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Flowering plants can respond to their environment through tropic responses. These involve root
or shoot tips growing towards or away from a stimulus.

A student set up an experiment to investigate how shoots respond to gravity.

He placed a potted plant on its side and looked at its growth after 5 days. The diagram shows
what he saw.

(a) (i) Explain the benefit to the plant of this response.





(ii) Give one variable that the student should keep the same in his experiment and suggest how
he could do this.






(iii) Suggest a suitable control for this experiment.




(b) Plants can respond to drought by closing their stomata.

(i) Suggest how a plant benefits from closing its stomata when less water is available in the soil.




(ii) Explain the disadvantages to the plant of closing its stomata.








(Total for question = 7 marks)


Plants obtain their food by the process of photosynthesis.

Explain how the structure of the leaf is adapted for its role as the organ of photosynthesis.

















(Total for question = 6 marks)


Scientists investigated the effect of altitude (height above sea level) on the mass of haemoglobin
found in human blood. Blood samples were taken from humans living at different altitudes. The
results are shown in the table.
(a) (i) Plot a graph on the grid to show how the average mass of haemoglobin changes with
altitude. Use a ruler to join the points with straight lines.


(ii) Use the graph to describe how altitude affects the mass of haemoglobin in human blood.







(iii) Suggest why a long distance athlete who trains at high altitude may have a better chance of
winning than a long distance athlete who trains at sea level.








(b) Scientists obtain blood samples from an athlete's vein. To do this they use a sterile needle
attached to a syringe.

(i) Suggest two reasons why scientists obtain blood samples from a vein rather than from an


1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

(ii) Suggest one reason why the scientists could not obtain a blood sample from a capillary.




(iii) Suggest why the needle used to obtain a blood sample needs to be sterile.





(Total for question = 15 marks)


One of the characteristics of living organisms is the ability to respond to a change in

their surroundings.

In mammals, such as humans, responses are controlled by nervous or hormonal communication.

(a) ADH is an example of a hormone.

(i) Where is ADH produced?



(ii) Describe the effects of ADH in the body.









(b) Describe two ways in which nervous communication differs from hormonal communication.







(c) Plants are also able to respond to their surroundings. The diagram shows young
cereal shoots (coleoptiles) which are placed in different light conditions.

Complete the diagram to suggest how each of the shoots would appear after two days.


(d) Plant roots also respond to external stimuli.

Describe the response of roots to gravity and explain how this response benefits
the plant.








(Total for question = 12 marks)


A group of students investigate the effect of exercise on breathing rate.

They measure their breathing rate at rest by counting breaths per minute.

They then exercise by running on the spot.

After exercise they measure their breathing rate by counting breaths per minute.

These are their results.

(a) Display these results in a table.


(b) Explain why breathing rate is higher after exercise.













(c) Explain how the students could improve their investigation.








(Total for question = 8 marks)


A student sets up this apparatus to investigate the transpiration rate of a plant.

(a) (i) Suggest how the student could determine the transpiration rate of the plant.





(ii) Draw a diagram of the apparatus that the student should set up as a control.


(b) The student changes the conditions in which the plant is kept. This affects the transpiration
rate of the plant.

Complete the table by giving the missing information.


(c) Explain why transpiration is important to plants.






(Total for question = 12 marks)


(a) The table lists the effects of some hormones.

Complete the table by naming each hormone and its source.

The first one has been done for you.


(b) Cells do not store glucose. Instead it is converted into glycogen to be stored.

Suggest why cells do not store glucose.






(c) The graph shows changes in the relative level of glucose, glycogen and insulin
before and after a meal.
Give the letter of the line which represents changes in the relative level of glycogen.



(Total for question = 8 marks)


A student carries out an experiment to investigate the effect of different concentrations of a food
dye on diffusion.

(a) Describe what is meant by the term diffusion.




(b) The student adds a different concentration of coloured food dye to each of five wells in an
agar plate.

The diagram shows the agar plate at the beginning of the experiment and after 24 hours.
The student does the experiment using three plates.

For each plate he measures the diameter of each circle to see how far the food dye has diffused.

The table shows his results.

(i) Calculate the average diameter for 0.2% concentration of food dye.


average diameter = ........................................................... cm

(ii) Describe the effect of food dye concentration on diffusion.






(iii) Explain the relationship between food dye concentration and diffusion.





(c) State two variables that the student should control in this experiment to ensure that the
results are valid.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(Total for question = 9 marks)


A student investigates the effect of temperature on the rate of starch digestion by

amylase. He carries out the first trial of his investigation at a room temperature
of 20°C.

He carries out the following steps in his investigation

1 He puts one drop of iodine suspension into each of 12 wells on a spotting tile.

2 He then takes up 10 cm3 of 10% starch suspension into a syringe.

3 He adds one drop of the starch suspension from the syringe to the first well
in the spotting tile and records the colour change.

4 He rinses the outside of the syringe with water from a tap.

5 He then takes up exactly 5 cm3 of 5% amylase suspension into the same

syringe containing the 10% starch suspension.

6 He starts a stopwatch.

7 He then rocks the syringe containing the mixture gently backwards and
forwards for one minute.

8 He adds one drop of the mixture from the syringe to the next well in the
spotting tile and records the colour change.

9 He repeats this at intervals of one minute until he has added starch and
amylase mixture to all of the wells.
10 He then repeats steps 1–9 but this time he uses iodine, amylase and starch
suspension that have been stored in a water bath at 40°C.

11 He also keeps the syringe containing the mixture in the water bath at 40°C
between drops.

The photograph shows his results for 20°C at the end of the experiment when all the
wells have mixture added.

