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Dr. G.Aarthi,
Associate Professor, School of Electronics Engineering
A receiver is an electronic equipment which picks
up any desired radio frequency signal.

Amplifying the desired signal to the requisite level.
Demodulating RF signal.
Feeding modulating voltage to an indicator (loud
Classification of Radio Receivers

Based on the Principle of Operation

 Straight or TRF Receivers
Operation is straight forward without any frequency conversion or

Super heterodyne receivers

Incoming signal frequency is converted into standard
intermediate frequency (IF) with the help of frequency converter
Classification of Radio Receivers
According to the application (type of traffic they are
designed to handle)
AM Receivers
Receives speech or music radiated from AM transmitter operating on
long wave , medium wave (broadcast band) or short wave
FM Receivers
Receives signals from FM transmitters operating in VHF or UHF bands
TV receivers
Receives television broadcast in VHF or UHF bands
Communication receivers
To receive telephony and telegraphic signals
Radar receivers
Receives radar signals
Characteristics of Radio Receivers

• Ability to receive weak signals
• Ability to select desired signal and reject all other
unwanted signals
• Faithful reproduction of original signal
Signal to Noise ratio
• A good receiver should have high SNR
TRF (Tuned Radio Frequency )Receiver

A tuned radio frequency receiver actually

tunes the receiver on the true radio frequency
without any frequency conversion
TRF (Tuned Radio Frequency )Receiver


RF Stage-
 Selects the desired station and amplifies weak antenna
signal(Normally a wideband amplifier tunable from approx 535
kHZ to 1650 KHZ)(standard commercial AM band)

 Two or three stages of RF amplifiers are required to filter and

amplify the received signal to a level sufficient to drive the
detector stage.
TRF (Tuned Radio Frequency )Receiver


 Demodulates the AM wave and converts it to the original
 It used a form of detection called envelope detection and used a
diode to rectify the signal.
TRF (Tuned Radio Frequency )Receiver


AF Amp-
Used to amplify the recovered signal

Power amplifier-
To drive the speaker
TRF receiver


• TRF receivers are simple and have a relatively high


• Easy to design at broadcast frequency 535 kHz to

1640 kHz.
Local Oscillator

 Variable oscillator capable of generating a signal from 0.995 MHz to

2.105 MHz.
 What should be the frequency of the local oscillator used for
translation from RF to IF?
fLO = fs + fIF (up-conversion)
or fLO = fs - fIF (down-conversion)
 Tuning ratio = fLO, max / fLO, min
 Up-Conversion: (1600 + 455) / (530+455) ≈ 2
 Down-Conversion: (1600–455) / (530–455) ≈ 12
 Easier to design oscillator with small tuning ratio.
Concept of Mixer


Main Problem with Super‐het RX:

Image Frequency:
fImage  fDesired + 2fIF
Choice of IF Frequency
 Image is 2x IF away from the wanted frequency
◦ Larger IF frequency makes suppression of image easier
◦ Too low an IF and the RF input filters are too difficult
 Tuning range of receiver cannot cross the IF
◦ Hence HF receivers often have a very high 1st IF, >60MHz
 Realistic RF filtering usually forces the choice of 1st IF.
◦ This may not be good for selectivity!
 Hence a second lower IF is often used – DUAL CONVERSION
◦ High 1st IF gives good image rejection
◦ Low 2nd IF gives good selectivity
 NBFM (2.5kHz dev) demodulation also requires a low IF, 455kHz
◦ For WBFM (75kHz dev) it can be greater, 10.7MHz
Double‐conversion Super‐hat RX:
Superheterodyne Receivers

Ganged tuning is the process used to tune two or more

circuits with a single control.
In our example, when you change the frequency of the
receiver all three stages change by the same amount.
There is a fixed difference in frequency between the local
oscillator and the RF amplifier at all times.
This difference in frequency is the IF.
This fixed difference and ganged tuning ensures a constant
IF over the frequency range of the receiver.
Superheterodyne Receivers
• The superheterodyne receiver offers superior sensitivity, frequency
stability and selectivity.
• Compared with the tuned radio frequency receiver (TRF) design,
superheterodyne offer better stability.
Superheterodyne Receivers
• One major disadvantage to the superheterodyne receiver is the problem
of image frequency.
• In heterodyne receivers, an image frequency is an undesired input
frequency equal to the station frequency plus twice the intermediate
• The image frequency results in two stations being received at the same
time, thus producing interference.
• Image frequencies can be eliminated by sufficient attenuation on the
incoming signal by the RF amplifier filter of the superheterodyne
FM Receiver
Amplitude Limiter
• Most frequency discriminators use envelope detection to extract the
intelligence from the FM wave form
• Envelope detection will demodulate incident amplitude variations as
well as frequency variation
• Transmission noise and interference add to the signal to produce
unwanted amplitude variations
Amplitude Limiter
• In the receiver, unwanted AM and random noise are demodulated
along with the signal: unwanted distortion is produced
• A limiter circuit is used to produce a constant amplitude output for all
input signal above a specified threshold level
Radio AM Radio FM
Carrier range RF 535 – 1605 KHz 88 – 108 MHz
IF 455 kHz 10.7 MHz
Bandwidth 10 kHz 200 kHz

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