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Department of Nutrition, Food, and Exercise Sciences, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida; and 2Department of
Exercise Science and Sports Studies, The University of Tampa, Tampa, Florida


Zourdos, MC, Wilson, JM, Sommer, BA, Lee, S-R, Park, Y-M, here is debate over whether stretching exercises
Henning, PC, Panton, LB, and Kim, J-S. Effects of dynamic should be included in an athlete’s warm-up routine
stretching on energy cost and running endurance performance in an effort to maximize athletic performance (19).
in trained male runners. J Strength Cond Res 26(2): 335–341, For instance, static stretching seems to acutely
decrease muscle force production capacity in maximal
2012—The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of
strength and strength endurance events (16). In contrast,
dynamic stretching on running energy cost and endurance
dynamic stretching seems to either increase or have no effect
performance in trained male runners. Fourteen male runners
on performance of high-intensity movements. Some studies
performed both a 30-minute preload run at 65% V_ O2max and have demonstrated no changes in isometric peak torque (13),
a 30-minute time trial to assess running energy cost and and 1 repetition maximal bench press and leg press (3),
performance, respectively. The subjects repeated both the trials whereas others have found increases in leg extension power
after either 15 minutes of dynamic stretching (i.e., experimental (24) and 20-m sprint performance (9) with dynamic
condition) or quiet sitting (i.e., control condition) while the order stretching. The performance decrements resulting from
was balanced between the subjects to avoid any order effect. static stretching appear to last for at least 60 minutes after
The total calories expended were determined for the 30-minute the stretching routine (10). Dynamic stretching, however,
preload run, whereas the distance covered was measured in the may be more effective than static stretching for improving
time trial. Average resting V_ O2 increased significantly (p , 0.05) athletic performance possibly because of elevated baseline
oxygen consumption (V_ O2) before the task (6).
after dynamic stretching (prestretch: 6.2 6 1.7 vs. poststretch:
Elevating V_ O2 in the warm-up seems to be particularly
8.4 6 2.1 mlkg21min21) but not during the quiet-sitting
important for increasing endurance performance. Indeed,
condition. Caloric expenditure was significantly higher during
a review by Bishop (5,6) suggested that warm-up protocols
the 30-minute preload run for the stretching (416.3 6 44.9 that significantly elevated maximal oxygen consumption
kcal) compared with that during the quiet sitting (399.3 6 50.4 (V_ O2max) produced improvements in endurance performance
kcal) (p , 0.05). There was no difference in the distance (6). Accordingly, we recently demonstrated in a similar
covered after quiet sitting (6.3 6 1.1 km) compared with that for population that static stretching increased the energy cost of
the stretching condition (6.1 6 1.3 km). These findings suggest a 30-minute moderate-intensity run and decreased 30-minute
that dynamic stretching does not affect running endurance time trial distance. These results may have been obtained
performance in trained male runners. because there was no elevation in baseline V_ O2 after the
stretching routine and because of a possible decrease in stiffness
KEY WORDS muscle stiffness, running economy, flexibility, of the musculoskeletal unit (23). In contrast, dynamic stretching
rating of perceived exertion before a race may elevate baseline V_ O2 without compromising
running economy. Furthermore, because dynamic stretching
has been previously shown to increase athletic perform-
ance (9,24), it may have no effect on the stiffness of the
musculotendinous unit. We hypothesized that these unique
Address correspondence to Dr. Jeong-Su Kim, properties of dynamic stretching make it a possible candidate
26(2)/335–341 to improve endurance performance when included in a prerun
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research warm-up routine. Therefore, the purpose of this study was
Ó 2012 National Strength and Conditioning Association to investigate the effects of dynamic stretching on endurance

VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2012 | 335

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Effects of Dynamic Stretching on Endurance Performance

performance and total energy cost measured in calories exp- (HR) was monitored using an HR monitor (Model, PolarTM,
ended on a treadmill in trained male runners. Lake Success, NY, USA). After the V_ O2max test, the running
speed corresponding to 65% of the subjects V_ O2max was
METHODS determined by walking the subjects at 6.4 kmh21 for 1 minute,
Experimental Approach to the Problem followed by a 0.8-kmh21 increase each minute until the
This study had a randomized, crossover design in which the subject’s V_ O2 values reached a steady state at 65% of their
subjects underwent a control and experimental condition previously recorded V_ O2max.
in a balanced order. Running energy cost and running The experimental protocol took place on visits 2 and 3.
performance were assessed after either dynamic stretching Initially, the gas analyzer system was attached to the subjects.
(i.e., experimental condition) or quiet sitting (i.e., control The average resting V_ O2 values were recorded for 5 minutes
condition). The subjects performed 10 different dynamic before the dynamic stretching protocol and the quiet sitting.
stretching exercises lasting 15 minutes in the experimental The subjects walked for 5 minutes at 3 mph. After the
condition while they performed quiet sitting in the control 5-minute walk, a sit-and-reach assessment was performed
condition. Sit-and-reach performance was assessed before using a Figure Finder Flex-TesterÒ sit-and-reach box (Novel
and after each condition. After the sit-and-reach test, the Products, Inc., Rockton, IL, USA). Then, the subjects either
subjects had a 2-minute rest followed by a 30-minute preload remained seated for 15 minutes or performed the dynamic
run at 65% of their V_ O2max to measure caloric expenditure stretching protocol (described below). The sit-and-reach
and a 30-minute performance run at a self-selected speed to performance was reassessed after both the quiet-sitting and
measure distance run. the dynamic stretching conditions. Each subject performed
3 trials of the sit-and-reach test of which the best trial was
used for analysis. V_ O2 values were also recorded after both
Fourteen trained male runners (23.0 6 4.3 years, V_ O2max of
the quiet-sitting and dynamic stretching conditions. Finally,
63.1 6 8.3 mlkg21min21 and percent body fat of 7 6 2%)
the subjects performed a preload run for 30 minutes at an
were recruited for the study from running and triathlon teams
intensity corresponding to 65% of their V_ O2max. The total
at the Florida State University. Criteria for acceptance in the
caloric expenditure was calculated using the sum of the
study included a V_ O2max $ 55 mlkg21min21, a minimum
caloric expenditure averages obtained over 30-second
average run of 20 mileswk21, recent (#3 months) partici-
intervals (22). Upon completion of the preload run, the
pation in a competitive running endurance event (.5 km)
treadmill was stopped, and the subjects were disconnected
and at least 3 years of competition experience. All the runners
from the metabolic cart and permitted 2 minutes to drink
included stretching exercises on a daily basis as part of their
water. The water volume was recorded and used for the next
training regimen. The subjects were informed of the
experimental session. During the 30-minute performance
experimental risks and signed an informed consent form
run, the subjects were asked to cover their maximal distance
before the investigation. The investigation was approved by
possible for 30 minutes. They were allowed to view the time
the Florida State University Institutional Review Board for
display and to control the treadmill speed but were blinded to
use of human subjects.
the distance covered and the treadmill speed (8). In addition,
Experimental Protocol the HR was recorded every minute, whereas the ratings of
The subjects reported to the laboratory on 3 separate perceived exertion (RPE) were assessed every 5 minutes
occasions, separated by a 1-week interval to control for the during both the preload and performance runs.
specific day and time the experimental protocol was
performed. The subjects were instructed to maintain their Stretching Protocol
training routines throughout the experimental period and to The stretching protocol used in this study consisted of dynamic
refrain from intense exercise for 48 hours before each visit. stretching, focusing on the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves,
On the first visit, the subject’s body composition was and hip extensors and flexors (23). A total of 10 different
estimated using the sum of 3 skin-fold measurements (14). movements were used and completed in 15 minutes by
V_ O2max was determined on a motor-driven treadmill (Model, performing 2 sets of 4 repetitions of each movement. The
WoodwayÒ Waukesha, WI, USA) using a progressive exercise dynamic stretching movements were performed in the
test to exhaustion as described previously (17). Gas exchange, following order: (a) Toe and Heel Walks: In these exercises,
caloric expenditure, and ventilatory parameters were mea- the subjects walked on their toes for 4 steps followed by
sured by means of indirect calorimetry using a metabolic walking on their heels for 4 steps to stretch the entire calf
measurement system (Parvomedics TruemaxÒ 2400, Con- complex. (b) Hip Series: The subjects performed a dynamic
sentius Technologies, Sandy, UT, USA). Before each test, the stretch of the hip flexors and extensors by placing their hands
gas analyzer was calibrated by using ambient air and a gas on a wall with their arms fully extended so that their body was
of a known composition containing 20.9% O2 and 4 CO2. at a 45° angle. In this position, each subject lifted his leg off
The turbine flowmeter was calibrated using a 3-L syringe the ground while bringing the knee to the chest and stepping
(Hans Rudolph, Inc., Kansas City, MO, USA). The heart rate over a hurdle placed laterally before returning to the starting
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336 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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Dietary Log
To control for diet, the subjects
kept a record of their diet (all
food and beverages) for 72 hours
before the first experimental
session they participated in.
The diet log was then given to
the subject with instructions to
replicate the food consumption
for 72 hours before the second
experimental session (2). The
subjects were also instructed to
Figure 1. A) Mean energy expended (kilocalories) under the stretching and nonstretching control conditions. B)
maintain current training and
Individual energy expenditure (kilocalories) under the stretching and control conditions. not to perform any strenuous
exercise 48 hours before all
laboratory visits.