(a) (i) Give one safety precaution the student should take when carrying out this



(ii) How many minutes do the samples of mixture added to the spotting tile in
the photograph represent?



(b) Explain the purpose of the following steps in the student's experiment.

(i) step 4




(ii) step 7



(iii) step 11




(c) (i) Identify two variables that the student controls in his experiment.




(ii) Name the independent variable that the student is investigating.



(d) Using the photograph, explain how many minutes it took for the reaction to be
completed at 20°C.









(e) The results for the spotting tile at 40°C would be different from the trial carried
out at 20°C.

(i) Describe how the appearance of the results will be different.





(ii) Explain the difference in the appearance of the results.






(Total for question = 15 marks)


A chicken egg is a single cell protected by a shell on the outside.

A student puts three chicken eggs into dilute acid and leaves them for three days.

The acid dissolves the egg shells, leaving the contents of the eggs surrounded by the cell

The diagram shows the student's method.

The student removes the eggs from the dilute acid and uses water to wash the surface acid

The student then uses the eggs for this osmosis experiment.

he measures the mass of each egg

he then puts one egg into a beaker containing distilled water
he puts another egg into a beaker containing 5% salt solution
he puts a third egg into a beaker containing 15% salt solution
after 15 minutes he removes each egg from its beaker and measures its mass again
(a) The bar graph shows the results obtained by the student from the osmosis experiment.

(i) Name the dependent variable in this experiment.



(ii) Explain the result for the egg placed in distilled water.






(b) The student calculates the percentage change in mass for the eggs placed in

distilled water and in 5% salt solution.

(i) Use the data from graph 1 to calculate the percentage change in mass for the egg placed in
15% salt solution. Show your working.


Percentage change in mass = ............................. %

(ii) The student plots the percentage change in mass on graph 2.

Complete the bar graph to show the percentage change in mass for the egg placed in 15% salt

(c) Give one way in which osmosis differs from diffusion.




(Total for question = 7 marks)

Antiperspirants are used to reduce sweating under the arms.

An investigation was carried out to find out the effectiveness of an antiperspirant.

Ten students put antiperspirant on the skin of their left armpit. No antiperspirant was
put on the skin of their right armpit. Each student then weighed two pieces of cotton
wool and placed one piece under each armpit. The cotton wool was used to absorb
any sweat that was produced.

The ten students exercised at the same intensity for five minutes and then reweighed
each piece of cotton wool.
They calculated the percentage increase in the mass of the cotton wool. Their results
are shown in the table.

(a) The results for the left armpits with antiperspirant contain one anomalous result.

Calculate the correct average for the percentage increase in mass of the cotton
wool with antiperspirant. Show your working.


Answer ...........................................................
(b) The results for the right armpits without antiperspirant are not all the same.

Suggest two reasons to explain this.






(c) Which of the following formulae, A, B, C or D, should be used to calculate the

percentage increase in the mass of each piece of cotton wool.

Put a cross in the correct box.


(d) Exercise increases the rate of sweating, but people also sweat at rest.

(i) Explain how the rate of sweating of a person at rest is affected if that person is
in hot air.







(ii) Explain how the rate of sweating of a person at rest is affected if that person is
in air with a high humidity.








(Total for question = 9 marks)


The diagrams show sections through an artery and a vein.

(a) Use the information in the diagrams and your own knowledge to give three ways
in which the structure of an artery differs from the structure of a vein.








(b) Lack of movement by sitting still for long periods of time makes blood flow very
slowly in a vein. Blood that flows slowly is more likely to clot than blood that
flows normally. This problem is known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). In DVT,
the clot usually occurs in a leg vein as shown in the diagram.
DVT is dangerous because sometimes part of the clot breaks off and travels to the
lung, blocking small blood vessels and causing death.

(i) Suggest why blood flow in a leg vein is slow when there is lack of movement.






(ii) Name the blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen.



(iii) Suggest why a clot that blocks the small blood vessels in the lungs can cause



(Total for question = 8 marks)

Read the passage below. Use the information in the passage and your own
knowledge to answer the questions that follow.

Artificial heart pump gives life to dying patients

(a) Name two of the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.




(b) Suggest why the batteries for the heart pump are placed outside the body
(lines 12 and 13).




(c) Describe how the blood in the left side of the heart differs from the blood in the
right side of the heart.






(d) Explain why the patient might need to change the speed of the pump (line 22).






(e) Explain why some patients are 'not able to have a transplant' (line 28).



(f ) Suggest what is meant by the term intraventricular (line 29).



(g) Suggest two advantages of using the new artificial heart pump compared to
previous artificial heart pumps.






(Total for question = 11 marks)


Some rice farmers use ducks as a method of biological control.

The photograph shows ducks swimming in a rice paddy field.

The ducks help rice plants to grow because they eat insects and weeds in the paddy fields.

(a) (i) Suggest how the ducks eating insects helps rice plants to grow.




(ii) Explain how the ducks eating weeds helps rice plants to grow.






(b) Explain why faeces from the ducks helps rice plants to grow.






(c) The ducks stir up the soil in the rice paddy field with their feet, which increases the oxygen
content of the soil.

Suggest how increasing the oxygen content of the soil helps rice plants to grow.






(d) Using ducks as a method of biological control allows the farmer to grow rice without using
herbicide or pesticide.

(i) Suggest what is meant by the term herbicide.




(ii) Give three advantages of using biological control rather than using pesticide.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


3 ..........................................................................................................................................


(Total for question = 11 marks)


Biological washing powder contains enzymes to remove stains from clothes.

Describe an investigation to find the temperature at which biological washing powder is most
effective at removing stains.

