16 46 6 11

Table 7- Influencers

Figure 7- Pie chart of influencers

Interpretation: Out of 80 , 16(20.3%) people influenced by agents for their investment ,46
(58.2%) people influenced by friends / family /collegues for their investment, 6 (7.6%) people
influenced by Social media sites for their investment and 11 (13.9%) people influenced by
others for their investment .

5. what is your investment objective ?

Investment Growth and Long term Short term Capital

objective income growth growth preservation/saving.

No of
respondents 37 49 3 13

Table 8- Investment objectives

Figure 8- Bar graph of Investment objectives .

Interpretation: Out of 80, 37 (46.3%) individuals' investment objective is growth and income.
49 (61.3%) individuals' investment objective is long term growth. 3 (3.8%) individuals'
investment objective is short-term growth . and 13 (16.3%) individuals' investment objective is
capital preservation/saving .

6. what are your Saving objectives?

Saving objectives Education Retirement Luxury Child future

planning purchase investment
( child education,
child marriage)

No of respondents 37 36 13 35

Table 9- Saving objective

Figures 9- Bar graph of saving objectives

Interpretation: Out of 80, 37 (46.3%) individuals' saving objective is education . 36 (45%)

individuals' saving objective is retirement planning . 13 (16.3%) individuals' saving objective is
luxury purchase . and 35 (43.8%) individuals' saving objective is child future investment
planning (child education, child marriage).

7. which factor do you consider before investing ?

Factors Low risk-low Medium risk - High risk – high

returns medium returns returns

No of respondents 23 45 10

Table 10- Risk factors

Figure 10- Pie chart of risk factors.

Interpretation : Among all individuals, 23 (29.5%) of individuals prefer for low risk-low
investment returns. 45 (57.7%) of individuals mostly prefer medium risk-medium return. And
only 10 (12.8%) of individuals prefer high risk-high returns. And only 2 people have not given
any response.

8. can you take the risk of loosing of principal amount?

Risk of loosing principal Yes No


No of respondends 15 64

Table 11- Risk of loosing principle amount

Figure 11- Pie chart of risk of loosing principal amount

Interpretation : Out of 80 people, 15(19%) people can take the risk of loosing principal
amount. And 64 (81%) can’t take the risk of loosing principal amount.and 1 person did not

9. How often you do you monitor your investment ?

Monitoring Daily Monthly Yearly

investment portfolio

No of respondents 17 46 14

Table 12- Monitoring investment portfolio

Figure 12- Pie chart of monitoring investment portfoilio

Interpretation: Out of 80, 17 (22.1%) people monitor their investments daily. 46 (59.7%)
people monitor their investments monthly and 14 (18.2%) people monitor their investments
yearly. And 3 people did not answer this question.

10. In which sector do you invest your money?

Sectors Private Public Foreign

No of respondents 61 39 0

Table 13- Sectors

Figure 13- Bar graph of sectors.

Interpretation: Out of 80 people 61(79.2) individuals prefer to invest in the private sector,
39(50.6%) individuals in the public sector, and no one prefers to invest in the foreign sector.
And 3 people did not answer this question.




Learning outcomes of the project

 In the summer internship project, I got practical experience working style of the
corporate industry.

 The steps in the financial planning process.

 How should financial planning be done at a young age, it is useful for individuals
even till retirement.

 I learned a lot about investment avenues such as mutual funds, insurance policies
LIC policies in the summer internship project.

 I learned how to communicate with potential customers.

 It helped me to understand the concept of financial planning in depth.

 I learned how to manage time and stress during workload.

 How to calculate returns or set a target amounts before you plan your SIP mutual



Contribution to the host organisation

 The people who are younger should be targeted separately by explaining the
importance of investments and savings.

 It is suggested that prospective customers need to have imparted by education via

seminar training programs.

 The contribution was given by me that, the marketing style for product awareness
should be digital. In this era, digital marketing can influence young investors.