position. (c) Hand Walks: The subjects stretched their calves Statistical Analyses
and hamstrings by beginning in a pushup position and walking The influence of the dynamic stretching routine on the sit-
their feet as close to their hands while keeping their heels flat. and-reach performance was tested with a 2 3 2 (trial 3 time)
As soon as the subjects’ heels came off the ground, they repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). The
ÔwalkedÕ with their hands back to a pushup position. After the possible effects of dynamic stretching on total caloric
hand walks, the subjects performed a series of walking lunges, expenditure on both the preload and performance runs were
including (d) rear lunges, (e) lateral lunges, (f) forward lunges, evaluated using paired t-tests (i.e., nonstretching 3 stretching
(g) a knee pull to a lunge, and (h) an ankle pull to a lunge condition). A number of 2 3 7 (group 3 time) repeated
to focus on the quadriceps and gluteus maximus. (i) Walking measures ANOVAs were used to test for the differences in
Groiners: The subjects began this movement in a pushup HR and RPE during both the 30-minute preload and 30-
position and then brought 1 foot next to the same side hand as minute performance runs. Whenever a significant F-value
to perform a groiner. Instead of holding this position, the was obtained, a Tukey post hoc test was performed to
subjects ÔwalkedÕ their hands out to return to the starting localize the effect(s). Data were reported as means and SDs.
position before performing the action on the opposite leg. (j) The statistical procedures were performed using the software
Frankensteins: The subjects stood with their feet together and StatisticaÒ, and the level of significance was set at p # 0.05.
their arms extended straight out in front of them so that their
arms were parallel to the ground. While walking, the subjects RESULTS
were instructed to kick 1 leg up to touch the opposite hand to
focus on the hamstrings. Every time a step was taken, a kick
was made. On nonstretching days, the subjects sat quietly for Sit-and-reach average values increased significantly after the
15 minutes before the exercise protocol (16). dynamic stretching exercises from 32.3 6 8.6 to 37.6 6 8.1 cm
(p , 0.05) and did not change
(32.5 6 8.1 to 34.0 6 8.1 cm)
after the quiet sitting. More-
over, poststretching values after
dynamic stretching were signif-
icantly greater than postsitting
values for the control condition
(p , 0.05).