Your answer should include experimental details and be written in full sentences.





















(Total for question = 6 marks)


Multicellular organisms have a transport system for nutrients and waste products. In
humans this transport system involves the blood.

(a) The table names some components of blood. Complete the table by giving the
function of each component and its cell type.


(b) Suggest the consequence of having too few platelets in the blood.





(c) Vaccination causes the body to produce memory cells.

Describe the advantages to the human body of producing memory cells.








(Total for question = 8 marks)


Read the passage below. Use the information in the passage and your own knowledge to answer
the questions that follow.
(a) Calculate the number of blood tests that gave more variation than expected (lines 1, 6 and

Show your working.


number of blood tests = ...........................................................

(b) Stamina means that an athlete can run for a long time because their muscles can keep
contracting (lines 10 and 11).

Explain how an increase in the number of red blood cells helps to improve stamina.











(c) Suggest why the blood taken from an athlete is vacuum-sealed and stored in a fridge (lines
13 and 14).










(d) Name the mineral ion in the diet required for red blood cell production.



(e) Suggest why an athlete uses their own blood for blood doping rather than blood from
someone else.








(f) Suggest how dehydration increases the risk of a heart attack (lines 20 and 21).







(g) An embolism is a blockage in a blood vessel that may be caused by a clot.

Explain why a pulmonary embolism is a health risk (line 20).







(h) State how EPO is carried from the kidneys to the bone marrow (lines 23 and 24).




(Total for question = 17 marks)


The box shows the names of three blood vessels.

(a) The table gives information about these blood vessels.

Complete the table by writing the name of the correct blood vessel in each
empty box.


(b) (i) Which of these blood vessels carries blood containing the most oxygen?



(ii) Which of these blood vessels carries blood at the lowest pressure?



(iii) Which of these blood vessels is most suited for gas exchange?

Explain your answer.






(Total for question = 6 marks)


Cactus plants are adapted to survive in hot, dry conditions. They have shallow,
widespread root systems, the ability to store water in their stems, spines for shade, a
waxy coating and no leaves.

(a) Explain how having no leaves can help a cactus plant reduce water loss.






(b) Suggest how a shallow, widespread root system would help a cactus to survive in
desert environments.






(c) Other than shading, suggest one advantage to cactus plants of having spines.




(Total for question = 5 marks)


Complex carbohydrates are broken down in the human digestive system.

(a) Name the elements present in a carbohydrate molecule.



(b) Starch and glucose are carbohydrates found in living organisms.

Complete the table to show some of the properties of starch and glucose.
Insert a tick if the property applies or a cross if it does not.


(c) (i) Describe how you could test for the presence of glucose in a substance.








(ii) Give two safety precautions you would take when carrying out the test.





(Total for question = 11 marks)


A student uses a microscope to look at some cells from an organ found in a plant.

The diagram shows what the student observes through the microscope. One cell has been
labelled X.

(a) Name the organ that the student observes.



(b) What is meant by the term organ?



(c) Draw a labelled diagram of cell X.


(Total for question = 5 marks)


Living organisms share some basic characteristics.

Draw a straight line from each characteristic to its correct description.

The first has been done for you.


(Total for question = 4 marks)

(a) The table shows some of the levels of organisation within an organism.

Complete the table by inserting a tick ( ) to show the level of organisation of each example. The
first one has been done for you.


(b) Place the following human structures in order of size from the smallest to the largest.


(Total for question = 6 marks)


Blood is circulated through the body in blood vessels.

(a) The table lists some blood vessels.

Complete the table by naming an organ supplied with blood by each blood vessel.


(b) A student uses this apparatus to compare the strength of arteries and veins.

This is the student's method.

cut a cross-section from an artery and from a vein to make rings of tissue
hang a ring of tissue from the hook
add 10 g masses to the ring of tissue one at a time
record the total mass at which the ring of tissue breaks
repeat the method with the other ring of tissue

(i) Explain the results that you would expect the student to obtain.







(ii) Give one way that the student could modify his investigation to improve the reliability of his




(iii) Give one way that the student could modify his investigation to improve the accuracy of his




(Total for question = 9 marks)


The passage describes hormones and coordination.

Complete the passage by writing a suitable word in each blank space.


Hormones are chemicals that are produced by endocrine .................................................. and

are secreted into the .................................................. . The hormones are then transported to
target cells in another part of the body.

Males have testes that produce the sex hormone .................................................. that causes
body hair to grow. Females have .................................................. that produce the sex hormones
.................................................. and progesterone.

The pancreas produces hormones that regulate blood glucose. One of these hormones, called
.................................................. , stimulates the conversion of blood glucose to
.................................................. in the .................................................. .

Another hormone causes the heart rate to increase in response to danger. This hormone is called
.................................................. .
(Total for question = 9 marks)


Components of blood have different functions.

(a) Complete the table by giving the missing information.


(b) When a person is vaccinated, their immune system produces memory cells.

Describe the role of memory cells.











(Total for question = 7 marks)


Read the passage below. Use the information in the passage and your own knowledge to answer
the questions that follow.

Conditioned Reflexes
(a) Humans produce saliva when food is in their mouth.

Describe the function of saliva in humans.






(b) Complete the table by giving two sense organs that the dogs use to detect the arrival of food
and the stimulus that each sense organ detects.


(c) Explain how reflex responses, such as blinking (line 2), differ from other nerve responses,
such as picking up a pencil.





(d) Pavlov originally conditioned the dogs with a tuning fork of note B. The dogs would then
produce saliva when the tuning fork was hit.

Different tuning forks produce notes of different frequencies as shown in the box.

