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Module 01 - Present Simple

1. I _ to the store later.

a. will go
b. goes
c. going
d. go

2. They _ their homework tomorrow.

a. will do
b. does
c. doing
d. do

3. She _ her friend next week.

a. will visit
b. visits
c. visiting
d. visit

4. We _ dinner at 7pm.

a. will have
b. has
c. having
d. have

5. He _ the game tonight.

a. will watch
b. watches
c. watching
d. watch

6. They _ to the party tonight.

a. will come
b. comes
c. coming
d. come
7. I _ my room tomorrow.

a. will clean
b. cleans
c. cleaning
d. clean

8. She _ her hair next week.

a. will cut
b. cuts
c. cutting
d. cut

9. We _ to the beach next month.

a. will go
b. goes
c. going
d. go

10. He _ his car tomorrow.

a. will wash
b. washes
c. washing
d. wash

Module 02 - Multichoice

1. By next year, I _ fluent in Spanish.

a. will be
b. am
c. being
d. be

2. They _ their project by the end of the week.

a. will have finished

b. has finished
c. finishing
d. finish
3. If it rains tomorrow, she _ her umbrella.

a. will bring
b. brings
c. bringing
d. bring

4. We _ to the gym if we have time.

a. will go
b. goes
c. going
d. go

5. He _ his best to pass the exam.

a. will try
b. tries
c. trying
d. try

6. They _ married next month.

a. will get
b. gets
c. getting
d. get

7. I _ my friend at the airport at 8pm.

a. will meet
b. meets
c. meeting
d. meet

8. If she studies hard, she _ good grades.

a. will get
b. gets
c. getting
d. get
9. We _ our vacation in Hawaii next year.

a. will spend
b. spends
c. spending
d. spend

10. He _ his bike to work if the weather is nice.

a. will ride
b. rides
c. riding
d. Will be riding

Module 03 - Be going to

1. I __________________ (visit) my grandparents next weekend.

2. They ___________________ (have) a party tomorrow night.

3. She ___________________ (buy) a new car next month.

4. We ___________________ (travel) to Europe next summer.

5. He ___________________ (start) a new job next week.

6. I ___________________ (cook) dinner tonight.

7. They ___________________ (watch) the game this afternoon.

8. She ___________________ (meet) her friends at the park.

9. We ___________________ (go) to the beach tomorrow.

10. He ___________________ (study) for his exams this weekend.

Module 04 - Present Simple answer questions

1. What will you do this weekend?

Answer: I will _.

2. Where will they go on vacation next year?

Answer: They will go to _.

3. When will she finish her project?

Answer: She will finish her project _.

4. How will we get to the airport?

Answer: We will get to the airport by _.

5. Who will he meet at the conference?

Answer: He will meet _ at the conference.

6. What time will you arrive at the party?

Answer: I will arrive at the party at _.

7. How long will they stay in New York?

Answer: They will stay in New York for _.

8. Why will she take a leave of absence from work?

Answer: She will take a leave of absence from work because _.

9. What will we eat for dinner tonight?

Answer: We will eat _ for dinner tonight.

10. How often will he exercise next month?

Answer: He will exercise _ next month.

Module 05 - Be going to answering question

1. What are you going to do to improve your skills?

Answer: I am going to _.

2. How are they going to celebrate their anniversary?

Answer: They are going to celebrate their anniversary by _.

3. When is she going to start her new job?

Answer: She is going to start her new job _.

4. What are we going to do to reduce our carbon footprint?

Answer: We are going to _.

5. Who is he going to invite to his birthday party?

Answer: He is going to invite _ to his birthday party.

6. How are you going to spend your vacation?

Answer: I am going to spend my vacation by _.

7. What are they going to do to support their local community?

Answer: They are going to _.

8. Why is she going to learn a new language?

Answer: She is going to learn a new language because _.

9. What are we going to do for fun this weekend?

Answer: We are going to _ for fun this weekend.

10. How is he going to prepare for his presentation?

Answer: He is going to prepare for his presentation by _.

Module 06 - Complete in future continues

1. At 8pm tonight, I _________________ (watch) a movie.

2. This time next week, they _________________ (hike) in the mountains.

3. Tomorrow at 10am, she _________________ (take) her driving test.

4. In an hour, we _________________ (have) lunch.

5. Next month, he _________________ (work) on a new project.

6. At 9am tomorrow, I _________________ (meet) with my boss.

7. On Saturday, they _________________ (attend) a wedding.

8. Next year, she _________________ (study) abroad.

9. In two weeks, we _________________ (go) on vacation.

10. At this time tomorrow, he _________________ (play) basketball.

11. At 7pm tonight, I _________________ (cook) dinner.

12. This time next month, they _________________ (travel) in Europe.

13. Tomorrow at 2pm, she _________________ (meet) with her friends.

14. In three hours, we _________________ (start) our meeting.

15. Next week, he _ _________________ (attend) a conference.

16. At 10am tomorrow, I _ _________________ (go) to the gym.

17. On Sunday, they _________________ _ (visit) their grandparents.

18. Next semester, she _ _________________ (take) a new course.

19. In a month, we _ _________________ (move) to a new house.

20. At this time next year, he _ _________________ (graduate) from college.

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