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Renting baby clothes :

Understanding the video:

Answer the questions based on the video you’ve watched:

1) What did Vigga mean by “​we weren’t those superheroes that we thought we were​”?


2) What motivated them to start renting out baby clothes?


3) How does their “new system” of renting out baby clothes work?


4) How is each item of clothing freshened up?


Label the steps the clothes take before getting into people’s home

1​st​ step:

Each ___________ gets a bag.

2​nd ​step:

Each item is __________ to track its usage.

Written by Cecilia Griffiths

3​rd​ step:

Returned clothes are ______________.

4​th​ step:

Then the clothes are __________________.

5​th​ step:

If needed, the clothes are also ________________.

6​th​ step:

Finally, clothes are again ________ into bags for members,

via “ the ________ _________________” .

Encouraging Critical Thinking

1) What kind of parents would accept the idea of renting baby clothes?


Written by Cecilia Griffiths

2) Do you think this growing trend could possibly disrupt the fast fashion industry? Why / Why not?


3) Some may claim Vigga’s business is just a solution for middle class parents. What arguments would
support that?


4) How can Vigga’s business become more affordable for low-income parents?


Written by Cecilia Griffiths

Answer Key:

Possible answers​:

1) They thought they were making eco-friendly clothes but they hadn’t realised that the way people
used their clothes weren’t so green, sustainable.
2) They might have felt frustrated by the idea that their clothes weren’t 100% eco-friendly worn. They
wanted their clothes to be worn many times.
3) Each member pays U$55 monthly fee for a bundle of eco-friendly clothes ( with 16 items in each bag)
4) Each item is chipped to track its usage. When returned, the items are inspected, repaired if needed
and then washed in a huge industrial laundry.


1) member 2) chipped 3) sorted 4) inspected. 5) repaired 6) sorted – sushi machine

Written by Cecilia Griffiths

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