(i) Suggest why notes G and D produce a greater response in the dogs than notes E and F.





(ii) Suggest how Pavlov might have measured the size of the conditioned response.








(e) Scientists make conclusions about humans from studying animal behaviour.

Suggest two reasons why these conclusions may not be valid.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................



(f) Simple reflexes are responses to stimuli.

Explain the structure and functioning of a simple reflex arc, using the example of the withdrawal
of a finger from a hot object.

















(Total for question = 16 marks)


(a) When a person touches the spine of a cactus plant, they quickly withdraw their hand.
The diagram shows the reflex arc involved in this response.

(i) Give the name of neurone P.



(ii) Describe what happens at R.






(iii) Draw a labelled diagram of the motor neurone involved in this response.


(iv) Explain the role of the motor neurone in this response.





(b) Krabbe disease is an inherited disease that affects the structure and function of motor
neurones. The disease is caused by a recessive allele.

Two parents are heterozygous for Krabbe disease.

(i) Draw a genetic diagram to show the genotypes of these parents, their gametes and their
possible offspring.

Use D for the dominant allele and d for the recessive allele.


(ii) Calculate the probability of these parents producing a male child with Krabbe disease.


probability = ...........................................................

(iii) In the UK, the probability of being born with Krabbe disease is 0.00001

There are about 733 000 births per year in the UK.

Calculate the number of children born per year in the UK who are likely to have Krabbe disease.

Show your working.


number = ...........................................................

(Total for question = 14 marks)


Plants produce their own food by photosynthesis.

(a) Give the balanced chemical symbol equation for photosynthesis.



(b) The table gives data from an investigation that measured the mass of carbon dioxide (CO2)
released globally between 1990 and 2014.
(i) Plot a line graph to show the mass of CO2 released globally between 1990 and 2014.

Use a ruler to join your points with straight lines.


(ii) Calculate the percentage increase in the mass of CO2 released globally between 1990 and


percentage increase = ........................................................... %

(c) Give three negative effects of increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

1 ..........................................................................................................................................



2 ..........................................................................................................................................



3 ..........................................................................................................................................



(d) The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased.

Explain how plants may limit this increase.








(Total for question = 14 marks)


Human blood contains red blood cells and white blood cells.

Different situations can cause changes in the numbers of these blood cells.

The table shows some of these changes.

(a) Explain why poor diet can cause a change in the number of red blood cells.








(b) Suggest why athletes often live at high altitude before competing in a long distance race.








(c) Explain how the change in the number of white blood cells during therapy for cancer could
be a risk to the patient.










(Total for question = 8 marks)


The blood system is used for transport and protection against disease.

The table shows some components of blood and their functions.

(a) Complete the table by giving the missing information.


(b) Describe the structural differences between red blood cells and white blood cells that help
them carry out their functions.













(Total for question = 9 marks)


Many people in the UK eat fish and chips.

The drawing shows a plate of fish and chips.

(a) Describe what happens to fish protein in the stomach.









(b) The chips are made from potatoes.

Potatoes are the underground carbohydrate storage organs of the potato plant.

The diagram shows a cell from potato tissue, as seen through a microscope.

Name the parts labelled A, B and C.


A ..........................................................................................................................................

B ..........................................................................................................................................

C ..........................................................................................................................................

(c) Chips are cooked by frying them in lipid (oil). Some of this lipid is left on the surface of the
chips after cooking.

The diagram shows three different shaped chips from the same potato.

Each chip has the same mass.

(i) The table shows the surface area, the volume and the surface area to volume ratio for chips
A and B.
Use the diagram to complete the table for chip C, which is a cube.


(ii) Eating too much lipid is harmful to health.

Explain which shape of chip, A, B or C, is the most healthy to eat.








(Total for question = 13 marks)


The diagram shows a section through the human heart.

(a) (i) Give the letter of the part known as the vena cava.



(ii) Give the letters of the chambers where oxygenated blood is found.



(b) Describe how the structure of the aorta is adapted for its role.






(c) The table shows the speed of blood flow in three blood vessels.

(i) Blood has to travel 20 cm from a person's heart to their renal artery.

Calculate the time taken for blood to flow from this person's heart to their renal artery.

Show your working.

time ........................................................... s

(ii) Explain how the speed of blood flow in the lung capillary affects gas exchange.






(Total for question = 8 marks)


Substances move in and out of cells using different processes.

(a) Complete the table by giving the process used for each example of substance movement.


(b) Explain how the structure of the small intestine is adapted for efficient absorption of













(Total for question = 7 marks)


Photosynthesis is the process by which plants obtain nutrition.

(a) Write a balanced chemical symbol equation for photosynthesis.



(b) Leaves can be tested for starch to show that photosynthesis has taken place.

This is the method given in a biology textbook.

(i) Explain a safety precaution that should be taken when carrying out this test.






(ii) State the purpose of step 3.





(iii) State the purpose of step 6.





(c) Experiments can be done to demonstrate that light, chlorophyll and carbon dioxide are
needed for photosynthesis.

Testing leaves for starch is the final step in these experiments.

Explain what other steps need to be taken to demonstrate that each of these factors is needed
for photosynthesis.

(i) light






(ii) chlorophyll






(iii) carbon dioxide






(Total for question = 12 marks)


The graph shows the time taken for samples of blood to clot at different temperatures.
(a) When blood clots, an enzyme converts a soluble plasma protein into an insoluble
plasma protein.

Use the information in the graph to suggest the optimum temperature for this enzyme.



(b) Explain why blood takes longer to clot at 20°C than it does at 30°C.






(c) Use your knowledge of enzymes to explain why blood is slow to clot at 45°C.