Resting V_ O2 and Energy Cost

of the 30-Minute Preload Run
The average resting V_ O2 values
increased significantly after the
dynamic stretching condition
Figure 2. A) Mean distance run in 30 minutes under the stretching and nonstretching control conditions. B) from prestretch: 6.2 6 1.7 vs.
Individual distance run in 30 minutes under the stretching and control conditions. poststretch: 8.4 6 2.1 mlkg21
min21 (p , 0.05) but did not

VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2012 | 337

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Effects of Dynamic Stretching on Endurance Performance

Figure 3. Individual mean heart rate and ratings of perceived exertion values from 1 to 30 minutes under dynamic stretching and nonstretching control conditions
during the preload and performance runs. Values are mean 6 SD, *p # 0.05, significantly different from 0 time point, there were no differences among conditions.

change in the control condition (prestretch: 5.8 6 1.1 vs. Heart Rate and Ratings of Perceived Exertion
poststretch: 6.1 6 1.0 mlkg21min21). There were no group 3 time interactions for the HR during
The average velocity that was run at 65% V_ O2max was the preload or the performance runs; however, there were
10.5 6 1.9 kmh21. After the dynamic stretching exercises, significant time effects for both (p , 0.05). The mean HR
the mean energy expended was significantly greater in the values peaked at 162 6 18 and 168 6 18 bmin21 in the
stretching (416.7 6 44.9 kcal) vs. the control (399.3 6 50.4 stretching and non-tretching control conditions, respectively,
kcal) condition (p , 0.05). Figure 1A illustrates the mean during the preload run, and at 189 6 8 and 189 6 9 bmin21
caloric expenditure, and Figure 1B shows the individual in the stretching and control conditions, respectively, during
values for each subject during the 30-minute run at 65% the performance run. Similarly, no group 3 time interactions
V_ O2max. The effect size for energy cost was 0.4 in favor of the were found for RPE during the preload or the performance
stretching condition. These results demonstrate that signif- runs; however, there were significant time effects for both
icantly more calories were expended after dynamic stretch- (p , 0.05). The mean RPE values peaked at 11 6 3 and
ing when compared with those expended after nonstretching 12 6 3 in the stretching and control conditions, respectively,
with absolute differences ranging from 1 to 77 additional during the preload run (Figure 3), and at 18 6 1 vs. 18 6 1 in
kilocalories. the stretching and control conditions, respectively, during
the performance runs.
Distance Run
After the stretching exercises, the mean distance run in DISCUSSION
the control condition was 6.3 6 1.1 and 6.1 6 1.3 km in the The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of
stretching condition (p . 0.05). The effect size for the dynamic stretching on endurance performance and total caloric
distance run was 0.2 demonstrating little correlation between expenditure on a treadmill run in trained male runners. The
condition and distance covered. Figure 2A depicts both the main findings in this study were that there was no difference in
mean values, and Figure 2B shows the individuals values for endurance performance (i.e., distance covered) between the
the stretching and control. dynamic stretching and control (nonstretching) conditions.
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Dynamic stretching, however, significantly increased caloric baseline V_ O2). However, it also has a controversial length of
expenditure during the preload run at 65% of V_ O2max (p , 15 minutes and a possible elevation in skin temperature,
0.05) when compared with the control condition (Figure 1B). which has been shown to negatively affect endurance
These results are likely explained by higher V_ O2 values at the performance. Nevertheless, our data suggest that the
beginning of the preload run because of the increase in relatively long duration of our dynamic stretching protocol
metabolic demand during the stretching protocol (23). had no deleterious effect on endurance performance possibly
Our previous study (23) demonstrated a 17% increase in the because it produced an increase in V_ O2 values after the
sit-and-reach performance after a 16-minute static stretching dynamic stretching protocol (8.4 6 2.1 mlkg21min21).
protocol, which was similar to the 16% increase seen after our Other investigators have also proposed that the length and
dynamic stretching protocol. Although static stretching the intensity of the warm-up protocol are important for
resulted in a decrease in running performance, our study yielding positive effects on performance (1,4). It has been
showed no significant differences in performance with previously suggested that a warm-up of approximately 70%
