Taich Yamaguchi

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Laboratory of Food Ecology and Sports Science, Department of Foods Science and Human Wellness, College of Agriculture,
Food and Environment Science, Rakuno Gakuen University, Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan; 2Research Division for Lifelong
Learning, Center for Research and Development in Higher Education, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan; and
Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan


Yamaguchi, T, Takizawa, K, and Shibata, K. Acute effect of tretching exercises are incorporated into warm-up
dynamic stretching on endurance running performance in well- protocols of general sports. The purposes are the
trained male runners. J Strength Cond Res 29(11): 3045–3052, prevention of sports-related injuries and the
2015—The purpose of this study was to clarify the acute effect of improvement of sports performance (23). Recent
dynamic stretching (DS) on relative high-intensity endurance run- studies, however, reveal that the static stretching used during
general warm-up protocols acutely impairs explosive
ning performance. The endurance running performances of 7
(2,9,10,17,21) or endurance performance (3,12,17,25). How-
well-trained middle- or long-distance male runners were assessed
ever, several studies (2,9,17,26) have clarified that dynamic
on a treadmill after 2 types of pretreatment. The pretreatments
stretching acutely improves explosive performance. Only 2
were nonstretching (NS) and DS treatment. In the DS treatment,
studies (5,29), however, investigated the acute effects of
DS was performed as 1 set of 10 repetitions as quickly as pos- dynamic stretching on endurance running performances.
sible for the 5 muscle groups in lower extremities. The endurance Hayes and Walker (5) found that slow-velocity dynamic
running performances were evaluated by time to exhaustion (TTE) stretching did not acutely change running economy during
and total running distance (TRD) during running at a velocity treadmill running at an intensity of 75% maximal oxygen
equivalent to 90% maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) in each sub- uptake (VO2max) in a well-trained runner. In contrast,
ject. The oxygen uptake (VO2) during running was measured as Zourdos et al. (29) found that dynamic stretching as 2 sets
an index of running economy (RE). The TTE (928.6 6 215.0 of 4 repetitions acutely impaired running economy during
seconds) after DS treatment was significantly (p , 0.01) more treadmill running at an intensity of 65% VO2max in a well-
prolonged compared with that (785.3 6 206.2 seconds) after trained runner. Zourdos et al. (29), however, indicated that
NS. The TRD (4,301.2 6 893.8 m) after DS treatment was also the total distance during running as fast as possible for
significantly (p , 0.01) longer than that (3,616.9 6 783.3 m) 30 minutes on a treadmill did not change after the dynamic
stretching. Thus, it has not been demonstrated in the previous
after NS. The changes in the VO2 during running, however, did
studies that dynamic stretching acutely improved the endur-
not significantly (p . 0.05) differ between the pretreatments. The
ance running performances in well-trained athletes. Neverthe-
results demonstrated that the DS treatment improved the endur-
less, it was recommended to use dynamic stretching during
ance performance of running at a velocity equivalent to 90%
warm-up in endurance running events as if the positive acute
VO2max in well-trained male runners, although it did not change effect of dynamic stretching on explosive performance was
the RE. This running velocity is equivalent to that for a 3,000- or applied to endurance performance. Actually, endurance ath-
5,000-m race. Our finding suggests that performing DS during letes and their coaches also use dynamic stretching during
warm-up before a race is effective for improving performance. actual warm-ups. Judge et al. (8) reported that the coaches of
endurance athletes used dynamic stretching (41.5%) or a com-
KEY WORDS warm-up, middle- or long-distance running,
bination of static stretching and dynamic stretching (44.7%).
running economy
The protocols for dynamic stretching in the 2 previous
studies (5,29) might not be suitable for acutely improving
Address correspondence to Dr. Taichi Yamaguchi, taichi@rakuno.ac.jp. endurance running performance. Hayes and Walker (5) used
29(11)/3045–3052 slow-velocity dynamic stretching. Zoudors et al. (29) used
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research dynamic stretching in only 2 sets of 4 repetitions. A system-
Ó 2015 National Strength and Conditioning Association atic review (26) investigated the optimal protocol for

VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2015 | 3045

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Effect of Dynamic Stretch on Endurance Performance

dynamic stretching to acutely improve explosive perfor- maximum incremental exercise test using a respiratory gas
mance, but not endurance performance. The review sug- analyzer and a treadmill was conducted to determine each
gested that dynamic stretching should be performed “as subject’s relative running velocity while measuring their
quickly as possible” and that the optimal volume of dynamic endurance running performance. On day 2 (Figure 1), each
stretching was “one-two set(s)” of “10–15 repetitions.” The subject visited the laboratory and rested. After resting,
systematic review (26) also indicated that the optimal a blood lactate accumulation was assessed and then the
dynamic stretching improved 2.6–10.6% in jump perform- mask of the respiratory gas analyzer and transmitter of heart
ances. Hudgins et al. (6) demonstrated that the 3-step jump rate were worn. Endurance running performance was as-
performance has positive relations with endurance running sessed after one of the 2 types of pretreatment: (a) non-
performance in 800 m (r = 0.83), 3,000 m (r = 0.72), and stretching by resting in a sitting position or (b) performing
5,000 m (r = 0.71). Spurrs et al. (22) revealed that plyometric dynamic stretching of lower extremities. Pretreatment on
training improved jump and endurance running performan- day 2 was determined at random for each subject. The run-
ces without any changes in VO2max. These findings let us ning velocity during the assessment of the endurance run-
suppose that the optimal protocol for dynamic stretching to ning performance was equivalent to 90% of the VO2max
acutely improve explosive performance may acutely improve assessed on day 1 for each subject. Each subject continued
endurance running performance. running to exhaustion on the treadmill set at the running
Previous studies have investigated the acute effects of velocity. The time to exhaustion and total running distance
dynamic stretching on running economy at 60% (29) or 75% were assessed as indices of the endurance running perfor-
(5) of VO2max. Furthermore, in a previous study (29) that mance. The VO2 from rest to exhaustion was measured as an
examined the acute effect of dynamic stretching exercises on index of running economy using the respiratory gas analyzer.
endurance running performance, the total running distance Immediately after exhaustion, lactate accumulation and
for 30 minutes at self-controlled velocity in each subject was heart rate were measured. On day 3, the endurance running
evaluated as an index of endurance running performance. performance was also assessed after the opposite pretreat-
The exercise intensity of running was equivalent to approx- ment from day 2. Data were compared between the non-
imately 80% VO2max (average VO2 during running $ average stretching and dynamic stretching pretreatments to examine
VO2max21 3 100). However, high-level endurance runners the acute effects of dynamic stretching on endurance run-
have to run at higher exercise intensities during actual track- ning performance and metabolism. The experiments of both
and-field endurance running events (7). For instance, the pretreatments for each subject were performed at the same
exercise intensity of the marathon is equivalent to 85% time of day in consideration of circadian rhythm. The tem-
VO2max (7). The exercise intensities of other long- or perature of the laboratory was set to 20–248 C throughout all
middle-distance events are equivalent to more than 90% experiments.
VO2max (7). Therefore, it was reasonable to think that the
previous findings might not directly influence performance Subjects
in the marathon or in long- or middle-distance running Seven healthy well-trained middle- or long-distance male
events. Thus, the previous studies are not sufficient to infer runners (average 6 SD: age 21.3 6 2.1 years [19–24
the acute effects of dynamic stretching techniques on endur- years]; height 170.3 6 3.1 cm; body mass 60.0 6 5.5 kg;
ance running performances in well-trained long- or middle- VO2max 4.35 6 0.53 L$min21; VO2max $ body mass21
distance runners. 72.3 6 3.7 ml$kg21$min21] took part in this study. They
The purpose of this study was to clarify the acute effect of belonged to the Track and Field club of our university. All
the optimal protocol for dynamic stretching to improve subjects were free of injuries in their lower extremities. All
explosive performance on endurance running performance experiments were carried out between February and
in well-trained long- or middle-distance runners. This study March. Since the period was off-season, the subjects did
examined the acute effect on endurance running perfor- not perform any vigorous training. We cautioned each
mance at an exercise intensity of 90% VO2max, which is subject to avoid performing intense exercises or training
assumed to be that achieved in 3,000–5,000-m distance run- (e.g., running, resistance, or stretching) on the day of each
ning events (7). We hypothesized that the protocol of experiment or the previous day. Moreover, we instructed
dynamic stretching may improve endurance running each subject to eat similar meals on the day of each exper-
performance. iment and on the previous day and to finish meal of that
day 2 hours before experiment. In addition, we warned
METHODS each subject to avoid drinking alcohol on the previous
Experimental Approach to the Problem day and caffeine on the experimental day. All subjects
To determine the validity of our hypothesis, experiments were informed of the protocol, purpose, and risks of this
consisting of 3 testing days interspersed with more than 2 study, and informed consent was obtained from all sub-
days of rest were performed. On day 1, each subject visited jects. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of
our laboratory to receive instructions. A test of VO2max with our university.
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(3 minutes and 40 s$km21),