(d) The coronary artery supplies blood to heart muscle cells. A heart attack may occur
if the coronary artery is blocked by a blood clot.

Suggest what happens in heart muscle cells when the coronary artery is blocked.










(Total for question = 9 marks)


The data shows the number of heart attacks in men and women of different ages from 1969 to
1998 in one area in England.
(a) Plot a bar graph to show the data in the table.


(b) Describe how the data differs for men and women.







(c) Give an explanation for the change in the number of heart attacks from 1969 to 1998.





(d) Explain why reducing the blood supply to the heart muscle cells can cause a heart attack.











(Total for question = 12 marks)


(a) Hormones are released during exercise.

(i) Explain the role of adrenaline during exercise.












(ii) During exercise, water is lost from the body by sweating.

Explain the role of ADH following this loss of water.












(b) The graph shows how level of exercise can affect risk of infection in a person.
(i) Describe the relationship between level of exercise and risk of infection.






(ii) It is thought that exercise affects the immune system by reducing the number of white blood
cells in the body.

Explain how a reduction in the number of white blood cells can affect the risk of infection.






(Total for question = 12 marks)


(a) The human kidney acts as an organ of excretion and an organ of osmoregulation.

(i) What is meant by the term osmoregulation?




(ii) Name one other organ in the human body that is an organ of excretion.



(b) The table shows the concentration of two substances in blood plasma and in urine.

(i) Name one substance that is found in urine.



(ii) Explain how the kidney ensures that there is no protein in urine.








(iii) Explain why the body does not excrete glucose and how this is achieved by the kidney.







(Total for question = 9 marks)


The skin is an organ of homeostasis and excretion.

(a) Describe what is meant by the term excretion.






(b) The diagram shows a section through the skin with two structures labelled A and B.

The structures labelled A and B play a part in homeostasis when a person enters a
very warm environment.

(i) Explain the role of structure A.

This text is an indented paragraph that lines up with the text after the "i)".








(ii) Explain the role of structure B.








(c) Some hormones are involved in homeostasis.

(i) Explain the role of insulin in homeostasis.





(ii) Explain the role of ADH in homeostasis.






(Total for question = 13 marks)


Humans need to balance the input and output of water in their bodies.

The diagram shows the various sources and average (mean) volumes of input and output of

(a) Give the name of the process by which water balance in the body is maintained.


(b) Use the diagram to calculate the percentage of water input that comes from respiration.

Show your working.


percentage of water input = ........................................................... %

(c) A person moves from a cold place to a hot place.

Explain how this would affect the volume of water the person loses in sweat and the volume of
water the person loses in urine.














(Total for question = 7 marks)


Explain how the rate of transpiration is affected by changes in the environment.
















(Total for question = 5 marks)


Human lungs and plant leaves both contain gas exchange surfaces.

These gas exchange surfaces have a number of features in common.

(a) The diagram shows a cross-section through human lung tissue.

Explain, with reference to features shown in the diagram, how lung tissue enables efficient gas










(b) Explain how the structure of a leaf is adapted for efficient gas exchange.











(Total for question = 8 marks)


Caroline investigated how light affected photosynthesis by looking at changes in

carbon dioxide levels.

She placed 2 cm3 of orange hydrogen carbonate indicator solution into three test tubes.

She put a leaf in two of the test tubes, which were then firmly sealed with a bung.
These leaves were similar in size and were taken from the same plant. She wrapped
one of the test tubes in foil to prevent light entering.

The third test tube was firmly sealed with a bung but was without a leaf.

She left the three test tubes in the conditions shown in the diagram for two hours.
They were then shaken gently and the leaves were removed.

Hydrogen carbonate indicator solution is orange in normal air.

It changes colour to red as the carbon dioxide level decreases.

It changes to yellow as the carbon dioxide level increases.

The colour of the indicator solution in each test tube was recorded.

Her results are shown in the table.

(a) Explain the colour change observed in test tube C.








(b) Explain the purpose of test tube B.





(c) Caroline set up a fourth test tube that contained a leaf and was exposed to dim

After two hours the colour of the indicator solution in this test tube remained orange.

Explain why.





(d) Caroline carried out another experiment to investigate the effect that light intensity
has on the rate of photosynthesis in a water plant.

(i) Suggest how she could change her independent variable.




(ii) Suggest how she could measure her dependent variable.




(iii) Suggest how she could ensure that her results were reliable.






(Total for question = 10 marks)


(a) A student is given two samples of carbohydrates.

He tests to see if one is glucose and the other one is starch.

Describe the two chemical tests he should use to identify each carbohydrate.












(b) Different groups of organism store carbohydrate as different molecules.

Complete the table to show an example from each group of organisms and the molecule they
use to store carbohydrate.


(Total for question = 8 marks)


A student investigated the effect of size on the movement of molecules.

He cut three different sized cubes from a block of clear agar jelly.

Cube A was 2 × 2 × 2 cm. Cube B was 1 × 1 × 1 cm and cube C was 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.5 cm.

The student wore safety glasses and placed the cubes in a beaker of red dye solution for five

He then poured the solution into another beaker, washed the surface of the cubes and dried
them with blotting paper.

He then cut each cube in half and examined the newly cut surfaces.

Diagram 1 shows what the cubes looked like.

(a) Why did he wear safety glasses?




(b) Explain how the red dye molecules entered the jelly.






(c) Use a ruler to measure the distance the red dye has entered each cube in diagram 1.


......................................................... mm

(d) (i) Calculate the surface area of cube A.


surface area = ................................................. unit .................................

(ii) Calculate the volume of cube A.


volume = ................................................. unit .................................

