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A Bold Approach To Sales And Service

By Stephen C. Lundin, PhD and Carr Hagerman, PSP; Hyperion; New York, 2006

We may work at different (Hagermann), and how we About the Author/s:

professions, but ultimately, can apply them to improve
we all sell something for a our work ethic and selling Dr Stephen
living -- whether it's a brand, style. Lundin is a writer
and filmmaker
a vision, an education, a with a rich history
direction, or a service. We read the summary
in business,
may sell numbers or plans at management and
a meeting, learning to a graduate level
education. As a
student, or cereal to an speaker he draws
infant. In a sense, we all sell on his work as an
ourselves. entrepreneur and “working
creative,” blending it with his
personal story. In this way he
“Top Performer” by Stephen presents a message both
C. Lundin (author of the intellectually and emotionally
stimulating. As one attendee
FISH! Series) and Carr mused, “He doesn’t try to pump
Hagermann shows us how to you up, he tries to show you
harness our natural energy to where to find the pump.” By
sharing his powerful, personal
bring our selling and our job and authentic message,
satisfaction to the next level Stephen awakens his audiences
of success. Full of practical to the possibilities that already
exist in every workplace, every
tips and principles, this book home and every life.
shares surprising secrets of a
performance artist for author info

Inside This Book Summary:

Ÿ The Big Idea Ÿ How To Apply The Secrets Of
Ÿ Burned Out? Find Your Natural Natural Energy
Ÿ Meet The Rat Catcher
Ÿ Secrets To Tapping Your Natural

Published by BusinessSummaries, 3001-91, 11010 NW 30th St., Suite 104, Miami, Florida 33172 ©2007
BusinessSummaries All rights reserved. No part of this summary may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior notice of

I.Burned Out? Find Your Natural Energy of doing tricks, he shares the secret of natural
We typically use discipline and willpower when
we want to do or accomplish something, like Natural energy is what drives street performers,
start a diet, fitness or self-improvement or buskers. It is an energy source that is
program, improve our sales, make more available to any of us. Natural energy is the
money, make a success of our business, etc. most powerful energy in the planet. It has
Discipline and willpower almost always deliver, changed human history, built great things,
but only for a while. provoked great art creations, musical works
and virtually all the companies in the world.
Most people cannot run on discipline and Natural human energy, divided and multiplied,
willpower alone. Most of the time, they just can't is a force that is nearly unstoppable.
do it over the long haul. You'd feel yourself
slipping, your discipline slacking off, your What a busker does is create a focal point for
willpower ebbing. You find it harder and harder that energy, like a magnifying glass does for the
to find the energy to go on. hot summer sun. Once you tap that energy, you
can do almost anything. This energy keeps
Another source of energy must be found, and things fresh, never boring. The secret is in
the good news is, it actually exists. One that you letting go of control.
can harness within yourself and in the things
around you, and can sustain throughout your The natural rhythms of the world are all around
life. This is natural energy. us and bristling with energy. This energy is
available to fuel all that we do in life. To start the
To all who wants a life that is both full of flow of natural energy, all that is necessary is to
accomplishments and deeply satisfying, this fully engage another human being.
source of energy becomes visible with only a
ten-degree turn of your head. In street performing, the audience is the show
whether they know it or not. Seeing everyone
as a collaborator changes the relationship.

II. Meet The Rat Catcher

The Rat Catcher is a performance artist who
walks around the streets of London. But instead III. Secrets To Tapping Your Natural Energy
Claim Your Pitch
The pitch is the place of possibilities. The pitch
is the actual physical location chosen and also
About the Book: the energy generated by the location. So it is
both a place and the vibes we are sending when
we take up residence in that place.

Author: Stephen C. Lundin, PhD and When we are looking for a good pitch, we're
Carr Hagerman, PSP looking for a place that has the elements
Publisher: Hyperion; New York needed to feed our circle. It is often found
Date of Publication: 2006 among the din, the distractions, and the
ISBN: 1-4013-0179-7 messes. All the stuff of life is really material
Number of Pages: 165 pages found in the best pitch.