300 m$min21 (3 minutes and
20 s$km21), 333 m$min21 (3
min$km21), and 364 m$min21
(2 minutes and 45 s$km21). The
criterion for finishing the test
was (a) when the heart rate ex-
ceeded the predicted maximal
heart rate of each subject (220
b$min21 – age), (b) when the
respiratory quotient exceeded
1.1, or (c) when the subject
could not continue to run. All
subjects finished by the third
criterion. VO2 was measured
Figure 1. Experimental protocols for days 2 and 3. every 10 seconds by the mixing
chamber method using a respi-
ratory gas analyzer (VO2000,
S&ME Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan)
Procedures throughout the running test. The maximum VO2 value for 10
Maximum Incremental Exercise Test. The maximum incremental seconds in the maximum increment exercise test was assessed
exercise test was performed using a motor-driven treadmill as VO2max. Reliability of the VO2max was ascertained by 2
(Nishikawa Iron Co. Ltd., Kyoto, Japan) to determine the tests interspersed with more than 2 days of rest. The reliability
VO2max and the relative running velocity at 90% VO2max for of VO2max was assessed using an interclass correlation coef-
each subject in reference to the protocols in previous study ficient (ICC) and a coefficient of variation (CV). The ICC and
(24). Each subject continued to run for four minutes at each CV were 0.787 and 1.9%, respectively. The running velocity at
velocity with a rest period of 1 minute between velocities. The 90% VO2max for each subject was calculated from the rela-
first running velocity was 167 m$min21 (6 min$km21). Then, tionship between the running velocities and the VO2 obtained
the running velocities were increased as follows: 200 by the running test. The average running velocity at 90%
m$min21 (5 min$km21), 222 m$min21 (4 minutes and 30 VO2max was 280.5 6 25.6 m$min21 (3 minutes and 35.4 6
s$km21), 250 m$min21 (4 min$km21), 273 m$min21 19.6 s$km21).

Figure 2. Protocols of the dynamic stretching treatment on each target muscle group: (A) hip joint flexors, (B) hip joint extensors, (C) leg extensors, (D) leg
flexors, (E) plantar flexors.

VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2015 | 3047

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Effect of Dynamic Stretch on Endurance Performance

Figure 3. Comparison of running times to exhaustion after both Figure 5. Comparison of changes in oxygen uptake (VO2) after both
pretreatments. Each line is the time for each subject. Bars are the average pretreatments. The changes in VO2 after the pretreatments showed no
value after each pretreatment. **Indicates that the time after dynamic stretching significant interaction. R: rest, S: stretching, E: exhaustion.
treatment was significantly (p , 0.01) longer than that after nonstretching.

