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Version 2.


Mahanadi Basin

Optimal management of water resources is the necessity of time in the wake of development and
growing need of population of India. The National Water Policy of India (2002) recognizes that
development and management of water resources need to be governed by national perspectives in
order to develop and conserve the scarce water resources in an integrated and environmentally
sound basis. The policy emphasizes the need for effective management of water resources by
intensifying research efforts in use of remote sensing technology and developing an information
system. In this reference a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on December 3, 2008
between the Central Water Commission (CWC) and National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Indian
Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to execute the project “Generation of Database and
Implementation of Web enabled Water resources Information System in the Country” short named
as India-WRIS WebGIS.

India-WRIS WebGIS has been developed and is in public domain since December 2010 (www.india- It provides a ‘Single Window solution’ for all water resources data and information
in a standardized national GIS framework and allow users to search, access, visualize, understand
and analyze comprehensive and contextual water resources data and information for planning,
development and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

Basin is recognized as the ideal and practical unit of water resources management because it allows
the holistic understanding of upstream-downstream hydrological interactions and solutions for
management for all competing sectors of water demand. The practice of basin planning has
developed due to the changing demands on river systems and the changing conditions of rivers by
human interventions. The multiple uses of water and varying demands on a river basin require an
integrated approach to managing river basin.

Basin wise report generation is one the important deliverables of India-WRIS project. Report of
Mahanadi basin describes systematically the present status of water resources: major water
resources projects, hydro-meteorological observations, surface and ground water development
scenario, topographic characteristics, climatic variability, land use / land cover pattern & allied
natural resources along with socio-economic profile of the basin. The report contains valuable latest
information of the basin on all aspects of water resources and allied sectors and will be useful as
baseline information for the irrigation officials, hydrologists, agriculturalists, conservationists,
research organizations and all those involved in the development of Mahanadi basin.

Mahanadi Basin


The Mahanadi basin report is an outcome of the project “Generation of Database and
Implementation of Web enabled Water resources Information System in the Country” short named
as India-WRIS WebGIS jointly executed by the Central Water Commission (CWC) and National
Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). This comprehensive
publication gives the present status of water resources assets, topographic features, climatic
variability, land use / land cover pattern & allied natural resources along with socio-economic
information of the basin.

We, on behalf of the authors and India-WRIS project team acknowledge; Shri Alok Rawat, Secretary,
Ministry of Water Resources; Mrs. Sudha Midha, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Water
Resources; Er. A. B. Pandya, Chairman, Central Water Commission; Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, Chairman,
Indian Space Research Organization and Secretary, Department of Space; Shri Sudarsanam
Srinivasan, Secretary to GOI and Member- Finance, Department of Space; Shri A. Vijay Anand,
Additional Secretary, Department of Space; Dr. V. Koteswara Rao, Scientific Secretary, ISRO; Dr. V.
Jayaraman, Ex-Director, NRSC for constant encouragement and guidance, technical discussions and
for evincing keen interest in India-WRIS project and this report.

Our foremost acknowledgement is towards India-WRIS project team who created and
organized large number of data sets and information in GIS format as seamless layers and attribute
data for the entire country which served as base for this report. Thanks are also due to all CWC and
NRSC / ISRO officials who carried out the quality assurance and shown their enthusiastic
involvement. Finally, our sincere thanks are to all divisions and officials of NRSC and CWC for their
valuable support during the preparation of this report.

The basin report includes the results generated through interpretation of latest satellite imageries as
well as compilation of huge information from voluminous records. This would not have been
possible without the countrywide support. We would like to thank all the organizations, institutes
and individuals who contributed either directly or indirectly in bringing out this publication.

Dr. J R Sharma
Project Director, India-WRIS &
Chief General Manager, RCs/ NRSC/ ISRO, New Delhi

Er. Yogesh Paithankar

Project In-charge, India-WRIS &
Director, CWC, New Delhi

Mahanadi Basin

Executive summary
The Water resources play a major role in agriculture, hydropower generation, livestock production,
forestry, navigation and recreational activities etc. The change in hydrological parameters such as
climate, rainfall, evaporation etc. potentially impacts the obtainability of water resources. For proper
management of water resources of country, India has been divided into 20 basins. The Mahanadi is
one of the major peninsular rivers of the country and, in water potential and flood producing
capacity; it ranks after Godavari. River basin report provides valuable information related to the
topographic, demographic, climatic, surface and ground water resources, hydro-meteorological and
water quality scenario of Mahanadi basin.
The basin is broadly divided into three sub-basins; Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin, Mahanadi Middle Sub
Basin and Mahanadi Lower sub basin. The Mahanadi basin extends over five states of Chhattisgarh
and Odisha and comparatively smaller portions of Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh,
draining an area of 139681.51 (GIS based calculated area). The major part of basin is covered
with agricultural land accounting to 54.27% of the total area and 4.45% of the basin is covered by
water bodies. The main soil types found in the basin are red and yellow soils, mixed red and black
soils, laterite soils and deltaic soils. As per CWC assessment of Mahanadi basin in 1990, the basin has
a culturable command area of about 7.99 M. ha which is about 4% of the total culturable area of the
The average water resource potential of the basin is 66.9 BCM. The utilizable potential of Mahanadi
basin is 50 BCM (CWC, 2014). In terms of water storage, the basin has total storage capacity of
14207.80 MCM. The water has been stored at many places and it creates few big reservoirs like
Hirakud and Hasdeo bango. The basin is subject to severe flooding occasionally in the delta area due
to inadequate carrying capacity of the channels. The report includes a crisp info on number and
types of HO and FF stations. The ground water utilization is only about 4% of the utilizable potential
(CWC, 1989).
This report discourses about the basic important aspects in the basin which are directly or indirectly
related to availability and utilization of water resources in the basin. The tables and maps given in
the report are as per India-WRIS database existing on date. The sub-basin and watershed boundary
given are as per hydrologic units delineated using SRTM and CARTO II-LISS IV merge product under
India-WRIS project. The LULC map given is of assessment done in year 2005-06. The main content of
the report addresses important water resources projects and their salient features. The report is also
supported by annexures which give list and details of various sections covered in the report.

Mahanadi Basin

Table of Contents

Preface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
Acknowledgement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
Executive summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii
1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.1 Overview of basin-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 Topography --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
1.3 Climate --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
1.3.1 Rainfall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
1.3.2 Temperature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
1.3.3 Trends and variability ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
1.4 Major rivers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
1.5 Land use/land cover---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
1.6 Soils ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15
1.7 Agro climatic zones ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
1.8 Agro ecological zones -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
1.9 Demography ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
2. Hydrological units ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
2.1 Sub basins ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
2.2 Watersheds--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
3. Surface water resources-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
3.1 Surface waterbodies --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
3.2. Water resource projects --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
3.2.1 Major and medium irrigation projects- ---------------------------------------------------- 30
3.2.2 Hydro Electric projects- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31
3.2.3 Dams, Barrages/Weirs/Anicuts------------------------------------------------------------- 31
3.2.4 Command area and canal network ---------------------------------------------------------- 37
3.4.5 Multipurpose projects------------------------------------------------------------------------ 37
3.4.6 Interstate projects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
4. Ground water resources ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
4.1 Ground water observation wells ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 39
4.2 Ground water level fluctuation-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
4.3 Litholog well locations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
5. Hydro met observations-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
5.1 Hydrological observation sites--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
5.2 Flood forecasting sites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
5.3 Meteorological stations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
6. Water quality --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
6.1 Surface water quality observations -------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
6.2 Ground water quality observations -------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
7. Inter basin transfer links ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
8. Inland navigation waterways ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51
9. Water tourism sites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52

Mahanadi Basin

10. Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54

11.Annexures------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
Annexure I: State, district and parliamentary constituency in the basin---------------------------------- 55
Annexure II : Climate – Rainfall (1971 2004) and Temperature (1969 2004) profile in the basin--- 59
Annexure III : Sub basin wise population and drinking water facilities------------------------------------ 62
Annexure IV : Inventory of surface water resources----------------------------------------------------------- 65
Annexure V : Salient features of hydro observation stations------------------------------------------------ 88
Annexure VI : Inventory of water tourism sites----------------------------------------------------------------- 93

Acronyms----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96
References-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100
Authors and Project team-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------101

Mahanadi Basin

List of Tables
Table 1. Salient features of the basin-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Table 2. Elevation zones ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Table 3. Length of major rivers---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
Table 4. Land use/cover statistics (2005-06)----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
Table 5. Sub-basin wise watersheds--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
Table 6. Number and size of waterbodies------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Table 7. Number of water resources projects ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Table 8. Sub-basin wise number and type of water resources structures -------------------------------------- 31
Table 9. Sub-basin wise number of ground water observation wells---------------------------------------------- 39
Table 10. Hydrological observation sites of CWC----------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
Table 11. Types of flood forecasting stations of CWC----------------------------------------------------------------- 47
Table 12. Meteorological stations------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47
Table 13. Water tourism sites----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52

List of Maps
Map 1A. Mahanadi Basin - Index map ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
Map 2a. Satellite imagery of Mahanadi Basin----------------------------------------------------------- 3
Map 2b Mahanadi Basin-Drainage & Sub-basin------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Map 3.Elevation zones-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Map 4. Annual average rainfall---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Map 5.Land use/land cover(2005-06) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
Map 6.Soil texture-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Map 7.Soil erosion-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
Map 8.Soil slope----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
Map 9.Soil productivity-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
Map 10.Agro-climatic zones-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
Map 11.Agro-ecological zones----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
Map 12.Population density--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
Map 13(a) Mahanadi Lower Sub-basin and watersheds------------------------------------------------------------- 26
Map 13(b) Mahanadi Middle Sub-basin and watersheds ------------------------------------------------------------ 27
Map 13(c) Mahanadi Upper Sub-basin and watersheds ------------------------------------------------------------ 28
Map 14.Major water resources structures and projects------------------------------------------------------------- 33
Map 15(a). Mahanadi Upper Sub-basin water resources assets -------------------------------------------------- 34
Map 15(b). Mahanadi Middle Sub-basin water resources assets ------------------------------------------------- 35
Map 15(c). Mahanadi Lower Sub-basin water resources assets ------------------------------------------------- 36
Map 16. Command area and canal network ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
Map 17. Location of ground water observation wells----------------------------------------------------------------- 40
Map 18. Ground water level fluctuation (Recharge) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 42
Map 19. Ground water level fluctuation (Draft)------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43
Map 20.Hydro observation and flood forecasting stations----------------------------------------------------------- 46
Map 21.Inter basin transfer links ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
Map 22.Water tourism sites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53

List of Figures
Figure 1. State wise basin area--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Figure 2. Monthly average temperature (1969-2004) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Figure 3. Trend of annual rainfall (1971-2004)------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Figure 4. Sub-basins wise percent drainage area---------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
Figure 5. Type and number of waterbodies------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29
Figure 6. Dam classification based on storage--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
Figure 7. Dam classification based on purpose-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32

Mahanadi Basin

1. Introduction
1.1 Overview of basin
The Mahanadi is the 8th largest basin having total catchment area of 139681.51* which is
nearly 4.28% of the total geographical area of the country. The geographical extent of the basin
lies between 80°28’ and 86°43’ east longitudes and 19°8’ and 23°32’ north latitudes. It is physically
bounded in the north by Central India hills, in the south and east by the Eastern Ghats and in the
West by Maikala hill range. The basin is circular in shape with maximum length and width of 587 km
and 400 km respectively.
The catchment area of the basin extends over major parts of Chhattisgarh and Odisha and
comparatively smaller portions of Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh (Map 1). The area
contributed by different states to the basin is given in Figure 1.
The Mahanadi is a major river originating in Dhamtari district of Chhattisgarh and draining into Bay
of Bengal. The total length of the river from origin to its outfall into the Bay of Bengal is 851
km. The Mahanadi basin is divided into 3 sub basins, namely upper, middle and lower Mahanadi.
The Average annual runoff of Mahanadi is 66.9 BCM. The basin receives uneven rainfall thus drought
is prevalent in some districts. Total fourteen districts in the basin are covered under Drought prone
area programme. Districts Jagatsinghpur, Puri and Kendraparha which are situated near coastal parts
of Mahanadi face waterlogging problem.
Map 1 shows the geographical location of the basin with terrain features from DEM. It is evident that
Chhattisgarh and Odisha cover major area to the basin. Map 2 gives a detailed view of the basin
where the drainage network and its pattern across the basin are also shown. Major hydro
meteorological stations and flood forecasting sites are also shown in the map. Table 1 provides a
glance at salient features of the basin.
*The area given is GIS based basin area; however CWC Reported area of the basin is 141589 Sq. km.

Mahanadi Basin

Map 1A. Index map 2
Mahanadi Basin

Map 2a. Satellite imagery of Mahanadi Basin
Mahanadi Basin


Map 2b. Mahanadi Basin- Drainage & Sub-basin

Mahanadi Basin

Table 1. Salient features of the basin

Sl. No. Features Description

1 Basin Extent 80° 28' to 86° 43' E
19° 8' to 23° 32' N
2 Area ( 141589
3 States in the basin Chhattisgarh (52.42%), Odisha (47.14%),
Maharashtra (0.23%), Madhya Pradesh
(0.11%), and Jharkhand (0.1%)

4 Districts 45
5 Parliamentary Constituencies (2009) 32
6 Mean Annual Rainfall (mm) 1291.92
7 Mean Maximum Temperature ( C) 39.56
8 Mean Minimum Temperature ( C) 20.01
9 Total Population (As per Census 2001) 28322294
10 Number of villages(As per Census 2001) 38285
11 Highest Elevation (m) 1321 (SRTM DEM)
12 Avg. Annual Water Potential (BCM) 66.9
13 Utilizable Surface Water (BCM) 50
14 Number of Sub-basins 3
15 Number of Watersheds 227
16 Number of water resources structures Dams (253) Barrages (14) Weir (13)
Anicuts (0) Lifts (1) Power House (6)
17 Highest Dam Minimata (Hasdeo) Bango Dam (87 m)
18 Longest Dam Hirakud Dam (4800 m)
19 Highest Barrage Karra Nalla Barrage (18.89 m)
20 Longest Barrage Mahanadi Barrage (1928 m)
21 Number of Irrigation projects Major : 24
Medium: 50
ERM: 16

22 Number of HE projects 5
23 Number of Ground water observation wells 1147
24 Number of Hydro-Observation sites 49 existing, 1 closed

25 Number of Flood Forecasting Sites 4

26 Water tourism sites 12 Water tourism sites, 14 Wildlife
Sanctuaries / National Parks
*as per data available under India-WRIS

Mahanadi Basin

Figure 1. State wise basin area

1.2 Topography
The Mahanadi basin has varying topography with the lowest elevation in coastal reaches and highest
elevation found in northern hills. The basin is divided into 11 elevation zones based on SRTM DEM
(Table 2). The maximum elevation observed is 1321 m in the steep hilly terrain of Mahanadi.
Maximum area of the plain region of the Mahanadi valley falls under the 200-400 m elevation zone.
The Mahanadi upper sub basin with its predominant hilly terrain in its northern upper part has
elevation range from 750-1000 m. The central flank of upper Mahanadi which is drained by Seonath
River is a plain area having elevation range of 200 to 300 m surrounded by higher hills on its west
having height between 300 and 400 m.
The middle Mahanadi sub basin has high hilly terrain in its north-eastern stretch. This part has
highest elevation which falls between 750-1000 m. The area near upper reaches of the Mahanadi
River has elevation between 500-750 m. The central table land which divides the Mahanadi middle
and lower sub basin has general elevation of 400-500 m.
The Coastal plain stretching over the districts of Cuttack and Puri covers the large delta by Mahanadi
and elevation decreases towards this deltaic stretch reaching upto 10-50 m.
The elevation range map is shown in Map 3.

