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It’s a common fact that student nowadays have to suffer heavy stress from school work and

obviously the parents are to help children overcome the difficulties. Here are some ways that parents
can help their kids in their study. Firstly, parents should provide mental support for the kid, that is, being
their cheers leader, encouraging them to study and talk to them about what they are struggling with at
school. Even if the parents can’t really help, the children would still know that their parents are always
supportive. In addition, the parents should also reward the children for their good results to create a
motivation for them. Secondly, the parents can closely keep track of their children’s performance at
school by reaching out to their teachers who know the most about their advantages and weakness,
therefore, necessary actions to improve the children’s academic results might be taken. This is one of
the best method for any parents who want to get involved directly in their children’s study. Last but not
least, parents should create and give the children the most suitable study environment possible, for
example, keeping the house quiet so the children can focus on their work, providing them with the
needed equipment and so on. Moreover, the parents can make sure that their children have time to
relax, eat healthily and sleep enough. In conclusion, it is important that parents help their children in
studying and so there are just many ways for them to support the child.

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