Pretreatment. In the dynamic stretching treatment (Figure 2), to the protocoloups). The contraction was carried out as
the subjects performed dynamic stretching of 5 target quickly and powerfully as possible without bouncing so that
muscles, i.e., hip extensors and flexors, leg extensors and subject’s target muscle groups were stretched as quickly as
flexors, and plantar flexors, in upright positions in reference possible (27,28). Each stretch was performed for 1 set on both
lower extremities and then on the next target muscle group
without rest. The total duration of the dynamic stretching
treatment was 3 minutes and 37 6 12 seconds. The endurance

TABLE 1. Comparisons of change in oxygen

uptake (VO2), blood lactate accumulations, and
heart rate between both pretreatments.*

Rest Exhaustion

VO2 (L$min21)
Nonstretching 0.12 6 0.12 4.27 6 0.57
Dynamic 0.21 6 0.14 4.23 6 0.56
Lactate (mM$L21)
Nonstretching 1.04 6 0.33 6.11 6 1.59
Dynamic 1.07 6 0.18 6.67 6 1.79
Heat rate (b$min21)
Nonstretching 71.3 6 5.4 185.4 6 9.7
Dynamic 73.3 6 7.3 185.6 6 6.2
Figure 4. Comparison of total running distances after both stretching
pretreatments. Lines indicate the distance for each subject. Bars show
the average value after each pretreatment. **Indicates that the distance *The changes in all measurements after the pretreat-
after dynamic stretching treatment was significantly (p , 0.01) longer ments showed no significant interactions.
than that after nonstretching.

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running performance was assessed 5 minutes after beginning Statistical Analyses

to perform the dynamic stretching treatment (i.e., 1 minute All data were normally distributed and homogeneity of
and 23 6 12 seconds after dynamic stretching). The order of variance by using chi-square tests for goodness of fit and
dynamic stretching is described as follows: (a) hip extensors: Bartlett’s tests, respectively. Paired t-tests were used to exam-
the subject leaned forward and raised his foot from the floor ine the differences in time to exhaustion and total running
with his hip and knee joint lightly flexed. Then, the subject distance between the nonstretching and the dynamic
contracted his hip joint extensors and extended his hip joint stretching treatment. The effect sizes were calculated using
so that his leg was extended to posterior aspect of his body Kline’s equation (11) (d = mean difference $ SD of mean
(Figure 2A); (b) hip flexors: the subject contracted his hip difference21; small d , 0.50, moderate d = 0.50–0.80, and
joint flexors with his knee joint flexed and then flexed his large d . 0.80) in consideration of using the paired t-test.
hip joint so that his thigh came up to his chest (Figure 2B); Repeated-measures analysis of variance (pretreatments 3
(c) leg extensors: the subject contracted his hamstrings and times) was used to compare changes in the VO2, the blood
flexed his knee joint so that his heel kicked his buttock (Figure lactate accumulation, and heart rate. The effect sizes were
2C); (d) leg flexors: the subject contracted his hip joint flexors calculated as general h2 (2) (hg2; small hg2 = 0.02, moderate
and flexed his hip joint, raising his thigh parallel to the ground hg2 = 0.13, and large hg2 = 0.26 (15)). Power (1 2 b) of all
with his knee joint flexed at about 908. Then, the subject analyses was calculated. All variable data were expressed as
contracted his quadriceps with the height of his thigh main- the average 6 SD, and the significance level was set at p #
tained and then extended his knee joint so that his leg 0.05. Reliabilities of measures during endurance running for
extended to the anterior aspect of his body (Figure 2D); a constant velocity equivalent to 90% VO2max were assessed
and (e) plantar flexors: the subject raised 1 foot from the floor using ICCs and CVs comparing repeated-measures test inter-