Mahanadi Basin

Table 2. Elevation zones Elevation (m) Area ( % of Total Area

1 <5 2834.10 2.01

2 5-10 2970.44 2.10
3 10-50 5131.71 3.62
4 50-100 3360.71 2.37
5 100-200 14657.03 10.35
6 200-300 44912.56 31.72
7 300-400 31308.55 22.11
8 400-500 14322.56 10.12
9 500-750 18353.10 12.96
10 750-1000 3403.39 2.40
11 1000-1500 334.84 0.24
*based on SRTM DEM

Mahanadi Basin


Map 3. Elevation zones

Mahanadi Basin

1.3 Climate
The Mahanadi basin experiences four distinct seasons, namely the cold weather, the hot weather,
the south-west monsoon and the post monsoon. In the cold weather, the winds are generally light
and blow either from the north or the north-east and the atmosphere is bright, thus making winters
pleasant. The hot season commences in March lasts till the middle of June till the south-west
monsoon sets in. Thunderstorms are quite frequent in hot season bringing some rainfall
comparatively higher in hilly regions. The highest relative humidity in the basin varies between 68%
and 87% and occurs during July/August. The lowest relative humidity occurs during April/May and
varies between 9% and 45%. The average highest relative humidity in the basin is 82% and the
average lowest relative humidity is 31.6% (Water year Book, CWC, 1997).

1.3.1 Rainfall
The average annual variations in the basin based on daily rainfall data (0.5 X 0.5 ) for the period
1971-2004, collected from IMD, is shown in Map 4. Major part of the basin area receives rainfall
from 1200-1400 mm. More than 90% of the total annual rainfall occurs during monsoon season
spread over from June to October. The rainfall is not continuous but occurs in spells of varying
durations and intensities. The sub basin wise annual rainfall for 34 years is given in Annexure II: A.
Highest 24 hour rainfall recorded in the basin is 581.90 mm in Sambalpur during May, 1982.
However, different blocks in 14 districts (5 of Chhattisgarh and 9 of Odisha) falling in the basin are
drought prone (MoRD, 2002).

Mahanadi Basin

Rainfall in mm
1,200 - 1,400

1,400 - 1,600 10

Map 4. Average Annual rainfall (1971-2004)

Mahanadi Basin

1.3.2 Temperature
Daily temperature (maximum, minimum and mean) gridded data (1° x 1°) for 36 years (1969-2004)
collected from IMD has been analysed. Average monthly temperature variation for the 36 years
(1969-2004) is given in Figure 2. Three parameters namely Minimum, maximum and mean
temperatures indicates that the December and January are the coldest months with the minimum
temperature of 12° C. April and May are the hottest months in this region where maximum
temperature ranges from 39o C to 40o C. As compared to eastern portion and delta area, western
portions record the lowest and highest temperatures during winter and summer respectively.
Highest day temperature recorded in the basin is 50.3° C in June, 2003.

Figure 2. Monthly average temperature (1969-2004)

1.3.3 Trends and variability

The annual rainfall trend based on 34 years grid data shows positive trend towards an increase of
about 100 mm of rainfall since 1971 (Figure 3). The annual variability of rainfall in the basin indicates
that year 1994 was the highest annual rainfall year with ~ 1780 mm whereas 1979 data shows least
rainfall in past 34 years (~900mm).

Mahanadi Basin

Figure 3. Trend of monthly average rainfall (1971-2004)

1.4 Major rivers

Mahanadi is one of the major east flowing peninsular rivers in India. A clear display of Mahanadi and
its major tributaries is shown in Map 14. It originates from a pool, 6 km from Farsiya village of
Dhamtari district of Chhattisgarh. The total length of the major channel of the river from origin to
its outfall into the Bay of Bengal is 958.05 km. The three major tributaries namely the Seonath
and the Ib on the Left Bank and the Tel on the Right Bank together constitute nearly 46.63% of the
total catchment area of the river Mahanadi. The drainage system in upstream of Hirakud reservoir is
more extensive on the left bank of Mahanadi as compared to that on the Right Bank.
The Seonath is the longest tributary of Mahanadi rises in the midst of numerous small groups of hills
in Rajnandgaon district. It drains an area of about 30761 which is nearly 25% of Mahanadi
basin. The Jonk rises in the Khariar hills of Naupada district of Odisha state and another tributary the
Hasdeo rises in Koriya district of Chhattisgarh. The Hasdeo flows for about 340.25 km to join
Mahanadi. Its main tributary is the Gej River. The Mand flows for a total length of 260.01 km to its
confluence with Mahanadi near Chandarpur. The Ib rises Raigarh district (Chhattisgarh) and drains
12447 Sq. km of Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh and Sundergarh and Sambalpur districts of Odisha.
The Tel river rises in village Jorigam of Koraput district of Odisha and drains 22818 Sq. km of four
districts namely Koraput, Kalahandi, Balangir and Phulbhani. Six other small streams between the
Mahanadi and the Rushikulya draining directly into the Chilka Lake also forms the part of the basin.
Length of Mahanadi and its tributaries are summarized in Table 3.

Mahanadi Basin

Table 3. Length of major rivers River / Tributary Total flowing length (km)

1 Mahanadi 958.05
2 Seonath 365.76
3 Hasdeo 340.25
4 Tel 307.23
5 Ib 269.25
6 Mand 260.01
7 Ong 215.46
8 Jonk 197.92

1.5 Land use/land cover

The Landuse /Landcover map for year 2005-06 depicts 23 LULC classes in the basin (Map 5). Major
part of basin is covered with agricultural land accounting to 54.27% of the total basin area. Out of
this total agriculture, the crop area accounts for 45.87% and fallow land is 7.88% of the basin.
Except in the districts Durg and Raipur and coastal plains, the basin have a fair area under forests
with deciduous forest covering 28.73% and scrub forest covering 3.57%. 4.45% of the basin area is
covered by water bodies which include reservoirs, lakes, rivers etc. Inland wetland covers
approximately 28 Th ha of land. Two largest water bodies in the basin are Hirakud reservoir and
Chilka Lake which can be easily identified on LULC map.
About 4.26 % of land comes is under scrub land class. Gullied and ravinous area (wasteland category)
contributes to 31.50 Th ha of land and Shifting cultivation covers 12.852 Th ha of land.

Table 4. Land use/cover statistics (2005-06)

S.No. Category Area (Sq. km) % of Total Area

1 Built Up Land 4676.64 3.30

2 Agricultural 76837.89 54.27
3 Forest 46356.11 32.74
4 Wasteland 7423.76 5.24
5 Waterbodies 6294.60 4.45

Mahanadi Basin

Map 5. Land use/land cover(2005-06)
Mahanadi Basin

1.6 Soils
Four important properties of soil namely texture, erosion, slope and its productivity are shown in
Map 6, 7, 8 and 9 respectively. The texture of soil which is classified into 4 types namely fine,
medium, coarse and rocky textures. 41.95 % of the area comes under fine textured soil followed by
covering 51.27 % area under medium textured soil. Dhenkanal has old alluvium generally having
higher content of clay. The soils are of sandy in nature found in Puri districts and are poorer in plant
nutrients. In Cuttack, soils vary from clays to clay loams, the latter being found to a larger extent.
The soil information indicates that main soil types found in the basin are red and yellow soils, mixed
red and black soils, laterite soils, and deltaic soils.
Soil erosion map (Map 7) shows that most of the basin area has moderate erosion. Only 20.80% land
suffers from severe erosion and 451.72 Th ha of land (3.40%) falls under very severe erosion
Map 8 depicts soil slope which shows maximum area level and gently sloping category. Apart from
this, productivity of soil is depicted in Map 9 with highly productive area lying near river plains and
coastal region which covers 34.21% land of the basin. Major and medium commands are also shown
in the map for reference.
About 90 % of the basin has moderately shallow to deep soil having depth greater than 50 cm.

Mahanadi Basin


Map 6. Soil texture

Mahanadi Basin


Map 7. Soil Erosion

Mahanadi Basin

Map 8. Soil slope
Mahanadi Basin


Map 9. Soil productivity

Mahanadi Basin

1.7 Agro-climatic zones

The Planning Commission after examining the earlier studies at the regionalization of the agricultural
economy has recommended that agricultural planning be done on the basis of agro-climatic regions.
For resources development, the country has been broadly divided into fifteen agricultural regions
based on agro-climatic features, particularly soil type, climate including temperature and rainfall and
its variation and water resources availability.
The Major part of Mahanadi basin, except coastal plains, falls under ‘Eastern Plateau and hills’ agro-
climatic region. The agro climate of coastal plains is ‘East coast plains and hills (Map 10).The climate
in these parts receives moderate rainfall and main crops are maize and jute.

1.8 Agro-ecological zones

Based on Agro-ecological zones, the Mahanadi encompasses 3 agro-ecological zones. The hot sub
humid eco region with red and yellow soils covers eastern plateau which includes Chhattisgarh
region and southwest highlands of Bihar. The climate of the area is characterized by hot summers
and cool winters. The annual rainfall is 1200 to 1600 mm; of which 70-80 per cent is received
between July to September. Rainfed agriculture is the traditional farming. The natural vegetation
comprises tropical moist deciduous forest.
The Hot Subhumid Ecoregion with Red and Lateritic Soils which spreads over Chhotanagpur plateau,
Eastern Ghats (Dandakaranya and Garhjat hills) of Odisha and Bastar Region of Chhattisgarh and is
characterized by hot summers and cool winters. The area receives an annual rainfall of 1000-1600
mm. The soil in this ecological region generally are fine loamy to clayey, non-calcareous, moderately
acidic and have relatively low cation exchange capacity. The soils are generally shallow on the ridges
and plateaus and are under forest cover. The natural vegetation comprises tropical dry and moist
deciduous forests. The soils are susceptible to severe erosion and seasonal doughtiness limits
optimum crop yields.
The lower reaches of the basin comes under hot sub humid to semi-arid Eco region with coastal
alluvium derived soils. This eco region receives 1200 to 1600 mm of rainfall of which 80 percent is
received as during June to Sept. Both rainfed and irrigated agriculture are practiced in the region.
The lead crop cultivated in the area, both in kharif and rabi season, is rice. Imperfect to poor
drainage conditions and limiting oxygen availability adversely affect crop yield (Sehgal, et al, 1982).
Map 11 shows agro-ecological zones pertaining to Mahanadi basin.

Mahanadi Basin

Map 10. Agro-climatic zone

Map 11. Agro-ecological zones 21
Mahanadi Basin

1.9 Demography
The basin encompasses total 45 districts and 32 parliamentary constituencies. The total population,
as per census 2001, of the basin is 2,83,22,294 (~3 million), out of which more than 1.49 million
inhabits in Lower Mahanadi basin. About half of the population is represented by females.
(ANNEXURE: III A). About 58,10,499 households are reported in census 2001.
Population density map given in Map 12 shows that the coastal plains are the most densely
populated while the hilly areas have a relatively low density. The most densely populated districts
are Khordha and Jagatsinghpur having population density of 400-450 persons per sq. km. Koriya,
Kandhamahal and Kanker are few districts with lowest population density in the basin (50 -100
persons The population in parts of the basin lying in northern plateau and hilly areas has a
relatively large number of scheduled tribes. The tribal people form a distinct group and have lived
mainly in forested areas. A large per cent of the population in the basin live in rural areas. As lower
reaches are flooded annually, many people lose their shelters and even lives altering population
structure. The basin is well connected through railway network and national highways. There are
also 4 domestic/private airports in the basin.

Mahanadi Basin


Map 12. Population density

Mahanadi Basin

2. Hydrological units
2.1 Sub-basins
The Mahanadi basin is divided into three sub-basins namely the Upper Mahanadi, Middle Mahanadi
and Lower Mahanadi. The sub basin boundaries are derived using semi-automated approach with
the SRTM DEM and IRS P6 LISS IV & CARTOSAT merged data. The area of sub basins is given in Table
5. Mahanadi lower is the largest sub basin followed by middle and upper.
Mahanadi upper sub-basin is drained mainly by the Seonath, the Arpa, the Kurung and the Sakri
River. Mahanadi middle sub basin comprised of the Mahanadi, the Jonk, the IB, the Bhedan and the
Mand rivers and Mahanadi lower sub-basin covers southern and coastal part of the basin and is
drained by the Ong, the Tel, the Hati and the Daya River. The percentage area of sub basin is shown
in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Sub-basins wise per cent drainage area

2.2 Watersheds
Hydrological unit wise assessment of water resources is a prerequisite for its proper management.
To implement this approach, sub-basins could be further sub divided into smaller hydrological units
for water resources management at larger scale. Size of the watershed is governed by the size of
stream and its boundaries. There are total 278 Watersheds delineated under India-WRIS project in
Mahanadi basin. Mahanadi lower sub basin comprises of largest number of watersheds. The number
and size range of watershed under each sub-basin is given in Table 5.

Mahanadi Basin

Table 5. Sub-basin wise watersheds

Size Range of
No. of
Sl. No. Sub-basin Area (Sq. Km.) Watershed (Sq.

1 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin 57958.88 320.05 - 1457.59 91

2 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin 51895.91 301.22 - 902.46 88

3 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin 29796.64 314.34 - 907.63 48

Note: Values calculated under India-WRIS

Map 13a, 13b, and 13c shows watershed map of Mahanadi upper, middle and lower sub basins.
Each watershed is identified by an 8 digit alphanumeric code. Each letter in the code has a
description. In watershed code C08MAL01, the first alphabet (C08MAL01) stands for the Water
resource region which is ‘Rivers draining into Bay of Bengal” for Mahanadi. Following 2 digits
represents basin code (C08MAL01). Next three letters (C08MAL01) represents sub basin name
which is followed by watershed number (C08MAL01).

Mahanadi Basin

Map 13a. Mahanadi Upper Sub-basin and watersheds 26
Mahanadi Basin

Map 13b. Mahanadi Middle Sub-basin and watersheds 27
Mahanadi Basin

Map 13c. Mahanadi lower Sub-basin and watersheds

Mahanadi Basin

3. Surface water resources

3.1 Surface waterbodies
Surface water bodies have traditionally played an important role in the lives of common people in
India by way of irrigation, drinking water supply, ecology, tourism and domestic uses. The basin has
tank system. Out of total surface water bodies present in the basin, 95.87% of water bodies are the
tanks. A number of 3839 lakes or ponds are identified in the basin. Chilka Lake which is present on
eastern costal bound of the basin is country’s largest fresh water lake.
There are reportedly 6 major reservoirs in the basin where area is greater than 2500 ha namely
Hirakud reservoir, Hasdeo-bango, Ravishankar sagar, Indravati, Tandula and Dudhwaha. Water of
Hirakud is allocated to irrigation, hydroelectric, drinking and industrial purposes. The Gross storage
capacity of Reservoir is 8136 MCM at FRL of 192.2 m. The submergence area of the reservoir is 743
Th. ha. Hasdeo Reservoir with 3417 MCM has second highest gross storage capacity in the basin.
Figure 5 shows the distribution of water bodies and its types in the basin. Table 6 lists no. of water
bodies according to their size range.
Table 6. Number and size of waterbodies

Sl. No. Size Range (ha) No. of Waterbodies

1 0 - 25 123528
2 25 - 50 278
3 50 - 100 125
4 100 - 250 54
5 250 - 500 28
6 500 - 1000 13
7 1000 - 2500 13
8 More than 2500 6

Figure 5. Type and number of waterbodies

Mahanadi Basin

3.2 Water resource projects

The total live storage capacity of projects in Mahanadi basin is 14467.30 MCM out of which for
completed projects it is 13006 MCM. Live storage capacity of projects under construction is 1461.30
MCM. The average water resource potential of Mahanadi is 66.9 BCM out of which 50
BCM is utilizable surface water potential (Central Water Commission, 2014). Water resources
projects are broadly categorized into irrigation projects and hydroelectric projects. Salient features
of Water resources projects in the basin are given in annexure IV: C.