Findings and observations

1. Most of the individuals invest 0%-15% of their income.

2. In Bank Deposits and Gold, investors invest their money most.

3. Out of 80, 50 people invest in insurance policies.

4. Most of the individuals are influenced by friends/ family for their investments.

5. The main objective of investment for most of people is , long-term growth.

6. Investors consider the factor , that is medium risk- medium returns before investing.

7. Most of the people monitor their investments on monthly basis.

8. Majority of individuals prefer to invest in the private sector.



Conclusion, suggestion, and limitations.


The research study shows that proper planning for finances is very important for all individuals.
Financial planning is an effective and flexible term that involves 8 steps process for proper
planning and structured and systematic analysis.

It can also conclude that individuals should start their financial planning at an early stage of
their life, they should set measurable financial goals. Financial planning services are crucial
and useful tools for investment for meeting your life goals through proper planning and
management of your finance.

It can also conclude that the portfolio of investors should be a combination of different types of
various investment avenues, with the help of a combination of different investment avenues we
can reduce the risk and increase the returns. Selection of the perfect investment avenue is a
difficult task for an individual.

The research study focuses on identifying the various factors considered by investors before
investing their money in any investment avenue. Awareness level towards different types of
investment avenues and risk appetite is not much. The individuals still prefer risk-free returns.

Study reveals that individuals even if they are earning a high income, still prefer low-risk or
medium-risk. Personal financial management is a very important process in life so an
individual actively engages in that process.

From the research study, I came to know how people involved in personal financial planning
and what are the major factors influence the financial planning of individuals.


1. The investors who wants to avoid risk , then they can invest in saving accounts, fixed
deposits, provident funds rather than direct equity or equity mutual funds.

2. Awareness about foreign investment must be done as investors don’t have proper
understanding or expertise in foreign investments.

3. According to this research study most of the people invest in bank deposits as there is
no proper knowledge and awareness about mutual funds.

4. People need to focus on more than one aspect when they are preparing a financial plan.

5. The portfoilio of investors should be diversified, as the diversified portfolio is helpful

for balance risk .


1. The period of the summer internship programme is very short.

2. A client’s lack of knowledge about the financial instrument can be a major limitation.

3. Some respondents have not answered the all questions and it is also a limitation of
this research study.


 References from Journals

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2. (Mohd Faizal Kamarudi, Zahariah Sahudi, Zainora Abdul Wahid) Global Business
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Decision in Choosing Investment Instrument
3.(Goud, M. Maschendar) A study on the saving and investment behaviour of
individual. Journal of Commerce & Accounting Research. 2022, Vol. 11 Issue 1
4.(Vijay, Priyanka Shastri Siddharth) A Study of various investment avenues in india.
Research Journal. Sep2016, Vol. 21 Issue 2
5.(Vardia, Shilpa ,Saluja, Rimpi) Investor Perception on Financial Literacy and Inclusion
in India. (Jan 2021)
6.( Sunil B Kapadia, Venu V. Madhav) A Perspective on Financial Literacy and
Inclusion in India June 2019 SSRN Electronic Journal 6(21)
7. (Kanya Koti) Financial literacy and its impact on the investment decision of working
women. December 2019 Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 7(6)
8.(Hemantkumar P Bulsara) An exploratory study of consumer demeanor towards
financial investment January 2015 Investment Management and Financial
Innovations 12(1)
9. (Mousumi Singha Mahapatra Ram Kumar Mishra) Role of Self-control and Money
Attitude in Personal Financial Planning.(July 2020) The Indian economic journal: the
quarterly journal of the Indian Economic Association 67(4)
10.(Vinita Ramchandan, Anindita S Chatterjee) Financial Knowledge and Cultural
Values as Determinants in Financial Planning.December 2020Conference: 14th
International conference .

 Referred Book –
1. Dr. Nilesh Uttamrao Bankar Dr. Mohsin Abbas Tamboli (Personal Financial

 Websites –

1/29/23, 1:04 PM Mutual Fund Awareness


Mutual Fund Awareness

This survey, a part of my academic MBA Summer Internship Project, is a study of
Investor behavior and awareness in Mutual Funds. High seeking your cooperation in
answering questionnaire.
* Required

1. Name *

2. Gender *

Mark only one oval.