(e) The student was told by his teacher that the cubes have different surface area to volume

Complete the table by putting one tick ( ) in each row to show whether the statement applies to
cube A, B or C.


(f) Explain how this experiment can be used to understand the need for transport systems in
larger organisms such as humans.










(Total for question = 14 marks)


A student investigates how light affects photosynthesis by looking at changes in carbon dioxide

The student uses this method.

(a) (i) Explain the purpose of tube C.






(ii) Why is it necessary to measure the temperature of the water bath?



(iii) Name the independent variable in this investigation.



(b) The table shows the student's results.

(i) Explain the change in colour of the indicator in tube A.





(ii) Explain the change in colour of the indicator in tube B.





(c) Suggest a different method that the student could use to show that light affects
photosynthesis in leaves.










(Total for question = 12 marks)


A scientist does an experiment using a photosynthetic organism and bacteria.

The photosynthetic organism lives in water and has a spiral chloroplast.

The bacteria need oxygen to survive.

The scientist shines different colours of light on the photosynthetic organism and adds the
bacteria to the water.

The diagram shows the location of the bacteria during the experiment.

(a) Use the information from the diagram to suggest two conclusions that can be made about


1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(b) The scientist concludes that bacteria are living organisms.

Explain how the diagram supports this conclusion.






(c) Name two structures found in bacteria.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(Total for question = 6 marks)


A student wants to investigate osmosis using potato tissue.

(a) What is meant by the term osmosis?








(b) The student puts 90 cm3 of glucose solution of different concentrations into six different
plastic cups. He then puts one raw potato chip into each cup. The diagram shows one of the
plastic cups.
The potato chips were all the same mass and shape at the start of the investigation. After 12
hours the chips are removed and the volume of solution in the plastic cups is measured. The
table shows the results.

(i) Use the information in the table to plot a graph on the grid to show the volume of solution
remaining in the cup after 12 hours in each concentration of glucose. Use a ruler to join your
points with straight lines.

(ii) Use your graph to estimate the concentration of the cytoplasm in the potato cells.


concentration ........................................................... mol/dm3

(iii) Complete the table by ticking the boxes to show the cups in which the potato chips lost


(c) (i) Name the independent variable in this investigation.



(ii) Name a controlled variable in this investigation.



(iii) Suggest two reasons why the volume of solution measured by the student may not be

1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(iv) Suggest a piece of apparatus that could be used to give a precise measurement of the
volume of the solution left in each cup.



(Total for question = 15 marks)


The graph shows the effect of increasing light intensity on the exchange of carbon dioxide in a
green plant.

(a) Describe the effect of increasing light intensity on the exchange of carbon dioxide.







(b) Explain why there is no net exchange of carbon dioxide at point A.




(c) Describe how you could use an indicator to show how the exchange of carbon dioxide by a
leaf changes in the dark and in the light.








(Total for question = 5 marks)


The diagram shows the human kidney with tubes labelled A, B and C.
(a) Which letter shows the tube that would contain urine?



(b) The table shows the concentration of plasma proteins and glucose in the blood entering the
kidney and in the urine.

(i) Explain why there are no plasma proteins in the urine.






(ii) Explain why there is no glucose in the urine.





(iii) Water is found in the urine.

Name two other substances you would also find in the urine.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(c) Some people do have glucose in their urine. These people have diabetes.

Suggest why a person with diabetes has glucose in their urine.






(d) On a hot day there is less water in urine.

Explain how the kidney is able to reduce the water content of urine produced on a hot day.








(Total for question = 12 marks)


The human kidney removes urea from the blood.

(a) Name two other substances the kidney removes from the blood.




(b) The diagram shows a simple kidney machine that uses dialysis to remove urea
from the blood.

Dialysis allows small molecules to be removed from the blood. This is done by
passing the dialysis solution over the tube containing the blood. The small molecules
move from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration.

(i) Give one way in which dialysis is similar to diffusion.




(ii) Give one way in which dialysis is similar to osmosis.





(iii) Describe how the kidney machine removes urea from the blood.







(iv) Another function of the kidney machine is to maintain normal blood glucose

Suggest how the concentration of glucose in the dialysis solution helps to

maintain a normal glucose concentration in the blood.






(v) Describe two processes that take place in the kidney but not in the kidney










(c) Kidney failure can be treated by transplanting a healthy donor kidney into the

(i) The procedure involves connecting two blood vessels and a tube to the
transplanted kidney.

Name the two blood vessels and the tube.


blood vessel .....................................................................................................................................


blood vessel .....................................................................................................................................



(ii) Suggest why the transplanted kidney is placed in the lower abdomen instead
of in the kidney's usual location.






(Total for question = 16 marks)


Plants obtain their nutrition by photosynthesis.

(a) Write the balanced chemical symbol equation for photosynthesis.



(b) (i) Explain how the rate of photosynthesis is affected by changes to abiotic (non-living)
factors throughout the day.










(ii) Explain how very high temperatures might reduce the growth of plants.









(Total for question = 10 marks)


The immune system responds to infection using white blood cells. A phagocyte is
one type of white blood cell.

(a) (i) Draw and label a phagocyte.


(ii) Give one way that the structure of this cell differs from a red blood cell.




(b) Describe how white blood cells are used by the body to defend against infection.














(Total for question = 9 marks)


The photograph shows a variegated leaf. The dark (green) part of the leaf has cells that
contain chloroplasts. The white part of the leaf has cells that do not contain chloroplasts.
(a) Describe the role of chloroplasts in leaf cells.






(b) The diagram shows a leaf cell from the green part of the leaf.

Name the parts labelled A, B and C.