3.2.1 Major and medium irrigation projects

As per data availability, the basin has total 74 irrigation and 5 hydroelectric projects (Table 8) out of
which 63 projects are completed and 11 are ongoing. Annexure IV lists all major medium irrigation
projects in the basin with their salient features.
Mahanadi reservoir Complex comprises of 3 dams namely Ravishankar sagar, Dudhwaha, and
Murumsilli dam and one New Rudri barrage. The CCA of the project is 301 Th ha and UIP is 264.31 Th
ha. Mahanadi Main Canal project is associated with New Rudri Barrage and has CCA of 85 TH ha
with UIP of 85 Th ha.
Hirakud major irrigation project is one of the major multi-purpose river valley projects in the basin
situated on Mahanadi river in Odisha. It has the largest reservoir in the basin having LSC of 5818
MCM. The CCA of the project is 157.81 Th ha and UIP is 261.26 Th ha. The project benefits
Sambalpur, Bolangir, Bargarh, Sonepur districts.
Minimata Hasdeo Bango irrigation project of Chhattisgarh state is situated on Hasdeo River,
tributary of Mahanadi River. The reservoir of Hasdeo has a LSC of 3,046 MCM. The CCA of the
project is 285 Th ha and UIP is 434 Th ha. Bilaspur, Korba, Raigarh and Janjgir Champa are benefitted
by the project.
Tandula major irrigation project is an important project of Chhattisgarh state. The dam is located in
Tandula river and the total CCA and UIP of the project is 246.30 Th ha and 84 Th ha respectively.
Durg district is mainly benefitted by this project.
Jonk diversion project of Chhattisgarh diverts the water through a weir and it envisages CCA and UIP
of 15.5 Th ha and 14.57 Th ha. The total CCA of Mahanadi Reservoir complex project is 301 Th ha
and its UIP is 264.31 Th ha. Mahanadi Delta I and II Irrigation project is situated on Mahanadi main
river and has total CCA of 303 Th ha. Its UIP is 593 Th ha.
Pairy project is situated in Pairy river and its CCA is 39.60 Th ha. The UIP of Pairy project is 72.84 Th
There is only one lift location associated with Upper Indrāvati irrigation project. Apart from Major
and medium irrigation projects, twenty projects are taken up for ERM.
Table 7. Number of water resources projects

Sl. No. Type of Projects Number of Projects

1 Major Irrigation Projects 24
2 Medium Irrigation Projects 50
3 ERM Projects 16

Mahanadi Basin

4 Hydro-Electric Projects 5

3.2.2 Hydro Electric projects

The total hydropower generation in the basin by 5 hydroelectric projects and 6 powerhouses is
1184.5 MW. Upper Indravati hydroelectric project comprises of one powerhouse which generates
highest power of 600 MW. Hirakud hydroelectric project generates 347.5 MW through two
powerhouses situated at Burla and Chiplima. Hasdeo Bango or Minimata bango project envisages
generation of 120 MW. Gangrel hydroelectric project which is a part of Mahanadi Reservoir Complex
generates 10 MW of power. The powerhouse of Sikaser HE project situated on Pairy dam generates
7 MW of energy.

3.2.3 Dams, Barrages/Weirs/Anicuts

Water resources structures are manmade structures to store the water for different purpose like
hydropower generation, irrigation, drinking water supply etc. There are a total of 253 dams in the
basin. Majority of the dams are used for Irrigation Purpose. The longest dam in the basin is Hirakud
which is 4800 m long. Hirakud is Asia’s largest dam having catchment area of 83400 and
reservoir area of 743 Th ha. The highest dam in the basin is Hasdeo Bango which is 87 meters. The
submergence area of the Hasdeo reservoir is 21.28 Th ha. Three dams in the basin have storage
between 250 to 500 MCM. Mahanadi Middle sub basin contributes to highest storage of water with
total 116 dams which are constructed over Mahanadi and its different tributaries. Fourteen dams
contribute to hydropower generation. Figure 6 and 7 classifies dams based on storage capacities and
purpose. Eight dams are having gross storage above 250 MCM. Complete list of dams and
barrages/weirs/anicuts with attributes is given in annexure IV. Sub basin wise water resources assets
are shown in Map 15a, 15b and 15c.

Table 8. Sub-basin wise number and type of water resources structures

Sl. No. Sub Basin Dams Barrages Weirs

1 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin 75 7 4

2 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin 116 3 5

3 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin 62 4 4

There are 14 barrages and 13 Weirs in the basin (Table 7). Mahanadi Barrage is the longest barrage
having total length of 1928 m. Naraj Barrage is yet another one of the longest barrages with length
of 940 m. Map 14 shows line diagram of water resources structures and associated projects in the
basin along with river network.

Mahanadi Basin

Figure 6. Dam classification based on storage

Figure 7. Dam classification based on purpose

Mahanadi Basin


Map 14. Major water resources structures and projects

Mahanadi Basin

Map 15a. Mahanadi Upper sub-basin and water resources assets
Mahanadi Basin

Map 15b. Mahanadi Middle sub-basin and water resources assets
Mahanadi Basin


Map 15c. Mahanadi Middle sub-basin and water resources assets

Mahanadi Basin

3.2.4 Command area and canal network

The basin has approximately 21 major commands and 59 medium commands. The central-western
parts of the basin are well fed by canal network of Tandula, Minimata, and Jonk irrigation major
commands. Map 16 depicts few major and medium commands in the basin. This data pertains to
year 2009 and is yet to be updated with current irrigation commands in the basin.
Western districts of the basin are well fed by irrigation canals. New Rudri Weir, Ravishnakar Sagar
dam and Tandula Canal network fed the Durg, Dhamtari and Raipur districts. Mand major irrigation
canal network benefits Raigarh and Janjgir Champa. Hasdeo Bango has large network of canal
benefitting whole Janjgir champa. Maniyari tank and Kharung tank project benefits Bilaspur district.
Bargarh and Sambalpur districts of Mahanadi basin are benefitted by canal network of Hirakud
Irrigation project.
Project comprising of Mahanadi Barrage and Birupa barrage irrigates whole of coastal Mahanadi
area including districts Jagatsinghpur, Puri and Cuttack. Apart from this Naraj Barrage Project also
spreads a vast canal network. Mangalpur barrage irrigates Kalahandi district of Odisha.
Mahanadi Reservoir Complex, Tandula and Maroda, Mahanadi Delta stage – I & II, Naraj, Upper
Indravati, Minimata Bango (Hasdeo) and Hirakud are major command areas in the basin.
A study was carried out jointly by CWC & ISRO to assess the existing status of the irrigation
commands. IRS P4 LISS III data of two different seasons namely, pre monsoon (2005) and post
monsoon (2004) were used for delineation of waterlogged and salt affected areas of major and
medium irrigation commands of Mahanadi basin. The total salt affected area in the basin has been
extended to 213.60 Sq km.

3.2.5 Multipurpose projects

In addition to irrigation and flood control, Hirakud project also supplement supplies to the old
irrigation system in the Mahanadi delta. Hydropower generation is another major purpose of
Hirakud. Similarly Hasdeo Bango project, Upper Indravati, Pairy project and Mahanadi irrigation
project also serve the purpose of hydropower generation apart from irrigation.

3.2.6 Interstate projects

Kharkhara is an Interstate project between Chhattisgarh and Odisha. Kharkhara is known as Upper
Jonk irrigation project in Odisha and benefits district Raipur. It is medium irrigation project having
1.95 Th ha of CCA in Odisha and 6.9390 Th ha in Chhattisgarh.

Mahanadi Basin


Map 16. Command area and canal network

Mahanadi Basin

4. Ground water resources

4.1 Ground water observation wells
Ground water level data is temporal and dynamic in nature. It is mainly controlled by rainfall pattern
in relation to the aquifer material. A large part of India’s irrigated agricultural depends on ground
water availability. There are total 1147 wells recording water levels in the Mahanadi basin. The
utilizable ground water potential of the basin is 49.99 BCM (CWC, 1989). Table 9 indicates that lower
Mahanadi basin has maximum number of observation wells. Although, the distribution of
observation wells is fairly even. Map 17 shows distribution of ground water observation wells in the
Table 9. Sub-basin wise number of ground water observation wells

Sl. No. Sub Basin No. of Observation Wells

1 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin 508
2 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin 343
3 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin 296

Mahanadi Basin


Map 17. Location of ground water observation wells

Mahanadi Basin

4.2 Ground water level fluctuation

The occurrence of ground water generally depends upon the rainfall, drainage, topography and the
geological conditions of the area. Ground water fluctuation in the Mahanadi basin is assessed for
recharge and draft conditions based on the available groundwater level in four different seasons.
Groundwater recharge is estimated by the difference between pre and post monsoon seasons.
Similarly, groundwater draft is estimated by the difference between post-monsoon and post-
monsoon (rabi) seasons data. Interpolated maps for groundwater recharge and irrigation draft (rabi)
are prepared based on the available groundwater fluctuation data in the basin.
In Mahanadi basin, groundwater fluctuation is assessed for 1147 observation wells. Ground water
fluctuation maps due to recharge and irrigation draft in the year 2011 are shown in Map 18 and Map
19 respectively. In Map 18, large area shows ground water rise of 2-4m, indicating a good recharge.
Also rise of > 4m is observed in northern-west belt of basin comprising districts Durg, Bilaspur,
Rajnanadgaon and Koriya. In coastal area the rise of <2m is seen due to recharge.
Map given in Map 19 shows fluctuation due to draft which shows that major portion of the basin
area has fall of < 2 m, indicating that ground water has been used for irrigation purpose. Parts of
Koriya and Surguja district shows fall of > 4 m.

Mahanadi Basin


Map 18. Ground water level fluctuation (Recharge)

Mahanadi Basin


Map 19. Ground water level fluctuation (Draft)

Mahanadi Basin

4.3 Litholog well locations

An aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock or unconsolidated materials
(gravel, sand, or silt) from which groundwater can be extracted using a dug well or borewell. Related
terms include aquitard, which is a bed of low permeability along an aquifer and
aquiclude (or aquifuge), which is a solid, impermeable area underlying or overlying an aquifer. If the
impermeable layer overlies the aquifer layer, pressure could cause it to become a confined aquifer.
Aquifers may occur at various depths. Those closer to the surface are not only more likely to be used
for water supply and irrigation, but are also more likely to be tapped up by the local rainfall.
Alluvium, sandstone, loose sand/gravel etc. are the better aquifer material. In hardrock areas,
fracture/lineament plays an important role in identifying groundwater potential areas. The
information on the aquifer material, depth and thickness of the aquifer layers in a basin can be
analysed based on the available lithlog information.
In general, the Upper tertiary sandstones and quaternary alluvium in the coastal districts have
productive aquifers. Granite and Gneisses found in the upper parts of the basin contain water in the
watershed mantle and along the rift and horizontal joints. The sandstones are also good aquifers. In
coastal areas, deeper aquifers have to be carefully exploited to avoid saline encroachment. In the
coastal alluvial plains of Cuttack and Puri districts, the ground water has generally south-easterly
slope. Under artesian conditions, the shallower zones having saline water. The limestone belt of
Durg district has been reported to have caverns of an anastomosing pattern. It’s likely that these
caverns are filled with water. Wells piercing the limestones have recorded higher yield than wells in
the shales.

Mahanadi Basin

5. Hydro-met observations
The meteorology and climatology of the catchment are significantly influenced by the geographical
location of the catchment with respect to the Bay of Bengal, where from most of the weather
systems originates. Also the orography of the Eastern Ghats, influence the rainfall pattern over the
catchment to a great extent. The south-west monsoon (June-October) accounts for nearly 91 % of
the annual rainfall. December is the driest month contributing less than 10% of annual rainfall. Apart
from this, land use and vegetative cover play an important role in watershed runoff and stream flow
discharge patterns over time, including peak flows. The Mahanadi river basin covering major
portions of Chhattisgarh and Odisha has been repetitively facing the adverse hydro-meteorological
conditions such as floods, droughts and cyclones etc. in the recent times.

5.1 Hydrological observation sites

Hydro-meteorological observations in the basin are carried out by the Central and State
Governments. CWC has 48 existing hydro-observation stations in the basin Map 20. These stations
carry out observations about various hydrological parameters as gauge (river water level), discharge
(amount of water released from a cross section in the river in a given time period), sediment
(concentration of solid particles in water) and river water quality pertaining to different quality
parameters. These stations are categorized as ‘GDSQ’, where the abbreviation stands as: G-Gauge,
D-Discharge, S-Sediment and Q-Water Quality. RF stands for rainfall measuring station. The number
of stations in each type is given in Table 10. There are 6 gauge-discharge sites in the basin. In
addition, water quality data are available at 17 sites. Table 10 depicts number of HO stations under
different types.
Table 10. Hydrological observation sites of CWC

Sl. No. Station Type Number of Stations

1 G 20
2 GD 6
3 GDQ 1
4 GDSQ 16
5 Rainfall 6

Mahanadi Basin


Map 20. Hydro observation and flood forecasting stations

Mahanadi Basin

5.2 Flood forecasting sites

The basin is subject to severe flooding occasionally in the delta area due to inadequate carrying
capacity of the channels. The multi-purpose Hirakud dam provides some amount of flood relief by
storing part of flood water. However, the problem still persists and a lasting solution needs to be
evolved. Central Water Commission, Ministry of Water Resources has set up a network of flood
forecasting stations covering all important flood prone rivers (Map 20). Flood forecasting indicates
the forecast or inflow level with its time of occurrence. Two kinds of forecasts are issued based on
the utility of the forecast. Inflow forecasts assist in reservoir regulation (full reservoir level &
maximum water level) and the level forecast is used for predicting water level (warning level &
danger level) well ahead of its occurrence.
There are total 4 Flood Forecasting (Table 11) stations in Mahanadi basin. Hirakud Dam issues Inflow
flood forecasts while sites located at Munduli Barrage, Alipingal devi and Nimapara issues Level
Table 11. Types of flood forecasting stations of CWC

Sl. No. Station Type Number of Stations

1 Level Forecast 3
2 Inflow Forecast 1

5.3 Meteorological stations

There are 3 main organizations in the country which records meteorological parameters viz., India
Meteorological Department (IMD), Central Water Commission (CWC) and ISRO (Automatic Weather
Stations). Thirteen meteorological stations of CWC (Central Water Commission) are located in the
basin. These stations carry out observations pertaining to meteorological parameters viz., Rainfall,
Temperature, Pan Evaporation, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, Sunshine etc. 96 IMD stations and
49 ISRO AWS stations are also functional in the basin. (Table 12.)
Table 12. Meteorological stations

Sl. No. Organisation Number of Stations

1 CWC Observation Stations 48
2 IMD Stations 96
3 ISRO AWS Stations 49

Mahanadi Basin

6. Water quality
6.1 Surface water quality observations
The Bureau of India Standards has identified 42 water quality parameters and fixed tolerance limit
for each parameters. Currently, CWC has established 17 surface water quality stations in the basin.
About 68 water quality parameters are observed at these stations.
According to data given in ‘Integrated hydrological data 2012, CWC,’ the critical absolute values of
water quality parameters for Mahanadi basin exceeded tolerance limit during the winter season of
2009-10. The prominent parameters which have crossed the tolerance limits frequently are
Dissolved oxygen (DO) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). The Mahanadi river basins have
reported the tolerance limit for 11 water quality parameters only.

6.2 Ground water quality observations

There are 44 ground water quality stations of CGWB in Mahanadi basin. Total 15 parameters are
observed at these stations which include BOD, DO, Magnesium, Fluoride, Nitrate, pH, Potassium,
Sulphate, Electrical Conductivity, Total dissolved solids (TDS), Calcium, Sodium, Carbonate,
Bicarbonate, Chloride, Sodium absorption rate, and residual sodium carbonates etc.

Mahanadi Basin

7. Inter basin transfer links

There are two important inter basin transfer links made /proposed in the basin. The Subernarekha-
Mahanadi Link falls under Himalayan component and most of its data is classified. This link will draw
water from Subernarekha River to supply Mahanadi River. Another link called Mahanadi - Godavari
Link proposes a quantum of 12,165 Mcum for diversion through Tunnel or canal taking off at
Manibhadra reservoir on Mahanadi to Dowlaiswaram Barrage on Godavari to irrigate 4.43 lakh
hectares (0.91 lakh hectares in Andhra Pradesh and 3.52 lakh hectares in Orissa). The total length of
the link canal is about 828 km including 6.15 km long tunnel. These links are shown in Map 21.