dynamic stretching, despite similar changes in the range of V_ O2max may be appropriate for intermediate duration
motion (ROM). This finding suggests that dynamic stret- exercise (7,20). However, a warm-up of too high an intensity
ching acutely increases joint ROM to the same extent as can cause the accumulation of metabolites, negatively affect
static stretching does but without deleterious effects on O2 deficit, deplete glycogen stores, and increase thermoreg-
performance. ulatory strain and as a result may not be beneficial for long-
Dynamic stretching and active warm-up are widely used term performance (6). For example, Andzel (1) reported an
to elevate core temperature, whereas increasing oxygen increase in 1-mile run performance when runners had an
consumption and efficiency of substrate use via increased increased resting V_ O2 at the start of the 1-mile run because of
vasodilation of the working muscles (6,18). However, it has a warm-up, which raised their HR to 140 bmin21 (1). On the
been suggested that this increase in the temperature may not other hand Billat et al. (4) reported a lower total run time in
be beneficial to endurance performance (6). Furthermore, if a run to exhaustion in trained long-distance runners because
the warm-up intensity and duration are too high or .10 of a fatiguing warm-up protocol (4). Billat et al. used runs
minutes, respectively, the warm-up can be detrimental to .70% in their warm-up protocol (4). This intensity may be
performance (5,6). For example, Uckert and Joch (21) too fatiguing because recommended warm-up intensity for
reported a decrease in performance during a treadmill run improving endurance performance is between 60 and 70%
up to exhaustion in 20 male runners after a 20-minute warm- V_ O2max. Additionally, Bishop suggests in his review that
up protocol. These results may be attributed to an increased a proper warm-up for increasing endurance performance is
tympanic and skin temperature above baseline levels when one which elevates V_ O2, lasts 5–10 minutes, and does not
compared with a control condition (21). However, they also cause thermoregulatory strain nor deplete muscle glycogen
showed an increase in the runners’ time to exhaustion after stores (6). Furthermore, Gregson et al. (11) reported
sitting in a cooling vest for 20 minutes. The cooling vest a decreased time in a run to exhaustion at 70% V_ O2max in
increased the tympanic temperature greater than the control well-trained soccer players (11). These findings are consistent
did, but to a lesser magnitude than the warm-up condition with that of Billat et al. because Gregson’s study also
did. Further, the cooling vest also decreased the skin employed a warm-up of 70% V_ O2max. In this study, the
temperature compared with that in the control condition dynamic stretching protocol significantly elevated V_ O2;
(21). The authors concluded that the increase in the runners’ however, it lasted for 15 minutes, possibly negating positive
time to exhaustion after wearing the cooling vest was related effects seen from a 5- to 10-minute warm-up. Moreover, most
to the decrease in skin temperature. In addition, Hajoglou studies, which have reported increases in endurance
et al. (12) noted an increase in 3-km cycling time trial performance after a warm-up with elevated V_ O2, have
performance after both an easy warm-up of 15 minutes at 70, consisted of a performance trial between 5 and 25 minutes
80, and 90% ventilatory threshold for 5 minutes each and (6). The performance run in this study lasted for 30 minutes
a hard warm-up of the same protocol followed by 3 minutes and was always preceded by the same preload run. It is
of cycling at the respiratory compensation threshold when therefore likely that the positive effects of dynamic stretching
compared with a no warm-up condition (12). Hajoglou et al. are not relevant to a run of this particular distance. Finally,
(12) went on to note that a faster rate in V_ O2 elevation at the even though dynamic exercise performance is increased
start of the time trial as a possible mechanism for increased when the body temperature is elevated, this phenomenon
performance in both warm-up conditions (12). These may be more beneficial for short-term performance (e.g., ,10
findings suggest that endurance performance may be seconds) rather than for endurance performance (6).
negatively affected by a long warm-up protocol, whereas Static stretching does not seem to increase resting V_ O2 and
intermediate performance (i.e., .5 seconds, but ,5 minutes) results in a decrease in performance in male collegiate
is improved regardless of the warm-up intensity. The runners (23). The decrease in performance with static
dynamic stretching protocol in this study seems to have stretching seems to be caused by a decline in running
some benefits for endurance performance (i.e., increasing economy, which is associated with a greater stress-relaxation

VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2012 | 339

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Effects of Dynamic Stretching on Endurance Performance

effect. In fact, the changes in the stress-relaxation property the nonstretching control condition with the worst perfor-
of the muscle tissue resulted in a decreased mechanical mance runner seeing the largest decline in performance after
efficiency of the stretch shortening cycle (15). On the other the stretching condition (i.e., 0.6 km). It is possible that elite
hand, dynamic stretching has been reported to increase the endurance runners need a warm-up protocol of greater
performance in anaerobic exercise (9,24). This increase in intensity and duration than do recreationally trained runners.
anaerobic performance as a result of dynamic stretching is Additional biomechanical assessments seem necessary, such
likely because of the specificity that dynamic stretching has as changes in stiffness and ground contact times, to have
to the performance activity. Thus, it is reasonable to suggest a better understanding on the mechanisms underlying the
that dynamic stretching does not result in a decrease of the effects of stretching on both performance and the energy cost
musculotendinous unit such as in the case of static stretching. of running.
This theory is supported by our findings showing dynamic In summary, this study reports 2 important findings on the
stretching to have no effect on running endurance perfor- effects of dynamic stretching on endurance performance in
mance, whereas our previous study demonstrates static trained male runners. First, it was found that dynamic
stretching to decrease running endurance performance (23). stretching increases the energy expended during moderate-
Reviews on warm-up and performance from Shellock and intensity treadmill exercise most likely because of an increase
Prentice (18) and Bishop (5,6) suggest that it is critical to in O2 consumption. Second, in contrast to static stretching
design a specific warm-up protocol for a specific athletic (23), dynamic stretching does not seem to decrease
event instead of generalizing the warm-up protocol (6,18). endurance performance and may increase performance in
Bishop expanded upon this idea by reporting that an active male elite runners during our particular experimental pro-
warm-up, which uses a task-specific burst of activity, may tocol. Further research is needed to ascertain the underlying
provide ergogenic benefits greater than that of a nonspecific mechanisms behind our findings possibly with more
active warm-up for intermediate and long-term exercise sophisticated biomechanical and physiological measure-
performance (6). The stretch shortening cycle is performed ments. Further investigations are also necessary using diverse
and repeated with a greater percentage of maximal force in warm-up protocols specific to the endurance events (e.g.,
anaerobic exercise than in long-distance endurance running. types, duration) in different populations (e.g., women,
It is therefore possible that dynamic stretching is more untrained).
specific and thus effective at increasing short-term and
intermediate duration exercise performance than endurance PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
performance is. Thus, a specific running activity, which
The present findings along with our previous research on
increases baseline V_ O2 at the start of the performance trial
static stretching (23) suggest that athletes can use both forms
and is nonfatiguing may be more suitable than dynamic
of stretching as a mechanism to improve short-term ROM.
stretching as a method to increase endurance running
However, it can be suggested for coaches to consider that
performance. This theory is supported by Andzel (1) who
static stretching resulted in a 3% decline in endurance
used a submaximal running warm-up to increase subsequent
performance in trained male runners. If athletes are
1-mile run performance (1).
committed to prerace stretching techniques, coaches may
Caution should be exercised to extrapolate the findings of
need to consider dynamic stretching because it has no
this study to recreational runners, because we tested only
deleterious effect on endurance performance. However, it is
trained male athletes. It is possible that residual fatigue
also important to note that our findings can be only
induced by a dynamic stretching protocol may become
applicable to the similar populations and conditions
apparent in a more recreationally trained population or those
specifically tested in our studies.
who are not used to performing stretching exercises. Even
though all of the subjects were trained (V_ O2max $ 55
mlkg21min21), some were elite, and some were moderately ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
trained as V_ O2maxs ranged from 55 to 81 mlkg21min21. No external financial support was received to fund this
Shellock and Prentice (18) indicate that elite athletes may project.
need longer warm-ups to properly prepare, suggesting that
a more trained individual needs a longer warm-up because REFERENCES
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VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2012 | 341

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