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Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram

Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram

1. Introduction
• Rationale 4. Findings
• Research questions • Research question 1
• Research question 2
2. Literature review • Research question 3
• English for Electrical
Engineering and Electronics
• Needs Analysis 5. Implications and
• Working NAs Framework conclusion

3. Research methodology
• Context of the study
• Participants
• Research instrument
• Data collection procedure
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram

I - Introduction
1.1. Rationale
1.2. Research questions
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


1.1. Rationale
• With the growing need of using English internationally in the fields of science
and technology, English for Specific Purpose (ESP) in general and English for
Science and Technology (EST) in particular have already marked their role in
multilingual and digital world of exponential developments for some recent
• The matter of ESP should be “redirected away from foreign language
education and towards training in communication for professional purposes…
The content of ESP course should be based on evidence, not teacher intuition”
[Huhta, Vogt, Johnson and Tulki (2013)]

The content development for ESP course should be

deeply grounded from the research findings with
relevant stakeholders rather than only based on the
institute decisions (course designers’ or lecturers’
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


1.1. Rationale
• The needs of English for Electrical Engineering and Electronics (EEEE) in
EST, especially the application of EEEE in Vietnam is still under-researched.
Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a research in order to investigate the
needs of the undergraduates in learning EEEE.
• The researcher has experienced in both learning and teaching the course
English for EEE in the university

Conduct an investigation on
the needs of undergraduates.
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


1.2. Research questions

• 1 - What are English for Electrical Engineering and Electronics competencies
that undergraduates perceive to be necessary for them?
• 2 - What are the major difficulties that the undergraduates have experienced
during the course of English for Electrical Engineering and Electronics?
• 3 - What are suggestions to improve the undergraduates’ English for
Electrical Engineering and Electronics competencies?

What do undergraduates perceive to be their

learning needs of the English for Electrical
Engineering and Electronics course?
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram

II – Literature Review
2.1. English for Electrical Engineering and Electronics
2.2. Needs Analysis
2.3. Working NAs Framework
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


2.1. English for EEE

• Although English for Electrical Engineering and Electronics (EEEE)
is included in the process of learning EST as a branch in ESP, the
definition of EEEE is not available yet in the literature.
• Based on the current course-book relating to EEEE of Glendining
(1980), Sinclair & Dunton (2007) and the course-book of a technical
university in Hanoi, Vietnam (2016), some common features are as
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


2.1. English for EEE

• Mainly be developed according to content-based
Focus on providing information for the learners on the Electrical-relating
01 topics such as Electrostatic forces, the structure of matter, electric
current, electromotive force, electric circuits, DC generators & motors, etc.

• Concentrate on developing the two main areas:

technical terminology and reading comprehension.
Although Glendining (1980) includes some grammatical exercise and the
course-book of the technical university in Hanoi includes communicative
02 and listening skills, it still focuses on the matter of accumulating
technical terms and knowledge rather than developing communicative
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


2.1. English for EEE

• The course of EEEE mainly focuses on delivering the knowledge rather than
skills, especially the basic knowledge of EEEE for the students in order to
create a foundation for them in future careers. However, the research about
the learning needs of the undergraduates have not been conducted
thoroughly and officially, the teachers or the lecturers mainly contribute the
course-books based on their experience rather than the undergraduates’
needs about the course. Therefore, in the current study, the undergraduates’
competencies including knowledge, skills and attitude (Council of Europe,
2001) in EEEE will be explored for better understanding of their needs.
• In conclusion, under the situation when ESP is widely regarded under
vocational orientation rather than academic one, the matter of EEEE, which
is still mainly considered as content-based approach should be improved. In
addition, EEEE should be regarded based on the needs of learners. In other
words, studying on learners’ difficulties and necessary competencies they
should accumulate after the course in order to help them learn and work
effectively is important.
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


2.2. Needs Analysis

• Due to the fact that the ESP course is developed regarding to the needs
of the learners, the role of NA before designing an ESP course is
considered as the key stage. In language teaching, NA is considered as
the corner stone of ESP and leads to a focused course.
• Strevens (1980) suggests that NA is a necessary first step for specific
purposes language teaching. In addition, Hutchinson and Waters (1987)
also argue that “any language course should be based on needs
analysis”, Hamp-Lyons (2001) opines that needs analysis is a
fundamental component to and ESP approach in term of course design.
Regarding to the definition, Dudley-Evans and St John (1997) defines
NA as “the process of establishing the what and how of a course”. They
argue that “need analysis is neither unique to language teaching-needs
assessment, for example, is the basis of training programs and aid-
development, programs – nor, within language training, is it unique to
Language for Specific Purpose and thus to ESP”
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


2.2. Needs Analysis

• They also stress three aspects about the aim of NA is to know
learners as
people, as
language users
and as language
learners Concentrate on
analyse the
learning needs
regarding to their
how language needs of EEEE,
learning and their difficulties
the target
skills learning
situations and
can be and suggestions for
maximized for the course
a given learner
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


2.3. Working NAs framework of the study

• Under consideration on the purpose of the
research, the framework of Hutchinson &
• Why are the learners taking the Waters (1987) is applied:
course? • (1) the framework provides a list of
questions for learning needs analysis,
• How do the learners learn? which is useful and suitable for the
process of developing the research
• What resources are available? instruments.