Mahanadi Basin


Map 21. Inter basin transfer links

Mahanadi Basin

8. Inland navigation waterways

The East Coast Canal stretch along with Brahmani and Mahanadi delta river system is defined as
National Waterway-5. Total length of NW-5 is 623 km. It has 371 km of river portion and 217 Km of
canal portion. This stretch covered by following sections-

Geonkhali-Charbatia-217 Km,
Matai River (Charbatia-Dhamra) -40 Km,
Brahmani, Kharsua & Dharma River System- 265 Km,
Mahanadi Delta (River Mangalgadi-Paradeep) -101 Km.
Only Mahanadi delta stretch of 101 km lies in Mahanadi basin .

Mahanadi Basin

9. Water tourism sites

Water tourism is term coined under India-WRIS to refer to places which are for tourist attraction
with water asset nearby. These tourism sites are categorized and given in Table 13. The details of
these tourism sites are given in annexure VII.
There are total 26 water tourism sites identified in the basin (Map 22). The Kendai Waterfall on the
course of Hasdeo river is the only major waterfall and is present in Korba district of Chhatisgarh
state. Chilka lake, India’s largest fresh water lake is situated in Odisha. Rajim is a temple situated on
the co nfluence of three rivers namely Chitrotpala, Pairi & Sondur. Ramchandi beach is famous
tourist spot in the basin.

Table 13. Water tourism sites

Sl. No. Tourist Site Category No. of Places

1 Beach 1
2 Lake 2
3 Reservoir 1
4 Dam 2
5 Hot Spring 1
6 Tourist Spot 1
7 Pilgrimage (Temple) 3
8 Waterfall 1
9 Wildlife Sanctuary 14

Mahanadi Basin


Map 22. Water tourism sites

Mahanadi Basin

The literal meaning of Mahanadi River is large size river. The Mahanadi basin drains 141589 Sq. km
of area thus ranking 7th in terms of catchment area. It has 4th highest Utilizable surface water
potential in India. Blessed with mighty river the Mahanadi, it has given ample opportunity to
construct water resources structures across its width.
Mahanadi basin report gives a complete understanding of different subjects specific to basin and
important in reference to water resource management. The report gives compilation of information
about the landuse/landcover, demography and water resource scenario in the basin. The data and
facts about water resources projects and assets in the basin is the crux of the report as it expresses
realistic view of water resources situation. The water quality data is not adequate though, the details
of location of observation wells may guide the reader about possibility of data availability. It is
observed that due to its geographic location the basin is more prone to floods and cyclones at
eastern coast and suffers from drought in its central region.
The report is an attempt to give insight of all important aspects which directly or indirectly decides
the water resource utilization in the basin and thus will assist the decision making process.

Mahanadi Basin Report

11. Annexures
Annexure I: State, district and parliamentary constituency in the basin
A. District Details

Sl. Total Area (Sq. District Area in Basin (Sq. % of District Area in the
State Name District (2011) Population
No. Km) Km) Basin
1 Chhattisgarh Kabeerdham 822,526 4061.73 3465.32 85.32
2 Chhattisgarh Surguja 2,359,886 15125.37 2477.4 16.38
3 Chhattisgarh Rajnandgaon 1,537,133 7764.54 5467.6 70.42
4 Chhattisgarh Raipur 4,063,872 11995.63 11995.63 100
5 Chhattisgarh Raigarh 1,493,984 6819.11 6818.53 99.99
6 Chhattisgarh Mahasamund 1,032,754 4559.96 4559.96 100
7 Chhattisgarh Koriya 658,917 6383.21 2478.01 38.82
8 Chhattisgarh Korba 1,206,640 6333.5 6333.17 99.99
Uttar Bastar 748,941
9 Chhattisgarh 6567.07 2278.9 34.7
10 Chhattisgarh Jashpur 851,669 5583.19 3918.09 70.18
11 Chhattisgarh Janjgir-Champa 1,619,707 3723.65 3723.65 100
12 Chhattisgarh Durg 3,343,872 8287.6 8256.76 99.63
13 Chhattisgarh Dhamtari 799,781 3915.57 3903.65 99.7
14 Chhattisgarh Bilaspur 2,663,629 8022.86 7190.01 89.62
15 Chhattisgarh Bastar 1,413,199 10152.59 347.86 3.43
16 Jharkhand Simdega 3639.71 145.66 4
Madhya 749,237
17 Anuppur 3637.4 121.78 3.35

Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. Total Area (Sq. District Area in Basin (Sq. % of District Area in the
State Name District (2011) Population
No. Km) Km) Basin
Madhya 1,701,698
18 Balaghat 8897.36 0.1 0
Madhya 1,054,905
19 Mandla 7201.48 2.5 0.03
Madhya 704,524
20 Dindori 5543.2 27.29 0.49
21 Maharashtra Gondiya 1,322,507 5273.77 23.83 0.45
22 Maharashtra Gadchiroli 1,072,942 13966.06 298.56 2.14
23 Odisha Subarnapur 610,183 2271.97 2271.97 100
24 Odisha Puri 1,698,730 3433.02 3433.02 100
25 Odisha Kandhamal 733,110 7770.03 5807.13 74.74
26 Odisha Kendrapara 1,440,361 2388.95 1292.7 54.11
27 Odisha Khordha 2,251,673 2654.72 2462.32 92.75
28 Odisha Sundargarh 2,093,437 9353.52 3941.17 42.14
29 Odisha Rayagada 967,911 7126.04 104.47 1.47
30 Odisha Sambalpur 1,041,099 6479.54 5266.85 81.28
31 Odisha Ganjam 3,529,031 8197.71 499.49 6.09
32 Odisha Nuapada 610,382 3728.43 3728.43 100
33 Odisha Jajapur 1,827,192 2792.19 41.71 1.49
34 Odisha Dhenkanal 1,192,811 4310.65 660.17 15.31
35 Odisha Nayagarh 962,789 3755 3458.66 92.11
36 Odisha Debagarh 312,520 270.3 271.58 10.04
37 Odisha Cuttack 2,624,470 3802.97 3683.62 96.86
38 Odisha Nabarangapur 1,220,946 5236.39 1655.37 31.61
39 Odisha Baudh 441,162 3006.39 3006.39 100
40 Odisha Jagatsinghapur 1,136,971 1678.55 1678.55 100

Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. Total Area (Sq. District Area in Basin (Sq. % of District Area in the
State Name District (2011) Population
No. Km) Km) Basin
41 Odisha Bargarh 1,481,255 5583.76 5583.76 100
42 Odisha Balangir 1,648,997 6332.43 6332.43 100
43 Odisha Anugul 1,273,821 6129.61 2060.53 33.62
44 Odisha Jharsuguda 579,505 2036.85 2036.85 100
45 Odisha Kalahandi 1,576,869 7633.06 6570.09 86.07

Source: Survey of India and Census Data 2011

A. Parliamentary Constituency Details

Sl. No. State Name Parliamentary Constituencies (2009) Total Area (Sq. Km) Area Falling in Basin (Sq. Km) % Area in the Basin
1 Chhattisgarh Bastar 28595.22 2.1 0.01
2 Chhattisgarh Bilaspur 6519.67 6495.45 99.63
3 Chhattisgarh Durg 4967.63 4967.63 100
4 Chhattisgarh Janjgir-Champa 6790.82 6790.82 100
5 Chhattisgarh Kanker 15083.47 8457.77 56.07
6 Chhattisgarh Korba 14210.21 9510.08 66.92
7 Chhattisgarh Mahasamund 10577.13 10577.13 100
8 Chhattisgarh Raigarh 12402.3 10736.62 86.57
9 Chhattisgarh Raipur 4242.67 4242.67 100
10 Chhattisgarh Rajnandgaon 11880.72 8961.25 75.43
11 Chhattisgarh Surguja 15136.19 2472.99 16.34
12 Jharkhand Khunti 8463.31 145.66 1.72
13 Madhya Pradesh Mandla 19060.61 29.79 0.16
14 Madhya Pradesh Shahdol 12869.04 121.78 0.95

Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. No. State Name Parliamentary Constituencies (2009) Total Area (Sq. Km) Area Falling in Basin (Sq. Km) % Area in the Basin
15 Maharashtra Garhchiroli - Chimur 19584.26 322.38 1.65
16 Orissa Aska 4384.03 349.26 7.97
17 Orissa Bargarh 7620.72 7620.72 100
18 Orissa Berhampur 6213.38 119.57 1.92
19 Orissa Bhubaneswar 1867.61 1867.61 100
20 Orissa Bolangir 8604.4 8604.4 100
21 Orissa Cuttack 3193.66 3184.64 99.72
22 Orissa Dhenkanal 6979.74 704.05 10.09
23 Orissa Jagatsinghpur 2989.06 2989.06 100
24 Orissa Jajapur 2792.15 41.7 1.49
25 Orissa Kalahandi 11361.49 10298.52 90.64
26 Orissa Kandhamal 14176.33 10550.16 74.42
27 Orissa Kendrapara 3115.15 1908.93 61.28
28 Orissa Koraput 13462.6 104.47 0.78
29 Orissa Nabarangapur 12731.91 1655.37 13
30 Orissa Puri 4675.98 4352.68 93.09
31 Orissa Sambalpur 12646.26 7554.99 59.74
32 Orissa Sundargarh 9353.52 3941.17 42.14
Source: Election Commission of India

Mahanadi Basin Report

Annexure II: Climate – Rainfall (1971-2004) and Temperature (1969-2004) profile in the basin

A. Sub-Basin Wise Annual Rainfall (mm) (1971-2004)

Sl. No. Year Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin
1 1971 1499.02 1526.93 1412.47
2 1972 1167.95 1197.12 1109.19
3 1973 1650.42 1561.13 1432.44
4 1974 976.11 956.49 979
5 1975 1411.81 1377.1 1458.32
6 1976 1188.4 1220.53 1247.8
7 1977 1261.2 1288.31 1213.02
8 1978 1188.25 1296.45 1368.58
9 1979 932.84 860.96 887.91
10 1980 1419.26 1396.94 1391.6
11 1981 1336.29 1219.67 1331.03
12 1982 1254.77 1246.14 1248.88
13 1983 1354.79 1247.93 1249.42
14 1984 1137.94 1217.67 1273.28
15 1985 1479.09 1354.26 1264.27
16 1986 1612.35 1310.98 1310.74
17 1987 1025.33 1088.81 1014.22
18 1988 1133.43 962.81 1133.49
19 1989 1222.32 1142.51 1156.09
20 1990 1825.73 1578.13 1600.3
21 1991 1370.17 1094.92 1028.14
22 1992 1292.29 1047.11 1219.67

Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. No. Year Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin
23 1993 1344.75 1173.27 1211.64
24 1994 1674.84 1739.37 1988.07
25 1995 1474.42 1159.95 1337.17
26 1996 1009.46 1116.12 1148.28
27 1997 1519.61 1418.67 1566.32
28 1998 1343.28 1281.49 1430.99
29 1999 1331.9 1245.65 1356.19
30 2000 1004 987.46 1007.65
31 2001 1662.16 1468.37 1496.67
32 2002 1058.26 959.72 1123.06
33 2003 1672.66 1487.23 1782.77
34 2004 1228.62 1286.49 1429.03

B. Temperature profile in the basin (36 Years Average for the period 1969-2004)

Sl. No. Month Maximum Temperature (°C) Minimum Temperature (°C) Mean Temperature (°C)
1 January 26.97 12.52 19.74
2 February 31.63 17.58 24.61
3 March 34.31 19.34 26.83
4 April 38.05 23.42 30.73
5 May 39.56 25.89 32.72
6 June 35.8 25.39 30.59
7 July 31.23 23.99 27.61
8 August 30.52 23.77 27.15
9 September 31.4 23.4 27.4

Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. No. Month Maximum Temperature (°C) Minimum Temperature (°C) Mean Temperature (°C)
10 October 31.52 20.84 26.18
11 November 29.38 16.25 22.82
12 December 27.03 12.35 19.69

Mahanadi Basin Report

Annexure III : Sub basin wise population and drinking water facilities

A. Demographic Details

Sl. No. Sub Basin Districts No. of Villages Total Population Male Population Female Population No. of Households

1 Mahanadi Lower 24 21763 14951536 7592534 7359002 3156914

2 Mahanadi Middle 22 9547 7547358 3772548 3774810 1542249
3 Mahanadi Upper 15 6975 5823400 2904950 2918450 1111336

Source: Census Data 2001

B. Drinking Water Facilities

Sl. No. Sub Basin District Wells Tubewells Handpumps

1 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Bastar 878 0 1224
2 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Jagatsinghapur 1057 8 1184
3 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Sonapur 681 0 764
4 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Ganjam 2281 156 2408
5 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Raipur 1749 338 1825
6 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Sambalpur 1107 0 1175
7 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Dhenkanal 999 0 994
8 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Khordha 0 0 0
9 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Nuapada 560 22 583
10 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Raigarh 877 505 1367
11 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Jajapur 1254 0 1324
Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. No. Sub Basin District Wells Tubewells Handpumps

12 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Nayagarh 1468 25 1437
13 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Anugul 1467 2 1529
14 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Kalahandi 1094 0 1532
15 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Balangir 1558 3 1748
16 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Bargarh 933 5 1127
17 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Kendrapara 977 15 1256
18 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Nabarangapur 668 0 767
19 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Mahasamund 983 0 1050
20 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Puri 1286 2 1523
21 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Baudh 982 0 1017
22 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Cuttack 1671 107 1817
23 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Kandhamal 1849 9 1962
24 Mahanadi Lower Sub Basin Rayagada 729 3 1979
25 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Bastar 878 0 1224
26 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Debagarh 107 4 129
27 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Dhamtari 447 91 565
28 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Jashpur 727 13 741
29 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Korba 682 28 658
30 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Janjgir - Champa 0 0 0
31 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Raipur 1749 338 1825
32 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Sambalpur 1107 0 1175
33 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Shahdol 1355 54 1309
34 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Durg 1389 406 1710
35 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Nuapada 560 22 583
36 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Raigarh 877 505 1367

Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. No. Sub Basin District Wells Tubewells Handpumps

37 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Koriya 606 4 627
38 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Sundargarh 1589 0 1614
39 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Jharsuguda 332 2 344
40 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Gumla 0 0 0
41 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Surguja 1678 72 1652
42 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Kanker 661 48 739
43 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Bargarh 933 5 1127
44 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Nabarangapur 668 0 767
45 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Mahasamund 983 0 1050
46 Mahanadi Middle Sub Basin Bilaspur 1421 428 1416
47 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Dhamtari 447 91 565
48 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Gadchiroli 1391 123 1456
49 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Korba 682 28 658
50 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Mandla 1065 61 1073
51 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Janjgir - Champa 0 0 0
52 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Balaghat 1204 18 1101
53 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Gondiya 878 21 874
54 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Raipur 1749 338 1825
55 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Rajnandgaon 1517 141 1526
56 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Dindori 818 16 788
57 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Shahdol 1355 54 1309
58 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Kawardha 815 223 915
59 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Durg 1389 406 1710
60 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Kanker 661 48 739
61 Mahanadi Upper Sub Basin Bilaspur 1421 428 1416

Source: Census Data 2001 64
Mahanadi Basin Report

Annexure IV : Inventory of surface water resources

A. List of Dams with surrogate information

Year of completion

Submergence Area
Length of dam (m)

Max height above

Catchment Area

Type of spillway
capacity (MCM)

capacity (MCM)
foundation (m)

Gross storage
Type of Dam

Live storage
(Sq. Km.)