(c) The diagram shows a plant with variegated leaves.

The plant was destarched by leaving it in the dark for 24 hours.

Leaf X then had a strip of black paper attached to both the upper and lower surfaces.
It was then sealed in a flask containing a solution of sodium hydroxide, a substance
that absorbs carbon dioxide.

Leaf Y also had a strip of black paper attached to both the upper and lower surfaces.

The plant was then placed in the light for 24 hours and then a starch test was
carried out on leaf X and leaf Y.
The five leaves, A to E, show the possible appearance of leafX and leaf Y after the
starch test.

(i) Which of the leaves A to E matches the result you would obtain after testing
leaf X and leaf Y for starch?


leaf X

leaf Y

(ii) Explain what happens in a leaf when it is destarched.





(iii) Describe how the green pigment in leaf cells is removed safely before testing
a leaf for the presence of starch.











(iv) Name the chemical used to test for starch.



(Total for question = 13 marks)


During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide through their leaves.

(a) Describe how the structure of a leaf is adapted to absorb carbon dioxide.









(b) Write the balanced chemical equation for photosynthesis.



(c) A simple controlled experiment can be carried out to show that a plant leaf produces
starch when exposed to light.

(i) At the start of the experiment, all of the starch should be removed from the leaf.

Suggest how this could be done.





(ii) Describe the control you would set up in this experiment.




(iii) Describe how you would test a leaf for starch.

Include the safety precautions you would take and the results you would
expect to see.










(Total for question = 10 marks)


A student carries out an experiment to investigate the effect of changing the colour of light on
the rate of photosynthesis in a water plant.

She sets up the apparatus shown.

(a) (i) Name the gas given off during photosynthesis.



(ii) Explain how the student should control two variables in her investigation.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................




2 ..........................................................................................................................................




(b) The table shows the results the student obtained from her investigation.

(i) Complete the table by calculating the average rate of photosynthesis for red light.



(ii) Explain whether the results for each colour are reliable.







(c) Plot a bar graph to show the effect of the different colours of light on the average rate of


(d) Suggest why there is a difference in the average rate of photosynthesis between blue light
and green light.






(Total for question = 15 marks)


The table gives statements about blood cells. Some apply to red blood cells and
some to white blood cells.

(a) Complete the table by using a tick or a cross to show if each statement
applies to red blood cells or to white blood cells. The first statement has been
done for you.


(b) Some athletes preparing for a long distance race train at high altitude for several
weeks. The availability of oxygen at high altitude is lower so the body responds
by increasing the number of red blood cells. The number of red blood cells
remains high when the athletes return to lower altitude to compete.

Explain how having more red blood cells is an advantage to athletes who take
part in long distance races.











(c) A 100 m sprint race takes less than 10 seconds to complete.

Suggest why sprint athletes gain no advantage from training at altitude.







(Total for question = 11 marks)


The diagram shows the difference in the pupil diameter of the eye in bright light and
after moving into dim light. The difference is caused by a reflex action.

(a) The table gives descriptions of parts of the reflex arc involved with the reflex action.

Complete the table by naming each part.

One has been done for you.


(b) Explain how the lens changes when you view a near object.












(Total for question = 7 marks)


Fish breathe by opening their mouths to allow water containing oxygen to pass over their gills.
This is shown in the diagram.

(a) (i) Gas exchange takes place in the gills.

What is meant by the term gas exchange?




(ii) Fish use their gills as a gas exchange surface.

Suggest three ways in which fish gills are adapted for efficient gas exchange.


1 .............................................................................................................................................


2 .............................................................................................................................................


3 .............................................................................................................................................


(b) Students investigated the effect of temperature on the breathing rate of fish. They put fish of
the same size in tanks of water at different temperatures. They measured the breathing rate by
counting the number of times the fish opened their mouths in a minute.

The results are shown in the table.

(i) Plot a line graph to show the effect of water temperature on the average breathing rate of
the fish. Join the points with straight lines.


(ii) Suggest how the results support the hypothesis that warm water contains less oxygen than
cold water.





(iii) The students controlled the size of fish. Explain why this is needed to make it a valid




(iv) Give two other factors the students should have controlled.


1 .............................................................................................................................................


2 .............................................................................................................................................


(Total for question = 13 marks)


Students carried out a simple investigation to show how the sensitivity of the skin
differs on the finger tips, the back of the hand and the wrist.

Students worked in pairs.

The two prongs of a hairpin were fixed 0.5 cm apart.
This hairpin was then used by one student to touch the skin of another student, who was
looking away.
The first student used both prongs or one prong as a stimulus.
The second student then indicated whether he thought both prongs or just prong was
His response was recorded as correct or incorrect .
This was repeated 10 times for each area of the skin.

The procedure was then repeated using prongs 1 cm apart and 2 cm apart.

Students could then identify the most sensitive area of the skin.
(a) Some of the percentages of correct responses at each distance have been
recorded in the table. Complete the table by writing in the missing percentages.

(b) On the grid provided, plot a bar graph to show how sensitivity changes with
area of the skin.

(c) Which area of the skin is the most sensitive? Explain your answer.










(d) Suggest a reason for the difference in sensitivity between the areas of the







(e) The teacher told the students to touch the skin with the prongs using the
pressure each time. Suggest a reason for this.




(Total for question = 13 marks)


The diagram shows some of the blood vessels and a nephron in the human kidney.
The numbers represent the concentration of glucose at various places in the blood
vessels and in the nephron, in arbitrary units.
(a) Explain how the structure of the blood vessels entering and leaving the glomerulus
help to move glucose into the Bowman's capsule.







