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English Literature Class V

Substance of ‘I Had a Dove’

The poem “I had a dove” is written by John Keats. This poem is a lament about the loss of a loved one.
Here the poet speaks about his feelings of loss on the death of his beloved dove which symbolizes the
person he loved very dearly.
In the first stanza we find the poet unable to understand why his beloved dove had died in spite of his
taking such good care of it. He has loved it dearly, kissed it and fed it white peas. He had even woven
special silken threads with his own hands to tie its feet. He realizes that it had died of grief but is
unaware of what that grief was about.
In the second stanza we are shown how difficult it was for the young poet to withstand his loss. He
knew that long ago the dove had lived alone in a forest- tree with its freedom. And so he wonders why
it had difficulty in living with his loving company. Although it had lost its freedom the dove had
someone who loved it dearly. It is here that the poet fails to understand that to the dove or the person he
loved, freedom meant more than the love showered on it while in captivity. And that is why the dove or
the poet‟s beloved could not live with him „sweetly as in the green trees‟.
Therefore, the poet failed to understand the value of freedom. So, when his love (the dove) left him, the
pain he felt was so severe that it felt as if someone very close to his heart had died and left him alone.
Oxford Reading Circle
Haggard's Crossing

Word Meaning : From Book

Questions/ Answers
Q.1 Why might a traveller stop and rest at the crossroads?
Ans. A traveller might stop and rest at the crossroads because he might get weary by travelling, and
might come by a traveller with whom he might exchange a friendly word.
Q.2 Why did people not stop at Haggard's Crossing?
Ans. The valley was deep and dark, and the river at its base often flooded the road. The locals said that
some years before a man had been robbed and killed there. The dead man's restless spirit roamed
the valley in search of the person who had taken his life. The spirit was blamed for accidents
that occurred at that place from time to time.
Q.3 Who do you think the man at Haggard‟s Crossing was? How did he know Jack ?
Ans. The man at Haggard‟s Crossing was the restless spirit of the man who was robbed and killed
some years ago.
He knew Jack because, both of them were locals and Jack was a famous banjo player.
Q.4 Why was Jack much in demand by the villagers?
Ans. Jack was an excellent banjo player. The villagers always sent for him to liven up an occasion.
He was always ready to strum away and tap out a beat all night long. In fact whenever there was
a celebration he was summoned to perform.

@Maple Leaf International School 2021 Page 1

English Literature Class V

Q.5 Write about the arrangement of the party in the barn.

Ans. At the Robson‟s party there was a celebration in the barn. Long tables had been arranged
along one side, for food and drinks. There were sacks and drums, chairs and benches along the
opposite length of the barn. The centre was kept clear, so that the merrymakers could dance and
talk. In one corner sat the musicians and Jack was one of them.
Q.6 Why did Jack play his banjo on the way home?
Ans. Jack had to travel through Haggard's Crossing to return home. He felt a surge of fear going by
that way and began to strum his banjo on the way home as he felt any sound would be
comforting to him.
B : Reference to context: Read these lines from the story, then answer the questions.
1. ‘The Road is not safe and Sindleford is quite some way,’ said Jack.
a) To whom is Jack speaking?
Ans. Jack is speaking to his old friends Martin and Anne Robson.
b) Why is Jack speaking about Sindleford?
Ans: Jack is speaking about Sindleford because it was quite far away and the road was not safe.
c) What answer does Jack get to make him feel less fearful?
Ans: The answer that Jack gets to make him feel less fearful is that Charlie Welling and his family are
coming over and they will be riding in their cart so he can get a lift back with them.
2. ‘ I have waited so long for you to come this way’.
a) Who says these words and to whom?
Ans:The man who was killed long ago says these words to Jack.
b) Where has the person been waiting?
Ans: The person has been waiting at Haggard‟s Crossing, the point where the four roads crossed.
c) Why has Jack come that way?
Ans: Jack has come that way because a part of the other road had fallen away due to landslide .
EX C : Words and meaning
1) With the help of a dictionary, find out what these words mean. Use them in sentences.
a) Soul: Meaning: the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, regarded as immortal.
Sentence: The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls.
b) Spirit: Meaning: the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings and characters rather than
Sentence: We seek a harmony between body and spirit.
c) ghost: Meaning: the spirit of a dead person that a living person believes they can see or hear
Sentence: The ghost of her rival had come back to haunt her .
d) phantom: Meaning: a ghost
Sentence: The phantom of his dead father disturbs his normal life
e) ghoul: Meaning: an evil spirit especially one supposed to rob graves and feed on dead bodies.
Sentence: In horror stories sometimes there is a ghoul to make the story scarier.
f) poltergeist: Meaning: a ghost that makes loud noises and throws objects
Sentence: People say there is a poltergeist in that abandoned house.

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