(Th Ha)
Name of Dam River

1 Gej Dam Gej Earthen 2002 57.02 4065 27.5 25.5 22.82 Chute 3.56 IR
2 Lai Dam Local Nala Earthen 2004 518 16.5 0.36 0.29 0.01 HE,IR
3 Ret Dam Ret Earthen 2013 262 880 36.4 67.77 59.64 Ogee 58.7 IR
4 Kelo Dam Kelo Earthen 8741.1 2270 24.22 76.07 45.48 1.21 IR
5 Liar Dam Earthen 1999 11.65 533.4 16.66 1.23 0.97 IR
6 Ruse Dam Baitha Nalla Earthen 1980 427.3 2660 11.5 10.19 10.18 0.34 HE,IR
7 Udka Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 780 12.5 1.32 1.21 0.04 IR
8 Badra Dam Local Nalla Earthen 1988 288 20.58 1.21 1.08 0.01 IR
9 Bordi Dam
10 Deras Dam
11 Dhara Dam Dhara Earthen 1961 130.9 807 15.26 5.16 5.08 0.12 IR
12 Diona Dam
13 Gouri Dam Local Nala Earthen 1985 856 14.02 0.84 0.79 0.03 IR
14 Hadua Dam Hadua Earthen 170 366 42.8 35.27 33.12 Ogee IR
15 Kehra Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 1320 11.8 2.38 2.28 0.09 IR
16 Kodar Dam Kodar Nalla Earthen 1981 3175.3 2347 23.32 135.36 124.03 3.58 HE,IR
17 Kopar Dam Kopar nala Earthen 600 17.2 3.09 2.7 0.07 IR
Mahanadi Basin Report

Gross storage capacity (MCM)

Max height above foundation

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)
Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Type of spillway
Type of Dam


Name of Dam River

18 Kopra Dam Local Nala Earthen 1993 1680 10.96 0.04 0.04 0.02 IR
19 Koska Dam Earthen 1988 322.9 16.74 3.82 3.15
20 Kosmi Dam Local Nala Earthen 1981 765 11.5 0.63 0.53 0.02 IR
21 Manki Dam Local Nala Earthen 2003 2010 9.75 3.89 3.07 0.05 IR
22 Morga Dam Local Nala Earthen 1987 495 21 1.29 1.14 0.03 IR
23 Murma Dam Local Nala Earthen 1986 1035 14.2 0.43 0.37 0.04 IR
24 Nagoi Dam Local Nala Earthen 1982 810 18.5 0.28 0.19 0.02
/ Gravity
25 Pairi Dam Pairi 1977 500 1540.17 31.7 540 420 7.5 HE,IR
26 Pelam Dam Earthen 820 11.5 1.04 0.94 0.04 IR
27 Pipal Dam Tel Earthen 1978 25.9 480 23.57 24.42 24.31 IR
28 Putka Dam Putka Nalla Earthen 1982 21.91 734.57 26.14 6.99 6.61 Other 0.08 IR
29 Randa Dam Kusumi Earthen 1985 18.2 1098 16.7 2.27 1.8 IR
30 Rikhi Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 810 14.4 1.01 0.94 0.03 IR
31 Sa ar Dam Local Nala Earthen 1988 610 10.67 0.83 0.69 0.04 IR

Mahanadi Basin Report

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)

Gross storage capacity

Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Max height above

Type of spillway
foundation (m)
Type of Dam

Name of Dam River

32 Saila Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 1500 11.96 1.49 1.28 0.06 IR
33 Salap Dam Local Nala Earthen 870 12.2 1.35 1.26 0.04 IR
34 Sawla Dam Local Nala Earthen 1984 990 15.3 1.63 1.52 0.04 IR
35 Tamta Dam Local Nala Earthen 2003 793 14.45 3.34 2.41 0.08 IR
36 Amgaon Dam Local Nala Earthen 1978 630 10.66 0.45 0.44 IR
37 Ballar Dam Balar Nalla Earthen 1980 81.52 945.12 19.7 39.67 36.67 0.58 IR
38 Bardar Dam Local Nalla Earthen 2004 810 18.3 4.9 4.31 0.09 IR
Gravity /
39 Behera Dam Behera Nalla 1983 111 5.04 4.3 IR
40 Chaker Dam Local Nala Earthen 1980 900 12.65 0.4 0.38 0.01 IR
41 Champi Dam Earthen 2003 2160 15.42 1.36 1.24 IR
42 Ghatoi Dam Local Nala Earthen 1992 1950 10.15 3.46 2.08 0.16 IR
43 Gobari Dam Local Nala Earthen 1976 430 16.15 1.75 1.42 0.1 IR
44 Gondli Dam Tujra Nalla Earthen 1956 1100 28.4 101.48 96.75 IR
45 Gursia Dam Local Nala Earthen 1992 130 17.15 0.61 0.57 0.02 IR
46 Haguri Dam Haguri Nalla 1910 14.3 738 12.8 1.71 1.56 Ogee IR
47 Jhumka Dam Gej Earthen 1981 691.5 2820 29.8 2.33 2.29 HE,IR
48 Karada Dam Dobhani nalla Earthen 1977 8.96 380 19.94 0.76 0.65 IR
49 Keshwa Dam Earthen 1967 119 475 17 18.03 17.85 IR
Mahanadi Basin Report

Max height above foundation (m)

Gross storage capacity (MCM)

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)
Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Type of spillway
Type of Dam

Name of Dam River

50 Khanda Dam Local Nala Earthen 1986 510 10.3 0.2 0.17 0.03 IR
51 Khapri Dam Local Nalla Earthen 1908 2410 11.11 12.48 11.57 IR
52 Kranti Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 2040 11.52 2.54 2.19 0.09 IR
53 Kumbho Dam DharkutaNalla Earthen 1995 27.18 158.5 18.24 4.06 3.77 IR
54 Laigam Dam Gouduni nalla Earthen 1991 40 579.27 14.33 20.2 1.8 IR
55 Laupal Dam Laupal Earthen 1982 10.36 1170.5 10.5 2.88 2.7 IR
56 Magara Dam Magaranalla Earthen 1981 12.43 831 19.78 IR
57 Maroda Dam Local Nalla Earthen 1979 1410 11.5 1.38 1.3 IR
58 Masina Dam Earthen 1979 15.53 816.86 15.47 1.96 1.55 IR,WS
59 Mayana Dam Naini Nalla Earthen 1977 16 1310.64 15.32 5.6 5.22 Other 0.16 IR
60 PV-133 Dam Local Nala Earthen 480 16.12 2.14 2.01 0.07 IR
Padampur Gravity /
61 Pa pur Dam 1988 38.85 1828.8 14.17 3.45 3.03 Other IR,WS
nalla Masonry
62 Parhal Dam Parhal nalla Earthen 1981 8.3 530 16 0.98 0.77 IR
63 Purena Dam Local Nala Earthen 2006 1800 9.27 2.11 1.93 0.12 IR
64 Rajoli Dam Local Nala Earthen 1986 585 18.76 0.75 0.07 0.02 IR
65 Salkha Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 750 12.5 1.04 0.88 0.03 IR

Mahanadi Basin Report

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)

Gross storage capacity

Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Max height above

Type of spillway
foundation (m)
Type of Dam

Name of Dam River

66 Sardih Dam Local Nala Earthen 2007 540 19 2.32 2.14 0.04 IR
67 Saroda Dam Uttari Earthen 1963 469 36.61 31.14 30.15 HE,IR
/ Gravity
68 Sondur Dam Sondur 1988 520 3177 24.26 198.1 179.61 Ogee 2.42 HE,IR
69 Sonhat Dam Local Nala Earthen 1986 230 15.6 0.56 0.53 0.01 IR
70 Sonpur Dam Local Nala Earthen 1979 792 10.4 0.84 0.75 0.02 IR
71 Suhagi Dam Suhagi Nalla Earthen 1998 94.7 2270.55 21.34 15.14 13.46 IR
72 Thelka Dam Local Nala Earthen 1965 701.28 10.97 1.13 1.02 IR
73 Tumdih Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 1200 19 2.42 2.16 0.06 IR
74 Agariya Dam Local Nala Earthen 1977 1080 16.89 1.56 1.25 0.05
75 Amakoni Dam Earthen 1975 1200 10.9 1.78 1.58 0.06 IR
76 Banksal Dam Banksal nalla Earthen 1981 60.22 609 14.63 4.98 4.31 Ogee IR
77 Barkela Dam Local Nalla Earthen 1999 610 17.56 1.53 1.43 0.03 IR
78 Barpara Dam Local Nalla Earthen 1980 840 12.4 0.27 0.17 0.03 IR
79 Belhari Dam Local Nala Earthen 1983 400 15.64 0.41 0.39 IR
80 Charcha Dam Local Nala Earthen 1987 429 17.56 0.05 0.04 IR
81 Deogaon Dam Local Nala Earthen 2002 1494 11.43 7.52 7.12 0.18 IR

Mahanadi Basin Report

Gross storage capacity (MCM)

Max height above foundation

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)
Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Type of spillway
Type of Dam


Name of Dam River

82 Dhanras Dam Local Nala Earthen 1911 450 11 1.67 1.6 0.04 IR
83 Dhupkot Dam Local Nala Earthen 1320 11.59 2 1.8 0.07 IR
84 Dudhawa Dam Mahanadi Earthen 1965 621 2907 26.54 288.68 284.11 Ogee 4.49 IR
85 Fulwari Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 1525 11 2.83 2.58 0.1 IR
86 Ghagara Dam Ghagara nalla 1974 12.95 707.32 14.89 0.74 0.64 Ogee IR
87 Ghoghra Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 347 20.97 1.74 1.58 0.03 IR
88 Ghongha Dam Ghongha Earthen 1981 111 720 17.88 33.97 30.04 Ogee 0.79 HE,IR
89 Ghughwa Dam Local Nala Earthen 1967 2317 13.4 3.08 0.14 IR
90 Goibali Dam
91 Haripur Dam
/ Gravity
92 Hirakud Dam Mahanadi 1957 83400 4800 60.96 8136 5818 Ogee 743 FC,IR,HE
Gravity /
93 Jaigarh Dam Jaigarh nalla 1960 146.88 19.31 1.02 0.86 Ogee IR
Gravity /
94 Jhumuka Dam Jhumukanalla 1978 20.72 402.34 20.68 6.22 5.82 Other IR
95 Junwani Dam Local Nala Earthen 1988 675 10.5 0.99 0.93 0.03 IR
Mahanadi Basin Report

Gross storage capacity (MCM)

Max height above foundation

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)
Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Type of spillway
Type of Dam


Name of Dam River

96 Kanesar Dam Local Nala Earthen 1097 10.03 2.25 2.12 0.04 IR
97 Kangani Dam Kangani nalla Earthen 1975 10.36 281.5 21.74 2.66 2.2 IR
98 Katangi Dam Local Nala Earthen 1982 309 19.5 0.14 0.11 0.01 IR
99 Kharung Dam Kharung Earthen 1930 6140 495 21.31 195.12 192.3 3.81 IR
100 Kiajhar Dam
101 Kinkari Dam Kinkari Nalla Earthen 1982 43 295.655 17.68 15.15 11.69 Other 0.36 IR
102 Kothari Dam Local Nala Earthen 1980 660 13 6.16 4.42 0.11 IR
103 Kuanria Dam Kuanria Earthen 1971 124 1576 21 22 17.5 0.49 IR
104 Kumhari Dam Banjari Nalla Earthen 303.4 2076 11.82 11.61 11.34 0.4 IR
105 Kunkuna Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 720 12.1 0.71 0.69 0.01 IR
106 Kusmaha Dam Local Nala Earthen 1986 580 15.34 1.64 1.55 0.04 IR
107 Manjhor Dam Manjhor Earthen 452 2090 28 100.77 85.24 Ogee 1.46 IR
108 Piparia Dam Pipariya nalla Earthen 1986 1434 1953 21 40.01 36.62 Ogee 0.72 IR
109 Rajpuri Dam Local Nala Earthen 2005 1260 15.6 1.71 0.59 0.04 IR
110 Rochand Dam Local Nala Earthen 1992 1330 16.6 1.18 1.14 0.05 IR
111 Rungaon Dam Sapai Earthen 1978 5.6 865 14.23 0.53 0.43 IR
112 Saipala Dam Trb to Ong Earthen 1978 86.3 330 20.12 21.3 18.37 Chute 0.54 IR
113 Talkhol Dam Sanjo nalla Earthen 1978 16.8 573 19.75 2.55 1.93 IR

Mahanadi Basin Report

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)

Gross storage capacity

Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Max height above

Type of spillway
foundation (m)
Type of Dam

Name of Dam River

114 Tamdand Dam Local Nala Earthen 1980 425 17 1.1 1.01 0.02 IR
115 Tandula Dam Earthen 1923 8270 4350 21.95 312.3 HE,IR
116 Torenga Dam Local Nala Earthen 1976 1189 15.09 20.37 20.1 0.2 IR
117 Uperwah Dam Local Nala Earthen 1985 1736 10.66 1.43 1.35 0.05 IR
118 Adpather Dam Local Nalla Earthen 1979 1200 13.85 4.71 4.13 0.22
119 Local Nala Earthen 1917 223 11.88 1.68 1.57 0.05
120 Belbehra Dam Local Nalla Earthen 1967 1035 14.16 0.18 0.17 0.01 IR
Gravity /
121 Benikpur Dam Uttei 1986 306.5 0.35 0.22 IR
122 Bhetabar Dam Kankadajhar Earthen 1991 44.2 1402 16.16 3.28 2.89 Chute IR
123 Bhortola Dam Local Nala Earthen 1993 780 15.3 1.25 1.04 0.04 IR
124 Charpara Dam Local Nala Earthen 1986 570 19.16 2.9 2.65 0.07 IR
125 Chikhali Dam Local Nala Earthen 1986 975 10.56 1.55 1.47 0.05 IR
126 Local Nala Earthen 1994 1410 17.12 2.95 2.68 0.07 IR
127 Deokatta Dam Local Nala Earthen 1996 548 18.42 3.17 3.03 0.06 IR
Domkutch Beherasahi
128 1988 354 24.5 Ogee IR
Dam Nalla
129 Ganiyari Dam Local Nala Earthen 1871 13.3 6.36 5.77 0.07 IR
Mahanadi Basin Report

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)

Gross storage capacity

Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Max height above

Type of spillway
foundation (m)
Type of Dam

Name of Dam River

130 Gatatola Dam Local Nala Earthen 1982 330 15 1.31 1.09 0.01 IR
131 Hathlewa Dam Local Nala Earthen 1983 1350 15.18 1.04 0.92 0.01 IR
132 Jagatpur Dam Local Nala Earthen 2004 180 18.86 1.13 1.09 0.06 IR
133 Kalijodi Dam Kalijodi nalla Earthen 1999 13 290 18.5 1.2 0.8 IR
134 Kantesir Dam Kantesir nalla Earthen 1996 7.77 1074 12.46 1.37 1.33 IR
135 Khajuria Dam Khajuria nalla Earthen 1984 7.7 670.5 17.73 0.87 0.75 IR
136 Khallari Dam Local Nala Earthen 1992 704 10.8 0.13 0.12 0.05 IR
137 Kodabhal Dam Earthen 1976 6.99 210.35 21.52 0.96 0.74 IR
138 Kohkatta Dam Local Nala Earthen 1979 823.17 10.06 0.45 0.38 IR
139 Koliyari Dam Local Nala Earthen 2005 1140 12.57 2.16 1.95 0.03 IR
140 Kumharta Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 813 16.4 3.22 2.85 0.21 IR
141 Kusunpur Dam Earthen 1971 38.85 892.1 16.13 2.26 2.03 IR
142 Manikpur Dam Local Nala Earthen 1982 734.57 13.41 0.82 0.79 0.02 IR
143 Maniyari Dam Maniyari Earthen 1930 854 2095 28.96 151.18 147.7 2.53 HE,IR
144 Local Nala Earthen 1961 278.4 414.6 10.06 4.53 4.43 Other 0.07 IR
145 Nawkerra Dam Local Nala Earthen 1981 518 18.89 0.25 0.21 0.01

Mahanadi Basin Report

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)