Top Performer by Stephen C. Lundin, PhD and Carr Hagerman, PSP 2 of 6

Think of the people that you most like to work The most successful buskers are not the most
with, people that energize you. It's like you are talented; they are the best juicers. This means
on the same note, the same pitch. A pitch is the you're best performances may not be the most
place where you perform and also the tone set planned and when you are not completely in
by “who you are being while you are control.
performing”. Your attitude is your claim.
In other areas of life, jams can happen when you
So start by dedicating yourself to being mindful or a client misses an appointment, or you spill
about claiming your pitch, and great things will coffee on your shirt, or lose a sale.
You can resist the jam or you can work with it. If
you resist it, you lose energy. If you work with it,
Juice The Jam you will attract and release energy. The best ideas
The jam is the obstacle, the mistake, the come out of something unexpected. The new idea
random, the interesting, and the complication. often emerges from a glitch, mistake, or
A jam is the uncontrolled and the unexpected, unplanned event.
anything that happens without warning
whenever a group of human beings assemble. Success comes when you investigate the
obstacles, look under the rocks and explore the
When you get into a jam, you're stuck. But the novel. It will make you more interesting to yourself
jam is always an energy source. That's where and to others.
you find the juice. A jam is welcome because it
provides a source of novelty and provocation,
and novelty and provocation always produce a Mine The Mess
burst of natural energy, the “juice.” The mess is both a way of looking at the world and
a way of acting. The mess can be found in a
The world is full of chaos and crazy stuff. But briefcase, a purse, a shopping bag, a photo
some of the best performance you can do is album, or a garbage can overflowing with
when unexpected things happen and you build effluvium.
on them. A jam calls on all your skills as a
performer as you must engage the jam in order What makes it a mess is that it isn't ordered and it
to access the energy. is a source of endless discovery. When the mess
is embraced, each item brings novelty, attracts
In street performing, for example, when a cell curiosity, and releases energy.
phone rings, a child cries, a siren goes off, a
heckler gets noisy, someone trips and falls all You need to recognize that the mess around you is
these become the center of attention. A good full of material just waiting to be used. It may be
busker welcomes these jams and works with the contents of your briefcase, the personality of
them. They are called jams because you are in the client, a recent event in your life, or your
a jam and need to respond. The circle is curious imagination. Whereas a jam is something
about how you will handle the jam and there is a unexpected that confronts you, a mess is
moment of truth. something you call upon when needed.

Every jam is different. Handle the jam well and You need to mine the mess for its energy.
the energy flows. Handle it poorly and you can Sometimes you'll never really know what's inside
break the circle. If you can step in the jam and something until you risk the mess of dumping it
survive, if you can escape a jam with grace and out. It is more than just accepting the unexpected
bring the circle with you, the applause is always and embracing the ebb and flow of life. It means
the loudest. provoking life to see what you can uncover from

Top Performer by Stephen C. Lundin, PhD and Carr Hagerman, PSP 3 of 6

the ever-present messes. In street performing, the close is finishing the

performance on a high note so when the street
This means noticing things about the people you performer passes the hat, it comes back full of
work with, your clients and coworkers, engaging money. The better the close, the heavier the hat.
them more fully, and ultimately, engaging more The best closes come from the interaction. It
fully with the world. means knowing when your audience has reached
the limit of its attention span.
The idea that everything is material can be both
freeing and frightening. If you want to discover The difficult thing in closing is often making the
freedom in the midst of conformity, it means you transition from what is being discussed to a
need to take some risks and work with danger.
And the energy that flows from that place is
natural energy. The unscripted kind.

About the Author/s:

Develop Insurance
Insurance is what you can fall back on when you
Dr Stephen Lundin is a writer and
are short of material or simply draw a blank. You filmmaker with a rich history in
use insurance to light the fuse of curiosity in your business, management and
audience, your prospect, your class, or your graduate level education. As a
speaker he draws on his work as an
customer. entrepreneur and “working creative,”
blending it with his personal story. In
Insurance can be a tried-and-true crowd- this way he presents a message both
intellectually and emotionally
pleaser or a way of experimenting with stimulating. As one attendee mused,
vulnerability and experimentation. A top “He doesn’t try to pump you up, he
performer recognizes that authenticity is the tries to show you where to find the
pump.” By sharing his powerful,
world's best insurance. One genuine question is personal and authentic message, Stephen awakens his
worth a hundred practical answers. audiences to the possibilities that already exist in every
workplace, every home and every life.
Because of this, you need to develop your
His best selling book, FISH!, has continuously been a
insurance. We all prepare for the time when weekly Wall Street Journal bestseller and monthly
nothing seems to be working by having Business Week bestseller for more than four years. The
insurance to fall back on. Insurance is now business-staple has also appeared frequently on the
New York Times Business, Publishers Weekly, USA Today
something you fall back on, something that is and Barnes and Nobles bestseller lists. Published in 34
practiced and effective in a pinch. languages with 7 million copies sold worldwide, the
FISH! books have taken the FISH! Philosophy to all
corners of the world.
It may be a routine, a gimmick, an interaction. It
may be the way you handle a mess. In his life Stephen has been a think tank executive, a
camp director, a national sales manager, a hockey rink
supervisor, an elementary school teacher, a business
school dean, a fitness instructor, a dishwasher, a small
Choose Your Close business owner and a golf caddy. In each of these roles
A “close” is the last thing you do before you “pass he has also been an entrepreneur. Steve has won age
group awards and holds records in running, weight lifting
the hat.” The particular close you choose must and indoor rowing and played college hockey and
be carefully selected and be based on what you football; both poorly.
have learned during the presentation or
performance. Choose your close wisely. A To k n o w m o r e a b o u t t h e a u t h o r, g o t o :
successful close will quite likely contain some 070925.htm
insurance and great closes often become