• Who are the learners? • (2) the research purpose is to explore the
learning needs of undergraduates. Thus,
the framework by Hutchinson & Waters
• When / Where will the course take (1987), which provides the detailed
place? questions for learning needs analysis
seem to be the most comprehensive and
• (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987, p. 63) suitable for the aim and objectives of the
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


2.3. Working NAs framework of the study

• According to Hutchinson and Waters
(1987), learning needs analysis relates • Why are the learners taking the
to the learners’ perspectives namely course?
their learning experience, cultural
information, reasons, expectations and • How do the learners learn?
their attitudes to English.
• What resources are available?
• The learning needs analysis framework
about the identity and purpose of the • Who are the learners?
learning, the place and time of the
• When / Where will the course take
study, the people the learners will
interact with or the level of the
proficiency required is comprised of the • (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987, p. 63)
following questions:
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram

III – Research Methodology

3.1. Context of the study

3.2. Participants

3.3. Data collection instrument

3.4. Data collection procedure

3.5. Data analysis methods and procedure

Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


3.1. Context of the study

RESEARCH PLACE COURSE • Be at the four semester

(second school year)
• Account for 2 credit
• Be considered as the first
technical fundamental
and core course for
undergraduates to learn
A technical university English for Electrical
Engineering and technical translation and
In Hanoi, Vietnam Electronics
interpretation later
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


3.2. Participants
17 undergraduates Selected based on
19-21 years old ability of EEEE
Level Number of
12 undergraduates students
have experienced EEEE A 2
course B+ 2
B 6
5 undergraduates
C+ 1
haven’t experienced
EEEE course C 1
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


3.3. Data collection instrument

• The sets of interview questions were designed based on the framework by
Hutchinson and Water (1987).
No The theories questions Question for the interview Theme
1 Who are the learners? Please introduce yourself (name, age, your school year) Information about the participants
2 What do the learners already know about Before the course, what knowledge and skills relating to EEEE you have already known? Learners’ prior knowledge of EEE
the subjects?
3 What do learners think they will achieve? What did you expect to achieve from the course at the beginning of the course? Their expectation for the course

4 What is their attitude towards the ESP What is your attitude towards the course? At what extend do you think that the course Learners’ attitude towards the course
course? have provided you necessary skills and knowledge for the later courses and for your future
5 How do the learners learn? What was your learning methodology for EEEE? Learners’ learning methods

- Did you spend time self-studying? How often?

6 What learning and teaching styles are What were your familiar learning and teaching style? Familiar learning and teaching styles
they used to?
7 What resources are available? In the process of learning EEEE, what resources of information did you often use? Available resources

8 Why are the learners taking the course? Why did you take the course? Reason for taking the course
9 What are their interests? Which part did you find the most interesting in the course, and you desired to develop more Their interest
in the future? Why?
10 What are their difficulties? Which part did you find the most difficult in the course? Why? Their difficulties
11 What methodology will appeal to them? Which learning methodology do you think that it could help you improve your results? Their learning method preference
12 Their suggestions What is your suggestion for self-studying? Suggestions
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


3.4. Data collection procedure

• The participants were provided a set of semi-structured questions to
brainstorm and review what they had experienced with the course
• The interviewees were informed that the interviews were recorded
to serve the process of data analysis

In-depth interview
August 2020

• Conducted from 20 – 45 minutes in semi-structured

• Conducted in Vietnamese language to ensure the fully
delivered interaction between the researchers and the
• Taken online through Zoom Meeting and calling due to
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


3.4. Data analysis and procedure

Analyzed data
Recorded the based on Miles
answer and Huberman

Reported Catergorized
findings into concepts
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram

IV - Findings
4.1. Research question 1
4.2. Research question 2
4.3. Research question 3
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


4.1. Research question 1

• What are English for Electrical Engineering and Electronics
competencies that undergraduates perceive to be necessary for

Understand technical knowledge (15 out of 17)

•I do not know how other undergraduates learn, but for me, the most necessary
is to comprehend the technical knowledge in both English and Vietnamese,
rather than just English one. Because we need to understand the nature first,
KNOWLEDGE then we could explain in English more easily and effectively

Comprehend technical terms (15 out of 17)

•I think the understanding towards the technical terms in this course may help
me improve my communicative skills, I also could comprehend the reading text
and improve my listening skills in EEEE based on technical terms
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


4.1. Research question 1

• What are English for Electrical Engineering and Electronics
competencies that undergraduates perceive to be necessary for
Be able to research and collect the information from the available
source (17 out of 17)
•Researching for information is necessary because the course-book is not enough for both
learning and working purpose. It is difficult to understand and lack of illustrations.