Gross storage capacity

Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Max height above

Type of spillway
foundation (m)
Type of Dam

Name of Dam River

Paitagaon Gravity /
146 Paitagam Dam 1986 22 568 22.7 1.35 0.96 IR,WS
nalla Masonry
147 Palachur Dam Local Nala Earthen 933 14.63 2.16 2.02 0.05 IR
148 Pujiladu Dam Pujiladu nalla Earthen 1982 6 823 21.04 0.57 0.46 IR
149 Risewada Dam Local Nala Earthen 1986 1219 11.64 1.81 1.65 0.06 IR
150 Sajapani Dam Local Nala Earthen 1981 570 13.6 1.14 1.08 0.03 IR
151 Sawatpur Dam Local Nala Earthen 1977 1080 16.89 1.56 1.38 0.05 IR
152 Shivepur Dam Local Nala Earthen 1981 600 10 0.23 0.22 0.01 IR
153 Silphoda Dam Local Nala Earthen 1986 645 15.9 1.54 1.34 0.03 IR
154 Singhora Dam Local Nala Earthen 1976 600 12.15 2.58 2.36 0.04 IR
155 Sutiapat Dam Karra Nalla Earthen 130.8 450 30 36.83 32.76 Ogee 0.48 IR
156 Talasara Dam Earthen 1984 91 1095 25.82 12.25 9 Chute 0.35 IR
157 Tilipada Dam Dudhia nalla 1997 282.42 18.75 IR
158 Toulidih Dam Local Nala Earthen 1976 300 11.11 2.9 2.7 0.06 IR
159 Badesathi Dam Local Nalla Earthen 1987 450 17 1.6 1.5 0.29 IR
160 Local Nala Earthen 1984 570 11.24 0.77 0.69 0.02 IR
161 Chhirpani Dam Phonk Nalla Earthen 1993 1633 450 31.64 70.29 51.25 Ogee IR

Mahanadi Basin Report

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)

Gross storage capacity

Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Max height above

Type of spillway
foundation (m)
Type of Dam

Name of Dam River

162 Darritola Dam Local Nala Earthen 1910 1219 15 2.54 2.22 0.94 IR
163 D. Nalla 1978 9.07 478.53 14.21 1.8 1.37 Chute IR
164 Deoripali Dam Local Nala Earthen 1986 570 11.7 5.07 3.77 0.01 IR
165 Local Nala Earthen 1970 1204 10.1 0.78 0.7 0.04 IR
166 Local Nala Earthen 1985 405 19 2.69 2.58 0.06 IR
167 Gurlijore Dam Gurlijore 1975 593.3 12.19 2.18 2.06 Ogee IR
168 Local Nala Earthen 1971 130 15 0.4 0.28 0.01 IR
169 Kharkhara Earthen 1967 1463 37.9 171.52 141.59 Ogee 2.43 IR,WS
Khasbahal Artatrana
170 Earthen 1982 7.78 1075 23 0.78 0.64 IR
Dam nalla
171 Khursipar Dam Local Nala Earthen 2003 930 10.2 1.49 1.27 0.07 IR
172 Kotarimal Dam Local Nala Earthen 1983 675 11.9 0.98 0.86 0.02 IR
173 Earthen 2002 2700 21.8 0.86 0.79 0.18 IR
174 Local Nala Earthen 2002 1050 11.17 3.76 3.26 0.03 IR

Mahanadi Basin Report

Gross storage capacity (MCM)

Max height above foundation

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)
Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Type of spillway
Type of Dam


Name of Dam River

175 Local Nala Earthen 1992 210 15.9 1.48 1.33 0.01 IR
Panaskhal Panaskhal Gravity /
176 1968 6.5 915 14.32 1.13 0.91 IR,WS
Dam nalla Masonry
177 Paniyajob Dam Local Nala Earthen 1985 1220 19.46 6.58 6.11 0.01 IR
178 Pilasalki Dam Salki Earthen 1985 87 441 26.5 19.2 14.4 0.46 IR
Pindrawan / Gravity
179 Kulhan Nalla 1909 2012 10.82 13.2 10.61 IR
Dam /
180 Saliyadih Dam Local Nala Earthen 2004 465 15.9 0.79 0.73 0.02 IR
181 Sistringa Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 750 12.5 1.09 0.95 0.03 IR
183 Tikarpada Dam Sagada Earthen 1985 5.83 373 15.2 0.71 0.6 IR
184 Tulutolia Dam Local Nala Earthen 1975 1187 13.87 2.03 1.83 0.04 IR
185 Usaritola Dam Local Nala Earthen 1992 870 10.25 7.81 7.45 0.03 IR
186 Local Nala Earthen 1985 744 10.8 0.34 0.31 0.01
187 Ayabhandha Local Nala Earthen 2005 495 16.2 1.16 1.06 0.04 IR
Mahanadi Basin Report

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)

Gross storage capacity

Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Max height above

Type of spillway
foundation (m)
Type of Dam

Name of Dam River

188 Karanjinalla Earthen 1992 5.63 1006 15.22 840 540 IR
189 Earthen 2003 11 1524 13.31 1.12 0.92 Ogee IR
Balaskumpa Tributary of
190 Earthen 1977 421 17.96 1.15 1.01 Ogee IR
Dam Pilasalki
191 Bhatrajore Earthen 1980 93.24 670.6 12.19 4.25 2.94 Chute 17.64 IR
192 Local Nala Earthen 1972 690 10.8 0.17 0.13 0.02 IR
Debijharan Debijharan
193 1987 9.3 399.4 17.99 1.18 1.15 Chute IR
Dam nalla
194 Ong Earthen 1983 90.65 380 21.75 22.3 19.32 Ogee 0.76 IR
Gayapathar Gayapathar
195 1976 5.85 1328 12.2 0.71 0.53 Ogee IR
Dam nalla
196 Local Nala Earthen 1980 1351 10.06 2.77 2.66 0.08 IR
Jamboonala Gravity /
197 Jamboonalla 1986 8.4 365.76 15.24 1.44 1.19 Ogee IR
Dam Masonry
Jharbandha Kukri Jhore Gravity /
198 1985 62 97.8 19.8 13.31 9.81 Ogee 0.75 IR
Dam Nalla Masonry
Mahanadi Basin Report

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)

Gross storage capacity

Live storage capacity

Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Max height above

Type of spillway
foundation (m)
Type of Dam


Name of Dam River

199 Local Nala Earthen 1974 701 14.3 2.21 1.83 0.07 IR
Karanjkote Karanjkote
200 Earthen 1979 18.43 365.4 21.57 1.86 1.67 IR
Dam nalla
201 Kathripali Dam Local Nala Earthen 1991 690 12.15 0.76 0.72 0.02 IR
202 Earthen 1971 44 792 20.12 16.88 16.56 Chute 0.26 HE,IR
203 Local Nala Earthen 1987 975 10.3 2.15 2.06 0.05 IR
204 Local Nala Earthen 1986 660 11 0.6 0.52 0.06 IR
205 Local Nala Earthen 518 16.5 0.31 0.26 0.02 IR
Mathan Pal
206 Konda Earthen 49.25 1454 15.24 5.13 4.18 IR,WS
207 Local Nala Earthen 1999 930 16.2 2.5 2.34 0.02 IR
208 Local Nala Earthen 2103 15.18 8.21 0.14 IR
209 Local Nala Earthen 1991 960 10.1 0.58 0.53 0.02 IR
210 Saraphgarh Ichha Earthen 1985 65.3 319 25.5 13.75 12.15 Ogee 0.23 IR

Mahanadi Basin Report

Gross storage capacity (MCM)

Max height above foundation

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)
Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Type of spillway
Type of Dam


Name of Dam River

211 Sunder Earthen 1978 145 2700 19.76 47 44.4 Chute 1 IR
212 Saragi Nalla Earthen 1961 982.98 10.21 3.52 2.94 0.29 IR
Upper Jonk
213 Jonk Earthen 1997 342 647 33.6 73.84 65 Ogee 1.09 IR
214 Local Nala Earthen 1987 1080 11.44 0.75 0.72 0.02 IR
215 Local Nala Earthen 1982 780 17.92 0.2 0.18 0.07 IR
Barat Sagar
216 Local Nala Earthen 2004 1600 13.5 0.22 0.12 0.07 IR
217 Local Nala Earthen 1986 411 11.71 1.29 1.21 IR
218 Chhatenjore 1982 865 15.15 1.27 0.97 Chute IR,IR
Hariharjore Gravity /
219 Hariharjore 1997 424.76 2260 18.5 79 58 Ogee 1.85 IR
Dam Masonry
220 Local Nala Earthen 1987 660 11.3 1.49 1.26 4.91 IR
221 Kokanitarai Local Nala Earthen 1991 1500 12.9 2.43 2.05 0.12 IR
Mahanadi Basin Report

Gross storage capacity (MCM)

Max height above foundation

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)
Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Type of spillway
Type of Dam


Name of Dam River

222 Mehurani Earthen 1975 8.67 1495 11.14 0.95 0.71 IR
Lower Indra
223 Indra Earthen 2012 1093 3780 22 321.64 314.25 Ogee 476.6 IR
224 Mahisanalla Earthen 1982 24.7 914.65 12.2 2.55 2.21 IR
225 Earthen 1959 1.25 122.5 16.7 0.3 0.26 IR
226 Local Nala Earthen 1980 676 15.23 0.85 0.79 0.03 IR
227 Sillari 484 2591 27.4 165 162 Syphon 2.5 IR
229 Garasili Earthen 2006 1260 20.7 0.95 0.86 0.02 IR
230 Local Nala Earthen 1990 1390 13.98 1.61 1.33 0.03 IR
231 Local Nala Earthen 1991 690 11.5 1.16 0.94 0.04 IR

Mahanadi Basin Report

Gross storage capacity (MCM)

Max height above foundation

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)
Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Type of spillway
Type of Dam


Name of Dam River

Tangarakana Gravity /
232 Vamsadhara 1981 15.6 570 21.74 0.82 0.58 IR
Dam Masonry
Upper Lanth
233 Lant Nalla 495 23.5 Ogee IR
234 Budhabudiani Earthen 1980 72 1341 24.39 18.64 16.16 Chute 0.27 IR
235 Dhu'sia Nalla 1997 6 573 10.97 3.95 2.58 Ogee IR
236 Local Nala Earthen 900 20.8 5.56 4.97 0.12 IR
237 Khandijharan Earthen 1986 16.04 1310.64 17.03 1.98 1.63 IR
Lohakhan - I
238 Local Nala Earthen 1982 420 15.5 0.47 0.32 0.02 IR
Lower Suktal
239 Earthen 1275 1410 30 320.28 263.43 Ogee 532.46 IR
240 Local Nala Earthen 2002 315 13.13 1.07 0.79 0.01 IR

Mahanadi Basin Report

Gross storage capacity (MCM)

Max height above foundation

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)
Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Type of spillway
Type of Dam


Name of Dam River

Upper Suktel
241 Suktel Earthen 1992 45 1573 21.66 12.3 10.69 Ogee 0.46 IR
Chhuwari Pali
242 Local Nala Earthen 1981 579 12.8 9.21 1.14 0.01 IR
Jamuna Gadagadi Gravity /
243 1986 9.06 0.8 0.53 Ogee IR
Bundha Dam nalla Masonry
244 Kharung Earthen 1991 51 960 22.15 20.15 18.15 Ogee 0.32 HE,IR
Pakut Dam
Maharanisagar Maharani
245 Earthen 1975 5.44 780 10.65 0.85 0.67 IR
Dam sagar.
246 Local Nala Earthen 1986 690 10.5 0.5 0.46 0.05 IR
Ashram Dam
247 Gaikhai nalla 1973 20 670 15.84 2.12 1.73 Ogee IR
248 (Medium) Sapua nalla 2006 52 1290 25.56 8.5 6.46 Ogee IR
249 Motinalla Earthen 1988 828.75 1367 18.53 29.43 26.43 Ogee 0.78 HE,IR
Motinalla Dam

Mahanadi Basin Report

Live storage capacity (MCM)

Submergence Area (Th Ha)

Catchment Area (Sq. Km.)

Gross storage capacity

Year of completion

Length of dam (m)

Max height above

Type of spillway
foundation (m)
Type of Dam

Name of Dam River

250 Hatia Earthen 1997 137.16 15.7 IR
M.I.P Dam
251 Mahanadi Earthen 1979 3700 1246 31.57 909 765 Ogee 9.5 IR
Sagar Dam
252 Subsidiary Nathella nalla Earthen 286.6 19.54 IR
/ Gravity
253 (Hasdeo) Hasdeo 1990 6730 554.5 87 3417 3046 Ogee 21.28 HE,IR
Bango Dam

B. List of BWA with surrogate information

Sl. Length Height upto Catchment area (Th. Design flood discharge
Name of B/W/A River Purpose
No. (m) crest (m) ha.) (Cumecs)

1 Ong Weir ONG 350.5 34000 7500 IR

2 Jonk Weir Jonk 134.1 7.7 12489 IR

Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. Length Height upto Catchment area (Th. Design flood discharge
Name of B/W/A River Purpose
No. (m) crest (m) ha.) (Cumecs)
3 Mand Weir Mand 365.74 3.87 11726 IR
4 Pairi Weir PAIRI 271.34 9197.5 HE,IR
5 Salki Weir Salki 140.2 5276 IR
6 Uttei Weir Uttai 77.73 3892 IR
7 Ballar Weir Jonk 61 4.27 1160 IR
8 Dahuka Weir 128 0 IR
9 Silhati Weir 0 0 IR
10 Kodar Barrage Kodar Nalla 807.72 968.61 IR
11 Naraj Barrage kathjuri 940 6.9 29500 FC,IR
12 Shivnath Weir Shivnath 275 3.2 0 IR
13 Birupa Barrage Mahanadi 203 2070 IR
14 Hasdeo Barrage Hasdeo 283 0 HE,IR
15 Mongra Barrage Shivnath 155 15.9 710 9725 HE,IR
16 New Rudri Weir Mahanadi 0 14000 IR
17 Munduli Barrage Mahanadi 0 0 IR
18 Kharakhara Weir Kharkhara 101.6 0 IR
19 Mahanadi Barrage Mahanadi 1928 15300 IR
20 Ghumariya 96.6 9.5 1800 1013 IR
21 Hati 113.5 1544 IR
22 Titlagarh Barrage Jamuna jore 90 0 IR
Karra Nalla
23 Karra Nalla 68 18.89 120 718.44 IR
24 Sukha Nalla 100.7 4300 1031.5 IR

Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. Length Height upto Catchment area (Th. Design flood discharge
Name of B/W/A River Purpose
No. (m) crest (m) ha.) (Cumecs)
Matia Motinalla
25 Motinalla 0 0 IR
Rajiv Samoda
26 0 0
Bagh Barrage
27 Bagh 167 0
Phase - I

C. Major/Medium irrigation projects with surrogate information

Year of completion

Ultimate Irrigation
GCA (Th ha)

CCA (Th ha)

No Name of Project Type River Tributary Status

Mahanadi Major Raipur/ Dhamitri/

1 Major Mahanadi Mahanadi Completed 2011 362 301 264.31
Irrigation Project Durg
Hasdeo Bango
Bilaspur/ Korba/
2 Major Irrigation Major Hasdeo Hasdeo Completed 2011 285 433.5
Raigarh/ Janjgir
Tandula Major
3 Major Mahanadi Tandula Completed 1921 246.3 84 Durg
Irrigation Project

Mahanadi Basin Report




Year of


No Name of Project Type River Tributary Status


Rengali Project Anugul, Dhenkal,

4 Phase - I Irrigation Major Brahmani Brahmani Ongoing 436.18 186.38 337.52 Jajpur, Keonjhar,
Project Cuttack

Naraj Barrage
5 Major Irrigation Major kathjuri Completed 264.58 183.21

Hirakud Major Sambalpur,Bolangir,

6 Major Mahanadi Mahanadi Completed 1957 263435 157.81 261.86
Irrigation Project Bargarh, sonepur

Mahanadi Delta - I
Cuttack, J.S Pur,
7 Major Irrigation Major Mahanadi Mahanadi Completed 78.32
Upper Indravati
8 Multi-Purpose Major Indravati Indravati Completed 2001 136.5 76.27 125.08 Kalahandi
Kharang Major Bilaspur, Janjgir-
9 Major Kharung Completed 1931 73.78 66.4 56.3
Irrigation Project Champa
Maniyari Major
10 Major Shivnath Maniyari Completed 1933 64.77 55 Kabirdham, Bilaspur
Irrigation Project
Pairi Major
11 Major Pairi Pairi Completed 39.6 42.99 Raipur
Irrigation Project
Lower Suktel Major
12 Major Suktal Tel Ongoing 37.57 31.83 29.84 Bolangir,Sonepur
Irrigation Project
Lower Indra Major
13 Major Indra Indra Ongoing 37.39 29.9 38.87 Nuapada,Bolangir
Irrigation Project
Mahanadi Basin Report