and fully extended the knee joint. Then, the subject contracted spersed with more than 2 days of rest. Reliabilities were the
his dorsiflexors and dorsiflexed his ankle joint so that his toe time to exhaustion (ICC = 0.982; CV = 8.7%), the total
was raised (Figure 2E). distance (ICC = 0.985; CV = 9.0%), the average VO2
In nonstretching, each subject rested in a sitting position (ICC = 0.995; CV = 1.4%), the blood lactate accumulations
for 5 minutes’ that was equivalent to duration in the dynamic at exhaustion (ICC = 0.800; CV = 13.7%), and the heart rate
stretching treatment. The endurance running performance at exhaustion (ICC = 0.957; CV = 1.7%).
was assessed immediately after that.
The time to exhaustion after the dynamic stretching treat-
Measurements During Endurance Running Performance. Each ment was longer than that after the nonstretching for all
subject continued running to exhaustion on the treadmill set subjects (Figure 3). The average time to exhaustion after the
at a velocity equivalent to his 90% VO2max. The criterion of dynamic stretching treatment was 928.6 6 215.0 seconds, and
exhaustion was (a) when each subject could not continue to it was significantly (p , 0.01) longer than that (785.3 6 206.2
run or (b) when each subject could not stay in our defined seconds) after the nonstretching (Figure 3). The effect size
position for more than 10 seconds. The defined position was was large (d = 1.56). The power was 0.93. The total distance
a range of anteroposterior 1 m from the center of the tread- for all subjects was also longer after the dynamic stretching
mill. The continuous time of running to exhaustion was as- treatment, compared with the nonstretching (Figure 4). The
sessed as an index of endurance running performance. The average total distance (4,301.2 6 893.8 m) after dynamic
total running distance also was calculated by the running stretching treatment was significantly (p , 0.01) longer than
velocity at 90% VO2max$the time to exhaustion. In addition, that (3,619.9 6 783.3 m) after the nonstretching (Figure 4).
the VO2 during rest, pretreatment, and running was sampled The effect size was large (d = 1.55). The power was 0.92.
every 10 seconds with the respiratory gas analyzer The average relative VO2 was 84% VO2max at 2 minute
(VO2000). In both pretreatments, the average VO2 for 1 min- after beginning to run, 90% VO2max at 3 minutes, and then
ute was calculated at rest for 1 minute before treatment and increased gradually from 92% VO2max to 99% VO2max 4 mi-
from the start of running to 1 minute before exhaustion. The nutes later (Figure 5). The average VO2 after both pretreat-
VO2 during running was taken as an index of running econ- ments increased drastically from rest to 2 minutes after
omy. In the dynamic stretching treatment, the average VO2 beginning to run and then increased slightly (Figure 5).
while performing dynamic stretching was also calculated. The changes in average VO2 after both pretreatments did
Blood sampling was performed from the earlobe at rest not show a significant interaction (pretreatments 3 times:
and immediately after running to exhaustion. The blood F = 0.61, p = 0.77). The effect size was small (hg2 = 0.011).
lactate accumulations were measured with an analyzer (Lac- The power was 1.00. The average blood lactate accumula-
tate Pro, LT-1710; Arkray, Kyoto, Japan), and heart rates tions and heart rate were elevated after both pretreatments
were measured with transmitter (T31; Polar Oy, Kempele, from rest to exhaustion (Table 1), although the changes in
Finland) and were sampled synchronizing with VO2 to con- average blood lactate accumulation and heart rate did not
firm the running intensities and metabolism responses. show a significant interaction (blood lactate accumulation,

VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2015 | 3049

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Effect of Dynamic Stretch on Endurance Performance

pretreatments 3 times: F = 0.35, p = 0.57; heart rate, pre- nonstretching on VO2 during treadmill running for 10 mi-
treatments 3 times: F = 0.18, p = 0.67). The effect sizes were nutes at an intensity of 75% VO2max. They found that the
small (blood lactate accumulation, hg2 = 0.014; heart rate, VO2 did not significantly differ among the pretreatments,
hg2 = 0.005). The power was 0.99 in blood lactate accumu- suggesting that differences in stretching technique did not
lation and heart rate. acutely affect running economy. In contrast, Zourdos et al.
(29) found that 10 exercises of dynamic stretching were per-
DISCUSSION formed because 2 sets of 4 repetitions in the lower extrem-
This study investigated the acute effect of dynamic stretch- ities acutely increased energy expenditure (+4.4%) during
ing comprising 1 set of 10 repetitions in volume and as treadmill running for 30 minutes at an intensity of 65%
quickly as possible in velocity on relative high-intensity VO2max, compared with nonstretching. Zourdos et al. (29)
endurance running performance in well-trained middle- or however, indicated that the total distance during running as
long-distance runners. The present results indicated that fast as possible for 30 minutes on a treadmill with the veloc-
dynamic stretching acutely prolonged the time to exhaustion ity and distance display concealed did not significantly differ
(Figure 3; +18.2%) and extended the total distance (Figure 4; between pretreatments. Previous results have thus suggested
+18.9%) of endurance running for a constant velocity equiv- that the dynamic stretching did not acutely affect endurance
alent to 90% VO2max. The effect sizes of the improvements running performance, although it impaired running econ-
in time to exhaustion and total distance were large (d = 1.56 omy during constant velocity running.
and d = 1.55, respectively), although the number of subjects We considered 2 reasons for the differences between our
was small. The VO2, blood lactate accumulation, and heart findings and those of previous studies (5,29). First, the
rate at exhaustion did not differ between the pretreatments dynamic stretching protocol in this study differed from those
(Table 1). It was reasonable to suppose that each subject in the previous studies. Hayes and Walker (5) used dynamic
continued running to exhaustion with a similar effort after stretching controlled at a slow velocity. Zourdos et al. (29)
the 2 pretreatments. We previously examined acute effects of used less dynamic stretching in two sets of four repetitions. A
15 minutes of warm-up running for a constant velocity systematic review (26) to find the optimal protocol for
equivalent to 70% VO2max recommended generally on time dynamic stretching to acutely improve explosive perfor-
to exhaustion during running equivalent to 90% VO2max in mance suggested that dynamic stretching should be per-
the same well-trained runners as this study (23). The result formed “as quickly as possible in velocity” and “one-two
indicated that the time to exhaustion in warm-up running set(s) of 10–15 repetitions in volume.” The hypothesis of this
did not significantly differ from that in no warm-up, i.e., study was that the optimal protocol for dynamic stretching
sitting and rest (that is nonstretching in this study), although to acutely improve explosive performance might also acutely
it tended to improve. The improvement in time to exhaus- improve the endurance running performance. Our results
tion (+4.3%) was relatively smaller than that (+18.2%) after confirmed the validity of this hypothesis. However, this
dynamic stretching in this study. The average VO2 during the study investigated a peculiar acute effect of dynamic stretch-
dynamic stretching in this study was 24.9 6 3.1% VO2max, it ing on endurance running performance. In a general warm-
was relatively lower and easier than generally recommended up, athletes usually perform running before dynamic
intensity (70% VO2max) during warm-up running. The total stretching. Moreover, this study used “stationary” dynamic
duration in performing dynamic stretching was stretching, i.e., without movement. Fletcher and Jones (4)
three minutes and 37 6 12 seconds, it was relatively shorter revealed that dynamic stretching with movement acutely
than generally recommended duration (.10 minutes) in significantly improved the 20-m sprint time, although
warm-up running. From the standpoints of intensity and dynamic stretching without movement did not. The results
duration, the dynamic stretching in this study was also supe- suggested that dynamic stretching with movement was
rior to general warm-up running. The running intensity of superior to dynamic stretching without movement. There-
90% VO2max is equivalent to that of 3,000–5,000-m distance fore, it was necessary to examine the acute effect of dynamic
running events in track and field (7). To take our previous stretching with movement after warm-up running on endur-
study into consideration, the results of this study suggest that ance running performance. In addition, this study used only
using this dynamic stretching protocol during actual warm- 1 set of 10 repetitions as volume of dynamic stretching. The
up for well-trained runners would improve their endurance previous systematic review (26) revealed that 1-2 set(s) of
running performance in distance running events than using 10–15 repetitions as dynamic stretching was an optimal vol-
only general warm-up running. This study was the first study ume to acutely improve explosive performance. Further
to reveal that dynamic stretching acutely improves endur- studies will be needed to clarify more effective protocols as
ance running performance. to velocity or volume of dynamic stretching to acutely
Hayes and Walker (5) compared the acute effects of 5 improve various endurance running performances.
exercises of dynamic stretching of the lower extremities for Second, there were differences in the exercise intensities
2 sets of 30 seconds and controlled slow-velocity, normal, during assessing the endurance running performance. The
and progressive static stretching for 2 sets of 30 seconds and exercise intensity of the study of Hayes and Walker (5) was
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Effect of Dynamic Stretch on Endurance Performance

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