SKILLS Self-study (17 out of 17)

•If having a chance to learn the subject again to improve her grade, one graduate would
“push myself in self-studying more” (Undergraduate_5).

Improve the four basic skills in technical situation (15 out of 17)

•I think that the four basic skills in general English have been equipped carefully and
enough for the requirement from the beginning of the course. However, it does not apply
much in EEE environment. As a result, strengthening those skills in particular situation is
important. (Undergraduate_4)
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


4.2. Research question 2

• What are the major difficulties that the undergraduates have
experienced during the course of EEEE?
Understand the technical knowledge (15 out of 17)
•The course focuses on some matter of Physics and Chemistry. However, we mainly focused on English and
Literature when we were in High Schools to pass the entrance exam to the university. As a result, we did not have
any foundation about this course. (Undergraduate_11)
Find a suitable learning methodology to deal with technical terms (15 out of 17)
•The terminology system of this course is dense and too difficult to remember. One term seems to relate to the
whole system or working principles. However, when doing the final test, the learning of technical terms seems not
to be used effectively (Undergraduate_1)
•I wasted a lot of time and effort in researching the working principles, but I still did not understand anything

Research for reliable resources to EEEE (11 out of 17)

•There are so many websites written with a large number of new words, as a result, I cannot understand anything
•Some words seems not to have the equivalence in Vietnamese, I cannot search for Vietnamese information to read
for understand first, but have to learn the definition by heart (Undergraduate_6)
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


4.3. Research question 3

• What are suggestions to improve the undergraduates’ English
for Electrical Engineering and Electronics competencies?

Learn based on the model or be able to practice both technical knowledge

and technical skills (12 out of 17)
•I want to experience some real situation which applying EEEE knowledge to deal with in order to improve my
communicative skills. (Undergraduate_1)

Be able to participate in interactive activities in class (12 out of 17)

•I would like to have more in-class activities and interaction. If I could learn the course again, I would ask and
share with my friends more often (Undergraduate_9)

Self-study and self-review at home and collaborate with each other and
exchange resources before the examination (12 out of 17)
•I think self-studying is more efficient for me, because when I asked my friends, they are all girl and they even
do not understand the nature of working principles, not even to share with me (Undergraduate_10)
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram

V – Implications and
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


5.1. Overview
The research has answered for the three research questions.

• Firstly, the necessary competencies to learn effectively in the university according to the
undergraduates are technical knowledge, technical terms and the ability of researching
for resources and information, as well as, the capability in self-studying.

• Secondly, the difficulties the undergraduates faced with in the process of experiencing the
EEEE are comprehending technical phenomena, memorizing technical terms and
researching materials served for learning process.

• Lastly, they provided some suggestion towards improving learning and teaching
methodology which are learning sticking with real and practical situation, spending more
time in self-studying and joining more interactive activities in class.
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


5.2. Implications
• To enhance in-class learning for EEEE, the lecturers should organize some
interactive activities for the students. For example, the students should research
for the topic before class. When coming to the class, they can share their
understanding or knowledge they have researched at home with some of their
friends. In addition, they have time to discuss with the teachers whether the
information is suitable for the topic or not.

• To enhance self-studying among students, it should be some available sources

providing for students to support for their process of searching for information
such as an interactive website, technical dictionary, mobile apps for learning
vocabulary and terms, portfolios with illustrations of the daily machines, etc.
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram


5.3. Conclusion
The research may be used as the references for the later research on
improving the ability of learning EEEE, designing or adjusting the learning
course to be more suitable or need the requirements of the students in both
the university and the workplace.

In addition, it helps the other researchers on developing some supporting

tools to enhance learning autonomy of the undergraduates for this course.
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram

• Dudley-Evans, T., & St John, M. J. (1998).Developments in English for specific purposes: A multi-disciplinary
approach. Cambridge University Press.

• EEEE. (2016). Hanoi: Unpublished book, School of Foreign Language, Hanoi University of Science and Technology.

• Glendinning, E. H. (1980). English in Electrical Engineering and Electronics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

• Hamp-Lyons. (2001). English for academic purposes . In R. Carter, & D. Nunan, The Cambridge guide to teaching
English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

• Huhta, M., Vogt, K., Johnson, E., Tulkki, H., & Hall, D. R. (2013). Needs analysis for language course design.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

• Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). English for Specific Purposes. New York: Cambridge University Press.

• Rahman, M. (2012, August 2012). English for Specific Purposes (ESP): A Holistic Review. International Journal of
Scientific and Research Publications, 2(8), 1-14.

• School of Foreign Languages. (2017). Undergraduate Program 2017 for Bachelor in English language. Hanoi:
Unpublished by School of Foreign Languages, Hanoi University of Science and Technology.

• Sinclair, I., & Dunton, J. (2007). Electronic and Electrical Servicing: Consumer and Commercial Electronics. Oxford:
Elsevier Limited.

• Strevens, P. (1980). Teaching English as an international language. Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd.
Truong Minh Chau – Nguyen Thi Minh Tram

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