No Name of Project Type River Tributary Status
Rajeev Samvardhan
14 Yojna Ph - II Major Major Completed 28 28 Raipur
Irrigation Project
Ong Diversion Weir
15 Medium Ong Completed 1989 30.84 24.7 Bolangir
Irrigation Project
Kelo Major Raigarh, Jangir-
16 Major Kelo Kelo Completed 38.12 24.4 22.81
Irrigation Project Champa
Kodar Major Rajgarh,
17 Major Mahanadi Kedar Completed 21.7 23.47
Irrigation Project Mahasamund
Salki Major
18 Major Salki Salki Completed 31.26 19.89 20.14 Boudh
Irrigation Project
19 Chitrotpola Major Major Mahanadi Mahanadi Completed 27.92 19.54 25.16
Irrigation Project
Jonk Diversion
20 Major Irrigation Major Jonk Jonk Completed 2005 21.26 15.5 14.57 Raipur
Mand Major Raigarh, Janjgir-
21 Major Mahanadi Mand Completed 2000 12.06 11.11 13.1
Irrigation Project Champa
Telengiri Major
22 Major Telengiri Telengiri Ongoing 11.66 9.95 13.79 Koraput
Irrigation Project
23 Medium Irrigation Medium Mahanadi Hariharjor Completed 1979 13.47 9.95 13.7 Sonepur
Bagh Barrage
24 Medium Irrigation Medium Bagh Ongoing 10.9 9.66 12.36 Boudh,Phulbani

Mahanadi Basin Report














No Name of Project Type River Tributary Status
Uttei Medium
25 Medium Uttei Uttai Completed 1977 12.76 9.63 10.83 Bolangir,Kalahandi
Irrigation Project
Mongra Medium
26 Medium Sheonath Shivnath Completed 2008 11.8 9 9.43 Rajnandgaon
Irrigation Project
Shivnath Medium
27 Medium Mahanadi Shivnath Completed 2002 8.6 5.87 Rajnandgaon
Irrigation Project
Ret Medium
28 Medium Tel RET Completed 14.17 8.5 9.77 Kalahandi
Irrigation Project
Salia Medium
29 Medium Salia Salia Completed 9.72 8.45 Khurda,Ganjam
Irrigation Project
Piparia Nalla
30 Medium Irrigation Medium Completed 1986 9.26 8.31 6.36 Rajnandgaon
Baghua Stage - II
31 Medium Irrigation Medium Baghua Completed 8.23 6.62 Ganjam
Ghongha Tank
32 Medium Irrigation Medium Ghongha Ghongha Completed 12 8.1 7.69 Bilaspur
Kumbhari Medium
33 Medium Completed 1927 7.74 7.7 7.7 Raipur
Irrigation Project
Saroda Medium
34 Medium Uttari Completed 1964 15.54 7.4 7.4 Rajnandgaon
Irrigation Project
Kharkhara Medium
35 Medium Kharkhara Completed 2001 6.94 6.46 Durg
Irrigation Project
Sukha Nalla Barrage
36 Medium Irrigation Medium Completed 2011 7.1 6.88 6.27 Rajnandgaon
Mahanadi Basin Report














No Name of Project Type River Tributary Status
Chirpani Medium Phonk
37 Medium Phonk Nalla Completed 12.96 6.85 8 Rajnandgaon
Irrigation Project Nalla
Khapri Medium
38 Medium Completed 1911 6.85 6.8 Durg
Irrigation Project
Manjhore Medium
39 Medium Manjhore Manjore Ongoing 8.47 6.78 10.44 Angul,Dhankal
Irrigation Project
Sutiapat Medium Rajnandgaon,
40 Medium Karra Nalla Silheti Ongoing 7.25 6.57 6.96
Irrigation Project Kabirdham
Kedarnalla Medium
41 Medium Completed 6.17 4.7 Rajgarh, Raipur
Irrigation Project
Matia Motinalla
42 Medium Irrigation Medium Sheonath Motinalla Completed 1992 4.25 5.6 6.5 Durg
Ballar Medium Balar Raipur, Janjgir
43 Medium Local Nalla Completed 5.59 5.57
Irrigation Project Nalla Champa
Khamhar Pakut
44 Medium Irrigation Medium Kharun Kharung Completed 1991 7.02 5.4 4 Raigarh
Gondli Medium Tujra
45 Medium Completed 5 2.1 Durg
Irrigation Project Nalla
Banki Medium
46 Medium Banki Completed 3.9 4.8 3.44 Sarguja
Irrigation Project
Sundar Major
47 Major Sundar Sunder Completed 1990 5.79 4.63 6.07 Nuapada
Irrigation Project
Kinkari Nalla
48 Medium Irrigation Medium Completed 1982 5.25 4.28 4 Rajgarh
49 Ghumariya Medium Medium Ghumariy Completed 5.2 4.17 3.2 Rajnandgaon

Mahanadi Basin Report

GCA (Th ha)

CCA (Th ha)




Year of
No Name of Project Type River Tributary Status

Karra Nalla Medium Karra Rajnandgaon,

50 Medium Karra Nalla Completed 5.61 4.1 4.1
Irrigation Project Nalla Kabirdham
Keshwa Nalla
51 Medium Irrigation Medium Completed 4.54 4 3.8 Raipur
Hadua Medium
52 Medium Mahanadi Hadua Ongoing 6.07 3.95 5.72 Cuttack
Irrigation Project
Birupa Ghunghuti
53 Island Medium Medium Mahanadi Completed 3.87 8.09 Cuttack
Irrigation Project
Pindrawan Medium Kulhan
54 Medium Completed 1909 3.8 3.8 Raipur
Irrigation Project Nalla
Dhara Medium
55 Medium Completed 3.8 1.2 Rajnandgaon
Irrigation Project
Kuanria Medium
56 Medium Mahanadi Kuanria Completed 4.8 3.77 5.75 Nayagarh ,Khurda
Irrigation Project
57 Medium Irrigation Medium Daunt Completed 3.95 3.29 5.21 Nayagarh
Talsara Medium Bad Bandajore
58 Medium Completed 1984 4.34 3.04 5.4 Sundargarh
Irrigation Project Bandarjore nalla
59 Medium Irrigation Medium ONG Completed 1990 3.6 2.83 3.78 Bargorh

Mahanadi Basin Report














No Name of Project Type River Tributary Status
Dahuka Medium
60 Medium Dahuka ,Baghama Completed 6.27 2.74 2.27 Nayagarh
Irrigation Project
Ruse Medium Baitha
61 Medium Completed 1980 4.56 2.7 28 Rajnandgaon
Irrigation Project Nalla
Rajua Medium
62 Medium Rajua Nalla Ongoing 2.69 2.69 Khurda
Irrigation Project
Titilagarh Stage - II
re ,
63 Medium Irrigation Medium Kankadajore Ongoing 3.41 2.6 2.95 Bolangir
Putka Nalla
64 Medium Irrigation Medium Completed 1983 2.84 2.44 1.7 Rajgarh
Saipala Medium
65 Medium Ong Completed 3.44 2.25 3.1 Nuapada
Irrigation Project
Jharabandha Kukri
66 Medium Irrigation Medium Kakrijhara Jhore Completed 1984 2.6 2.04 2.37 Sambalpur
Project Nalla
Pillasalki Medium
67 Medium Pillasalki Salki Completed 3.32 2.03 3.23 Kandhamala
Irrigation Project
Upper Jonk
68 Medium Irrigation Medium Jonk Completed 2005 11.67 1.95 1.7 Raipur
Mayana Medium
69 Medium Naini Completed 1977 3.36 1.9 1.5 Bastar
Irrigation Project
Upper Suktel
70 Medium Irrigation Medium Upper Suktel Tel Completed 1992 1.93 1.35 1.53 Bolangir

Mahanadi Basin Report

GCA (Th ha)

CCA (Th ha)




Year of
No Name of Project Type River Tributary Status

Maroda Tank
71 Medium Irrigation Medium Local Nalla Completed 1909 0.5 0.5 Durg
Mahanadi Birupa
72 Barrage Major Major Completed 0
Irrigation Project
Sondur Reservoir
73 Project Major Major Ongoing 0 38.47 Dhamitri/Kankar
Irrigation Project
Upper Jonk
74 Kharkhara_ Medium Completed 0 0.81 Raipur

D. Lift Irrigation projects with surrogate information

Sl. Name of Project Off take Type of pump No. of pumps Horse power Lift in m Discharge (Cumec)
No. point of pumps
1 Upper Indravati Lift Irrigation Reservoir

Mahanadi Basin Report

E. Power house and projects with surrogate information

Minimum Draw

Capacity (MW)
Altitude above

Total Installed
Hydro Electric


Down Level

Number of
MSL (m)

Type of

No. of
Power House

Upper Indravati Upper Indravati Hydroelectric

1 Storage Surface 265 4 600 625 4
Power House Project
2 Gangrel Power House Gangrel Hydroelectric Project Storage Dam Toe 4 10

Hasdeo Bango Power Hasdeo Bango Hydroelectric

3 Storage Dam Toe 3 120 87 3
House Project
Hirakud - II (Chiplima) Canal
4 Hirakud Hydroelectric Project Tailrace 140 3 72 3
Power House Drop
Hirakud I (Burla)
5 Hirakud Hydroelectric Project Storage Dam Toe 160.67 7 235.5 179.83 7
Power House
Sikaser Hydro Power
6 Sikaser Hydroelectric Project Storage Dam Toe 2 7

F. ERM projects with surrogate information

Sl. Name of Project River Status Year of Districts Purpose

No. completion Benefitted
1 Kharung Kharung Ongoing Irrigation
2 Maniyari Maniyari Ongoing Irrigation
3 Ong Extn. ONG Ongoing Irrigation
4 Salia Extn. Salia Completed Khurdoh,Ganjam Irrigation

Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. Name of Project River Status Year of Districts Purpose

No. completion Benefitted
5 Sunder Extn. Sunder Nuapada
6 Saroda Lining Uttari Ongoing Kawardha Irrigation
7 Dumerbahal Extn. Dumerbahal Bargarh
8 Budhabudhiani Ext Daunt Nayagarh Irrigation
9 Kharakhara_Odisha Jonk Completed Nuapada Irrigation
10 Kharkhara Mohadipat Kharkhara Completed 2010 Irrigation
11 Imp. to Sason Canal Mahanadi Boudh
12 Imp. to Salki Project Salki Boudh
13 Development of Maniyari Tank Shivnath Completed Bilaspur
14 Sumandal Main Canal (Salia Salia Ongoing Irrigation
15 Imp. to Road to Saradhapur Irrigation
Kaniabadi Disty
16 Mahanadi Delta (Stage II & Completed
Extension of Stage - I)

Mahanadi Basin Report

Annexure V: Salient features of hydrometeorological-observation stations

A. Salient features of Hydro-Observation Stations

Sl. No. Station Status


area (Sq.
ent river




Zero of





1 Alipingal G Mahanadi M & E RO, Bhubaneswar ALIPINGAL 141230 0 Existing
2 Andhiyarkore GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur 54N, 2210 0 Right Existing
3 Arampur G Mahanadi M & E RO, Bhubaneswar Arampur 379 0 Existing
4 Baikuntpur Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Baikunthapur 0 Existing
5 Bamnidihi GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Bamnidhi 9730 0 Left Existing
6 Bango Dam G Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Bangodam 6730 0 Existing
7 Baronda GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur 55N , BARONDA 3225 0 Right Existing
8 Basantpur GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Basantpur 57780 0 Left Existing
9 Burla Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla BURLA 83400 0 Existing
10 Champa Road Q Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur 0 Existing
Bridge Bhubaneswar
11 Deogaon G Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Deogaon 1706.25 0 Existing
12 Dharamjaigarh G Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Dharamjaygarh 2050 0 Left Existing

Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. No. Station Status

Regional office

Zero of Gauge
Drainage area
Station Name

Section office
Station type

Sub division

(Sq. Km.)

13 Gopalpur Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Gopalpur 118.75 0 Existing
14 Sundargarh GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Sundergarh 5870 0 Right Existing
15 Surajgarh G Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla kurubhata 67575 0 Existing
16 Thethetangar G Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Thettatanger 2500 0 Left Existing
17 Tikarapara GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Bhubaneswar Tikarapara 124450 0 Left Existing
18 Jondhra GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Jondhra 29645 0 Left Existing
19 Korba G Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Korba 7700 0 Left Existing
20 Kurubhata GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Kurubhata 4625 0 Right Existing
21 Mahulpali G Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Mohulpali 406 0 Existing
22 Nimapara G Mahanadi M & E RO, Bhubaneswar NIMAPARA 141230 0 Existing
23 Padmavati G Mahanadi M & E RO, Bhubaneswar PADMAVATI 132750 0 Existing
24 Pandigaon GD Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Pandigaon 6060 0 Closed
25 Paramanpur GD Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Parmanpur 2120 0 Right Existing
Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. No. Station Status

Regional office

Zero of Gauge
Drainage area

Station Name

Section office
Station type

Sub division

(Sq. Km.)

26 Raipur Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Raipur 0 Existing
27 Rampur GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Rampur 2920 0 Right Existing
28 Sankara G Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Sankara 2300 0 Right Existing
29 Simga GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur SIMGA 30761 0 Right Existing
30 Hirakud Dam G Mahanadi M & E RO, Existing
31 Sukma GD Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Sukma 1365 0 Closed
32 Ghatora GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Ghatora 3035 0 Right Existing
33 Jamadarpali G Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Jamadarpali 83400 0 Existing
34 Kanas G Mahanadi M & E RO, Bhubaneswar Kanas 134200 0 Existing
35 Kantamal GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Kantamal 19600 0 Right Existing
36 Kelo at Raigarh GD Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Kelo 950 0 Existing
37 Kesinga GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Kesinga 11960 0 Right Existing

Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. No. Station Status

Regional office

Zero of Gauge
Drainage area
Station Name

Section office
Station type

Sub division

(Sq. Km.)

38 Khairmal G Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Khairmal 104400 0 Existing
39 Khandapara G Mahanadi M & E RO, Bhubaneswar Khandapara 1282 0 Existing
40 Kotni GD Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur KOTNI 6990 0 Right Existing
41 Manendragarh GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Manendragarh 1100 0 Left Existing
42 Marshanghai G Mahanadi M & E RO, Bhubaneswar MARSHAGHAI 141830 0 Existing
43 Naraj G Mahanadi M & E RO, Bhubaneswar NARAJ 133230 0 Existing
44 Pathardhi GDQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur PATHARIDIH 2511 0 Right Existing
45 Pendraroad Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Pen draroad 0 Existing
46 Phulbani Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla Phulbani 165 0 Existing
47 Punbansa G Mahanadi M & E RO, Bhubaneswar Pubansa 141630 0 Existing
48 Rajim GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur RAJIM 8760 0 Existing
49 Salebhata GDSQ Mahanadi M & E RO, Burla SALEBHATA 4650 0 Existing

Mahanadi Basin Report

50 Seorinarayan GD Mahanadi M & E RO, Raipur Seorinarayan 48050 0 Left Existing


B. Salient features of Flood-Forecasting Stations

Met Sub Division

Travel Time Base

Travel Time Base
Type of Forecast
Sl. No.