Top Performer by Stephen C. Lundin, PhD and Carr Hagerman, PSP 4 of 6

request for the business. Use your best circles of life. It can be a customer circle, a sales
judgement, but breathe some life into your circle, a team circle, or a company circle.
close and you will bring some energy into your
life. The circle connects you to the moment, to life. The
circle is drawn around you because you have
something very precious: freedom. There is
Pass The Hat nothing so compelling as being a witness to
Passing the hat is the only way a busker gets someone who is free. There is nothing so
paid, but it is more than that. If it were just about attractive as freedom.
money, it would be called collecting tips, or
getting the money. Passing the hat is feedback, Freedom and natural energy can't be separated,
a way to measure the magnitude of the natural and it is the same for all of us. The audience is free
energy released. to stay, leave, to laugh or not, and the performer is
free to be uninhibited.
There is a wonderful reciprocity in passing the
hat and the energy is natural. We all pass the A performer who claims his or her freedom is
hat in our own way, whatever our profession. powerful and attractive. It is universal. We all in
We all have a bond with our customers, clients, some way honor the courage we know it takes for
colleagues, and family and need their objective someone to claim their freedom in a world with too
feedback to gauge our performance. No matter many rules. To be free takes courage, to access
how they say you did or how you think you did, the freedom we all have to create something out of
you find out for real when you pass the hat. nothing and not get lost in how it's going to work
out. The courage to have a bit more trust in
When you ask for somebody's business, you ourselves.
are passing the hat. The hat-pass is the
seamless part of the close. It is not the same as To build a circle, find a pitch, take a stand for
the close. Without a great close, you will have freedom, authentically engage others, be
an empty hat. Closing does not always mean vulnerable, draw on your abundant imagination,
asking for the business. Closing is wrapping and treat what happens as precious material from
things up in a clear and compelling manner. which to extract energy. To build a circle of energy,
Passing the hat is the request for something there must be something compelling in the center,
more. some energy source to rally around, some
common interest or idea.

Build A Circle The circle is natural energy. It's human energy

The circle represents the natural energy that is being exchanged by everyone in the circle. Every
there for you to use. In street performing, the person in the circle is a volunteer. The circle is
circle is what happens when a street performer reciprocity; it is the energy present in engaging in
claims his pitch and attracts a crowd eager and a relationship with people. Once this energy is
curious. It is creating magic in the moment and exposed, it becomes a powerful tool the performer
uplifting everyone inside the circle. can use to build focus, momentum, and more
The circle can exist anywhere there are people.
It can be a performer's circle, or it can be as big When this natural energy is in play, the work
as the globe, as large as an office building, and becomes nearly effortless, physical challenges
as small as a wedding band. Family, are abated, and focus is more uniform. Invention
coworkers, customers, and friends all form

Top Performer by Stephen C. Lundin, PhD and Carr Hagerman, PSP 5 of 6

can arise from the wellspring of this tapped, raw

source of inspiration.

IV. How To Apply The Secrets Of Natural

In the end, however, the secret to harnessing
natural energy is to approach what you've done
a million times with fresh thinking. If you have
the right energy and approach to your work, you
can make it as fresh as the first time, every time.

When we no longer focus on the trick and the

gag, and instead focus on the audience and the
energy, it always seems fresh for them and for
us. That way something done a thousand times
is done for the first time.

So while your life may be full of the same

content after reading this, you can change your
attitude to “first time, every time.” Find the
uniqueness in each human encounter and
embrace the new material that will always be
generated in the circle.

With this attitude, what seemed boring and

repetitive can be full of novelty and takes on a
new freshness.

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