(b) What type of blood vessels are found in the glomerulus?



(c) (i) Describe how glucose is reabsorbed from the nephron back into the blood.





(ii) Suggest why glucose needs to be returned to the blood.






(Total for question = 7 marks)


The eye can respond to changes in light intensity.

The diagram below shows how pupil size changes in different levels of light.

(a) Use a ruler to measure the change in pupil diameter between bright light and a dark room.


change in diameter = ........................................................... mm

(b) Where in the eye are the cells that detect the change in the stimulus to cause this response?


(c) Explain the changes that take place in the pupil as a person moves from bright light into a
dark room.







(Total for question = 5 marks)


The diagram shows the structure of the human heart.

(a) (i) Explain how you know that X is the right side of the heart.



(ii) Give the name of chamber A.



(iii) On the diagram, label the pulmonary artery.


(iv) Explain the difference in the structure of the walls of chamber A and chamber B.






(b) (i) Give the name of structure C.



(ii) Describe the function of structure C.





(c) Sometimes a baby is born with a hole between chambers A and B.

Suggest the effects that this condition may have on the baby.







(d) A student wants to investigate the effect of exercise on heart rate.

(i) Describe how the student could measure heart rate.








(ii) Explain how the student could ensure that the results obtained would allow a valid
comparison to be made.








(Total for question = 14 marks)


A student wants to investigate the effect of secretions (juice) from the pancreas on the digestion
of protein.

The white of an egg is put into fifteen 50 mm long capillary tubes. The tubes are placed in
boiling water for 10 minutes until the egg white becomes solid. The diagram shows one of the
tubes filled with solid egg white.
The fifteen tubes are put into three groups of five.

five tubes are placed in a beaker of distilled water

five tubes are placed into a beaker of juice from the pancreas
five tubes are placed into a beaker of juice from the pancreas that has been boiled

After three hours the length of the boiled egg white in each tube is measured in mm.
The results are shown in the table.

(a) (i) Give the dependent variable in this experiment.



(ii) Give two reasons why the results obtained by the student are reliable.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(iii) Suggest how the student can obtain precise measurements of length.




(b) (i) Explain the difference in the results obtained in distilled water compared to juice from the






(ii) Explain the difference in the results obtained in pancreas juice compared to boiled juice from
the pancreas.






(c) Suggest how you could modify this investigation to find out the effect of pH on protein
digestion by pancreas juice.






(Total for question = 10 marks)

The diagram shows a section through the human eye.

(a) Name the structures labelled A, B and C.


A ...............................................................................................

B ...............................................................................................

C ...............................................................................................

(b) Explain the changes that take place in structures B and C when a person focuses
on a nearby object.







(c) Structures in the eye respond to stimuli by means of reflex actions.

(i) Describe one reflex action that occurs in the eye.





(ii) Give a reason for this reflex action.




(iii) Human responses are also controlled by hormones.

For one named example of a hormone, give its site of production and its effect.





Site of production






(Total for question = 11 marks)


(a) An experiment was carried out to look at the effect of exercise on heart rate.
The experimental results were collected from a group of children, both boys and girls.

The children's heart rate was measured three times.

at rest
just before exercise (in anticipation of exercise)
immediately after carrying out one minute of exercise

(i) Calculate the average (mean) for the children's data after exercise.

Show your working.

average (mean) = ........................................................... beats per minute

(ii) Name the child with an anomalous result in the data for heart rate just before exercise.



(iii) Suggest why the mean value of heart rate just before exercise is different to the mean value
at rest.






(iv) Name two variables that should be controlled in this experiment.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(b) Long distance runners and cyclists usually have a lower than average resting heart rate.

Suggest why a low heart rate has developed in these people.










(Total for question = 11 marks)


Plants make food by the process of photosynthesis.

(a) Write a balanced chemical symbol equation for photosynthesis.



(b) The leaf of a plant is adapted to carry out photosynthesis.

Explain how the following parts of the leaf are adapted for photosynthesis.

(i) palisade mesophyll layer







(ii) spongy mesophyll layer







(iii) guard cells






(c) A student uses this method to show that starch is produced during photosynthesis.

(i) Explain why the student put the plant in a dark cupboard for 24 hours in step 1.






(ii) Describe how the student could carry out step 4 safely.






(iii) State the colour of the leaf observed in step 6.




(iv) The student concludes that starch is produced by photosynthesis in the leaf.

State a suitable control that she should use to make her conclusion valid.



(d) Plants need to absorb mineral ions from the soil to enable them to produce other biological

Complete the table by giving the missing information.


(Total for question = 16 marks)


(a) The table shows features found in three groups of living organisms.

Complete the table using a tick to show that the group of living organisms shows the feature
and a cross if the feature is absent.


(b) Some bacteria, fungi and protoctists are pathogens.

(i) Name another type of pathogen.


(ii) Give an example of a disease caused by a protoctist.



(Total for question = 6 marks)


The photograph shows some viruses.

(a) Suggest two reasons why most biologists do not classify viruses as living organisms.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(b) Name one example of a virus.



(c) Give one structural difference between a bacterium and a virus.




(Total for question = 4 marks)

Mark Scheme


(Total for question = 8 marks)

(Total for question = 12 marks)


Total 7 marks


Total 11 marks



(Total for question = 5 marks)

Total 4 marks


Total 16 marks


(Total for question = 12 marks)

Total 12 marks


Total 8 marks

Total 5 marks


Total 12 marks

(Total for question = 10 marks)

Total 15 marks



(Total for question = 5 marks)

(Total for question = 14 marks)

(Total for question = 11 marks)

(Total for question = 6 marks)

Total 4 marks

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