Base Station-1

Base Station-2

Max Reservoir
Station-1 (hrs)

Highest Flood
Full Reservoir

Year of H.F.L
Site Name

Level (m)

Level (m)

Level (m)

Mode of

1 Hirakud Odisha Mahanadi Inflow Basantpur 24 Kurubata 24 192.02 - 192.30 1978 Wireless/
Forecast Telemetry

2 Alipingal Odisha Mahanadi Level Naraj 12 - - - - 13.11 2011 Wireless/

Forecast Telemetry

3 Naraj Odisha Mahanadi Level Tikarapara 18-20 - - - - 27.61 1982 Wireless


4 Nimapara Odisha Mahanadi Level Naraj 12 - - - - 11.60 1982 Wireless/

Forecast Telemetry

Mahanadi Basin Report

Annexure VI : Inventory of water tourism sites

A. Water Tourism Sites in the Basin

Sl. No. Name Type Waterbody WB Relation District State

1 The Chilka Lake Lake Chilka Lake On Puri Orissa

2 Ramchandi Beach Beach Bay of Bengal On Puri Orissa

3 Dhauli Shanti Stupa Pilgrimage Daya River On Puri Orissa


4 Atri Hot Spring Hot Spring Atri Hot Spring On Khordha Orissa

5 Narayani Scenic Tourist Spot Chilka lake On Nayagarh Orissa


6 Ansupa Lake Lake Ansupa Lake On Cuttack Orissa

7 Gangrel Dam Dam Mahanadi River On Dhamtari Chhattisgarh

8 Rajim Pilgrimage confluence of three rivers Chitrotpala, Pairi & On Raipur Chhattisgarh
(Temple) Sondur

9 Padmapur Pilgrimage Bargarh Orissa


10 Hirakud Reservoir Reservoir Mahanadi River On Sambalpur Orissa

Mahanadi Basin Report

11 Kendai Waterfall Waterfall Hasdeo & Bango river On Korba Chhattisgarh

12 Hasdeo Bango Dam Dam Hasdeo Bango Reservoir On Korba Chhattisgarh

B. Wildlife Sanctuaries / National Parks in the Basin

Sl. Name Type Waterbody WB Nearest District State Mammals Birds Reptiles
No. Relation City
1 Udanti Wildlife Udanti On Raipur Chhattisgarh

2 Nandan Kanan Daya River Near by Khordha Odisha


3 Achanakmar Narmada Near by Bilaspur Chhattisgarh

Wildlife River
4 Badalkhol Eib & Dorki On Jashpur Chhattisgarh Panther,
Wildlife Rivers Spotted Deer,
Sanctuary Beer,
5 Barnawapara Mahasamund Chhattisgarh
6 Sitanadi Dudhawa Near by Dhamtari Chhattisgarh
7 Gomarda Mahasamund Chhattisgarh
8 Debrigarh Mahanadi Near by Bargarh Odisha Leopard Peacock

Mahanadi Basin Report

Sl. Name Type Waterbody WB Nearest District State Mammals Birds Reptiles
No. Relation City

9 Kotgarh Kandhamal Odisha

10 Balukhand Chilika Lake Near by Khordha Odisha Blackbuck, white Olive
Fishing cat bellied Ridley
sea eagle turtle,
11 Chilika Chilika Lake Near by Puri Odisha

12 Chandaka Elephant Cuttack Odisha Elephant,

Dampara & Reserve Four Armed
Elephant Antilope
13 Satkosia Gorge Mahanadi Near by Anugul Odisha
14 Ushakothi Sambalpur Odisha

Mahanadi Basin Report

AEZ Agro-Ecological Zones
AIA Annual Irrigated Area
AIBP Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme
APGCL Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited
AWS Automatic Weather Stations
B&BBO Brahmaputra and Barak Basin Organization
BB Brahmaputra Board
BCB Bansagar Control Board
BCM Billion Cubic Metre
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
BR Balancing Reservoir
BRB Betwa River Board
BWA Barrage Weir Anicut
C&SRO Cauvery and Southern Rivers Organization
CAZRI Central Arid Zone Research Institute
CBIP Central Board of Irrigation & Power
CCA Culturable Command Area
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CGWB Central Ground Water Board
Ch Chainage
CIWTC Central Inland Water Transport Corporation
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
CSMRS Central Soil & Materials Research Station
cumec cubic metre per sec
cusec cubic foot per sec
CWC Central Water Commission
CWPRS Central Water and Power Research Station
D Discharge
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DOS Department of Space
DVC Damodar Valley Corporation
EC Electrical Conductivity
EFR East Flowing Rivers
ERM Extension, Renovation and Modernization
ETP Effluent Treatment Plant
EW Exploratory Well
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization

Mahanadi Basin Report

FC Flood Control
FF Flood Forecasting
FMP Flood Management Programme
FRL Full Reservoir Level
G Gauge
GCA Gross Command Area
GD Gauge and Discharge
GDQ Gauge, Discharge and Water Quality
GDS Gauge, Discharge and Sediment
GDSQ Gauge, Discharge, Sediment and Water Quality
GFCC Ganga Flood Control Commission
GIS Geographical Information System
GOI Government of India
GPI Grossly Polluting Industries
GSC Gross Storage Capacity
ha Hectare
HE Hydro-Electric
HFL Highest Flood Level
HO Hydrological Observation
hrs Hours
I&CAD Irrigation and Command Area Development
IBO Indus Basin Organization
IBTL Inter-Basin Transfer Link
IBWT Inter-Basin Water Transfer
ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research
ICPO Irrigation-Cum-Power Outlet
IM Moisture Index
IMD Indian Meteorological Department
India-WRIS India-Water Resources Information System
IR Irrigation
IRS Indian Remote Sensing
ISRO Indian Space Research Organization
IWAI Inland Waterways Authority of India
IWT Inland Water Transport
K&GBO Krishna and Godavari Basin Organization
km Kilometre
LBC Left Bank Canal
LGBO Lower Ganga Basin Organization
LGP Length of Growing Period
LISS Linear Imaging Self-scanning Sensor

Mahanadi Basin Report

lps Litres Per Second

LSC Live Storage Capacity
LULC Land Use Land Cover
m metre
M&ERO Mahanadi and Eastern Rivers Organization
MAF Million Acre Feet
MCM Million Cubic metre
Mcum Million Cubic metre
MDDL Minimum Draw Down Level
mg/l Milligram per Litre
MI Minor Irrigation
MLD Million Liters per Day
mm Millimetres
MMIR Major and Medium Irrigation
MOSDAC Meteorological & Oceanographic Satellite Data Archival Centre
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MoWR Ministry of Water Resources
MPN Most Probable Number
MSL Mean Sea Level
MU Million Units
MW Mega Watt
N&TBO Narmada and Tapi Basin Organization
NA Navigation
NBO Narmada Basin Organization
NBSS & LUP National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning
NEEPCO North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited
NEIC North Eastern Investigation Circle
NF No Flow
NGRBA National Ganga River Basin Authority
NHPC National Hydro Power Corporation Limited
NRLD National Register of Large Dam
NRSC National Remote Sensing Centre
NW National Waterway
NWDA National Water Development Authority
NWDT Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal
NWMP Northern Water Monitoring Programme
NWP National Water Policy
OW Observatory Well
P Precipitation
PET Potential Evapotranspiration

Mahanadi Basin Report

PH Power House
pH puissance de Hydrogen
ppm parts per million
PS Pisciculture
PW Peizometre Well
Q Water Quality
R&R Rehabilitation and Resettlement
RBC Right Bank Canal
RF Rainfall
RRR Repair, Renovation and Restoration
RRSC Regional Remote Sensing Centre
RSC Residual Sodium Carbonate
S Sediment
SAC Standing Advisory Committee
SAR Sodium Absorption Ratio
SD Sub Division
SMCS Soil Moisture Control Section
SOI Survey of India
Sq. km Square Kilometres
SRTM Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission
TAC Technical Advisory Committee
TBO Tapi Basin Organization
TC Total Coliform
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
Th ha Thousand Hectare
THDC Tehri Hydro Development Corporation
TW Tube well
UGBO Upper Ganga Basin Organization
UIP Ultimate Irrigation Potential
UJVNL Uttarkhand Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UPJVNL Uttar Pradesh Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited
UT Union Territory
WB Water Body
WFR West Flowing Rivers
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WS Water Supply
YBO Yamuna Basin Organization

Mahanadi Basin Report

Agarwal, P. C. 1971. Chhattisgarh Region. In: Singh, R.L. et al. eds. India A Regional
Geography. Varansi, pp. 751-753
Central Water Commission. 1989. Major River Basins of India – An Overview. New Delhi, pp.
Central Water commission. 1997. India River Basin Atlas. New Delhi.
Central Water Commission. 2012-2013. Annual Report. New Delhi.
Central Water Commission. March, 2012. Integrated hydrological data Book (Non-classified
river basins). New Delhi.
Jain, Sharad. K.; Agarwal, Pushpendra. K.; Singh, Vijay P. 2007. Hydrology and Water
Resources of India, pp. 597-612.
Ministry of Irrigation and Power. 1972. Report of the Irrigation Commission Volume III (Part
2). New Delhi, pp. 55-86.
National Remote Sensing Centre. 2011. Landuse/ landcover Atlas of India based on Multi-
temporal Satellite Data of 2005-06. Hyderabad.
National Remote Sensing Centre. December 2011. Assessment of Water Resources at Basin
Scale using Space inputs- a pilot study by NRSC and CWC for Godavari and Brahmani-Baitarni
basins. Hyderabad.
Regional Remote Sensing Center West Technical Report. 2009. Assessment of Waterlogging
and Salt and/or Alkaline affected Soils in the Commands of All Major and Medium Irrigation
Projects in the Country using Satellite Remote Sensing. Jodhpur, India, pp. 28-31, 99-103, 57-
RRSC- West, NRSC, ISRO. 2012. River Basin Atlas of India. Jodhpur, India.
Sehgal, J.; Mandal, D.K.; Mandal, C. and Vadivelu, S. 1992. Agro-Ecological Regions of India.
Second Edition, Tech. Bull. No. 24, NBSS and LUP, pp. 130.
Singh, J. 1971. Chotanagpur Region. In: Singh, R.L. et al. eds. India A Regional Geography.
Varansi, pp. 652-655.
Spate, O.H.K., (1960), India and Pakistan - A general and Regional Geography. New York:
Methuen & Co. Ltd and E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc.

India-Water Resources Information System:
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission SRTM) 90 m digital elevation Model: CGIAR. 2006,

Mahanadi Basin Report


ISRO Officials CWC Officials

Dr. V.K. Dadhwal Er. A.Mahendran

Director Member (WP & P)
National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) Central Water Commission
ISRO, Department of Space, Govt. of India New Delhi
Balanagar, Hyderabad

Dr. J.R. Sharma Er. W.M. Tembhurney

Project Director, India-WRIS Project & Chief Engineer (EMO)
Chief General Manager Central Water Commission
Regional Remote Sensing Centres - NRSC/ ISRO New Delhi
DOS Branch Secretariat, Loknayak Bhawan
New Delhi

Dr. Manoj Joseph Er R.K.Jain

Scientist/Engineer ‘SD’ Chief Engineer (BPMO)
Regional Remote Sensing Centre-West Central Water Commission
NRSC, ISRO, Jodhpur New Delhi

Mrs. Himani Singh Er. Yogesh Paithankar

Research Scientist Director
Regional Remote Sensing Centre-West Remote Sensing Directorate
NRSC, ISRO, Jodhpur Central Water Commission, New Delhi

Ms. B Manasa Devi Er. Alok Paul Kalsi

Research Scientist Deputy Director
Regional Remote Sensing Centre-West Remote Sensing Directorate
NRSC, ISRO, Jodhpur Central Water Commission, New Delhi

Mahanadi Basin Report

India-WRIS Project Team

ISRO Officials CWC Officials

Project Director Dr. J R Sharma Project In-charge

Er. Yogesh Paithankar, Director
Convener (S/W) Sh. P G Diwakar

Quality Assurance Team Sh. V M Bothale, Sh. M V Ravikumar, Dr. S S Rao, Dy. Project In-charge
Dr. S N Das, Sh. D S P Rao, Ms. A Vijaya Banu, Er. Alok Paul Kalsi, Dy. Director
Sh. Chandrasekaran, Sh. D J Chutia Er. Prashant Kumar Gupta, Dy. Director

Convener (Database) Dr. A Jeyaram

Quality Assurance Team Dr. S Sudhakar, Sh. Uday Raj, Dr. M Kudrat,
Ms. Rajashree V Bothale, Dr. D Dutta, Technical Guidance
Dr. G Ravishankar, Sh. S Pathak, Dr. K K Sarma Er. C K Agarwal, Chief Engineer (B & BBO)
Er. W M Tembhurney, Chief Engineer EMO
Project Coordinators Sh. Shantanu B., Sh.Uday Raj, Dr. A T Jeyaseelan
Er R.K. Jain, Chief Engineer (BPMO)
Project Managers Dr. A K Bera, Dr. B K Bhadra, Sh. S Pathak,
Dr. Rakesh Paliwal

Groups and Work Project Leads & Project Research Scientists at DPDs & Project Team
Components Scientists at Lead Lead Centre Scientists
S/W Design, Sh. Gaurav Kumar Ms. Suman Gurjar Sh. Vinod M Bothale Er. Navin Kumar, Director
Architecture, Sh. K S Srinivasan Ms. Pragya Chaturvedi Sh. Shantanu B
Er. S N Abraham, Director
Integration, Data Ms. Shilpa Taneja Sh. K Nagajyothi
Sh. Hansraj Meena
Security, Web Ms. S V Pravalika Sh. S S Rajashekhar Er. R Azhagesan, Director
Hosting & Website Ms. Divya Mishra Sh. Harish Karnatak
Sh. D Giribabu Er. Ashish Banerjee, Director
Ms. Jyotsana Chuchra
Dr. A V Suresh Babu Er. Rajiv Kumar, Director
Mr. Samuel Lourdraj C
Sh. E Sivasankar
Mr. Rahul Sharma Er. Piyush Ranjan, Executive Engineer
Mr. Piyush Dubey
Dr. A K Bera Mr. V Srinivasa Reddy Dr. M C Gupta
Er. Pankaj Sharma, Dy. Director
Organization & Geo- Dr. Rakesh Paliwal Ms. Chitra S Pai Dr. S N Das Er. Amarjit Singh, Dy. Director
database Standards Ms. Manasa Devi B Dr. S S Rao
Mr. Mohamed Ali S Sh. K Abdul Hakeem Er. S K Chaturvedi, Dy. Director
Ms. Hemlata Gehlot Er. Y S Varshney, Executive Engineer
Legacy Data ISRO Dr. V V Rao
Dr. Rakesh Paliwal Mr. Amit Kumar
Projects Dr. G Ravishankar Er. Manoj Paunikar, Executive Engineer
Sh. Ashish Kumar Jain Mr. Devdatta Tengshe
Dr. A V Suresh Babu
Mr. Jai Prakash Jyani Sh. B Simhadhari Rao Er. Amitabh Prabhakar, Executive Engineer
Mr. Munish Gorsi
Dr. A K Bera Ms. Rajashree V B Er. Vishal Garg, Assistant Director
Watershed Atlas & Ms. Deepika Acharaya
Water Resources Dr. Rakesh Paliwal Ms. Pratima Tak Dr. G Sreenivasan Er. M Sahabdeen, Assistant Director
Projects Dr. S Ravindranath
Er. Sagar S Salunkhe Mr. Niteen K Bankar
Dr. K H V Durga Rao Er. Ashish Awasthi Assistant Director
Ms. Himani Singh
Ms. Sneha Dr. D Dutta Er. R. Bhaskaran, Assistant Director
Administrative Dr. B K Bhadra
& Thematic Layers Ms. Kamini Yadav Dr. V M Choudhary
Dr. Rakesh Paliwal Mr. Goutam Bhati Sh. P V Raju
Sh. S Pathak Mr. Debhasish Bhakta Sh. P Satyanarayana
Sh. Sushilkumar B Rehpade Mr. Nitin Chauhan
Sh. Amanpreet Singh Ms. Ila Agnihotri
Mr. Vishal Singh
Environmental Data Dr. S Rama Subramoniam Ms. Vineeta Sharma Dr. S N Das
Dr. Manoj Joseph Dr. N Vyjayanthi Sh. John Mathew
Dr. Shirsath Paresh B Sh. M Shanker
Sh. B Simhadhari Rao
Mr. Sanjay Kumar
Sh. S Pathak Ms. Rashmi Rekha Dutta Dr. P Manavalan
Capacity Building,
Mr. Brij Kishor Jashal Sh. Pramod Kumar
Modelling, Value
Addition & Report Sh. P V Raju
Dr. K H V Durga Rao

Lead Centre: Regional Remote Sensing Centre - West, NRSC/ISRO, Jodhpur

Mahanadi Basin Report


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