3. Age *
Mark only one oval.

Below 20




More than 50

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Dkb9WzBEpdPTlsw6Qd9UB6_GSOiMSDZmnwHmoh8ahc0/edit?pli=1 1/6
1/29/23, 1:04 PM Mutual Fund Awareness

4. You belong to which of the following category

Mark only one oval.

Govt. Employee


Self Employed

Business Person


5. Are you planning to save? *

Mark only one oval.



6. Do you save a proportion of income? *

Mark only one oval.



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1/29/23, 1:04 PM Mutual Fund Awareness

7. What percentage of your income do you save?

Mark only one oval.





8. Which of the following avenues have you

opted for? *
Check all that apply.

Real Estate
Mutual Funds
Stock Market

9. What are the objectives of your saving? *

Check all that apply.

Financial Independence
Child Education
Medical Emergencies
Retirement Planning
Tax Benefits

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1/29/23, 1:04 PM Mutual Fund Awareness

10. Do you invest in mutual funds? *

Mark only one oval.



11. If yes, what is the main objective of your

investment in mutual funds?
Check all that apply.

Tax Benefits
Capital Appreciation

12. If no, that what is the reason for not

investing in mutual funds?
Mark only one oval.

Lack of guidance

Lack of

knowledge Risky


No Particular reason

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Dkb9WzBEpdPTlsw6Qd9UB6_GSOiMSDZmnwHmoh8ahc0/edit?pli=1 4/6
1/29/23, 1:04 PM Mutual Fund Awareness

13. What source of Information creates awareness to you on mutual funds? *

Mark only one oval.




Financial Advisor

14. What kind of investment do you prefer in Mutual

Fund? *
Mark only one oval.

SIP (Systematic Investment Plan)

SWP (Systematic Withdrawal

Plan) Lumpsum

15. What do you consider the most important factor

while investing? *
Mark only one oval.


High Returns


Less Risk

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1/29/23, 1:04 PM Mutual Fund Awareness

13. What source of Information creates awareness to you on mutual funds? *

Mark only one oval.



This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google.


Preference form for individual investor

Name *

Gender *



Age *




50 above

Occupation *
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1/29/23, 1:04 PM Mutual Fund Awareness

13. What source of Information creates awareness to you on mutual funds? *

Mark only one oval.

1. Service



4. other

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1/29/23, 1:04 PM Mutual Fund Awareness

13. What source of Information creates awareness to you on mutual funds? *

Mark only
Annual one oval.
income *

1. Below 1lakh

2. 2 lakh to 5 lakh 3.

3. ..6lakh to 10 lakh

4. .Above 10 lakh

1. How many percentage of your income do you invest ? *

1. 0%- 15%

2. 15%- 30%

3. 30%-50

2.In which type of investments avenues do you invest the most ? *

. 1. Shares/direct equity
2.Mutual funds
3. Bank fixed deposits
4. Real estate
5. Gold
6. Bonds

3.Do you invest in any insurance policies ?

* (e.g life insurance ,General




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1/29/23, 1:04 PM Mutual Fund Awareness

13. What source of Information creates awareness to you on mutual funds? *

Mark only
4.who one oval.
influence you to get an investment ?

1. Agents

2. friends/family /collegues

3.Social Media

4. Others

5. what is your investment objective ?

1. Growth and income

2.Long term growth
3.Short term growth
4.Capital preservation/saving.

6. what are your Saving objectives?

1. Education

2.Retirement planning

3.Luxury purchase

4.Child future investment planning ( child education ,child marriage)

7. which factor do you consider before investing ?

1. low risk-low returns

2.Medium risk -medium returns

3.High risk – high returns

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1/29/23, 1:04 PM Mutual Fund Awareness

13. What source of Information creates awareness to you on mutual funds? *

Mark only one oval.

8. can you take the risk of loosing of principal amount?


9. How often you do you monitor your investment ?

1. Daily



10. In which sector do you invest your money?

1. Private

2. Public


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1/29/23, 1:04 PM Mutual Fund Awareness

13. What source of Information creates awareness to you on mutual funds? *

Mark only one oval.

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